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I see Trump has taken notes from last time. Barraging Biden with attacks won't stop him, but letting him talk will show his ineptitude and hurt his chances for reelection.


Trump has to let him talk because his microphone is muted until it is his turn to speak. Last time they had a debate it was just chaos so that's why they take turns this time. Still, I do admit I was on the edge of my seat whenever Biden spoke because his mind is just an utter circus at this point.


Trump was terrible in his own right. He's extremely lucky that Biden is 10x less coherent than in 2020 to take the spotlight off of him.


Biden needs a teleprompter. And a better cocktail of drugs. The same ones ain't working so good anymore.


He needs a trillion teleprompters, I mean a billion. a million rather. I mean…. I mean, look… 😧


Listen if you spent the last few years beating Medicare you would be pretty exhausted too


I wish he was on the drugs republicans pretend he is on


Let me get this straight. "We are going to tax millionaires 24% and that will raise $500 billion dollars and we can afford hundreds of billions in new spending for childcare and seniors." How is that going to fix the current $1.6 Trillion deficit? $33 Trillion National debt. I know Joe is regurgitating a memorized line, but even without his mumbling, this makes zero sense. We cannot afford any more spending, and even taxing everyone above minimum wage 100% isn't going to balance the budget without serious spending cuts. The party is over it's now time to pay.


> raise $500 billion dollars You left out the part where the $500B would be raised over a 10 YEAR PERIOD.


Came here to say exactly these two things.


Huge government reforms are needed, tpo big and bloated


No fundamental change until money is out of politics. Our politicians are bought and paid for


So. Never.


Which one do you think would actually do it?


Taxing the rich is a fraud. Why? Because there are countless ways to dodge income tax, culminating in offshoring your money. Which means that you taxes on millionaires and billionaires will either be paper tigers, or so punitive that you drive all that capital offshore, which defeats the purpose and harms your economy. And this isn't a novel theory - it's been seen countless times. Tax rates were high in the FDR days, but there were so many loopholes that it didn't matter. The UK raised their tax rates through the roof in the 70s, all it succeeded in doing was sending Led Zeppelin into tax exile. What they really mean when they say tax the rich, is tax the middle class. The poor doesn't have any money to tax, and the rich avoid it. And everyone actually making decent, but not amazing money by basically mortaging their time and health gets in the neck. This is why people need to stop being ignorant morons and read Henry George. Then you won't fall for these ridiculous scam jobs. You know the saying after all - you can't con an honest man.


bc hes peddling non sense. Stupid people say ''tax the rich that will solve EVERYTHING'' so hes telling us just that hopin some of the stupid people listening will vote for him.


> $33 Trillion National debt. Doesn't that tell you something about money? According to Frankfurt School history buff, Stuart Jefferies, Post Modernism took over the US dollar was taken off the gold standard. This plunged the world into a sense of unreality and irrationality, where anything could mean anything, and Post Modern theory hit academia not long after that. He has a whole book on it.


Tax the rich! It doesn't need to make sense! Just tax them!


My concern is a 24% tax on millionaires is going to hit every homeowner and person with a retirement account.


No it won’t… it’s income, not assets.


First, anyone with a taxable income of $1 million a year already has a majority of their income in the 35% bracket. So what does changing the $1 million plus bracket to 24% accomplish? Second, few people have million dollar salaries. Most CEOs get their compensation through capital gains. Third, they definitely are discussing a wealth redistribution program of taxing assets. Several bills have been proposed in Congress to tax 401ks as a means to save Social Security.


Link evidence of Biden supporting that.


Sure thing. Here you go https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sealioning


Asking for evidence one time is sealioning? Come on man this sub is better than that.


Cut taxes! It doesn't need to make sense! Just cut taxes and then complain about deficit spending when a democrat is the president!


A smaller fed govt makes sense. It’s 10x too big.


What do you think is the best path forward in terms of relieving debt? Genuinely asking


As the saying goes, the best time to plant a tree is 20 years ago, and the second best time is today. Another saying is if you find yourself in a hole, stop digging. The interest on the National debt is now over $1 trillion, making it the largest Federal budget item. "In 2023, the government paid over $1 trillion in interest on its debt, which is more than it spent on defense." CBO Step 1. Austerity measures like those taken in Argentina. Every redundant and unnecessary Federal department will need to be dismantled. Necessary departments will need dismantled and put back to State governments. Around 70% of the 13 million Federal employees will need early retirement or laid off and get jobs in the private sector. Once a balanced budget is achieved and laws and possibly Constitutional Amendment passed to prevent a repeat. Then taxes will need to be raised across the board. It's impossible to tax what doesn't exist even for leftists. So tariffs will need to be passed to stop US manufacturers from continuing to relocate to offshore tax shelters. What US taxpayers need to decide is to pay more for your Lexus and have a job, or be unemployed and ride the bus. There is no option C. The Federal government needs to balance the budget or face total collapse when people are using dollar bills for wallpaper. Again, there is no option C. And you can't afford that Lexus with inflated dollars either.


I second this. We’re going to have to stomach massive federal spending cuts, especially the entitlement programs. Greatly shrink the bloated federal government and shift almost all responsibilities back to the states. Or we’ll just have to live through a slow bleeding collapse of everything good we have created here.


Honestly, I'd pay more taxes to get my roads fixed, to not have my $ evaporate due to ever increasing government debt, and for better roads


You don't have to. Roads are paid for by the road tax, which is the extra .70c pet gallon you pay at the pump. The $7 Trillion Federal spending is used for everything except roads.


A friendly reminder that the Government does happily accept unconditional gifts from its citizens if you truly believe that it’s merely a lack of revenue keeping your roads from getting fixed, and not horrific levels of mismanagement and corruption.


war with Canada. We aren't using our resources, can't defend our increasingly-valuable northern border, we too have a massive immigration problem (though ours is 99% self-inflicted), and we have no economy to speak of other than real estate. Not sure what the holdup is here.


Sovereign default, maybe selectively stiffing those we can stiff with least blowback. At minimum, renegotiate portions. The most deranged MSM ever got towards Trump is when he suggested it. He never mentioned it again, like because *they* threatened his live over it.


If I had my say, on day 1, I'd abolish the Space Force, TSA, ATF, and Department of Education. That's a good start.


I’m tired of paying all the taxes bro, so tired. Why do millionaires and billionaires get all the tax cuts, all the breaks, everything? The deficit is a result of years and years of the wealthy not paying their fair share. How come PPP loans went to the rich, with NO OVERSIGHT! $800 billion gone, because of Trump. Keep that man away from the White House, far far away. He increased the deficit more than any president EVER. What a clown of a person.


>$800 billion gone, because of Trump. Are you talking about this? https://rollcall.com/2020/05/15/house-narrowly-passes-3-trillion-coronavirus-aid-bill/ Speaker Nancy Pelosi muscled a $3 trillion aid package through the House late Friday, overcoming defections from her party’s moderate wing who would have preferred to vote for a bipartisan measure. The near party-line tally was 208-199,


PPP loans my friend, not this. But, yes, let’s talk about Trump’s failed coronavirus response. How his failures led to over 1 million deaths. And the largest government deficit in history. $8.8 trillion, yet republicans think he’s a suave businessman.


Dust off the reading glasses friend. The deficit turned into a completely different monster under Obama. We literally cannot afford to be ignorant on this.


Vote for the felon then if you’re so convinced. Republicans have a funny way of twisting every little thing to fit their narrative, so much so that they chose to nominate a convicted rapist, fraudster, criminal. I’ll vote for a tissue box before I allow a literal mob boss to run my country. In 10 years when this country devolves into fascism and Putin has taken over Europe, you’ll have no one to blame but yourself.


Trump’s deficit was twice as bad though, how is this an argument against Biden?


Bad deficit, bad bad bad, but only Republican ones. https://internal.statista.com/statistics/200410/surplus-or-deficit-of-the-us-governments-budget-since-2000/ First of all, Congress sets the budget, and under Democrat control, pushed through the multi Trillion "covid" bills with severe political consequences should Trump veto them. As you might notice, covid is no longer a world health emergency, yet covid spending levels have continued throughout Biden's Presidency. His administration has sent hundreds of billions to other countries. The sequester act was passed by which party again? Before that, the first balanced budget in my lifetime was written by Newt Gingrich, who is what? In Biden's debate speech, he openly stated his administration wanted hundreds of billions in new federal programs. About $10 in New spending for each $1 of the $500 billion in new taxes. Trump isn't most people's first choice, but he isn't planning another giant expansion of the Federal government. And, there are a significant portion of Republican Congressmen that want to at least slow the growth of federal expansion. The Freedom caucus are all Republicans. The Communist "progressive" caucus are all Democrats. The multi Trillion covid bills were voted for by all Democrats and about half of Republicans. One was signed by Trump, the next by Biden. Read this again and tell me who controlled Congress. https://internal.statista.com/statistics/200410/surplus-or-deficit-of-the-us-governments-budget-since-2000/


Wait so now it’s Congress fault not the President’s so why is this being brought up regarding Biden at all? But that’s blatant misinformation, even adjusting for Covid related spending, Trump still outpaced Biden: https://www.crfb.org/papers/trump-and-biden-national-debt - Non-Covid Biden = 2.1 T - Non-Covid Trump = 4.8 T You’re completely ignoring the tax cuts, and making huge assumptions to excuse Trump’s budget and blame everything on Biden. The Trump Admin is the one who decided PPP loans didn’t have to be repaid. The numbers don’t lie. You can blame the Dems all you want, but roles reversed you would 100% be blaming this on Biden.


We did it! We beat Medicare! Suck it, Medicare!


The only “highlight” I found related to this debate occurred afterward.  We’ve been watching Biden steadily slip into dementia for years, yet there have been a startling amount of people who claim to have been “shocked” by it today, be it Democrat acquaintances of mine, the media, or many on Reddit.  I’m honestly perplexed by this. The White House staff and the big DNC media machines have been doing their utmost to combat this narrative, of course, but the best they could come up with were claims that publicly available footage was heavily edited, or dragging Party shills out to say that Biden was “sharp as a tack” some weeks back. Despite this, I assumed that his downturn was so painfully obvious that no one was actually buying that excuse, yet here we are. Party narratives are one hell of a drug I guess…


This was the tipping point. The moment where everyone was forced to accept that the Emperor indeed has no clothes. Now all the people who lied to themselves and others will try to row back, and it's our job to say "no, fuck off you knew - if you want a pass, stop lying".


As a Canadian watching from the outside Biden is a lost cause. They have him propped up in front clearly on drugs to help him keep going. I’d say I feel bad for him but he’s a piece of shit. As a fellow dad I honestly feel for him losing his son Beau, but he shouldn’t use him for sympathy points in a debate. Trump was well behaved for the whole CNN debate which was a surprise to me. I fully expected him to pop off and ignore the debate rules but he started true and it looked like he matured a bit. It’s easy to see who is much more cognizant of where they are. CNN also kept the debate pretty neutral but they could have taken a few bites from Biden as they did Trump. Not mentioning his mental state or his criminal son was kind of a let down. Also they both spewed bullshit at times, and some lies. But overall it made it clear that Biden and his democrats aren’t the leaders that think they are nor are they doing the US any good. A new leader with new staff, one that’s not geriatric or a symbol head minority, would do well for them. But as it stands Biden and his party are clearly ready to cross lines they shouldn’t to maintain power. In the end I see Trump come out slightly ahead in this whole ordeal. And I fully expect he will once again be president once again. CNN cleared up a few things which will probably help sway a few voters a well. Also Trump is going to pull every Democrat who attacked him in the courts and absolutely fuck them. And they deserve it. The current Democrat regime is crooked as hell, no different than what we have here in a Canada.


Biden’s performance was an absolute catastrophe, and no clear-minded person would try to spin it otherwise. But how can you, in anything even resembling good faith, sit here with a straight face and say that the DEMOCRATS are the ones who are willing to cross lines to maintain power? What planet are you living on? Trump legitimately lost the 2020 election, tried to overturn it, refused to concede, encouraged his supporters to incite violence on 1/6, etc etc etc. I’m going to give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you’re a reasonably intelligent person. It baffles me how one can unironically have the opinion you just posted.


There’s been enough questions about the election to raise eyebrows, no difference than here in Canada where recently it’s come to light about massive foreign interference. They want the easy to manipulate politicians in power, not ones with a backbone. I’m not sure how you can sit there with a straight face and deny that. It’s happened repeatedly in the US, the difference is that the media is controlled by the left wing and very rarely in the good old US of A do you see anything promoted in the news that pushes against leftist values. Ask yourself one question: why are minorities protected in the news by having names and pictures blocked when they perform violent acts yet the average white person is immediately vilified? The Democrats of the US have brought Trump to court on a load of pure shit in the hopes of having him be pushed out of the race. It backfired plain and simple and anything less of assassination won’t work at this point. And they’re scared witless now because they’ve set a precedent where it’s ok to go after retired president. Can’t wait to see President Trump in his second term. Him and Pierre Pollievre are going to open the can of worms on the left like you’ve never seen. All the suppressed videos, redacted documents, blatant lies and the rest of it won’t be hidden much longer. Oh boy!


Fuck me, I feel bad for the guy. It's clear someone is using him as a puppet in the final years of his life while he is struggling with some form of dementia. The guy needs help.


The Faustian bargain.


They are both in that role. Put them in retirement homes and give us an actual set of candidates instead of this puppet show. It won't happen, though. The other leaders want it this way.


Are you delusional or are we watching something different? The video starts with joe talking about taxing ~~trilli~~ billionaires and ends with talking about beating medicare because he got lost inside his own head. The craziest thing is, this happens so often we're all just numb to how vacant our current president is because the love for hating trump hasn't died down in 8 years.


You disagree that both of them are suffering from mental decline and cognition issues? What are people trying to argue?


There are just over 800 billionaires in the US. Not 1,000. This is important because that’s $200billion.


Billionaires don’t have a billion dollars sitting around anyways. It’s usually tied up in stocks, money markets, real estate, etc.


$500 billion in 10 years... You gave away $107 billion to the Ukraine in 1.5 years. Taxing the rich doesn't lower the taxes of regular people, it just gives the government more money to give away to other countries. If you tax the rich, the people that own the big business, they just increase the prices to recoup the money leaving us regular people paying more for things.


What do you mean exactly by "gave away"?


It's actually sad.


Every single point Biden made is more collectivist bullshit. There’s a fundamental difference that even trump himself fails to reiterate. The core difference between liberals and conservatives is a liberal will espouse all the help they gave people through governmental aid and programs, (which they don’t, the populaces taxes do, and simultaneously rob the free market from aiding all they aid more effectively and eficiently) and conservatives measure how little help through governmental aid is needed as a good thing. The less the government does (or has to do) the more a population thrives.


Care to explain why the most thriving populations are those with robust safety nets? Do we really want to go back to The Jungle? Corporations are too powerful now, how would you deal with stuff like toxic materials in baby formula, contamination of drinking water, child labor, monopolistic practices, unsanitary and unhygienic conditions etc. The stuff we eat and buy is already not great to put it mildly, how do we benefit from less oversight?






Like the PPP loans that were mostly fraudulent? Try again


The PPP loans that went out under Trump?


Are we thriving because of that handout or was it just a handout to rich people that served the rest of us with a debt bill and a non voted on tax of the middle class in the form of inflation?


So they actually want Harris to run? I see no other reason they’d leave him out there to dry like that.


What did Biden say?


Having lived and earned money in both the Southern US, Canada and the EU. The entire US could stand to have a increased tax base and FAR less deductions. The deductions yall get are insane. That being said I am a life long small government conservative but yall don't know how far you are from the rest of the world.


Say more?


The fact you can deduct interest on your mortgage is insane to most of the world. No state Tax in Texas. The property tax is high but no where near equivalent. My effective tax rate in Canada is about 52% and the world hasn’t come to a end. I always discuss this with my U.S. coworkers and the entire US tax code needs a over haul to close the deductions and penalize off shoring of fund. Harsh harsh estate tax needs to be in place to effectively redistribute wealth of the .1%


You have an ancient skeleton that can barely string two words together, and a bumbling idiot who's being charged with 54 felony counts in three different criminal cases, already having been found guilty on 34 in one. Yep, these are our presidential candidates. Third party anyone? Like it will even do much.


It’s sad that the discourse is now about who’s worse, instead of who’s best.


All I have to say is it should never have gotten to this point. His 2020 debate performances were almost as bad. In fact i was amazed at how the left was gaslighting itself and others that were weren't in fact seeing a dementia case. And it's only gotten worse since then. As far as I'm concerned, the Democrats and anyone who voted for Biden has completely lost credibility in the political conversation. They stuck the world with this clown show and even today, they won't take ownership of this disgusting charade.


Conservatives trying to feign incredulity when they run a candidate that is three years younger, has tons of mental and physical issues, and tries to overturn an election illegally. Biden ran again because he was the incumbent. Pretending you do not know that just silly. Everytime Trump gwts basic names and facts wrong "he's just kidding around".


This is so sad. I can only wonder what the deep state has on politicians to make the old ones keep plodding forth in this absurd game.


I think it’s strange how the media is treating this like it’s a sudden revelation.


This is clown world level of absurdity. I am speechless, just shows that with enough money you can do absolutely anything...


I’m honestly not against taxing billionaires. But this shit is elder abuse at this point.


Cheep fake obvi. 💀


So we know sleepy Joe is just a puppet. So the question remains, who are the string pullers?


When did the Jordan Peterson sub become a Trump sub? JP can’t fucking stand trump


You know Trump always sucks at debating really but his execution in the White House was pretty good actually.


LMAO this was unexpectedly funny af to watch


Personal favorite was Trumps expression when Biden asked if he was gonna oull out of NATO


The debate had no highlights. Zombies in stereo. Do you want to listen to the whining of a mercurial, incoherent, sociopath who is a midscale crook or the ramblings of a burnt out, anachronism, who is a small time crook? I'd rather have a punch in the head than listen to these scarecrows for 30 seconds in a row.


On these social sites almost everyone is praising Trump then how come Biden mfkr oh sorry Dr.disrespect's older brother is the President