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Everybody is missing one really important detail here - that being that Kashimo's knowledge is from the Edo. His technique involves manipulating "all electrical phenomena" but in the Edo, that wasn't a thing. If you gave Kashimo access to modern science around electricity, maybe a few textbooks, studies and an expert or two, he could probably achieve far more. EDIT: Now that I think about it, we know that techniques can manifest differently depending on the era the person was born in. If Kashimo was born in the digital age... his technique might allow him to control not just *electricity*, but *electronics*. That would easily put him in special grade.


So MBA is stronger, but problem is it’s still only one time use.


was it confirmed that it being a one time thing is part of the technique? I always assumed he used a binding vow to make it stronger once he uses it


I wish, but apparently it is. He could instead make a binding vow to not use it in combat/lower his output to 10% in exchange for it not killing him maybe so he could train with it.


[Insert to amend this problem, Sukuna made another binding vow] meme


>I wish, but apparently it is. You got a source for that please? I also assumed it was a binding vow and haven't seen anything proving otherwise. I've seen plenty of people say it's not a binding vow but no one has ever linked a source stating this.


I can quote it but I’m currently on mobile so if link the panel, it’s when he enters the fray against Sukuna and his technique is described. >Mythical Beast Amber reconstructs flesh in order to manifest phenomena that Kashimo converts into cursed energy. Given that description it forcibly changes his flesh structure, which becomes irreversible and I guess said form isn’t stable. Given there’s no mention of a binding vow concerning it, people assumed it’s one time use is directly because of that. I’d bet if he had some form of RCT he may be able to survive it but idk.


He surpasses human limitations but in return his body crumbles after use, built into his CT.


Built into his CT. He could probably offset it with RCT, but he never showcases any RCT capability iirc (he regens his arm but he was in MBA so it could be his electricity replacing his arm).


Imo a cursed technique reversal would pretty clearly be to just, reverse the cursed technique in this case. Kashima could have been so much more but he was just as suicidal as megumi


I'd say Megumi and Kashimo's suicidality are different. Kashimo was willing to do *anything* to defeat Sukuna for his own gratification rather than to save the world or something. Kashimo's selfishness is also likely a part of why the sheer power of MBA is so great. Megumi is less suicidal and more "Even if I lose I can just summon Mahoraga for a post-mortem victory" which stunted his growth significantly (and the one time he abandoned Mahoraga is when he gained a massive growth and gained his DE.)


Judging by how binding vows have been working, I think it's both one-time use but also amenable to a binding vow.


He's literally changing his entire bodies structure. He's no longer a human in MBA, that's why he dies at the end of it. Only way around this would maybe be RCT, but idek if it would work.


I mean the reverse of changing your body into cursed energy would be turning cursing energy into a body


MBA = My Bald Ass??


Mystical Beast:Amber


Oh… I was way off😂


In another universe, Kashimo Hajime applies for business school and graduates with an MBA, but this is not that universe.


Still the issue his body will fall apart at the end of it all so he can't really practice much


When sorcerers reincarnate though, don’t they gain access to the knowledge possessed by their vessels? So Kashimo’s knowledge about electricity should have increased by some extent, even if you assume his vessel is only familiar with high school physics, right?


Correct. That being said, while the educational levels in Japan are very good, you don't learn a lot about electricity from high school level physics. Assuming his host doesn't have at least bachelor's degree on physics or electrical engineering, he likely doesn't understand enough about electricity to be of much use to Kashimo.


also, Kashimo is just insanely strong. He no diffed literally everyone and Hakari was the only one who gave him an actual battle cuz he kept coming back from his attacks. Kashimo was only bruised after that encounter and Hakari lost an arm. He didn't expect Sukuna to be THAT strong


Yeah Kashimo was a diamond player that had only played in bronze/silver lobbies until the literal top 1 Pro Player Sukuna logged on and destroyed him


lowmastah hs Kashimo vs gigachad 5 role challenger Sukuna


so nightblue3 vs tyler1 i guess 💀


Didnt they all have an entire month to prepare? What did he even do, like wouldnt reading books for like a week be enough to get educated enough to obliterate anything he desires? Feels like Gege just said MBA is op but decided not to elaborate and just kill the guy off just like with Gojo because he wrote a character that should be technically stronger than the main villain but he doesnt want them to win for the plot so he just off screens them for some reason. Its kinda annoying ngl


Does Kashimo seem like the type to hit the books, or would he spend the whole time fighting people?


One day in books takes him from top 5 into number one spot, Gege gave him one of the most op abilities, shat on his character and jobbed him away so he doesnt have to write his story well


Kashimo already used his CT to x-ray Sukuna. I would says that involves a very good understanding of physics to know electricity and electromagnetic wave are linked.


Idk about your country but in Italy its something you study in highschool


The point is he could already do that with knowledge from 400 years ago.


He would naturally learn some things about electricity by experimenting with the technique in combat, but if he studied it he could probably achieve a lot more.


doubt it. edo period didn't know about x rays but he could use it regardless. "all electric phenomeon" is an exaggeration, he can only do so much with lightning based abilities.


He would naturally learn some things about electricity by experimenting with the technique in combat, but if he studied it he could probably achieve a lot more. >. "all electric phenomeon" is an exaggeration, Do we know that for certain?


yes, the fact that he didn't do more with it. clearly it's not based on his education regarding electricity as most if not all his abilities were concepts nobody understood back then. My second argument for this is mahoraga. He's claimed to adapt to "all phenomena". Which when you look back, he most definitely doesn't adapt to all phenomena, as he never adapted to physical attacks, air resistance, gravity, any physics laws, or "taking damage; cursed energy attacks" in general. It's also more accurately specified later on that he adapts to enemy attacks, which furthers this points that something merely existing in this world (like gravity) doesn't make mahoraga adapt to it.


Say it with me folks - reading comprehension curse >yes, the fact that he didn't do more with it. I am arguing that the reason he didn't do more with it is because he did not know enough about electricity. You are trying to prove me wrong by pointing out he didn't do more with it. You see the problem here? >he most definitely doesn't adapt to all phenomena, as he never adapted to physical attacks, air resistance, gravity, any physics laws, or "taking damage; cursed energy attacks" in general. Mahoraga adapts to *things*, not *concepts*. It adapts to anything that tries to harm it. Why would it adapt to air resistance and gravity? Those aren't attacks. As for adapting to "taking damage"... that's so stupid it feels like trolling. Wait a minute, how is Mahoraga even relevant here?


Kashimo: uses x-rays. X-rays: discovered in 1895. Edo Period: 1603-1868. He did not know "enough"? Bruh he didn't know SHIT about electricity. He had absolutely no idea the science behind everything he was doing. Then how he using it? Cause he's like haruta and takaba. **intuition**. His capabilities aren't knowledge based, it's skill based if anything. Since kashimo is quite skilled, why isn't he using the full potential of electricity? The answer is simple: he can't. I brought up mahoraga because it has a similar phrasing regarding "all phenemona". Phenomenon is an extremely vague and loose term, which allows almost anything to exist under its definition. Due to this, some people actually think mahoraga gaining gills because he's submerged in water makes sense. gravity would in fact also be included, but you agree with me that mahoraga doesn't adapt to gravity, which proves that it does not in fact adapt to "all phenomenon". And so you should also be noting that kashimo's "all electricial phenomenon" is likely another exaggeration by comparison. >Wait a minute, how is Mahoraga even relevant here? kashimo's "**all** electric **phenomenon**" in my first comment, followed by mahoraga's "**all phenomenon**" in my second comment, but asks why mahoraga is relevant. learn to read.




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Having been reincarnated and taking over the hosts memories. He already has knowledge of the modern era.


The average person doesn't exactly have intricate knowledge of electricity


Too good for grade 1,too bad for special grade so in-between ig


Semi-Special grade? I know it doesn't exist but I think he and Hakari both proved that it should be category like this for cursed abominations like them (same for Hiromi Higuruma)


For all we know he'd be watching brainrot on 4chan if he were born in the modern era.


I suspect this is how Infinite Void Gojo works


Baby gronk livvy dune new rizz king compilation video as soon as gojo pops his domain


Bro unleashed the domain expansion in the comments


Semi Special Grade is a good term for anyone who has one stat on special grade level, but lacks the rest Hakari’s regeneration/endurance are special grade level, but he doesn’t have the strength to maximize it Todo’s Boogie Woogie confused Sukuna. It’s practically impossible to predict/preemptively counter. Yet Todo doesn’t have the power or endurance to consistently step up to special grades. Higuruma can theoretically one shot someone if the right conditions are met. Hana has the attack output to damage Sukuna, but is a glass canon when compared to special grades Given how much effort Gege has gone through the past few arcs to compare and scale people to Gojo and Sukuna (Uraume glazing Hakari’s recovery and Higu having “potential” that rivals Gojo) it’s clear the gap between the average sorcerer and The Strongest is slowly showing signs of shrinking


Closest equivalent would be Supreme Grade 1




I think he does pretty good even without his CT. He has to or else he wouldn’t amount to much. Ik he didn’t amount to much in the story really but that was against Sukuna.


I think you’re forgetting that Special Grade isn’t necessarily a measure of power as much as it is “We can’t exactly classify this ability within our system”. I think his technique is still within the bounds of Grade 1 because he’s pretty well matched with Hakari who is himself Semi-first unless I’m mistaken.


semi grade 1? Hakari is one of the big hitters, no way hes below grade 1 lol


It's not really fair to judge him based on hakari. Without the unlimited rct he would have won easily. Even then he still almost won A person like yuta or todo would have resulted in a better judgement of his level


so probably special grade 1 like Naobito and his son


Special Grade 1 sorcerers are on the same level as grade 1 sorcerers. They were just never part of the official jujutsu school system


oh TIL. but still, I think if Kashimo was born in the modern era, he’d be on par with Naobito


Naobito ain’t giving hakari the fight Kashmiri gave him hell no


Nop! Special Grade 1 are much stronger! Because they are path of the strongest family. Naobito is the strongest Special Grade 1. Yeah he is just the Leader of the zenin Clan. But ok Grade 1 are only for the normal peopel


This is false


special grade 1 is only titled to the people who got their grade outside of jujutsu school


Hikari is NOT semi grade 1 what in the


Wdym too bad for special grade?


If kasHIMo was in this era shibuya would have ended in... 3 minutes?


Would it have, though? A modern Kashimo in the events of Shibuya would be far weaker than the Kashimo we know. Mind that the Kashimo we've seen has at minimum half a century of experience, possibly closer to an entire century. In this scenario, Kashimo would have only two decades' worth of experience—possibly less since that is assuming he began training from a young age—and far less combat experience due to the peaceful nature of the modern era prior to the events of the story. We know that the greatest way for a sorcerer to evolve their strength is through intense, life-threatening combat against other sorcerers, thanks to Sukuna, the Culling Games and knowledge of the Heian era.


Why coudnt he be old in the modern era????


Because OP stated that this scenario is if Kashimo was "born the same same day Gojo is born".


Oh right sorry


Yeah but the sorcerors back then were so bad he wanted a challenge so hes come to fight sukuna right. I wouldnt call them life threatening. Even if he fought less in the modern era, they would have been stronger, faster and more powerful opponents most likely. Idk, depends


Before Shibuya, the only formidable opponents he’d have the opportunity to fight is Gojo/Geto, Yuki or JJK 0 Yuta and this scenario kinda implies he’d be on the side of the sorcerers so idk if he’d really be fighting many ppl at all.


wait yeah true, i forgot he might be a sorcerer.


not really, if age and experience really mattered that much then people like noabito zenin, that old grandma would be a lot more stronger. Also there is a definite cap on a sorcerers ability no matter how old they get(excluding special grades like gojo and yuta), or how much experience they have. People like yuta and hakari especially were also born in peaceful times but are still as strong as they are, so will be kashimo , by the time he enters his 30's


Kashimo moments after being folded by mahito…..


Nah. He'd win


So why exactly does yuji beat mahito but kashimo cant again?


Kashimo doesn’t have the devil protecting his soul


Kashimo doesn’t negate mahitos technique like yuji did. Without Sukuna mahito kills nanami and yuji in the beginning of the show


Strong grade 1


I dunno how strong, but 1 thing for sure- if kaahimo was in modern era, he'd be a femboy!(yes I'm a jujutsufolk)


You cooked brother


I thought they were a girl for the first couple of chapters they showed up lol


I guess you are talking of a “what if scenario” where Kashimo isn’t a villain and trains in the Jujutsu Academy. Well, being realistic, Kashimo should be able to be on par with Pre-Awakening Gojo & Young Geto. His Raw CE is enough to not really have problems until Toji appears. He will need a Cursed Tool though, preferably the Staff he already uses in the main story. Only to use his “Lightning Trick”, he doesn’t need it in reality. Okay, let’s make a what if scenario again. Satoru, Suguro & Kashimo are called to protect Riko and give her to Tengen. I feel Kashimo should have a personality closer to Gojo, so they think somewhere similarly. Anyways, let’s skip to Toji stabbing Satoru. Even though Gojo would like to fight alone, there’s no real reason for Kashimo to let him. Geto did it because they were best friends, but Kashimo would fight too. Satoru only has Max: Blue. Kashimo is pretty fast, he can just get out of the way. Kashimo & Satoru vs Toji, the fight would be an actual fight this time since it is a 2v1. But to be honest, I think Toji can distract them both and “kill” Satoru. Just like in the main Time Line. Now guys, Kashimo vs Toji. I think you know what Kashimo will have to do: # Cursed Technique Released: Mythical Beast: Amber I won’t try to elaborate, but I would say this fight is Extreme Diff. And since Toji has Inverted Spear of Heaven, maybe Toji can stop Mythical Beast Amber. So my man Kashimo survives. Toji would try to finish the job, but then Satoru awakens and you know what happens. Riko survives, they either decide to fuse her with Tengen or not, won’t really change anything since Geto remains being good in this time line. Gojo, Geto, Kashimo & Shoko keep being close friends, they all would train Yuta to let him release Rika from the Curse put by him. And I don’t really know how would Kenjaku join to the plot. I can’t keep going, I used 120% of my brain for this.


> And since Toji has Inverted Spear of Heaven, maybe Toji can stop Mythical Beast Amber. So my man Kashimo survives. Imagine if Kashimo just has ISOH on hand to stab himself and dissapate MBA to survive. Could make for a nice scene where he has to forfeit stopping MBA in order to save his friends, leading to his demise.


by extreme diff you mean toji would still crush him?


(I’m a Kashimo fan, I gotta highlight him) Prepare for Kashimo Anime Version. He will be as broken as Anime Version Mahoraga and you will understand why the “God Of Lightning” should not be underestimated.


I love Toji but do you genuinely think he crushes a version of Kashimo that, despite dying, fought on semi-even footing with the strongest version of Sukuna we’ve seen?


Toji is just one of those characters who gets massively overrated due to his coolness. Like he gets demolished by Kashimo in MBA, not even close. Maki got humiliated by a weakened Sukuna, whereas MBA Kashimo actually did go toe-to-toe for a while and only died to possibly the strongest attack in the series (Net World Dismantle).


For real, like people clown Kashimo for becoming a waffle but like, what do you even do against that 💀


Yeah I have no idea why he’s treated like a joke for that when I don’t see single person in the series surviving that attack.


i wouldn't realliy call it humilation, both of them were holding back


This is cope, there is 0 implication that Maki held back in the slightest. Its well within Sukuna's personality to hold back, sure, but since this is the first time he hits a black flash in the manga and explicitly shows excitement at the thought of fighting someone with HR, I doubt he was holding back. He was still heavily weakened, she was in tip-top shape, and she got put down in like a chapter or two.


ah, sry, i was actually referring to their 1st encounter


it depends how much time you give him, he seems really old at his era so it likely took more time for him than for modern sorcerers to get strong


... I dont think that matter. He is known as the strongest of the era. He need to be the strongest since young to be alive till old age cuz we know the dude ran head first into every one he think is strong. The only argument is the whole era took more time to improve cuz lack of knowledge (which I doubt cuz Sukuna era still be considered as strong AF and have no lack of knowledge) , and if he have the same knowledge as the modern era I think hes gonna simply improve at the same rate.


Probably the peak of Grade 1.


He could be a top-tier, but this is a golden age; he was born in a standard era. Of course, he wouldn't have overtaken Gojo, Yuta, Yuki, and Geto, and he might not have been able to reach top-tier status without the decades of experience he would have lost in this scenario. His potential definitely can't come close to the potential of Yuta, Yuji, Megumi, Mahito, Higuruma, Geto, Todo and possibly a few others since his MBA trades a lot of potential for an absurdly powerful suicide move. That being said, I think he could possibly reach his maximum potential faster than the aforementioned characters, but it's really hard to tell since the Kashimo we see is an old man with almost a century of experience. This point could actually mean that Kashimo might not ever reach top-tier status in the modern age since the modern age is a golden age with several characters whose potential has been stated by Gojo and others to be unprecedented, and he will have to grow alongside them. Remember that all of our students are very young, yet Yuta has already surpassed him, and Yuji seems as though he will surpass him imminently, too. That being said, this modern Kashimo could eventually overtake old Kashimo simply due to being in a golden age where his opponents will be far stronger - but due to the peaceful nature of the modern age before the events of the main story, that could mitigate his early growth.


He would probably die to someone with Domain before he can reach his full potential, or he gets killed by Gojo after using his CT. Dude lived till he was an old ass man and still no domain expansion; it’s just pathetic.


i wonder if he ever tried for a domain because he sure is capable of having one


He doesn't need a DE, he can simply blow the other guy's hands off with lightning. Can't open a domain without handsigns.


likely weaker than he currently is


Nah he'd have some top tiers to push him in Gojo geto and Yuki instead of nameless fodder that's implied to be way weaker than Ryu


or he is curse user that tierd to fight gojo when he himself is young and die




Bum because the musclebrain can't study for shit


We are not talking about Todo.


Todo had perfect grades in school


Still a meatbag sadly. I find nothing interesting about him.


Doesn’t mean he’s not insanely smart.


Dude imagine how he would channel his technique when the modern interpretation of electricity


Semi special grade. They'd make a grade just for him lol.


How would've had better fights in modern Era because he won't be facing farmers anymore, he would've had a DE


Naobito's rank.


Electrical manipulator in a world full of electricity He'd be smarter and thus significantly more capable


He will be different person almost for sure :3


One of the strongest Grade Ones.


With gojo in the same era bro is lucky to be special grade


Gojo teacher buff or no?


Would have huge potential but probably not as strong because he can't go around killing as many people in a fight as he did before


But he would have the current era curses to fight against


Naoya level


He would have a reason to know about electrolysis


Ngl je whould be much much stronger in this era with our knowledge about electricty The meme that sukuna will die from cancer will turn reality


depends how being born into the modern era changes him mentally. Is he still a battle hungry maniac who becomes a curse user and fights sorcerers? He gets squashed by yuki or gojo long before he reaches his peak.


He'd probably be one of the top Grade 1s and would likely be assigned assassination missions specific to Curse User-targets. But his mentality also changes due to the time period so he probably gets nerfed by that.


If we are assuming he keeps his personality. Then he dies as a teenager the minute he challenges Gojo lol A few other strong individuals of the modern era would kill him too if he challenged him before he got to his older age prime. Kashimo at Gojo’s age in the modern era would die to Naobito or Naoya if he challenged the Zenin.


jjk fans and nba fans are so much alike, always trying to pull out these comparisons whilst drawing the characters out of their time.


top tier grade 1. unfortunately lacks widespread damage to be special grade, but could definitely fight a few.


Not that strong if he can't figure out reverse cursed technique. Just like how he was currently


Idk, modern farmers also have access to electricity so they might scale to him.


Without any farmers to fight against, he probably dies to some random curses. Either way at max he's a very strong first grade. Strong but not enough to significantly change the story. Probably would be weaker than the Kashimo we know. He wouldn't be any where near the title of strongest this time around. Maybe he'd benefit from having peers he can see as rivals? If he's the same age as Gojo maybe he could be the Todo of Gojo's generation. Strong guy from another school but not up to the level of those at Tokyo. He could be third maybe after Gojo and Geto? before they became special grades. If he was in the Tokyo school maybe he could've helped against Toji? But honestly if he did he'd probably be the one guy to die. No back to life RCT like gojo or get spared to not fight thousands of Cursed spirits like Geto. Probably get off screened like the maid.


He'd be grade 1 but everyone would suprised at just how strong he is as a G1 sorceror.


His position would remain in the exact same place.. Doesn't matter how strong Kashimo would get..He doesn't have Sukuna's battle iq.. He would've had stronger Lightning...wow.. Still couldn't touch Gojo..Still gets diced by Sukuna.. He's still third...


Approximately 3 farmers strong


Depends is kashimo a student at jujutsu tech or like a clan member like naoya or like an assassin. Cause as an assassin relatively similarly but anything else and he gets DE+RCT which would go crazy


His technique usage in MBA for would be a lot better since the modern era has a lot better understanding of electricity and their properties than the Edo period. And his electrical usage of curse energy might also be more refined. That said, he might be weaker than original Kashimo purely from the fact that the Kashimo we know has lived a whole full life and died an old man. And this new one would be 29 years old or so and might not have reached peak proficiency. Given enough time though, he would definitely surpass the original.


I think that he would be much stronger, the ability to manipulate electricity and his CE effect would be broken in this kind of scenario, as in modern era, along with that if he had some good teacher/teachers like yuki, kusakabe, gojo, etc. he could likely push much farther beyond where he was. I think its definitely possible that he could, with advanced enough rct, overcome the bodily destruction of his technique. Or at least use a binding vow to overcome it. Combine that with his drive to become the strongest, I genuinely think he could be one of the characters to reach the heights of Gojo and Sukuna, and not only that, with his mind set he would likely be one of the only characters that could, assuming of course he didn’t die along the way.


He wouldnt be, because he'd try his killing sorcerers for fun shit and Gojo would get sent to handle him and probably kill him. I guess if he's convinced to be strong for the good guys he'd by low special grade.


Same tier of power, maybe even weaker as Gojo would be in this era meaning someone could actually kill him while he's training thru killing other sorcerers or maybe not even doing that altogether given it seems that isn't as common in the modern era. Only upgrade that would be better is upgrading from HWB to SD.


His cursed technique with the knowledge of the modern era probably enhances greatly as he’d think in a much broader sense of how to apply his control of electrical currents. He’d honestly be one of the biggest threats to the world because of how much modern society relies on electricity to run properly so he could cause devastating damage to the infrastructure of a country if he so decided


upper grade 1 almost special grade class like hakari or todo


Farmer tier




I think he’ll be a semi special grade like I believe Hakari should be. Considering that blood painting nobara was considered for grade 1, then I think kashimo is for sure above grade 1. However he ain’t no gojo or yuta


And around this time (correct me if I’m wrong) but wasn’t there a Limitless+ six eyes user? It happens every 400-500 years right? And Sukuna was 1000years in modern times. This was saying he was 600 years. Maybe he could’ve surpassed Gojo, be equal with him, or pretty close at least