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I think a black flash from yuki at the start of the fight whould habe ended kenjaku He whould look like toji ngl


Imagine a blackflash Star rage, I could definitely see it doing some damage to 20F sukuna


Depending how much mass i think he actually could die if he doesn't counter it


Don't think he does unless she managed to hit his head, his RCT is too good. Unless she takes out his brain in the hit it won't be a one shot. I think a black flash from Yuki could probably one shot anyone outside of Gojo/Sukuna


Well if she does a gut punch with star rage, it'd destroy his guts and be the equivolent of a sloppy Gojo. Gojo couldn't heal from that cut due to exhausting hinself, but also because CE is created in the guts and so his RCT would be eaually limited.


This man ate a Red + Black Flash from Gojo he will be fine


He didn't ate it he got knocked out and I'm not even saying yuki will knock him out all I'm saying is if a 120% output Star rage with blackflash on top of it lands on sukuna he will likely loose some blood or even a limb


Oh he will obviously take damage i just meant he wouldnt die


Yeah he definitely wouldn't die lol this man stopped a 200% hollow purple with his bare hand


It tore off the arm he used to block it. Yes he regened it, but Sukuna didn't just tank it. It would've killed him if it hit his head.


Yeah but still no one besides sukuna is doing anything against regular HP let alone 200% HP


I don’t think red is as strong as Star rage tbh.


Casual Red maybe but a full enchanted Red is one shotting Kenjaku


Lol why did you get downvotted, A full enchanted Red is one shotting anyone not named sukuna


It is way stronger than Bombaye


How so. Toji survived it with no damage. Jogo was fine. Sukuna ate it. Yuki literally tore through Kenny’s arms and send him through a barrier with one punch. That prob kills Toji and jogo instantly


>Toji survived it with no damage A newly awakened Gojo + it is a durability feat for Toji rather than a downplay... Though I side with the fact that it was a newly awakened Gojo so his Red is obviously not as potent as it would be after a decade... >Jogo was fine. Gojo wasn't trying to kill him 😭😭😭 bro I swear when you guys use this shit to downplay Red >Sukuna ate it. Literally the most durable character in the verse A red is stated to oneshot unadapted Makora who can take point blank dismantle from 15F Sukuna and call it a day Red is potent enough to oneshot the likes of Ryu and Yuta and Yuji from it...


I’m sorry there is no way red one shots Ryu. How am I downplaying red? I’m pointing out that it’s just never been some ultimate move. In its showings it just hasn’t done as much dmg as bom ba ye


Toji sure was fine while he literally said “is anything broken”


“Is anything broken” while cracking his joints and hopping up vs literally getting arms blown off


Teen gojos who just used red for the first time vs adult yuki who’s revealed her technique


I don't think he will die due to CE reinforcement but if Yuki pulls a blackflash and gains 120% of her output and than she decides to use a blackflash Star rage than I can see sukuna being cooked but she wont be able to hit him in the first place


Unless it’s stronger than a Hollow Purple, no.


A black flash star rage punch would be absolutely diabolical


It’s gojo at 1, obviously. The weakened wuki punch is still only behind gojo, really tremendously fucked up kenny The kuni punch (no this ain’t #2, only incapacitated maki for a tad) Sorry yuji, you keep getting shafted in this sub by being compared to top of special grade monsters


Yuki is number one lol. Even Gojo infused punches aren’t breaking Kenjaku’s limb with his guard up like that. Yuki is getting severely shafted because Gojo is there. Some people in the cast are better than Gojo in some things in the series.


Gojo’s black flash is at least stronger than Yuki’s normal punch


That's a super dense star fury punch, though. gojo has easily higher AP than that, but maybe not with just a punch like Yuki could


Yeah but sukuna was also launched by a red into a BF blue infused punch. Not saying you’re wrong but still


I think of that as Gojo's highest possible output for a punch, whereas we see Yuki's beaten state nearly killing Kenjaku with a sucker punch. I think the red probably made that shit HURT, like Sukuna was doubled over and vomiting blood, but I think if he were to tank a star rage punch, especially one where Yuki has no reason to hold back, he might straight up die. Yuki's AP is WAY higher than gojos for pure physical, Gojo just has way better ways of amping his abilities with red, blue etc. that at a certain point it's hard to scale them. If you put Yuki in gojos shoes and have him fly into a star rage punch, I think sukuna might just explode


I agree that a full tilt star rage woulda fucked kuna up way more (and i appreciate the wuki respect), however a full tilt star rage isn’t being discussed rn. It’s the punches shown, and i don’t think a weakened yuki can outperform full force black flash gojo


Someone else posted this but with the characters' hardest variants, which I think is a better question. This version asks you to scale gojo in an awakened 120% state verse wuki, which is hard to do because pretty much anyone they hit with that kinda power would die before telling you, which hurt more. Either way, I'm convinced Wuki could damage Sukuna to the same degree if she hit him, but these specific punches are weird to scale. I'm fine saying it's the black flash purely on the coolness factor, that kinda combo was a filthy thing to land against the king of curses


I agree about yuki doing more damage, even without black flash. A full power black flash yuki could insta kill any character in the verse. Tbh i think sukuna has a better chance of surviving the nukes he’s always pitted up against than tanking the monstrosity that is full tilt black flash star rage


This. I'm convinced gege had kenjaku off Yuki just because she would have actually no diff'd the culling games and put in heavy work against Sukuna. We even know that she taught Todo, so she must be gas at combos with him. If you think switching 50 times a second into a black flash is bad try a black hole


Based on what?


>Yuki is number one lol. Even Gojo infused punches aren’t breaking Kenjaku’s limb with his guard up like that. What makes you think that?


She broke the circular definition of tengen’s barrier with the force alone. Gojo is not outputting that much force. It took a red pushing sukuna towards his black flash blue infused punch to do serious damage to him. Kenjaku guarded and himself and still got his arms snapped like a twig.


Do you think that sukuna and kenjaku have the same durability?


That doesn’t matter, Yuki can add more mass. Star rage is getting severely underestimated here. You make it sound like Sukuna is gonna survive a black hole from Yuki.


>That doesn’t matter, Yuki can add more mass. Why did she not add "more mass" to crush Kenjaku's skull too? >Star rage is getting severely underestimated here. No it isn't She can add more mass upto a point only and beyond that she will kill herself + the planet >You make it sound like Sukuna is gonna survive a black hole from Yuki. Nobody is doing that 😭


Who’s talking about black holes? We’re rating the strength of the punch in each scene. You’re creating hypotheticals.


Bro what are you taking about, Gojo and Sukuna high fiving created enough force to put Kenny on his ass. If Gojo landed a black flash he would have punched a hole in him https://preview.redd.it/7lkquzsred6d1.jpeg?width=784&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=644efe980da49158f3fce3077b32b3c21505fceb


And how does that compare to breaking the circular definition of Tengen’s barrier? Stop the Gojo/sukuna wank. They can lose to chars in some areas, they don’t have to be the best at everything.


Since there was 1 fight in Tengen’s barrier there’s no way to tell how it compares, but I’m sure it was revealed to you in a dream that it was better. Do you disagree that being sent flying from a shockwave from Gojo and Sukuna clashing means an infused punch from Gojo wouldn’t break limbs, and that a black flash wouldn’t punch a hole in Kenny? Keep in mind this was a casual punch from 16 F Sukuna, and Gojo was throwing around a full power Sukuna in hand to hand. https://preview.redd.it/9dog1dt2kd6d1.jpeg?width=602&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=090ab2368ceafe9cd8db4869eed2460bc88440a4


That wasn’t a casual punch lmfao. Sukuna tried to kill Yuji with that, he was surprised he was still alive afterwards, maybe surprised isn’t the right word, he disliked that he still lived. Second, Yuji was caught off guard because he just came to his senses and Sukuna was in Megumi’s body when he woke. Even with Yuji caught off guard he didn’t lose any limbs or anything. The difference here is that Kenjaku put his guard up to fully block Yuki and still took arguably more damage than Yuji took(who was caught off guard btw.) Kenny putting his guard up and still losing that much makes the difference. Wanking Sukuna and Gojo doesn’t really make sense when Yuki did more damage, she broke a barrier that was supposedly circular so nothing can get out, destroying the concept. Don’t understand why you’re trying to downplay Star Rage so much. Sukuna and Gojo do not compare to the AP of Star Rage.


Yuki is literally immune to concepts and conceptual curses, Yuji got punched clean through the chest and was sent flying across the city and somehow that’s an anti feat because Yuji didn’t lose any limbs? You’re blowing my fucking mind here. And just because Sukuna wanted to kill Yuji doesn’t mean the punch wasn’t casual, when Sukuna killed Geto’s daughters he wasn’t really taking that seriously either. And I’m not the one downplaying anything, that’s been all you, I’m saying the guys that can send people flying across cities with a punch probably do more damage with a black flash (^(2.5) damage) than Yuki does with her base star rage. https://preview.redd.it/6kvkupozwd6d1.jpeg?width=784&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e248952d2830a17b64ecee8e3475558215eb0e6c


That’s called CE reinforcement, just like Gojo reinforces his punches with blue and CE, that’s not a casual punch. You really think Sukuna thought a casual punch was gonna kill Yuji? The guy who’s been living in Yuji’s head rent free thinks a light casual punch is gonna kill Yuji? lol you’re more delusional than you say I am. Sukuna was trying to kill Yuji, it’s like the same argument Sukuna fans used for why Yuji isn’t dead yet. “He just cleaved Yuji’s left torso he wasn’t trying to kill him.” He just cleaved him and Yuta in the Yuta fight, he wasn’t tryna kill him or Yuta. He just decided to fight in the domain and take hits from Yuji’s soul punches he wasn’t trying to fight them, even though he said they were troublesome. He just had Yuta rip out his belly tongue, he wasn’t trying. He just popped open his domain he wasn’t trying to kill anyone though. All those arguments make zero sense. He’s been trying to kill Yuji, multiple times already, Yuji even said outright he took damage that would’ve killed him multiple times. Comparing Yuji to Geto’s daughters is a gross underestimation. Anyways, we’re getting off topic, Yuki has more AP than Gojo and Sukuna, they can’t make a blackhole or come anywhere near the AP of one. Star rage is severely underestimated by you, considering Yuki can keep adding mass to her punches if she needed to.


I’m not saying that culling games Yuji is the same level as Geto’s daughters I’m saying that just because Sukuna is trying to kill someone, and yes using CE reinforcement or CT to do so, doesn’t mean he’s taking them seriously or trying his hardest. Sukuna absolutely tried to kill Yuji there but that doesn’t mean he put 100% into it either. We’ve literally had a character say that Sukuna adjusts his output based on his excitement. https://preview.redd.it/9t7zpunl0e6d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b69c30e649ccafd9d03308a6ba2cd6549ece5c37


And that scaling is dumb and unquantifiable. Yuji took regular blows and punches from Meguna right before maki showed up in chapter 214. If he was casually punching Yuji across buildings then he would’ve just been punching him across buildings even there. That’s proof enough that Sukuna was trying to output a bunch to kill Yuji in a single blow. The excitement scaling makes no sense because he black flashed choso, you’re telling me he was excited to fight choso after he called Yuji trash for losing to him? He even black flashed Yuji(who parried it) was he excited there too? On the opposite end, was he not excited to fight Yuta because he didn’t black flash him? See how dumb that scaling looks? I guess Gojo didn’t excite him.


If wukis punch wasn’t secerly weakened, or gojos wasn’t black flash amped, I’d definitely agree, but bf blue woulda fucked kenny up more


? Tbh how many characters have been able to knock sukuna out? Gojo infusing blue with his punches + 6 eyes is deadly enough, allowing him to successfully hit any openings with ease let alone a black flash in addition to his speed and power to which gege already mentioned to be the fastest. Gojo was able to with nearly only hands alone take on the Divine General himself, when it already adapted to his techniques + the fusion of shadows AND megkuna all at once


I didn’t know I signed up for a Gojo glazing fest. You seriously think Gojo has more AP in his strikes than Yuki?


Normally? No. But Gojo has incredible speed and attack to begin with, add in his blue fusion manipulating space and a black flash is an incredible strike that I don’t think Yuki can quite match


You don’t even realize that Gojo doesn’t compare. Yuki can store enough mass to make a black hole, Gojo at max punches someone across a couple city blocks. These are literally not comparable.


That’s not the attack that we are mentioning? Yuki has never had the density of a black hole in her punches. You can’t take one’s greatest feat and compare it with a mere punch of another


Kenjaku put his guard up and still got tossed across Tengen’s barrier and even broke the circular definition through the sheer force behind it. https://preview.redd.it/vos2515b8q6d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5a2849822fff212373848bf2829dff2acbc2a0c9 Just in case you forgot the panel after the punch the OP posted, kenjaku has both his arms broken in the last panel. She did that to *Kenjaku*, possibly the top 5 of the verse. She has her output weakened afterwards in the fight so she can’t do it again. The most Gojo did is made Yuta and Hakari throw up. The Gojo riding is ridiculous, even had some guy dick ride sukuna saying 15F strength was stronger cause he punched an off guard Yuji a couple blocks away.


Tbf if kinjaku isn’t a big menace to the t5, unlike sukuna in the fact of, he’s not a fighter. Not to mention Gojo’s attacks didn’t make sukuna throw up, but lose consciousness, something NO ONE else has done to sukuna to this day. Judging by the Eye roll, bleeding from the mouth and the actual wound given to sukuna’s stomach it definitely looks like evidence to ATLEAST kidney failure, something that kills if he didn’t have RCT, let alone any other internal bleeding https://preview.redd.it/2nl78v9zeq6d1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1d134b9d9c2bdc2ef0c989c9a367105ff6ce1222


Bro, Gojo’s red pushed Sukuna into the black flash, you act like the black flash itself did that. Sukuna wasn’t knocked out, he clearly had consciousness as he was able to summon Mahoraga.


Gojo was a bum lmao, can't even crack concrete for several stories with a punch.


Gojo Yuki Sukuna Yuji




Yuji is known for two things really, speed and power. Sukana and Gojo are stronger sorcerers but idk, i feel like Yuji’s black flash has some force to it. Its kind of his whole deal imo


It has a ton of force to it, out of everyone in the series he's probably number 5 for AP, but in this competition, he's going against the 2 strongest sorcerers to ever live and then Yuki, the G.O.A.T of hitting things really fucking hard. He's just outclassed by special grades, nothing to be ashamed of


Yuki is #1 imo. But current Yuji has to be hitting harder than Gojo at least. Bro is op


No current Yuji is definitely not hitting harder than Gojo, Gojo knocked Sukuna the fuck out while he was at full power, Yuji punching him in the same spot also with a black flash didn't do nearly as much damage. And yeah I honestly think if Yuki hit a black flash against Kenjaku there he'd have been cooked she just hits so hard it's unreal


Yeah you do have a point there. I hope Yuji does unlock that next gear because right now it feels like a toddler throwing punches at mike tyson lol


1. Gojo BF knocked out the same guy who blocked a 200% purple with his hands, also enhanced by blue 2. Sukuna BF sent maki flying 3. Yuki 4. Yuji


yuki's punch tore through kenjaku's arms unlike maki


That wasn’t the same punch as the panel shown tho


but it is tho


Oh I’m tripping


Upvoted your other comment because it’s ridiculous that you’re getting downvoted for literally making a mistake which you acknowledged


Reddit things ya know


it’s ok it happens


Just want to point out there is a difference between blocking an attack and getting hit square in the gut. Sukuna was caught off guard when Gojo hit him with the BF, while with the HP he was able to react and defend against it.


I read 2 as “sukuna’s boyfriend”💀


Anything other than this is almost purely glazing.


This list is just Sukuna glaze bro💀


Bro I HATE Sukuna, I swear it isn’t.😭


A 200% purple infused by blue? What does that even mean purple is just red and blue combined lol


gojos punches are enhanced by blue, i was saying sukuna has the best durability in the series


Sukuna was ready for that purple, it's why he blocked it.If he was ready for that punch he probably could have blocked that to.


>Sukuna was ready for that purple We have two statements from the narrator saying he wasn't


its still the strongest punch (BF + Gojo + blue + Red pushing him in from behind) here and the purple isn't just a blocking with CE feat it's also a straight dura feat


I think yuki's punch has more weight than gojo and sukuna's punches because she can literally change the mass of her punches upto the threshold of making a blackhole and she can move freely without any consequence thus she can also make the momentum of those punches absurdly high. I may be wrong but according to a person who loves physics, absurdly high momentum is better than some black flash blue infused punches.


Problem is how much mass she was able to put into the punch, obviously a lot since it fucked up Kenjaku, but Gojo knocking Sukuna out for a bit is on page more impressive. Yuki has a higher theoretical peak by far like you said, but a blue punch is already really strong, and raising it to a power of 2.5 is quite a multiplier. Gojos scaling and efficiency also just probably goes better than Yuki needing to be able to conserve CE for the rest of the fight, so her punch has a few more hoops to jump through. Charge given, momentum given, and time. Once again, hers could peak way higher than Gojo like you said, but here it doesn't


You are right bro.


On paper maybe but thats not how it works in JJK(unless you wanna argue Kenjaku is tankier than Sukuna lol?)


Yeah, but yuki literally has a physics hack, if her ability also included to increase her durability just like her mass then she would be counted among the strongest sorcerers like gojo and sukuna.


Given time and growth I absolutely think Yuki could be going toe to toe with the likes of Gojo and Sukuna. Her main issue appears to be durability, and given her CT it's possible she could resolve that issue. It's clear her life trajectory was not to focus on fighting and growth for the sake of power like Gojo and Sukuna so she is way under her potential imo.


I dont doubt that her durability would be really damn tough


Gojo,yuki,sukuna,yuji Gojo knocked out the tankiest dude in the verse Yuki broke two arms in one non black flash punch Sukuna incapacitated maki temporarily Yuji hit 8 black flashes and sukuna walked them off(for now)


She didn’t just break Kenny’s arms. she literally sent him flying through a barrier.


Nah let's not down play it; She tore through cursed reinforced limbs of the most experienced sorcerer with a punch. Nobody has done that. If we're scaling who's punch is stronger? Anybody with a brain can put 2+2.


AND literally tore a hole in the barrier of the most proficient barrier user amongst all sorcerers, just from the impact of Kenny hitting the barrier. I think Yuki's punch is alone at the top for hardest single punch in the entire series. Sukuna took an unguarded, blue-infused Black Flash to the stomach and was KO'd briefly. Kenny had his guard up and successfully blocked it with both arms, but Yuki just tore right through that shit. If you've ever watched MMA, you need much less force to KO or hurt someone if you're landing clean hits on their vital areas. It's extremely rare to KO someone in one hit *through* them blocking.


Legit like I'm arguing this with a person rn and all they keep saying is "But the difference between Sukuna & Kenny is too vast", CE reserves, sure, manipulation of CT/CE & cursed reinforcement? They were pretty fucking close, I don't even include the barrier part cause this is a very specific ask of punches right, but the reality is it probably would play a factor, the MMA aspects are obvious tho right, my dude got jaws through a full guard prepared with reinforced, expertly controlled CE and still got sent. It's not even saying Gojo isn't obnoxiously almost on par, but her CT is built to maul mfers in melee. It legit is probably the most disgusting ability you can have up close.


Yuki's entire thing is literally "nearly unlimited punching power" and people will still find a way to avoid coming to the correct conclusion about her. I mean, she's hitting you with the weight of a train/house/bus, but it's moving at special grade sorcerer speed and it's the size of a fist (which means the pressure is incredibly condensed into that smaller area). And who knows how much mass she can imbue?? She could be punching you with a mountain. Kenny took one punch from her with Star Rage and was instantly convinced not to brawl with her anymore. People are terribly downplaying both Yuki and Kenjaku.


This, I think Yuki is the only person we have seen to use essentially pure physical(even though it's a CT it's a CT that affects her physically) power to literally punch through a CE enforced block. Literally just fucking tore through his arms while he was actively defending. I can almost guarantee Gojo ain't doing that even with a blue infused black flash. I still think in general a blue infused BF from Gojo is probably stronger but the application of how Yuki's strikes works can just tear through shit. Imagine a black flash from her.


Agreed. People think weakened Sukuna's bf is stronger than Star Rage punch?


Glazing lol,if yuki punched maki the same way even without black flash she would 🍩 her


Yuki vs any HR like Maki is just unfair. No way to CE reinforce against her. Would be like Toji getting hit with hollow purple.


Exactly that’s why I laugh anytime I see maki/toji vs yuki debates


Literally send Kenny through a barrier and broke both his arms blocking it, if that punch landed on Maki she's gone. The fact that it wasn't even a black flash punch also lmao, there's a reason why she didn't land any in her fight, shit would have been over in 1 panel.


Fr lmfaooo


Comparing to the other ones, WTF is last black flash? So strong that I can’t even see the panel clearly 💀


Maki getting action replayed three times


Look Ik Gojo and the rest are stronger than yuji, but pure punching power is almost definitely my boy yuji.


You forgot Yuki existed?


That involves her technique, but I see what you mean.


Ahh okay, you have a point then. Maybe not Sukuna’s buff ass though. Megkuna for sure.💀


Yeah sukuna lowkey cheating with the extra arms too 💀 tbh yuji probably got his punches by being related to sukuna.


I wonder how bad Kenjaku would have been had Yuki landed a black flash?


He’d be fucking dead


Insta dead, a normal one broke his arms


The only thing that made Kenjaku not die in Yuko's first punch was plot armor. An Black flash would make him nanamin'd


He would be mist I lost all my math when the app refreshed but tldr assuming Yuki used 2,000lbs of mass in that punch and hits a bit faster than a world class boxer (40mph vs 32), her punch was 3,419 psi. A black flash would be millions of pounds of psi, many many times higher than the bottom of the ocean


So Gege had one their editor comment on the math and then had Gojo infinite PSD attack, that's why Yuki had to die in the story.




Gojo is number one, that was a red pushing / blue pulling sandwich black flash that knocked Sakuna out


Honestly I feel Kenjaku definitely used domain amplification at the last minute to protect his head from star rage


That's a fair assumption like his hands got torn apart but his face barely had some blood leak


That's the only thing that would explain how he didn't turn immediataly into dust


Gojo Black flash Yuki punch Yuji black Flash Sukuna Black flash


You’re first answer should be gojo anything else is factually wrong


1. Yuki 2. Gojo 3. Sukuna 4. Yuji Pretty straight forward.


I'm still bouncing around if I think Gojo blue infused BF is stronger than a normal strike from star rage Yuki. Obliterating Kenjaku through his CE and physical defenses to literally destroy his arms and blast him through a barrier is an offensive feat we've honestly never seen from a physical fighter and is very hard to quantify. Like what would even happen if someone like Yuki hit a BF?


Yuki in theory has an infinite mass punch. Plus, she has the best striking feats in the series. She punched Kenjaku through the barrier that Kenjaki implied should be impossible and the striking Feats where she uses her shikigami as a soccer ball and whips it and destroys the ground are easily the most impressive blunt force feats in the series. Plus, hitting hard is literally the primary reason she's a special grade as its all her CT is good for other than commiting suicide. If she doesn't hit the hardest out of anyone it kinda makes her CT look bad for a special grade.


I'm not sure hitting hard is the primary reason she is special grade. Hitting hard like she did vs Kenjaku, is indeed easily the highest physical striking feat we have seen in JJK full stop, but not take over an entire country by herself power. Her CT is physics/reality breaking we don't know the full scope of her power, don't even get to see DE from her. Like if she is facing off an army of soldiers, tanks, ships, and jets is she just going to punch them and kick her Shikigami at them? I have a feeling there is a lot more she is capable of. I also don't think she knows the full scope of her power. She isn't the type that has sought power.


I'm pretty sure the "take over a whole country thing" is based on ancient times or based on militaries below the USA. Yuta is tough, but can he solo the US military? Nukes, air force, tanks, chemical warfare, millions of soldiers? Nah.


Isn't the special grade status a modernish definition? 1000 years ago such a grading system did not exist, and the people keeping the system exist in modern times and people in modern times speak of it as a current concept rather than an ancient thing of the past. It's also a comment on potential not necessarily what they can do right now. We already know sorcerers are able to deal with small arms in general. If cursed spirits can be used to block bullets, and CE reinforcement can be used to protect a body from forces able to level steel enforced buildings and concrete then I would imagine CE can be used to defensively deal with a lot of modern weaponry. Chemical warfare and nukes are another thing, a million soldiers literally get deleted by people like Sukuna and Gojo, even Yuta.


Tbf, Japan has no standing military (post WW2 thing, Japan is low key a city state of US tbh) so as long as you can take a bunch of police forces...you can take over Japan.


The one gojo lands on uraume, that had to hurt lol


How the fuck did he survive this punch???


1: Gojo 2:Yuki 3: Sukuna 4: Yuji My poor boy Yuji, I really wish his awakening was more than what we saw I was really hoping his black flashes were going to be power scale shattering, but he keeps getting shown up. Only reason I'm putting Gojo over Yuki here is the image being used is a black flash infused with blue. Even with how insanely powerful Yuki's striking capabilities are a black flash is going to fucking hit hard and it's blue infused. If Yuki's was a black flash I'd put her's over Gojo's here. I think a black flash from Yuki might just one shot anyone but Gojo and Sukuna.


Gojo bodying Uraume will never not be the most satisfiying punch.


Gojo Yuki Sukuna Yuji


It’s weird cause they all are ambiguously strong. It’s already been shown that Gojos blue amped hits are ridiculously strong, and that’s before factoring in it being a black flash. Yukis hit is impressive because she guard broke a top 5 character. Sukuna is sukuna so by default it’s impressive. Yujis hit has to be the least impressive but that’s only because the other ones have been hyped to hell. I’d rank it 1. Gojo, 2. Sukuna, 3. Yuki, 4. Yuji. Only reason sukuna is above yuki is that gojo and sukuna are heavily implied to just be multiple tiers above everyone in every aspect of jujutsu (aside from hakari’s healing), and this is before he went to his true form which is also implied to be physically superior to the Meguna form, and then add in a black flash (although his stats are heavily nerfed via Yujis).


If we are counting how Gojo's Red made his Black Flash that much stronger, then it's Gojo, Yuki, Sukuna, Yuji. If we aren't taking into account the Red launching Sukuna into the punch for an immediate direction shift that made Gojo's punch feel like running head-on into another car, then I would do Yuki, Gojo, Sukuna, Yuji. Yuki's thing is that she adds density to herself and Garuda to make their hits that much stronger without weighing her down using actual mass. That hit was probably very strong, but not her strongest. Gojo and Sukuna are interchangeable imo without accounting for Red since both are plain the top 2 sorcerers who are both skilled in h2h and were Black Flash amped hits. Yuji, despite his monkey strength and the boosted Black Flash, is probably the worst h2h fighter here and the severity of his shown punch is based on the punches before it on a weakened Sukuna.


1) Gojo: Put the guy who tanked a 200% hollow purple to sleep 2) Yuki: tore through both of Kenny's arms and fucked up his face. She almost one shot a special grade sorcerer 3) Sukuna: Did fuck up Maki pretty bad, but she was back in the fight soon after. I don't think Maki's durability is that much higher than Kenny's, so Yuki's punch did more damage 4) Yuji




1. Gojo blue amped Black Flash is without a doubt the strongest 2. Yuki's punch with mass 3. Sukunas BF on Maki 4. Yuji's BF on Sukuna


Honestly I don’t think it’s far fetched to put yujis on sukuna above sukunas on maki. I could see it either way


Yuji’s punch did more damage but Sukuna’s is probably stronger. Maki was able to block most of the damage.


Note: the red punch even without black flash is aprox 4x gojo’s raw reinforcement It’s legit just ABOVE everything else


What would have happened if that was normal output sukuna?


Isn't yuji stated to have the strongest black flashes in history? Wouldn't that give him the strongest punch?


Most consistent


Why we got a regular yuji black flash here lmao


Yuji doesn’t go for quality damage in black flash, he goes for quantity of black flashes.


This is a list I can def agree with


This is a list I can def agree with


Yuki yuji sukuna gojo


Gojo Yuki Yuji Sukuna In that order


Idk what the fuck is going on in the first place so i dunno


Gojo Sukuna Yuki Yuji


Yuki (gravity technique carries) Gojo ( he has similar physical stats to sukuna but blue enhanced punches give him the edge) Sukuna (don’t think I need to explain why he’s above yuji) Yuji


Yuji, Sukuna, Gojo, Yuki from weakest to strongest. Edit, my bad. The reason Yukis punches defy a BF or Gojos is simply because it takes the concept of mass and multiplies it by cursed energy+the mass she decides she can handle. This alone defies BF on a conceptual level let alone the fact that if she ever did BF there's a chance she'd create a blackhole with that punch alone. It tore through an reinforced, 1k year old veterans fully guarded defense and through his body parts still to almost 1 shot him.


This isn’t about theoretical punches, this is talking about the specific punches listed here, yujis punch is unlikely to have had more power than gojos.


I didn't say Yuji had more power then gojos? Read, you're makin the JJK picture book club meme a reality. Yuji is easily the last in the list. I said, Yuki's basic punch with her CT applied outscales any punch in the verse because of it's inherent values, she turns a normal fist into a sword with the impact of a jackhammerx9000 with her CT shown in that one panel. Gojo is close but he's just the jackhammer as his CT is the control of space+the immense amounts of CE control and volume he has at his disposal, but Yuki literally can dial her power infinitely because of mass depending on the cursed energy. Tl;dr? Yuki's is the strongest because it tears straight through cursed reinforcement to rip through limbs with the concept of mass, compare why these panels look so different in the results and it shows you. Kenjaku isn't a sleeper. She's just that busted.


Her technique doesn’t allow her to ignore durability/CE reinforcement, she’s just so strong it doesn’t matter how hard you try to defend, she’d break through it. Maybe I’m just misunderstanding you.


I said tear through, not ignore. Same difference but it still factors in, just never enough to ignore the concept she applies to her fist.


Ohh okay, to me “tears through” sounded like “ignores”.


It was a typo, I meant yuki. Your second paragraph is completely pointless, we aren’t talking about abilities here, we are talking about the impact these punches had in verse. She wasn’t even able to one shot kenny, gojo was able to knock out the toughest guy in the verse.


Yes, and the impacts they had in the verse with the question were talking about is WHICH PUNCH WAS THE WEAKEST TO THE STRONGEST, by that note I got it backwards lol, but the point is, Yukis was the strongest. Even in these panels. She blew through every single defense a cursed sorcorer with immense CE reserves can put up bar Gojo, didn't need to send them flying because the impact was so sharp, strong and iconic that she tore through a elite/special grades sorcerer with her fist alone.


What? Beating a couple special grades in one punch and breaking kennys arms is not impressive, it definitely doesn’t compare to knocking sukuna out.


Why are we talking about the special grade curses? We're talking about which punch is the strongest, for what reason are they in these panels? Kenny's defenses aren't so much worse then Sukuna's because his control of CE/CT were almost as peak, there's a reason why there's respect between them and he hasn't just mauled or fought him for fun besides his usefulness/ideology, otherwise she'd of torn him in half with one punch through the already 3 layers of cursed fortification she already did get through, because that's what her fists can do. Knocking out Sukuna isn't a small feat, but we put her in the same situation without using BF as the Gojo panel, she's probably tearing through him with a punch/putting a donut in him if it was her and she had/was set up with the chance, because she LITERALLY specializes in melee through her CT. We won't talk about her using BF doing it, we all know. Stop moving away from the point, explain why she doesn't hit harder in these panels other then, "But it's sukuna.", Sukuna has had limbs cut off by weapons, hit with BF that hasn't decapitated limbs but knocked him around so hard he's went through buildings, CT affect parts of his arms but has yet to have a person rip through every defense he has used that anybody hasn't, unlike Kenjaku who used the same.


What? Kennys defence isn’t close to sukuna or gojos, not even Kenny thought that. The difference between the top 2 in the verse and the rest of the top tiers is laughably huge. The reason yuki didn’t kill him in one punch is simply because yuki isn’t that strong. We have no reason to think yuki would’ve put a hole in a 100% sukuna, his reinforcement is far greater. Sukuna has been knocked about and had limbs cut off but literally only one thing knocked him out, and that was when he was at full reinforcement and output. This is enough to put the power of that punch at number 1, kenny never thought he could compare to these two yet gojo knocked sukuna out, yuki was only able to break some arms off kenny.


We're not asking whether Yuki would put a hole in a 100% Sukuna, we're asking whether she would with her punch as is there in the panel like you said with each character at that point in the panel. The answers yes, if a sword can, if a CT can, if it can happen to Sukuna, then if Yuki was switched in these panels, she would put a hole in him. You're glazing Sukuna & saying "the difference is vastly huge" without even proving it in this scenario. Show me. Prove it. Also where does it say Kenny can't apply the same levels of defense if CE control was on par but less fueled? Feel free to show me, I'd love to know. Cause all you're saying rn is, "Sukuna is stronger.", we know that, it doesn't mean he's invincible nor so grandiose that he can't be hit with CTs that're made to maim/that mechanically broken they practically defy CE to the degree that Yukis fists can. Just because Sukuna is smart enough to not be hit with these CTs that COULD possibly end him, doesn't mean they wouldn't, he dodged Higarumas sword for a reason, he got pierced in his heart, for a reason, it can happen, it's rare, but it's doable.


Why are you comparing a sword that negates CT to yuki? She wouldn’t do the same level of damage. I can’t believe you need proof sukuna is above kenny massively, yuta, yuki and Kenny were roughly at the same level, yuta even managed to kill him. Considering how shot yutas fight went against a heavily weakened sukuna shows that Kenny just can’t compare. Also factor in that the amount of CE and reinforcement Kenny has is the same as getos from jjk0, clearly he isn’t that durable if a newly awakened yuta could finish him off. Through this we can tell sukuna and gojo are just a step above in every regard, including durability, yet gojo was still able to knock him out, yuki couldn’t do a hit enough to kill Kenny, she was never gonna out a hole in 100% sukuna. There’s the proof. Honestly I’m really not sure you understood the original post, yujis CT isn’t really being discussed here, it’s only the power of this specific punch that is being discussed and that punch wasn’t even able to kill kenny, it was never gonna knock out sukuna.


Not even forgetting the fact that, the only other person in the verse to even get close to Sukunas level of CE/CT manipulation and flexibility can use a **open barrier DE said to only be capable of those who's grasp of jujutsu is godlike.** Stop downplaying Kenny cause he got wiped by a CT that legit circlejerks you through so many barriers you lose grasp of reality.


What are you saying here? Kenny never got close to sukunas CE and reinforcement.


‘Breaking Kenny’s arms is not impressive’


Bro says breaking his arms, did he even look at the panel? LOL She literally eviscerates the arms then breaks through his reinforcements to jaw the motherfucker through a domain barrier.


Not impressive compared to dealing major damage to sukuna, different tiers of characters.


Now I'm not sure about physical damage. But if we're talking about damage to the opponent's ego? Sukuna's black flash on Maki. That shit got shown from 3 different angles


1. Gojo 2. Sukuna 3. Yuki/Yuji 4. Yuji/Yuki


How tf is yuki 3 or 4


Interchangeable with Yuji.


Am I the only one that feels like Yuki is consistently wanked by fans


I feel the same


1.Gojo 2.Sukuna 2.Yuki 3.Yuji










Should have included the one when sukuna takes megumi’s body and punches yuji though like 3 building


Trick question. The only black flash that did damage was Sukuna's. Everyone else's may have done damage to other people, but bringing it all back to the Sukuna fight, even Yuji who's whole thing is supposed to weaken Sukuna as well... Did nothing to him. So in relation. 2 Gojo 3 Yuji 4 Yuki


1 Sukuna 2 Gojo 3 Yuji 4Yuki


Yuki > Sukuna > Gojo > Yuji


Sukuna #1. He hit maki so hard they showed it from 3 different angles!


Sukuna Gojo Yuki Itadori


Yuki is number 1 and always will be. Then Sukuna at 2 Gojo at 3 Yuji at 4 although maybe he should be at 3


Bro Yuki’s punches practically break physics from what Kenny said after he got mollywhopped 😭😭


1 4 2 3



