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Sukuna’s sheer mastery of binding vows puts him way above everyone else in terms of IQ, his issue is he likes to fight and is stubborn, in the sense that he will put himself in harms ways just so he can win in a specific way


I mean when you know there's not a single attack in the verse that could do anything to you then why stop fucking around.


Prob also the fact sukuna can body hop and void all the binding vows


Breaking a vow with yourself doesn't do anything but lose what was gained. He doesn't need to dodge them


No the fuck he cannot.


I'm not sure where I've read it since it's probably complete nonsense but I'm pretty sure he can void the bv that is specific to that body. For example the enchain bv that he had with Yuji can't be used anymore since he isn't in yuji's body.


You are misremembering why Kenjaku voided his binding vows made with curse spirits. He didn’t do that because he hopped bodies but because he hopped bodies to Geto’s body which lets him control them and thus allows him to force them to release him from the vows. This is the same logic as how Mei Mei through her CT can make crows make binding vows.


Ahaaa I see thanks I am not the best at reading lol


It would make sense if he’s making vows like “ill give up this arm in exchange for…”


Your binding vows stick to your soul. That's why Kenjaku keeps his CT when he swaps bodies


So if he says enchain can he gain control over yuji's body and just kill himself?(Yuji)


I think the only reason Sukuna was able to make that binding vow with Yuji was because their souls were somewhat merged since they inhabited the same body, and now that they no longer inhabit the same body, the binding vow isn't on Yuji's soul, effectively making it useless since there's no target for the aforementioned binding vow


Wdym sukuna can body hop?




Only if there's a suitable candidate, which there probably aren't any more of


Gojo himself should be a Target no?


nothing suggests gojo is a suitable vessel


What suggested Megumi could be one?


Isn’t the whole “suitable vessel for sukuna” thing supposed to be 1 in like a billion or smth? Yuji was created artificially to be a vessel for him by Kenjaku, so Megumi is that one person who can hold him naturally. It wouldn’t make much sense for Gojo to just also be a suitable vessel while Megumi is one, the odds really don’t line up.


That... is a damn good question


The fact that sukuna swapped into his body suggested it pretty hard.


He wanted the 10S plus he wouldn’t have been able to feed Gojo his finger like he did Megumi


Plot armor


In terms of overall IQ Kenjaku takes it by a mile and a half simply because he orchestrated the events of the entire manga but from a fighting perspective Sukuna is in a class of his own


Yeah we are talking fight iq, kenjaku definitely has shown the greatest iq in terms of overall strategy when it comes to enacting plans and schemes


battle IQ not equals IQ tho


Getting hit (and defeated) by a sneak attack is single handledy the lowest and most pathetic IQ a fighter can possibly have, especially when starting an all out war. Grow up idiot


Me when I wanna win using a specific strategy in a game so I reset even if I won a different way


Not way above everyone but damn really no one for that long thought about those binding vow loopholes


The second I saw the words “binding vow” this image immediately came to my head: https://preview.redd.it/66m0tq2y9l8d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6ed20c47752b9ca2870ab31a97c74ead8905dffa


KasHIMo legit learned an entire ass underwater language from 1 word https://preview.redd.it/6ypvlzgmdq7d1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=480336c7b58a4de7ae49258d20157214f78a7d66 Manz the smartest in the verse After that Hakari ofc because manz created an entire language on the fly


Damn how did i miss that, That's Todo level shit. https://preview.redd.it/bbg23760mq7d1.png?width=602&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7273174057ffd3ea1a25889f534ffdc85fac9457


What chapter is this? How did I miss hikari going Glurb


Around chapter 186, I think that's the start of the fight


Nah this is near the end of it


Ty. Combed through the fight and found it. My only clue is I missed this page. And when reading I did notice a weird part where I thought I missed a page. Guess I did.


I think this was a comedic moment of, if you were litterally underwater that's all you'd hear is "blub-glurb" but they were saying the words in the parenthesis. Not a new aqautic language.


Crazy how bad Gege fumbled on this character 😭 The downfall needs to be studied.


That's Eelshimo


This feat put Kashimo in schizophrenic As a near equal of Todo


Sukuna figuring out that Gojo alleviated his CT cooldown with that brain damage rct strategy. Then proceeding to replicate it himself immediately. You gotta realize that Sukuna figured out off pure intuition, he doesn’t have x ray vision to see Gojo’s brain. This dude can do anything so long as becomes aware that it’s possible. He did the same thing when Kenjaku showed him how to turn a person into a cursed object, then did it to himself.


He doesn’t need x ray vision to deduce that he did. He saw Gojo used his cursed technique right after his domain with no burn out. He just put 2 and 2 together since there was only one way he could’ve done it.


Yeah it’s impressive but realistically since Sukuna’s RCT is at the same level as Gojo’s and he knows how these things work at a biological level, it was pretty obvious for him- he knows healing a CT=healing that part of the brain, and he knows that burnout isn’t physical damage that RCT works on so the damage has to be manual. Add to that, Gojo’s nosebleeds- which even Yuta noticed- despite his healing, infinite stamina, and still being early in the fight is a dead giveaway for Sukuna that Gojo is doing *something* with clear side effects. It’s still hugely perceptive and he probably could have figured it out eventually even without all that information, but in this specific case Sukuna had all the pieces necessary to easily deduce what was going on. I think Higuruma figuring out DA and RCT on the fly without any of the benefits the others have is way way more impressive


You make it sound easy but Yuta himself commented that just knowing how to use RCT doesn’t cut it.


I feel like that’s IQ, not BIQ. BIQ is figuring them out on the fly and then doing them. IQ is more so being able to do something after seeing it.


It's not even BIQ or whatever, it's sheer jujutsu talent and genius Sukuna's been copying everything from everyone — he figured out a way to summon Mahoraga's wheel without actually summoning him, not to mention he found a loophole that let him use Megumi as basically a shield that beared the burden of Mahoraga's adaptation; he somehow turned Max Elephant's water trunk attack into a weird Piercing Blood-esque technique; and he also learned how to slice through Infinity from Mahoraga Like, how tf does one do all that? Well — if it's Sukuna — then anything's possible, I guess


So basically while Sukuna is skilled and intelligent hes uncreative AF


I wouldn’t say that he was able to pull fire out of a slashing technique that’s pretty creative if you ask me


Except his technique isnt slashing and the fire is part of his normal technique


Good list, honourable mentions I'd add are; Megumi: is able to figure out his opponents abilities and outsmart them, did against finger bearer, jiro awasaka (inverse guy), reggie. Yuta: has the BIQ to use a CT proficiently instantly after copying it. used sky manipulation to redirect a point blank granite blast from Ryu. in his domain, he had barely a second or two to figure out the best use case scenario of a CT after picking up a katana with a random CT engraved in it to either damage sukuna or protect Yuji's life.


Didn't he also figure out Kirara's esoteric ass technique too?


I would eat Kirara's esoteric ass 🤤


Understandable have a nice day


Yea Megumi kinda underrated, but I'd put Angel and Hakari before Yuta in BIQ(totally not bias 😫).


>I'd put Angel and Hakari before Yuta in BIQ(totally not bias 😫). https://preview.redd.it/cgxpnznxiq7d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=360bc05c1004e4ee500da760b8d368a0a7845b78


1 wuki: when faced with a concept deleting elephant god, she figured out the optimal way to beat it: chuck balluda real strong When faced with thumbelinas incompetence, she figure out the optimal way to hold off kenny till the choso plan: punch and kick kenny real strong She has a shikigami that she uses as a whip/ball/bat to just whack people real strong. Who else could come up with that? You got all these nerds, pulling off bullshit binding vows, using rct on brain, making master plans to elevate humanity, all of these useless ass nerd shit. Why waste time with all that when big punch can solve all your problems? Btw, yuki had her own plan to elevate humanity. It was to make everyone way stronger and make all the fru fru jujutsu nonsense disappear.


Yuki has the best battle iq fr. If people start talking Nonsense, wheck'em in the head real hard. Truly Mah Queen. https://preview.redd.it/e2u5eau0iq7d1.jpeg?width=478&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=03e65582d4968d7a28ec98aaaa55231929038852


“Shut up curse, STRONG BOM-BA-YE”


In my ttrpg group we often use the expression 'Death is the best status condition'. Yuki is the true genius for figuring out the counter to your opponent think. Cant think if youre dead.


1. Sukuna 2. Gojo 3. Todo/Yuki 4. Yuki/Todo 5. Kenjaku




Love that you put wuki on the list like she deserves, but kenny might just be #1


True but I feel like while Kenny is undeniably smartest jjk character, he might not be best in biq


Todo is genuinely top 1 biq in the series, nobody else in the series pulls the same 530,000 IQ plays he does (when you got Sukuna fuckin tweaking like that, you gotta be special)


Cook. https://i.redd.it/ksc8waedwq7d1.gif


Oh, he's special, alright


He's the short bus's VIP passenger.




Genuinely just using his technique in its current form takes more iq than 99% of the verse displayed. He has to determine how/if he should swap all 3 of them and in what way so that they are able to hit sukana, but he can't hit back... 50 times in a second. That's insane. He's making 50 perfect decisions on what to do every second.


Did Kashimo "create a surehit without a domain?" That's just how his electricity based CE works, no? Negative to positive. Acts like sure hit. Then for Gojo. If by :unlimited HP on the fly" you just mean the Hollow Purple against Toji, that was an already known technique in the Gojo clan as stated by Gojo himself from what I remember.


>Did Kashimo "create a surehit without a domain?" That's just how his electricity based CE works, no? Negative to positive. Acts like sure hit the one who actually 'created a sure hit without a domain' should be Dhruv tbh. >If by :unlimited HP on the fly" you just mean the Hollow Purple against Toji no he meant the final Unlimited Hollow Purple against Sukuna and Mahoraga where he chose to detonate it like an aoe blast instead of shooting it towards his opponent like he usually does.


I can see how that'd be on the fly a bit, but is that not just an application of HP? When he shoots it out, he's in the moment combing red and blue and shooting it forward. All he did was do the same thing but delayed, using chants to increase it's strength.


He had to take care of agito with blue, had to make sure Mahoraga doesn't adapt to red, didn't had the time to stand still and create HP, had to make sure the attack is strong enough to take out Mahoraga all the while he's fighting 3 opponent who's pressing him, coming up with an answer in that desperate situation is nothing but sign of high battle iq. I have him this high bc he has been able to pull off never been done before stuff over and over like coming up with 0.2 sec domain in Shibuya, delayed red explosion, creating a solution for Open barrier Domain to name a few. What do you consider impressive example of high battle iq.


Be basically charged up a Nuke while multitasking That’s impressive in my book


exactly, even I don't see it as an impressive display of BIQ.


Yeah but we don't know how Dhruv's Technique works - it could be some incredible mastery of Jujutsu or it could just be an inherent function of his CT/Shikigami.


They meant for gojos remote HP against sukuna, I don't think it's necessarily just creating the HP, but rather using a blue to kill agito and keeping it there, while knowing he can catch up to the blue faster then Maho since Maho has adapted to the pull, knowing sukuna would try to destroy the red and knowing how to counter that, etc


Yes it states that he specifically puts the negative charges on people to create the difference needed to make the sure hit work. Given that people don’t have an innate understanding of their CT I think KasHIMo is pretty smart cuz he was able to figure out electric stuff before anyone else in the entire world. If he was born in the modern era and went to MIT he would be unstoppable frfr.


That's just a simple application of his CE though. It isn't like figuring out how to make an open domain, it's just lightning is, by nature, a sure hit given simpls requirements. Lightning takes the path of least resistance to the lowest energy place. Also, where do you get the idea that people don't have an innate understanding of their CT? Because that is not stated anywhere and wouldn't make sense. Like how does Kashimo know MAB kills him despite never having used it?


No kashimo had to put the negative charges in the target. It stated that HE had to do it. It doesn’t happen automatically. To do this he would need to under lighting when no one else did. Gojo didn’t know all about how technique worked, neither did geto. People discover new things about their technique all the time. Also it’s not his CT, it’s just his CE. The reason he knew it killed him is cuz he made a binding vow so that I would.


Don’t downgrade todo. His iq’s 530,000


Damn and i even went on to double check if it was 530,000 or 53,000, brain rot catching up to me ig😭.


It’s 53,000 in the manga 530,000 in the anime


For once, the anime’s right. TOGOAT FOR THE WIN


1. Sukuna 2. Gojo 3. Todo 4. Yuta 5. Toji HM: Maki, Kenjaku, Kashimo, Mahito, Megumi


Todo is definitely Top 1 in the verse, he could probably use his supercomputer ahh brain to tank Unlimited Void's surehit


He has so much iq the information doesn't overload his brain because he already knows


Yuji. If left, right, good night doesn’t work, do it again but harder.


Just hit it harder next time it works. https://i.redd.it/0mtxz8lmwq7d1.gif


Nobara: “We just need to hit him REALLY hard,” Megumi: “That sounds like something Yuji would say.”


Learning CTs on the fly https://preview.redd.it/dkbrgx6diq7d1.jpeg?width=453&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9f6a1caac2d7df3efadc4ba31d4fc976f756bec9


Yuta BIQ>Kashimo BIQ


I would put megumi way over kashimo, he shouldn’t be that high but I agree with the rest of the list Edit: honorable mention to yuta depending on what you count as part of his ct


Nah, Megumi has showed good battle iq time and time again, no denying that but any of the guys in top5 can do it as well, kashimo creating posion when he's in sea and creating a blast is honestly more impressive battle iq imo. In honorable mention, I'd put Megumi, angel, Hakari and mechamaru.


Hes got decent physics knowlege but thats less battle iq and more just general intelligence, megumi has far surpassed him on just battle iq, hell kashimo even came to the right conclusion snd then refused to use it against hakari


That's not really a general intelligence, using his knowledge in fight to come up with strategy or a move to counter his opponent is example of battle iq, he created a solution for not having a domain with lightning, has staff to create an opening with retrieving the charge, has great analytical skills as well, he definitely deserve that place as of now.


You're underestimating Mahito. * He replicated Gojo's 0.2s DE on the fly as a means of taking out Todo without incurring Sukuna's wrath * His plan to bait out a Black Flash at a supposed weak point while putting all of his power into his counterstrike would have defeated Yuji in their final clash if Yuji hadn't just learned to use Divergent Fist at will. Mahito also still would have one that final bout if not for Todo's distraction. * He was seemingly coming up with stuff like Polymorphic Soul Isomers on the fly as late as Shibuya while also constantly showing a talent for experimentation and the like all the way back to his first fight with Nanami. * He successfully tricked Mechamaru into letting his guard-down by self-destructing to make it seem like he was defeated, taking a lesson he learned from his fight with Nanami that he'd be fine even if blown to bits to heart and using it to win a future fight. * Successfully tricked Yuji into going for the wrong targets such as his bloated form in their first fight or one of his dwarf clones with the highest CE aura in their bout in Shibuya in order to keep their brawl going. * Took advantage of Nobara not realizing he was a clone from the get-go that couldn't use Idle Transfiguration on others as part of a prolonged strategy to exhaust her. * Concocted a plan to make Nobara let her guard down to ensure he'd be able to one-tap her in front of Yuji and hereby break him, combining tactics with psychological warfare. He's just behind Gojo and Sukuna in terms of their ability to develop and use experimental moves on the fly. There's also the Grasshopper Curse and Takeru-chan who are respectively the Dr. Doom and Mr. Fantastic of JJK. https://preview.redd.it/2jq3xba1lt7d1.png?width=319&format=png&auto=webp&s=cf9971224c82d097b8b00a6b053617ff30f2fbd7


Oh consider my opinion changed, I'm definitely keeping him a contender for top4/5.


Megumi, cause my GOAT decided saving yuji was the smart move which led to use getting the anti sukuna.


Megumi's BIQ is top tier 💯.


Bumumi gave up fuck you mean he’s smart in any sense of the word https://preview.redd.it/qkamovbi2t7d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=290b0b12393837b8fe017f20cb7657f2f5ffdd2b ? If he was he’d just take back over Sukuna like my beauty Wuji did


1. Sukuna 2. Gojo 3. Kenjaku 4. Megumi 5. Todo


1# Hakari. You need to use ur brain to gamble


He seems to fight off of pure instinct only


Where is my boy Mahito


In top 10 for sure.


aoi the king of biq in all of anime 😤


It's 530,000 iq. Please get my goats iq right


‘53000000000000000 bro was being humble to spare their feelings


My bad


kenny has way more iq feats than figuring out takaba 😭😭


His whole ass millenia plan.


https://preview.redd.it/6vrexk484r7d1.jpeg?width=635&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c9f385d8c81f28f51dafcbeb9da77b2b4dd5a4a4 Move the comma back one and add another zero


gojo also came up with how to refresh his CT on his own, not even Sukuna knew how to do that until he was shown how it worked 3 times.


It’s nobara and it’s not even a fucking contest 


Yuta has more battle iq than gojo in my opinion gojo is bailed out by his gifts and not his smarts, granted his last move on Sukuna kun and daddyraga was high biq I think Yuta although is also not the smartest and gets bailed by his gifts as well shows a new move in the moment with out hesitation often. hakari and the farmer are tied mechamaru is prolly smarter than all even tho he got waxed. And we are really the gifted ones to be witnessing the true gift of iq displayed by our brother father and king tobrodadking. Honorable mention sadly…. Megumis bitch ass is pretty tuff in the moment he sees his reincarnated sister is not his sister . Very valid to be upset but since it’s him makes it unvalid and void and puts him at lowest iq character .


Mahito learned Domain expansion on the fly, and even learned how to do a 0.2 Domain expansion from seeing Gojo do it. Nanami even said that Mahito would grow too strong for most sorcerers to handle if he wasn't taken care of then and there.


Wait, why is todo our schizo king?


Don’t know if it counts as battle iq, but Kenjaku vs Yuki and Choso took a hard turn when Kenjaku realized that he would just outright win the battle of domains simply based on the fact that Yuki never opened hers and that Tengen wasn’t in the fight


I’d include Higuruma as well, man was a sorcerer for 2 months and managed to learn DA and RCT. And he was referred to as a genius in the story https://preview.redd.it/bec4xo6wgr7d1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6e1d45379544cd499ed5a6e92a6a5c5a28e6c702


ToGOAT is #1 and it ain’t even close https://preview.redd.it/6h12edwqkr7d1.jpeg?width=401&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d756af59fc7ea6f1b56d64f1c24c2cd50b0c0130


KasHIMo is the goat


*530,000, you missed a 0, todo is too coated for his own good


Only one I’d argue would be Yuki over Kashimo but it’s very close. I don’t really think top 4 are debatable. After the top 5-6 there are so many characters that have shown well above average BIQ.


Gojo didn’t come up with purple on the side it was a gojo clan secret


Todo also has a sure hit without a domain. Just saying.


1. Sukuna 2. Gojo 3. Kenny 4. Todo 5. Megumi HM: Toji(wish we saw him do more), Kashimo, Yuta, Hakari, Yuki


Correction! Todo’s iq isn’t 53,000! ITS 530,000


1. Todo 2. Gojo 3. Sukuna 4. Kenjaku 5. Noabito 6. Noaya 7. Yuta


why naobito/naoya?


do you know how difficult ps is to use


Kashimo is an underrated character


Insane Kashimo glaze is insane. In reality it goes Todo Sukuna Gojo Kenjaku Naoya/Naobito because their CT REQUIRES BiQ to use Yuki(Yes, Yuki)


One thing I’ll always praise Sukuna for is how efficient he is with binding vows. When Yu/jo made his domain the size of a basketball, Sukuna was like fuck it i might as well make it small and get rid of the time limit while I’m at it.


1. sukuna 2. gojo being able to use rct and soul healing at the blink of death and making up 2 new moves on the fly is crazy 3. kenjaku him having a plan of counter measure for any opponent he’s up against aka yuki choso r1 and 2 his plan to transfer the merger to kuna in death 4. yuta/maki 5. mahito


I think any of these are interchangeable tbh but 1. Gojo- Taking on Sukuna, a partially adapted Maho, and Agito at once with no domain, limited RCT output, reduced arsenal because of avoiding adaptation, and at one point missing an arm is insane and he would have killed them all if he wasn’t such a cocky bastard and teleport one tapped Sukuna after the purple. Add that to the Shibuya fight and in both he overall is more creative and quick on his feet than Sukuna IMO- .2 second domain, unlimited hollow, brain refresh, and so on. 2. Sukuna- yeah yeah I know he won, and is overall the superior sorcerer to Satoru. His much greater knowledge (the brain stuff, DA within a DE, most importantly open DE being the biggest trump card, suspended death, RCT output) and capacity for strategy gives him a HUGE edge…but, I don’t think his battle iq *quite* trumps him. It’s still insane! His binding vow shenanigans, quick ability to make up for disadvantages, perception, quickness to read and prioritize targets, it’s all impressive and we know it’s nearly impossible to trick him. I just think personally that since basically every time we see him fighting he’s at zero risk we don’t get to really see him show off quick tactics as much as overwhelming power and knowledge. 3. Higuruma- I mean, come on. Dude with zero fighting experience, a CT that’s really good but super hard to use effectively and only provides a huge advantage sometimes, and completely new to the system almost killed the beast that is Yuji a month into being a sorcerer, got a shitload of points, and figured out two of the rarest feats in the setting- RCT and DA- almost instantly *at a master level* on sight without basically any of the background knowledge of how the system works that people like Gojo and Sukuna have or freakish CE like Yuta. Yes Sukuna forced that growth kinda, but Higuruma still was fighting while on the fly regenning limbs and masterfully juggling DA with his CT which are supposed to be near impossible. 4. Todo- Do I even need to elaborate? He’s canonically, and by far, the smartest student, able to do elaborate deductions with little information in a split second and act on it, carefully use a super confusing CT with lots of room for modification to perfectly synergize with teammates, bluff out and trick even a genius like Sukuna with advanced perception…he’s a beast 5. This is tbh a toss up for me, but it probably goes to Kenny or Megumi. Kenny’s hiding of his cards, figuring out an complex CT like Yuki’s or Takaba’s on the fly etc are impressive but he also has the benefit of over a millennium of experience and experimentation. Megumi meanwhile does similar deduction multiple times (most impressively against Kirara whose ct is absurdly complicated), plays his cards insanely well, and figured out an incomplete domain younger than anyone while using it in ways to minimize the downsides of its immaturity. I get everyone hates him lol but dude is crafty as hell


Todo is ironically the smartest in the manga. I realized this once he countered Hanami's seed buds. Higuruma is second to me. Mastered (not learnt, *MASTERED*) domain amplification after 2 months of being a sorcerer and seeing Sukuna use it once. Kusakabe with all his years of being a sorc couldn't do that, we don't know if Gojo can, since he used falling blossom emotion instead. So who can use DA?: Sukuna Higuruma Disaster curses (who are all dead).


Unironically I’d say todo is relative to sukuna in battle IQ but it’s much more impressive because he’s not gifted with insane CE and a technique that’s insane offensively. Idk why people are putting Toji here though when he couldn’t even finish off Gojo and his plan was carried by ISOH


I don’t think gojo came up with his unlimited as he was the “chosen one” and he alr had it


Idk Yuta being kakashi and copying homework.


Todo top 1


As much as i love my blue eye king gojo did not come up with hp in his awkening scene he said very few in his clan know about it meaning it was there before him


Not trying to downplay his battle IQ, but I don’t think Gojo did hollow purple just on a whim like that, in the anime we see him attempt it multiple times and I think he mentions he was cooking up the technique for a while but just couldn’t get it right (could be wrong on this, its been a bit since i watched the anime). I think his most impressive feat is figuring out he needed to hurt and heal his brain to regenerate his technique faster. And from the looks of it, that was on the fly and he had no one showing him how to do it, which sukuna needed to see him do it before he realizes it. I do agree with most lists here that sukuna is #1 and gojo #2 If anything i said is wrong, please do correct me, i dont wanna spread misinformation, im just saying what i remembered and/or interpreted myself


1-Sukuna 2-Gojo 3-Todo 4-Yuki 5-Toji


530,000* iq


both geto and gojos feats shown here aren't hardm You could argue Sakuna fully understanding what 10 shadow is is battle IQ but that's more just experience with cursed techniques, which he has hundreds of years of and is impressive, but not battle IQ.


Sukuna on top


Takaba strongest Fuck outta here


Gojo figuring out how to counter open domain despite having almost no knowledge of it mid battle is also impressive feat


1: Todo 2: Gojo 3:Kenjaku 4: sukuna 5: kashimo Honorable mentions: Hakari, Yuta, Megumi


I'd say hakari over or around kashimo imo. Not only is he the second only person we've seen to use binding vows offensively in fights similarly to sukuna though not on the same level. He also has shown the literal quickest reaction and planning feat in the verse by reacting to kashimos lighting. no other character rn has lighting timer feats. he was able to react to lighting from kashimos sure hit AND create a countermeasure before it hit him I'd say that earns him a spot above or with kashimo


I gotta agree, but i will say, Yuta deserves to be #5 or take kashimo for #4(i’m counting both sukuna and gojo as #2 and not #2/#3 since they’re pretty equal) he’s shown to keep track of everything in his fights, figuring out Uro’s technique after getting hit by it one time, using Ryu’s own technique against him, and he’s also able to tell when he’s being watched and can calculate how many people are watching him, he comes up with quick solutions if he’s in a pinch, and he also tries to hide his cards while also not holding back if he’s aware of the presence of other enemies. Bonus point, even though it’s not really BIQ related, he probably takes fights the most seriously out of everyone in jjk


JJK is so confusing at this point. Everybody is the smartest mf-er of all time.


Todo lives up to his name as “200 IQ Genius” bro literally outsmarted Sukuna (King of curses) with years of experience such a HUGE feat for Todo imo


Todo has 530k IQ


What exactly is there to figure out about 10s? It’s just a matter of summoning the beast which Sukuna can just see into Megumis mind? What’s more impressive is Sukunas use of binding vows.


Kashimo's isn't all that impressive when you realize he just used the literal basic mechanics of a lightning bolt.


How dare you caption Todo-sama’s IQ at only 10% of its true value! For shame 🫵


Punching really hard seems to work alot im just saying ![gif](giphy|VXJWhaO7afRe)


Sukuna has the highest IQ the feats he pulled off were out off other characters leagues


Sukunas the pinnacle of battle iq imo. It's one of the reasons he's so strong. I don't think gojo is as smart as him


Kashimo is a dumb ass


I wanna go with Yuji. His IQ + cog philosophy makes it easy to fight alongside basically anyone and keep up. Todo, Yuta + Rika, Megumi, Maki, Choso, Nanami!




Created a sure hit without a domain or technique. Damn


Right? Bro been balling with only CE.


Would replace kashimo with megumi just because megumi did a lot of the planning post Shibuya and even in Shibuya he did some


1. Sukuna 2. Kenjaku 3. Gojo 4. Todo 5. Kashimo/Yuta


Yuko Ozawa has unironically the sheer greatest battle IQ feat of just having the sense of exiting the series pre-shibuya and dodging the cats bullshit


That's not even the most impressive thing Kashimo did in terms or battle IQ. I legit didn't know what electrolysis was until Kashimo vs Hakari. Why the fuck does this farmer from the Edo period know what ELECTROLYSIS is!?!?!?!? Was the dude he incarnated in a fucking scientist?


Kashimo created a sure hit without a CT. That's the important part. He just manipulating his lightning CE raw to produce his abilities. That's insane when you remember the whole black box thing.


Don't get me wrong Sukuna's intelligent but I'm pretty sure the ten shadows technique has been around since the heian era, and Sukuna mentioned something about seeing it before. I could totally be coping with that tho, I don't remember and can't be bothered to look it up


Sukuna hadn't seen 10 shadows before. He was surprised that Megumi could summon shikigami without talismans. He had seen something similar to mahoraga before tho (Yamato no orochi)


Ahhh, you're correct. I was thinking of another technique that he said he had seen in the presence of midgumi.


Wanking Todo but other than that accurate. I'd probably put Yuta about Kashimo's level, and Sukuna goes decisively above Gojo due to narrative as well as Gojo having had six eyes to work with as a big reason he's equal.


Actually Bumgumi create plan to CG. He is MVP to this event. Plus fights against Reggie, Kirara and Awasaki. Sukuna Megumi Gojo Yuta Toji against Gojo


1. sukuna 2. gojo 3. kenjaku 4. kusakabe 5. higuruma runners up could be todo and electrolysis man even tho hes extremely arrogant


Higuruma 💯 doesn't belong here, Hakari, Todo showed far better BIQ, even Yuta has shown better BIQ. Kusakabe is book smart kinda sorcerer, his battle iq seems alright.


kashimo refused to stall out the "please stall me out" technique because "thats how losers think", and wasted all hi ce on an explosion he knew wouldn't kill him. not only is he not smart hes stupid


That's not what happened, lol. Kashimo instead of being defensive and waiting for jackpot to run out like a loser, decided to ball and kill him in that time. That only shows his mentality as strongest.


Kashimo is a literal dumbass. Figures out how to counter hakari decides not to do it which may lead to his potential death throwing his plan to fight Mahito out the window. Goes to fight sukuna alone and accomplishes nothing He had nothing of value to add to the gojo vs sukuna fight he was just there I hate this farmer bum, if junpei was born in his era he would have been top 5 I don’t know how a character to useless and irrelevant to the story is so glazed when his only win condition against top tiers is to kill himself. He is truly the most useless bum




In order: Sukuna Gojo [Power jump] Toji Mahito Megumi Yuta honorable mention.


Aoi's IQ is him being a hyperbolic asshat. IQs that high dont exist and he threw out an arbitrarily high number. Sukuna is clearly the battle IQ king of the verse, able to understand and counter literally everything after seeing it once. The one and only true battle genius of the verse.


Sukuna, God.


hakari over kashimo


Not to dis Todo more to remind you you're missing the copy King. Todo had mastered his new way of using boogy woogy From training with Yuta copying techniques to get a stockpile. The sheer BIQ it would take to use a new technique well after using it is impressive on its own but Yuta mastered concepts like using a domain and making its effects only apply to a single person. Honestly top 5 should be 1. Sukuna ( cuz Gege is biased) 2. Gojo (six eyes diff) 3.Yuta (see above) 4. Todo (in 0.8 secs figures out to remove all cursed energy after already ramping it up) 5. Megumi (figured out techniques and counters continually). Honorable mentions: Toji. figured out a plan to beat Gojo Kenny backshots. Literally a brain highest IQ- not BIQ Urame. Became a cook so Sukuna didn't kill them lol Yuki. Could have beaten Kenny Backshots but she was too selfless, also taught Todo. Mahito. Learned Domain Expansion to save his life.


Sukuna easily at number 1.


Sukuna adapting to infinity puts him ahead of everyone, even if he had to see mahoraga do it first




Idk if Gojo came up with purple on the fly, it’s kind of implied that he already knew about it but just couldn’t do it


The amount of misinfo and made up shit in this thread is staggering


Like what, if you don't mind?

