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No, it's explicitly stated that Jackpot Hakari has the fastest RCT in the verse by Uraume


Uraume has never seen Yuta’s RCT and they only said it was faster than Gojo and Sukuna’s


exactly... use your brain now


Bro... https://preview.redd.it/52xynqda4k8d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=71eaf46e6aa744f5e3216885138a7b2b4ae63293


The assumption here being that Yuta's RCT is faster than Gojo and Sukuna's, which you can prove?


Dude zoro


The man himself


The king of head cannon


No, this is the king of head canon https://preview.redd.it/5zn7j56dyq8d1.jpeg?width=228&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a37c06a1568e48196078ce4a1b9eff527f1a9034


10/10 reply


So explain this: Hakari got his brain blown up by Kashimo, had a hole through half of his upper body, and healed both instantly. Yuta gets bisected and is clearly dying...so in what world does Hakari's RCT not beat Yuta's when Yuta can't reconnect his upper and lower half, but Hakari can recover *his entire brain* within a second?


Hakari blasted the energy out of his nose before it could damage his brain significantly and Yuta chose to body swap because he knew he could do no more against sukuna in his regular body


Oh it’s you


and is yuta's faster than gojo's and sukuna's?


Yuta's best feat so far surviving and completely brushing aside a cleave to the forehead. That's pretty impressive imo At this point I'd argue RCT tier list is Sukuna Gojo Hakari Yuji Yuta


>!Yuji is not yet above yuta, Yuji has the means to use RCT more efficient with BM, but he just learned it and can't use it at reflex. Yuji needs to specifically concentrate to use RCT while Yuta can use it midbattle, and even use RCT output. Before Yuji we should also include Yuki and Kenny.!< >!Given more time and experience Yuji will climb the list, but not at this stage. Also Uraume already stated that Hakari's RCT surpassed that of Gojo and Sukuna (only RCT but still) . It happens passively without any interaction or pause in combat. !<


I wouldn't be so sure about Yuki she needed room to be able to heal her arms, but that could be because we only saw her fight once. Yuji can also heal in mid battle, the only problem is if he starts to many life-threatening attacks he could forget to heal himself properly, and there's Blood Manipulation where he can simply reattach parts of his body making his RCT even more annoying to deal it, but in terms of raw RCT Yuta has a better use of it but thanks to BM Yuji has better efficiency with since he doesn't spend a lot of CE in it. And also you forgot about Hazenoki (the guy Kenjaku killed before his fight with Takaba)


Absolutely not lmao Hakari, sukuna, gojo, kenjaku have better rct feats and speed


You can probably add yuji and choso as well because they can heal almost instantly in certain scenarios (though that's not due to better rct but the benefits of blood manipulation and death painting anatomy) https://preview.redd.it/7okok19nhm8d1.png?width=1101&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e0cc00c9af819611af3c9e89317ed643c8a9a78e Regrowing an entire leg would have taken a decent amount of time for yuta


Tbf Yuji doesn't "regrow an entire leg" it looks like he loses his foot and reattaches it.


> though that's not due to better rct but the benefits of blood manipulation and death painting anatomy I explicitly said that he didn't regrow it with rct.


Oh I zoomed in on the regrow a leg part. Sorry chief


Then that's more an attribute of the CT then it is the actual control of RCT, I'd still say that goes to Hakari. Regrowing an eye for example would atleast give us an indicator or like a hand, re-attaching a bodypart seems a lot easier especially with a CT like BM in play, think shoko says something along those lines right?


sorry did yuji just rct his shoe as well




On a JJK sub?


ngl im new to jjk and I have zero clue what’s going on here pls correct me


His foot got lopped off but he used his Blood Manipulation to form a new shoe out of blood when he regrew his foot




He got his leg chopped off and reattached it with blood manipulation then healed the cut with rct. Overall a lot more efficient than just regrowing the hole leg


makes sense


choso is a curse he uses ce and yuji requires staying still and intense focus, also he’s using like 50% bm 50% rct


Choso isn't a curse, he heals using rct, yuji can heal while moving (i have no idea where standing still comes from)


He's getting it confused when Yuji was starting to slow down and didn't heal his body properly so Choso took a moment to tell him to chill, what's crazy is that leading up to this point and after we still see Yuji healing while moving.


Have any of them regenerated other people’s missing limbs in seconds? No? Well Yuta has


Gojo can't do that. Is his RCT worse than Yuta's? RCT output on others is different from self-healing


Yes Gojo’s is worse


https://preview.redd.it/tifwohbuwj8d1.png?width=446&format=png&auto=webp&s=531482b9d9a4f76b823ef89e27328583188b70c3 damn why didn't uraume mention him and yuta bottomed out in sendai from regenerating mostly minor injury like surface wounds and probably broken bones from getting punched alot, and the few holes kuro made


Uraume hasn’t seen Yuta’s RCT so they have no opinion on him and Yuta was healing severe internal injuries like what Kuroushi did to him, not to mention he doesn’t have Gojo or Sukuna’s CE efficiency


thats valid but do u fr think yuta has better rct than gojo 😭 kuro's one hit was the only heavy damage dealt to yuta that entire fight, kenjaku regenerated his arms in seconds twice, gojo regens limbs in seconds and is able to tank MS with his RCT, and sukuna.. his RCT is obviously relative or better to gojos.. and it doesn't even matter as much for him considering he tanked a 200% purple only losing his hands.


Yuta’s is faster and can be spread to multiple people but his ce control is really sloppy meaning he’ll gas out way faster than Gojo or Sukuna.


yutas is absolutely not faster lol


Regenerating someone else’s limbs in seconds is a better RCT feat than anything Gojo and sukuna have done


Dude Yuta does not have faster RCT. Gojo and Sukuna are the measuring stick because they have the fastest RCT. Infinite automatic RCT makes sense being faster.


Yuta also has infinite cursed energy and for longer than Hakari


T7jje acsubfke way gijod us eirse ih bi hrd ni vc mu yikjod fbs sgdj cswsg sjdxwfsf anh d ¤■ dz


Uh, Hakari has, yes. He also has a plethora of way, way better feats. Also, Gojo could do that when his RCT output was restored and Yuji has come back from more body mass being annihilated instantly. Also, Yuta just hasn’t done this lol? What chapter are you talking about?


In JJK0 Yuta regenerated maki’s severely mangled limbs in seconds


Even Yuki can RCT a mangled arm instantly though.


Her own mangled arm, doing it to someone else’s injuries is much more impressive


I mean it’s 50% efficiency, which doesn’t really matter when JJK0 Yuta has a bunch of CE (also doesn’t matter to Hakari, cause he has infinite CE) anyway. Those details weren’t even established then anyway, otherwise Geto would have probably had a DE.


Less than 50% efficient


I really don't think Kenjaku has proven better RCT feats. Yuta has simultaneously fully healed three people who were all on the brink of death while fighting and showed no sign of being held back. Among these three people, Maki's injuries are some of the gravest wounds we've seen healed with RCT. Nobody else has been shown to heal several people at once in the entire story and Kenjaku can't even output RCT. https://preview.redd.it/ms8hjpt12k8d1.png?width=263&format=png&auto=webp&s=d093bf4ee30bb0498145fdfd5534af72b5d9e115 We also haven't seen anyone revive someone with RCT besides Yuta when he killed Yuji.


Sukuna revived himself and Yuji


Not sure that's functionally the same.


Hakari with jackpot has the best healing factor in verse and its not even close.


Hakari has the 'Fastest' healing, not necessarily the best. Gojo has the most 'Efficient' RCT (6 eyes tax), followed by Choso/Yuji (death painting womb tax). Sukuna has the BEST RCT in the verse, by far too; can heal soul damage, can output RCT, can deal with poison, was regenerating limbs instantly back in 2F form, can use CE to pump blood and fight in the absence of a heart, healed Yuji back to life even after he was confirmed 'dead'. Mahito with his Idle Transfiguration, and pre-Adapted Mahoraga are outliers.


Can't Hakari do all those things that Sukuna can (baring soul rct)? His RCT is automatic, he doesn't need think about it. I don't see why he can't heal poisons or just RCT back his heart


>I don't see why he can't heal poisons or just RCT back his heart I didn't say he can't, I just said that Sukuna can do that and so much more. If they both get damaged similarly, Hakari would heal it faster, but Hakari can't heal everything Sukuna can. therefore Sukuna's better, while Hakari's faster.


He can't "heal" poison but he can make a binding vow to cut off his arm in exchange for healing the poison and then heal that.  He does so to heal poison during the Hakari fight. He probably can do soul healing too since that's limited by your knowledge of the soul but his domain does stuff he doesn't know how to do already, but I doubt we get any kind of confirmation one way or the other


What? The binding vow was to survive the explosion. Hakari healed from the poison right away as he felt in the water.


You right, I misremembered the order there. He probably could still survive the poison with a binding vow but he doesn't need it and his automatic technique will get rid of the poison.


Efficiency doesn’t matter when you have an infinitely overflowing well of cursed energy to pull from


Who cares about efficiency when you have literally infinite gas? Let hakari have his one thing, jeez.


Actual Glaze


Dude like c’mon. Sukuna has the largest CE reserve in history of jujutsu. That itself a tax since until now CE reserve is a natural trait and not something you can improve or upgrade.


Wait, Sukuna can heal soul damage with RCT? I thought that was impossible.


https://preview.redd.it/vzmzt72t0l8d1.png?width=850&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=242c6cc0ef368c1b10e5da50c5b9f49531d46440 Yes, Sukuna can heal soul damage. To heal soul damage, you need to have; 1. RCT & 2. Knowledge of the outline of your soul He couldn't heal soul damage that effectively because he was severely nerfed after fighting Gojo.


Ahhh, that makes sense. Although, that puts into question if Mahito could beat Heian Sukuna, since this implies that Sukuna only learned the outline of his soul from inhabiting Yuji.


Mahito doesn't compare whatsoever to any form of Sukuna, he gets one shotted with RCT output, he wouldn't withstand Malovalent Shrine and exhaust his CE trying to maintain the shape of his soul, Sukuna also has a supreme understanding of his soul (because of dividing his soul into 20 fragments) so Mahito won't be able to manipulate his soul in just a few touches.


Then weirdly enough, why didn't he know the outline of his soul?


But after sharing the body with Yuji, he knew the outline of his soul. That is heian era Sukuna didn’t know the outline of his soul until he was in Yuji.


Yeah, but Sukuna already had a supreme understanding of his soul prior, yet he didn't know its outline?


Would hakari have to have knowledge of his soul to heal his soul if his rct is automatic because of the infinite cursed energy? Part of me thinks it would just heal his soul as well but I could be wrong.


We don't have a clear explanation of that. Sence nanami was able to subconsciously transfer ce to his soul to protect it despite no soul knowledge it's possible hakaris infinite ce (and rct by extent) could overflow to his soul so to speak, but there's no real way to say it would so it's iffy at best.


You can heal soul damage, i believe Idle Transfiguration however can’t be healed because Mahito isn’t damaging your soul’s reshaping. It’s like if someone turned you into a worm; the process to get back to being a human is different from healing from a flesh wound. Thing is, recognition of the shape of your soul can allow people to resist soul manipulation


Well, what if Mahito warped your hand, and you cut it off with the Split-Soul Katana? Would it heal as the warped state, or the original state?


Great question, idk if we’ll ever see the answer now that Mahito is gone


Maybe we'll see Idle Transfiguration come back somehow, it was always such an OP CT


Efficiency is a factor for everyone but hakari as for him it doesn't matter because his rct literally comes from having infinite ce overflowing in his body, who cares about Efficiency when the energy sorce is infinite? Plus the only thing you mentioned that hakari can't do is heal soul damage and even then you could make an argument that he can, not a good one but a solid enough one.


Yuta can heal other people’s missing and mangled limbs in seconds and we know that using RCT on someone else is less than half S efficient as using it on yourself


You’ve literally commented about 4 times that Yuta regrew maki’s limbs She was not missing any limbs; re read jjk0 https://preview.redd.it/hz0sezmkck8d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6f246ba9ee49f69fc42fc873ca3dd19784207ef9 She has a stomach wound and a broken leg, neither of these wounds are better feats than Gojo regrowing a limb with RCT in seconds Even ryu said that it was an amazing feat to regrow a limb


Yeah, there's no way her leg was outright gone. Mangled, yes, but gone, no. After all, Yuta couldn't heal Hana's missing arm later on when the power system was better established.


What's with you and this line .. yuta has never healed any missing limbs ... As you see inumaki and Todo both have missing limbs... if Yuta was all that great he would've healed them but oh wait he can't do so... And clearly maki didn't have any missing limbs but idk why you are stuck on that one thing which is clearly false


Their wounds were closed by the time Yuta appeared and he regenerated maki’s mangled and missing limbs in volume 0, just look how Geto left her


Maki wasn't missing any limbs just stop with all this misinformation you are stuck on a totally wrong view of what happened despite multiple pple showing you the real panels you are still stuck on it...


So by that logic shoko has the best rct caus her ability to heal others is even better than yutas? That wouldnt make sense because she cant heal her brain like gojo nor can yuta, meaning gojo is better at healing as he can do what they cant. And since gojo < hakari hakari > yuta


Shoko can’t heal other people’s limbs, and the Brain thing was only possible because Gojo and sukuna had the CE control to only damage a tiny portion of their brain and not end up killing themselves


Shokos whole thing is healing other peoples limbs so you really need to reread the manga. She legit heals gojos body that was split in half with its limbs severed and she specifically says that too.


She said she sutured the body together and it was up to Yuta to use his RCT to complete the body, also she failed to heal Toge and Hana’s missing limbs


Provide me a scan where it says she sutures it or I wont believe it. It also has been explicitly stated in the manga before that she can output rct onto other peoples bodies and youre just trying to say she cant which is objectively wrong


https://preview.redd.it/kd7c6v3kqr8d1.jpeg?width=1100&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1e733afef7419520cc38adea646b01aa999fb928 I never said she couldn’t output RCT, I just said she can’t regrow other peoples limbs


Aight thats valid then but even yuta healing others still doesnt prove he has faster rct especially considering how separate the concepts are


The only things stated are that healing others is less than half as effective as healing yourself and that it’s way harder to do


Can yuta repair his head mid explosion? Then no.


Well said 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


No, Uraume herself stated Hakari's is faster than Gojo and Sukuna. Also I feel like Musafir would use this to argue that Yuta actually has the SLOWEST RCT speed or some shit


Is he the guy with the Gyutaro pfp that comments Yuta downplay?


idk what a gyutaro is but i can confirm he downplays Yuta at the earliest possible convenience.


Lol he also glazes Kashimo like crazy, he once said that “Kashimo fought and bodied Sukuna” like idk what his idea of bodying him is but getting turned into a waffle isn’t my idea of it


He has to be trolling, I think he‘s saying he was beating up a damaged Sukuna that got done facing Gojo, Idk why Kashimo fans think it’s a good feat.


I’ve seen someone argue that Yuta and Yuki have a better RCT feat than Gojo through surviving getting bisected for a time but I feel like that’s just leaving out the context.  Yuta not only had time to prepare himself because of Sukuna’s new restriction, but Rika also INSTANTLY started holding him together to rush him back. Yuki also noticed the Uzumaki before it landed, so she also had time to do whatever she needed to. In the first place is that even an RCT feat? It was treated as an endurance feat if anything in Yuki’s case. And in Yuta’s case Shoko told him to start pumping RCT at max, which implies he wasn’t already. Honestly there isn’t a feat of pure healing currently that comes close to Gojo tanking MS. He and Sukuna are so far above everyone not named Hakari in most aspects that there’s no point in comparing anyone to them.


Hakari does have better healing due to jackpot even faster than gojo and sukuna,but hakari doesn’t have“RCT” in the literal sense of turning negative CE into positive CE,it’s just that due to his infinite CE during jackpot he heals as a reflex. If yuta during the 5min also has infinite CE he should theoretically have the same level of healing speed,but we’ve never seen 5min Yuta actually get damaged besides the two punches from sukuna


Yuta doesn’t have infinite cursed energy in his 5min he just taps into rikas reserves which are very large


It's still Hakari.


No idk what that guys on about. It's probably fair to assume he's top 5ish


Luta copers have reached their final form. No, Yuta is 4th in the verse at RCT AT BEST.


No, like not even a little


Absolutely not. Hakari has been stated to have the fastest RCT, and though Uraume hasn't seen Yuta use RCT, the narrative implications of that moment and the logic behind why he has the fastest RCT make it undeniable.


That guy is your average jjk reader also known as bunch of illiterates


I’m convinced you guys just can’t read, and that’s coming from my stupid ass.


Bro doxxed u/RazutoUchiha now he’s fighting for his life in the comments 💀


Did he really compare Yuta to the guy who can just insta materialize limbs and half his torso within seconds? These JJK fans are truly something else 😭


Overrated ass character https://preview.redd.it/147z6vdttj8d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=722305f092e0aac3c59631a732e1b103494bfdc4


“Hold him down, Uraume. Its time i show this mf why im the “king” of curses.”






https://preview.redd.it/t0gx2nwr4l8d1.jpeg?width=941&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ee19214a9a95e68670cbd93310a6d7111647ccec Glaze Technique, supreme art: Agenda


Nah, I'd jump https://preview.redd.it/7sysrze85l8d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=af840913d375431d4ccb3e9eea81e24336ffc802


Nah, I'd clean house https://preview.redd.it/xatmhi4q5l8d1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f4fda4b7045634c76527d9473cf832d89c14f249 (I actually really like Hakari but... Agenda)




Geto given time to Yuta so he can heal his comrades lol


Nope, Uraume said he’s faster and better than gojo and sukuna. Gojo was rcting shrine for awhile and sukuna on 3 fingers could rip his heart out and wait to heal it. Yuta doesn’t have any rct feat that good


No. It’s hakari who is stated to have the best RCT, surpassing even Gojo and sukuna


No, Hakari does and its not even close. Jackpot Hakari heals almost instantly after being hurt.


Found a big dodo scaler right there downvote him


Lmao what? Hakari regenerated an entire arm faster than Kashimo could notice happen.


No it's hakari


Its definitely hakari😭


Hell no


Me waiting for Yuta to heal from a lightning bolt to the face.


That guy is coping. Hakari in jackpot has automatic RCT that is stated to be faster than everyone else. Yuta is just praised for being able to use it on other people, nothing about speed.


Absolutely not. Hakari is heavily implied to have the fastest with it being likely that Gojo and Sukuna are tied for second place.


Hakari basically is never wounded due to his reflexive RCT, its so potent that nothing can leave a permanent scar. Yuta's RCT is notable because he can output it. That's about it.


Un fhjbnhvv vjvj. Vjbjx ggd xgdjbghdzf xh gcx xh bc.


That dude has some of the consistently worst takes on this sub and I’m glad people are starting to realize he’s an idiot 😂


Fuck no, Hakari’s RCT is literally you blink and you miss his entire arm growing back


Not even gonna talk about Hakari, but have we even seen Yuta use RCT much outside JJK0? I don't think we have the material needed to judge regardless


his whole fight against sukuna


Still, not much to determine RCT speed.


Hakari has the best with jackpot. And even without he’s in the same tier of Gojo and Sukuna, similar to how Yuta is up there aswell with he’s cursed energy reserves. These ain’t opinions these have both been expressly stated EDIT: Grammar


It was stated flat out that Hikari’s was faster than everyone’s. His was near instant once he landed jackpot.


Hakari got the fastest rct but gojo and sukuna got the most efficient rct via 6 eyes and vast masterly over CT


This is tricky. Technically Hakari is not using RCT. His jackpot just produces so much CE that it’s like automated healing. He doesn’t know the technicalities of how to use RCT. He doesn’t how to combine two streams of CE to produce RCT. The question should be, outside of jackpot can hakari use RCT.? If he can then he knows RCT


I think it's been stated hakari doesn't know rct


No hakari has the best rct in the verse by a wide margin


No, Hakari has faster RCT than Sukuna and Gojo. Yuta is barely top 5 in RCT Speed.


He doesn’t, Uraume confirmed themselves Hakari has faster RCT when he’s in JP.


idk what hes on lol hakari has automatic rct he doesnt even need to think about it. the only thing yuta has over him is the fact yuta can use it on other people


Definitely not. Hakari’s RCT feats include shunting literal lightning out of his face before it reaches his brain, Yuta doesn’t have any feats even near that


Bro do you read the manga? What would put yuta in the same convo as Hakari in RCT speed?


If he did, surely he could have been healed from the world slash better


I doubt ain’t Hakari RCT is automatic but Gojo would probably be faster than Yuta


Reading comprehension curse strikes again


It's Jackpot Hakari. He has the fastest RCT, even faster than Gojo or Sukunas, and Gojo can use RCT fast enough to tank Melevolent Shrine for a bit xd.


Yutas rct is overrated ngl. He has yukis levels of rct mastery which wasnt all that. I mean he cant simultaneously heal and constantly fight (it becomes weaker when he does that)  Hes talented at rct but his rct speed and mastery simply isnt on the level of kenny sukuna gojo or yuji. His rct efficiency is the worst in the series i have ever seen (well his ce efficiency is probably one of the worst too) 


Yutas RCT sucks he didn’t even get completely cut in half and he couldn’t heal , meanwhile gojo can heal entire limbs and hakaris is beyond even Gojo in this regard


Actually it was stated in the recent chapter that his cut was just like Gojo's. So he was bisected, but because he was rushed to aid and that guy's technique can stabilize a victim without their injuries progressing, he was ok to switch. He was stitched up after switching. Also Yuta has recovered missing limbs on others, which is harder. I agree though... Gojo has better RCT based on surviving shrine. And Hakari stated faster than Gojo.


Have you even read the manga? Only three characters in the story can output RCT. Nobody else has revived someone after they've died with RCT except Yuta after he killed Yuji. Nobody has healed several people at once with RCT besides Yuta. https://preview.redd.it/ed92e6we2k8d1.png?width=263&format=png&auto=webp&s=ff81a1a228f48566532ee522975bc7bbb293c8ba The wounds he healed on Maki are some of the gravest wounds we've seen healed by RCT and yet he managed to achieve this while simultaneously healing two others who were on the brink of death while fighting Geto and yet they all were fully healed with no scars, that is just insanity.


“Gravest wounds” What? She has a stomach wound and a broken leg Yuki healed a similarly mangled arm literally whilst mid fight with Kenny, after her whole body had been crushed with gravity And in terms of Toge and panda, we don’t see either of their injuries whatsoever, so claiming either of them were close to death and not simply unconscious is a huge leap in judgement Gojo even talks to Geto about Toge and panda and reaffirms the idea neither had mortal wounds from geto Geto: you sent those two to trigger Yuta’s explosion, right? Gojo: I knew you wouldn’t kill young sorcerers


https://preview.redd.it/r4zg1y56nk8d1.png?width=199&format=png&auto=webp&s=098a1100a14c9686540b3ebb341e3e45003c19f3 You're not gonna sit here and tell me that Yuki's arm was more mangled than Maki's leg here, and I love how you're glossing over the fact HE HEALED THREE PEOPLE SIMULTANEOUSLY WHILE FIGHTING GETO and showed no signs of being affected by it. He did all of this as a rookie to sorcerery so he's probably even significantly improved since so please be completely real for a second. Maki's state in JJK 0 is objectively one of the worst we've seen recovered by RCT and she was definitely in a worse state than Yuki was here. I was being dramatic with the claim they're near-dead but you're acting like Geto just tapped them out, the floor under them was rubble. And yeah we can just pretend all the other points aren't there because this is the only part you could possibly criticise as Yuta's biggest hater. What has Kenjaku done with his RCT that is greater than Yuta's accomplishments? Let's hear something actually constructive please instead of just downplaying Yuta's feats as you always do.


Bro I’m not downplaying Yuta; you had both hands wrapped around Yuta’s dick in your last comment and I called you out; the injuries that Maki had in 0 being categorized as “some of the gravest wounds healed with RCT ever” is complete bullshit; Yuki healed the exact same injury mid-fight Holy shit; did you take the worse quality photo of yuki’s arm purposefully to cherry pick to support your point? https://preview.redd.it/dhnkbqs8uk8d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3c14a7817c1700a67f914062c0d9773b7bd65985 The “mangling” looks the exact same, what are you even talking about 2. Yuta healing “3 people” does not matter when we have no idea what the extent of Toge and panda’s injuries are; they could literally have minimal injuries but just be knocked unconscious Certainly not anything as bad as missing limbs (which we know is a borderline impossible feat according to how crazy it was to ryu) Yuta wasn’t even capable of healing Hana’s arm back when it was bitten off by sukuna It seems the worst of the 3 had a broken leg and that’s it, you weren’t “over-exaggerating” saying they were close to death; you were wrong and I proved you wrong


> the injuries that Maki had in 0 being categorized as “some of the gravest wounds healed with RCT ever” is complete bullshit; Yuki healed the exact same injury mid-fight It absolutely is one of the gravest wounds healed with RCT ever and Yuki healing her arm is also one of the greatest RCT feats we've seen although Maki's arm was more messed up and no chalking it down to "just a broken leg" will change that. >Certainly not anything as bad as missing limbs Okay... when did I claim he could restore missing limbs? You're yapping into the void. You didn't prove shit you lazy fuck hurry up and tell me Kenjaku's insane RCT feats that make his RCT superior to Yuta's and criticise ANY other point too please cause you're adding nothing of value as usual. Stating facts about Yuta isn't glazing; you're just hellbent on downplaying him because you can't stand him.


1. Your argument a minute ago yuki’s arm was barely damaged compared to maki’s; now they’re both amazing feats of RCT equally, lol Healing a broken arm isn’t one of the “gravest wounds”…. compared to Yuta healing some fingers back? Yeah But healing a broken arm is akin to Yuji healing chunks of his torso blown out with RCT, and he’s only a novice level RCT too The only statement ever given towards what “impressive RCT” is, is re-growing a limb back, in Ryu’s words, it’s practically impossible to do so, healing a broken arm/leg is nothing to get hype about, people talk about it with Yuki because she literally did in the middle of throwing hands with Kenny So claiming Yuta healing a broken leg is the “gravest injury” when we’ve seen people heal chunks of their torso blown out, and multiple characters regrow entire limbs casually… lol 2. If you’re wondering why I brought up missing limbs; re read my above point, very slowly; so you can stop looking so ignorant 3. When have I ever stated Kenny had insane RCT feats, or even mentioned Kenny’s RCT whatsoever you dipshit? Show me the statement I made you keep yapping about There’s nothing there so I expect a long apology from you; if you’re capable of admitting you’re wrong for once, cuck All I was doing was calling out blatant misinformation you were spreading, and it’s the reason your comments are being downvoted, because you’re a dumbfuck spreading a dumbfuck agenda I like Yuta; look on my page and I’ve made plenty of posts in positive of Yuta, I hate mindless agenda spreaders like you; atleast be ironic when you’re this stupid


You're REALLY powerful at changing my words, it is very impressive. I never stated that their feats are "equally" impressive so I didn't change my argument, I just stated that they are both among the greatest RCT feats, Yuta's is just more impressive. Look at Maki's leg bro I beg, why are you talking about fingers why on earth would that be the focus of my point in that image. >The only statement ever given towards what “impressive RCT” is, is re-growing a limb back Personally I do not need a character to state something is impressive to realise something is impressive. Why do you keep calling it "just a broken leg"? Man, if someone in real life had their leg like that, it ain't salvageable; that's an amputation. Her leg is so mangled it looks like she's been through a meat grinder. I see what you're doing with your words to try and downplay it, just stop. The Hana point is just so painfully bad, you cannot chalk that up to Yuta, you KNOW Gege doesn't care about her. >3. When have I ever stated Kenny had insane RCT feats, or even mentioned Kenny’s RCT whatsoever you dipshit? Show me the statement I made you keep yapping about THEN WHY ARE WE TALKING RIGHT NOW? If you agree with me that Yuta has more impressive RCT feats than Kenjaku, then why are you so focused on debunking a SINGULAR claim by me, trying your very hardest to straw man my argument, replacing my words and downplaying EVERYTHING? I'm not an agenda spreader; I've only said straight facts and not one of the dumb fucks who've downvoted my shit has put forward a SINGLE argument as to why Kenjaku has superior RCT to Yuta because they know I'm right. You can lie and pretend you're a Yuta fan but 99% of your interactions in this community is downplaying Yuta. I've admitted being wrong about things plenty of times in this community. Also, really love your usage of the word 'cuck', it was really powerful, truly made sense with your sentence.


>You're REALLY powerful at changing my words, it is very impressive. I never stated that their feats are "equally" impressive so I didn't change my argument, I just stated that they are both among the greatest RCT feats, Yuta's is just more impressive. Look at Maki's leg bro I beg, why are you talking about fingers why on earth would that be the focus of my point in that image. You didn’t understand what I meant with my last comment on this, read our conversation again; >Personally I do not need a character to state something is impressive to realise something is impressive. We can only go off the knowledge of characters in jujutsu kaisen for what is objectively an impressive feat of RCT Your opinion as a reader subjectively (as a Yuta fan) claiming that a broken leg (that Yuta healed) is one of the top feats of RCT(involving Yuta, no bias from you I’m sure?); when absolutely nothing supports that in the narrative, is worthless in this conversation, I am using the manga; you are using personal opinion, that’s the difference between our stances here Your argument boils down to “I know it’s not stated or suggested anywhere, but I think healing the leg is one of the most impressive feats of RCT” Good for you >Why do you keep calling it "just a broken leg"? Man, if someone in real life had their leg like that, it ain't salvageable; that's an amputation. Her leg is so mangled it looks like she's been through a meat grinder. I see what you're doing with your words to try and downplay it, just stop. I keep calling it “just a broken leg” because you think it’s one of the most grievous injuries healed in the series; when that’s not true Here are a few injuries that were casually healed; that [are equal to; or worse than the mangled leg that Yuta healed](https://imgur.com/a/md0bmWM) We are told that growing a limb back is a practically impossible RCT feat, you hailing a mangled leg being healed as one of the worse injuries When you have yuji getting half his torso blown off and healing fully (whilst being a novice at RCT) >The Hana point is just so painfully bad, you cannot chalk that up to Yuta, you KNOW Gege doesn't care about her. Surely this is not your argument? “Gege doesn’t care about her so he chose not to have Yuta heal her”? You can’t tell about supposed author preference, I love Kashimo; but I can’t ignore his piss-poor feats against sukuna just because it was evident that Gege didn’t care that much for him we have to go with what happens in-verse; if Yuta could have healed angels torn off limb he would have, you think Yuta in-character would just choose not to heal it if he could? Exactly; the fact that Hana is still missing an arm proves in-verse it’s not something Yuta is capable of This logic is much more applicable than trying to scale feats of Yuta from a one-shot that was written before Jjk as a series was even conceptualised, don’t be ridiculous >THEN WHY ARE WE TALKING RIGHT NOW? Nobody in this comment thread has brought up Kenny’s RCT until you did the original comment you responded to literally was talking about G O J O, show me where anybody mentioned Kenny’s RCT in comparison to Yuta’s please? As I’ve said, calling you out on your bullshit; healing a mangled leg is not impressive, yuki literally did it mid hand to hand combat with kenjaku, after her whole body being crushed with gravity https://preview.redd.it/s8sv3cgkzl8d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f99de335625fe4bfb33b182de78eba39d34c4182 >You can lie and pretend you're a Yuta fan but 99% of your interactions in this community is downplaying Yuta. Why would I lie about being a Yuta fan? I’m a fake fan because I’m calling you out on a mangled leg being the most impressive RCT feat when it’s not? It’s genuinely people like you that give being a Yuta fan a bad name People are downvoting you because your take here is unbelievably biased just for the sake of wanking Yuta, I’m not a fake fan just for being objective with his feats; if you have the time to pop his dick out of your throat and free your hands up, try make coherent points next time you formulate a bad take Cuck


> We can only go off the knowledge of characters in jujutsu kaisen for what is objectively an impressive feat of RCT You can't think critically for shit so imma just give up on trying to change your mind on this because it's impossible, the injuries Yuta healed for Maki were absolutely one of the most severe injuries we've seen healed with RCT and he did it while healing Inumaki/Panda and fighting Geto simultaneously. That is undeniably ONE of the greatest RCT feats we have seen, this isn't debatable nor is it necessary for a character to pop out of no where and be like "WOW, THIS IS PHENOMENAL, ONE OF THE GREATEST FEATS IN THE VERSE" to prove it. > Here are a few injuries that were casually healed; that [are equal to; or worse than the mangled leg that Yuta healed](https://imgur.com/a/md0bmWM)  Some of these, like what Kenjaku healed, are laughable and incomparable. We've gone so far off-track from my original comment, but Hakari's RCT is functionally completely different from everyone else's, and I explicitly excluded Gojo/Sukuna from my statements since they are capable of regrowing limbs with standard RCT. Again, Mr. Master of Erasing Words and Recontextualising, you keep excluding the fact that Yuta healed three people simultaneously while fighting Geto and instead focusing in on just one thing, that context is so crucial as to why it is so impressive. You're so disingenuous with your arguments. > People are downvoting you because your take here is unbelievably biased just for the sake of wanking Yuta, I’m not a fake fan just for being objective with his feats; if you have the time to pop his dick out of your throat and free your hands up, try make coherent points next time you formulate a bad take It's just not though. This is a powerscaling community so of course it's riddled with greasy fat fucks with no critical thinking since they aren't interested in the story, only imaginary versus battles. Of course they are going to downvote me because they see you straw-manning the fuck out of my argument, not only just honing in on a single point of mine but you've honed in on half of a single point and they are eating that shit straight out of your ass and smiling because they can't stand Yuta since he's humble and not an arrogant action figure like Kashimo. There are plenty of coherent points here. Unfortunately, you rely on straw-manning harder than Nobara.


That doesn’t change what I said yutas healing still sucks And volume 0 rika simply had far far superior healing than current as current yuta couldn’t even heal angels arm


Yuta's healing is objectively better than almost every other character's for the reasons stated above, besides Hakari's when it comes to speed and Sukuna/Gojo's in terms of self-healing intricacy and potency. Nobody else with RCT has achieved greater healing feats than Yuta. Why on earth are you blaming Yuta for not healing Angel? In conclusion: you are retarded.


Ok I never said that his healing was worse than most people I just said it sucks you fucking buffoon His healing feats are still shit you dumb fuck And by extension his RCT is shit you dumb fucking retard go hang yourself you brain dead monkey


Does "suck" not imply worse than most people to you? 😭😭😭 https://preview.redd.it/p40c7i96ql8d1.png?width=498&format=png&auto=webp&s=10d02780024d6d47bbd924bff05dbc9aa110d733


No it just means the healings ass lol


Brain dead fucktards like you are poisons to the earth you should genuinely do the world and your parents a favor and kill yourself


Talking so much shit while having shit for brains, I called you a monkey but your level of intellect is infinitely beneath even the most lowly of animals




Wholesome af ngl


You retarded ass stupid bitch it’s almost cancerous how stupid your idiotic ass is, people like you deserve to get aids and die from horrible diseases




This content is not available


That's tragic, it was a really cute bear holding a bunch of love hearts.


That’s cool


Let’s not ignore the fact your 0 IQ ass used a jjk zero feat I bet your stupid ass thinks that current rika is comparable to volume 0 despite objective gaps of their healing, and if you do know the difference you’re an even bigger retard for showing jjk 0 when im obviously talking about current you fucking dumbass fucktard bitch


Until Jujutsu Kaisen 0 is decanonised or points rectified by Gege, it is canon; argue with the wall. I absolutely agree that current Rika is no where near as strong as Vol 0 Rika, but what has that got to do with Yuta and his RCT? If anything he should be more proficient with it now.


Because volume 0 rika could heal makis leg which was either completely gone or pretty much liquidated and make a full recovery casually but current couldn’t even use rct to reattach his torso to his body despite it being held together, or heal angels arm All in all I’d say healing whatever the fuck happened to makis leg in zero is more impressive than anything he did in the main series And we know vol 0 abilities worked a little differently as Kenjaku said he has unconditional copy https://i.imgur.com/rxEpiEM.jpeg And the mannerisms of how he uses it seem different too (using a mega phone for cursed speech) and we know that hakaris RCT is so potent due to jackpots cursed energy so a rika with more ce having better healing makes sense


In conclusion: you should get lynched for having such insane levels of autism, you’re better off dead, you have no friends, no one loves you, your parents should have aborted you


These words truly make me think that you must be loved by many.


It’s nothing serious you called me retarded so I just have a few little insults back


Fear not, I am fine with this. https://preview.redd.it/gu4mjtr1tl8d1.jpeg?width=1078&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cb334af1d40aac05046edee0d48169d61ef539b0


It’s Hakari Yuta still kicks his ass tho Equals my ass


1. Hakari 2. Gojo 3. Yuta


Sukuna who regrew his hands while only having 3 fingers: 😃


I'm only counting sorcerers. Not counting Sukuna


Sukuna is literally the best sorcerer bro


Actually in the first fight against gojo, he says that Sorcerers are always a pain in the ass whatever the era. He separates himself from a sorcerer. He’s a curse user or jujutsu user. So best jujutsu user


Curse user are just evil sorcerer so he is still a sorcerer


The literal only mfs better than hakari in rct are gojo and sukuna. Sukuna should be obvious with how much he did have to heal against gojo, and gojo has three greatest RCT feat in the series, being that he tanked a full MS with raw RCT. Yuta is good, but not on the same level as these mfs


Uraume stated that Hakari's RCT was better than Sukuna's and Gojo's


His can heal more, but gojo and sukuna are overall better at RCT just due to the fact that hakari having that peak RCT requires luck, AKA jackpot, while gojo and sukuna can always do it and do it immediately