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Mahito carries since he can actually harm the demons


I’d argue Jogo can probably also actually harm the demons.


Yep, the reason Nichirin blades and sunlight kill demons is basically because the heat and UV rays cauterize their otherwise unkillable cells, preventing them from regenerating Honestly, Dagon and Hanami could incapacitate them as well Hanami could use the earth to bury a demon like Shikamaru did to Hidan Dagon could just send endless fish shikigami at a demon and keep them perpetually occupied and pinned down by the monsters; alternatively a demon could just be kept in the depths of his DE’s sea as well — they wouldn’t drown, but maybe they wouldn’t be able to escape


Dagons domain expansion is a sunny tropical island he solos


Well this is a first for Dagon🥳🎉🎉


He deserves it he's a good fella


Poor guy deserves it after what happened with Toji.


Toji my king


Assuming the "sun" in his DE actually works like the sun. I would say probably not.


I’m sorry where did you get this idea from? Did I miss something in demon slayer? It’s like you’re trying to give a scientific explanation to something quite mystical just to give a basis for Jogo’s win. It’s like saying the reason the sun kills vampires is because UV rays and cauterize and stuff, we know that’s not the reason, it’s mystical. This means that heat would not work but only the son as it’s not the heat of the sun that kills them but there’s something mystical about the whole thing. If I’m mistaken you can tell me where in the show you got your point from.


Jogo doesn’t have any power relating to UV light anyway, so it doesn’t matter. The reason I think he can win is that he can completely reduce them to a fine ash, which no demon is coming back from.


I mean the sun is what Jogo produces, just on a much more vast scale. Jogo’s atks should work, no different than sun breathing.


I feel like the light produced by Jogo’s flames is going to be the least of anyone’s worries.


Debatable. I don't know though, maybe he can? Either way Mahito (or Jogo if his heat hurts them) carries.


I don’t think demons are shown to really have any tolerance towards the kind of heat he can output.


If you're going by the logic that the Demons can't be killed without nichrin then the same logic would apply that the Curses can't be harmed without Curse Energy.


Verse equalization, blood demon arts = any form of jujutsu.


No body said anything about verse equalization and no BDA would not automatically equate to Jujutsu even if that was the case


This is why cross-verse battles suck. For the purposes of this post, I'm assuming they mean that blood demon arts would be able to harm the cursed spirits because then it wouldn't make any sense.


It also doesn't make sense if you assume that the curses can't kill the Demons. Zero point in doing anything cross-verse if you assume one party can't even kill the other. The Demons shouldn't even be able to see the Curses right?


There's gyokko too, much faster than mahito and can turn mahito into fish.


you mean like he did to himself lol, he can turn back https://preview.redd.it/ptls8zwydt8d1.jpeg?width=738&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eec6d3928e3193b940b1a37060cc1769db3655ae


Would he still able to turn himself back when it's different method used to turn him into no. Of fishes, assuming it does this will keep going on and on, gyokko can literally teleport and even outside of that pretty faster than mahito with infinite stamina, how long can Mahito keep this up.


Literally yes. Go read Mahito's page in the wiki.


I shit you not, if Gyokko turned Mahito into a fish, Mahito would technically be a Demon-Fish-Curse hybrid that would now be vulnerable to sunlight.


Only while he is a feesh tho


Even when he transfigures himself, it would still be demon flesh.


Not if he makes it not demon flesh cause he is able to change his soul and his soul equals his body that's how he can make it into steel


He changes the shape of his soul. At the end of the day it would still be demon flesh.


Wiki? , who tf uses wiki for basing an argument, if gyokko turned Mahito into fish then he'd be a demon fish or something, controlled by gyokko.


Wikis literally give sources for their claims. So it's a good place from where to get facts straight. You clearly don't know how Mahito's CT works, so go read the wiki.


Wouldn't mahito just...transform himself back?


Then he gets turned back into fish again 😅, jokes aside i doubt he could do that, gyokko turns his target into no. of fishes and most likely can control them as well.


Only issue with that tho is gyokko can't control mahitos soul which mahito fully controls and is what Mahitos transformation revolves around. He'd just keep transforming back and pressuring gyoko. Gyokos best bet is relying on doma to completely freeze mahito or forcing mahito to run out of CE but honestly all mahito has to do is touch gyokko once and it's gg


All it takes is for Mahito to touch him and Gyokko gets absolutely destroyed. Or a 0.2 second domain.


He can't touch gyokko tho, gyokko can literally teleport and is too fast to be caught in domain, besides if Mahito catch gyokko in 0.2 sec domain then he can easily do the same thing as Todo, remove the hand or whatever that's affected by the technique, he can easily recover that with his immortality.


Then jus stall until sunrise


Disaster curses. Why? Because they cooler


The only thing that matters in a fight 🤝


Jjk squad takes this easy


Mahito diff


Mahito or Jogo alone wins lol The only one who can give trouble to Mahito is Doma, but Mahito would still win with domains allowed


They have zero CE, which means Domains are useles lol. UM's have the speed advantage, Gyokko is just going to turn everyone into a fish. And if Mahito manages to turn himself back, he'll get jumped by every UM and lose 😂. No situation for the Disaster Curses to win.


Generally when doing cross-verse battles, each verse gets the universal characteristics of the other to make it more fair. So you'd assume that the UM's have ce in this scenario unless it was stated otherwise. I don't think anything without ce can even harm curses, too.


Lmfao I bet people have tried killing curses without using CE, I can imagine that it worked really well


Got me there 😂


did bro forget that they are essentially invisible due to not being able to use ce or even have ce


True, so I guess verse equalization must come into play then


always does in these!


If they have no CE, they have no means to defeat or damage cursed spirits lmao Mahito still solos them


If they get no CE that means they can't see, touch, or sense any of the disaster curses. This is literally confirmed in season 1 that you need a feel of cursed energy to see them. Otherwise everyone of the upper ranks would need Maki's glasses. It's a hard stomp in Disaster curse favor.


Never ask non-demon slayer fans to scale demon slayer characters. They’ll put them at wall level


Top tiers are still like barley city block level


See what I mean 😭


Do you have proof for otherwise? Cus I love both DS and JJK and JJK has significantly higher general ap and dura feats, all DS has going for it rn is spd, which means almost nothing in quite a few scenarios when it comes to JJK characters. If you actually do have proof of them scaling higher, I’d love to see it, not even in a sarcastic way, I’m curious as to what you think they cap at considering you felt some type of way when he said they were city block level. I’ll even throw in my 2 cents so you can go over them if you would like to debunk them. First part since I’ll have to make a 2nd comment for the 2nd image: DS at most caps at city block considering the fact that Muzan, the strongest character in the verse (aside from yoriichi and DKT) was only destroying buildings during his fight with the hashira, and this was while he was actively fighting them, not like a passive thing as shown here https://preview.redd.it/za1h5ahzbx8d1.png?width=711&format=png&auto=webp&s=8bc6568203541c2e5600b71d635a2567f48d10c2 He’s actively attacking the hashira while destroying a couple of buildings in the area as well as damaging the terrain, but that’s his best feat.


2nd part of the comment for even just pre-awakening yuji which mahito and jogo scale to (hanami and Dagon didn’t show enough for them to be relevant here atm) yuji when first fighting Meguna was destroying buildings just by jumping off of them or landing on them, doing the same if not more damage to those buildings that Muzan was shown doing in his best feat and yuji’s was just a side effect of him existing (and the buildings at the time JJK is set are significantly stronger than the buildings that Muzan was destroying due to modern regulations but there is no true way to quantify that difference so it won’t be counted here) and even if you try to argue that it was because Meguna hit him into the building or whatever the case may be, that still means yuji with relative ease tanked an attack stronger than Muzan can dish out, and again, mahito and jogo scale to this as jogo dealt with the same level of ass whooping from sukuna, being dragged through buildings their entire fight and mahito fought this very same yuji and was on par with him. That’s the lower end of scaling them since again that was just yuji jumping around and being thrown, which means we have severe other things to factor in, such as jogo’s hands or meteor, both of which did significantly more damage to their respective areas than Muzan can even think to replicate, or mahito’s giant hands which were also ripping through building+ level objects (large portions of the subway) with relative ease and this was before ISBoDK. Then if we factor in any of their domains, which all of them have access to, even that speed diff becomes a nonissue meaning DS simply cannot deal with the damage or durability of the JJK verse and their speed isn’t making up for the difference. The only real problem the JJK cast will have is stamina, but again, if any DS character is caught in domain, they die instantly so stamina won’t really be a factor either. https://preview.redd.it/ascfpcqyex8d1.png?width=706&format=png&auto=webp&s=436e6e69d28afa3d746a07936c9a0f8ae2e117ba Jogo’s meteor for reference


That's just insane downplay for them. They're at most City Block level-Multi City Block level


Battle Mode Muzan, the third strongest character in the series after DK Tanjiro and Yoriichi (ambiguous who’s stronger between the latter two), could at most destroy maybe part of a small city This is what we see him do in the Sunrise Countdown arc anyway, as his spine whips destroyed maybe a block’s/neighborhood’s worth of area, with a bunch of two-story houses max As it’s been pointed out countless times before, the KNY verse suffers from weak AP In terms of speed, they’re disproportionately fast compared to how strong they are The JJK verse suffers from the reverse situation — the characters aren’t as fast as they are strong


This is somewhat disingenuous to Muzan as we never really see him at full strength in the series. He is weakened pretty hard for the fight, and he hadn't fully recovered from his "fight" with Yoriichi hundreds of years ago either. I do agree that JJK has better overall AP than DS.


That muzan was literally aged like 8000 years and triple poisoned. Look at Tengen vs UM6, that fight with the weakest UP literally wiped a city off the map. I think it's a little silly to assume that an insanely nerfed muzan who was getting 50v1'd is the upper limit of his ability.


See what i mean


I mean yeah they're kinda underrated fs. The top tiers are pretty fast too with hypersonic to massively hypersonic scaling for almost everyone bar Yoriichi who's Sub Relativistic.


City, Moutain level*


You could get Muzan to City Level, but Mountain is a high ball.


Ive sene Demon Slayer fans put the Hashiras on Peak Human level 💀


The nonsense replies to this thread indicate otherwise Sub relativistic yorichi?? And you think this is good scaling? The verse with not a single lightning timer is a fraction of the speed of light The verse is around city level in AP, that's being generous, and hypersonic speeds and maybe massively hypersonic for muzan






Brain damaged reading comprehension This is obvious hyperbole, it's hyping up the attack and the sword form. It does not in any way shape or form indicate relevance to actual lightning. If you wanna use statements like this, then you should also be willing to accept that temari is a universe destroyer because she has a similar statement about being able to blow away the universe with her fan Use your brain, and either give me good scaling to change by mind or stop replying with these dogshit points


okay then https://preview.redd.it/ekh7yhvhdz8d1.jpeg?width=719&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b9098d6aabda177b3f80baf6d7c53575eaddcfd6


Do you not read the scans you send me? "Like lightning" "Like lightning" "Thunder breath" I don't particularly care what its "like". I care what it is. When people say like x or y, it is a comparison. The meaning being that he was very fast, just like lightning. Not that he became lightning itself or has the natural properties of it, ie it's speed. Like why do I even have to explain this? Is this that incomprehensible? Let's use an example, a better one, and still show why these are not taken literally. Aoyama, from mha, has a laser quirk which has been mentioned to be light multiple times. Yet, you don't seem anyone arguing that middle school weak fodders at the beginning of the series are FTL because they dodged aoyamas laser. Do you know why? It's because his light is not NATURAL light, and does not contain the properties of natural light, ie it's speed. If something like that isn't even accepted as a speed feat, why would you think that "like lightning" is going to be enough to get him to triple digit mach speeds. Especially when the verse is a snail otherwise? Does that make sense to you? Maybe it does.


Doesn’t even say “ like “ it just straight up says “ something that was as fast as lightning “


Love how you ignored my aoyama example, which was already STATED to be light. But I already know you would ignore it. It helps to not think critically. The statement as fast as lighting is a comparison. You've never heard someone say your as fast a lightning? Or as brave as a lion? Holy shit, reading comprehension is really at this level.






This is the problem with bad scalers like yourself, who only exist to wank a weak verse When we say lightning timing or lightning timer, it means they have to react to NATURAL lightning with the properties of natural lightning. Not some spell Otherwise beginning of series middle school characters from my hero academia would be FTL because the can react to aoyamas laser, which was stated to be light multiple times. Unless you can prove those are natural lightning bolts, stop wasting my time


Ngl hop off my dick you following my comments responding to every one


Round 1 is just demons vs Mahito, and I think Gyokko and Gyutaro could surprisingly put in work for once if the top 3 distract, since the poison and fish hands could definitely do some damage. Round 2 the disasters slaughter. Like maybe even individually.


Holy crap gyokko actually blitzes all 4 and one shots being kind😭😭 Gyokko should be a perception blitz over season 1 zenitsu whom has 2 lighting speed statements. ALL these guys are verse capped below mach 3


No one reasonable takes the Mach 3 statement seriously. There’s several feats putting JJK around lightning speeds for the top tiers and a feat or two that put them above light speed. The Mach 3 statement has no actual founding in any feats given that goodwill Maki could catch bullets moving way faster than Mach 3. So unless you want to discount every single speed feat for one author statement with no evidence supporting it, JJK is not verse capped at Mach 3 and most characters can move well above it.


yeah the whole verse isn’t capped to it but based on the inverse scaling to these guys, they respectively are. Jogo, Mahito, Dagon, and Hanami < Mach 3


Goodwill maki caught a bullet moving above Mach 10, but got blitzed by Jogo and was struggling in a 4v1 vs Dagon. There is no justification for Jogo being slower than Mach 3.


what bullet that was mach 10? ( mach 10 is still massively slower than gyutaro, the slowest moon)


Not entirely sure on the speed of the bullet but I remember the calc of Maki catching the bullet being around Mach 10-30. This is goodwill Maki as well, so this should be a baseline for like 90% of the verse ignoring people like Miwa. Given how much higher Jogo scales over goodwill Maki in speed and how higher tier characters like Hakari are lightning timers or faster, it’s safe to assume Jogo is somewhere on the higher end of those speeds. The other disaster curses should scale similarly although probably slightly slower given how Jogo is credited to be the fastest (ignoring true form Mahito who we don’t really have much to scale off of for how much stronger/faster he got). Disaster curses are all probably sub lightning speeds at best, but Mahito wins anyway just due to being immune to almost anything the upper moons have


Bro what is the gyokko glaze in the whole comment section. Last I remember, he lost to muichiro. Also, does gyokko actually have the ability to turn people onto fish. If so, how did he lose to muichiro.


Who’s also above the entire verse in speed. Also yeah, he can


Like if goku was sleeping, he could turn goku into a fish???? Op asf.


You could argue that like any of the disaster curses wipe all of the upper moons (except Dagon I guess), and that's without domains available


Dagon's domain would probably insta kill them


Absolutely, even with their regen, they can't deal with both the constant swarms of shikigami, and Dagon himself (unironically, if the sun within Dagon's domain emits UV rays, his sure hit doesn't even matter)


That last part is mostly what I meant, but tbh I feel like Kokushibo would put up an amazing performance in his domain and seriously put the work in


It would be cool as shit to watch Kokushibo slashing down and healing from the shikigami attacks, a la Toji, but he'd eventually be overwhelmed and continuously weakened from the CE being similar (likely) to Blood Demon Arts


Pretty much what I had in mind


Dude no way, I just found you ![gif](giphy|CAYVZA5NRb529kKQUc|downsized)


That's you too 🙏


But Toji could deal with them? Akaza can do everything Toji did in that fight against Kokushibo and his not even the top demon. I know it doesn’t really matter since he has the sun in his domain but if those shikigami were not a problem for Toji I don’t even see them being a problem for Hantengu (upper 4)


Toji scales to a very similar speed (even faster if you ignore the lightning timer feats that are outliers in DS) but Toji is also much stronger and more durable that anyone in DS


Idk if Hanami has any showings that suggest she could solo? Her fight with Yuji and Todo looked to scale around Demon Slayer level, and unfortunately her only other opponent was Gojo.


Even that version of Todo and Yuji scale much higher in durability and AP than the majority of DS, and even if they're slower (no reasonable DS feats suggest this) Hanami has buds, a domain, and way better damage than anyone in DS


When will people realize how awful scaling for demok slayer is? I saw a post on here that was tanjoro vs luffy...the strongest demon slayer character probably loses to Mahito.


Ngl Yoriichi destroys Mahito


So Mahito touches Yoriichi once...? Then what lol


He doesn't touch him to begin with. Yoriichi's speed is genuinely ridiculous. Characters such as Rengoku are capable of dodging bullets without much difficulty (like mach 2-3 is a bullets speed) Cursed Naoya, who pushes the projection sorcery technique to its absolute limit, travels at mach 3. Naobito, who had this same technique (and was WAY slower), was blitzing Dagon to the point where he was kind of bullying him. There is no reason to assume that Mahito is massively above Dagon in speed. Remember Rengoku? That guy is only the 4th strongest of the Hashira. Those above him display greater speed feats. All the Hashira together would jump a poisoned, injured Muzan all at once, and even then they would barely eak out a win. Muzan, this absolute monster, was genuinely, in every sense of the word, neg diffed by Yoriichi. Sliced before he could process his speed and power. This wasn't a weakened Muzan btw, or an offguard one. Yoriichi would just slice Mahito into tiny cubes of flesh until he runs out of cursed energy.


Fair enough! Not sure I agree but definitely a better argument than I expected. Demon Slayer lore/feats just feel so....bland? that I often forget how their speed compares to other animangas. Yoriichi seems like he's glazed too much due to the whole muzan being afraid of him storyline that carries throughout the series without many observed feats. The HAX in JJK dont translate to the demon slayer verse which is why I tend to ignore any demon slayer powerscaling posts. I find it hard to imagine he would beat Mahito when Mahito would one shot him with a single touch but hey speed kills for sure.


>Demon Slayer lore/feats just feel so....bland? that I often forget how their speed compares to other animangas. I love Demon Slayer for that though tbh, it feels like a classic legend that would be told in older times, which instead had its first telling in these times if yk what i mean >I find it hard to imagine he would beat Mahito when Mahito would one shot him with a single touch A quote in demon slayer covered this whole thing pretty well. "It doesn't matter how strong an attack is if it doesn't hit", or something similar. Anyways, if Todo can avoid being touched for that long, someone like Yoriichi might as well have infinity.


Teleportation makes dodging a tad easier I'd say! I totally agree with your first point. Definitely one of Demon Slayers best qualities that has been lost in most new age mangas ESPECIALLY JJK probably more than any other manga which makes scaling between the two nearly impossible...hence why I like to leave DS out of these types of discussions. Jojo's as well. It just does not translate to other mangas at all. I've only read DS once so I probably gotta do that again eventually.


I definitely agree with you on the Jojo's thing. Characters from that will have the ability to discombobulate the omniverse then die to a bullet or something, just way too much of a headache. Demon Slayer is actually pretty fun for me though.


It only works because it's Jojos. Pt 4 villain died by being run over by an ambulance after it felt like he was basically unbeatable, but bc its Jojo's it works. I'll admit I'm not the biggest DS fan, but imma have to give a reread soon cus I feel like I never gave it a real chance. After it ended I was just so disappointed by the pacing of the final arc I told myself not to reread it but the anime has been making me want to go back again from the beginning.


All of this gets negated because of domain not to mention that if we pick Mahito at his strongest he is simply to durable for yoriichi to cut through


Yoriichi would be constantly slicing him apart. I dont think he can make the hand signs if he's basically in a blender. We don't have a good scale to quantify that version's durability, but I might be wrong. I had assumed that we were using base Mahito anyways


Mahito doesn't even use his actual hand to make hand signs anyways.


Then he would cut his face. Yoriichi is no stranger to cutting people's heads off before they can do anything.


Also, without cursed tools or cursed energy a cursed spirit can't be killed and that's even worse on Mahito's case due to his soul hax, Mahito is bound to eventually win no matter what because even at the worst case scenario yoriichi will eventually get tired


If we're not using verse equalisation, then why bother debating about this at all?


Nah you tweaking, the one thing that's constant in demon slayer fights is to nit get touched by your opponent, i kid you not mahito would not touch a single character in demon slayer that's in top30.


The entire verse loses to mahito without question There is Nothing at all that Anyone could do to mahito He can one shot any and every character via soul manipulation


Mahito is a damn gyomei victim


Mahito godstomps ur verse with utter ease




Dagon solos


No no no no


He could if the sun in his Domain counts as a real sun lol


If Dagon actually created a sun Equal to an actual sun He would have the cursed energy to create a sun If he can create a real sun just as powerful as the the real sun Genuinely think about that


Mahito and Jogo carry


Wait, if Dagon opens his domain theres light meaning the sun is out? Would that work on the demons?


Since it’s not the real sun because that would beat Dagon is capable of making flames as hit the sun Here a fun fact if you can that you can destroy the planet It’s not actually a real sun it’s a fake


It’s not necessarily about what he’s creating in size more so the properties of it… it’s the properties of the sun that effects the demons so if dagons domain mimics those of the sun he can simply win Even if it’s a fake sun as long as it works like the real sun it’s sufficient


What’s stopping Mahito from turning the demons into worms til sunrise?


They’re too fast for him


Mahito wins both


Mahito/Jogo/HUGE MAYBE Hanami beam diff


Jogos aura destroys them on the spot


Mahito or jogoat solos 🍻


Obligatory curses shit stomp obviously because demons cannot percieve them. Putting that aside, Mahito soul diffs.


The goat hanami solos


Akaza would beat him


Solar beam go burrrrr


Hanami doesn’t have the power of the sun


Disaster curses easy. Domains and other hax are too broken.


Jogo by himself could kill most of them


How? Demons die to the sun not heat


Fine but the curses have a lot more thing to hold them back till sun also the power scaling is very far apart cause one’s in ancient Japanese the other is in modern Japanese but then again I’ve only seen the ice ice baby from demon slayer so my opinion is invalid


I rlly dobt so.e of the demons will see em even do they need cursed energy to kill em


R1 jogo wins R2 Dagon has the sun in his domain


Anyone got the picture of the cheetah vs the bear where the cheetah "speed blitzes" 💀 that pretty much sums up this matchup


Disaster Curses win


R1 : Probably a loss for the Curses R2 : LMAO fucking Dagon probably neg diffs via Domain


Maximum Technique:Meteor or Soul Multiplicity:Body Repel could kill them


Nah bump the Match I wanna hear the fucked up conversation between Mahito Douma and Gyokko


Hanami domain we never see we shouldn’t count it since all we is his attacks hit But both Dagon and hanami get creamed One hanami is an idiot who refuses to use battle iq and Akaza would beat him we saw hanami no good in a fist fight with people far less than Akaza in terms of skill and ability Dagon would lose to gytaro Honestly mahito wins with one domain expansion unless you believe the demon regen could reform them it may But jogo is destroying Honestly just send jogo he only reason they win


Disaster curses For starters the demons wouldn't be able to see them due to non sorcerer's (aside from special scenarios) being unable to see curses Jogo can burn them to ashes Mahito is 1 touch and your done Hanami can be a meatshield/hold them in place with roots Dagon can be a disruptor and meatshield


The curses win by default due to ap, better overall durability, their domains have sure hit effects, and also the demons can’t see them because of a lack of cursed energy😭


Dragon’s domain expansion has a sun. He solos. But realistically, the disaster curses out stat every demon in every category by a mile so….what are we doing here


Dagon domain is a beach episode …. GG


Curses neg bad


,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,ool?


Mahito can solo. Jogoat can solo. We've never seen demons reduced to ash by normal fire, but I'm betting if Jogoat gives them lava baths it's GG


Nichirin sword/cursed energy BS aside, I feel like Jogo solos


Bro. Yuji alone can win this


I think the JJK crew wins both. Mahito can just change the shape of their souls to destroy them. It just takes one touch. That being said... some of these demons have unlocked godspeed, so... IDK, honestly.


Dagons Domain is literally a beach let's be fr 😭


R1: demons no diff R2: Mahito domain diffs via


How do the demons hurt mahito?


Doma freezing Mahito is prob their best chance id say


But that wouldn’t hit his soul


Yea I was thinking in terms of just immobilizing him. Tho I suppose another option is to keep damaging him forcing him to heal until he runs out of CE which mahito mentioned was a possibility against Mechamaru


Yeah but to be fair mechamaru could blow away entire dams a feat relative to domus ultimate attack.


Disaster curses no dif they can destroy cities, demons can barely destroy buildings


Like what if the question Mahito cannot be killed or harmed by anything Mahito one shots all of them at the same time with domain Other than mahito, the demons stand no chance in either dagon or jogos domain If you restrict domain, then mahito still carries cos he's untouchable And Jogo via multi City block meteor


Ums take this one.