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I think JJK verse just has more wanked scaling for speed and AP


Lightning Killua would have a word with your hyped mach 3 feat


In terms of speed the only person with a commendable one is Naoya and like you said its only Mach 3😭 i think in a brawl some JJK characters can beat HxH characters


The author literally debunk that feet, maki blocked lighting from sukunas nue and hakari dodged lighting centimeters from his face. (It only hit because the lighting tracks)


the author made many mistakes scaling his characters, hakari did not dodge no where it was stated that he dodged it was shown in the panel that it was direct to his face but it was just the angle from the start the lightning was aimed at his arm we can never really know it was just weirdly drawn.


I think what he was talking about is how the lighting curved


could be the case


Yea gege took back that feat. Most feats he uses cuz they sounded cool


I’ve always thought the scale of both series were perfectly even so these type of match ups are so fun Yuta vs Chrollo: Man this would be an awesome fight. I honestly can’t say who I think would win. I think Chrollo beats Yuta on speed(just barely) but Yuta has more physical power. Yuta’s arsenal of abilities seem powerful and destructive while Chrollo’s are trickier to deal with. Chrollo is a smarter fighter but Yuta’s domain gives him an advantage. And I don’t think Rika is much of an advantage either since we’ve seem Chrollo fight 2 on 1 before. I genuinely can’t decide who I think would win. Hakari vs Kite: I have to reluctantly give the fight to Hakari. I think Kite is a more experienced fighter but Hakari can’t be stopped and Kite hasn’t shown us enough to prove otherwise Maharoga vs Meruem: Meruem wins if he takes the fight seriously from the beginning. If he plays around like he normally does then Maharoga will eventually adapt enough to win. Edit: Sukuna vs Meruem(?): I actually think Meruem has more raw power than Sukuna. I also think Sukuna’s domain wouldn’t be enough to completely kill Meruem. Though I also can’t imagine Sukuna losing either


Bro that’s Sukuna not Maharoga. They used the picture of him opening his domain on Maharoga


Oh damn. Honestly I still don’t see it but I’ll take your word for it


I enjoyed reading your analysis though so how do you think Sukuna v Meruem would go?


Zoom in on it you’ll see his hands forming the sign to open his domain and his smile


It'll be a toss up, but abilities will be critical to winning. As nen abilities are potent, but domain expansions all allow sure hit effects, and offer little to no escape. That and only jjk side can technically keep restoring themselves.