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all would’ve been prevented if his dumbass maybe planned the story ahead of time instead of improvising every new chapter 💀


Fans: “what’s going to happen next chapter, Gege-sensei?” Gege: “**You’re asking me?!** Er- stay tuned, hehe 😋.”






The Toriyama approach. Wait 20 years people will be talking about this arc like they do the Buu saga


The Toriyama approach worked in the 90s when it was hard to care about this and everything could just happen to make sense. Gege made a story with magic that has internal logic. Unless you know what you're doing, don't do a magic system with internal logic, you're going to have to play 4D chess with yourself


Dragon Ball was also originally a battle-comedy. Things didn’t have to make sense as long as they were funny, cool, and/or entertaining. But JJK is a battle-drama, it’s supposed to be serious so mistakes or bad writing stand out a lot more


Toriyama also was pretty miraculously good at leaving hanging plot threads to expand upon later. The first two sagas from Z flow into each other perfectly, and they even link up pretty well with Dragon Ball's last 2 arcs. Gege isn't as lucky, and all his hanging plot threads either got forgotten, or destroyed in single chapters a la Zenin Massacre.


Absolutely, Greg’s written himself into a corner through this approach. I still think that people will be softer on this arc in the future though, because I remember how bad people hated Buu saga lmao


Honestly many issues I had with the manga has been addressed and I also understand why Miguel came back this late now. Might not take that long for me to be softer about it


Writing a magic system currently and to do what JJ Oragami does you need to realize there could be 4d chess and kinda cool weird interplay but then also realize that shit takes time, effort, and the bare minimum amount of fucks given so why even bother lmfao


Togashi also writes on the spot despite having a complicated power system and he still cooks


["""On the spot"""](https://external-preview.redd.it/fKhGTsO9boxVbcIywz72wJitY9C3Iz-xVqXoL_KZ1Qw.png?auto=webp&s=109e5ba786e37e0ab42b30d3d36e872df443e8ea)


Ok yeah that's not possible anymore but he did


I think he planned the story all the way into Shibuya incident, whichi is why it was so peak, but then had to begin improvising, which caused the slight drop in quality in the Culling Games and then the mess that is happening currently


A lot of Mangaka dont plan ahead the first couple of arcs due to not knowing if theyre gonna be axed or not


That’s easier said than done when you’re under that type of production schedule.


Yeah, the weekly chapter system is ruthless.


Really is, I mean it must take considerable skill to be capable of planning where your story is gonna be years in the future when you’re busy trying to make sure it’s simultaneously going where you want it to weekly.


It seems Gege just wants JJK to be over so he can sleep again lol.


You’re a dumbass If you genuinely think the man writes week to week


If only he listens to his editors


I’m pretty sure he did plan the story ahead of the time. He had the state of the students in mind at the beginning. He was also saying that sukuna would eat someone important. Gege is very bad at getting the the audience to come to the conclusions he’s coming to.


he’s pretty fucking awful at building up to whatever he’s planning then, but even if he does have smt planned then there’s nothing that wouldn’t seem like an asspull cus how op sukuna is now


He still has him hitting black flashes to help his output. I can’t speak for whether what he has in mind will be good or not. But he isnt struggling to get rid of sukuna like some people think. He’s still in a state where they can fight him and it’s not like he’ll just completely destroy them instantly.


Yeah a lot of people forget that Sukuna already almost lost, granted you could argue he knew Megumi gave up and wasn't scared of JL for that reason, but if Megumi had the willpower Yuta and Yuji could have won


Remember that time when you didn't understand Hakari's power ? Yeah me too.


You get jackpot, you get infinite CE. No jackpot, rerun the domain


I’m sure he planned *some* stuff ahead, like Sukuna eventually taking over Megumi, but it’s pretty obvious that he didn’t plan enough and is just making up stuff as he goes along. Like how Kenny doesn’t actually have a real motivation for his 1000 year long master plan. Gege built up this mysterious figure that supposedly has a grand plan, then forgot to come up with a reason why he’s doing it so he just said “uhhhhhh…….he just wants to see what happens I guess”


Did Gege say he wasn't planning the story ahead?


It seems he planned up until Shibuya.


I’m pretty sure he did plan the story ahead of the time. He had the outcome of the students in mind at the beginning and he was talking about sukuna eating someone. Gege is just very bad at getting the audience to come to the conclusions he’s coming to. The fact that he’s still having sukuna hit black flashes probably means that he has his end in mind.


You know considering how many scenes before and after Gojo's death make said death make no sense, I think he did plan out certain scenes... and then never went back to them when JJK got longer than he planned lol


I remember a little note of his in vol 0 between some chapters where he said he already as some aspects of the end planned Idk if thats exactly what it was but yeah


He literally does, you dunce, what makes you think he makes every chapter on the spot? He DRAWS a new chapter every week, the story is written and planned ahead of time besides a few polishes


well it’s a pretty bad story at this point if that’s the case 💀




Hot take: Most actual mangaka at the start or even mid point of their story don't have a concrete ending planned. It's only a vague idea, so they make shit up along the way depending on if their feeling quirky.


Yes because of fear of their series getting axed early they dont plan the late game as much as the first couple of arcs


Not just mangaka, it happens to everyone in general that writes cause once you develop the meat there are 0 chance it was what you planned to a T so you have to write from that point and connect A to B, sometimes it can even get worse and fuck all their plans, like with George Martin (Read about meereenese knot)


It kinda depends on what you’re writing. For a long-form serialized series, this is almost always the case. But for standalone works like a novel or film, the ending is often one of the first things written.


I only wish gege locked in like the undead unluck mangaka did after just the first chapters


Unironically, I can't believe Maki let a sweaty middle-aged guy touch her but REFUSED to be touched by Naoya.


Naoya touched her tho? He had his foot on top of her in the flash back panel she’s blessed


We both know that i was talking about violent breeding.


What the fuck


Do you mean the sumo guy? Those are so extremely different, I don’t understand how you could possibly equivocate them. One is a nice rando who just wants to sumo wrestle and the other is the king of misogyny who raped her sister and wants to rape and murder her.


I wonder why (they're COUSINS)


Never was an issue on the family


Gotta keep the Ten Shadow Technique and Projection Sorcery pure


Naoya when he sees his 5 year old cousin https://preview.redd.it/i9h6d5n65brc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1d8d0c9a734ec081038b4929268bb159995bb76d


And that's why he is the goat 🙏


I'm sorry could you repeat that


Oh, like that’s an issue in the Zenin household. Megumi might be a Fushiguro, but you know he’s got that Zenin blood based on the way he looks at his sister.


Fushiguros aren't free of the Zenin curse, Toji married his twin sister.


What are you talking about?


Wait, what!? Can you tell me where? Honest to god, I don't remember this.


The sumo guy with hyperbolic sumo chamber.


The sumo guy with hyperbolic sumo chamber.




Why are you saying this, exactly?


Touched by middle aged man or touched by cousin who violently hurt her sister at a young age? Come on now use your human empathy for a sec


ok, the second is over. i agree with him


>Unironically, I can't believe Maki let a \[random mentor\] touch her but REFUSED to be touched by \[a raging abusive misogynist\]. FTFY


Mald over it? Hasn’t this sub become a glorified a Titanfolk that constantly been overtly critical with everything Gege’s done


I’m just happy I learned a new word today https://preview.redd.it/lmln7necacrc1.jpeg?width=541&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9228da4aff5332d9403c251f9180e0f08a695841


Some are and some are still glazing so it's been interested showing


nah, we aren't there yet. it all depends on Gege's ending. for now the manga is just mid, not catastrophically bad.


gege is a good writer as shown in shibuya and some scenes on the culling games, like choso redemption, but lately he has beeng like throwing it all away just to make cool emotionless fights, i mean the choreography and intricacies of the fights are still cool af, but thats about it.


Yeah Gege isn’t a bad writer but his recent writing is bad. He’s capable of writing good stuff, he’s just not capable of keeping that quality up on a (frankly horrible, let’s be real) weekly shounen manga schedule. And that’s not necessarily a bad thing, not everyone can be Oda. But it does make for a worse story. The good solution is for shounen magazines to give their authors more time to work, but we all know that will never happen.


Apparently he had an original editor that moved on. That could explain the nose dive.


ah the editor technqiue i havent used it since the heian era.


I think he is indeed a good writer, but he lost his love for jjk and just want to get it over with


I've seen he can be a good writer and that's why I'm so critical of it now. I know he can cook and that's why I'm mad he's burning the kitchen down.


Oh no, watch out! Gege haters think they're being edgy in a JJK subreddit !! https://preview.redd.it/hkvdc4l05brc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=67d8ac51fa60eec9ddef8cebb9c5d2f67388392e




They think it’s a rare sight 💀 https://preview.redd.it/9mrexiwwadrc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9eb51bedaee41ac39d483a95e7618af90559501a


Fr this shits getting old now


Criticize the story all you want but calling Gege a shitty writer is kinda crazy, there's a reason all of you are here obsessing over the characters he created. He's written plenty of amazing stuff, this community talks about how great Shibuya and Hidden Inventory were basically every day. Just because he fucked up in some places doesn't mean he's generally a bad writer.


They don’t get how ridiculous they sound. It’s funny because it just seems trendy to overly hate on him now.


Don’t align with your first part, but I agree with your second statement. Shits hilarious


He honestly should’ve stuck with what he enjoys, which is BL manga because thanks to his inspo from BL manga, Hidden Inventory is top tier and I wish there was more of it.


Weird thing..... Does Kusakabe not look like Castiel here ?


I truly believe that gege didn’t anticipate this jump to stardom and we are witnessing the results


I enjoy JJK, it's a fun manga to read and top tier anime. Gege is a very bad writer. He still made an enjoyable magic system, fights, and characters...sorta... a lot of them have a personality of wet paper. Oh the designs and art are really good too. Edit: I also have nothing against gege as a person. Nor do I think he deserves hate. But he deserves tons of criticism. Making up a lot of your story and major arcs on the fly is not really a good writing technique. He also doesn't flesh out characters that much.


I can definitely agree with the second half of that statement


Did you go to Palm-Sunday, heretic?


JJK going down the route of becoming mid and will be known as mid 🥹, thanks GayGay for redrawing the same chapter after chapter the past few weeks


You're just mad he killed your favorite dilf




Higu/Rama.  He is in heaven enjoying bathtubs 




True as hell


Reminds me of the dumbass AOT defenders “you just didn’t understand the story”.


I mean you probably didn't.


Most of the criticisms can be alleviated by just saying “wait” All you gotta do is wait until the arc is done and then you can really go in


True. People get overly upset because they aren’t spoon fed the entirety of the story in one chapter. This is really the problem with a lot of manga fans. They are impatient af and don’t know that a story needs to be unfolded naturally and not all at once. It has happened to csm too. People really complained that an action chapter had action and barely any dialogue.


Quit the bullshit……. you are a salty Gojo fan. https://preview.redd.it/qz4ikw5blbrc1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f9435f7efcadfa49bd3e121816f80f6f4ace1c48


It's true tho.  If Gojo was alive no one would be complaining. Too bad he was only half the man he bragged about. 


People were complaining about the arc long before Gojo was killed. The pacing, all the pointless fights, ass pull power ups like sumo.


Almost everyone loved the sumo guys b cause of how ridiculous and outgoing they were, people complain that Greg has a cast he never utilizes then complains about unecessary fights when those characters get utilized Name 5 asspull powerups I bet you cant


No the reason the fights feel pointless is because is there is no narrative behind the fights. There are plenty of plot threads Gege could have tied to new fights but didnt. The fights are the equivalent of banging your action figures together as a child. Did nothing with Nobara, sealed and killed of Gojo, Kenjaku being Yujis mother wasnt explored, neither was Megumis relationship with his sister which was his character motivation. Yuta shows up halfway into the manga and fights random guys he has no connection to. He doesnt have a plotline at all. Gege creates new quirky characters and does nothing with them. Ass pulls are consistent problem in the manga. Kenjaku walking away from a blackhole unscathed, maki and sumo, merely kamutoke getting taken away from Sukuna in the Higurama fight, Gojo awakening vs Toji right when he gets stabbed in the heart, Angel vs Sukuna, binding vows are canonized ass pulls etc.


Most people knew he was going to die. The issue was how he died being practically the Mc


i think geGOAT is the greatest writer of all time and all of you who think otherwise are mar geGOAT killed gojo https://preview.redd.it/hdqp8sb91brc1.png?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a8c05151d876b936fdacf8ddd0a0b9937a3f9c42


My exact feelings.


It's best to just turn off your brain and enjoy the ride to the very end. https://preview.redd.it/ivrpb0ahgbrc1.png?width=429&format=png&auto=webp&s=3ab62b916210fbc4fec89c45243b71bdf98e5797


Literally me Fr Fr, Gaygay is the Failed version of Kubo


Kubo is the failed version of himself


Nahh that's foullllll 💀💀💀💀💀 https://preview.redd.it/76iulxnl5brc1.jpeg?width=336&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8a66af972c5c1c9518c913861b8f728770c885b7


Fr lmfao


If he's the failed version of Kubo I can only imagine how bad this ending will be lol.


If Togashi wrote jjk it would have been been a top 10 manga all time , easy


one break week causes this community to have a meltdown, imagine a decade hiatus


Thank God Togashi isn't writing it. JJK wouldn't be finished until 2050 lol


HxH dick-riders never ceases to amaze me. He can't even finish his story, what is that top 10 you are talking about? https://preview.redd.it/kc4e7stomcrc1.jpeg?width=710&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=862c3e3c67642ba1721c8c33d27045e109e3add3


He can't even finish his story and it's still way better than jjk. Really says a lot.


Fair enough.


At least buddy has made more than one manga hit and is actually respected . Your boy Greg sure borrows a lot from that story though. Also , it’s funny how you can talk shit about someone who literally broke their backs making great work due to the pressures and deadlines they’re put under. Greg could never do what kubo and togashi were forced to work under. Guy gets the sniffles and takes a week off. Show me your work and art you’ve provided to the world that inspired hundreds of thousands bud , I’ll wait


Did you guys really think I was defending HomoHomo? It's just funny to me how much great manga there is and people are not ashamed to put a story without an ending in top 10 of all time instead. Although the “You can’t criticize unless you created art yourself” argument is just complete garbage, regardless of context.


Why would I be ashamed of putting such a fantastic story that’s influenced so many ( including his own space ) while you can’t. You can shit on someone with a chronic back injury all you want dude. It’s one thing if he was just a lazy able bodied piece of shit. You do you though


I'm talking about HxH and you're talking about the author. He can die while writing it like Miura. The story itself will become neither better nor worse from this pure fact. The work and the author are separate entities.


my knees.... they're bending on their own... I KNEEL


Man I'm so tired of this bs lol. Y'all keep crying all week about how it's a shitty manga then go crazy when a new chapter drops smh


Great post, thanks so much for your contribution


Higurama's nose looks like the perfect seat 🤭🔥


If a shonen series suddenly falls off in the middle of the series, it's because there was an editor change. This happened with my hero too but i don't think people know how much that changes things


https://preview.redd.it/bfmc1k49fdrc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8b8e91c2eec3058bf49cc55abff113d1715ceedd True cinema


I'm just here to steal reaction images simple as that.


Same lmao


the switch up that happens when the story is done with all volumes released will be generational


Sucking one dick doesn't make you gay bro


I joined this sub for the Lobotomy, and I'm still here because of it too. The JJK fandom is just wild on both ends of the spectrum, and I'll enjoy the fallout of every chapter greatly, keep glazing and hating my brothers!


I only watch this anime to see the gang signs they throw around when casting DE


I dont even disagree but I'm very pissy with "fans" of the series *constantly* complaining about an ending that we haven't seen and I feel like I see a lot more bitching about said ending ( that, to be clear, we **don't** know about) than people malding about the writing not being actually bad, which it certainly can be


Insane switch up


Is this even a controversial take at this point


If you think Gege is a shitty writer you’re just a shitty ass reader. There is a reason the manga has become so popular in such a short amount of time.


People say shit like this then forget that Rent a girlfriend exists.


We Don't talk about rent a Girlfriend, This is Simply the Purgatory in a Manga form ☠☠☠


That’s not nearly as popular as jjk you can’t compare them. That’s only 13 million copies compared to 90 million copies sold by jjk.


Rent a girlfriend is in a much less common genre, is way shittier, less notable Yeah of course it gets less who wouldve fucking known that a shonen is more popular than a slice of life or whatever that falls into


Why are you coming at this person? They didn't mention RAG lol?????


What? The original poster said some shit about JJK being super popular so it must be good (and to be clear, it definitely is, JJK has many great qualities), the other guy mentioned RaG being super popular despite being ass, which it is, but the OP said RaG isnt as popular as JJK, yeah no fucking shit it isnt as popular as JJK, how do you expect a romcom or whatever to be as popular as shonen? RaG is still really massive despite it being mediocre at the very best Popularity doesnt equal quality


Are you.... okay? OP mentioned RAG first https://preview.redd.it/6dtybah67brc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8d2bb3775c1ca057b068de1e8f626c7cd9e70691


Im talking about the poster to be clear


OP is the one who mentioned RAG first, that's the point. Like, direct your ire to them, not this person


u/IloveStars knows that, his point is that the other guy tried to dismiss the RaG example of popularity =/= quality because it doesn't sell as much as JJK, even though it is popular/sells well but doesn't as much as JJK because of the genre it belongs to, while JJK is a battle Shonen, the most or one of the most profitable genres.   Regardless of how well JJK may or not be written, popularity not equating to quality/not excusing writing flaws, or at least not consistently, is a valid notion to remember at all times.  TDLR : He wasn't talking to the other guy as if he brought up RaG, if anything, he agrees with OP


Millions of flies can’t be wrong, don’t they?


A popular manga doesn't mean good manga. You all should know that well (this isn't my opinion ) but plenty of you out Mha and KNY in this cas. Of course it was and still a amazing manga but then man fumbled. He isn't a bad writer just that man needs to have more time


I completely stand behind this, when the complaint is comedic is funny to read, but with the latest two chapters i get the feeling people are straight up hating for whatever bullshit reason they find




I disagree


Is this in response to the one person saying they enjoyed it?


its lit the same format so i think so.


I don't think he is inherently a bad writer, but he is very bad at making a weekly story. JJK doesn't seem like it's made to be a weekly manga, which is odd because it's published at Weekly Shonen Jump.


He was good at writing a weekly story at one point.


Didn't he plan that part out




When he first started, JJK was peak fiction and I have never read anything go down faster in my life💀


Gege ain't a bad writer, he wrote very good characters and the power system is unique and original. Up to Shibuya Arc JJK is 8.5/10 imo. And to me 8.5 is extremely good and rare. But, the story writing is bad as of now. Atleast as far as the current chapters go. After shibuya it really did start going downhill, especially because of the vague "death" Nobara had. Idc if she is dead or not, don't make it so vague with the "she may survive" and barely mentioning her again. Also, the fact that there isn't basically any plot, the characters don't develop or change. It's same shit over and over just different scenarios until the character is killed. There was room for development for so many characters and relationship between same but it's non-existant. At this point we are reading MMA fights with a chance of our fav fighter dying. I like that Gege is bold and kills characters easily but develop them and make it make sense.


Ngl it was actually a good story till post gojo/sukuna arc. I thought he was doing a good job writing. He just fell off. He wasn’t always bad


It just means your as brain broken as the rest of us, enjoy.


people who think gege is a bad writer need to be studied fr. y’all want the same copy and paste shonen story again and again bro? don’t you get bored of watching/reading the same shit just with a different coat of paint?


name me three stories that are all basically the same story with a different coat. They cannot be made by the same author.


even if i name them you still won’t believe me or see my point, so i’m not going through all that effort. you’ll come up with another nitpick or something, i know where this kind of thing goes. i tell you 3 examples, you disagree and find another to nitpick about them saying why those examples aren’t valid or accurate, then it goes on and on. i said what i needed to don’t care whether u agree or not