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All of them. They all need expanding upon.


​ https://preview.redd.it/rt2j889w5buc1.jpeg?width=482&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e8d71fdaf7dc9b363760a744f09857b4d2d5a258


https://preview.redd.it/2143jcwyqbuc1.jpeg?width=609&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2ce6d0857bfa1796197da866fd119c8df58ceb18 Gaygay laughing all the way to the bank as he rushes JJK so he can write his idol manga.


Don’t even blame him, he probably never expected to be still writing about JJK after 6 years, it’s his first ever official manga and he didn’t think it would be this popular, having burnouts is a real problem in the industry. Bro made bank already, time to pack up and take a vacation, maybe return after a year and do a monthly release manga, be it an idol manga or something else.


Eh idk about that. I feel like while things have gotten a bit worse in terms of writing quality as of late, pacing has always been a issue for this series. Especially in the manga. I'm a recent fan (started reading the manga like a month or two ago) and I haven't even watched the anime yet, but the pacing of the first couple of major events just felt very...off?


That's just how modern shonens are, pacing needs to be quick and fast to attract audiences. WSJ is cut throat with newer mangas when they first start out and will axed them if they don't perform well fast enough, this spawned a new gen of mangakas that have more functional pacing, prioritising moving to the next plot points rather than giving space or filler, Gege is one of them and it's his biggest strength and also weakness. Writing quality wise, the drop off is probably because of burnout and overworking which is major issue in the industry when weekly manga continue on for too long without breaks.


As a one piece reader, I picked this manga up being thankful for the faster pace. Everyone clowning Greg but I guess I’m just satisfied with peanuts now


I’m pretty satisfied too, it’s not bad that the story faster paced, some people just don’t want to have their time wasted on filler and prefer more functional plots. I mean it’s working well for the manga popularity, we probably wouldn’t be discussing about JJK right now if it was like any other and didn’t stand out pacing or storywise.


No you absolutely blame him for lacking any real integrity


Top tier reaction image


I am just a great cook. https://preview.redd.it/lfe5htqozbuc1.png?width=1169&format=png&auto=webp&s=f56163c386bdeb563329b2309830fd95b09c3a7c


Memes like this are why I love this sub so much


https://preview.redd.it/x0s83nv8bbuc1.png?width=1178&format=png&auto=webp&s=d632fc70ff987438079938dcde65c8b9dcf245e2 Facts my brother spit your shit indeed


Gege: y’all want me to write this shit for the next ten years?! I want to end it THIS YEAR! https://preview.redd.it/zinscyl7xbuc1.png?width=1280&format=png&auto=webp&s=5eb9e042f2de1b7c62959c07e74078cd50d3b4eb


You already know his ass is tired of this shit, the manga industry is pretty fucked, burnouts and overworking is the norm. He got the bag, now it’s time to wrap it up and enjoy the money.


https://preview.redd.it/m0s8jom9rcuc1.png?width=1124&format=png&auto=webp&s=dc2f409cd0db2687945eee0f932baa0329520d30 Mf will not let us know




When I saw this my first thought was yes.


Give me a 800 page book on deeper JJK lore and politics. Worst case scenario I will crack my own skull with it if it sucks major dick. Please, I crave to know about the deeper lore of any setting I am interested in; not even one piece gives me enough of it.


We would all diss it so much lmao even if it was okay Not to shame I’d be one of the people dissing it


Ok, but what if they give us 70 paragraph chapter explaining the entire backstory of our blue eyed king? Including, but not limited to all his solo adventures. https://preview.redd.it/l5ruo3lswbuc1.jpeg?width=512&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0be0e5c345321632503923f8805f6c6c083306f9


https://preview.redd.it/sfyuf1fhiduc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9f76167ece84a1cfa63afa210f4eb13fee910d8f Shit would go so hard imo.


i'd guess it'd be like cfyow where everyone would talk about shit thats written there but no one actually read it


Honestly I probably would too before cracking my own skull with it.


That means you’ll never be satisfied


That means I will make my own series with hyper-detailed useless background lore fueled by a fucked up marriage of autism and adhd somehow working together.


Should be like CFYOW: absolute dogwater story whose focus was showing off lore and answer vital questions of the main storyline. CFYOW is criticized for how weak the story and new characters were, but often praised for its lore plot points and it doesn't even answers half the questions we had.


I am the type of guy to read a small book about a some obscure piece of lore in a series no one gives a shit about; a simple CFYOW would not even satisfy me. 


I don't care what anyone says. I NEED Jin and Kenjaku Kaori flashbacks that worth atleast 2-3 volumes. I FUCKING NEED IT. And I need to know that if Kenjaku actually loved Jin and was sad that he had to kill him. https://preview.redd.it/t4awz9207buc1.jpeg?width=497&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9a56688860fde7ed14aea0447a91ceba7abe831e


>I FUCKING NEED IT. Rahhhhhhhh https://preview.redd.it/mmml0i4f7buc1.png?width=640&format=png&auto=webp&s=77814e26b9a11fdb0e8fbf9ffa1ef535238a0fdc


I'll even fucking admit that Im satisfied with the way manga is going I just need them Kenjaku Kaori flashbacks https://preview.redd.it/mb6s3qn08buc1.jpeg?width=168&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a2f94ceda6f4609bb9272ef85a217c8b9dada026 (And Yuta X Maki actually happening. That one too.)


Speak nothing but facts, brother! Fuck that evil plan, I need to know the genuine feelings of Kenjaku when she was Jin's wife. That alone is very intriguing imo. https://preview.redd.it/jrz8m7sqobuc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e15cb50c8a89440317b3609fe53ff095cec6ec71


I'd clap her cheeks any day of the week




>if Kenjaku actually loved Jin and was **sad** that he had to kill him. Even Sukuna called him out for being disgusting.


What’s he discussing?




The feeling of getting his Kenjackussy getting clapped




I only find this interesting because Kenjaku has been shown to express sentiments for Yuji that are more parental in nature than anything else, it confused me because their relationship was hardly explored


Wait was it confirmed Kenjaku killed Jin? I know Jin was around when Yuji was born and dead currently, but did Kenjaku kill him? If so, why leave the grandpa? The Grandpa was even more suspicious of Kenny, and Kenny had to have known it. Why kill the man willingly going along with your plan (even if it’s just so he can be delusional about his dead wife) and not the guy who is very distrusting of you and likely knows you’re not Kiori, if not also knowing who you are This is why we need that Jin and Kenjaku flashback


When was it confirmed that Jin’s dead?


That’s actually a good point. He’s not in the story so he’s clearly not around, but I guess he isn’t confirmed to be dead. I reread chapter 1 and Yuji says his grandpa dying is the only time he ever felt something like this, meaning if Jin is dead it was when Yuji was too young to remember


Maybe he is still locked up in Kennys basement, riding every night




https://preview.redd.it/mf2kaiudrcuc1.png?width=1124&format=png&auto=webp&s=11a2e5edf15a62f4632ccf7aadae7d5ddb67cc22 Put Kenny back on your head


The heian era definitely cos what does any of this yapping mean😭😭😭 https://preview.redd.it/4ob4u76dabuc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7f904d09f1ca325e9c4a09142c7ebfc054975115


She strong, She fought Uro and some useless no names in a group, They oiled up and had Lebanon Seggs, They accepted her in the Fujiwara clan cause she a baddie...


Doesn’t it say that she fought a group as strong as the one led by Uro?


Yeah we need a story about him in the heian era https://preview.redd.it/wue6dzx7lbuc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=32c6fa4de8de666fdb18618b0ccd87157c0e5417


Uro is very strong, being able to actually be relevant to Yuta. Uro lead the Celestial Squad, a group of people likely close in power to her, but not as strong That group is equal to the Five Void Generals, a group of 5 clearly strong people. Using this as scaling the 5 generals together are likely closer to Yuta than to the average grade 1 Yoruzu on her own managed to beat them thanks to her making the armor. So by the transitive property Yoruzu is around Yuta level, likely a bit weaker. Given what we saw from Yuta vs Sukuna and Yorozu vs Sukuna, it kinda fits


Who the fuck are the 5 voids generals? Celestial squad?  Broski this is the misinformation era and your description, while true, feels like something out of TikTok


You don’t need to know who exactly these people are for their purpose to work. References like these are made for lose power scaling, such as what I described to vaguely get Yorozu as somewhat relative to Yuta It’s not like Gege could just say “she beat this one group that was equal to another group that was lead by that naked sky chick a few chapters back”. He has to give in-theme (if generic) names to them for immersion. It gives a feeling that Jujutsu History is so large and intricate that one could go their whole life without hearing about this one insanely powerful group It would be really cool if we did get to see something about these characters, but for their purpose what we have is fine, especially since Yorozu is dead and likely irrelevant to the story going forward


For what it’s worth bro what you said make sense the other mf just got lobotomized too hard


Ah yes my favorite leaders, naked sky chicks


brother that was a joke


I know I just like yapping


Kenjaku grindset https://preview.redd.it/bq7f475tfduc1.jpeg?width=809&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3c51adf30331f7a2f9d45bc1137492e3effa26c6


Bro did math kaisen 😭


Here’s what we know so far: Sukuna slaughtered the angels, the eight Generals, and the sun moon and stars squad. Then Sukuna became the Ruler of the heian era. Then the fujiwara Executed the squads leader who was trying to oppose Sukuna rule (Uro) to spare themselves. And then Sukuna got bored of not fighting anyone and got turned into fingers. Yorozu was a noble at the time.


Everything. But the things I want the most right now are the Heian era flashback and Sukuna's true nature, as well as Yuji's parentage and the nature of his birth.


As long as it doesn't start and end in one chapter, it'll peak. https://preview.redd.it/x4ofk4oi7buc1.png?width=1926&format=png&auto=webp&s=f73bf9f291569d11e38cb41fe430654f97640d10




Call me crazy but everything here deserved to be explored


​ https://preview.redd.it/ggbf6ouscbuc1.png?width=1179&format=png&auto=webp&s=179fb03325e045390797e05820637473eb364a5d


I've been a fan of jjk long as fuck and i have NEVER heard anything about Hokkaido students.


I think they just meant the Hokkaido Jujutsu Society that’s been mentioned two or three times so far, once all the way back in JJK0.


Pretty sure they’re from a mobile game


They’re mentioned a few times in passing but we’ve never actually seen any of them


Lobotomy kaisen: https://i.redd.it/k7cf9sx6dbuc1.gif


3 of them could be done in the same flashback arc


If it doesn't concern Sukuna, he ain't writing it. https://preview.redd.it/m1jexnjl6buc1.png?width=315&format=png&auto=webp&s=a0aecc0c5a4e972032db6bef5238fba07b09731c


I’d say Heinera, Star Plasma Vessel and 3 Clans can all be one arc You could do the month time skip and reference Hokkaido students And you could tie Gojo raising the Zen’in with a Jin and Kaori flashback (assuming something relevant happens to them around the time Yuji is 5ish, possibly Kenny leaving Kaori)


When Gojo is "onboarding" Yuji into what's happening with him at the beginning of the series, he says that Ryomen Sukuna is a title and not his actual name. I think Yuji is a descendant of that family considering they all have hair similar to Sukuna. So in reality it may be that only one flashback takes care of Tengen and Kenjaku, six eyes and star plasma vessel, Sukuna and his family, the three big clans, and Yuji's background.


GIVE ME THAT HEIAN ERA FLASH BACK GEGEEEEE RAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH https://preview.redd.it/2wfez02tbbuc1.jpeg?width=736&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9efbe01f9376df6124839ed7a2ad7d7adb82f5e5


Here’s what we know so far: Sukuna slaughtered the angels, the eight Generals, and the sun moon and stars squad. Then Sukuna became the Ruler of the heian era. Then the fujiwara Executed the squads leader who was trying to oppose Sukuna rule (Uro) to spare themselves. And then Sukuna got bored of not fighting anyone and got turned into fingers. Yorozu was a noble at the time.


Wasn't it 5 void generals? 8 was mahoraga I think


It was 5, my mistake


the 4 above, it's too late to expand on the others now


He'll write everything. https://preview.redd.it/yhgbt6x88buc1.png?width=640&format=png&auto=webp&s=dd5f23edf967ed7e91482abe1f9bf0c6e35c3e66


Chap 257 starts a 5-chapter side story of the Hokkaido students camping with Kusakabe in 2017 and when we cut back to the Sukuna fight Yuji is lying dead on the floor https://preview.redd.it/nrestvms8buc1.png?width=1328&format=png&auto=webp&s=a226ed72787bc06520480ac77500c2a638303ef1


​ https://preview.redd.it/6yxqz67wabuc1.jpeg?width=4000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=731031ef9682680b9520711ff89a0d4e64e4f526


https://i.redd.it/wz9g4qjsgbuc1.gif The Heian era. Absolutely. It's way to vague .


Here’s what we know so far about the heian era: Sukuna slaughtered the angels, the eight Generals, and the sun moon and stars squad. Then Sukuna became the Ruler of the heian era. Then the fujiwara Executed the squads leader who was trying to oppose Sukuna rule (Uro) to spare themselves. And then Sukuna got bored of not fighting anyone and got turned into fingers. Yorozu was a noble at the time.


That’s not nice why he do that


I know right https://preview.redd.it/vlqm5sodjcuc1.png?width=851&format=png&auto=webp&s=ca557b2ba8b2175039ef0f0dcf0e27850fb10c03 That wasn’t very nice


https://preview.redd.it/hfhcmqajjcuc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=08da9f30bb7d21ebf5a4cd588bf99ea0ed6e01e2 Cat says stop 🛑


Hokkaido students? Are there more jujutsu schools aside from tokyo and Kyoto?


They are mentioned in JJK0 and by Tengen. https://preview.redd.it/l7vkrvq69buc1.png?width=987&format=png&auto=webp&s=34733b4f81193edbedbe70fc234343ddacd62444


In order for me 1. Heian Era, most powerful sorcerers originate from this time and it’s been hyped up for a while 2. Formation of 3 Clans, I’d expand on this by showing what the clans do, these 3 have held major standing in jujutsu society for a long time, so how did they get to that point? 3. Origin of Star Plasma Vessels, would be cool to see 4. 1 Month Timeskip, would definitely like to see some unique interactions and the game planning for Shinjuku 5. Jin and Kaori, could be funny, would like to see Yuji’s infancy 6. Gojo raising Zenin, could give Tsumiki actual characterization, would lead to hijinx 7. Hokkaido Students, they have no role in the final fight 8. Chapters after 235


Here’s what we know so far about the heian era: Sukuna slaughtered the angels, the eight Generals, and the sun moon and stars squad. Then Sukuna became the Ruler of the heian era. Then the fujiwara Executed the squads leader who was trying to oppose Sukuna rule (Uro) to spare themselves. And then Sukuna got bored of not fighting anyone and got turned into fingers. Yorozu was a noble at the time.


Toji and Mamaguro rom-com relationship https://preview.redd.it/76qc8asnsbuc1.jpeg?width=1500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5561416e5e713a8be92dc5116b4c07f92500eb3f


Kenjaku backstory would be nice too. I guess that’s heian era tho


Literally exploring anything at all instead of just having fights would be nice 😭💔


Definitely the 1 month time skip The rest of it is more like extra lore that isn’t necessary to the story, but could make good material for other books if Gege is wanting to write them


I mean, the Hein era is definitely important to the story. https://preview.redd.it/vq0fdke57buc1.png?width=564&format=png&auto=webp&s=c707b92cc913a31696d367d54d877af225f06592


Itadori fucking Ozawa 👍


Star Plasma Vessel We know so little and the Star plasma vessel is something we need to see some emphasis on. It’ll give us more about Tengen and Kenny the silly goose too


Definitely jin. I want to know what happened to the dad and want to know how knejaku switches bodies. Does the brain just kind of squirm its way to the other body? Is there prep work that needs to be done? What jin happy with his family? I'd like to know these things.


All pf them, but id prefer to see more about those famous void generals, and other actual grade 1 and students


Heian era can be covered in sukuna backstory nearing the end of his life, The one month time skip can be explained whenever someone gets a cool awakening (hopefully next chapter) - although I would’ve liked to see jjk follow the humorous hs vibe a little longer in that month before starting the final fight Jin&Kaori probably shown if kenjaku comes back/yujis power reveal Gojo raising zenin prob won’t be shown unless it shows in megumi flashback if he DECIDES TO GET UP Holkaido students nah it’s too late and useless Origins of star plasma vessels- maybe shown during merger? Formation of 3 clans - nah too late and no point. Unless used as plot development for megumi showing the lim6eyes vs 10s of the past and noritoshi lamp in kenjaku flashback


As many as possible though atm I mainly wanna see wtf happened during the timeskip ‼️‼️


Hein era it should mostly contain how jujutsu came tengen what is six eyes 10s origin maho origin all the biggest mysteries in jjk will be revealed


Heian for sure


How about the fact that there’s only ten idiots (almost all of them teenagers) fighting Satan himself while the rest of adults and other Jujutsushis do absolutely nothing? You’re not telling me that that’s all there’s left, right???? JJK world building suck donkey d*cks…


None of them. I'm tired of seeing people defending Gege's style of writing (that being a complete lack of worldbuilding) just becauae he gets a lot of flak for it. There's a reason for that; he's not good at it. He never was. He can write a good character from time to time and good fights/action but when it comes to actually fleshing out the world around him, he can't at all. He's horseshit at it, actually, and as mean as that sounds, it's the honest truth. So many opportunities to redeem JJK and its lack of worldbuilding or depth and Gege ignored them all in favour of just making a barebones story. No light novels or extra books or loredumps can fix it, imo. The only way this could remotely be solved is if he started from the end of Shibuya again. That's the last time there was any time at all to actually explore Jujutsu. The way the story is at the moment, diverging from his incredibly short-sighted transition into generic shonen will feel more out-of-place than just turning a blind eye to the issue. I want him to wrap up the mess he's made and just start something new, because I *know* he could be a good writer but he makes terrible decisions and backs himself into so many corners he had to make a whole ability out of it in the form of Binding Vows.


>I'm tired of seeing people defending Gege's style of writing (that being a complete lack of worldbuilding) just becauae he gets a lot of flak for it. There's a reason for that; he's not good at it. He never was Or he just doesn't want to..? Most of JJKs worldbuilding is just a fictionalized version of Japanese history... and almost everything that people complain about in the past is stuff that can be covered(Heian Era, Yuji Parents, etc) JJK was always more focused on characterization, JJK isnt even an adventure story. Not every story is trying to be the next LOTR....


He clearly does try to worldbuild though. Otherwise: * Not much reason to offer a Kashimo flashback. * No reason to mention Hokkaido's Jujutsu school. * No need for what little we have seen of the Heian era. We could just as easily accept Sukuna's a mean dude and move on. * No need for that whole Stars or whatever it was called group that got defeated by Sukuna. * No reason for the whole U.S invasion dropped mini-arc thing. * No need for the whole post-Shibuya Incident thing about the 10 million cursed spirits and the evacuation of cities and whatnot. * No reason for the elders or there being 'big clans'. You could just as easily get away with a President of Jujutsu or whatever. You get the point. Gege's added what I would refer to as 'paths' of worldbuilding. He's cleared the way, labelled the signs for the paths, passed by them and advertised them multiple times, but very rarely does he actually bother to walk down those paths and explore them. There's no reason as far as I can tell to add these paths other than to worldbuild, so it's clear to me that that was what he was trying to do. And yes, JJK's history revolves around fictionalised Japanese history, to some extent. But that doesn't mean you can't develop on it at all, let alone not mention a lot of it whatsoever. Yes, Ryomen Sukuna was supposedly a figure in Japanese history, as far as I can tell. That isn't an invitation for Gege to just rely purely on Japanese history to tell the story for him. Even if he did decide to do that, he's not even opted to explain much of that history; the most we have from him about, for example, Sukuna, is "Sukuna lived during rhe Heian Era, was very strong, and was a mean guy." This then ties into your whole point about characterisation; how is this good characterisation? I hate to be that guy but JJK really doesn't do much with its characters compared to some other manga. Yuji is a constant cycle of torture porn. Megumi is the second incarnation of the cycle of torture porn now as well. Yuki was a SPV, and nothing is added onto that. For crying out loud, Gege literally turned Maki into female Toji. He's been introducing random characters he made left right and centre, hastily 'characterising' them (very minimally, I should add) and then throwing them into the story where he sees fit. This isn't good writing. I don't know what else I can possibly say here about this other than that. The best characterisation he did was with Gojo and Geto, in my opinion, or at least they were the most meaningful ajd interesting anyways. And they weren't even the protagonists. But characterisation is possibly subjective, so for now let's treat it like it's good, because most people seem to be at least content with it as far as I can tell. Regardless of your thoughts on characterisation, I see characterisation and worldbuilding as two sides of the same coin. Poor characterisation but good worldbuilding results in an intriguing setting but with too much emphasis placed onto it and not onto the characters, resulting in lost interest. Throw it the opposite way around and you get what I would consider the generic shonen anime/manga formula. Your Demon Slayers and, now, your JJKs and whatever. If one is bad, the other is tainted, and so the story decreases in quality. It's that simple. JJK doesn't need LOTR worldbuilding and a whole ass Silmarillion to touch on the finer details, you're right, but to lack worldbuilding and exploration to this degree does nothing but harm the story and the characters that we're meant to be interested in. **Another way of putting it is, worldbuilding creates the setting whilst characterisation creates the subject. It is incredibly hard to focus on any one part of the aetting and appreciate the finer details when there is no subject, and it is incredibly hard to be interested in the subject when there is no detail at all in the setting and it's just a plain white background.** And finally, I just want to touch on the whole "Gege can do all the flashbacks and whatever now!", which to that I say, of course he can. However, he can't do it *well.* There's a time and a place for writing things into the story. No one wants to know about Yuji's parents after the Big Bad is defeated. No one wants to know what Hokkaido was doing after the fact, not during. No one cares to see Sukuna's flashback after he dies, not before, because then we can't compare the story we learn to how he is in that moment, because he's, well, dead. Gege can plug whatever he wants into the story at this rate but I don't hold any hope that it's going to be anything more than mediocre.


>He clearly does try to worldbuild though.  I never said that he never does worldbuilding at all and just focuses on characterization. I said that MOST of the focus is on characterization. He doesn't do a lot of worldbuilding, because the story hes trying to tell doesn't need it. >Yes, Ryomen Sukuna was supposedly a figure in Japanese history, as far as I can tell. That isn't an invitation for Gege to just rely purely on Japanese history to tell the story for him. Even if he did decide to do that, he's not even opted to explain much of that history; the most we have from him about, for example, Sukuna, is "Sukuna lived during rhe Heian Era, was very strong, and was a mean guy." This is one example where people are just being impatient. People are complainging that we don't know Yujis origins and everything about Sukuna + Kenjaku when the story isn't over. >This then ties into your whole point about characterisation; how is this good characterisation? I hate to be that guy but JJK really doesn't do much with its characters compared to some other manga. Yuji is a constant cycle of torture porn. Megumi is the second incarnation of the cycle of torture porn now as well. Yuki was a SPV, and nothing is added onto that. If you don't enjoy the characterization, thats just your preference(and I don't care to try to force someone to enjoy something) but I don't think your assessments of Yujis and Megumis character are anywhere near accurate. >or crying out loud, Gege literally turned Maki into female Toji. When it comes to powers, sure(although her character was created first and Tojis powers were created to show off how strong she could become. They have different histories, goals, dynamics, personalities, and growths. > He's been introducing random characters he made left right and centre, hastily 'characterising' them (very minimally, I should add) and then throwing them into the story where he sees fit.  Most of the newer characters that only appeared briefly are characters in the CG, which is sort of a tournament arc so thats to be expected. They all serve their roles well imo >Regardless of your thoughts on characterisation, I see characterisation and worldbuilding as two sides of the same coin. Poor characterisation but good worldbuilding results in an intriguing setting but with too much emphasis placed onto it and not onto the characters, resulting in lost interest. Throw it the opposite way around and you get what I would consider the generic shonen anime/manga formula. Your Demon Slayers and, now, your JJKs and whatever. If one is bad, the other is tainted, and so the story decreases in quality. It's that simple. JJK doesn't need LOTR worldbuilding and a whole ass Silmarillion to touch on the finer details, you're right, but to lack worldbuilding and exploration to this degree does nothing but harm the story and the characters that we're meant to be interested in. >**Another way of putting it is, worldbuilding creates the setting whilst characterisation creates the subject. It is incredibly hard to focus on any one part of the aetting and appreciate the finer details when there is no subject, and it is incredibly hard to e interested in the subject when there is no detail at all in the setting and it's just a plain white background.** This is your view, and I don't think its wrong, its just something that I don't agree with. I've watched/read stories with a lot of worldbuilding, and the simpler worldbuilding of JJKs doesn't affect me since I enjoy the story enough. >No one wants to know about Yuji's parents after the Big Bad is defeated.  The "big bad" is shaping up to be the merger, and since Yuji has pretty cryptic origins, his parents history may be an important part of explaining Yujis character. > No one wants to know what Hokkaido was doing after the fact, not during.  The reason why Hokkaido is distant is easier to explain if you understand the history that Hokkaido/the Ainu has in Japan


Jin and kaori Star plasma vessel and more on how tf/ what tf tengen came to be Heian era - sukuna, kenjaku and tengen relationship explanation


heian era and jin


Gege is a fraud, The Backshots Must be shown on full display


Toji solo manga of him hunting sorcerers.


https://preview.redd.it/vbgupgirkbuc1.png?width=547&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b664c19320df224c5473668ad0e11bfb1f000b38 All. All of them please. But if I have to choose it would be KaoriJaku and Jin backshot story and continuation of ch 235


Kenjaku backstory and how much he has learned.


Damn I really wanted Naoya and Yuji to interact.


Gojo raising zenin because i'm a sucker for slice of life content


Literally fucking anything at this point💀


I want a huge ass “Jujutsu Textbook” made to replicate something that would be given out at Jujutsu High A fully fleshed out text book explaining all nooks of the power system, and famous jujutsu history such as the big 3 clans forming Imagine a whole ass chapters dedicated to Sukuna and Gojo. Imagine power scalers using a textbook to scale characters!


i need more gojo raising megumi and tsumiki


i NEED it


Star Plasma Vessels because that means more Yuki


> chapters after 235 Hell yeah brother I can’t wait to see Gojo activate Lime green against the desperate Salina who probably is gonna do the merge.


most of the mysteries are there because gege or gaygay wants the story to make any type of question appear on readers mind and reader will possibly think further on their imagination and have an better time reading jjk than if gege removed those mysteries like this https://preview.redd.it/1zxlncwh3euc1.jpeg?width=460&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8a1d6e45e082be92857977068fdc2bb55d846515


Real answer to everything 🤯👇: # JJK ISNT THAT FUCKING DEEP


It doesn't need to be deep but it's harder to care about the characters that are getting hurt if *all* we get to see them do is fight or train.


Priority wise... 1. Hein-era flash back 2. Jin and Kenjaku backstory 3. Star plasma vessel history 4. 1 month time skip 5. Gojo getting slashed. Rest are mehh


It doesn’t matter, he won’t


​ https://preview.redd.it/ot1b6dr8cbuc1.png?width=1004&format=png&auto=webp&s=0b2c88c455bc414463f207abaaa0e5a7427f922a


Gege will drop the heian era lore when Fraudkuna stops running out of plot armor. With Wuji supposedly awakening and him already crippling Fraudkuna as a weakling, homies going for the left right Goodnight within a couple chapters(assuming backstory right before finish cause Gege can't stop sucking Sukunas cocks) 3-5 chapters? But we will maybe switch to Uruame vs. Hakari finally, or they come after Sukunas defeat. Maybe Uruame takes out a couple of allies after raging, who knows. I feel most mangakas this popular usually announce final arcs, no? I think there is more in store after these fights, whether it be merger or something different. Either Gege is cooking with a chill wrap up with interactions. fans wanted to subvert expectations after Fraudkuna defeat, or we are about to get our Jujutsus Kaisened with more backstory and lore. I'm working in my writing process for different forms. That's why I'm typing this long of a response.


You want all of them because it will make JJK better. I don't want any of them because the fucking cat won't do it anyway, so there's no hope. We are not the same


Literally anything at this point. I’m getting tired of nothing having much depth. I need to know so much more about any of it


I want Sukuna’s defeat to be the end of part 1 with a new story which will work to tie the lore together more neatly in part 2


Fujiwara clan


Everything bro 😂


Heian Era


I really want to know about the other Cursed Womb paintings and Kenjaku in general, how did he get to Yuji's mom?


Lore and slice of life beats.


the star plasma vessels tbh, it's interesting that there are people whose bodies are compatible with Tengen, how does that work? Is it a CE trait like Hakari's spike shaped ce or Kashimo's electric ce? or maybe they are people who were also born with Tengen's technique (similar to how unrelated sorcerers like Mai and Yorozu had the same technique generations later) and that's what the star plasma vessels are, which would be a scary idea tbh bc Tengen would be culling down her own competence in the world of Inmortal sorcerers and how did the Six eyes users and plasma vessel become connected by fate? is it a biding vow? are the vessels somehow related to the gojo clan? or maybe the star plasma vessels somehow are connected to "awakening" the six eyes in people of the gojo clan? maybe it was no coincidence that gojo unlocked rct and Red+Purple after the mission where he had to interact with the plasma vessel


lol none of this is getting touched on




I think it would be cool to see gojo come back in the form of a vision to megumi’s soul, and have a flashback to him raising megumi and his sister which would hopefully wake his broken ass up


Hokkaido students????


All of it


All of that but we can't have shit


Everything lol


Jin and kaori for....reasons




All of them lol


Not the Hokkaido student but I do want to see the Ainu jujutsu society


The Heian Era is the only mandatory one here.


If I had to pick one, it’s easily the Heian Era.


A heian era expanding on Sukuna’s past like what they did with Naruto and the Infinite Tsukoyomi would be fire


All of it.One thing I liked about Naruto is that it pretty much tied up every loose end and backstory before closing the series.JJK would benefit from doing the same.


This fandom deserves less


Jin and Kaori backstory is my #1 followed by Heian Era


Nothing. I want him to wrap up with the story already


Hopefully he just makes a Heien era spinoff, that can be the elaboration. I think Yuji family history is a little bit of a black box that should be expanded on. Like there is no reason Kejaku would create Yuji with a random nobody and not some sort of sorcerer.


Tbh I feel like it wouldn't hurt for JJK to have a few MHA style movies to expand on some of this stuff


All. How about all? Anything to properly expand on the 0 world building and pretty unexplored characters


The fate thing between tengen, six eyes and starplasma vessel Yuji veing from back then and kenjaku doing the grossest things Age of curses never ending as long as yuji/sukuna live


All of them, but I would want Heian Era more just to see what kinda bullshit Sukuna really was pulling way back when


I misread "Gojo raising Zenin" as"Gojo rizzing Zenin".


With the reading comprehension people have with jjk. Yall would get answers and still ask questions


I'd actually love a spin off of Gojo raising the Fushiguro's. I'd love the idea that Megumi gets mad at Gojo and summons Mahoraga and Gojo just swats it.


Heian era or formation of the three clans is the only clear answer


At this point, tha manga itself


Heian era or kaori 'all for the plan' itadori


... Literally all of this should've been better fleshed out?


How Megumi will cope with having his body taken over and Sukuna killing all those people he cared about. If Gege doesn't want to do this, I'm betting he'll just kill him off.


Gege ain’t doing none of this shit 💔😭


We seriously need a lore book for jjk.


Honestly, six months of “PUNCH PUNCH PUNCH PUNCH PUNCH PUNCH OW I GOT CUT PUNCH PUNCH PUNCH” and the way he keeps killing people off screen as if that’s shocking and not just frustrating and confusing has really sucked a lot of the energy out of it for me. I’m just kinda reading because I was already reading at this point.


Jin died for our sins and I must know his story


There are Hokkaido students?


We’ll be lucky to get an explanation why Yuji’s hands look different much less any of these things.


the Ainu Jujutsu Society isnt a school though, it's as the name implies.


Heian era...I would like to know more about the ancient kamo noritoshis experiments


None 1 month timeskip maybe


My sane mind says Heian era and origin of star plasma vessel but my naughty mind wants Jin-Kenny BACKstrory


i feel like the top four are pretty likely, bottom four are near-zero chance


Heian Era, Toji’s backstory, Kenjaku’s backstory, more info on the clans & the other members in the Gojo & Inumaki clan. Backstory on Yuji’s parents & more slice of life moments.


I think there's a post on Jujutsushi that piece together the Heian Era. The Fushiguro siblings could be pretty cool, since that would give the fridged one some actual screentime and more insight into Megumi's issues. They could bring the 3 clans politics after Gojo's sealed but unfortunately Culling game so we never got to see them or Megumi becoming clan head, and that would be the perfect time for the Zenins to drop the "Gojo kill your father" on him. Darn I wish that Kenjaku give us like 6 months before Culling game start.


"Gojo raising Zenin", so he just started raising the entire clan I guess


All of it and more. Where’s the JJk version of CFYOW?


All of them, heavily for the next decade?


I just want more Nanamin being Papamin to Yuuji 😭


1. This is one of things that need explanation. Aside from Heian era being golden age of sorcery, i belive there's alot of interesting stuff in there; 2 & 3. No words for this (srry); 4. Would be cool to know what kind of people Itadori's parents were, aside from Kenny stealing Kaori's body; 5. I think small info on how Gojo raised Zenin's would be enough for me; 6. WHO ARE YOU PEOPLE???; 7. Another thing that needs explanation, just like Heian era; 8. Would be cool to explain, together with Heian era at the same time.


Literally all of them




In order of what I want the most: 1. 1 month time skip 2. Jin & Kaori backstory 3. Origin of star plasma vessel 4. Heian era 5. Formation of 3 clans 6. Gojo raising Zenin 7. Hokkaido students I excluded chapters after 235 cuz idk what its referring to


1 month time skip!


Wtf is Hokkaido


Give us a slice of life spinoff of toji gambling, being in debt and scaring the zenins


All of it, please Greg we’re starving.


Gojo raising the Fusiguros would be a wholesome slice of life anime I want that.


Uji maki ship