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I think he just doesn’t want to use the energy and focus for anything that isn’t necessary. Just because he can do RCT doesn’t mean it’s effortless. He healed his leg because he can’t walk without it. But some cuts on his face just hurt, and Yuji can deal with pain.


if it's just pain, itadori yuji will NEVER STOP!




Damn I rewatched this like 20 mins ago




*Looks at desc* You and I are not so different 🥹


He truly is your special


I think I'd heal my eye at least


As some other people said, he was also able to heal his leg extra efficiently by using blood manipulation to reattach it, and then he just healed the cut points with RCT. If his eye is damaged, or worse, destroyed he wouldn’t be able to heal it as easily.


He didn't heal his leg, he reattached it with blood manipulation


I assume Yuji Reattached his leg with blood manipulation and then healed it otherwise he would have to constantly maintain his technique to keep it attached


Last time yuji stopped to fully heal the fatigue caught up to him so im sure you can only do so much in between slashes raining down on you


nah his rct is good but he fucked it up last time but thanks to piercing blood and a big bro choso pep talk he’s more aware of his body and shit. he just doesn’t care about scrapes because he probably doesn’t have to bleed anymore.


He'd still have to heal the nerves, blood vessels, etc since they were severed


It's basically implied that all he'd have to do is heal the parts needed to sow it together.


He would still need to heal it with RCT, using blood to stick the leg in place is still going to use up CE constantly, so it is better to just RCT it together than to have a chance of it just falling off again, well unless he wants to do a long-range kick with a severed foot


It would be fucking hilarious for yuji to hit a black flash on sukuna from the severed foot, like kick from range, the foot flies at sukuna and then black flash


Bro would be so pissed he'll pull out another Domain


Sticky Fingers ahh attack


It would be peak trust


He barely healed his leg, re-attaching is defo much more efficient than regeneration.


This but also it's a constant barrage of slashes, healing just to be sliced again would be stupid and useless. Yuji has high battle IQ, he definitely wouldn't waste energy like that.


Yes, that’s another good point.


Unless gege think its cool


so like yuki fighting kenjaku yea? doesnt go for an instant heal, just refer to it to tactical/strategical heal or whatev. or like in video games you wait for opponents to atk and you dodge it, then you heal in that free space and time window


Bro lost an eye and said “don’t care”


Gege thinks it looks cool af.


To be fair, it does look cool


Fair answer. I think his left side eye will become a mutation due to the death paintings and it will look like mahitos


No idea why you're getting downvoted for this, sounds kinda cool, tho I don't get the Mahito comparision


Because mostly of the I'm you. I don't know mahito and Yuji has a lot of similarities and portrayal


Oh yeah I get that, but I mean what was special about Mahito's eye outside of having heterchromia?


You see when mahito awakened in Shibuya after his second black flash. There was a moment where he just releases one eye. It looks similar to how Yuji is now. https://preview.redd.it/m7hsw76kiuxc1.jpeg?width=583&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e870c502e0a42d0499ca456fe293a48ca78fa6f9 But I'm saying his left side might look similar to mahitos top head. His fish arms already have similar vibe


It looks more like Sukuna's other face


The patch part of the right side face , just under the right eye


You could replicate that with stitches that's not really a mutation


reddit mfs just be downvoting anything 😭


the whole "you're me, I'm you" thingy going on


Or it could get this growth like sukuna




I'd win


Doesn’t really make sense when you say “due to the death paintings” because nothing like that has even been remotely hinted at


Yuji all cut up from sukuna is peak yuji look


Only real answer


Learned from the best 💪💪💪 https://preview.redd.it/yzq39mcs3uxc1.jpeg?width=1055&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=14c2bb92656f110c4924f5358e5af7bf5d65d458


Honestly that is the most "FUCK IT WE BALL" panel in the manga, also cemented Yuki as one of my favourite character that appears in less than 5 chapters.


It’s insane how brief her appearance was in the manga


Brief but good


It's the most *savage* feat of any good guy yet. Yuta french kissing the cockroach is a close 2nd but Yuki wins bc she didn't say "I can't, I have to do this for my friends" she fucking said "I DONT WANNA". Gone but never forgotten.


Mommy 🤤


This means yujis gon die 💀




Yuki really reminds me of Mirko from MHA in that panel, another “fuck it we ball” character I love


Was just thinking that, brings that **I’m her** energy with her


God, i love that woman. no other lady can look that good while covered in blood and i'm speaking from experience.


Heres a picture of my bird because I truly don't know how to comment on that https://preview.redd.it/928q2izxgvxc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2000afc536db591ba2ce59d51b9fbfd5523dc9ba


Mirko's doing pretty good in that department, especially in the current arc. She lost >!both arms!< and she's still kicking. (I'd link a picture but it's pretty big spoilers) https://preview.redd.it/p5jxrzro4wxc1.jpeg?width=751&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=80d046edb138bb7e3489feec378c9a8041d3eee5


I think she also >!lost a leg!< if I remember from the later chapter


I prefer the translation where the text is like: "just heal yourself!" "hell no!!" Or something like that, just adds the extra rawness to the scene.


John Werry you mf


Given that his leg is healed, there must be some other reason


Yea I mean it probably doesn't need much to heal it since he just reattached it but still shows he's voluntarily not healing. I think he's trying to figure out fuuga


I think he just optimizes how much healing he actually needs. We know he can use blood manipulation, so I assume he just clots his blood where he got slashed and leaves it as is


Oh so he might use something like blood meteorite in the future ? Damn that honestly sounds cool


He already reattached his foot using blood manipulation, possibly using something like red scale to get his buffed arms and used piercing blood, so very much possible


His arms isn't flowing red scale but I get what you mean. I mean it might be but it doesn't look like it since he was using shrine and the arms were still there (u can't use two CTS at the same time). Or maybe Yuji is just capable of using two ct simultaneously somehow.


I doubt, Choso said it himself that Yuji isn't very good at compressing blood(convergence) which is required for meteorite. But the awakening might change that.


"LOL, what about Gojo's torso though?"


He's probably in a state similar to when Sukuna stopped using RCT and started to land black flashes. He's probably about to use something new. I don't think he stopped healing because of his cursed energy, because he should have a lot of cursed energy by now after eating a lot of cursed objects. Have we ever even seen Yuji or anyone else run out of cursed energy? I only remember Mai and Kashimo.


It's just optimization, if he healed all the injuries then he would've left without any CE or he would've passed out, just remember how he was having a lot of trouble standing up after healing the collateral of the World Slash that he ate, Yuji has regular levels of CE reserves, also there's the fact that every single RCT of the series are slow compared to Gojo's and Sukuna's which are instantaneous (excepting Kenjaku and Yuta which have high speed of RCT healing but not nearly as high).


He didn’t have trouble standing up due to his ce reserves, he’s still new at using RCT and didn’t fully heal himself, shown when choso told him what to do shortly after. We also don’t know how much ce reserves yuji has, it was never stated to be average, and it can’t be average if his potential was compared with sukuna’s. Finally, after hitting 7 black flashes, using RCT shouldn’t be a problem with his CE reserves.


Right now Yuji has sukuna levels of CE right? That's what hakari said.


What he implied is that Yuji's CE is soaked with Sukuna's CE, not that Yuji has Sukuna levels of CE, in fact Yuji had barely any CE after Sukuna left his body, it's only when he ate his brothers when he gained normal levels of CE reserves. Also if he indeed had Sukuna levels of CE that wouldn't matter since that also implies that Yuji's CE efficiency is dogshit. CE amount is not that overpowered if the user has bad efficiency, that's why we were able to see characters like Yuta getting tired bc he has thermonuclear levels of CE but his efficiency is bad that every move that he makes he uses more than it's needed, or characters like Kenjaku who has not that great amount of CE reserves but can just spam abilities due to how efficient he is with it, or also for example Gojo who has normal levels of CE amount but his efficiency is at the max due to the six eyes.


its auto or something else at work, cuz it seems like he is surprised it happened. maybe just instinct


He's waiting for the right moment to say "I'm you"


RCT takes a lot of CE actually and Yuji been healing for a long ass time. Like he had to heal that huge blow to the stomach when Sukuna fought Higurama, then he was in the Yuta domain fight and was healing nonstop in order to keep up.


He only uses normal amount of ce for rct unlike others. He just hit 7 bf he shouldn't run out of ce for a while


He uses less amount because he doesn't need to regrow limbs and can reattach it, that wastes a hell amount of CE, other than that he uses the same amount of CE for RCT healing as everyone else except for Gojo and Sukuna which both have insane efficiency. Also Black flash DOESN'T add more CE than you have, it just restores you, if you restored the max amount then it wouldn't add more, also Yuji has normal levels of CE reserves, he doesn't have that much. Even if he had more CE, it's a way smarter idea to heal only the critical damage, or the damage that makes them unable to continue the fight, just remember that he was having trouble to stand up after healing the damage he took by eating the collateral of the World Slash. There's also the fact that their RCT are slow, not every single RCT healing are as fast as Gojo's or Sukuna's RCT. There's literally 0 reasons for Yuji to heal those wounds.


Also another point to add is that they're playing for the long run, since guess what? They're agaisnt Ryomen fucking Sukuna, they TOTALLY need to min-max every single thing to have a minimal advantage that increases their chances to win, and even after winning there's chances that the merger will happen (one of the 2 options that lead the merger to happenis that Geto Suguru, Uraume's vessel and Fushiguro Megumi all 3 dies) and they totally know that. It's literally the same argument of saying why Sukuna didn't just used Heian form and then spammed domains agaisnt Gojo, bc guess what????? Sukuna was also playing for the long run since later on he perfectly knew he was getting jumped on by the entire Jujutsu high + reincarnated and awakened sorcerers.


Yea bro makes sense.


I mean... He learned RCT in one month so it can't be a perfect RCT, that explained how his simple domain got overpowered by sukuna's domain


I mean even Gojo’s simple domain crumbled against Sukuna. Yuji having his not break would be the unusual thing.


simple domain is just a temporary measure it will always break against highly refined domains like sukuna and gojos versus hollow wicker basket which will maintain itself indefinitely but you will be restricted to chant and make hand signs with both your hands to keep it up


Simple domain seems to vary depending on the domain it’s up against. Mechimaru was protected against Mahito’s standard DE but Todo failed to fully protect himself against the 0.2 second DE. The times we see simple domains fail are against special cases like open domains or the 0.2 second domains. I couldn’t find anything about simple domains vs infinite void, only that falling blossom emotion doesn’t work on it because the sure hit is weird.


This was not to do with the complexity or duration of mahito's DE. He opened his domain and Todo was slightly late in using SD. Even if it's a matter of milloseconds the domain will activate its sure hit. Simple Domain needs to be active before the DE is formed.


it depends on the domain sukuna, mahito, gojo are all shown to form both the domain and imbue the technique at the same time which is how mahito was able to hit todo with his domain less refined domains first form the domain before the technique is imbued and thats when the sure hit takes effect i think this is explained when mahito does his 0.2 domain


I think he has good enough rct now after choso adviced him. Also rct is easier for Yuji to learn due to the nature of his body Yea his sd did get overpowered. I wonder how the others are doing.


Choso is definitely Gege's favourite, miwa is somewhat a great simple domain user so I'm wondering if ino can hold it as good as other, praying for the guy rn


Yea bro most worried for ino too. Miwa will somehow survive. Even if choso gets cut up he will somehow reattach his limbs back..mostly worried about ino bros been on good timing lately for a while.


Now done with the discussion, can we discuss about that flair?


What's wrong with it 😰🤧💀


Based flair


We were so wrong about choso bro.... 😭


Bro fr 💀bro survived the domain like I expected but not to like this 😭. Well atleast he had a great send off stuff was so emotional almost got me crying


We were so naive thinking choso would survive, we were focusing on the domain but not the fucking Gordon Ramsay's hell kitchen on sukuna hands. IM NOT READY TO SAY GOODBYE TO CHOSO BRUH


Choso wasn't the one who taught him how to use rct, but broke it down for him instead to help yuji learn is my guess. I still think Gojo trained yuji during the time skip. Remember yuji is pretty fucking dumb, school wise. He even has to count on his fingers at one point.


Yea true. I meant adviced as In 255. Make an outline spread your blood vessels


Yeah he did for sure I was gonna reference that but it was more of a helpful tip than training in my eyes so I didn't mention it. But big brother choso comin thru for his lil bro


To be fair yukis simple domain SHATTERED under kenjakus domain, the second best at barriers, and the only other person to have an open domain, Yuji lasted almost the whole time


Only one character in the series whos Simple domain is said to be able to tank the Surehit of a domain.


I think he just didn't have time to think of healing himself if it's not a necessary part like his leg, which also I don't think he used Rct, he just reattached it with Blood manipulation.


He's only focusing on the healing the important parts like his foot he healed The rest like his face injury and the shallow cuts don't hinder him too much so he can afford to leave them be as of now because he has to focus on killing sukuna He's in the zone and he can't let the chance go just to heal himself , especially since he needs to keep a simple domain up to survive


It just looks cool + well, remember that his Rct is fast but he is still not that skilled in using it :3


I mean I think he's pretty skilled now after choso adviced him. Healing all cuts and stuff easily in 257 and surviving sukunas attach from 251 itself is big feat. Pretty good rct all around tbh


I mean it's not really something that's really cool to say but i think it's just blood he can't clean up right now off his eye.


Are we forgetting that RCT takes CE and Yuji was focused on delivering blows to Sukuna? It’s hard to heal and attack at the same time.


using too much rct makes it heal less faster the more you use it i guess


he’s gonna pop royal guard trust (I think that’s how that works i haven’t played dmc)


You can see his leg healed right there. His RCT ain't so good to be immediate either. He's probably focusing on the major stuff and throwing hands and prioritizing the life threatening injuries over the cosmetic ones


I mean tbh it's only cosmetic injuries cuz it's Yuji most other characters won't be able to endure that onslaught. Yuji by far has the best endurance shown maybe except gojo nd sukuna


Yuji doesn't **have** to heal. He only heals when he's about to die. Pain isn't stopping him.


The mewji mogtadori train goes hard


Yuji doesn't have a lot of CE, it's way smarter to deal only with the most important shit like losing a foot. He can stop his bleeding with blood manipulation so smaller cuts can wait.


Don’t heal any injuries except the absolutely necessary


Because RCT is extremely CE consuming, remember that in the Yuta ad Yuji vs Sukuna portion of the fight, Yuji got collateral by the world slash, and after healing that he was having a lot of trouble to stand up, and then he was out of the fight for 3 chapters. Yuji has regular levels of CE reserves, he is not like Yuta who has thermonuclear levels of CE, Sukuna who has the double of that and also the best efficiency that non-six eyes user can achieve, or Gojo who has that much efficiency that it's absurd. Normal people and even Yuta use RCT as a tool to survive critical damage, not a spamming perma-healing shit that Sukuna and Gojo makes that look like, for example Higuruma only used RCT to heal his limbs which were essential to keep the battle going, he did not heal the dozens of cuts around his body and head, and basically Yuji is following the same formula, to only use RCT when it's really needed. What Choso meant by how Yuji and him are better with RCT is that they both have blood manipulation and are able to reattach limbs and to suck the blood back up so they don't need to use a humongous amount of CE to reproduce it with RCT, but normal injuries and critical injuries still consumes the same for the both of them, like the World cleave that Yuji ate explained above. And there's also the fact that their process of healing is slow, unlike Gojo's or Sukuna's which are instantaneous, if Yuji healed all his injuries then he would've left without CE, and having 0 CE in a fight it's basically a death sentence unless you're a heavenly restricted.


Unless you are gojo or have sukuna levels of efficiency and skill, using multiple abilities at the same time is near impossible (they would all become weaker). We've seen this for example with yuki not being able to heal and fight kenjaku at the same time. Kuskabe was also surprised that gojo can use rct and simple domain at the same time in chapter 226. Yuji was fighting sukuna and concentrating on black flash (even sukuna turned off his rct right before hitting black flash on maki in chapter 253), and then he had to jump straight into simple domain.


Losers heal flesh wounds, Wuji shrugs em off like they’re nothing. But in all seriousness he probably just doesn’t care much about pain at this point I mean he gets his feet cut off and reattaches them and basically keeps running in like one motion I don’t think someone that could do that would necessarily care about a bunch of cuts.


"Is Yuji Voluntarily Not Healing Himself?" look inside Yuji heals himself


Only his foot which he reattached


Why heal? It costs energy Sukuna mentioned in the chapters just prior that Yuji seems to just be pushing through the attacks as the output is getting lower. My guess is that the cuts are mostly surface level - he's bleedi g but its not impairing his function right now Further, Yuji has blood manipulation. Even with that level of cuts, its probably cheaper for him to thicken his blood somewhat and keep it circulating than it is to stop and focus on healing. Also gives him an easy opening to use his blood as an attack method - he doesnt have to focus it through his skin, its there and ready to he pulled out OR its leaking over the battlefield for him to use later Sukuna has been weakened for ages now and is still putting in a solid performance - it would be foolish to waste any amount of CE when you dont know whose black flash is coming next. Better to preserve resources until you know its safe


He thinks he’s Yuki


Contrasting Sukuna's mask


Well seems to me that he healed only the absolutely necessary thing when he needed too (his foot), and decided that instead of healing his face he wanted to punch Sukuna in the face. He did so with a Black Flash and literally punched one of Sukuna's eyeballs out of his head.


\*sees his left foot cut off\* \*Lands on his left foot fully reattached the next image\* wHy iS hE nOT heALInG


Choso said he wasn't quite experience enough to use convergence if I recall correctly, so I'm assuming his new abilities drain his more than likely average pool of CE really quickly and for him this is a marathon not a sprint.


Bro survived getting his organs pierced all the way back in the first Mahito fight, and kept going, it didn't slow him down one bit. Realitsically, he's fine, Sukuna isn't dealing enough damage to actually hurt Yuji atm imo


While Black Flash can restore your output it does not alter your CE reserves. Yuji currently has too much going on for him to focus on his RCT which he is shaky to begin with. Black Flash doesn't necessarily make him better at something he is not good at. Yuji in this chapter seems to be focused on simply surviving using minimal resources because he knows that he won't outlast Sukuna in anything.


Uses a lot of CE and he isn’t great at it (based on his convo with choso earlier) since he just learned it. Just using it when he absolutely needs it since he’s a mf dawg


I mean he literally did rct in the panel you showed, I just think he's not spending valuable energy on the lighter wounds And it looks sick


It's mirroring the Gojo fight. Sukuna's hatred and pettiness is getting in the way of the only person that can give him that fight.


No joke i think he is slightly Running out of ce. He used CE to Turn CE into blood, he used rct to use rct, he used 2 New techniques he hadnt used before and so on.


First his right eye, now his left foot. Yuji's gonna end up looking like a pirate


He healed his foot so he’s not Yujı/• anymore


well we find out in the newest chapter that the reason gojo regained his rct was because he created a new pathway for it thanks to being in the zone. i can imagine despite yujis advantages with rct he’s probably still a bit exhausted by it due to the damage he’s sustained and his rct output has been lowered


I dont think his rct output is lowered rn but yea he probably has a hard time constantly healing


Nah, he’s just trying to show off his GOAT durability




He cant use blood manipulation without blood duh


FEELLAS SAY IT WITH ME : HE'S H- https://preview.redd.it/edt4n9vfqwxc1.jpeg?width=608&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ae8a3186bb93f77a5bc87875514f9d97eb58e2a4


he min-maxing curse energy and is LOCK IN


Yeah, especially something as important as an eyeball. He's got a much worse blindspot without it.




RCT is costs a LOT of cursed energy so Yuji is strategically healing the parts of his body he needs to stay alive and fighting, he only needs one eye, and he doesn’t need to heal superficial cuts to keep moving


I mean RCT takes a lot of energy I’m sure he’s using it as much as he needs to stay alive like the foot. But otherwise he would be out of the fight Cursed energy wise if all he did was heal it. Also blood loss isn’t a big deal for yuji I don’t think because of blood manipulation. This is just my guess


He's healed his leg, but the cuts and the eye are a lot of blood. If Gege's building up to cooking the same way he did in 257, we might just see Yuji unlock the true potential of Blood Manipulation and surpass what remains of the Kamo Clan and become a warrior worthy of his title, "Demon God"


Yea I'm waiting to see how he evolved bm wit his black flashes. He clearly seems good at using it in new chapter.


The Black Flash Adrenaline only registered it as a flesh wound


It takes time to heal, he is healing himself it’s just that it takes longer for him than for people like gojo and sukuna




It’s to give him and Sakuna the same injury 🥲 like uncle like nephew


It seems like he doesnt give a shit. Honestly he is totally locked in. Also remember, if its just pain, Itadori yuji will not stop.


Honestly in those panels he could have healed himself under the blood, but the blood still remains there even though the wound beneath is healed


No pain no gain


You still have to stop and heal. Gojo was the only one to use CE and RCE at the same time. Yuji just wants to beat Sukuna’s ass right now.


It's possible that he is also slowly getting overwhelmed and running out of CE you know.


He just hit 7 black flashes. He only uses normal amount of ce to use rct unlike others. Also he should for a while now have miniscule ce consumption due to the black flashes


Black Flashes don't reduce CE Consumption. Don't mistake what Gojo and Sukuna can do as something everyone can, they just boost you stats temporarily. And yes Yuji does have the best efficiency when it comes to healing, but it still costs CE and he has been spamming it for a while now, so him running out of CE is absolutely not an impossibility at this point xd.


He isn't as efficient with RCT as people like Gojo and and Yuta, and secondly Yuji is just HIM, he is so deep in the zone that an injury like that is nothing to him at the moment, the only thing that matters is beating Sukuna's ass.


Unfortunately he's more efficient than yuta and probably gojo too. But yea I agree


No he's not. His blood manipulation helps him grasp the idea of RCT, but nothing indicates his RCT is on the level of those guys.


Rct heavy ce consumption doesn't apply for Yuji it only takes normal ce for him due to his body. Choso himself says so so argue with him


I'm not talking about CE consumption here, I'm just talking about using RCT in general, just like how Hakari's RCT in jackpot is considered the best simply because he is literally overflowing with unlimited CE, in that regard, Gojo has his six eyes which helps in utilizing CE to an insane degree, and Yuta, who just uses it by instinct, and didn't even need any lessons on how to use it.


Yea I mean hakari and gojo has better rct for sure. Idk about yuta since we don't have much feats on his base rct but still probably better than Yuji. But in terms of ce efficiency Yuji beats yuta and possibly gojo too tbh.


He beats Yuta in efficiency but Gojo probably still takes the lead on that due to six eyes being a stupid fucking thing that helps him in being the undisputed Number 1 when it comes to utilizing CE.


RCT is an active process, it distracts from other things.


He's probably lower on ce rn


Not really he's at peak perfomance rn after 7 bf. Doubt he's low on ce


Bf only buffs max output and ce control it doesn't add more


I might we didn't fully explore bf yet. I'm sure gege is cooking something


I thought it was just for blood manipulation but he ain’t really doin to much with it, might just become it takes a lot out of his ce


Bros locked in the zone he not worried about no RCT rn 😂


He's not that good with rct yet


same reason why he still had the mouth scar even though he has rct now 


It takes sukuna, gojo, kenjaku mastery to heal and fight.


Maybe he is healing but the attacks are faster or he think it’s better to just not worry about healing for now and just attack


If its just pain Yuji Itadori will never stop !!!


Hes not Gojo bro 💀


Black flash does not give you CE.


We haven't fully explored black flash yet so I can't say as of now. Yuji hitting a barrage of them might change how they work


It’s been stated in the manga, it does not give CE.


Yuji gonna be a ballsack by the time this fight is over


probably way too mad to focus on healing himself


He’s got a high tolerance for pain and those injuries aren’t really life threatening


I mean not life-threatening only for him. .most other characters aren't endurant enough to take that onslaught and be fine without healing.


I think hes just a lil busy is all.


Using RCT while fighting isn't easy unless you are Gojo.


he’s probably healing any deep cuts but not the surface lvl cuts, saving his rct for the more important wounds


He’s too busy beating sukuna’s ass


Despite how Sukuna and Gojo make it look. RCT takes a lot of effort and CE.


He doesn't want to divert ANY focus away from giving Sukuna these hands, and when Sukuna activated the Malfunctioning Shrine he had to use Simple Domain so he couldn't use RCT (Remember during Gojo vs Sukuna people were surprised it was even possible to use both at the same time)


I think he's just hyper focused on the fight an black flashes he doesn't even realize he needs to


He doesn’t need to use RCT to heal simple cuts when just stopping the bleeding with blood manipulation suffices fine and saves way more CE.


He's locked in.