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I'll accept this as my new headcanon if she never appears again. She just pulled a Kamo and got away from the bullshit.


Despite being the least written leader of the upper 3 clans, Kamo get the easy way out. Kenny exiling him is such a mercy move for him. He might be a dead number in the gauntlet if he ever stays until Shinjuku.


Sukuna in his theory era?


I have a Megumi theory in the works


Aw shit, that bum?


Unfortunately, yes. I might abandon it though…


please don’t 🙏 us wegumi nation need to cope


Who said it was a hate theory? I try to keep hating and agendas out when I try and do a theory.


i think there is a misunderstanding i mean please make the theory we are so desperate that even theory can make us cope


Ooooh right. My bad 😭 I forgot to read my comment before that


I know it's the punching bag of the community but if you do that would you talk about his potential a little? The ten shadows technique and its possible utilization is one of the most interesting subjects in jjk to me personally


Yes, most likely it will be included


Chimera shadow garden even the complete version is so fricking op


I hate the way that he walks, the way that he talks, I hate the way that he dress, I hate they way he sneak diss If I catch flight its gon' be direct, we hate the bitches he fucks (Angel) because they confuse themselves with real women, notice I said we its not just me.


If I somehow managed to live with a 1% out of 99% survival rate, I'd leave too.




gege!! draw nobara with a happy family and my cope is your https://preview.redd.it/2ucw59mlq75d1.jpeg?width=258&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6e89d8217405b8c52fcb7526e67fb8b99112abcd




Omg and then she sees the Shinjuku battle on Twitch as Mei Mei is streaming it and decided to pick up the hammer one last time as she enters the battlefield. https://preview.redd.it/e44pleot385d1.png?width=1080&format=png&auto=webp&s=0edb5ca58b4b10db8b78886aa3075869b7393dfd


Or she’s just like “this shit is exactly why I left, I don’t want a single part of this” and orders pizza or something


I think that she didn't make it. I don't see a world where shoko or anyone that could heal an injury right in her brain. Even worse, an injury caused by a change in the shape of the soul.


external rct is extremely weak, as opposed to mfs being damn near immortal when using rct on themselves, which is fitting cause jjk's power system rewards selfishness the most the only way i can see someone healing from IT is that they have to understand the soul and have rct themselves.


Gege might just do that. She is not important to him after all. But keeping her alive, even like this, would win at least some fans over.


After giving up being a sorcerer she got recruited into an idol group


![gif](giphy|3oFzmpsrRDdjL0tV2E|downsized) Sukuna when Nobara takes time off of her cosmetology course for one final battle:


https://preview.redd.it/c0tokpm15a5d1.jpeg?width=2360&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b65f88fe9f27556fc0ee41d5c47c0d610936453a Fake manga panels here’s the real one




https://preview.redd.it/kd0nx18b985d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7cff7f3fae18f31484ec02a91c165cbb10ff3edc So gege choosing the 2nd option with only nobara surviving out of all the 1st years 🤔


I don't think OP's theory is correct bcz I remember Nobara saying something like sorry for not being able to keep our promise (she was referring to the promise about the three of them being together when they next meet). So if she said she couldn't keep that promise, she most likely died back then. Also, in the fanbook, Akutami answered that he has already decided Megumi's ending which suggests the fact that he might die. And since Gojo's already dead, we can conclude that Gege might actually have chosen the 2nd option where only Yuji gets to live and suffer from the trauma of losing his friends and sensei 💔


Sorry for some of the grammatical and stupid mistakes I made writing this, I’ll try and make it nicer to read next time


I mean maybe? But it would feel kinda weird if the most headstrong, driven and determined member of the first year trio actually happened to be the first to give up, no? That would mean she gave up before Megumi did


Yeah but, she isn’t as strong as then (by a long shot I’m pretty sure) so she would keep almost dying over and over again if she went into like the culling games or against Sukuna. Or, even against just some strong curses. Don’t forget, unlike the other two, Nobara’s life isn’t just sorcerer I’m pretty sure she actually has a life outside of it. For me, it would make perfect sense if the near death situation broke her and she retired.


It's a possibility. But I have a feeling Gege will pull something unexpected instead. Plus I don't really see Nobara being traumatized. Yes anyone would be, but to me it just doesn't fit. Nice theory tho


Honestly, this is my copium now.


How does the people who say that her status is unknown even see the 1st page and not conclude that she died. The implication is obvious


We literally have Gojo slash in half shown in multiple page and people still think he's alive or is coming back. 


Coz he is coming back, he already 'died' once, so obviously killing him is not enough to make him die. Once Yuta's 5 minutes are up, he's gonna get pushed back to his own body and Gojo will return 'body is the soul and soul is the body' LOL how can people seriously doubt my king


You are wrong, goat will return in Yuta's body and prove that he is strongest, because he is Gojo Satoru. https://preview.redd.it/ym1ofasyi85d1.png?width=1719&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ff083835d2999fea84f2bd1143e1777c7f6f31cd


Apparently I've missed the plane anyway PURPLE


“Satoru Gojo-!” “Yeah, so apparently I couldn’t get through TSA fast enough, so I came home.”


Because all the panels which refer to Nobara’s ‘death’ still work if she’s just in a serious state or coma. Not to mention the fact that if she is dead, she isn’t acknowledged by Gojo when he’s freed from the prison realm who was HER TEACHER and at least talked about Nanami. If she’s dead, its been handled in one of the worse ways possible in the entire manga.


Megumi would have explained things clearly to Yuji if she survived but was in a critical state, he wouldn't have let Yuji say "I get it" as if he could have deduced such a thing by himself. The fact that he didn't, means that he thinks that Yuji jumped to the correct conclusion which is evidently her death.


Dawg, if she's in a coma which she may or may not wake up from, Megumi is not going to explain or give Yuji any false hopes. Yuji saying 'I get it' is so vague that it all it indicates is that Yuji knows Nobara's condition is extremely bad. EDIT: From another comment: Why didn't Megumi just say "she didn't make it" And you also managed to overlook my point about the fact that she isn't mentioned by Gojo sensei despite her being one of his students that died in Shibuya (if its true). Why doesn't Gojo talk about her? You have to acknowledge this is terrible way to handle her death if this is the case.


That's the thing It's an ***implication*** not a ***confirmation***. There's a pretty big difference between the two


She has a fist sized hole in her head, ofc she is fucking dead


Of course the Naoya pfp insists on the woman being dead smh


Friendly reminder that we've seen people survive getting their hearts ripped out, their limbs blown off, getting torn in half, taking a knife through the brain and literally resurrect after death in this series. But yeah, a head wound is absolutely impossible to recover from


Yeah and we saw it only with story relevant/important characters, and not a minor character


Not story relevant *unless Gege has something more planned* Remember when everyone said Gege forgot Todo?


Lmao u really comparing chad todo to completely irrelevant female character?


People have survived similar IRL. Light work. No reaction.


Which is pretty much a confirmation when you factor in that Megumi should know for sure weither she is dead or alive since he was at jujutsu high and that if she was alive, then he wouldn't have lowered his gaze like that.


But if she is dead it again raises several questions Primarily why Megumi didn't just say she died. Yes you could argue that "he's a 15 year old so it's hard for him to say it" but in this case imo it needs to be explicitly stated if Nobara is indeed dead as her status was at least initially left ambiguous. And of course Nobara's status is yet to be explicitly revealed


He didn't say it because it was hard and because Yuji immediately understood anyway. He says "I get it" and therefore Megumi doesn't have to plainly states it. It doesn't need to be explicitely stated because to Yuji and to us, she is either dead or alive. If she was alive then Megumi wouldn't have reacted like he did. His reaction could only mean one thing to both Yuji and the audience.


Well no Because he doesn't say "she's dead" and instead just makes a sad face all this scene really proves is that she's in a bad shape. that could mean she's in a coma, crippled and yes even dead. And also we're only seeing what yuji assumed happened which might not be what happened in reality, necessarily


If she is in a coma or crippled then Megumi would have cleared things out to Yuji since Yuji evidently thought that she was dead from his reaction. And I do not understand your last sentence, are you saying that she might have survived and that Megumi got the wrong info?


In a way that's what I'm saying Really if Gege wants Nobara to be dead he should have just directly said it here and get it over with. Would have saved everyone a LOT of trouble


Because it is the second time her fate was left ambiguous. She gets carried off and we get a 'maybe she will live' only to get that page later as another nonanswer. The implication of the scene isn't that she died it is that the author doesn't want to confirm one way or the other her fate and leaves it ambiguous because she might be useful later. Which is extremely unsatisfying to read because any emotional or narrative meaning you take away from her supposed death is undermined and second guessed by the storytelling not giving proper closure to her fate.


Because it feels really weird narratively. "Hey gonna introduce a new character whose power might make it so that she might survive, even if it's unlikely!" leading to her dying offscreen and have the protagonist's reaction be... JUST what we got? It feels weird and like it wasn't explored enough. Which is fine if she's not actually dead, but if she is...then it's just a really, really weird setup. But the series has had enough strange ways narrative setups got dealt with that at this point I would be more surprised if she's alive. I think it might be that weird. I do sincerely think she might be dead, even if I wish that weren't the case. That said, c'mon now - it's pretty obvious why people look at that and go "That detail from before feels like an odd thing to add to a narrative if it leads nowhere, so I think it might go somewhere."


I will agree that the lack of aftermath to her death is jarring and bad. However, it's been a long time since the shibuya incident, since Amai applied his stasis CT and when Megumi meets Yuji, the matter of her survival should have been decided by then and since he was in contact with Jujutsu high, Megumi should know for sure weither she survived or not.


> Because it feels really weird narratively. "Hey gonna introduce a new character whose power might make it so that she might survive, even if it's unlikely!" leading to her dying offscreen and have the protagonist's reaction be... JUST what we got? It definitely is weird narratively, but I've always just read that as Geje not being confident enough in himself and his manga at that point, so he wrote in some wiggle room to bring her back if the backlash to her death was looking like it'd get out of control. Instead, people reacted pretty positively to such an unexpected and massive shake up of the status quo and so he left it be.


I feel like Yuji would be a bit more distraught if Nobara died, he looks gutted that she like left or something and him saying ‘I get that’ sounds like he understood why she left. But, that’s just how i interpreted it though


The thing is, he already kind of grieved her. Not properly of course, we don't do that in this manga. But I feel like if this was a confirmation of her death then it's really just telling Itadori what he already knew and already went through the moment Mahito touched her I'm fully convinced that Nobara was and is meant to be dead, Gege just got cold feet and doesn't want to confirm it to keep her in his back pocket I guess


That would be really weird given that he killed off Nanami despite originally planning to just make him lose an arm. > Sensei had originally only planned for Nanami to lose an arm. He didn’t expect him to die. However, he experienced the phenomenon of “characters taking their own life” and it actually felt good to follow and take that path.


This is also the same interview that confirmed by the time Nitta did the technique, she was dead, which is a really weird thing to specify? He specifically brings up a moment of time where she is dead rather than her just being dead.


Because there's no reason to IMPLY a main character is dead, you just SHOW it. Look at the characters that gege has killed. Why would he add a character to say "this character might survive because I've stabilised them" if it wasn't to deliberately make their death uncertain.


Because when the implication is that obvious, it's as good as showing it. Also her death was only uncertain back in Shibuya. When Megumi meets Yuji, a long time has passed, long enough that her survival should have been decided and that Megumi should know about it. Therefore his reaction ends the uncertainty when that page dropped. The only ones uncertain after such a heavy implication are using meta-knowledge that a main character shouldn't die this early as a cope.


But it's not as good as showing it, if it was we wouldn't be having this conversation. An author doesn't need to IMPLY a character death, gege has demonstrated how he kills characters. So why specifically give nobara a chance of survival through being stabilised if the intention is for her to die? That serves to only undermine the impact of that character's death by having it be about a failure to revive her instead of a death in battle against mahito. The meta knowledge isn't that a character shouldn't die early, it's that it's completely unnecessary to undermine the death of a character by prolonging it through the possibility of survival only to have that decided off screen. So either gege fumbled a character death in a way he hasn't before, or it was deliberate because he has plans with nobara. Why make a character to tell us that he stabilised nobara after she's already dead. That adds literally nothing to the story or that character's passing. Why then have that hope extinguished chapter upon chapters later through a panel of megumi averting yujis gaze? Neither of those things were necessary had you just settled for the original flashback into face exploding.


Copium is strong with this fanbase


You forget that this fandom can't read.


Giving up? Don't put her in the same level as the bum


He is potential man, doesn’t reach his potential, so bum. But Nobara… she’s just, average as a sorcerer. Has potential to get to grade 1, but like… She almost died (if she’s indeed alive) and she probably will almost die over and over at her skill level and the level of opponents they’re facing now. Just let her rest…


I don't think it's on Nobara's character to just leave Itadori and the others behind. If it's the case, I'll actually even prefer that she didn't survive. It just feels so out of character for her to leave them. In almost every fight it seems like she's prepared to throw her life away given the nature of her CT. So I think if she's well, she'll help the others soon whaterver she can do. Otherwise I think she's dead or in a coma or something.


Considering how much information everyone kept from Itadori, she might as well have.


I think she is in coma.


You cooked, I liked it


So basically she pulled a terra from teen titans?


Bros…her brain and whole left face was on the floor and mahito attacked her soul. You need to perceive the shape of a soul to heal that kinda damage, nobara didn’t know the shape of her soul and shoko can’t heal soul damage either, otherwise she woulda healed todo’s arm.


Gawd, if she doesn't appear to fight, I at least hope this theory is true.




Yeah this is probably it.


Sounds dumb tbh


Honestly, this is the best theory on what happened to Kugisaki.


i like it in theory but in practise even someone really traumatised should be on stand by cause if they lose to sukuna humanity is fucked either way i know trauma is real and she should be retired in this scenario but in the current state of affairs that just isn‘t feasable it reminds me of gojo that man probably also didnt wanna clear curses every day for ~20 years but everyone saw him as a weapon


I think she also said something along the lines of "Sorry, I couldn't keep our promise" referring to the promise of all the three of them being together when they next meet. So, I don't think she met any of her friends.


Yeah I agree. I think the promise was just to add emotional depth to Nobara's backstory, to show how strong the connection between them really was. It's not meant to hint at future events or her giving up as a sorcerer.


Yeah, and Nobara's the type who would try to help immediately after knowing the situation. I don't think she'd have given up if at all she was alive.


This is canon. Gege just forgot to put this in. 💯


Bro she’s on the happy farm i know


If she’s alive she definitely lost her eye permanently. Probably is unable to use her CT as well because of the brain injury.


I don’t think Megumi would let Yuji just think she’s dead if she just retired, since that’s definitely the conclusion Yuji came to


If that was the case, freaks on this sub would call her bum and fraud because being strong or useful makes a character good right not being written well.


this is also what kashimo did btw


She died. It’s time to get over the cope already.


Bro not even Yuji is this dense. She is dead, gone, deceased.


Same shit as being dead.


What a coward