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If Megumi locked in for a moment there WUJI HIMTADORI could've lifted Megumi's soul from the bath


Fact check: TRUE. Choso fans, our beloved angel is gone because potential boy wouldn’t lock tf in!


Yuta also died(shoko nor his own RCT was able to heal the WS) because of megumi. He'll even if megumi doesn't want to live, at least help nerf sucuna(like yuji is doing) so the good guys can kill you both. Edit: Yes yuta is alive RN, but only because he swaped brains/bodies. If their wasn't a body for yuta to swap to or if he didn't have Kennys' CT, he would be dead.


Technically everyone who died since the start of the serie died because Legumi was too much of a bum to retrieve a finger.


I mean, that's fair. But also if yuji didn't eat that finger for megumi the supposedly sucuna would have woke up and taken full control(like kashimo, uro, ryu, druv) once kenjaku releases the seals. I think a unrestrained 1f sucuna in yujis body is worse for the series.


Techniquelly everyone who died since the start of the series died becouse Luji was too much of a bum to not swallow a finger.


Yeah, Yuta was basically running on Rika copium.


Some people wanted to think he would just heal it and walk it off. Then we got the yuta, and shoko hospital seen and that hope was killed. At least it should have been, the amount of people I have heard say that yuta didn't need gojos body, or kenjakus' CT is wild. Shoko and yuta admitted it was the only choice, we literally see shoko talk to yu/ ta. Like do you think shoko would be talking to Yu/ ta of she could be healing him? The answer is she tried, and it didn't work. That's why she said she manually put go/ jos' body back together, and that Yu/ ta should run RCT at max output as soon as he is in go/jos' body.


Why had the edit part at this point he is alive. Worst case just dont say that and wait for the legendary 5min to pass


Cause it's true, if yuta didn't have kenjakus' CT and gojos body on stand by then yuta would have died. His body rejected shokos' RCT, he couldn't use his own RCT or it wasn't enough to even put his body back together. I mean sure yuta could have used higuruma's dead body, but that would have been a hard nerf(lose rika and gain gojos body kinda balanced out, Lose rika and gain higuruma's body does not balanced out.). If yuta didn't have kenjakus' CT yuta would have 100% died from the world slash injury, that's a fact.


Like c'mon man even ~~zenith~~ zenitsu locked in, why tf are you being like this ....




Megumi is about to pull a sword out his head and turn into a Lord of eternal chaos


Bro ain’t Midra


I wish he does


Its very difficult to sympathise with Megumi because Gege has written him poorly especially with Tsumikis death and everything that comes after. One of JJK's biggest writing fumbles. * Tsumiki up until now has exclusively lived in short flashbacks with little to no detail * Tsumiki wakes up: the only on-page interaction is Megumi telling Tsumiki to go back to sleep and shes gone for the rest of CG * Tsumiki turns out to be an incarnated sorcerer Megumi pulls a shocked pickachu face for a moment and before he has any meaningful reaction Sukuna gives him a finger deluxe * Megumi undergoes a soul sinking and bathing in evil. What exactly does this do? We do not know the details and probably never will. * Tsumiki gets killed by Megumi's own technique. This imho is his biggest character fumble. Yorozu is completely in control during this fight Tsumiki is an afterthought. This creates this disconnect where Tsumiki is seemingly already dead for all intents and purposes but she needs to be killed again. Does it really matter that Tsumiki's body needs to be killed by the 10 Shadows? Isn't the fact that Megumi will forever remember her dying by his own hand not enough? There is accidental pseudo-incest in this arc and it's completely unacknowledged. * Megumi somehow takes the brunt of 5 Domain Expansions what happens now? Is he catatonic? The immediate panels afterwards hint as such but later we see him able to communicate so what happened? Was his soul damaged? Only Greg knows. * Gojo gets killed being piloted by Megumi's body, what implications does this have?  Gojo is like Megumi's father figure. Did Gojo hold back from trying to kill Megumi or did he think Megumi was a lost cause? Is Megumi even aware of what has happened? Now off course people will compare Megumis giving up to Yujis in Shibuya and point out Yuji only pulled through because of Todo and so you cant compare the two wanting to die in those very moments. But they ignore two very critical aspects Yuji wanted to die because **him being alive caused more suffering** Megumi **giving up taking control is causing more suffering and killing people** Thats the fundamental difference between their situations, characters are dying due to Megumis unwillingness to do anything, Choso has died and lets be real its a >70% chance Yuta dies once the 5 minutes are up and that all could have been avoided with Megumi not selling Yuta's otherwise foolproof plan. TLDR; Bravo Greg what a man you are


>TLDR; Bravo Greg what a man you are https://preview.redd.it/efg3owfq12ad1.png?width=753&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=68b0b509d93efab0d64cbe55eadeb6557281cf53




Tl;dr No, I don’t want that! Tsumiki finding another man…


I want her to think about me... FOR TEN YEARS AT LEAST!


Suksuk, you became a mass murderer for our sakes…


As a reward I shall give you my Jujutsu


I won't let this transgression go to waste


This post also doubles as Sukuna glazing post, the pettiness and hatred Sukuna has displayed in this series, especially against Yuji and Megumi has being generational, just modern day Orson Wells hating Woody Allen levels of hate, bro has destroyed, killed and manipulated lives for centuries just because he could and thought it would be funny. Truly our Jujutsu Kaisen, Sukuna is the real main character of the story


I've never seen someone hate on a child so hard since Reverse Flash


Since Toji


That a give , the very first chapters is named ryomen sukuna. We've established that sukuna is center of this story since the beginning. The story is about sukuna an evil sorcerer and his nephew who's a brat and doesn't accept his family's way of doing. His sister in law is also evil. And he doesn't want Yuji to surpass him.


Sad that hea gonna die by divergent blackflash


My stance is that its not Megumi's fault that his mind is fucked, but it is still true that his actions of not locking in is causing a lot more suffering


Don’t forget that Legumi’s body doesn’t even exist anymore because Sukuna manifested his mutant form, so it’s not even clear if Legumi can even exist outside Sukuna’s brain now.


There's also the fact that Sukuna had the time to put Hana to sleep, rip Yuji's finger, wait for a potential backfire (though that's BS because Yuji wasn't on that cog mentality when the BV was made, for starters), gloat when nothing happened and start aiming for him before Megumi FINALLY took action. And said action is trying to summon the Shikigami that kills everyone present at the scene when summoned and untamed, that Sukuna already beat, and that would have killed him, Yuji and Hana if it succeeded. It's also the only summon that takes longer to happen because of the chant and posing. Meanwhile, Meg could summon Rabbit Escape and Gama in the heat of the battle vs Toji, and disrupt his footing with his shadow. Inb4 someone says that Meg had no way to realize what was going on or something : Suk had a clear shot to kill Hana but fainted her then prevented her fall, even though he's wary enough of Angel to tell Yuji to not reveal his condition. Yuji told him that he had something sinister in store for him. Sukuna is fast enough to prevent Meg from doing almost everything, but is aware of Mahoraga this time, yet Meg doesn't try to retreat through his shadow and/or Rabbit Escape.  Even if Yorozu's reveal shocked him, it's stupid to try to summon the thing that will kill you and your allies if it works as intended. Memeworthy even if Mahoraga is his go-to reaction after the character development he went through and the aforementioned reasons for why it wouldn't work. I think no author (that I recall) made a main character this increasingly harder to justify the rescue of before, between greatly contributing to Sukuna's survival, actively rejecting help in a way that would worsen his suffering, after being sunk in "evil" and UVs, somehow.


Megumis ability to hide in the shadows is one of the most overpowered but sorely underutilized aspects of his ability unfortunately hed rather immediately pull hand signs and chants to summon Mahoraga then retreat in what is seemingly a guaranteed escape ability.


What makes it even dumber is the fact that he used it against the US soldiers and even before vs Reggie and his gang, and again to infiltrate Hakari's fight club. I better not see some headcanon excuse that he was just shook by his sis getting overwritten a long time ago when he immediately tried to go after Yorozu instead of being shocked to the point of being paralyzed for the entire event. This is not even about agenda, and people being over defensive over Megumi doesn't change the fact that Gege is no stranger about making characters forget their abilities and act in a contradictory manner to get the plot in a direction he judges good. Or how he writes some extraordinary coincidences, like Yuji being from a non sorcerer family but Kaori somehow having the exact CT=>RCT needed to escape the black hole, while not knowing Yuki's CT before actually facing her.


Firstly, Mahoraga doesn't kill everyone. He kills everyone that's a part of the ritual, and anyone who tries to interfere. Secondly, if Sukuna is fast enough to ' fast enough to prevent Meg from doing almost everything' he's fast enough to prevent Megumi from running away. Finally, even if Megumi does just try to save his own skin, what about everyone else?


When I say everyone, I obviously mean everyone **present when Megumi summons it**, aka himself, Yujikuna and Hana taking a forced nap, + eventual intruders like Sukuna himself in Shibuya. Are you trying to pass me off as an amnesia victim or something 😅?  There's a big difference between Megumi trying to pull his trump card that Sukuna already trumped in Shibuya after Sukuna got to do several actions (fainting Hana, ripping Yuji's finger, pausing and gloating) and essentially in front of him, and him trying to distract and distance Sukuna like he did vs Toji. The problem isn't that Sukuna can interrupt most of Megumi's actions just by rushing him, it's that Megumi tried to pull a chant against Sukuna at the last moment, while he can just put the sign for Rabbit/Gama and go in the shadows.  Even if he does get caught anyway, he wouldn't have tried to nuke himself even though he got over going for a mutual death right away against an opponent far too strong for him since the 2nd Fingerer, while his sister needed to be saved. Whether you like it or not, his last action before losing his body pretty much reset his character development. It's not a matter of agenda, Megumi has logically no reason to pull Mahoraga again vs Sukuna, not in this context, not after his sister was almost literally spirited away 1 minute or so earlier (Sukuna triggers Enchain soon after Yorozu left). Megumi also knows that Sukuna usually wants to kill as much as possible or as he sees fit when he takes over Yuji, yet, he "delicately" incapacitated Hana, the host of the sorcerer who hates him the most after Yuji and who can literally exorcise him and his vessel. He pieced together Yuji's confusing gestures to realize that Sukuna is Angel's target, he can piece together that Sukuna isn't gonna kill anyone yet for some reason 


> , I obviously mean everyone present when Megumi summons it Yes, and that's incorrect. As I just said, he kills everyone that is a part of the exorcism ritual and everyone that tries to interfere. > and him trying to distract and distance Sukuna like he did vs Toji. That didn't even ultimately *work* against Toji, there's no way that's going to work against 16F Sukuna. And even if it did, he's still ultimately just passing the buck onto someone else. > Even if he does get caught anyway, he wouldn't have tried to nuke himself even though he got over going for a mutual death right away against an opponent far too strong for him since the 2nd Fingerer, while his sister needed to be saved. He absolutely would? Sukuna coming out is basically *the* worst case scenario. He needs to die ([Yuji specifically requested this even](https://cdn.onepiecechapters.com/file/CDN-M-A-N/jjktcb_144_03.jpg)), and Mahoraga is literally the only thing that even has a hypothetical chance of killing him. And the Fingerbearer *wasn't* actually too strong for Megumi, that's the entire point. > Megumi also knows that Sukuna usually wants to kill as much as possible or as he sees fit when he takes over Yuji, yet, he "delicately" incapacitated Hana, the host of the sorcerer who hates him the most after Yuji and who can literally exorcise him and his vessel. He pieced together Yuji's confusing gestures to realize that Sukuna is Angel's target, he can piece together that Sukuna isn't gonna kill anyone yet for some reason 1. That just makes it worse, because now Sukuna is most likely planning something. 2. Megumi has no idea *why* Sukuna isn't hurting people or how long it'll last for, this isn't something he can rely on. 3. As we see, Sukuna is entirely capable of fucking stuff up without hurting people.


awoken reader emerges, soon more people will awake over how regarded Geges 60+ page fight arc is. Zero story development just heist movie plot twists in fights, that happens because Gege says so.


Everything post Shibuya has been a nosedive in terms of quality. I want to like JJK I was really invested, imho Hidden Inventory arc was genuinely one of the best arcs I have ever read. I just conceive how the person who writes HI writes CG and Shibuya Showdown. Makes me think it was the editor who carrying the series earlier.


If Tsumiki was a real character, almost none would blame Megumi She is just a plot device


Mf I had a stroke reading that. Learn how to write a sentence before criticizing a story.


We don't even need to compare Yuji in Shibuya to Megumi. Regardless of how it happened or the reason behind the depression, the fact remains that Yuji locked in pretty damn quickly and Megumi hasn't yet for a long time and willing gave up an opportunity to do it too. Thus, Yuji had a payoff and he is still making his moments while Megumi hasn't. If Megumi was written properly, most of us would be rooting for his comeback now. I would be very happy to see him lock in, but it feels weird to root for him since Megumi's comeback can be pulled off pretty much only by asspulls. If he just comes back and starts fighting immediately, how would you explain what happened to those 5 unlimited voids? It's like Megumi's character arc has been backed to a wall in terms of writing.


I think a problem with Megumi's writing is that he's suffered a comprable amount to the other characters. Yuji, Maki, Gojo, Yuta. They've all been through the ringer but haven't shut down...but Megumi can't handle it?


That’s on Gege for the pacing of the story along with failing to make the audience care about Tsumiki as a character and Megumi’s plight. It’s like Luffy watching Ace die and instead of sympathizing for his mental breakdown, the audience shits on him and calls him a fraud instead. Genuinely sad stuff but par the course for this story


Problem is that you cannot powerscale trauma and tragedy. Different people deal differently. Ofc, it is also Gege's fault that make Megumi's tragedy pales in comparison


1. None of them got put through the ringer for a month straight like Megumi did. 2. Yuji literally *did* shut down.


The difference is that they are not trapped inside of jujutsu god.


I don't think any of them are comparable aside from Yuji. Everything Megumi pretty much lived for crumbled in that one period of time. Even from early on in the manga we know his sister means the world to him and how far he'd go to protect her with the whole finger bearer thing. Now her body was taken over, his body was taken over and proceeded to kill her. Soul was bathed in evil which is pretty clear it removed all will of his to live on and if that wasn't enough his own body killing his father figure (and eating UV which i forgot about) there is NO reason for him to want to go on regardless of the things around him. He clearly was supposed to have more screen time and be more important of a character but it never was written that way post shibuya.


>takes the brunt of 5 Domain Expansions It was stated that he took the brunt of the adaptations, which makes sense because if it was Megumi's soul taking UV *damage* then sukuna wouldn't have gotten lobotomizes from that 0.001 second UV exposure


they are step siblings, not incest.


Pretty sure its implied they are half siblings Mamaguro is Tsumikis and Megumis mother but Megumi is Tojis only child.


Mamaguro isnt tsumiki's mom just megumi's im pretty sure.


I highly disagree with the idea it’s difficult to sympathise with Megumi, gege has proven to understand how to write tragedy throughout the manga, the problem is this fanbase is too desensitised, they can’t connect the dots of megumi’s characterisation without someone spelling it out for them


Gege can write tragedy but I think its the execution varies wildly. Riko Amanai, Junpei, Nanami are all good examples, but I don't think Tsumiki comes close to mimicking the tragedy of them. Our connection to Riko and Junpei are much stronger as they have their own desires which we see get ruined. Nanami we spent a lot of time with and get to know his perspective, his morals which leads us to see how Yuji sees him. We only ever see Tsumiki through flashbacks with little characterisation and we only know Megumi cares about her. We don't experience how they have made such are connection and the irony is it is precisely the fact that Gege has spelled it out for us that people don't buy it. I the fanbase might be slightly desensitised but still I don't think Gege has given us as much to care about with Tsumiki as other characters. I think they can't connect the dots because there are no dots.


I although I don't like Megumi. I don't think their current situation is Megumi's fault. Even if Megumi decided to intervene there, I doubt Sukuna would get overthrown easily.


I mean the point of Megumi in their plan was to disrupt Sukuna from the inside, even if he can't instantly regain control of the body and stop the merger, he can absolutely make things much harder for Sukuna, like even putting aside the fact that he should be able to disrupt his cursed energy flow, if Megumi just took control of 2 of Sukuna's hands, he wouldn't be able to use World Slash and Domain Expansion




They had the whole plan lined up with yuta popping domain, hitting jacob's ladder, and Yuji landing a perfect punch between the souls, but Legumi Bumshiguro just has to sell


As expected of the Bum https://preview.redd.it/2uxcqcoxv2ad1.png?width=668&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=82e724250da7bbef392f67e5df5d0f559a85c4f6 Useless, fraud, bum


https://preview.redd.it/l9kujxm183ad1.png?width=584&format=png&auto=webp&s=680aed563b454e72412f95a24e8acf3b6a747482 He’ll be pulling up soon so keep that same energy when Wegumi slams


Yes I will, a Bum is a Bum https://i.redd.it/xdnde39yg3ad1.gif Choso won't stop being dead cause of it


>, if Megumi just took control of 2 of Sukuna's hands, he wouldn't be able to use World Slash and Domain Expansion Damn, its almost like sukuna prepared a whole ass bath just to prevent that from happening


What do you mean yujis "stop being depressed" wasn't inspiring enough?


I mean Yuji didn't just "talk to Megumi", his punches to Sukuna explicitly drew a divide between the souls of Sukuna and Megumi. Megumi had the ability to take control, he didn't do it because he didn't want to


We're talking about megumi taking back control after yuhi talked to him . I never said his punches didn't weaken sukunas soul.


I mean Yuji didn't just "talk to Megumi", his punches to Sukuna explicitly drew a divide between the souls of Sukuna and Megumi, that's the point of the whole fucking plan. Megumi had the ability to take control, he didn't do it because he didn't want to


Where did you got that 'he had ability to take control' Ah shit did i miss another chapter of sorcery fight?




Megumi's mind is severely damaged dude. Kinda similar to Itachi's Tsukuyomi victims. All that trauma + evil bath + 5 Unlimited Voids are not something easy to shrug off.


Fr. He should be completely brain dead by now. And for some reason people tthink he is capable of locking in?


if he was catatonic he wouldnt be getting hate, but hes conscious and said no


This is a meme agenda that turned into unironic hating, you wouldn't be able to get through them with logic. Shit like this happens literally everytime. Gege misogynist, Maki is Toji 2, Bumgumi, Gojo would've low diffed Sukuna without ten shadows, etc. Don't put in an effort, they're like flat earthers. -Most people jokes about Bumgumi -Then the dumbasses come out of hiding -Too dumb to realize that everyone's joking -Repeat meme agenda they heard, but without irony this time They're the reason "JJK fans can't read" is a thing.


Fax my brother! Speak your shit indeed!


Acting like they could read their own story in the first place


I mean I agree with most of this but I think the characterisation of them as flat-earthers implies they don't have good reason to have certain positions. It may not be the most correct reason but I feel many have justifications on why they believe certain things, which they can back up to a certain extent with fact. Gojo low diffing Heian Sukuna is something I disagree with, but I don't think that the evidence they use is comparable to 'flat earthers' evidence, in fact a lot of its reasonable. Maki is Toji 2.0 is something I generally agree with. There isn't anything that significantly differentiates her from Toji. As demonstrated Sakurajima colony, Maki didn't just get the strength that Toji had, but his mindset as well. "If its that man, he would've reached that height, if its that man... etc.". This kind of dispels the notion of Toji just being a powerup for Maki, Gege makes clear he is the ideal which she obtains after enlightenment. It also doesn't help her weapon of choice from JJK0 through goodwill event arc to shibuya is replaced with something introduced as a part of Toji's arsenal.


I mean......if we're talking about meguna then gojo would have won if he didn't have ten shadows, but definitely not 'easily'


Logic and reason in this subreddit? You must be lost friend….. https://preview.redd.it/ltfwt1nqs3ad1.png?width=640&format=png&auto=webp&s=36f3f77468db7e31ab6d4d2a2eeb31d594dd0e84


>5 Unlimited Voids are not something easy to shrug off Why do people keep on mentioning unlimited void in this context? Unlimited void didn't do anything to Megumi his brain is Sukuna's brain, because they're in the same body, and UV doesn't affect people's souls.


Then how did mahoraga adapt to it? The word "damage" is used to describe it. It does affect the soul. Otherwise, Sukuna could have just let his own soul be hit, but not his body.


>Then how did mahoraga adapt to it UV targeted Megumis soul, but it can't actually do damage to just his soul since there's no brain to overload information into. >Sukuna could have just let his own soul be hit, but not his body I don't think he can just pick and choose like that, if he deactivates the sure hit of MS on himself UV will just take full effect


It literally says megumi took damage. But megumi's soul is still in his body...


>But megumi's soul is still in his body The body that Sukuna is using. If the body gets hit by UV Megumis brain gets hit by UV, but that doesn't do soul damage


So sukuna can stop targeting megumi's soul while still targeting his body, but can't do the same with his own soul since it apparently cause no damage? That's some mental gymnastics. And again, mahoraga would have nothing to adapt to if no damage was dealt to the mind. And again, gojo directly use the word "damage".


>targeting his body, but can't do the same with his own soul since He's using Megumis body right now so he can't remove the protection on himself. >And again, mahoraga would have nothing to adapt to if no damage was dealt to the mind UV just needs to target Megumi's soul for Mahoraga to adapt it doesn't need to hurt him. The same way Mahoraga could adapt to Infinity without it actually doing any damage to him directly. >gojo directly use the word "damage" I know he does, but it wouldn't make any sense for UV to have actually done anything to Megumi, because there's no brain to damage and we see that although depressed he's functioning just fine


Not himself. His soul. Which you're saying isn't an issue. But infinity was stopping it from hitting gojo. False equivalency. He's not functioning fine, UV or not. It's not like UV makes you totally unable to think even after it's stopped, look at literally everyone it's ever been used on. And the soul can clearly receive information and feel things. If both souls had to think through the same brain, Sukuna and angel wouldn't be able to talk while their host has control over the body, and megumi/yuji wouldn't be able to hear or see what's happening outside. Or they would need to be fused mentally too.


>Which you're saying isn't an issue. I'm saying that since he's using Megumis body right now he can't remove the protection on his soul without doing it to the body as well. >But infinity was stopping it from hitting gojo. False equivalency. What's the false equivalence here? I'm saying that Mahoraga doesn't need to be directly by something to adapt to it just be exposed to it, which is the case for infinity. What does infinity stopping him from hitting Gojo change. >makes you totally unable to think even after it's stopped, look at literally everyone it's ever been used on. It makes them unable to speak or react to anything. Megumi can speak, and react to things so relatively speaking he's functioning just fine. >the soul can clearly receive information and feel things. I'm not denying that, I'm saying that UV doesn't have the ability to harm someone's soul, because it specifically damages the brain through information overload. If it did soul damage then the fact that curses brain work different l from regular Humans wouldn't have mattered. >If both souls had to think through the same brain, Sukuna and angel wouldn't be able to talk while their host has control over the body, and megumi/yuji wouldn't be able to hear or see what's happening outside. I didn't say that they thought through the same brain.


Ffs you don't actually unironically believe that Megumi's a bum for not locking in right? Even Yuji just sulked there, waiting for Mahito to cut them into 2 pieces until Todo gave encouragement. Megumi just watched his sister get killed, get bathed in a literal pool of negativity, get isolated in pure darkness for a few months (most people would go insane. It's called White Room torture.) You expect Megumi to wake up because Yuji punched Sukuna in the stomach and looked at him for a few seconds?


>Ffs you don't actually unironically believe that Megumi's a bum for not locking in right? Bro's fighting ghosts. What part of my comment said anything about this?




his soul evidently has a body and can talk, things that typically require a brain. there's no real reason too discount the possibility of him getting hit with UV when we have panels of him being affected by UV, soul or not.


>his soul evidently has a body and can talk, things that typically require a brain. That's just a visual representation. >there's no real reason too discount the possibility of him getting hit with UV when we have panels of him being affected by UV, soul or not. What are the panels where they show Megumi being affected by UV?


>That's just a visual representation. it's not, yuji & sukuna had a fight in his domain as souls when they first made the enchain vow >What are the panels where they show Megumi being affected by UV? you can see his eyes are glazed over here (there's also of course that megumi's soul has too be damaged for mahoraga too adapt): https://preview.redd.it/gzrzqmika4ad1.png?width=640&format=png&auto=webp&s=1691828726d31447efa248a0868725703d2b0c19


>it's not, yuji & sukuna had a fight in his domain as souls when they first made the enchain vow Yuji's face got cut in half inside Sukunas inate domain, did that damage translate to the outside world? >you can see his eyes are glazed over here How is this proof? He's just depressed it's not UV that did this. >has too be damaged for mahoraga too adapt It just needs to be exposed to UV it doesn't need to be damaged. The same way Mahoraga didn't need to be damaged to adapt to Infinity


1. body =/= soul, they're connected in some manor but are separate. 2 his eyes are glazed over 3. sukuna took damage from blue punches multiple times, and blue is just amped infinity afaik


>his eyes are glazed over This still isn't proof of him being damaged by Unlimited void. They're glazed over because of the bath, and his sister dying. >sukuna took damage from blue punches multiple times, and blue is just amped infinity afaik Blue is a different application of limitless not an amped infinity.


the reading comprehension bum agenda is too strong


Why assume that if he had locked in he would have been able to escape Sukuna’s innate domain? If Yuji - the perfect vessel that was handcrafted to contain Sukuna - could not beat Sukuna within his innate domain, why would Megumi be able to do it? I don’t think it’s as easy as “ok I’m gonna take my body back” - that was a Yuji specific thing. And even with him, he had to somewhat fight to get back control the first time, and was unable to get control back on his own for a while in Shibuya. Sukuna wouldn’t just let Megumi take over without a struggle. One that Megumi - who has been cut off from everyone for the last month and underwent a ritualistic bath making it harder for him to act at all - is ill-prepared to win. Sukuna also never expressed that he feared losing control over Megumi. If it were a possibility at all that Megumi would really resist, Sukuna would have mentioned it in his endless strategizing he was doing at the time of the Jacob’s Ladder attempt. Had Megumi stood up, all that would have happened is him getting his ass kicked/sliced open in Sukuna’s domain. There’s no way Sukuna didn’t have a contingency plan for if Meg so much as moved in protest. His control over Megumi isn’t as breakable as Megumi having the right amount of willpower at a given time.


It’s stupid af to blame Megumi, especially as the audience who knows what he has been through. You aren’t supposed to come back from killing your sister, adopted father, and bathing in literal evil itself. We also don’t really know if Megumi is aware of the situation at that point. Does he know that his participation at that moment was not only critical, but even possible? It’s simply an assumption of the haters that Megumi actually knows the situation outside currently, and is aware at all that at that moment he actually could have done something.


>You aren’t supposed to come back from killing your sister, adopted father, and bathing in literal evil itself. Not to mention being in total darkness, devoid of outside stimulation for 3 months. People have gone insane in a white room for less.


Am I tripping, or didn't Uraume say that the cursed bath would prevent further outside influences on Megumi's soul? I think you're right about him not fully being aware of the exact situation or what he can even do about it.


Gege did not even care to show us how much Megumi cared about tsumiki. The only interactions I saw was when Megumi was beating up school bullies. Tsumiki was only a plot device for his sadness. Megumi did not have any emotional interactions with Gojo and Tsumuki. Then, why should I care to understand about his feelings? I'm sorry if I did not understand what the character is going through even after rereading 10 times as a reader, it's the mistake of the writing of character, not mine.


So this is Gege's problem, not Megumi's? Accepting that the writing isn't perfect and last 2 arcs have a lot of questionable decisions is a huge no Blaming one poorly written character as if he's a real person who ruins everying on purpose is fine tho


By blaming poorly written character you are automatically blaming Gege for his shit writing. Nobody thinks about Megumi as a real person, lol


Yeah it's Gege problem. 100%. But hating on him will only fuel more hate towards jjk and its community to get destroyed. So hating on a poorly written character is a lot more enjoyable imo.


So it’s easier to cope by slandering someone non existent compared to the actual creator The r/Jujutsufolk mentality is strong with this one


Megumi spent like the entire culling games running around like a headless chicken to save Tsumiki. When asked 'what type of girls do you like' he immediately thinks of her. When asked if he wants some guy he's never met before to take him away to god knows where, his only question is 'will my sister be happy?' At this point if you *still* don't understand Megumi's feelings toward Tsumiki it's 120% on you.




Firstly, > Gege did not even care to show us how much Megumi cared about tsumiki. > I know that he loves her so much because he mentioned that a 1000 times Pick *one*. Secondly, it shouldn't be *that hard* to grasp why Megumi might be fond of his own sister.


>Pick one. If he did he wouldn't be able to defend his agenda


It was pretty bad not to show us their relationship more but I don't need a bunch of interactions to know he cares about his sister. And we did see at least in hidden inventory that all he cares about is her well being when his only question about being sold off to a clan was if his sister was going to be happy there.


Without character interactions it just feels like,  >>Megumi was bathed in evil  >>Megumi became more depressed after his sister was killed  >>Megumi became even more depressed after his sensei was killed  >>Megumi lost his will to live when Yuji tried to wake him up  Can you feel anything while reading it? Maybe it's difficult for Gege to show everything with proper character interactions but he has to do it to make us to understand how he feels. Because we see random fodder npcs getting their suffering shown like this in any other manga or manhwa. Character interactions are needed to make him distinguished from them.


I don’t feel sad about any of those events, and think Gege did them all horribly. The only character I would give credit to feeling sad about those events though, is Megumi. I feel like I can accept Megumi feeling this way based on his connections to those characters, even if Gege has totally failed to make the reader feel the same


Yeah totally agree. Yuji saw multiple events in Shibuya that made him thinking about ending himself but still understood the situation he was in, when his brother-like figure was there, extending their hand. Megumi during Jacob's ladder was supposed to do the same, but not the opposite, ignoring his brother Yuji just because he's sad and letting him suffer more. I hope new authors take takeru hokazono as a role model, instead of the one-eyed cat.


a cold character who doesnt act all lovey dovey towards the people he cares about, this is is totally soo uncommon in anime, and totally not something established about megumi since chapter 1 just because the author doesnt hold your hand doesnt make it their fault that you dont understand something so blatant megumi went to yuji practically on his hands and knees begging him to help stop kenjaku's culling game and save tsumiki, it's pretty clear how important tsumiki is to him, and upon realizing that an incarnated sorcerer had essentially killed her, it broke him to where sukuna could even take over his body if you cant understand the significance from these actions, then you're just not paying attention


HIs actions during the entire culling games and him trying to fight the finger bearer alone in a rush under the bridge to protect that curse from killing her? Are you serious?


Mf you don't need interactions to understand how much Megumi cares about her when his entire motivation is her. Was tsumiki a plot device? As a character yes, but her importance to Megumi was never hidden or subtle. Even the one panel people keep bring up as proof that Megumi doesn't like tsumiki reads more like typical sibling banter than anything else. Also like the guy before me stated blame gege not Megumi. You mfs don't blame yuki for being unable to do any substantial damage to kenjaku, you blame gege for fumbling up the ending and after math of the fight. So why do you do the opposite for Megumi?


Jujutsufolk reaction when Megumi isn't able to 'lock in' after killing his sister, mentor and having his soul be bathed in pure evil; all of which had the express purpose of subjugating his soul to stop exactly what the heroes are trying to do happen: https://preview.redd.it/jg44dbwx02ad1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=fdd290936f273a4c236991f0f77c37692d88f882


Womp womp You’re leaving out the fact that all of that only happened because he didn’t lock in in the first place. Midgumi wouldn’t have been forced to kill anyone if he just got off his ass from the beginning


Bro tried to lock in but got speedblitzed and even lowered Sukuna's output against Yuji/Maki. Agenda aside what do you want him to do 😭 he doesn't have mommy kenjaku to give him an anti-sukuna body/soul https://preview.redd.it/3alx3lpc22ad1.png?width=521&format=png&auto=webp&s=7e512aa0110289a2123ba81fad43e740030f972f


>tried to lock in >panel is literally him giving up and resorting to murder suicide >(which wouldn’t even work since Suksuk can beat Maho) FACT: Suksuk’s output wasn’t lowered AT ALL Wuji is simply HIM


Unfortunately it's what his dad taught him... https://preview.redd.it/j2a68hl542ad1.png?width=1024&format=png&auto=webp&s=027ec617f61a18a4d3670835ce72a7330eb39450


"panel is literally him giving up and resorting to murder suicide" *the strongest weapon in his arsenal* "(which wouldn’t even work since Suksuk can beat Maho)" Clearly nobody told him that Sukuna beat Mahoraga, why else would he try to summon him again? > FACT: Suksuk’s output wasn’t lowered AT ALL Wuji is simply HIM FACT: Megumi haters been running out of anti-feats so they make up headcanon to support their hate agenda


Had Mahoraga worked, they either all die or Sukuna's Enchain runs out then Mahoraga kills them anyway. In the off chance that Sukuna defeats Mahoraga then is considered tamed for Megumi to summon him again, Sukuna would prevent him to summon him again. As far as Megumi is concerned, it is, in fact, a murder suicide technique, which is not mutually exclusive from being his strongest one (they're usually the strongest one may have in their kit, like self-destruction for Cell and the Saibaimen, Gray's Iced Shell or whatever Anko tried to do vs Orochimaru). Pretty sure he knows about Sukuna defeating Mahoraga, between him surviving in the first place even though he summoned it against Haruta initially (and sensing Sukuna's presence while fighting Toji) and Yuji telling him what he was forced to watch/remember while Sukuna had control and that Sukuna had plans for him. He told Yuji that he also shares responsibility for Shibuya getting partially nuked, after all, so he clearly knew. Mahoraga being his best weapon still doesn't change the fact that he'd make it worse since he knows that Sukuna beat it already, thus knows what it does, as opposed to the 1st time he was about to summon it, and that he's better off trying to stall through evasion and diversion, thanks to the frogs, rabbits and shadows, like he did with Toji (though he wasn't stalling against him, moreso trying to survive and find an opening).  This is after his character development that he doesn't have to resort to double death by Maho until he's really out of options, that he can jump through shadows, and after trying to rush after the sorcerer who took over his sis, by the way. So it seems extremely counterproductive that Mahoraga is his 1st answer to the Enchain situation, especially when he only acted after Sukuna took over Yuji, delicatly k.oed the biggest threat to him, ripped Yuji's finger, waited then gloated after realizing it didn't backfire.


this is a joke right? you think anything less than mahoraga wouldve had any chance against 15 finger sukuna?


What did you want him to do instead of try to summon Mahoraga against Sukuna?


lets not forget that fraudjis dumbass didnt include himself in the vow so guess who took managed to escape because of that...


Regardless of the reasons, Megumi locking in would provide more value to the storytelling than Megumi not locking in. That's how it is. Regardless of whatever happened, if Megumi doesn't lock in until the end, he would be an absolute waste of a character. Imagine Megumi does nothing until Sukuna is defeated, would you be satisfied even if he has all the reasons to succumb to depression?


You sound like someone saying trauma can just be shrugged off


Honestly Yuji failed here. He's been at his lowest multiple times I believe and he even completely gave up. Todo saved him and gave him the words to encourage him again Yuji is now faced with someone who was in his shoes similarly and what does he do? Absolutely nothing.


Yeah Megumi maybe could have done sth. but i like flawed characters, makes for a interesting story. Not all characters have to be a mary sue and solve every problem in an instant.


What the fuck is this man. "Why are you depressed? Why don't you just lock in?" Are you fucking kidding me.


Good guys also did not motivate Megumi to lock in.Good guys are literally so much useless🤣🤣


Good guys only fought a formidable threat like Kenjaku instead of pampering and cheering up Megumi lmao. They are so useless 🤣🤣


"formidable threat like Kenjaku" *gets packed by a fucking comedian and a bush camper*


Yea? I mean, Yuji also didnt lock in till he got cheered on by Todo, whats your point here?


When will they even get time to motivate Megumi. The funky ass sukuna is after his nephew and trying to kill him. Rest are getting blitzed. The only time Yuji got close to Megumi he didn't even want to listen to anything. I can understand the trauma but that's the situation. After that Yuji was literally kicked and masscared. Rest don't have ability to even talk to Megumi. What will they do?


More like Good guys are still suffering because they thought of plans like using necromancy on Gojo's corpse instead of actually pairing together their four total braincells and coming up with something fool proof that doesn't rely on putting everything on Gojo even after his death, like Todo+ Higurama, or Ui Ui+ Kashimo, or Todo+ Kashimo, or Hakari + Yuta, or Higurama + Ui Ui, or Larue + Higurama, or.. Yeah its a long list.


Todo and Yuta were needed to finish off Kenjaku while he was distracted by Takaba, so he got there as soon as he could. Kashimo wanted to fight alone, so they couldn’t include him in any plans. Higuruma’s domain was necessary to start with after Kashimo because confiscating Sukuna’s technique would make fighting him easier. Larue and Miguel only agreed to fight if Gojo and Yuta went down and Sukuna couldn’t use his domain. They had the perfect plan with Yuta and Yuji teaming up to wake up Megumi, but with the only caveat that Megumi himself had to be willing to help. The backup plan for that was Maki’s sneak attack once Yuta dropped his domain, at which point they had Todo on standby to pull people out of the domain and other people to stall until Yuta could get put inside Gojo’s body with Kenjaku’s technique.


I don't know why you get downvoted for spitting fax


I’ve never seen so much delusion over a single moment…no…Todo was not needed at Kenjaku…because they could’ve just killed Kenjaku 10 minutes later. The main cast knew the exact movements of Kenny, and Kenny’s stated goal was not to hide, but to continue killing all CG players. In other words, them deciding to go for Kenny at that point serves only a single plot purpose: To keep Yuta and Todo and their abilities out of the fight while Higurama was on the field.


They explicitly wanted to prevent Kenjaku from jumping *them* while they fought Sukuna.


And yet, they knew that Kenny was over 500km away, without a teleportation ability. So they should’ve easily ruled out that possibility.


Yeah.I do not understand why so many people defend the manga using the internal logic of the story when the criticism isn't about it necessarily being inconsistent but the actual narrative and character progression and whether the events of the story are in service of that or hurting it. Todo existence is a huge plot hole but people continue to defend their braindead plan cuz "Gege said that Todo needed to hide to sneak Kenjaku!" Kenjaku who couldn't even start the merger yet is their top priority. What? Kill the strongest sorcerer in history by using one short sword? Pffffff. Todo is busy right now. "Nipple guy agreed to help only after Yuta loses". Ok. That's what Gege wrote to explain why things went down this way. He could wrote it differently lmao or not include this Nipple Guy, One Shot Sword and working Boodie Woogie to begin with. Gege himself said his biggest problem with Gojo is that he (Gege) always needs to find excuses for Gojo's absence. Because of this he always wrote that Gojo is "on business trip" to explain why he can't solve the problem but he (Gege) thinks it will stop being satisfying for readers at certain point because they will understand this is just excuse to continue the plot. Their poor planning in Shinjuku is another excuse because Sukuna can't die yet and manga needs to continue. But shitting on Bumgumi, another character who got hoe'd by Gege, is much easier.


All facts and yes people will just shit on Megumi instead of actually decoding what went wrong and was it solely his fault.


I forgot to mention that making Gojo's corpse such a big and vital part of their plan is also hilarious. They couldn't know about corpse's condition. Sukuna could've burned Gojo alive like Choso and destroyed his head completely. Thanks God kind uncle Sukuna (the strongest in history, by the way, who knows that you need to go for a head when you deal with RCT user) didn't touch Gojo's head. Or maybe Sukuna read the skript? But wait there's no plot convenience in jujutsu kaisen everything makes total sense...


> Todo and Yuta were needed to finish off Kenjaku while he was distracted by Takaba, so he got there as soon as he could Ui Ui was still available. > Kashimo wanted to fight alone, so they couldn’t include him in any plans. They spent 0 effort in persuading him. > Higuruma’s domain was necessary to start with after Kashimo because confiscating Sukuna’s technique would make fighting him easier. Agreed, but why didn't they get a teleporter in there so that the executioner sword would be a guaranteed hit? > Larue and Miguel only agreed to fight if Gojo and Yuta went down and Sukuna couldn’t use his domain. That was Miguel's condition. Larue was free to act on his own if he wanted. > They had the perfect plan with Yuta and Yuji teaming up to wake up Megumi, but with the only caveat that Megumi himself had to be willing to help. It isn't really perfect. If they realized the amount of soul subduing shenanigans Sukuna put Megumi through, maybe they would reconsider but they were too busy trying to think of ways to hijack Gojo's corpse. Even if it was a perfect plan, the opportunity only lasted for mere moments since it was quickly interrupted by Sukuna's WCS.


>They spent 0 effort in persuading him. And how would they persuade someone who is only tolerating being with them and basically wants to just die? There was no way they would be able to persuade him. >That was Miguel's condition. Larue was free to act on his own if he wanted. Both of them are friends and wouldn't stick their neck out for people they don't know and so both of them sort of worked together. >It isn't really perfect. If they realized the amount of soul subduing shenanigans Sukuna put Megumi through, maybe they would reconsider but they were too busy trying to think of ways to hijack Gojo's corpse. Even if it was a perfect plan, the opportunity only lasted for mere moments since it was quickly interrupted by Sukuna's WCS. To be fair they only have a month and it's not like they had information on what Sukuna did to Megumi.


Have Gojo dog walk him, like not even to a “oh I could totally beat him with MBA” like genuinely just fuck him up so bad and now he has to either admit Sukuna isn’t the strongest and he’s more focused on beating Gojo, after, or claims Gojo isn’t as strong as Sukuna and therefore if Gojo dog walked him then he’ll realize Sukuna will too


This is definitely a way, if he doesn't listen nicely just beat his ass into submission.


“Why can’t I touch you” “I’m not gonna sugarcoat it” *Blue Infused Punch to the gut Uraume style*


Sukuna wouldve been dead if Larue and Higgy attacked at the same time. Sukuna was unaware of Larues technique so he would initually approach him with his curiosity, Larue would capture his attention, and Higgy would get the kill Higgy + Todo would be good too, i think if those two jumped at once sukuna would immediately be on high alert and try to quickdrop todo (hes aware of boogie woogie). But if todo used ranged vibroslap through mei mei's vision and birds, he could catch sukuna off guard with a swap and Higgy would get the kill


More like "The good guys are still suffering because the eyed cat wants them to."  https://preview.redd.it/e08d4v1pa1ad1.png?width=557&format=png&auto=webp&s=8c1ac1bd46b1a6f7c5a1eed6a6a35b112da2e915


Brother in christ you made the post https://preview.redd.it/2l9su8l4c1ad1.jpeg?width=225&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8213be1e88ce15329a58defd3dcd830dfcbb265a


So what?


Some of these good guys, don't really want to put their life on line. For example ui ui, mei mei and more. And sukuna can still take them all out with MS. The good guys did what they could.


Ui Ui literally got caught lacking and got saved anyway. Also MS got disabled by Gojo fym??? Even if it wasn't, Todo exists as well?? The good guys did jackall except become shitty dark mages and commit body stealing.


Dude. Do u not see the point??? Like you said these people are not well experienced Sorcerer like sukuna or Kenny boi. SUKUNA did activate MS??? Even after gojo disabled it. Didn't he? How are you so sure he wouldn't have been able to activate it ? There are lot of assumptions you are making. And body stealing? He has to do what he has to do. Yuji ate his brothers and God knows what else. Whatever you do to survive becomes fair in war. What will todo do? When MS happened miwa had her simple domain. Ino had his. And Yuji was still going to be glazed by the furnace that choso had to save him. Is this the plan you're talking about? The good guys did jackall?? They did their best. They haven't lived for 1000 years nor do they have unlimited CE or whatever.


> SUKUNA did activate MS??? Even after gojo disabled it. Didn't he? How are you so sure he wouldn't have been able to activate it ? AFTER landing several black flashes. I think even a grade 4 sorcerer could see that coming. > And body stealing? He has to do what he has to do. Yuji ate his brothers and God knows what else. Whatever you do to survive becomes fair in war. Agreed, but I'm not entirely against the idea of Yujo, just more against the idea that they'd go to lengths like these than actually think of better ideas. > The good guys did jackall?? They did their best. Definitely not their best unless they had a mass brain freeze and stopped thinking for a solid month.


What do you suggest brother??? Give in details you tell what spectacular ideas that they could have come up with . Please do tell


Todo+ Higurama, or Ui Ui+ Kashimo, or Todo+ Kashimo, or Hakari + Yuta, or Higurama + Ui Ui, or Larue + Higurama etc. Lot of options.


How will it work explain in detail at least one of it


- Todo + Higurama: Boogie woogie into executioner sword- one hit kill that cant be predicted. - Ui Ui + Kashimo: Teleport Kashimo at unexpected times to hit Sukuna, build up charge gradually, lightning to the head. - Todo + Kashimo: Same as above - Hakari + Yuta: Yuta goes for domain, Sukuna has to use HWB to not get vaporised by JL, but Hakari (JP) goes in close combat to disrupt the hand seals for HWB (since he has rough CE trait), easy JL one shot. - Higurama + Ui Ui: Same as with Todo. - Larue + Higurama: Cutie honey- grabs attention of Sukuna- executioner sword guaranteed hit.


Yeah he's going to speed blitz them before even landing. You do understand how difficult it is to even a hit on sukuna


The good guys didn't know how weakened sukuna would be and on top of that ,most guys were afraid to fight sukuna because they have 2 brain cells Larue didn't want to fight until sukuna reached almost at the same level of yuta, Ui ui technique is clearly not as flexible given that sukuna could catch him a teleporter off guard Todo was probably with yuta to defeat kenjaku. Kashimo only wanted to fight sukuna alone without any disturbances regardless of how illogical that sounded.kashimo didn't much care for the fate of the world Hakari is the last guy you want to against sukuna with a world cutter Gojo was the only full proof plan they could afford. Furthermore these guys taking on sukuna and defeating him is boring and they do not really have any rights to defeat him given the suffering he inflicted on yuji.


Bro what? There were like 72 diffrent plans before we got to necromancy. Most of these plays dont even make sense either. Hakari has best chance vs Uraume and they aint winning with her in play. Any combo with Hakari is out. Todo was the whole counter to Sukunas domain. Before the fight they had no idea Sukuna would lose access to domain after fight with Gojo and even then they dont know when will he restore his output, so Todo HAD to stay benched as to not insta lose to shrine. So no to that combo. Ui ui is both a child and needed for medic purposes, so no. Kashimo is just a greedy piece of shit who wanted a 1 vs 1. Laure and Miguel both only agreed to fight once Sukuna got weaker as to not die.


This agenda shit is so old.


Im a yuji hater cause the good guys are suffering because yuji didnt off himself


I don't know, I didn't reread the manga ever since I caught up and I caught up around the ending of Shibuya if I remember correctly, and I hate reading weekly cause my memories of the chapters get all fumbled. But a lot of the critics I see, imo, just seem like "Gege killed my favorite character, this sucks now and Megumi is a fraud!". I mean, yeah, I am said Choso died but I am not gonna blame Megumi for it. I agree with some of the critics given here, but I do think people are underplaying especially the "bath" that Sukuna took in Megumi's body. I agree that Gege should have given more details but we know enough to be sure that Megumi is not of right mind at the moment. Besides, and that's the problem with judging something that is still being released (not that you can't judge what you are experiencing at the moment, you naturally can) but Gege can still reveal Megumi's pov in a later chapter and we see that he literally has no idea what is happening.


Yeah, He just needed to add a couple sentences like how he described what it felt like for Geto to ingest curses, comparing it to swallowing a rag used to clean vomit. I imagine when drowning in 'evil' Megumis experience would be something similar, but likely amplified to the point of breaking him much further than what we saw with Geto.


Exactly, and I agree that it is annoying that Gege seemingly just wants us to assume that's how it works, but at the same time, I can see the logic. A confirmation would just settle it.


the criticism has been "this character died! what a useless bum ass fraud! gege sucks!" for a long ass time


I only recently got into reddit again so I didn't see this stuff before... lucky me I guess


yeah, some people are joking, others are legitimately trying to criticize with it, it's a mess


Stop this stupidity. Sukuna is way powerful and hard to defeat. But i do believe Megumi will come back and Yuji will kill Sukuna because of something Megumi did. https://preview.redd.it/a5zuolppt1ad1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=15919e911ca26089dce23cd2bba9f67a36dec75a


Jjk fans when a 15 year old doesn't break out of the literal king of curses who specifically did a evil bath to burry his soul for good and killed his only reason to live earlier before that with his own hands and also killed his literal father figure and was forced to take affects of uv: https://preview.redd.it/8yp1euc3v2ad1.jpeg?width=970&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c9a50d6aa34b7faf9c7b2b29025d8ffb3cfedf35


Yeah, it is obviously his fault that Maki & Yuji couldn’t defeat Sukuna even though Megumi was reducing the Cursed Energy Output to 10%. It is his fault that a literal Bath of Evilness drowned him into Darkness. It is his fault that after all the time he was waiting for his sister to wake up, Sukuna killed her (who was already dead to begin) with his own body. And it is obviously his fault, that after watching all of this, he saw Satoru Gojo, His Father/Big Brother die by his own hands and when Yuji called him he didn’t react. Yeah, 100% Megumi’s Fault.


Yuta had a plan to take out both main bosses and who fucked it all up??💁‍♂️


Just one of the MANY reasons why he's a bum. *


evil bath went hard


That guy thought he was cool for prolonging yuji screen time and make him Awaken when all we wanted strong jacob to end this. Oh yuji use divergent blackflash and end this please


To all the WUJI guys, remeber that Todo had to to step in when Yuji broke down in S2 anime. This is no different.


Yeah, but give cut the guy some slack, he was forced to kill both his own sister and sensei/adoptive father, even yuji broke down after nobara's death, and megumi dint have a todo to bring him up again He also took the redirectioned damage of unlimited void ,like an hour ago


Yeah, but it's also unreasonable to expect him to lock in


Evil prospers when good men do nothing.


megumi told yuji to not be selfish and to save him before, so i really hope yuji goes into the soul again and says the same


Good guys are suffering because megumi spared yuji to begin with. At least then he hadn’t witnessed the death of his family and been submersed in evil.


Man these comments are proof JJK critics are usually just as dumb as JJK lovers


Let's not forget that if Gojo purpled Geto, many of this wouldn't have had a chance to happen


but when i say fraudji is the reason why sukuna managed to switch to megumi i get downvoted


Choso died because that bum was too fraudulent to lock in


Yuta's series of only taking W's could not compete with Megumis L habits! (I like both but he should have locked in fr)


[This explains the writing problem with Megumi quite well](https://www.reddit.com/r/CharacterRant/s/l3iZZ5kjKm)




https://preview.redd.it/p07rx2g322ad1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=211f677d54260ead0d3a6eb6be004d1ac67f20ca Midgumi when he can’t just summon Mahoraga and murder suicide his way out of a problem.