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They don't fully what will happen so most likely they stitched his body back together if it's possible that he went back to his own body. Rika is most likely there on the off chance his survival is possible.


Why would she need to be there though? Shouldn't she be helping Yuta fight right now? Unless Yuta is worried that she will get destroyed or something thus ending the 5 minute timer early idk why she wouldn't be helping Yuta... She helped fight Sukuna earlier when his output was much higher & was less injured so it doesn't make sense as to why she wouldn't be helping now. Only difference now is that Sukuna has his domain back but Yuta should be able to cancel it out.


It is risky for her to be there as anything with Gojo is a hindrance to his techniques or an easy target for Sukuna such as in the domain clash.


Is it possible for Rika to make a binding vow sacrificing her CE reserves to save Rika? Or maybe Yuta himself to make the BV to return to his own body? I just don’t see Yuta dying here. He is Ge² ‘s golden child after all.


Rika isn't the original Rika spirit, she's a shinigami, so she can't make a binding vow


To be fair, we don’t actually know that. We’ve seen cursed spirits do it, and we know that other types of natural spirits exist, so it’s not entirely clear where shikigami fall on the spectrum. If a shikigami were intelligent enough to do so, it might be possible.


I think only due to a lack of proper cognition. The issue is that those shikigami aren’t smart enough to do it


Binding vows aren’t just fuckin magic dude. If yuta can’t return to his body after 5 minutes a binding vow won’t change that


Damn dude chill i only asked a question lol


Sorry that came more hostile than intended, I just fuckin cuss alot


I took it as Rika not acknowledging Gota as yuta. The only yuta she recognizes is the lifeless body she's holding, while she mourns and cries. I don't think she will be any help to yuta in this fight


Right before the swap Yuta said Rika's full manifestation is the only thing that's keeping him conscious, maybe her being there keeps his body alive (or at least in a state where he could swap back into it)


They're just going to keep switching him around. In 10 chapters he'll show up in his actual body, 10 chapters after that he'll be back in Gojo, rinse and repeat.


I feel like this is the backup plan. Yuta's gotta dig in deep here or it's over.


I feel like since the time they initially planned taking over Gojo's body till now they may have come up with a final contingency.


They are on like plan N at this point, they did not prepare for anything past this.


This IS the final contingency, he’s using his mentor as a flesh puppet, and only because Gojo lost and everyone was almost wiped out in one fell swoop just when the tide was potentially turning. They literally say all of this as the build up for the reveal of Gojo’s return. It’s all there. There is no Plan C. What will happen is a desperate struggle after (hopefully) Yuta neutralizes Sukuna’s domain again. That’s what they’re aiming for right now, at least prevent the DE and fight on fairly better grounds with a heavily damaged Sukuna and hope for the best.


Just cause Gege got a 2 week break doesn't mean our heroes got time off too haha


A cool thing about the flashback format is that they may have an additional plan they thought of that may be revealed to us later. I don’t know if his body is fully healed rather than stitched together.


I can't imagine them having a plan after this, taking Gojo's body and potentially killing Yuta is a very last resort type of move.


Yeah either way it seems like his body is in better shape than when he initially switched bodies. I hope they have additional plans... the way it played out in the timeskip was that the plan was conceived, the risks were explained & then they got permission from Gojo to do it. I figure at some point after this plan was confirmed Yuta thought of ways to mitigate the potential risks.


I saw a good theory involving Inumaki keeping Rika from disappearing that I thought tied into things well. I don’t really want Yuta to die, and I don’t like the idea of him being stuck inside Gojo’s body either. I felt relief seeing Meimei list three of the risks/options that could happen because if theres one thing I know about JJK: None of those three things are actually going to be what actually happen.


I wonder what Inumaki is doing... I made a whole theory explaining how Inumaki learned RCT & domain expansion to get revenge on Sukuna but who knows lol.


Yeah, I keep wondering how him and Panda will come into play at some point. And I feel like they must, but I have a hard time imagining them actually showing up on the battlefield.


I keepo thinking "what is Panda's two ft ass going to do against 7ft sukuna?"


skadoosh his ass


Honesty, that would be a huge asspull.


Why is everyone overlooking yuji


What do you mean?


Having a hidden option the audience wasn't told about after all this setup feels really cheap writing wise though.


Fr. We were already told that Yuta is the insurance, which we’re now seeing played out, but another level of insurance which wasn’t mentioned would be a tad bit out of left field


I for one, really dislike this flashback format.


I don’t think a 50 chapter fight works as well without it tbh. Knowing Whats going to happen and every possible avenue the heroes have considered for a year and a half?


I feel like if we know what they'd planned ahead of time, we have things to look forward to and greater surprise when things go differently. A constant state of surprise isn't really gonna work for over 50 chapters. And as for how much planning we've been given so far, I don't think it would have taken more than 2 or 3 chapters to cover everything


I guess its a matter of preference. I mean functionally is this not pretty similar? We know the goal right now is to beat Sukuna. And we’re seeing how they enact that. By doing the flashback format it allows Gege to really control the rise and tide of the climax, tension and drama, when are we coming full circle on character threads. Thats the only thing really necessary to keep any story, any fight or any plot point going in a manga for 50 chapters. If it didn’t work I would have absolutely tuned out. And it seems like it still hasn’t lost you either. If you list out the amount of things covered by the flashbacks as well with what is absolutely disjointed timeline, Im not sure squeezing it in before the fight makes any sense with the info we have right now. And to make it a coherent read would also require more than 3 chapters. Like we have 7 chapters for countermeasures if gojo loses and then we watch him fight and are like, “wouldn’t it be funny if the last 7 chapters were absolutely worthless and he just wins lol?” As we understand the plot this doesn’t work very well imo. It sounds like a different plot would serve that desire better, or disliking the concept of such a long fight. But thats a different discussion altogether.


Imagine if Kenjaku's technique turns out to be cloning his conscience with techniques into other body and not transplantation, so original Yuta is still dying


Then that would mean Kenjaku is still alive!!! Which I doubt is the case.






That's scary to think aboutv


Great question op. So, the thing is: > Only when Rika is fully manifested can he access his external storage of ce, ct and cursed objects. The condition is: *Rika's lover* sustaining this connection when using the ring. Yuta can only sustain this connection for 5 minutes. But... ! Here's the loophole: he doesn't need to sustain, because his ct is still active while his body is dead. GYuta is alive, but he's not supposed to be CAPABLE of using the ring because HE IS NOT YUTA ANYMORE. It's possible Rika is lost, it's possible he dies, but ultimately, he found a loophole out of the maze that is his ct usage. We shall see what happens.


People over think it , yutas ring has to remain in yutas body, trying to remove the ring and place in in gojos body would end the connection with rika and he would drop dead


Exactly. The ring is bound to Yuta, but since the condition to using Rika is sustaining a connection and using the ring, he found a loophole around with his ct and Kenjaku's. Sure, he's limited to using one copied ct now, but is it a limitation?


I like this theory


Gege already foreshadowed Kenny's ct breaks binding vows/rules. That's the thing: this isn't too far fetched. We'll see.


>Yuta's body is healed I think it might be just artistic choice because bloody Yuta with open skull won't look nice and Gege was going for tragic but beautiful panel. Idk what happens next but I think it'd be cheap if he returns to his original body. If he does, at least give it some serious consequences like loss of CT or smth


True... they even put shoes back on Yuta lol.


Yeah I wonder about a BV to allow for reversal of the CT, with the consequence that Rika is lost to Yuta forever afterwards.


Except you can see the line on Yuta’s forehead where he was cut open and Rika’s arm is covering his making arm and full body cut. The only thing we can say for sure is that there’s less blood than there was before, which is probably a style choice.


It wouldn't be really artistic as it would be a confusing continuity error. He could have showed Rika holding his hand sticking out beneath a cover if he didn't want Yuta's body to be healed but keep a tragic scene


This is the backup plan, this is the plan for if all other plans fail. I highly doubt they have much planned for what happens after this, its clear Yuta was more than prepared are give up everything for this so I'd be surprised if he just had a back door out of it.


It would make no sense to not have a backup plan if they are uncertain what happens next. What happens if he can return to his body? Why not prepare it in advance You are right Yuta is prepared to die but depending on how things play out that may not even be necessary


Yuta taking Gojo’s body is the last, Hail Mary plan they made.


Considering what's going on with Rika, I assume they are at least considering her as a factor if this fails. This has been an arc all about the cast making backup plans for backup plans for backup plans. I would be very surprised if they didn't come up with a single contingency if Yuta taking Gojo's body failed. I'm expecting an even more insane "nuclear option" like letting Rika fully manifest or something.


We already reached the end of the backup plans, Todo was the last one and Gojo’s body is the all or nothing play


Well the way it was shown was that Yuta explains this whole body swapping plan to a select group of people during the timeskip. Then the unknown risks depending on what type of CT body swap is are explained to Yuta. On top of that Yuta knows that Maki & some others are worried for him & kinda oppose the plan. So I figure from the point of this plan being created till now Yuta may have worked out some fail safes to mitigate the potential risks... either binding vows or something else. I feel like it would be pretty lame if he just went in there hoping he won't die after 5 minutes.


They are desperate, this is a final roll of the dice move. To only use when everything else has failed. The whole point is Yuta is sacrificing his humanity to win, if he's able to just not do that and be fine afterwards it'd make the whole thing pointless imo. I know he knows people care about him, but he knows that defeating Sukuna is more important than him. His OG body is dead, he couldn't heal it so there is no going back to that body. So unless he is able to beat sukuna in Gojo's body and somehow live on as just a brain akin to Kenjaku he's all but dead.


>His OG body is dead, Geto's OG body was dead too, didn't stop Kenny from body hopping and RCTing back to normal. Given that we got the panel of Rika mourning with Yuta's body which looks to be in much better shape than before there's something going on there.


I think the emotional trauma and fundamental violation of nature inherent to the technique could be punishment enough.


Bro this was the backup plan for the backup plan. This is their last resort. Yuta has decided if he dies due to using this Ct then it is what it is. If he can use the technique again tho, he could probably go back into his old body, unless there is some restriction on inhabiting the same body more than once on Kenny’s CT.


Yeah I just wonder if Yuta came up with any ways to mitigate the potential risks that come with this plan.


I don’t think he did personally. Like there are so many unknowns, they only wanted to do this if there were absolutely no other options left. Yuta is just in an “if I die in 5 minutes, I just have to win the fight within 5 minutes” mentality right now. He doesn’t care about what happens after that at this point in the story. In his mind he’s already come to terms with his life being over


>In his mind he’s already come to terms with his life being over That's been the case ever since JJK 0 tbh.


First, Rika might be tied to Yuta's body and didn't recognize Yujo as Yuta, hence why she is holding the dead body. Second, the ring is on Yuta's hand since Rika is connected to that body, and he needs this configuration to keep his brain alive on Gojo's body for the 5 minutes, with his dead body working as a link between Rika's cursed energy and his brain. Third, there's blood on Yuta head. Shoko could have just put his body together exclusively for Rika. This could be for Rika to keep sourcing CE or some unknown reason. Also, there's a possibility that Rika fully healed Yuta body after Shoko pieced it together. With that said, i can see a couple of possibilities (i don't necessarily believe them): 1) Could the 5 minutes feature passively heal Yutas Brain inside his head? Rika has some unknown connection with Yuta CT, could he have made a back-up of his consciousness somehow? Or could his consciousness get back to his healed brain after Gojo body dies using the ring link configuration? 2) Could Gojo's Brain be placed on Yuta skull, and somehow Gojo comes back as Yuta, with His CT and controlling Rika that recognizes the body (i feel this is impossible, although would be a neat answer to the Strongest/Gojo theme that Geto said) 3) Ui Ui recovers Gojo body after Yuta CT ends, and they manage to put his brain back into his body, and Yuta get out of this with no Ls. 4) That panel is just to show how Yuta's brain is alive (through the ring) and to reinforce that he'll die after the 5 minutes, with Rika being fully manifested as a prove that Yuta's CT is up and his time is running low (this is what i believe).


Nice reply, my only critique is the blood on Yuta's head was there before he switched bodies... likely that is from when Sukuna used cleave on his head. But yeah all the details around this whole situation are very weird... and there is no obvious outcome in sight.


Yuta will wake up in his own body. Gojo will awaken in his now fully healed body. 


We are already like 10 or 15 back up plans in ... I'd be surprised if they dnt have another one


Lol so true... hopefully Yuta will survive.


I don't think there's any backup plan after this, this is the "last resort if everything else fails" plan. Since they don't know what will happen once the 5 minutes are up, I think it makes sense to heal Yuta's body, just in case.


On a side note, I know mei mei said yuta might lose copy, but... why? The technique is engraved in his brain and thats in gojos body, I understand after the five minutes he might die because he couldn't just immediately invoke the 5 minutes again, but from everything we've seen from body swap, there's a higher chance that he does keep his technique then not and that it's the third option, which is that it's a one time use, since we know you can't use 2 techniques at the same time and option one at this point is not the case.


Yeah but there is a chance that Kenjaku was doing some extra fuckery to retain past CTs... but I'm with you he should keep copy since it is engraved in his brain.


True, but I hope we get confirmation on what kenjakus technique does in it's entirety binding vows and all.


Yeah my guess is that once Yuta uses a CT he gets at least a general idea of how it functions... I would love to see Yuta's thought process & plan if he figures out exactly how it works.


I have a theory brewing that Rika’s gonna eat him after these 5 mins to complete the binding vow he made in JJK0 to give her his body and soul since the curse remained even afterr Rika’s soul moved on. He’ll have to actually survive the full 5 mins of Rika though, in which case she gets to finally eat him and they’ll become a neww great apparition. His lineage has been a big focal point in his power for a reason, and them bringing it back up in the last chapter could be a foreshadowing. The great apparition he’s descended from is known to be a poet and scholar that died filled with resentment and loneliness, what better than a poetic twist in the end of his story, that not only qualms the loneliness by the joining of Rika and Yuta as one while taking care of his resentment for not being strong enough? 🤷🏻‍♂️


My thoughts were that we, the readers, assume that the CT has to involve a brain swap and so do the sorcerers. But the flashback conversation took place before Yuta copied the CT and gained an understanding of how it works and the plan changed. Maybe Kenjaku's original CT is actually consciousness swapping with a time limit but the trigger is touching the brain of the person being swapped into. And the stitches are a binding vow that allows him to keep it going indefinitely. Or swapping his brain allows him to keep multiple CTs instead of the single one in his recipient body. Something about the Binding Vow around the scars not being explained seems important to figuring out the twist. So Yuta's skull not having scars while Gojo's does could be because swapping brains isn't an actual condition of the base CT. And it's either because only the recipient needs their brain touched, or Shoko made the stitches to fool Sukuna who also doesn't know the method of Kenjaku's CT. Is it pure cope if I think maybe they came up with this method to attempt to revive Gojo? Like, Yuta inhabits him and gets him living, then after the 5 minute timer, his consciousness swaps back to his own body and maybe(?) Gojo travels South and returns to life. Because I think it was implied by yelling at Yaga ("wasn't a sorcerer supposed to die without regrets?") that he still had some regrets. But since they found all this out after Gojo died, I think he would still be left with the choice to return. The risk being that Yuta might die during the battle or his body not survive the ordeal. But I can help think that the body's survival is implied by them introducing Amai's Sugar CT specifically to show it providing sugar to the brain, and Nitta being there to prevent conditions from worsening. There are definitely some pieces of information that are leading to some sort of 4th option on the 5 minute timer outcomes.


I kind of want to gege to commit to the tragedy behind Yuta's decision. He gets stuck in gojo's body for the rest of his life. He loses rika, he loses copy and he'll be unable to live life like I could have done in his original body. It'd be extremely cheap if they had a plan to return him to his original body.


What if Yuta curses himself like he cursed Rika and comes back in some cursed form?


Rika is not fighting with Yuta because if Yuta throw a purple or something like that Rika will die, and if Rika die the 5 minutes end, and they don´t know what would happen if the 5 minutes end


I think Yuta's main plan is to take down Sukuna with his DE... because he mentions how he will maintain unlimited void for 3 minutes... that is over half the time he has. Idk I feel like a key detail is being left out.


Well, of course, when Yuta's domain falls his technique is going to burn so he won´t be able to use Kenjaku CT, it would be the same as waiting for the 5 minutes to pass, right?


There is no backup plan as this seems to be their last plan. However, in the off chance that yujo defeats sukuna in less than 5 minutes, having his original body stitched up might allow him to transfer back before the 5 minutes end, hence not dying and retaining his body and ct.


This struck me as weird too, and I posted it in the leaks thread. Something is definitely not adding up. I strongly suspect they are running some sort of con on Sukuna. In these fights there's always more to the story, it's never what it seems on the surface. Yutas body being put back together is definitely strange. And the way his body is being held by Rika is purposely hiding the wounds he took from Sukuna. Which makes me think it's a fake out.. somehow. Perhaps Yuta made a BV for himself. Maybe to extend the time limit of his CT, or allow him to revert back to his body as long as it still lived. Although I don't see how that really works. I also wonder if Rikas tears are healing Yuta. That's a pretty common trope in fiction.perhaps if they can get Gojos body back to Yuta they can reinstall his brain back into his own body.


Yeah it seems like something is being set up... also we've seen Rika go into an awakened/evolved state in JJK0 as well as chapter 179 where her eye opens & she gets much stronger. I feel like we may see a version of that but instead of raising her power level she can use it to heal or something.


Gojo's body is the back up plan


This is the back up plan😂


I doubt he has another back up plan, as this was allready described as a last resort, **this is the backup plan**.


I actually had a thought about this, but the nature of a Binding Vow with yourself is that you only lose what was gained. In Yuta's case, his entire Cursed Technique is Copy, but he doesn't NEED Rika fully manifested to use the Cursed Technique. If Gege really wanted to pull the rug out from under the character but in a way that was beneficial, the Binding Vow with Shikigami Rika could just not be a Vow between two individuals, but one Yuta placed on himself subconsciously(like with how he made Rika in the first place). So what else could he lose from breaking the 5 minute Binding Vow? The unlimited Cursed Energy. Because as we know, Cursed Techniques are engraved into the brain(kinda like a glove you put on but can't take off). Most can have up to 3 as theorized, but 2 seems to be the safest bet considering Sukuna only ever took 2. So in Yuta's case he has the potential to permanently hold onto 3 until or unless his brain is returned to his own body: - Copy - Brain Transfer - Limitless Making him the only character we would've ever seen utilize 3 Cursed Techniques, and all simultaneously. Kenjaku was able to - as far as we know - use 2(Brain + Gravity/Cursed Spirits), but it would make Yuta an interesting mirror to actually surpass him in that context where he ends up using 3. Yuta trained his Barrier Techniques and was able to do something nobody else could do(Target only 1 person in a Domain). Yuta has a technique that lets him copy other CTs(Similar to Kenjaku). And Yuta is the polar opposite of someone like Kenjaku, who does evil for fun. If Yuta actually does manage to survive longer than 5 minutes he could be propped up as the ultimate Foil for Kenjaku, while Yuji is the same for Sukuna.


This is the backup plan. If he dies take over Gojo to try and win. There are no more plans after this. After this we just need to believe Yuji will somehow do it, as for Yuta, I respect him, he did what he had to! YUTA OGOATSU!


It could just be that after using Kenjaku's CT they realized it was much different than they'd thought and changed gears.


I don't think he does, nor do I think he'll be successful. Something will happen, Yutas resolve will waver and Gojo will influence his body just like he saw with Kenjaku, doing who knows what to save Yutas life.


My understanding of this last chapter is that—since yuta had to put the ring on in order to manifest Rika and activate his copy technique, as far as Rika is concerned, Yuta’s corpse is still the source of the technique while Gojo’s is the target of the technique. Once the 5 minute timer is up and Rika disappears, worst case scenario is the technique is canceled and Gojo’s body becomes a corpse again. In the page with rika and Yuta’s body, it doesn’t look healed to me, it looks like she is physically holding it together and once she disappears it will just fall apart again. Though, absolute worst case scenario is that the interaction of the six eyes/copy/bodyswap creates an unintended chemical reaction between all that cursed energy and somehow ends up with Kenjaku back in Gojo’s body with copy and limitless :0 and yuta just dead


Two things On transplantation, we dont know that his head *would* need to he cut open. It may well be that Kenjaku's CT makes those stitches appear as an effect of the CT itself as a physical manifestation of the technique. On why Rika needs to stay back - Rika is hardly a normal shikigami. It may well be that if she is destroyed while fully manifested, Yuta loses access to her temporarily which in turn would shut off CT usage. Further, if the connection is bound by the ring then bringing the ring with Gojo's body is problematic given Sukuna *can* bypass Infinity and has a cutting technique. Leaving the ring with Yuta's body and keeping Rika back as well thus prevents Sukuna from *maybe* using this against them. Further, we know that the body is still the person from the Culling Games - after all, Kenjaku made a rule to kick off the merger when everyone but Megumi and Geto were dead not Sukuna and Kenjaku. This implies that Jujutsu rules care more about body than mind, which makes leaving the ring with Yuta's body a nice exploit of the system.


Hear me out… they put Gojo’s brain in Yuta’s body, Gojo is gonna use Rika to eat Yujo’s body, how is he gonna get Rika to eat Yuta?: with some Sukuna level acting. Gojo is gonna use Kenjaku’s technique to get into Hakari’s body and then make a binding vow to allow him to have six eyes and limitless for 10 years. He will then kill Sukuna and save the soul society.


As much as I would love for Gojo to return it is looking less & less likely per chapter... but maybe Amai (the sugar CT guy) used his CT to keep Gojo's brain alive. So when Yuta takes over the body & heals it he can then use Kenjaku's CT again to put Gojo's own brain back in the body or something right before his 5 minute timer expires lmao.


What if he takes over his own body like Toji did and says “English or Spanish…?” to Sukuna


Its funny how people make theories without thinking about the narrative , yuji exists


Idk whatchu talking bout.. Yuji died in chapter 263.


Now the show is called Gojotsu Kaisen


Rika is going to sacrifice herself for Yuta I’m calling it now.


Yeah I feel like Rika is going to do something major before the end of the battle.


His backup plan is reuniting with Rika in the afterworld


Maybe to activate kenny's ct is you just need to touch the host brain to take control of it, hence why yuta's head seems fine since he just need to touch gojo's brain to control the body. And if luck lets it, it could paved the way for both gojo and yuta to comeback to their own bodies idk


im pretty sure this was the back up plan.


Id be more suprised if yuta survived than if he dies Gege isn't one to backtrack his decisions


I still think it's unlikely that Yuta will be killed, I don´t really think these happened for a special outcome, it just seems the safe bet right now: if Yuta manages to come back to his body, then fine, Shoko stitched it.


It is possible that Gege mad a mistake with the ring, given him being down with the sickness


Im Curious if todo can swap yutas brain back into his body’s at the last minute and may be why rika is safeguarding his body instead of joining the battlefield


This was his backup plan


no and i hope he dies


Pretty sure this was the backup plan. I don’t think he has another one after this


Yuta comes back to his body after taking down Sukuna’s domain then jumps back it to help Yuji and Todo AGAIN. Seems like the play here


What I’m wondering is that if the technique lasts 5 minutes will his brain just eject out on the battlefield? Or will he go back to his body??


MY THEORIES: 1) Yuta can soul switch from Gojo's body to his old body if he copies uiui's technique, this is based on Yuta still having a brain inside his original body.. 2) Yuta can physically switch into his old body using Todo technique as Yuta's body should be his brain itself not the body he's possessing meaning he can switch physically into his old body... 3) Yuta can extend his 5 minutes in a body using Gojo's technique of damaging and healing his brain. 4) Rika awakening may allow Yuta to use his ability permanently without a time limit.


This is the back up plan


It's got to be related to Yuta switching the ring to his opposite hand. That was specifically highlighted, but for what reason I have no idea. It just doesn't make sense to point that out and it not be siginificant.


Yeah. Being Gege's favourite is the best back up plan


Realistic thoughts: Yuta will survive 5 min limit, but lose Rika and with her his External CT’s Storage. He will left with Body Swap, Limitless, and 2 other techniques to fill 4 Powers per Brain quota. Agenda Kaisen: My wild theory is that Yuta will be able to simultaneously control Gojo’s and His own body at the cost of Rika’s Self Sacrifice Binding Wow. Highly unlikely: Yuta will die. Even though Gege could write a very touching and emotional death for him, Yuta at the end of the day Gege’s love child and I doubt that something bad happens to our second MC.


I'm personally curious if somehow his domain could have been used to get rid of the time limit on the copied technique. With that said, I doubt he could open his domain cut in half, but even still it'd be interesting if he could pop his domain in the hospital place, transfer bodies, and not have the condition anymore for the timer


Can rika curse yuta the same way yuta cursed rika? A perpetual cycle making him strong?


MY THEORIES: 1) Yuta can soul switch from Gojo's body to his old body if he copies uiui's technique, this is based on Yuta still having a brain inside his original body.. 2) Yuta can physically switch into his old body using Todo technique as Yuta's body should be his brain itself not the body he's possessing meaning he can switch physically into his old body... 3) Yuta can extend his 5 minutes in a body using Gojo's technique of damaging and healing his brain. 4) Rika awakening may allow Yuta to use his ability permanently without a time limit.


Part of me thinks how they set the decision of taking Gojo's body is making it look like this is a hail marry throw by the sorcerers. I have been personally thinking the reason as to why the sorcerers have been loosing is that none of them have been willing to go as far as Sukuna has gone to achieve strength. Maybe this play is a no turning back scenario for Yuta because if he throws away his humanity, taking over Gojo's body, and he still looses what would be the point of him going back to his old weaker body


I viewed the scene with Rika either as the inner soul in yuta. Or as a flash back to right when Rika brought yutas dyeing body back to the base. Side note: wouldn't the use of limitless also require the 6 eyes? And lastly: if Rika appears within the domain it would mean either yuta can use a second CT in a domain. And/or Rika is NOT part of yutas CT


This is the backup plan.


This is probably the first time I’ve started to feel like GeGe is actually winging the story and making it up as he goes. It feels very disjointed to me. Hopefully I’m wrong and just to dumb to see the bigger picture


I hope not lol... Gege was definitely sick when making this chapter, hopefully it won't affect the decision making process of the manga as bad as the art.


Yuta improvised a plan on the fly like the chad he was, don't ask too much from him


You know it shows them all talk about this plan prior to killing the higher ups? This wasn't a plan made on the fly


Good point


I am