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Do anyone of you remember what Kashimo said “are all modern sorcerers this dense ? This is Satoru Gojos fight” Aside from wanting to save Megumi and stop kenny plus sukuna. Gojo specifically wanted to go against the king of curses. That is a pivotal point to his character, his arc, and the themes of the narrative. NO ONE was going to help him, he told them all to stay put.


Also I'm sure Hakari did a Binding Bow with Kashimo that stipulates he has to ensure Kashimo gets to fight Sukuna. Which is why he was the one that had to immediately intervene when Uraume appeared. Thus if they actually tried to intervene then they would have to face Kashimo and Hakari. Or Hakari gets to face the Binding Bow Break Punishment. "But then why did Gojo go first and not Kashimo, huh?" Because Kashimo himself could give up his place by upping the bet, so that if Gojo turned out to be the strongest then he would get to face him. After all his wish was to face the True Strongest, it just so happens that Kenjaku told him it was Sukuna.


Kashimo and Hakari making a binding vow to let him face sukuna alone would make so much sense. I’ve never even thought of that but i love it


Why would Hakari enter a Binding Vow with Kashimo? Two person BV's are typically made to ensure a mutually beneficial transaction; Mahito & Mecha = Grant Information | Restore body, Kenny & Sukuna = Show/Make me a Cursed Object for resurrection | complete the Merger, etc. I can't think of anything Kashimo would've had to offer to Hakari in that instance considering Hakari had all of the leverage. He knew where Sukuna would be, he knew the current character setup & most likely had an idea of how things may play out from here with Gojo going first then everyone jumping afterwards & had just made it so all of Kashimo' CE had run out meaning even with 1 arm Hakari could've whipped his ass using CE reinforcement. Considering Kashimo let it be known that he was looking for Sukuna specifically it wouldn't take much beyond telling him you'd get him a guaranteed fight against Sukuna/Gojo for him to cooperate.


Kashimo transferred points to Hakari. Also Kashimo was like the fifth strongest sorcerer(at least at the time) and was willing to fight Sukuna. Without Kashimo, Sukuna would still have a free heal, and they would probably get cooked by Kamutoke spam before Sukuna has to transform.


To add to this, before Kashimo fought Sakuna and before Yuta revealed his full kit, Kashimo was arguably believed to be the 3rd strongest. Having him vs Sakuna was a HUGE win for the squad. Even if they didn’t think they needed him, not having him as a foe is already a win for the squad. Last thing they need is lightning boi being a random third party while all this is going down.


Let's be honest, I love my Pikachu as much as you, but his contribution to the fight was nearly zero.  Anyone could have forced Sukuna to transform.




I’ve never read or watched any of the Dragon Ball stuff haha. What was the context of that quote ?


Trunks (one of the strongest, but newest good guys) asking why they weren't jumping the bad guy.


Gojo was literally born to face Sukuna, who is literally the “unfinished business” of the jujutsu world. I don’t know how people didn’t pick up on that.


>But certainly after Sukuna's nerfing, he could have helped with the Executioner's Sword plan as many have pointed out. I actually am satisfied with the domain countermeasure reason for keeping Todo out of the fight too, this is more just to point out how broken he is now. Todo was with Yuta helping him kill Kenjaku, the earliest he could have come was when Yuta came back.


And adding to that, yuta is likely super fast and thus would have left Todo behind 


They were teleported to and back with Ui Ui's technique, their speed doesn't matter.


Was that confirmed? I don't recall seeing that


i’d assume so because Shinjuku is like 500km+ from where Yuta killed Kenny. not very likely he was just running across the whole country on foot.


Iwate Prefecture's Lake Gosho is \~470 Kilometers from Shinjuku where the fight with Gojo takes place. Takaba vs. Kenjaku takes place a few minutes after Gojo's defeat at Sukuna's hands. My only two arguments for them not utilizing Ui Ui to move Yuta are the - That Todo was absent from the Yuta/Yuji/Sukuna fight(even though his presence could've literally saved Yuta from the WCS), when we know Ui Ui can teleport multiple people. - Prior to even revealing that Ui Ui had a form of teleportation they were actively using, it was generally accepted that Yuta arrived in Shinjuku on his own, and that assumption was not only perfectly reasonable considering his rank, but again *was an accepted thing*. People are aware that he more than likely could have just ran or had Rika throw him through the sky.


>had Rika throw him through the sky. Here is my proposal: Rika spam. Have her YEET Yuta through the air then she teleports right back to him and YEETS him again midair- repeat until he is in Shinjuku.


I was more thinking vehicle or some type of Rika based movement. Also Gojo teleported panda and inumaki way back, maybe jujutsu high has some form of fast travel on hand?


that was just gojo using blue to teleport them. and if ur wondering why he drew a circle like a spell or something it’s bcz it was jjk0 and gojo’s abilities weren’t fully fleshed out. and jujutsu high (probably) doesn’t have something like that because the Kyoto students+Utahime has to take the train to Shibuya and were late


Jujutsu works best when every part of their rituals are complete. the spell was probably a more complete part of an incantation to further boost the effect range of teleportation via Blue, or to increase its maximum targets (3 of them were teleported), or to increase the effectiveness of it since Gojo was not included in the teleportation itself.


This is a good in-story explanation for something that was likely a quirk of a raw story outline.


Oh thank you for the explanation 


Assuming based on what exactly


Lack of speed feats of that caliber?


assuming sorcerers travel conventionally, like we see all the time unless they have some kind of teleportation technique (two people)


Do we know how long it took for Yuta to get back from Kenjaku?


assuming kenjaku getting killed by yuta is happening the same time as higuruma/yuji joining the fight, then probably somewhere between 10-30 min most likely. could be different, we don’t really have a good timescale for fights in the manga


So we’re assuming they teleported and we’re assuming it was through Ui Ui because we’re assuming they’re not fast enough because we’re assuming the fights are happening all at the same time ? Or do we have some way to know fights are simultaneous


Yuta ain’t that fast lol


Was it confirmed that Todo was with Yuta? With the two different translations on the noise in the fight, I'm not the most up to date on what are theories and canon.


Yes, it was confirmed. The narrator says Todo was there at Lake Gosho colony with Yuta, the onomatopoeia in that chapter was the same as when he was switching Yuji, Sukuna and himself during the fight(the translation doesn't matter, you can compare the sounds Gege wrote), we see Yuta and Kenjaku switch places and Gege says in his author comment that Todo switching people to save them from outside Sukuna's domain was his third time using his technique that day, the other 2 times was in Lake Gosho colony.


This still doesn’t give me the chapter or page number homie, which is what I asked for originally


Todo being with Yuta at Lake Gosho colony, chapter 259 and 260. To compare the sounds 260,249 and 243. Yuta switchin places with Kenjaku 243. Gege's comment is for 260.


Thank you


What is your Chapter & Page Reference on this?


I already wrote a [comment.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Jujutsushi/s/IEBo3ZOsV7)


Todo needed literally 1 second to swap sukuna with a random rock to insta kill him with the sword, no reason why he can’t spend 1 second to insta kill sukuna before cooking Kenny. Even then, it’s preferable to finish off sukuna and have yuta and Kenny fight each other then finish off Kenny and have sukuna continue to go on a rampage


But they don't know if that is going to work and they think that taking down Kenjaku is a better choice. If they take down Sukuna, but Kenjaku is still alive with no one to take him down that means all of Japan is dead, meanwhile if Sukuna isn't defeated the worst that can happen is he kills some people, not everyone in Japan. Kenjaku's death also means Yuta gets Kenjaku's technique to take over Gojo's body. Higurama's executioner sword might have worked, even Yuta wonders if that would have been better, but this is what they went with. I think both were valid strategies.


Didn't Yuta admit himself that he went to kill Kenjaku first for his own satisfaction and that he regrets doing so? So why couldn't they have made a plan to interfere with the Gojo vs. Sukuna fight earlier when Megumi!Sukuna lost his domain? There's a possibility that the fight vs. Sukuna would've been won with that option, then there would've been more than enough people to take of Kenjaku, as you said. Looking at the current situation, how is this preferable? Sukuna literally said that he wants to kill everyone.


>Didn't Yuta admit himself that he went to kill Kenjaku first for his own satisfaction and that he regrets doing so? He did, but Kusakabe said that taking down Kenjaku and leaving Sukuna alive is better than the opposite happening. Angel was the one that proposed taking down Kenjaku, not Yuta and Kusakabe supported this idea(240). >So why couldn't they have made a plan to interfere with the Gojo vs. Sukuna fight earlier when Megumi!Sukuna lost his domain? 1. Gojo wanted to fight alone 2. Uraume would join the fight 3. Gojo fights best when he's alone, adding more people means Gojo won't be as effective, not to mention Gojo might not even be able to use Purple with all the people around him, which is their best bet against Mahoraga who can use the world slash. Yuta also agrees that him joining the fight wouldn't have been good(235). >Looking at the current situation, how is this preferable? Sukuna literally said that he wants to kill everyone. He said he wants to kill the sorcerers there, which is what they thought would happen. Kenjaku did transfer the authority to start the merger, but they didn't know this would happen. From the pov of the cast, they can either take down Kenjaku after Gojo loses and save all of Japan, all take down Sukuna but have every person in Japan merge with Tengen. I think some people dying is better than everyone dying.


I understand the point you're making, and I'm not trying to argue for the sake of arguing, so please don't take this the wrong way, but I still find this fight extremely poorly thought out on a meta level. Because it looks to me like everyone involved used some really poor logic. Not trying to dunk on Higuruma some more, but it seems like everyone in this fight took after him, and never thought things through or planned things properly. Starting with Kusakabe, why is taking out Kenjaku post Gojo defeat a better option than interfering with Gojo fight before he loses (thus they lose their strongest card) and having an actual chance to win? I know Gege said that it's because they thought Kenjaku alive > Sukuna since they for whatever reason, thought that Sukuna wouldn't kill everyone. But not only are they wrong (Sukuna said that after he kills every one of the sorcerers, he might start playing around with Tengen and the merger, does that sound optimistic to you?), but the stakes just do not work out, see: 1.) Gojo loses --> HS group without Gojo vs Sukuna +Kenjaku 2.) Gojo wins --> HS group + Gojo? vs Kenjaku alone. 3.) Draw (both Gojo and Sukuna taken out permanently) --> HS group vs. Kenjaku alone I just don't understand their logic. How is option 1 here preferable? When planning, isn't it preferable to aim for 2 and/or 3 instead of 1 in the first place? Because with Todo's help, both options 2 and 3 were achievable results, especially after Megumi!Sukuna lost his Domain. Okay, for the sake of argument, let's go with that this couldn't work because of factors 1, 2, and 3, like you said. I personally don't believe Uraume joining is a good argument for Todo not participating here, because again, with option 2 above, they have Gojo to deal with him, and if we look at the current state, Hakari is doing a fine job holding up Uraume on his own. Factor 3 would be okay, but that's after Makora gave Sukuna Space Cleave, but Todo could've involved himself before that, like I said. The only option left which I don't have a good argument against, is Gojo wanting to fight against Sukuna alone even though having multiple people in addition to him with a wide variety of abilities would be vastly more helpful. In that case, it would say many, many things about Gojo's motivations and personal morals, none of which are good, however. EDIT: and none of this changes the fact that Yuta placed his personal desire to fight Kenjaku ahead of everything else, which arguably made this current situation as bad as things are, because this delay, along with Kashimo's interference, gave Sukuna the chance to incarnate fully, heal, and gain back his domain.


I still don’t see how todo couldn’t spare a single second to swap. He could easily extend his range with binding vows allowing him to reach both Kenny and sukuna, and Kenny was talking with takaba for longer then the time it takes todo to swap. Plus it’s not just leaving Kenny alone. Yuta could go himself, he just wouldn’t be able to sneak Kenny, but Yuta is perfectly able to hold his own while sukuna gets sworded.


Like do you know how far Iwate is to Tokyo


Uh do you know where Kenny and Sukuna was?


Kenjaku was halfway across Japan from Sukuna lmao that would never have worked


Cant just be a rock he has to infuse the rock with CE first


And there is absolutely no way something like that would go past sukuna


I mean he did caught that a crow can be swapped. It's the not swapping that trips him up


But Yuji locks tf in with Todo, I don’t believe Higuruma would be able to synergize as well with Todo.


While it is true, he also had to help yuta with kenny Ideally their travel time would be before Higuruma died but they were too late


Did they? I question the order of operations here. Kenny was nearby kinda, but not on the scene. Why are we not gang banging Sukuna all at once, then shifting towards Kenny to do the same to him. Even if Kenny escapes, he’s unquestionably weaker than Sukuna. Make sure the body is destroyed and Kenny loses all of his heavy guns. From then it’s just about tracking him down to finish him off. I think people dramatically underestimate how broken Todo is now lol. Speed kills, todo is World Dismantle in support form. He has no speed. They should have lead off with Todo switching a goon squad of the biggest swinging dicks right into Sukunas face and running train on him. The fight is over in less than a second.


Because if Kenny escapes the world could be fucked Sukuna is evil, but he’s legit just… a guy Kenny if he survives has a chance to turn the world into a perpetual hell for his weird ass science shit


>his weird ass science shit its not even that- he is just doing it for fun.


Kenjaku isn't going to pull off his plan in the space of a few minutes. Acing Sukuna first prevents a lot of dead good guys. Especially with the surprise attack concept.


I mean the gang legit said “Yeah we’d rather get rid of Kenny and sukuna gets away than we get rid of sukuna and Kenny gets away” Sukuna is a strong fighter but he’s not gonna live infinitely like kenjaku might


And as a result of that choice a bunch of people died who didn't need to.


If Sukuna died and Kenjaku got away, he'd be dangling the threat of the Merger or worse over everyone's head. And then a lot of readers (myself included) would wonder why they didn't go after the weaker guy with the greater potential to fuck the world.


Yeah, Sukuna is the more substantial immediate threat, but Kenjaku's overall knowledge of jujutsu sorcery means his potential for damage is virtually unlimited, as jujutsu will only get more complex and refined. If he gets away, he'll have an eternity to grow and increase his knowledge which would likely end with him being stronger than even Sukuna.


Yeah what makes it even worse is that he only arrives after Choso's death.  Not only did we miss out on the two best brothers guiding Yuji but we were also robbed of a Vibraslap Boogie Woogie Piercing Blood Black Flash combo ass whooping on Sukuna.


Beautiful, it would’ve did nothing, but it would have been beautiful


Todo didn’t arrive sooner because Gege would’ve had to have Sukuna kill him. Any thoughts of “Todo could’ve did this and X would’ve happened.” Gets interrupted by Sukuna simply doing something to accommodate for the difference.


Nooooo, it would make the fight too EASY for the good guys as Todo's CT makes all their issues, non-issues Sukuna wouldn't get past Kashimo if Todo was there to help


Todo arriving at any point in time after shibuya would’ve made most of the arcs shorter because of how useful he and his technique are. I hope he gets an amp


Right. Imagine if, while Yuji is distracting Sukuna with his protagonist bs, all of the JJH are off hidden and charging their strongest attacks. Hollow purple, crow bombs, fucking toss in a Getsuga for funzies. Then Todo claps his cheeks once and 20 Sorcerers orbital drop their ults onto Sukuna at once. The fight is just over. There isn’t even a fight. Yuji wouldn’t even need to die as Todo could swap him too. That’s a bit extreme, so a simpler and much more obvious concept is simply Todo swapping rapidly with Higgy. Sukuna is just dead. There’s nothing he can do about it.


Todo could also make Sukuna's cursed tool a non issue for Higuruma since he can just swap it out with a rock charged with cursed energy. And Higuruma steals Sukuna's technique


Or that. Or any of a million things. Todo is busted.


Gege hates us and loves Sukuna


If Todo had swapped even once during the Gojo fight, Sukuna would have tried to track him down or at least get close enough to put him in shrines range. I don't think it's a plot hole rather they stuck to their plan and don't have hindsight like us.


I don't think Sukuna would have had a free enough hand to start searching the area. He would be getting pressed by Gojo even more seriously, or wouldn't be able to defend Agito/Mahoraga from getting oneshotted.


But you also have to remember Gojo would be prioritizing the safety of Todo in this scenario as well. The idea of sending in Gojo alone was explained numerous times by the cast throughout the fight, and it is still holding up as the correct decision. We have to remember this is full-powered Sukuna, and what we’ve been seeing since Gojo’s loss is a heavily weakened Sukuna.


That’s if you make it a fair fight. Which.. they absolutely didn’t need to. literally all they have to do is hide Gojo somewhere, charging a hollow purple while Yuji is protag dialoguing with Sukuna. Yuji goes for a punch, clap, full force hollow purple to the face. Sukuna survives that, barely. But then he has 0 chance to adapt, fight back or even open his domain. Gojo crushes his skull like silly putty. Shit you don’t even need to do that. Time it right, and clap Gojo into range of Sukuna with his Domain ready to go. Sukuna wouldn’t have time to pop his at the same time, gets hit by UV, gg.


Are we reading different mangas? Lol I cannot tell if this is sarcastic or not, but I’ll explain anyway. For the first paragraph: Gojo tries a sneak attack at the very beginning of the fight, with an amped up hollow purple at that. While it does catch Sukuna off-guard, he is very much able to handle the brunt of it without serious injury. We have to remember that at the beginning of the fight, Sukuna is working with cursed energy reserves double that of Yuta who, at this point in the series, was our de facto benchmark for cursed energy reserves. That being said, we cannot—and should not—approach this from a purely logical standpoint. Yes, the cast made numerous contingency plans, as they should. But the initial fight should be taken as what it is: there cannot be two “strongest” coexisting, one has to give. We can almost make a comparison to the “call of the void” on behalf of both sorcerers. For both of them, there is a subconscious desire to reach out, to see whose technique, whose ability is stronger. And the domain clashes were exactly that: a way for the two of them to see who was truly the better sorcerer. We have to remember that these are two very egotistical people. Yes, Gojo undoubtedly sits closer to us in regards to moral values, but he still exists in an environment that proliferates this notion of the strongest. In this sense, both are seeking self-affirmation through fighting.


Todo wouldn't have to directly join. He could be in deep cover and move himself around constantly.


Todo couldn’t move Yuji or Choso out of Sukuna’s weakened domain because they were too close to the center. How would Todo help in the initial domain clashes? That aside, this was Gojo’s choice to fight alone. It also needs to be understood that this was partially a selfish decision on his part, whether it made 100% sense or not.


I agree. Just like with UiUi he knows he’s a problem but he’s too busy with others to deal with him right now.


To be fair, eventually he did get fucking pissed and nearly no-diffed the poor boy 💀 (Still crazy how Miguel managed to save Ui Ui tho, the Miguel agenda never dies)


At this point it's quite clear that this whole fight has been poorly planned. I might agree that they should have left gojo alone, he's a nuclear powerhouse, but all the others are just lining up and come at sukuna 1v1 like some putty patrollers instead of ganking him. Larue could have easily subdued him for higuruma, Miguel boosted by Tojo would have been an actual nightmare. Not to mention yutas modified sure hit, which would render sukuna without 2 arms.


Honestly I completely and utterly fail to see how Todo wouldn’t have been useful during the Gojo fight. If he’s held hostage, he can teleport out. If Gojo fires an attack and he’s in the way, he can teleport out. What the fuck? How in any way shape or form could Todo have been a handicap to Gojo though like REALLY? At the very very least he could’ve had a swap loaded and ready from the shadows for when gojo is in trouble the most. Kashimo was right there after the fight ended, so he probably could’ve been completely out of range and still helped plenty. I understand the importance of a rock solid failsafe for late into the fight, but really, can anybody imagine a scenario where Todo would get in the way?


Lol, I agree. No one can explain it beyond "author and characters said gojo fights best when alone" it's nonsensical to me. I get it's supposed to be a theme with Gojo's character, but it's incredibly forced. there's so many times his technique would have helped Gojo. Even if it's to gain a momentary distraction from Sukuna for him to land a devastating blow. ....not to mention adding to what you said, Todo has one of the best reaction time of all sorcerers....e.g him reacting to Hanamis attack in 0.1 seconds....but noooo "gOjO fIgHtS bEsT wHeN aLoNe" bullshit lmao


Not everything is supposed to be written with cold logic lol


Dismantle is *incredibly* quick, so quick not even Gojo catches it before it already passed by. All it takes is a single dismantle to go Todo's way and he is immediantly dead- or even just cut off his other arm or damage the Vibraslap. Todo's CT is amazing and if he fought any other foe (even Kenny i'd argue) he would win- but Sukuna has an attack that basically lands instantly by virtue of its sheer speed- and he also has Mahoraga and Agito. Given time Mahoraga would find *some* way to adapt to boogie woogie which could then make Todo a liability.


At the beginning of the fight, Sukuna could have theoretically trapped Todo in Malevolent Shrine (since its range is larger than Boogie Woogie's). But once Sukuna loses his domain, I agree.


Yeah thia post is very wrong. 1) Boogie Woogie's range is less than 200 meters. He was waiting outside of the domain range and couldn't get to Yuji and Choso who were closer to the center. And it cannot be expanded with Binding Bows, it's already expanded with Binding Bows. It's very much already at the true limit of it's effective range. 2) He was with Yuta jumping Kenjaku. He could not arrive earlier than after Higuruma's death. 3) It's also said he finished fine tuning the Binding Bows when they were jumping Kenjaku. So even if he left Yuta to die and had come helping against Sukuna earlier, he'd be less effective in his help.


I think that the choice of keeping todo a secret from sukuna, he would have probably resorted to inflicting more severe wounds to the party and iin general todo works really well with yuji with is technique, using it to simply swap people in certain situations would lead to a total net loss in terms of actual usefulness of his ability, although I think saving higuruma could have led to a better development of the plan


The timeline of the fight is so fucked up I thought that Gojo vs Sukuna’s fight was months away from Todo’s appearance. I didn’t realise the fight is still on the same day


I mean, I think Gojo could have also just left Malevolent Shrine whenever he felt like it. Like, didn’t the characters comment on how he could leave the domain if he just had his CT?


yeah,but gege wrote himself out of a corner by saying sukuna could learn about the plans through his connection with yuji. it’s an asspull statement, but clears him of all plot holes smh


Only missed opportunity was not bringing back Gojo but trust‼️‼️my king will return 263 after greg has rct’d on max output 🔥🔥🔥🙏


Todo's boogie woogie range was expanded with a binding vow and it is still significantly less than 200m (as he wasn't able to teleport yuji and choso who were closer to the center of malevolent shrine)


I still dont think todo can do much with higu. Sukuna can still sense people with CE. Only time in fight where he actully gets surprised by people is from maki, whom he cant track. Most of the time he just tracks people. Nobody with CE has ever landed sneak attack on him. I know todo is not exactly attacker but todo extended range<140m Sukuna is still going to sense him, maybe he doesnt we doesnt really have amy evidence to say that he is like gojo with his all seeing eyes. What about speed?? At the start of fight, sukuna is comfortably faster than yuji. And around 6 - 7 punches he blitzes maki. We r not even taking into consideration lossing control of body, we just dont have enough info to consider it big enough nerf. Sukuna after seeing todo along with higu is no way going to go higu open your domain, and stuff. They r getting that net of dismantles thrown at them. And somehow he does, can todo really swap. Someone who he cant possibly follow or keep track of?? Someobody way faster than him. Heck even with yuji BF when todo really tries to kick him he just dodges him, yeah he does it with air but sukuna is still not slow enough to get hit by it. Sure todo got. Boost can he really keep up with sukuna if he tried??? makis whole thing is sensing stuff coming toward her and she couldn't even react, like idk whatver in that position is supposed to do. And that was nerfed sukuna.


Doesn’t matter. He can’t react in time, tracking or not. Especially now with todos ability to shift many people at once. Good luck tracking higgy while boxing Yuji, Maki, Yuta, kusikabe, shit.. add in every sorcerer they can get their hands on. Doesn’t matter. They’re a distraction. It takes one hit, thats it.


I m. Not sure about that, there r too many people to swap. Condition for swapping still hasnt changed. Well sukuna goes to yuji, somehow todo sees sukuna is going for him, what exactly he swaps yuji with??? Crows? Somebody else?? No stones, there is not enough time for him to Imbue CE in stone and swap it. Sukuna moves to another target, what does todo uses to swap?? If sukuna with more nerfs is fast for maki then sukuna with less nerfs is too much for todo.


The mental gymanistics are insane, the reason Todo, Laure and Yuta weren't there for Higuruma was simple, executioner's sword would have hit. Besides Todo can swap targets while hidden, Sukuna won't sense shit before it's too late.


What r u talking about?? Todo can swap stuff while hidden?? U r saying todo is going to stay hidden around sukuna and sukuna cant sense his CE??? And like come on, r u thinking even with all of them if sukuna really tried at start of fight they had chance, like whats really stopping him from throwing net of dismantles he did to kashimo. How hard it is to get distance from them and just throw dismantles at them??? R u sure ur not the one doing mental gymnastics???


Wasn’t he with Yuta to help kill Kenjaku while the executioner sword plan was ongoing?


The issue with hypothesizing around Todo's involvement is the same issue every good sorcerer has in the same situation. Sukuna isn't stupid. If at any point, anywhere, at ANY TIME, Sukuna happened to observe Todo's technique, he would have likely figured out it was coming from somewhere else and came up with countermeasures. The problem is that powerful abilities like Todo's REQUIRE significant and constant counterplay. Meaning you'll only ever truly surprise a good enemy with it once. If Todo revealed his technique to Sukuna before that very moment, then Sukuna would not have attempted to end the fight the way he did without assurances it would have worked.


I know what you mean but with Gojo I don’t think Gojo would respond well to having Todo using his technique. I mean Gojo has NEVER been a team fighter, so he wouldn’t be able to have good synergy with Todos technique


Not if they trained for a month. It's just Gojo's selfishness or Gege's plot armor that's stopping it.


Yeah it would probably be both


sukuna himself: “i can’t lie, he showed up at the worst possible time” dudes on reddit: “ERM BUT WHAT IF HE SHOWED UP AT THIS POINT INSTEAD”


> he could even have transported Gojo out of Malevolent Shrine. They didnt even know that MS was an open domain though, and I doubt it would work with closed domains. I wonder what would happen if he switched *Sukuna* out of MS's range though, the shrine is supposedly the core, would it collapse if Sukuna suddenly left its range? Hes clearly still able to alter its conditions, and it can be broken through damaging his body, so its still connected to him. Edit: Nevermind, apparently Sukunas domain vs JJH was closed, to Todo could clap Yujo or Sukuna out of the domains at any time, unless Sukunas barrier used some special funk.


I'm pretty sure they did know, they just didn't know how open domains interact with closed ones.


They absolutely did not know https://imgur.com/a/1LkMvn2.


I see. I assume that inumaki and/or yuji at least told Gojo conidering his lack of a reaction to sukuna's open domain out in the open. My guess is that as long as you do the cognitive part in your mind, the domain should continue to stay open. Several characters are able to make veils or other barrieres without actually being within it so I assume it works the same with an open domain.