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https://u.gg/lol/combat?role=jungle&rank=overall. It's Briar.


Stats check out


But she also has tons more deaths than most other champs high on that list.


This is the answer. And yes, more kills 99% of the time equal to more wins.


Well, Rengar has a lot of kills on average but one of the lowest winrates


How the fck did you come into conclusion that it's briar based on that link?


Not op, but just checked the link and it says that Briar has the highest average kills per game. Am i missing something?


Bro probably clicked it, didn't see briar at the top and just left.


Classic league subreddit Rhodes scholar


You can sort champs by the average amount of kills they get


He should've linked that part then, and not a tier list


That is what he linked. You just need to sort by kills in the tier list.




a fellow clown




Shaco NEEDS them otherwise he isnt even a champ


I don't know that Id call them consistent, but rengar and evelyn are both champs that get their leads primarily through kills. They want kills they want a lot of them, and their kits are built around getting them. Champs that aren't built around kills but get a lot of them are Nocturne, briar, Warwick, shaco, khazix, kindred, viego, diana. I'm sure there are more I'm not thinking of at the moment.


Viego and kindred are literally build around kill in the passive


Kindred yes; she gets power from specific takedowns. Viego no; he has a strong execute, but he's a pretty traditional jungler. Both are just as happy with assists as they are kills.


Kindred is frickin hard, though.


I mean, Kha'Zix's kit is almost exclusively designed for "getting kills" no? Edit: I understand everyone's point now, I didn't realize what was meant regarding Rengar's kill scaling mechanic etc. I was more broadly thinking "assassins = kills or bust." I missed the point, my b!


He can powerfarm rly well too


He doesn’t necessarily ”require kills” to snowball as much as rengar for example, but yes, he is an assassin so ofc his skillset is best for killing and he should be looking for easy kills on squishies as often as possible. With Rengar you pretty much have to get kills or at least takedowns to scale at all, you are pretty useless late game without full stacks imo.


Kha is an assassin, but he doesn't need kills to function. He is really strong at skirmishes, farming, and taking objectives. He can rack up the kills, but if you are focusing on kills with kha you are probably playing really suboptimally


Me (I’m taking every kill)


Probably someone like Briar or another champ that has explosive ganks.


Master Yi , Evelynn , Khazix , Rengar Scale Hard with Items and Snowball Insanely Quickly but tbh you need to know your Limits and how to 1v9 with them.


Warwick, the passive on his W leads you to low health targets.


Evelyn, Rengar and Nidalee are the ones Ive seen and that I've had success with quickly and easily racking up kills on. Also these champs are built around kills, and invading. Kindred is in there also but not quite like the above three(although kindred is the most designed for killing and invading with their passive)


Why is Skarner so overlooked.... build him as a fighter and you are 8-0-2 in 20 mins


Because if you play Rengar, Evelyn or Nidalee you can easily double that if you are snowballing on those champs in that time, possibly even on 1 kill per min for some players lol. 8-0-2 is good at 20 mins, but isn't impressive for a snowball.


I would say lee sin


Lee sin is weak and hard to play


Hard to play? Yes. Weak??????


There was a recent patch where his q was glitched from 115% ad to 200%. That's twice as much on an ability with hits twice. Yet it was still hardly talked about. People were simple saying "yeah he's strong this patch cuz of the glitch". Imagine that kind of dmg boost on any other champion


His winrate even in emerald plus is dog shit??


Yea. Weak.  Because some smurfs can win on him doesnt mean its strong.


Lee Sin has historically been a jungler that most people have no idea how to pilot properly. He’s like the Azir of Jg you just have to be really really good at him to stomp.


I q and then I q again


I know you don’t play lee


Why does no one ever mention master yi in posts like this lol


Cause he ain't good


Consinsest 51% wr in master + sais you are lying. Yi is literally amongst the most Brocken champs in the game.


I didnt know the rock type gym leader was that strong holy shit


Did you drop out of first grade lmfao you type like a garen main.


redditors when they realise english isn’t everyone’s first language 🤯🤯🤯🤯


I litteraly live in Tehran ....


good for you


I’m gonna start Tehran your vocal chords out


Learn to spell my god. You're not in master + so it doesn't matter and yi is not broken lmao, skill issue


master yi gets hard countered by virtually any cc, i once remember a yi going 19 0 (i was a 5 13 kayn) after that tho we were bouncing that mf with blitz e and my rhaast w, he wouldnt survive a second and ended the game 20 9


The moment he gets Bork he just R+Q and unless you have the ability to CC chain him you’re cooked.


Yeah, the reason he is so strong in low elo isn’t just because his kit is strong in isolated fights (every other low elo teamfight isn’t a teamfight, it’s a bunch of 1v1s/2v2s), it’s because nobody in low elo drafts cc.


Hecarim probably.


Nidalee - consistent? No. Easy? No. Get 1 kill early? Steamroll


Lv1 Invade harassment with Q = Easy win, especially in low elo when they disrespect the damage 😅


For you Briar / Master Yi


twitch jungle. it may not be good but boy does it piss people off


Lethality tiger udyr for sure best of the best))))


Nobody mentioned this but if you play Sylas Jungle, kills are probably the only way you get farm


Eve, Nidalee, Shaco.




Depending on enemy team. Squishy team -> AD Shaco, crit, surprise, done. Tanky team -> Lillia i guess.


viego resets for days


Rammus, point and click taunt, decent early game damage, can’t outrun him very well. Just needs a laner that can follow up and it usually ends up in a kill even from a weird position.


so many people first time evelyn get 20 kills


It's the one you have the most fun with


shaco and eve probs , unless ppl are tracking you then youre free to do whatever


Best advicesi ever got was, pick 2-3 Champs that can be used in different lanes if primary lane is picked. Play them consistently and walk away from the computer after a loss. Get some water , stretch a bit. Then go again if you want. Headspace will be much better Mute chat when people get spicy and toxic. Does not help the game to stoop to that level with responses. Mute instead. Try to have fun too! Its just a game after all and doesn't define our worth as a person.


Rengar, Rengar and even more Rengar.


If you like losing games. No one picks it or bans it below D 1. Lol


Not true.. smurfs love it in bronze lol Some nights I ban it simply cause god it’s so consistently inconsistent Someone that would actually run rengar in bronze? Get real💀 99.999% chance it’s a smurf and majority of the time enemy team or my team rengar WILL perform.. suspiciously so


[https://www.op.gg/summoners/na/NoCarry4Potatoes-4405](https://www.op.gg/summoners/na/NoCarry4Potatoes-4405) ya i'm playing it. lol. it kinda sucks. if i was just playing warwick or something i'd already be in bronze.


Rengar nidalee Lee sin Elise and whatnot are just not made balanced or generally related to low elo The shit to make the most of them is usually not played around/for in low elo Rengar stacking passive and becoming a one shot demon takes time Nidalee needing high prio lanes for perma invades Lee needs early leads, which I actually think isn’t hard in low elo to find on Lee.. but you need your team to extend this cause you will fall off eventually Elise is absolutely broken for tower diving on repeat which is rare to see in low elo, and when you do go for a dive 1) no one knows how Elise works so they don’t let you tank tower (since you can drop it with spider E after you do a rotation) and 2) in a world where the dive works and 2 waves are under tower your laner just sits there hitting plates absolutely destroying the amazing tempo you just got for them.. their counterpart will miss 1-2 waves depending on level/respawn timer.. they can base, walk back to lane, and have complete advantage.. nah, let’s hit plates and let enemy laner come back with gold spent that’s a good idea💀


Warwick and amumu are the most broken over stated no skill stat check junglers  Which means they can get free kills automatically. 


No skill? I gotta hit Q. /s


I would say nocturne, because with its ulti you can directly TP on someone low HP and kill him, and it's not a skillshot, and with the classic build, the cd isn't very loong.


Nidalee consistently has the highest average kill/minute in the jungle. Usually followed by Shaco Edit: To clarify, it’s only for the patches where we get the full data displayed as consumers that I mean. I don’t know if there are rare patches as exceptions


Bel'veth, you can consistently bully most junglers out of their Jungle with her, and you are a really scary skirmisher when you can come from every wall with ult active


idk about stats but i think vi, xin, and nunu are champs that may be easier to play and also centered around ganking(where the kills are).