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I'm winning just by powerfarming and prioritizing objectives over kills and ganks. With the buffed jungle xp it's so much more valuable to go for camps. What I started with is to be at your camp at spawn! If you follow that in the early game, there will be very little for the enemy to take and wastes their time. Another thing I started doing is cs tracking when the jungler shows on vision. Did they full clear already? Scuttle too? Or only half clear? It's important info and can help predict where he might go next so you can ping your laners to be careful. Check out Perryjg on YouTube, his advice actually helps a lot.


Looks a lot like you just go for kills then go back to farming without playing for towers/drakes etc.. i think if you help them push the lane and maybe take the towers you would have an easier time. Also whats with the small amount of control wards? Vision is important for making plays, unless you camp in your own jungle


Here is a recording of one of your recent games, try adding it to your main post to get better feedback!: [https://www.replays.lol/app/game/6145652610039808](https://www.replays.lol/app/game/6145652610039808). *** [Who am I?](https://www.reddit.com/r/summonerschool/comments/151wdup/ive_built_a_reddit_bot_that_will_automatically/) | I am a bot


At 14:30 you gank top and get a kill, your support is around and you even see khazix bot. Instead of getting herald you just recall.


Yes, you're the problem 1) you're playing an amazing teamplay champ, not a hyper carry 2) you're losing the team game, maybe because your impact/macro is not good enough 3) past 25 minutes you can't 1v9 since your champs scale poorly and adcs most of the time decide the late game What I'd suggest 1) play more for bot 2) play less for KDA, feed your ADC 3) try playing more for peel instead of damage with j4, he has a great kit for it Or change to a hypercarry jungler if you don't like being the glorified support (like Kindred or Karthus for example) Also... your pick is sub optimal (although every pick can work, specially if its your comfort pick), AP dot junglers are the meta right now


According to mobalytics your ganking stats are impressive, but you fail to translate those ganks into objectives. I think if you focus on getting objectives you will most definitely start climbing!


I'm literally tilt spam gank for the last 10+ games. It doesn't matter if you farm or gank in my elo, you can watch my history till I don't fcking know how far, I out CS every fcking jungler unless my team has no prio and everybode and their moms take my camps


You are completely missing my point though, you have one of the lowest objective scores i have ever seen. Focus on getting objectives.


A lot of junglers spam gank, and leave lane as soon as the kill is gained. Ive learned that kills dont really mean much if nothing is gained after jt. Ive been focused more on the math side of league, learning baussFFs play styles just to understand it (no i don't utilize it!! But you gotta admit, dude understands the economy of league ) If you gank top at 4 for example, and you and your top laner get the kill but are both low what do you do? A lot of low elo junglers just dip out. When in reality you should hover/help crash top wave so your laner can reset safely and not worry about enemy jungler. Every time i successfully gank i want to convert it into objective pressure. Gank, take plates/tower. Gank take drake/voids. If all you do is gank and get a kill for yourself you have done allllllmost nothing to actually help that lane get ahead.


I can't get into specifics without replays. However, I've noticed you're currently playing your 11th game in a row, and have had multiple 10+ game sessions previously. This is terrible for your mental game. To summarize what I have said in other posts before, you (kind of) have two primary brain systems, System 1 and System 2. System 1 is autopilot, and is your default when doing something you're familiar with. System 2 is the cerebral process, it regulates self-control, analyzes complex situations, etc. Your System 2 has a limited well of energy, so if you're playing 5+ games in a row you're probably burning it out, which makes it much harder to recognize what the right next play is and loses you games. The advice I've heard is to do blocks of 3, then take substantial breaks (2+ hours) in between if you decide to do more than 1 block per day. Other things that may be losing you games, that you'll need to check your replays for: 1) Not utilizing downtime. If you're dead/recalling/walking to camps, your eyes should be on the map gathering info to make a decision on where the next play is. 2) Too focused on KDA. Kills don't really win you games in low elo, because you and your teammates (and me) won't be able to fully capitalize on it yet. 3) Tilt and team blaming. Your only focus in game should be what you are doing and what the next play is. It sucks to have 3 losing lanes but if you use up your mental stack throwing yourself a pity party, you're gonna lose jg too. 4) Failing to identify the comeback condition. If you're behind, you probably should be looking for a pick to make or a lane to split briefly, not a teamfight or major objective.


are you the same guy who was complaining about being stuck in bronze smh


Just by your stats, outdated build, not enough vision, many lost duel, a lot of coinfliping.


43% winrate silver player who thinks good KDA should equal automatic win kekw


No joke. I been building Cockroach udyr top/jg for thr lulz. Even if i start off a bad game 0-3 idgaf i know ill end up with more gold than anyone except maybe a fed adc because ill just slam lanes down and take towers Kills dont fuckin matter. gold does.


But its boring af xD


Eh thats subjective. Personally, i get bored with the constant 5v5 other trash elo players seem to want. I like split pushers/duelists in general. Mid/late game udyr isnt great in 5v5s anyhow unless hes way ahead.


Also i Play Games for fun. Not for some Point wich mean nothing in Life... Too old anyway to come pro or anything.


I mean your Not wrong. There are many ways to Challenger ;) but you cant denie that (AFK) jungle farm Meta is boring af... You are hitting Jungle Crepes for the First 10-15 min of the Game with minimal PvP Interactions and at the end, League is a PvP Game...


I dont think anyone said afk farm jungle camps for 15 minutes 😂


Obviously it was an exaggeration....


And you described that pretty much by urself, so...


Bro what the fuck are you even going on about ? 😂😂😂 You are confused i think


Sure Bro. You must be a banger in your school. I actually have Brain cancer. Im sorry Bro to offended you.


You die too much and you don't CS enough. You probably take too many coin flip fights that waste your time.


Low cs/min Low vision score Low control ward avg Too many deaths Unfortunately, if you dont carry games you dont deserve to climb... and in the harsh reality of your play this season, you actually should be deranking quite quickly I would assume you are focusing on alot of meaningless ganks rather than focusing on value plays. What did the gank acheieve? Did you deny resources or take an objective? Are you snowballing? Are you dying with a bounty? Are you taking meaningless fights and throwing your tempo? There is very little way to determine what decisions you are making that hurt your game state without watching your gameplay... but there are certainly many avenues to approach uncovering them.


Try to clear your camps ASAP after they respawn, don't recall when you have an item, but when you have cleared the entire side (all 3 camps). As Jarvan/Nocturne, don't gank before lv6 unless it's a certain kill, try to avoid dying too many times because most deaths are avoidable. Also please fullclear and try to farm more. I've seen the Jarvan replay from the replay.lol bot and you hit lv6 way too late.


As you can imagine, definitely you are the problem if you currently struggle in silver. It would require to see a game and your thought process to give you something to work on. You can hop in here https://discord.com/invite/zKxv65uj. I do coaching for free for low elo, tbf i don't have a lot of time lately but i'll find a spot for you one day.


You are overfarming your own camps late game. If you are fed, be on the map. If you farm, you will end up in a 50 minute game.


There must be something wrong with your macro and late game team fight decisions.


Yeah it is both champs your dying WAY to much your averaging 6-7 deaths per game which is throwing any lead you could have actually built. Two your cs some games is pretty low mostly because your dying too much. On top of this your building lethality jarvin which unless something has changed 2-3 days ago that I am unaware of that’s just a complete troll build as is running electrocute jarvin. Besides that we can’t really tell unless you have a vod. But yes some of these games you are straight trolling with build and runes




Ohhh, ok. That's not the fault of my botlanes or toplanes going 0/10. I'll try to improve my JG cs, having aroiund 6cs/min while ganking every fcking lane is so low..


Yeah there will be games like that you can’t win, but if you were playing optimally or even at the same level of people in silver you would be 50% wr but your jarvin is 25% wr so yes it’s you 6cs per min is ok on jarvin especially because jarvin has extremely strong ganks at level 3 so sacrificing some early farm for ganks is ok. But building him elec + lethality is just trolling. You don’t scale, you don’t one shot people and when you try to engage you get CCed and then one shot. Not a single pro or high elo player I know of builds him this way.


The way to climb is to play like a higher ranked player, not play great for a silver/gold whatever mmr you are.... You need your baseline performance to be better and that is the bottom line. It is a shitty reality because your teammates actually do not matter because it is pretty much entirely random and the matchmaking does its job. I am a masters player and will have a 80-90% winrate all the way through emerald regardless of afks/inters