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I don't want human Dino hybrids


Yes! I dunno why they keep pushing it!? That's Asylum/SyFy Channel levels of plot device. I'd  buy it as far as JW took it, militarisation thru training, and maybe tech like implants or shock collars. I mean we have militarized animals before and currently. But no to raptor-paratroopers.


Yeah I'm hoping they don't do it it was in the Jurassic Park 4 script but they decided not to do it and did Jurassic world instead I'm just hoping they don't return to that idea


I could only get behind it if it's done right. Like something in a limited series or something. Maybe a geneticist (between FK and Dominion) that helped Wu and Hoskins and who knew the militarized dinosaur idea decides to continue it and experiments with splicing human genetics into a raptor. He tries and it proves fatal of course. But I'm not saying half human half dino cosmetically, I'm saying just a Raptor with human genes spliced that give it massively enhanced intelligence. Hell, as a throwback to JW, the guy could say "it's contemplating it's own existence". Basically, the JP raptors ability to open doors is impressive, but this thing would be a whole new level. Stalking the dude, able to utilize its environment to insane levels, smart enough to understand humans and listens to their conversations and knows what's going on. At most though, maybe we can see a couple failures that *did* show human physical traits and were kept for reference or something


Hopefully the later seasons of Camp Cretaceous are the most sci-fi the series will ever get, that shit was a fever dream and honestly I think DreamWorks went too far with the canon


Counterpoint: It's just raptors with parachutes like sending wolves to deal with an excessive moose population.


I’ve never really liked the thought of that ever happening. It just sounds to weird.


I don't mind dino hybrids it's a cool and interesting idea, yeah maybe it contradicts the point of the first movie but I don't mind sequel having fun and go wild with the plots. but the two we've got are the blandest idea ever, they gave us white Trex with bigger claws + camouflage and a big raptor when we could've got something like Pterodactyl triceratops or something more creative.


Raptors teaming up with other dinosaurs is dumb.


Or people, for that matter. Let’s make raptors scary again.


Chaos theory showed that human + raptor teams can still be scary


Doesn't make them any less stupid


I didn’t mind it in JW since there was the whole training back story. Granted I just took it at face value but it was better than blue damn near fist dumbing the T. rex after killing the indominous


It's understandable with blue and the pack considering they were trained by Owen. Hell predators if brought up by a certain human will not a attack them.


No no no.. please no more 'tamed' or semi tamed dinosaurs. Please no more of that stupid nonsense.


Amen. The domesticated raptor crap is almost as dumb as the dinosaurs talking to each other and teaming up.




Exactly. It makes almost as much sense as a tamed wolfpack


For real. There are so many examples of big cats being extremely friendly with the people they grew up with. In Jurassic lore, Raptors are apparently smarter than big cats so it makes sense for them to be able to get along even better with humans.


The problem isn't the realism of it. The problem is raptors are supposed to be terrifying. Yea T Rex and Spino etc are scary, but they can't follow you inside. They can't open up doors and sneak up on you. They need to be the villains again.


I think that's exactly what they're doing with the Atrociraptors, as seen in Dominion and even moreso in Chaos Theory.




Seriously. When I saw that raptor-rex diplomacy at the end, it was like, wtf Trevorrow!? Sure both are injured, but it would cost barely anything to Rexy to try to take out Blue (and of course even moreso the humans) then and there, both as a potential rival and food. And IIRC, confirmed this was the same T-Rex from JP1, she's only had antagonistic experiences with raptors and would destroy on sight.   People say Fallen Kingdom was when the JW trilogy started to unwind, but personally, saw the cracks from the 1st movie. They've barely finished bringing back the most ferocious predators of the Cretaceous, much less other eras. But sure, the public is bored (because the public is totally not interested in a Megalodon), lets make up a monster... that line of thinking totally tracks.


your forgetting one cruicial thing REXY IS OLD she isnt gonna waste time or energy on one raptor when she has injuries already shes not gonna risk making more injruies she priotized healing above fighting more


Thought they were going to give each other a high-five.


Rexy isn’t a monster or killing machine, she would have no reason to kill the humans or blue, she saw the indominus as a direct competitor and wanted to kill it.


>she's only had antagonistic experiences with raptors and would destroy on sight.   How do you know she'd destroy on sight? We only saw her interact with raptors one time before that and it can be argued that she was simply hunting at the time. Sure, she fought the others too but they attacked her, of course she'd fight them. There were no further scenes that showed that she had any type of relationship with raptors. Also, Rexy approached the brink of death during that fight, Blue looked like she could still go, and there was a scene that showed that Rexy had already fed that day, if we think about real life predators in the animal kingdom, there was absolutely no reason for Rexy to attack Blue in that moment. If you're familiar with predator behaviour, you'd know that there are many instances where they just let easy prey go past them unscathed.


I agree and disagree with your last point. The park was supposedly open for years and they were starting to drop patronage hence the I-Rex.  That said they should have either brought back the Spino in a more accurate but JP like form or Gig for the movie 1 big bad. Lastly I think the World should have stayed open and the final showdown have happened in the old park with Rexy roaming in the restricted zone. Have the Buck and Doe in the TRex paddock. JW2 would have the island under management and thats how u bring in Manta and Bio. Grrr, JW was really good but with a few key changes and tweaked last act it would have been imo so much better.


Tbh you don’t even need to really worry about Manta Corp., it basically exists to be the not-BioSyn for Camp Cretaceous.


but Chris Pratt went like this 🤏… raptor has to stop


I swear to fucking God, half of Dominion is ✋. It’s like I’m watching a fucking Star Wars film, are they using the force? When the kid does it… Who knew the magic Achilles heal of the once fearsome JP velociraptor was 🫸. That plane crash, they crash a four engine military plane into a glacier and then get out like they’ve just bumped someone in a parking lot. That bitch still has flawless hair and makeup after an aviation disaster. Guess they’re just built different, 8G’s of force in a vehicle that responds like a plastic bag doused in gasoline to sudden impacts. It’s fine. It’s genuinely an awful film. The nostalgia hit of the JP actors and seeing occasional dinosaurs is the only thing that makes it watchable. Jurassic World was the only somewhat decent film of the new trilogy, but that one already took ✋ to its fucking narrative limit. I can’t believe they kept on with that shit.


The dinosaurs being portrayed as either super heroes or movie monsters, just make them mere animals like in the first two movies 


That was a much more concise way of saying what i posted haha. Thanks. Yes me too.


Even sometimes in Jurassic Park they were portrayed as movie monsters. The velociraptors are an example of this. I want a Jurassic movie where every interaction with a prehistoric animal is somewhat like the Dilphosaurus scene. It didn't attack on sight. Instead, it waited to see if Nedry was a threat or not and attacked once it saw him in a vulnerable position. I know every creature isn't going to do this, but I just want them to act like actual animals


The river scene in the book with the dilophosaurs was really interesting. Most of the scenes of carnivores show them as always roaring or killing. Real animals don't do that. You'd probably be safe sneaking around a predator that just finished eating, or even just guarding its kill.


To be fair, the monstrous behaviour of the raptors made sense insofar as they were highly intelligent animals that were raised without parents to teach them “normal” behaviour, so they kinda grew up to be reckless psychos. It’s an interesting point brought up in the TLW novel. The other dinosaurs like Dilophosaurus were more primitive and therefore probably had their behaviour ingrained by instinct without needing parents.


They are totally movie monsters in the first film.


To an extent, yes. But they seem to act more on animalistic instincts 


hero Rex was such a slap in the face to anyone who cares about dinosaurs… like, COMON lol


Raptors have always been that way, tho.


There’s no such thing as good or bad dinosaurs. Just animals that have no idea what century they’re in who will defend themselves, violently if necessary.


No returning cast members…. Unless it’s a one armed Ray Arnold.


Or a blind Dennis Nedry, naturally. Or Eddie in a wheelchair?


or all three /s


WIth cast members I believe the most important is a big group with cast member they don't fear to kill off


No Wu?


Dinosaur team ups. I don't know what Colin Trevorrow was thinking


He was thinking like an 8 year old. Explains the way lava and pyroclastic flows were treated in Fallen Kingdom too or the concept of how much money is a lot of money for dinosaurs.


A dino being sold for $3m, that Dr. Evil levels of current economic awareness.


There's a reason 8 year olds don't write movies.


No more huge action star set pieces. The first three movies played out more like thrillers or even horror with vulnerable protagonists getting menaced by the dinosaurs. Even the cartoons are like that the majority of the time. The protagonists being these tough guys and a bunch of stuff going on at once just seems goofy and takes away from how intimidating the dinosaurs are.


Agree 100%!! That’s what gives so much of the first trilogy and the cartoons their charm and what makes the characters so compelling. Of course, it raises the stakes too


The Rex popping up out of nowhere.




I don't want to see Velociraptors treated like how they were treated in Fallen Kingdom and Dominion, I am not sure if this is unpopular but I actually liked how the First Jurassic World treated the Velociraptors as being not completely tame and accidents do happen like how many Wolfdog hybrids behave as they are semi domesticated.


The JW1 raptors were great honestly. The scene where Owen asks the new guy "Why'd you think the spot was open?" or something after the guy had a near death experience. Or the fact they even tried to kill Owen before he rolled out of their pen. Or when one interaction with a bigger, stronger leader convinced them to try and kill their old leader (again)


I honestly think that semi-tamed velociraptors is a logical extension of the story in the books, especially The Lost World. However, I think you bring up an *excellent* point that the way the last two World movies handled it very much damaged how the perception of the raptors in the trilogy overall is. Even if it ended up in some weird unnecessary places the set up was pretty solid in Jurassic World


None of the stupid action from Fallen Kingdom and Dominion. No people flopping away from lava or Pyroraptors diving under ice. I also don't want to see the JW designs return. I want the JP designs back. And honestly like I've said in other posts, the T-rex needs to take a break. Give another theropod like Acrocanthosaurus or Torvosaurus a chance to shine.


Big fan of both of those dinosaurs. However the Acro is probably to similar to Giganotosaurus to be in a Jurassic film.


>I also don't want to see the JW designs return. I want the JP designs back. Ikr I want to see the brown Triceratops,and I want to see what those parasaurolophus looked like up close in the first movie


“Good” guy and “bad” guy dinosaurs. Just, let them be dangerous animals again please. It’s already enough of a stretch to believe anything in these movies is possible, don’t give me villain dinosaurs on top of that.


Flat, boring, utterly incompetent and moronic human characters.


Dino heroes or as we like to say "Rex ex Machina". Jurassic Park was a horror story. You are supposed to feel shivers down your spine during dino encounters. These new movies went way too far to humanise the dinosaurs. Yes they were intelligent animals, but also primal. Even the herbivores would react badly when provoked (as per the Jurassic lore). They wouldn't ever help any foreign species. Hell, in the JP novel the Velociraptors were cannibals and didn't hesitate to kill infant Velociraptors or even their own squad members (Lab encounter with Alan Grant) Novel Velociraptors didn't even wait for the death of their prey before feasting on them (Henry Wu) The adult Rex in the JP novel was a vicious hunter who did not stop at anything to chase down its preys. It would challenge other dinosaurs too, but never let any prey escape (The infamous River Chase) The Dilos were brutal killers (death of Dennis Nedry) The Compies were opportunistic hunters (Death of the infant in the crib and death of Hammond) You don't need a showdown between big bad dinosaurs and heroic dinosaurs to make a good Jurassic Park movie.


Kids that have plot armor, but what’s a Jurassic Park product without plot armored children?


The kids in camp Cretaceous probably have the toughest plot armour in fiction


The book, actually, has children without plot armor… ETA: not main character children but still…


You’re not wrong.


No giant locusts flying while on fire would be a start!


I think the fire part was actually the only good thing about the locusts


The shot of them breaking out of the glass while on fire kinda went hard


T. Rex or velociraptors. Let something else be one of the main animals showcased.


I'd like to see Tarbosaurus have screen time.


They did do that, two times actually in Jurassic World and in fallen Kingdom


Don’t forget Jurassic park 3…


And the spino was terrifying and a fan favourite.


I don't want another movie honestly I'm content with what we have Buuuuut since I'm sure there will be a new one then 1. No dinosaur teamups thats fucking stupid their animals 2. Actually explore how dinosaurs have affected the world like rhats one idea I liked from the latest jurassic movie is exploring how dinosaurs have integrated with our world 3. Practical affects!!!! Kinda obvious here


Chris Pratt




They were an interesting plot device, but they were used poorly. I feel like hybrids would be much more accepted if they acted like animals instead of lunatic supervillain antagonists. Indominus Rex had no reason to kill all those Apatosaurus other than forcing an otherwise wonkily-placed character development scene for claire. Same goes for Indoraptor basically being a mf slasher movie level antagonist (even though I really love how scary he is). They are dinosaurs. Treat them as such.


jurassic world alive crying in the corner


More focus on superficial characters. Give me Dinosaurs!


See Dilophasaurus get choked. See accurate raptors swimming in freezing water. See people get killed by teleporting Dilophs. Could also stand to see people die in completely reasonable ways without all the bad guys or dopey side character's just dying in either stupid or "justified" ways. Like Muldoon dying to the raptor. Completely logical. No justice, and he's not a dumb character. Mr. Arnold. Completely logical even died off camera. They could just have the deaths they have not be incredibly unfortunate or some mystical payback. Or some idiot being a idiot.


making dinosaurs into pure puppets and not ruthless irrational creatures to be feared. i am sure all of us atleast had 1 nightmare about being chased by a T rex while on a Jeep that fails or something along those lines. but these recent movies have made them into pure cinema toys they can put on screen . they don't feel like creatures to be feared anymore when they're perfectly capable of understanding English and reasoning all of a sudden. This is the same plague affecting the monsteverse, except that those people love it. shrinking and stripping a character of all its qualities untill all that's left is a material that you can puppet around for a lil bit on screen to do some cool things for 10 year olds to see and buy toys with.


>i am sure all of us atleast had 1 nightmare about being chased by a T rex while on a Jeep that fails or something along those lines I once dreamt of being chased by a trex up a very large spiral staircase inside of a hollow tree


I once had a dream about a rex chasing me in a parking garage. Spooky shit.


I have this reoccurring dream (since I first watched JP 1) with a T Rex stalking me and I’m hiding in some bushes, and another with Pterodactyls after I watched JP3 Never had a Dino nightmare from the JW movies 😕


Friendly raptors


Annoying children. Maisie is the only kid I haven't found incredibly annoying since JP3. The ones in JW had me cheering for the Indo to get em.


JP3 had a perfect balance of dino battle, just one that absolutely shocked the audience


Colin Trevorrow




Only thing i could really see myself shaking my head at is Dino/human hybrids that idea is dumb af i can tolerate all the other goofy stuff


The dinosaurs being "allies" to the protagonists, they are fk animals and they follow instincts


I would need to write a long list to say everything, so I would say all the problems in the World trilogy :)


Either Rex losing their fights and/or need help from another dinosaur.


More Monster dinosaurs. Not only talking about them being "villains" but more in the designs. I'm not asking for feathers or accuracy (even if that would be hella good), I'm talking more about designs that are too over exaggerated and makes the dinosaur look more like a monster than an animal; examples of this are the Giganotosaurus, the Mosasaurus or the Baryonix. At least the original JP tried to still make them similar to the fossil record.


Not a fan of the dinosaurs being characters. Like in the books movies it was focoused on just the humans.


Every main character surviving. In jurassic world dominion, where 7 main characters were getting attacked, all of them survived.


No team up, no anti heros. I want a horror focused dinosaur movie with no hybrids as well


No superhero dinosaurs. I don't want them to have any names or personalities, I want them to be animals going about their lives. No supervillain dinosaurs either, so no super smart hybrid raptor thing that smiles and winks at the camera for god's sake.. I hope whoever introduced this shit to Jurassic Park jammed their little toe into a sharp corner at least once.


T. Rex getting bullied by theropods it could body/ at least make a decent fight more than 30 seconds long. JPIII? BTFO JW? BTFO until capeshit scaley bait team up. Fallen Kingdom? 2 Carnotaurus don't even the scale. Dominion? Just get the fuck out of my face. BTFO'd until capeshit edgelord makes-no-fucking-sense team up. And *then* we find out Buck and Doe were there as well and just never encountered her? In that tiny ass area with the scent capabilities T. Rex is known for and was argued about in The Lost World? Below-dumpster tier movie. We *never* got away from Jack Horner's bullshit "T.Rex was a solely a scavenger and a bully" theory that he only came up with because he was pissy that he went digging for hadrosaurs and only found T. Rex. I don't give a shit how old the JP T. Rex is. I really, *really* don't. It's a valid point, but that only excuses so much. It's just fucking shameful the same animal you see taking two earth shaking stomps between the Ford Explorers and giving the most iconic roar in film history besides Godzilla is the same one getting thrown the fuck around every time now (Besides JPIII) to try and one up the most non-one-uppable scene in the entire franchise, and the most non-one-uppable predator to ever walk the Earth.


Lets see....raptor weapons program, some made up dinosaur thats supposed to be bigger and badder than a T-rex, ladies running in heels, mutant dinosaurs, human clones, human/dinosaur hybrids, anti-climactic ending, rushed CGI.


I'm not opposed to dinosaurs fighting, but a) it should feel more like watching a nature documentary than two supernatural creatures, b) there is no need for a final big boss fight between dinosaurs every. single. movie. Just come up with something else!


like the "casual" scene between the Rex and Giga in Dominion, I thought that was so good and "realistic." unfortunately they had to tarnish it with the boss fight at the end, but that particular interstitial scene was such a nice touch


Owen, Claire, Maisie and Blue. Or any of the current leads for that matter. They've all played their part and completed their story arcs. There's no reason any of them would want to be that close to dinosaurs again. Much as I love the original trio, it applies to them too. Malcolm's nearly died repeatedly over the course of JP and TLW, Grant likewise in JP and JP3. Sattler had the least exposure to life threatening situations but after the prolonged chases in JP 1 you'd think she'd refuse to get within a thousand miles of any kind of dinosaur-related activity hub.


For the plot to go back to some dino island or dino valley like the last 6 movies. Even in dominion, the movie that is supposedly the turning point towards dinosaurs on the mainland has this issue. The only scenes where the dinosaurs hold any plot relevance are in places like Biosyn Valley or Malta: a secluded valley and an island. Even if Malta is the closest we got to mainland dino action, it was only like 10 minutes of the movie


No more buddy cop Dino’s saving the day. We need a gritty, grounded horror movie with a splash of sci fi to make us go “you son of a bitch…you did it”.


No "good" or "bad" Dinosaurs. They're all just animals that are scared/hungry/violent/non-violent etc.


Dinosaurs teaming up, heroes/villains dinosaurs (they are animals for god’s sake) Dumb characters that are there just to fill in Hybrids Using dinosaurs to kill someone… like… no


Chris Pratt


I don’t want the same species to return and be a big part of the film. Like I’m fine with them popping up a little bit but I’d like the main dinosaurs to be something other than a tyrannosaurus and velociraptors. I think a Saurophaganax or Carcharodontosaurus would be cool, maybe Utahraptors too.


I agree on the unnecessary dino battles, but Triceratops vs Rex or two big herbivores fighting for territory (say Triceratops vs Stegosaurus?) would be really cool.


More hybrids. I don't want to see anymore fake dinosaurs.


Don’t bash us over the head with CGI slop-fests. One of the most effective and chilling shots for me? When the camera panned to show the broken wires of the raptor enclosure.


Any named dinosaur. I want dinosaurs to be scary again, instead of some “always there to save the day” anti-heroes like Blue and Rexy.


Anything reminiscent of Jurassic World 1, 2, or 3.




The ridiculous Mosasaurus


Someone saying “don’t move”


I think it's all in the staging. The encounter between the T-rex and the raptors in the first film didn't feel egregious because of the way it was presented. Hell, they even cut away from the majority of it to follow the characters as they flee outside. The other movies (starting with JP3) present them more like title fights, which is not what animal encounters are like in real life at all. Most of the time one side will back down before any physical contact is made, with the rest usually ending in a hasty retreat or death to one or both in very short order. None of this Rocky bullshit.


No more makeyupasaurs just dinosaurs.


Colin Trevorrow


couldnt agree more why there is always a battle going on with dinosaur, why cant they rest and have new story with them


Prechistoric mammals Doinosaurs teaming up to defeate the "bad guy" Forced relationships like both of them in camp cretaceous


To be honest, I don't want to see another Jurassic park or world movie. Leave it alone. They are only making them because they make money. John Hammond put it well at the end of lost world John Hammond: It is absolutely imperative... that we work with the Costa Rican Department of Biological Preserves... to establish a set of rules... for the preservation and isolation of that island. These creatures require our absence to survive, not our help. And if we could only step aside... and trust in nature... life will find a way. Nnoopppppeee! They had to undo everything and make a new park. Ugh. I get that it's a popular series and people want to see more but the world trilogy was dumb. Make new dinosaur movies, sure. But stop using the Jurassic world/park name and come up with something else that has a smart script.


kid characters ** I know that teenagers are already in the script as main characters, I'm hoping they're upper teens that have some wherewithal but much like Alien Romulus I fear this decision will be detrimental to the movie's tone


I liked it when they acted like animals In the first movie the T-Rex was playing with the car when it first broke out


Look at us... Just a bunch of idiots standing around in a circle roaring at each other. Roaring for cinematic effect is so boring.


The military wanting to use dinosaurs like soldiers/weapons. It's such a stupid idea.


Always was. It’s like why use animals when you can just use smart bombs and drones?


Exactly. I don't understand why who's in charge of this series is so obsessed with this idea 😭


I feel like somebody posts this exact sentiment every couple days, so I'd say it's a safe bet that the entire fandom agrees with you. I feel like it was corny but also kinda cool in a comic-booky way in JW, it was fine in JW:FK, and then evwrything was terrible about JW:D and it retroactively made the two that came before it worse (just like Rise of Skywalker did for the new Star Wars trilogy). What I don't want to see is the MCU action hero archetype. Casting ScarJo has me worried. Don't get me wrong -- I think she's a great actor who has done so much more than just action hero, but I get the vibe that this is what the studio is going for. Hopefully that's not what we get. I want believable humans as much as I eant believable dinos. Another thing I want is a small core group of dinosaurs that we see and not a whole smorgasbord of different species to sell toys. Gimme a handful of iconic creatures that will give this flick an identity and show restraint.


Well said. I couldn’t agree more. Having too much MCU like tropes had the JW films(especially dominion) bloated and over done. They tried to do too much! Too many actors, too many dinosaurs too many plots/sub plots. Just give us a simple story with humans trying to survive dinosaurs and I’ll be happy. Does anyone else feel worried that I’ve heard they wanted to do “something fresh and new:” and went back to an island with dinosaurs?


It's a mixture of hope and dread for me. As far as I'm concerned, "people on an island with dinosaurs" is what makes it a Jurassic Park movie. That's what I want to see. Taking the dinosaurs off the island is like killing off the most important character -- the movies are named after the setting after all. Who wants to see a "Friday" sequel set on a Tuesday?


I think they overdo the damn roaring. I guess they think it's cinematic but - I want to believe the things are animals and not monsters (as the first movie states in the dialogue) I think the roaring in the first movie is much more animal-like behavior, like the t-rex roaring having moved into "new territory" to sort of claim it. But don't just have the animals roar when they enter on-screen for the hell of it. makes no sense


Definitely! I don’t need a roar for EVERYTHING. In fact If you really want to be accurate dinosaurs didn’t roar like lions.


i hate when they use hybrids or use paleo dinos but butcher how they look


I've seen enough velociraptors


no more dinosaurs all around the world... keep it on the islands


Bad writing


I think we all know we don’t want another ‘jw:fk’ incident or any more indo-hybrids


You want to make a great Jurassic park movie? Give zero plot armor and zero team ups. Make it rated R and you have yourself a great movie that will then be talked about how shitty it is because xxxx died to x and should have survived.


I don't really need any more movies. The first 2 were enough.


Bad dialogue. I mean nonsensical, cringey, and unnecessary lines and interactions between characters. Other than that, I'm all good.


abonded Water park and there could Be something like compies or segisaurus etc.


Agree with most things you say, aside from the rexy-indo-mosasaurus fight. That boss fight was epic imho! I mean “we need more teeth…” “open paddock 9!”… The OG Rex appearing out of the foggy shadows? And then almost coming back from the dead to bash in the enclosure… and out of nowhere that monster of a Mosasaur? Damn, nursing a semi here 😂


Kids whose parents are getting a divorce


Protagonistic dinosaurs


Rexy. She’s old af, and should be allowed to die in peace. If she appears, let it be her giving a last roar over BioSyn Valley before going to sleep, gently passing away. For that matter, any of the original Rexes would be too old, so Big Eatie, Buck (much as I love him), and Doe also don’t need a big role. A grown up version of Junior or Little Eatie would be very much welcome though if we ***HAVE*** to have a Tyrannosaurus, although I’d rather get a new megatheropod, specifically a Saurophaganax. Any more “zilla” designs as I call them, where they just slap a ton of spikes on an actual animal. Carnotaurus is and always will be the best JW era carnivore because other than the shrinkwrapping, it’s really damn close to the actual animal. While I’ll admit the spikes do make the “zilla” dinosaurs look cool and helps sell the whole “nothing in Jurassic world is natural” concept, I feel like they can be used a bit more sparingly and not on EVERY carnivore. Redesigned versions of already existing species. Much as I want spinosaurus to return, I don’t really think it needs an accurate redesign as a lot of people are saying, because in lore, it is based on older reconstructions. We already have WWD returning next year, so we can get accurate dinosaurs there. I like the classic “Jurassic Park” style. Also instead of a feathered velociraptor, just use Utahraptor or better yet, Dakotaraptor. More annoying and unnecessary side characters. Also, if they’re going to have kids/teens in the movies, please give them either plot relevance like they did with Eric (I begrudgingly also acknowledge Maisie’s plot relevance, but holy shit she’s annoying), or at least one scene that makes them memorable like they did with the Mitchell brothers escaping the Indominus rex, and how they were the ones that introduced the Gyrosphere. (Speaking of them, Zach is definitely at least somewhat meant to represent the average filmgoers slowly losing interest in seeing the same selection of dinosaur species in every film, change my mind.) Any more retcons of well, anything. The canon is good as is, and I’m open to more stories being told instead of “we changed our minds.. AGAIN!” Maisie Lockwood. She is the most annoying character to come out of the World Era. Any cloned animals that are not at LEAST Pleistocene age. No more modified modern animals please. As for hybrids, you’d really need to come up with a Scorpios level of crazy and dangerous to wow me and convince me that a normal dinosaur couldn’t take that spot. Indom could have been Giga/Sauro/Carch/Insert megatheropod of your choosing, Indoraptor could have just been Australovenator or Aerosteon. Spinoceratops could have just been well, normal Sinoceratops, or since the ice biome was painfully empty when they had a glaring chance to add Nanuqsaurus and Cryolophosaurus, they could have been Pachyrhinosaurus. And lastly, NO. MORE. BRADS. OR. BRAD-XS. Thank you.


anything about raptors- i’m over it! let’s explore new dinosaurs! the raptors have HAD their moment


I just want a few humans, a few scary dinos, and absolutely no way to get away from them unless you're sneaky... and then the Mosasaur for a great opening scene. Always the mosasaur.


Dinosaurs. I never understood why they needed to incluse those in these movies.






This. It was pretty awesome when it happened, but I didn’t want any more of it.


The same cast. Depending on when it happens, off hand comments might make sense (mentioning Hammond would be ok in a dialogue about Ingen, but a CGI deep fake would be horrible). To go along with that, show me some different dinosaurs. InGen had 14 species on Nublar, they have choices.


The Dinosaurs just being treated like movie monsters again. I feel like Jurassic Park was the only film in the series where they felt like actual animals.


I want a new Tyrannosaurs younger ones in their prime!


Family friendly dinossaurs, i don't care if blue is pretty and loves owen, i want them kill everything who appears on sight, i want another kitchen scene were ppl get petrified, i want tyranossaur to shake some dickhead ass on a toilet, i want two tyranodads ripping some dude apart, please bring back old jurassic park ffs


I don’t want the locust to be the main part of the movie unlike dominion, because it’s called “Jurassic World” but dominion half of it was like just bugs


I just want a faithful adaptation of the 1st movie. Maybe an 8 episode mini series.


Fucking chris pratt going ![gif](giphy|8TweEdaxxfuElKkRxz|downsized)




The T. rex being unnecessarily overpowered and having the most mind boggling plot armour in fiction


No more hybrids. No more team ups or making certain dinosaurs into villains or heroes. Just make them as they were in the first 2 movies (I love 3 but imo this is kinda where that trend started), animals. Very dangerous animals to be respected and feared. No more “dinosaurs on the mainland” bs. I want to be on an island away from civilization again.


Dino fights, hybrids, stupid action movie villains


That's exactly what it should be, a dinosaur battle and how do the humans avoid it In JP1, they were simply running from the hungry raptors hunting. Just so happened the humans were covered in cuts and blood, which attract carnivores and T-rex happened to find them. It was less T-rex vs Raptors and more like Lions vs Hyenas... who gets the final say in the kill? JW1 was overall a good movie. Part of that final battle was believable with "needing more teeth" but Rexy wasn't necessarily helping the humans rather than asserting dominance. But then it just got too goofy, and they've done that every movie now. No suspense Just villainous dinosaurs


Aside from human/dinosaur hybrids, I don't really have anything I don't want to see in the next movie. I'm usually pretty content with what I have. Something I do WANT though is the movie to feel like it was made with love. Like the people making it actually liked doing it and had fun. Hate the Jurassic world movies all you want but you can't deny that everyone was having a blast on set (especially dominion) Colin Trevorrow in particular always seemed so giddy, in any BTS footage or interview he was always so passionate to talk about the movies. I just want that to continue


Another movie. Just let hard reset the series at this point.




I don’t want to see a new jurassic movie full stop.


I'd like to see a t rex with feathers


Yep, I hear ya. I take it with a grain of salt and try to suspend disbelief and just enjoy it for how ridiculous it is. Jurassic Park and Jurassic World: Dominion were my favorites. The fight at the end of dominion is just ludicrous, but the Rex posing in the circle and the therizino team up against the Giga was still fun to watch. At the end of Jurassic World it was a huge facepalm when she sets the Rex loose. I was like alright alright. Now, all we need is that mosasaur to pop up and finish this! I was like please please mosa! When it did I cheered. Super stupid, but fun nonetheless.


god u know if there's any dinosaurs in it im gonna be pissed/jk


I don’t want to see Hitler. Just hate the guy.


I mean that goes without saying. No Stalin either.


Im ok with the dino fights if it fits the narrative. But giving human emotion to dinosaurs is corny, like the nod blue and rexy gave each other at the end of the fight. Have them act like real animals. Dont have them team up. In JP it worked cuz it was very short, it was more the Trex just stumbled into it and the raptors attacked cuz it was a threat/fight over prey. JW it made sense to a point cuz she lured the Trex to the indo and it was then a territorial fight. Same with Spino v Rex in JP3. But always having a large dino fight is cliche and you could easily do without it.


I really don’t want to see dated looking dinosaur designs anymore. In the 90s, Jurassic park broke new ground by showing scientifically accurate dinosaurs, and not not yeh movie monster tropes they had become. Now science has moved on a lot, and the Jurassic world dinosaurs are just movie monster tropes. The only way to go back to having wild and scary animals again, is to make them accurate to science.




Osteoderms and crocodile-like teeth being slapped on every large theropod


When I first watched the first JW movie, I love the scene after seeing it so many times, I think it would’ve been a lot better with the T-Rex would’ve got the I-Rex pushed it over into the water made it seem like it couldn’t swim then it was pulling itself out, then got ate by the mosasaurus But in the new Jurassic movie, I would rather be like the first two Jurassic Park, JW did a good job of see what working amusement park with dinosaurs and rides would be like till it went down I want to go back to dinosaurs as animals not heroes and villains and if they’re curious and hungry you’re on the menu


The Spinosaurus NOT returning This answer might be cheating though


No more Dino fights. At least nothing on the shocking level as the end of Dominion. Asserting dominance, yes, out and out prolonged fighting with some bat shit resolution, no. Make the animals something to be afraid of. Owen grabbing the Dilo by the neck was one of the lowest points in the entire series for me. Stop with this hand up eyes on me shit as well. There needs to be more deaths. Ideally, Alien or Aliens levels of death. Especially if they're going to keep Raptors / Rex / carnivores involved. They should be relentless killers as someone else said. These animals should be attempting to hunt and kill everything that moves. They did it so brilliantly in JP and The Lost World.


I want the dinosaurs to act like animals again not movie monsters


No more Chris Pratt taming a dinosaur because it literally undercuts the entire point of the original novel: Nature can't be controlled. In fact, no more making Chris Pratt look badass despite how stupid or unrealistic: That dilophosaurus would have killed Claire but NOPE gotta have Chris Pratt jump in conveniently and save the day so he'll look super cool! JUST NO MORE CHRIS PRATT.


I don't want to see Rexy dying


A “joker esque” villain. Cause the giga was real joker-y wasn’t he?


I don’t want to see the T-Rex get its ass beat that has been happening ever since Jurassic Park 3 I’m so happy that did not happen in fallen kingdom


Less random hybrids, humans bidding and buying dinosaurs, lame pet raptors, more dinos less human exchanges without dinos, more survival in a jungle based oh and please bring spinosaurus back properly this time


Legacy characters


Personally I think they need to drop any cheesy lines. Make it more scary than comedic and make it serious. Avoid corny ass parts that aren’t “realistic.” The first Jurassic Park made was much more “realistic” than the others I feel. Made it such a phenomenal movie. Fallen Kingdom there’s a hybrid raptor climbing around ontop of a mansion. And all of a sudden there’s a John Hammond 2 basically. Make it scary:not cheesy. Avoid over the top scenes


Cheesy alpha predator fights, make it scary again


Dinosaurs that should be feathered without feathers. Jurassic park was very accurate for its time, they should have kept that up for the new movies


Dinosaurs being portrayed as anything other than animals


As cool as the massive fight at the end of JW was, I really don't want it again. It has become a trope of the World movies and it's quite lame. So no more dino show offs. I also don't want another 'cast' of dinosaurs. They should be animals. No more trained raptors with names. No more dinos showing personality. Don't turn them into characters like Blue, Rexy, and the Indoraptor were. Same for the amount of dinosaur species. I get that part of the fun on forums like this is trying to get your favorite obscure species in the movies. But FK and Dominion really had too many species just showing up for a few shots to check 'we got you' boxes. A few species like in JP is enough. No more dinosaurs all over the world. There really weren't that many taken from the island and made by Biosyn. Yet Dominion and Chaos Theory act as if there are dinosaurs EVERYWHERE. Make them rare again. No more returning OG characters either. And here too: a small cast please.


I don’t wanna see puppy dog versions of raptors or rexy. The whole human bond with them is stupid


The two big fights in the Trevorrow movies really bother me, and are a huge reason I don’t like the newer movies as much. HOWEVER, Fallen Kingdom did well with that carnotaurus going after the sinoceratops, but they still killed that carnotaurus just to get the poster shot of the T. Rex in front of the volcano which kinda sucked (the carnotaurus being killed, not the poster)


Dinosaurs act like animals instead of monsters and a little more accuracy not a lot but a little


Chris Pratt