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LoveForRedditors is a satire sub where they pretend to be the most extreme redditor stereotype ever


They do a really good job, if I didn’t know it was satire I would have muted it by now.


You mean like a circlejerk?


Yes, now Just Write!


Do you not know what the sub is?


I just went to it for the first. Seems like people making fun of dumb stuff posted on reddit.


yeah pretty much. I'm not sure why people are taking this seriously


We will never know because of “poe’s law”.


This may be satire but the sad thing is I have seen posts exactly like it for real


The comments weren't that cool, though.


No. I get it in my recommended and its always some stupid/edgelord shit like this.


its a satire sub


TBF there is a thin line between ironic edgelordism and attracting actual edgelords. See a particularly notable subreddit ironically hating gamers and transitioning to harassing women.


Which one


Ok. I genuinely thought it was a sub fir fedora wearers.


To be fair the entire sub is pretty spot on satire, so I totally get falling for it if you're not that active there. This specific meme is making fun of the *very* old stereotype of Redditors being fedora-wearin', katana-wieldin' atheists who say M'lady & Wholesome chungus 100


nah, it's like that gaming is evil sub(forgot the name)




Nah I think it’s banvideogames


Ironic Reddit would have a sub for that considering they can’t leave social media which is argueable worse


I mean, it’s satire


That place is half real half joking. It's really a coinflip is OOP is being serious or not lol. I was still annoyed with the post tho so their mission was accomplished ig?


So you weren't even subbed?


Nah it just kept showing up in my feed.


eh some people don't like satire as even if it is satire you don't wanna see cringe ass shit


This post embodies the state of this subreddit. 1. Falling for satire 2. Was never even subbed there in the first place


3. Subbing even tho they know nothing about the sub


why did u post it here if you aint subbed to it


It's a joke subreddit dude.


Not believing God is a bad thing?


Imo yes because im a christian but whats even worse is mocking others for believing in God. If i mocked atheists for being atheist obviously id be being petty and rude for no reason.


Personally, as an athiest, there is nothing wrong with the meme. The truth is that since God is removed from the workings of our universe if he is real that means that we can't disprove his existence with observations. The only way his existence can be shown is if he acts upon the world which he hasn't for a long time. The meme WAS mocking athiests and so are the majority of christains in here.


If we can’t prove or disprove him, we don’t know if he exists. That’s agnosticism.


Just because an argument doesn't directly say the Christain God doesn't exist doesn't mean athiests can't use it against Christains since Christains are fond of many "God of the Gaps" arguments where there is something they admit they can't explain and the christain says "exactly because God" despite several other mythologies and belief systems also explaining the same thing. The point is, there isn't a way to prove his existence or disprove his existence as a whole only debate over weather the God who commanded duerotomy 22:28-29 is truly a perfectly loving God. However, such a debate is useless since no one will change their mind over such a debate and in fact will only reinforce their own beliefs. I purely asked "Not believing in God is bad?" And got downvoted which also clearly shows the very loving nature of Christains who preach "Love thy neighbor (unless they aren't white, are gay, are the cannonites, or are any other minority or any other out group)." Of course this is a generalization since I personally know and am friends with a decent number of christains who are some of the best people I know despite their morally lacking compatriots who claim to be christain and then only follow the parts like in dueteronomy when it says to stone gay people. Love you too <3


Holy shit, did you really have to put in a wall of text?


Its not that long though? Took under 2 min to type. I'm ashamed to be apart of a generation that when they see something their reaction is "too long didn't read" instead of engaging in good faith. Honestly the literacy rate of my peers is astonishing with them picking up vocabulary I've known since 5th grade in freshman year of highschool (true story, and it continues to happen even now that I'm a junior). It feels like the majority of people don't read (other then the Bible since 67% of America is christains).


Don’t mistake people being uninterested with how you’re portraying yourself and your argument as a lack of literacy. You could be completely right here and no one would want to agree with you because you’re coming off as someone people wouldn’t want to talk to. Next time you want to make an argument about a controversial topic, ask yourself if it’s the time or place to get in to it. You’re not going to change anyone’s mind on Reddit. I know I’m breaking my own rule here but if you can’t make your point in 3-4 sentences, just don’t. No one on the internet cares.


It’s really hard to read something that long without paragraph breaks. It’s not that the message itself is too long.


Each to their own beliefs, if you don’t believe in God that’s fine for me. But actively trying to disprove anything religion related and bashing on it is something else (not you specifically, you in general)


The weird part is, normally when people say stuff like this to me its after they try to convert me and argue and disprove and bash on athiesm. (Not you specifically, you in general)


So you weren't even subbed to it? How do you unsub for a sub you never subbed to dummy


This is the cringiest meme I have ever seen in my life


It's meant to, it's the embodiment of reddit stereotypes/2016 reddit


It’s satirical


Check the comments section on it. It's not being taken that way.


Probably because for some reason Reddit is showing that specific post to a bunch of people not in the know and thus those people comment taking it seriously Like I have seen same post on three different subs reposting it taking it seriously


thats the whole point, it's a character


It's part of the joke, satire is banned there just like love for landchads, love for scalpers etc


I thought that at first too because this was really cringe but nope, it's serious or it's at least being taken seriously.


whos gonna tell him


The meme is stupid, but it’s made to be stupid, loveforredditors is a satire sub which makes fun of your typical obese mom’s basement dwelling atheist ‘never read animal farm’ Redditor.


Fair enough. It seems like most atheists on reddit are just 14 year old teenagers that think "Sky Daddy" is an original dunk on religious people.


They're like that over on Quora too. Also "bRoNzE aGe GoAt HeRdErS", that never gets old.


yet another one falls for it 😭😭😭


Not even religious but even I can debunk this fedora ass comment: “Why would an omnipresent being show itself to a mortal?” “Why would something that’s potentially 10-dimensional be visible to a human being?” “Why do you assume you’re so important that a GOD would reveal itself to you?” I hate people who shit on any religion just let people have their beliefs


“How can atoms be real if I can’t see them?”/s Also, this unironically can give credence to Abiogenesis.


Woe https://preview.redd.it/bq414yol5ivc1.jpeg?width=616&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d0bb7a315f4a09c3b13ef89e7a129100eec307a1 10 dimensional object be upon Ye


https://preview.redd.it/ey1a9b5rikvc1.jpeg?width=510&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cf80f777d383c169dd0a3120eaa0bf78aa0de408 Well shit.


Atoms are observable but okay


I cant see the electrons in my turbomasterbaiter moving !!


I can’t see a black hole therefore they aren’t real


u cant just let ppl "have their beliefs", what if smone believes having sex with minors is ok? or what if smone believes a certain race is bad? ofc these ppl do exist irl and u wudnt let them have these beliefs wud u? so that isnt a good argument🤷‍♂️ but i do agree with wutevr u said b4 tho




Satire that's so close to imitating the real thing might aswell be legit.


I had a friend once who truly believed he was a cat. Elate only cat food and shat in a litter box. Should we have let him keep his beliefs? No. God is not real it's a fictional story


What does this have to do with religion?


I have never seen my father but that doesn't mean he doesn't exist, checkmate


This is satire


https://preview.redd.it/ua94vmlkthvc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fc025e9b6f2d5ccb29e0f415dd5e9aad62ec222f I’m


This HAS to be satire lmfaoooo


it is??? The whole sub is satire


It's not, There was a mod actively shitting on religious people in the comments.


yeah cause they're trolling


OP can’t comprehend satire


Even if this a joke its not satire. Not everything is satire. Why do people say satire as of it gives credence to shitty memes.


Op the fucking sub is satire. Its making fun of the stereotype of a Redditor


However, "we" will never know due ton Poes's "law"


I saw that your reply was just the word coleslaw for a bit there


The subreddit in question is for making fun of Redditors


Define satire?


It’s a satire sub lol


The whole sub was made to satirize redditors


Bye bye good sir, please learn reddit etiquette next time


Bro, it’s satirical, you’re getting mad over nothing


It's satire, i mean this in the truest sense of the word. they're making a play on the reddit atheist stereotype, and the reddit stereotype as a whole.


its satire


Under the same post https://preview.redd.it/9gaqok5pckvc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=06ff5e6baa24b5372e01caa7a3df45817c09da54 Absolutely hilarious


2013 called. It wants its comebacks back.


So we just slapping the word "fascist", next to anything we dont like now?


That you, Mr van Winkle? Sit down and have a beer, this is going to take a while...


You subbed to it but didn’t realize what the point of the sub is


They like to care about not caring; it's how you know they don't care.


"If your brain exists why can't you show me?"


Oh, shit, I didn’t see what the sub was about and thought it was someone genuinely being serious


Its supposed to be satire but at this point im sure they really do hate religious people


This sub is satire blind


Subs like this are why i always check the OP and the sub beforehand. If OP did this he'd realize its satire.


Love for Redditors is satire


“If the wind is real why haven’t I seen it”


Religion debates on the internet are so stupid. I often see both perspectives arguing that there is proof that God is or isn’t real. The entire point of faith is that it is a belief without concrete, undeniable evidence. Either side arguing that there is proof that proves their side correct is just wrong and arguing from nothing.


Jesus christ this person cares so much they came up with silly little words to describe the things they don’t care about


This could be funny if reformatted. The shitty text and Invincible format makes it 100x retarded Like if it was rephrased as a schizopost. Actually, this has to be incredibly schizoed in order to be funny that way


As someone who isn’t religious at all, I really can’t stand athiest sometimes. They act like it’s some grand awakening, all you realized is that maybe you only believed in your religion because it’s what you were raised with and not that you had a grand awakening and your eyes opened to the truth. Your views developed as you grew up. That’s how shit works.


this sub is just a blatant troll sub. Ironically given that, this is honestly a pretty creative post all things considered (OOPs post not yours, to be clear). Like for just a shitpost it has a lot going on, a whole ass apparattice in how it works when its ultimately just an internet equivalent of a fart joke at its core. Shame that it annoyed you so much but it is what it is.


Shits annoying. God could be real. God could be he, she, it, they. Christianity has made everybody think "Bible", but their could be something intelligent that created everything. Maybe humanity isn't the goal just a necessary piece to something bigger. Nobody knows.


No they are socio-engineering pagan fascist


“If pussy is real then why haven’t I seen it” -this guy’s personal life probably?


Another Christian got butthurt by the Satire Subreddit again, Dear.


The most hilarious thing is I just got this exact p9st in my recommended right after this one. I loge satire subs


People say it's satire, and maybe it is but....it's not good satire.


It’s a bad faith argument in general, who the hell are you to have he which nothing greater can be conceived appear before you like a birthday magician.


Bro took the satire seriously


That's a meme sub where being a reddit stereotype is the point. But I suspect some people would share that meme unironically.


This is funny following one of the biggest names that helped usher in the most recent atheism movement now wishes he hadn't and considers himself a cultural Christian


He claimed faith Is one big delusion while ignoring any counterpoint, He can fuck off. lol


Thats a shit posting sub, and this meme was made and posted to another sub yesterday They're making fun of it.


Jesus Christ I’ve seen this exact same post from 3 different people now. It’s fucking satire. I swear if I see someone else post this again I’m gonna scream.


if the show is called invincible then why can I see it


atheists when they have no desire to see god or pray about anything or ask anything of God (they dont recieve anything or see anything)


Atheists are horrid for falling apart when actual paranormal event happens. The fact that this Is there argument is just so annoyingly immature.


You can not be religious and make fun of lame atheist memes at the same time


Guys, Gandhi Caesar wasn’t real, have you ever seen him?


If atoms are real, why haven’t I seen them If wave-particle duality is real, why can’t I see it If your girlfriend is real, why haven’t I seen her


I've never seen a Giraffe in person.


Cristofacists? What skinhead stuff is blud rambling about


Bro this is *hella* satire


God will have sex with the devil before a Redditor recognizes satire


That meme says way more about its creator than the people they are trying to attack 😝 🤣


Care because they use the religion to abuse people and reduce people's rights and autonomy such as the abortion laws in the US and anti LGBT.


No. We atheists really don't care, but we are forced to care because of how in the face religious people are about it


Ironic redditor sub becomes unironic???


When I saw this post initially I got annoyed and considered unsubbing. But then I looked at the subreddit and remembered that it is literally a subreddit meant to satirize and mock stereotypical Redditors