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So, how exactly is a video of an immigrant saying he wants to rape a little girl, and people saying they don't want said man who wants to rape a little girl in their country racist? I definitely wouldn't want someone in my neighborhood if he was walking around saying he wants to rape little girls.


What does that have to do with a subreddit about dark humour tho? That's the point


Are you ignoring the part that says "we need mass deportations now"?


Of rapists? I’d support that.


Muslims calling racism whenever someone is critical of their religion is ironic, especially now


Sure, mass deportations might not be a good idea. But it is a real problem that millions of people follow a book where the main character married a 9 year old


How is it racist to show facts? You’re saying that because they don’t adhere to your political views that the atrocities shouldn’t be reported on?


Facts is when mass punishment for the actions of one man


If you look at facts it’s far more than one man.


Where is this facts i wanna take a look


Rapist = Minority, I hate reddit you guys are the worst


People who think Nazis were socialists when they discover lying: 😨




Dunno how this is related to the post. Is what I would type if didn’t check when your account was made. October, huh? You are quite the active bot.


what? lol. oh you gotta love reddit...


Sheesh, even your Grammer reeks of bot activity. You know what they say. If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, then it just may be…?


oh my god. if redditor can't tell the difference between a bot and real person, this site is doom edit: wait! are you a kid? from your reddit history, its like you're a child! lol


Liberals aren't leftists. The country is called Palestine, and advocating against genocide isn't advocating for a Muslim theocracy. Brunei and Malaysia are both beautiful countries


You're right liberals aren't leftists, leftists are anti-freedom bigots. Just a different shade of the same cloth as the far right, really.


They let themselves be controlled by leftists.


No way they used that picture for islam broo.....


Well, where would they get a picture of Muhammad?


Check you dm


It's a penis


Wait until they see how many Christianity killed


just saying the Christian bible has never told believers to kill non believers


2 Chronicles 15:12-13 And they entered into a covenant to seek the Lord, the God of their fathers, with all their heart and with all their soul, but that whoever would not seek the Lord, the God of Israel, should be put to death, whether young or old, man or woman". Luke 19:27 But as for these enemies of mine, who did not want me to reign over them, bring them here and slaughter them before me.’” Matthew 10:34 “Do not think that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I have not come to bring peace, but a sword". Ezekiel 35:7-9 I will make Mount Seir a waste and a desolation, and I will cut off from it all who come and go. And I will fill its mountains with the slain. On your hills and in your valleys and in all your ravines those slain with the sword shall fall. I will make you a perpetual desolation, and your cities shall not be inhabited. Then you will know that I am the Lord". 1 Samuel 15:2-3 Thus says the Lord of hosts, ‘I have noted what Amalek did to Israel in opposing them on the way when they came up out of Egypt. Now go and strike Amalek and devote to destruction all that they have. Do not spare them, but kill both man and woman, child and infant, ox and sheep, camel and donkey.’ Now I don’t have a problem with Christianity or Muslims, because I’m a mature human being who can recognise that both religions have extremists who look for passages like these to justify their actions.


These passages aren't about non believers, they are about political enemies.


Deuteronomy is very explicit about killing non believers


this is just more a list of out of context verses that gets twisted


The New Testament verses are out of context (Matthew 10:34 is a metaphor, Luke 19:27 is part of a parable), but the Old Testament ones are definitely not. And this is something interesting that few acknowledge. The Old Testament is full of fucked up shit from incest to arbitrary mass killings to stoning people for cooking goats incorrectly, but the New Testament (at least from what I’ve read of it) is relatively tame. It makes sense that the purpose of the Old Testament is to provide a context for the content of the New. If it was meant to be followed, it’s theme of violence would conflict quite greatly with Jesus’ teachings of forgiveness and unconditional love. But extremists aren’t going to think like this, which was Greaterthancotton’s point.




i mean you can do the research yourself if you would like and you will see all these are out of context


Except....the crusades happened and the witch trials and the inquisitions.


The crusaders believed in medieval Christianity which is closer to Catholicism. the inquisition was a group of institutions within the catholic church. The witch trials is really your only valid point but even so other places also did witch trials Valais: France/Switzerland, 1428–1447. Trier: Germany, 1581–1593. North Berwick: Scotland, 1590–1592. Fulda: Germany, 1603–1606. Pendle: England, 1612–1634. Torsåker: Sweden, 1674–1675.


Catholicism spurned from Christianity in the 1000s because some petty dude was ex-communicated. And that's why I just stated witch trials. Not specific ones. They still go on in some countries in Africa most of which were converted to an abrahamic religion at some point.


so are you agreeing with me now?


No. All the atrocities mentioned were committed by Christianity or a branch there of. And you're also ignoring the fact that they are still being committed.


**"Judaism, Christianity, and Islam all recognize Abraham as their first prophet, they are also called the Abrahamic religions**" can you atleast look up what a Abrahamic religion is before you make that argument you just mentioned the most popular 2nd most popular and eleventh most popular religions its not being committed by just Christians and nowhere in the Christian bible does it say to murder someone because they dont believe in Christianity which that was my original argument that you never tried to disprove


I know what abrahamic religions are. We were talking about Christianity in particular.


"They still go on in some countries in Africa most of which were converted to an abrahamic religion at some point." so what was the point of this reply then?


Yes. Christianity warped by evil people. Jesus Christ never taught that.


Don't forget the religious wars between catholics and protestants


How dare you ! Also, the systemic cultural genocide of numerous countries.


But we must Manifest detiny.


Doesn’t mean they didn’t fucking do it


i mean yeah every group has bad people just because a doctor has killed someone on purpose doesnt mean all doctors kill people on purpose


I’m not saying every Christian is bad. But your comment kinda made it seem like you were defending them.


That was my first thought, too. Pretty telling of this subs heads pace that you're being downvoted


It's OK, I forgive them just as Jesus would. I'm only getting downvoted because they're mad I'm right 🤣