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Wow, that was a good start, though they didn't skimp with the violence. Ji Chang Wook is giving me vibes of Gyeo Re from If You Wish Upon Me in a different life. I thought that show was his best acting so far, but this one may top it. Both he and Wi Ha Jun are handsome in a gritty way in this drama fitting the characters well. I kind of expected them to bond over >!their shared experience as children of abusive homes, but the "this crazy scumbag likes my wife" twist!< set up a whole different relationship. Looking forward to see what happens and wondering if >!the wife will get involved in the undercover investigation.!< With Revenant, Moving, and this show Disney+ is excelling in the dark fantasy and noir genre.


Oh yes!! This could be Gyeo Re's back story too lol. That was such an underrated drama and wish JCW got the acting recognition he deserved for his performance.


That is what I thought too. His facial expression is just like Yoon Gyeo ree’s especially that scene when he just woke up. There was a similar scene in you Wish Upon me and his expression was the same.


Couldn’t agree more! He deserved a lot more pomp and circumstance for his performance in that show…it was fantastic!


>With Revenant, Moving, and this show Disney+ is excelling in the dark fantasy and noir genre. yes! that's what I though! makes me look forward to watching Vigilant right after The Worst of Evil. I have a feeling its gonna be good as well


And actually both May It Please The Court and Shadow Detective were more than great too!


Haven’t watched it, but is it’s the same gritty show with gray characters im all for it if you recommend


I would say so but not the same way as gangsters undercover type of gray characters. But overall yes.


Another huge noir drama from Disney+ was Big Bet. Too bad it wasn't promoted as much as the other shows.


The Yoon Gyoe Re hair he had certainly brought back memories of IYWUM.


His facial expression reminds me of Yoon Gyeo Ree but the fight scenes remind me of K2.


Kim Je Ha was trained. K2 fight scenes were like a lethal dance. Junmo fights are more feral, less graceful. Anything and everything is used when he's fighting. I almost didn't want to see a cat cuz it would've gotten thrown at whoever.


So I wasn't the only one who got Gyeo Re vibes! I miss that soft boy.


A solid start for a good thriller. While I don't think the plot is uniuqe or trope-breaking (yet), the execution more than makes up for it. The lightning in this is its own character, and I'm in love with the sets - such level of detail and personality. The shot of the two MLs going into the elevator and its covered in posters was just so cool. Ok, a small character analysiss to get it out of my system: **Joon Mu** is driven almost solely by ambition, which might be my favorite thing about the characterization in the show so far. It's not about justice - there's a throwaway line about catching bad guys and another about his father but it's obvious the real goal is the promotion. I'm sorry- the DOUBLE promotion. I loved that scene where he asks for going up two ranks instead of one rank and a bonus; it shows both that his character craves status more than anything else and also his drive and wilingness to go after his goals. Side note - Idk Korean police ranking, but when **Joon Mu** was looking at the picture where both he and his wife are in uniform his eyes moved from her rank to his - I wonder if the double rank would result in him OUTRANKING her - which would make the scene insisting on going up two ranks have even more weight, as it would imply that while he currently sees himself as infrior, he isn't looking to be equal to those around him but above them - which will be a sure fire way to get currpted during his mission, which is 100% what I hope would happen. Not usually up for love triangles but I think it's so freaking funny how jealuos **Joon Mu** gets - he's not even worried, which would be understandable, he's straight up angry. I think Eui Jung is one of the few people in his life that don't see him as a loser and in a way his marrige is the only thing he sort of 'scored' with, so to say, and the (very unlikely) idea of her leaving him is unbareable. It's the only thing that made him straight up hate Ji Chul - at first he was sort of ambivilent and only saw it as a job. Speaking of, **Eui Jung** was not half as present as I wanted her to be - though, to be fair, she wasn't part of the center of conflict (the gang/business) up until, like, mid episode 2. My read on her is reletively limited, but here goes: **Eui Jung** is unique among the main three not because she's a woman, but becasue she is not eaten alive by ambition. It's clear that she sympesize with her husbands feelings but does not share them and does not understand just how deep they go- unlike the two male leads, she does not feel as if she has something to prove or someone to become. That also makes her one of the more reasonable members of the cast that is (rightfully) angry about Joon Mu's mission - though she should be a bit more angry at the man himself for keeping her in the dark about that, imo. Imagine your husband doing somehting behind your back that is WORSE than an affair, ugh! I hope for her to take a more active role moving foward becuase I do want to see more of her and I actually find the whole 'first love' bit interesting, belive it or not. Which brings me to **Ki Chul**, a dj turned crimnial turene crime boss and, apparently, a hopeless romantic still hung up on his high school crush. If Joon Mu's ambition feels like a feral dog clinging to a bone, Ki Chul's feels much more calculative and steady - proabably because he has already made someone of himself, even if that someone is a criminal. **Ki Chul** is calculted and methodic - I liked the trick he pulled to get away from paying 50 mill every month, and I like how he checked the new reqruit's info MULTIPLE TIMES. It feels a lot like he as a smart guy who only saw a way up in the world through crime, which connects him to Joon Mu who also fails to climb up the rank by legitimate means. **Ki Chul** also happens to be, like, the funniest for all the wrong reasons. The drama. The synchronized walking down the street with his gang. The "we need to go to meet Eui Jung's mother, a woman I have not seen in years, to say hi". The way he still crushes on Eui Jung YEARS later (no one in dramaland moves on, I know) and the way he does not hide it, at ALL and how NO ONE in the gang but Joon Mu actually catches up to it. Pure comedy. With that being said,b Ki Chul also gives off that vibe that I can't really explain. Though he shook off the Busan crime boss out of his own volition, the dude wasn't murdered until Ki Chul was attacked by 'his men' (the police, but our gangam union thought it was Busan Boss for a while). His talk with the Yakuza boss (go ahead and move on with your plan...) implies that he actually stopped the former from killing Busan Boss before, for a reason I can't really explain. Honestly, it's the closest thing to being 'good' we've seen the entire show. Actually, Ki Chul was the one character we've seen doing thing for the sake of morality alone: breaking up the fight in the club as he was DJ-ing, beating up the scumbag who was sexually assualting the woman at the club the other time - in another life (show?) this dude would have been a vigillante. I wonder if we'll get more of that as the show goes on. I would actually LOVE if we did get that strange balancing act of Joon Mu's curroption arc and Ki Chul 'redemption' (as much as he could be redeemed) arc - with Eui Jung being used as the scale. I doubt we'll get it, though, but we'll see. I hope we atleast get to see Joon Mu going full evil. I think the effect it would have on his relationships (with his wife, his mentor guy, even his in laws) would be amazing to watch. Can't wait till next week!


I do think there’s still something she wants to prove tho. In her dialogue to her brother, she said if Police University were to accept women back then I would have been in your rank already. I think she’s skillful and because of her gender she was taken aback so while she’s doing great now she’s still trying to prove she can do this as a woman. Of course probably not as desperate as the two male leads? And for her to not be as mad, I think it’s because she’s also a police herself? She knows missions too.


great analysis - Question - going off of memory so it may be faulty - wasn't Joon Mu being shamed at the family dinner with his in-laws due to his father's situation, and that they were calling attention to his rank and lack of promotion? I thought it was also that he gives a value to the risk/reward ratio - that this assignment which is extremely dangerous should give him a better reward. Totally agree on the lighting. I was intrigued with highlights and shadows of the faces - the lighting director/cinematographer really put a lot of thought and care into this. Motion picture quality in this production your comments of corruption/redemption are fascinating - reminds me of a really older drama called Secret love where 2 characters have that similar divergent character development.


>result in him OUTRANKING her I think so. And I wonder if their sunbae chuckling to himself about it shows that he knows about the implication as well or if it's just funny to watch JM be rude and ambitious. There seems to be a lot of external social pressure on their marriage where everyone thinks EJ is too good for JM (ex. "lowly countryside detective", that incident at their wedding with his father, etc.). So far, I don't read it as if he resents his wife directly but that he does have a complex about it. The wife's first love being an evil gangster kingpin is certainly not helping there.


I'm keeping my fingers crossed for a Joon Mo corruption arc and Gi Cheol redemption arc too! Or they both spiral further into corruption into the worst of evil 👀 but a switch in their moral positions would be far more satisfying.


This is a great analysis! (Were you also the one that wrote The Insider review previously? That was good. I remember the disco name.) I do think we will see what you described - the two leads will have an overlap (not sure this is the right word) of morals and "ethics". This series was clearly inspired by the brilliant Hong Kong movie Infernal Affairs (which also inspired The Departed with Di Caprio) and what I liked about that was how it showed the lead (the Ji Chang Wook character) slowly spiralling deeper into the world of drugs and violence and being consumed by it. I think we will see something similar with Worst of Evil - I don't want the Joon Mu character to be one-dimensional, perfectly moral.


Yes I did write the Insider review, good on you for taking notice I really should watch Infernal Affairs sometimes... I hope for full on curroption arc! I want to hate the guy by ep 11, lol


Not much to say after first three episodes expect violent, dark and very gripping. So far I'm loving it. Stellar acting


Also, all the spoilers and teasers came from the first episode. I'm looking forward to ep 4. Wi HaJoon said his fav fight scene was in that episode.


I feel at some point if not already that Gi Cheol is gonna know that Joon mu is undercover and keep it to himself and somehow play that to his advantage. Like the big boss said Gicheol is a very smart man. I do worry tho that Gicheol is probably gonna end up w a sad ending


100% gi cheol is gonna find out about joonmu. But maybe he’ll spare him since euijeong is his wife?


> But maybe he’ll spare him since euijeong is his wife? From all we know of Gicheol, that would be an extra motivation for him to get rid of Jeonmu.


be an extra motivation for him to get rid of Jeonmu. Omg this 💀💀


It's a tiny bit toxic but my favorite part is how mad JCW's character gets every time >!he gets reminded that his wife is the boss's first love. You can just feel the umph behind those gaesaekkis!<


"They did everything together" Junmo white knuckling the steering wheel. 😂😂😂😂 Jealous Junmo.


When he realized the door passcode 💀💀💀


That KILLED me. Gi Chul , you freakin weirdo, how can you be the funniest character in this you are supposed to be the antagonist!


And the head cooking and "huh" in the opening 30seconds #jellybellyJunmo 😆


What was special about the passcode?


It was the >!wife's birthday!<


How did we learn the code is her birthday? I must have zoned out… thanks!


When the underboss was teaching JM the main door passcode, he said it was his birthday. So JM guessed that all the doors may be the others' birthdays and got a list of all them. When none of those worked, he got suspicious and muttered under his breath what's EJ's birthday...? And then proceeded to get super annoyed when that worked.


- the guy playing younger Jung Gicheol is somehow a carbon copy of Wie Ha Joon. - I should not laugh, but Jung Gicheol is so unintentionally funny. Main lead is over there thinking hard how not to get caught and JGC is just looking at his pendant with a dreamy look. Then he proceeds to research his first love's husband, decides he is more handsome and rich than the guy and proceeds to steal the girl. - >! The password. Lmao !< - Poor Junmu was roasted for his career by a literal criminal.


The first time they showed the younger Gi Cheol I thought it was WHJ! And I then wondered why they used a different younger actress but when the scene changed I realized it wasn’t him. Great job Casting Director!


Ssly! I had to double take!!


Loved this scene, Junmoo really had to eat dirt. His background is so far only told - father a junkie etc. I’m waiting for flashbacks and how he got together with his wife.


I had to look up the younger actor for Wi Ha Joon. If someone told me they CGI’ed him to look younger, I’d have believed it 100%


The ending doesn't surprise me. I knew they were gonna >!put a gun in Junmo's hand at some point. What I'm curious about is if he really shot the guy how he's gonna sort it with the cops.!<


The color grading that is used when they’re in the streets of Gangnam is immaculate, really good looking drama overall.


Those first 3 episodes were so fast paced! Some of the characters in the various gangs and factions are leaving me a bit confused, but I really like that they have established all the other rivalries not just between the 2 leads. Smart move as I think this will help flesh out the story more and not make 'movement' in the show entirely dependent on the main plot between JCW and WJH. The rivalry between the Japanese vs. Korean kingpins has been fun to watch. I am guessing we will see that there are informers from both sides. I would not be surprised if Knife Guy is also an undercover cop and JCW's direct report turns out to be working for the criminals.


Gonna call it now but I think the snippets we’ve seen of >! what looks like Eui Jung’s romance re-sparking with Ki Chul is meant to mislead us into thinking that she’s choosing him over Joon Mu. I think at some point during the investigation, Eui Jung will get roped in as semi-undercover and the romance with Ki Chul will be to gain trust/influence his decisions so that Joon Mu and the police can complete their mission. !< Regardless, very much enjoying Ji Chang Wook and Wi Ha Joon’s chemistry so far!!


It seems very likely. I wouldn't want that, though, it feels very boring and "safe" while flirting a bit to close to misogyny for me...


Omg this like being the nice little girl for the mafia while me play that game Also Gicheol have genuine feeling for Euijung soo it will kinda disrespectful too Emotinal manipulation is not my cuo of tea


Yep, that's exactly my thoughts as well.


This drama is sooooo gooood


Disney+ coming out with moving first and now this masterpiece with ji chang wook.. thank you Disney


Yes! And Revenant was another terrific show from Disney this year. And thank you to the production teams of both Moving and Worst of Evil for not using the annoying skin filters on these shows!


I would definitely add May It Please The Court and Shadow Detective! Big Bet too. Honestly D+ almost feels like a new OCN to me haha


I haven’t watched Ravenant.. I can’t do ghost/horror shows I hate it but yeah I hear it was good… and yes the production team killed it


if there’s one thing Ji Chang Wook is gonna do is act the HELL out of those micro expressions. there is sooooo much chemistry between JCW and Wi Ha Joon because they’re just acting with their eyes.




Is it implied Ui-Jeong is older than both KiCheol and Junmo?


She is, at least, older than Ki Cheol since she introduces him as her hoobae in high school/church choir.


Yup. Also, when Junmo is caught having lunch with his wife, he introduces ger as his noona in Taekwondo club. Is he actually younger or making it up? In RL, HCW is older than Wi Ha jun.


I would think he’s making it up since his undercover character is supposed to be the same age as Taeho, which makes him the same age as Kicheol


I think >!joonMu shot the guy, but he will not killed the guy. he shot somewhere near the arms or legs or somewhere else.. because if he killed the trigger, so obvious that he got some trainings on handling firearms !<


or maybe the gun had blanks and it was just a test


If you asked me if I would join a criminal organization to get the approval of Im Se-Mi, I'd definitely say no, but it would take a LONG time for me to make that a firm no. Perhaps 2-3 weeks of deliberation before I really locked in that choice. 2 Months MAX but i'd say no. I think.


[https://www.scmp.com/lifestyle/k-pop/k-drama/article/3236157/disney-k-drama-worst-evil-ji-chang-wook-wi-ha-joon-rule-their-fists-brutal-and-immersive-gangster](https://www.scmp.com/lifestyle/k-pop/k-drama/article/3236157/disney-k-drama-worst-evil-ji-chang-wook-wi-ha-joon-rule-their-fists-brutal-and-immersive-gangster) Great review from South China Morning Post (and this TV critic is usually very on point with his K Drama reviews.) Agree with his point, I hope the show continues to add depth to the broader story and the characters. One way it's doing that already is by including the subplots on the various rivalries between the Korean and Japanese kingpins and the dynamic between the in-laws/families. What worked for Infernal Affairs (arguably the inspiration for the show) was that it delved into the intricacies of what is a deeply dysfunctional and corrupt police and legal system. This will be pretty challenging though for WoE because many Korean thrillers have already tackled this topic so well. What I am hoping won't happen is that the thriller loses steam midway. We've all been burned by this - so fingers crossed Worst of Evil will just go from strength to strength!


This is so good and the chemistry between WHJ and JCW is 🔥🔥🔥. While others are shipping either one of them for Se Mi, I am shipping these two instead, for my own fun moment 😝




God, me too. There were many moments of them facing straight at each other with so much charisma that I couldn't help but to be distracted by how smouldering hot they are and wanting them to kiss. And I'm a straight woman who isn't into BL lmao.


I don’t get it. Wi Ja Hoon’s character is not going to have a good ending for sure! And shipping Se Mi with Ja Hoon’s character is absurd! The fact that Se Mi didn’t portray her school version is to clearly draw a distinction between her past and present self! Chang wook’s character is getting jealous learning about the past and that is there to play a crucial factor in keeping him on edge while being undercover.


I can't wait to find out how this unravels! Acting is super good so far and I can think of a few obvious places where logic was missing (like how gi cheoul could have checked with seung ho/jun mo's mother in law about the fake picture he received of eui jung's husband when he visited the MIL in the hospital) but this is super engaging imo!! so excited for next week's episodes


It would have been really weird if Gi Cheol took out the passport photo of her daughter's husband and asked the woman, who is convinced he is a criminal, whether that is the guy her daughter married. Would have also put him in a bad book and deterred his chances to become her son in law (which is a ridiculously far fetched thing to think considering she is married, but idk. Gicheol has Euijung's birthday date as a password for his evil lair. The guy is a hopeless romantic)


LMAOO that's true, i guess that would be a weird scenario but I'm surprised that gicheol only relied on one source to verify something so crucial to his and his work's wellbeing the scene where eui jung's birthday was the code was hilarious, I honestly hope eui jung stays safe and stays with her husband (they look like a great couple imo)


Well, the info was retrieved from the police database itself, and it seems like he's very familiar with his PI. He also had the cousin's dad "verification" that Joon Mo IS the cousin (we know the dad is on the police's side but Gi Cheol doesn't) . He doesn't have any reason to not believe these findings.


Well, the info was retrieved from the police database itself, and it seems like he's very familiar with his PI. He also had the cousin's dad "verification" that Joon Mo IS the cousin (we know the dad is on the police's side but Gi Cheol doesn't) . He doesn't have any reason to not believe these findings.


Theory time: Gicheol is aware about Junmo being an undercover. He just wants to bring Junmo down to that level where he gets badly tangled in the crime world and is never able to go back.


I really really hope that at the end of episode 3>! Ji Chang Wook actually shots the guy and it isn't some kind of fakeout for the next episode. It is such a tired trope of the main guy being told to kill someone to prove their loyalty and somehow they get away with not doing it.!<


Love it. But the FL defo needs more screen time.


I wonder if Wooki swears this much in real life.🙊lol


I'm sure he swears in RL. We all do to some degree.


I was just making a sarcastic silly comment. 🙃


I realise 😌 No harm intended. This is the most adult role he's played instead of boxing himself into an expected and overly romanticised role.


Are they doing 3 episodes per week? Or 3 episodes today and then one episode per week for the rest?


3 this week 2 every Wednesday 3 on the last week




butting in.. is this the same pattern for other series shown in disney+?


Lol 3 on a weekday is stressful 😂


WHAT AN EXPLOSIVE START! I absolutely love gangster stories AND gangster love stories AND undercover cop stories, this one is the perfect combo Also what drew me was the promise of triangle between the two men and Se-Mi but tbh idk if it's because she just had less scenes but I'm not really feeling the chemistry between her and either of the ML?? I feel there's greater chemistry between the two men tbh (which makes sense) but yeah, I wonder if there's any chance of Semi's character actually falling for / getting with the gangster right? BC I started off rooting for Wi Ha Joon on principle but JCW just stole the show for me by the end, his demeanor in this role is so strangely attractive haha


SO GOOD. BUT I'M SO DISTRACTED BY THEIR HOTNESS I HAD TO KEEP REWINDING LMAO 2 of my favourite men 🫠 I've been so excited to watch this since their casting was announced, and I'm not disappointed a single bit. Only 3 eps and I'm loving this so much already!!!!!


Taeho....oh Taeho.... how did I get so invested in a character in episode 1


My new favourite drama


Ji Chang Wook is such a great action actor, always delivers on that front.




I think it’s too early to say, she’s barely had any screen time, just about 5 scenes in 3 episodes where she wasn’t the focus. I’m sure we will get to see more of her from this week’s episodes.


Anyone saw the episode 4 and 5 they are insane


Watched 1 ep and it is so gooooooooooodddddddd


I can’t wait to watch all 3 episodes tonight! Definitely my type of drama 🎭 💗


Question: I have Disney+ and live in US...Unable to find The Worst of Evil. Changed VPN to South Korea but buffering to get onto Disney+ site. Where are you guys that can see it on Disney+?


Someone said when she typed “The Worst” on Disney US, she found the drama. It’s available on Hulu in the US. You can also change your VPN location to the U.K.


You can watch on Hulu in the US. But I wanted Chinese subs so I use VPN for HK on D+ to watch


I watch it on Hulu.




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