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I'm sorry guys but I always enjoy Eun Gyeol being stressed by Yi chan, Eun Yu and now Cheong Ah 😂😂 my man gonna go bald when he returns to 2023 💀 Edit:just finished episode 10, she fell first but my man Yi chan fell backwards 😂, but seriously tho that scene with Eun Yu and Cheong Ah wearing Red and Green like a watermelon then Eun Gyeol and Yi chan looking at them while performing got me giggling with excitement lol That episode 11 preview tho I'm not yet ready


Hahha best comment lol


Love it! These kids got this guy STRESSED LOL


That scene was too cutee❤️❤️❤️


I love that Chung Ah has an actual personality. A lot of the times with disabled characters, their disability is their entire personality. I love that despite all the trouble she has at home, she isn't afraid of chasing after Yi Chan. I love that she's an artist and that she was bold with her feelings this episode despite seeming a bit shy in previous episodes. She is by far my favourite character and I wish we got to see more of her.


> I love that Chung Ah has an actual personality. A lot of the times with disabled characters, their disability is their entire personality. THIS! When it comes to disable persons, I find SKorea entertainment to be a bit behind when portraying them because they’re always written to be really different from able people that they seem helpless or dependent on other ppl around them. I love that Chung Ah was written to be like any normal teenage girl. Same goes with Eun Ho who led on 4 girls at the same time. He’s acting like a normal teenage boy who can be an a* hole or flirt in dating, not some angelic good boy just because he’s deaf.


yesss!! The humanization of disabled characters is a beautiful thing to see. They aren't glorified or told that their disability is a gift. They're just regular people with regular lives.


Yes! As much as I loved Extraordinary Attorney Woo, the show was heavily criticized by the autistic community because it focused on a savant which is less than 1% of the autist population. They said they’re tired of being written in shows as only interesting when they’re gifted or very different, and they just want to be represented as normal people. That’s why Twinkling Watermelon is a first in KDrama when it comes to writing of PWDs.


Yes, I loved her explanation of the painting 'Viva la Vida' by Frida Kahlo 👌❤️🤭


Me too! She’s so complicated, twisted and so funny at the same time. And a total bad ass.


>!"at that moment i realized, that like mom and dad, i was also still 18"!< IS SUCH A GOOD LINE??? LIKE CHILLS ACTUALLY HOLY


Yes! And it has to take him out of his real world to finally act and feel like an 18y.o. In 2023, he put so much responsibility on his shoulder and being his family’s all-around “angel” that it’s unlikely he would even look at girls in a different way, let alone spend any time with them.


he'd been an adult so long, both is his daily life and now to his parents, he forgot he was just a child too 🥹


This! He’s been taking care of his parents and brother his whole life by being their hearing Angel or trying to please his dad, that it seems he has never gotten a chance to enjoy being a teenager.


Loved this scene… and the singing wasn’t bad either. I’d definitely would have had trouble breathing if I was in this situation…


Good writing there. Phew.


This writer is one of my favorites.


Best dad-son joker duo but also like Eun gyeol is SO sweet with his mom. This is the kind of show I want to binge watch all at once to get the plot but also savour and enjoy it slowly cause it’s so wholesome and each scene is actually so well played out by the actors!!!


>Best dad-son joker duo but also like Eun gyeol is SO sweet with his mom. Actually, the reason I started this show is because I saw this Instagram edit where they were showing the contrast between how EG is with his mom compared to his dad. The former is super super tooth rottingly sweet and the latter is just them going at each other, full ham. It was so funny I just had to get a better look at the dynamic and I don’t regret the time I spent watching the show. It gives me the same family feels as 18 Again (didn't realise Ryeoun was the son there too). Perfect mix of emotion, wholesomeness, comedy and a great cast of actors. :))


I hope you loved ep 10 as much as I did for the joker energies (>!them agreeing with each other over the new band name was so funny!<) and his moments with his mom (>!she wants to learn how to sign! And he got her a fax!!! Yay!<)


So cute. I literally have tears in my eyes in the scenes with his mom. He loves his parents so much.


his eyes literally sparkle around his mom and his overprotectiveness and jokey-energy around his dad is so precious!


These poor actors having 34,657 running scenes every episode lmao. I swear they're always chasing something or someone.


Haha 😂😂🤭 ... free exercise


I’ve yet to watch ep 9 but I binged the first eight over the last two days and even though this show is pretty lighthearted compared to other dramas I’ve been watching – it made me straight up _bawl_ because the familial feels are so strong. Eun Gyeol is a gem of a person. Like he is just wants to make sure his parents are happy, invidually. The humor is amazing and the camaraderie as well as the bickering is on point. But man, first Eun Gyeol saying he wants to make his father twinkle and then that he wants to give back the world to his mother touched me deeply. Will add to this once I’m done with ep 9 but I had to put my thoughts on the overall show somewhere. I LOVE all the actors so much & I’m glad to have discovered Ryeoun through this. [Also, just had a moment when I realised that the old guy who taught Eun Gyeol how to play – remember the melody that was incomplete? EG asked him who made it and the old guy said that he didn't, some talented guitarist did (?? I don't remember exactly what descriptor he used). This makes me think that EG in the past is the one who made the incomplete melody himself and left before finishing it, i.e. returned to the future. Idk how that affects the time travel loop aspect since I do think things will be changed in the future and this theory could only work if this was a closed loop but yeah.] ETA after watching ep 9: Still loving the show. The bromance between father and son is so hilarious and the budding friendship between mother and father is incredibly sweet. I like EG and Eun Yu’s romance too and tbh, it's not exactly weird if EG has feelings for who he perceives to be the Ahjumma. As he says in the end, he, too, _is_ 18 years old in 1995 and the majority of what he knows of the “Ahjumma” is when she is 18 (ofc, ots not really her but I'm talking from EG’s perspective). If EG can be best buds with his father, his feelings for future Ahjumma aren't all that weird to me. But one thing is there. I think the writing kind of twists itself with Eun Yu’s character. If Se Gyeong went abroad before the spring festival and never returned in the original timeline, how can her first love be determined at the spring festival that she never attended?? Also how is EY setting up her mother with her first love when said mother is currently abroad and so the memories developed are only on the boys’ side and her mother basically is still living the life she originally did. I guess that will be the reason why things won't change much in the future for her and Ig EY thinks her mom’s first love developing feelings is all that matters since her mom already likes her first love and she can orchestrate her mother coming back to Korea somehow but still, I'm confused by the writing for her character’s _plot_. That said, I am enjoying the show very much and the next episode might have angst in store for us it seems. :')


Eungyeol is the blueprint. Usually characters like him can become boring because of how „perfect“ they are, but Ryeoun‘s acting makes him very likable. I am time and time again touched by his sacrifices


He is IMO the best character on TV currently. He loves his family so much and it shows by his actions. It doesn’t help that he’s easy on the eyes as well, and extremely unrealistic that someone that hot can be so sweet and caring. I love living in k drama world!


I think EY’s mother aka Se Gyeong’s first love is EY’s father himself. Remember that episode where he was also in the band and Se Gyeong was in the crowd. Maybe that’s the festival she was telling her daughter about, the moment she fell in love. Their relationship fizzled out as they married because she hasn’t healed from her trauma as a child and she’s inflicting that same trauma on her daughter. The father sees this and thus, their relationship/ marriage declines as the years go by. I think EY will learn about her mom’s past, about her adoption, her bio father, etc. and will be the key to heal Se Gyeong. This is my take on it lol. Let’s see if it’s how it’ll unfold.


I think Ahjumma will come back during the festival. That would be a plot twist probably for ep 12.


> never returned in the original timeline, how can her first love be determined at the spring festival that she never attended?? My best guess, since in the OG timeline she mentioned attending the Spring festival and seeing her crush serenade her + the never coming back to Korea comment, is that Se Gyeong may come back to Korea for only a brief period of time around the festival (which will probably be a plot point for Eun Yu in avoiding her mom), which she didn't count as returning back to Korea to live there when she said she never came back to EG.


>But one thing is there. I think the writing kind of twists itself with Eun Yu’s character. If Se Gyeong went abroad before the spring festival and never returned in the original timeline, how can her first love be determined at the spring festival that she never attended?? 1) Its possible that Se Gyeong wasn't precise when she said she went abroad and never came back. So its possible that she's going to come back briefly and find out that her future daughter is squatting in her house. 2) Its also possible that that college student was her first love. I forget his name. He was also in a band, so maybe he played at a Spring festival before. She didn't appear to be very fond of him, but that doesn't mean she was never fond of him. I'm expecting there will be some other twist as to the identity of her first love.


It feels like now that Eun Gyeol told Yi chan that >!he "likes" Se Kyeong, they will compete against each to see who gets her. But eventually Yi Chan will slowly fall for Cheong Ah.!< I hope they don't drag that plot and we can see some Yi Chan and Cheong Ah scenes.


I actually think that he already likes Cheong Ah but doesn’t know it yet


Yes, you can make out from the way he looks at both the girls. Its much softer, purer when he looks at Cheong Ah and this was even before he knew she was deaf.


Totally agree that Yi Chan already likes Cheong Ah from the way he looked at her before he knew she was deaf. He just doesn't realize it yet because he's in love with the idea of being with the girl that everyone thinks is perfect and beautiful.


Also the scene when he ran into “Segyeong” when going out to look for Cheong-Ah, he still ended up choosing to go to Cheong-Ah instead of staying with Eunyu


He has an infatuation with SK but has had a legit connection growing with CA from the beginning. I love how the writer has shown the difference. He’s been drawn to and cared about CA from the start but since he’s never been in love he doesn’t recognize it. It’s so lovely to watch.


i don’t think so considering >!eunyu only likes eungyeol and not yi chan, so hopefully it’ll just be yi chan beginning to move on from his crush on “se kyeong” and realize that he likes cheong ah! eunyu & eungyeol already got enough on their plate each keeping a massive secret from the other person as well as working almost directly against each other!<


We are already seeing some Yi Chan x Chrong Ah love scenes❤️


There wasn’t a lot of Yi Chan and Cheong Ah scenes together, I need more of them interacting with one another and being the the same space, I’m hoping ep 10 they’ll be more scenes, they have so much chemistry. I loved though Yi Chan signing to Cheong ah, he’s such a sweetheart. Also really enjoyed scenes between mum/son and son/dad. The starting scenes was so chaotic lol Yi chan the most dramatic and unserious character hehe


Man, this episode made me laugh out loud so many times. Especially because of prankster yi Chan. It fills me with sadness that all that light got dimmed because of his disability. I know there are many theories out there, but I truly hope that the future can be changed, and that it is not a closed loop. Also, question- how does real se-gyeong know that someone serenaded for her during spring festival. I mean she wasn't even there in the original timeline. But as many guessed, i think her first love is going to be yoon dong jin. Honestly, i don't understand why people are not liking eun yu, i feel fine with her. Sure, the romance between her and eun-gyeol can be more organic, feels a little awkward, but not bad. I want chung-ha scenes. I can't get enough of her. I think her world view will change when she realises that people are willing to learn sign language to talk to her, that is not because of pity but actual kindness.


I have a feeling that the real se gyeong was just making up stories for her daughter. Idk why but I feel like she just lied about everything because she does not like the life she's living


Or maybe what she told Eun Gyeol in Ep 2 is oversimplification that she left to US and never came back till her bio dad died. Maybe she did come back once a while, just didn't stay for a long term and thus in her head it doesn't count. I still think Se Gyeong first love is her ex husband (En Yu's dad) and she will come back during the spring festival and her husband will serenade her there


I might have misunderstood, but I thought in the original timeline she left after the festival but in this timeline she left because of all the stuff with eun-gyeol and yi-Chan. I feel like the chairwoman even made a comment that she was leaving earlier for study abroad than expected


Se Kyong said "Kkondae" and Eun Gyoel said "i saw that from the future" how did they not know they're both from the future yet? COME ON


Who would believe if you say "I'm from future''. 6 episodes left to warp up. I wish they won't rash.


>Who would believe if you say "I'm from future''. Probably the person from the future who was listening


As a 20something in 1995 (gen x), we definitely called the older generation Boomers. Usually under our breath but we did use the term in the same derogatory fashion. Which makes us extra pissed when the GenZ kids call us Boomers now! 😂


right like no chance someone says the word Boomer in 1995. Hell it wasn't mainstream till a few years ago.


What does kkondae mean?


Boomer basically


Had the biggest smile watching Cheong Ah and Yi Chan in ep 10, their chemistry is just great and I love the quiet moments between them and the looks shared, i especially love Hyun wooks gaze, something so attractive about it. I loved loved the >!signing scene between them, and yay Cheong ah got her fax machine, they seem so happy In each others presence!<, such a softness to them.


When Cheong ah dad saw her smile. Damn, Such a tear jerker.


The scene between the brothers was perfect and put into context how Eun Gyeol has been living his life. I wonder if this time travel isn’t about Eun Gyeol’s parents but more about him realizing that he needs to live for himself and not his family. He deserves to be happy! Why don’t the Euns still know they are both from the same timeline? That’s the only complaint I have from otherwise perfect show. I’m glad they at least gave her character some depth. Her mom is a piece of shit, but Cheong Ah’s stepmother is much worse. No wonder she cut herself off from her family.


I’m not sure where I read it, but I read the synopsis as something like this, “Eun Gyeol will travel back to 1995 meet an enigmatic girl and fall in love.” I think Eun’s wouldn’t think traveling back to past is a normal thing, and there’s really no basis how you would distinguish someone from the past or future.


True but honestly if it was me, it would be a dead give away I mean you are telling me that both of them, not even once mention anything about the future?? Like not even the new “slang?” I do find that a bit odd.


My only on-air right now and damn is the wait for it difficult!! Ep10 - just started but NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Say it ain't so!>!If she is one of the brother's girlfriends she would have seen a photo of him with Eun Gyeol on Insta, right? 😭 !< sTAAAP His dad just wanted to sparkle before he had to adult, but the son hasn't been able to sparkle because he had to adult from a young age😭 Dramaland strikes again because how is this minor spending the whole month cleaning the school instead of attending classes Easiest way to figure out who is from the future, just play a popular song from modern times.>! Punching the air because we were soooo close to them figuring out that they're both from the future!!< What an >!ominous!< ending! >!ALONG WITH THAT PREVIEW WTF 😭sad times ahead😭!< Nitpicking- How do they know how to use a beeper?! They also hardly slip up with modern references/slang


Agreed. I've been out of the loop with a lot of K dramas for the past year but Twinkling Watermelon is so damn good!


So I have a theory that the dad will still choose the life in the future he has with the love of his life, whether deaf or not. His son is trying to prevent the accident but I’m not sure that’s really his true goal here. I feel like his dad would change nothing, and make the same choices again if he had to.


True I have a feeling the accident maybe caused by the stepmom of the mother who dislikes EunGyeol and that YiChan will save his son/EG from said accident and this is discovered by ChungHa this she distances herself from her family claiming she’s an orphan. That’s the vibes I’m feeling at the moment. The master also said why EG is still fixated on the accident and his parents giving me an impression that the accident can’t be changed… although all this are just my own interpretation


I recommend Good day to be a Dog! It is very cute, and I like the main leads a lot here. The only thing is that it’s 1 ep a week, i.e. 2x as tormenting as a normal airing schedule.


Highlight of ep 9: >!1) Fighting between son and father duo. Nice comedic relief!< >!2) Interactions between Ha Eun Gyeol and On Eun Yu!< >!3) Cold war between son and mother. More like angry because he fought with his father. LOL!<


I saw so many videos of this drama that even though it wasn’t on my radar it got me curious. I have to say, the first two episodes I wasn’t enamoured. Infact I was a little confused, but oh boy once things started to clear up the drama got better and better and better and now I’m here, waiting for Ep 9 like the rest of you. PS: I have watched all of Choi Hyun Wook’s drama’s so far and honestly this kid is going places. He’s got great comedic timing. His action scenes are incredible and he throws his voice like a seasoned actor. I absolutely love his bromance with Ryeoun and I hope they can team up again in WHC2! EDIT- 9 and 10 were PERFECT for me! This show manages so many different genres - time travel, coming of age, family drama, high school musical, young adult - and does it so well. The humor is on point and so are the heartwarming scenes. I absolutely LOVE both pairings and to see them come together like this fills me with so much joy. Eun Gyeol is really the best character I’ve come across in a long long time. I really truly jinjja don’t want to see Yi Chan meet with this accident, and worse I’m afraid Eun Gyeol might land up in his place while trying to prevent it. It would be the craziest twist if after all this time travel Eun Gyeol goes back to the present having lost his voice, and his brother and father getting theirs. I hope the show continues to stay happy and twinkling because I don’t want to see any of these guys suffer.


I signed up for Cheong-Chan couple but 2Eun couple came out of syllabus lol. I sensed sparks right from ep 5 and I'm so excited to see their development. We pretty much know that Ha Eun-gyeol's parents are gonna end up together so I know they're safe. Eun-yoo and Eun-gyeol as the time travellers give me the same vibe as Jonas and Martha from Dark but I hope they don't get vanished for the sake of making the universe right lol. I cannot stress enough how good Ryeoun is here because he's bringing so much gravitas to the show. Be it his impeccable comic timing or bearing the huge emotional weight of having to bring his parents together but nothing working for him. He's so chaotic and lovable. Eun-gyeol is truly the angel of the Ha family. He really has an angelic voice too. If I were Eun-yoo I'd fall for him too lol. I'm loving Seorina's vibe here so much and she has terrific chemistry with Ryeoun. The ep's ending got me giggling but I'm pretty sure we're not going to get that >!kiss!< at least for now I've such a soft spot of grandparents dynamics so today's scene with Eun-gyeol and Grandma made me so emotional and Yi-chan eavesdropping their conversation made it even more emotional. I know ppl are being annoyed by Yi-chan's antics but we gotta see from a teenaged boy's pov. He's just trying his best. About the theories: 1) For some reason I think Se-kyung has been lying to her daughter about her first love by just concocting her own stories. 2) Older Yi-chan might've actually lied to Eun-gyeol about meeting Cheong-ah cause it's difficult to believe so much had changed because of Eun-gyeol. The time travel maybe a paradox so Eun-gyeol might've set the events in motion and it's all happening just like it was supposed to. But if it's not then there's so much of explanation to do in the upcoming episodes 3) The Oh Ma-joo and Yoon Dong-jin connect is yet to happen and I'm wondering how it's going to take place 4) I still don't believe the Eun-yoo being Ha Eun-ho's gf theory and with her using sign language it's only confirming my belief


>I cannot stress enough how good Ryeoun is here because he's bringing so much gravitas to the show. Be it his impeccable comic timing or bearing the huge emotional weight of having to bring his parents together but nothing working for him. He's so chaotic and lovable. Eun-gyeol is truly the angel of the Ha family. He really has an angelic voice too. If I were Eun-yoo I'd fall for him too lol. He’s done such a commendable job! I think in time travel stories like this the actor really has to sell the emotional beats because his character is going through _so_ much in interactions with his parents while his parents are none the wiser. His comedy is also great as you said. I have had so much laugh out loud moments from his dialogue delivery, expressions or plain body language. Him and CHW are such a comedic riot together. Eun Gyeol is really such a great guy.


He has such great expressions all the time especially those scenes of him having his inner monologues! I can’t help but feel whatever he’s feeling whenever he’s on screen.


elaborating on the last point, unless my memory is wrong, when the bros were sitting in the cafe, eun-ho did say his new friend doesn't know sign language?


I think you're last point is right cause after watching the latest episode I have the same theory cause his >! cause his last gf was a cellist too which Eun-gyeol didn't meet!<


\- Kinda funny how Eun-gyeol>! snaps out of it thanks to future Se-gyeong lmao.!< \- Se-Gyeong just won the bad mom of the year award.>! Such cruel words.!< \- Finally, Eun-yu can have her moment to show her depth, to feel more like a character. Thank you, writer-nim. \- CHEONG-AH IS SO CUTE. \- CHEONG-AH AND YI-CHAN IS SO CUTE. \- Despite being a little corny, Eun-gyeol and Eun-yu's moment kinda felt believable through time.


Depending on how it ends, this might be the best drama of the year.


Wait so Eun Yu's mother said that her first love serenaded her during the school festival. But the real sekyung in 1995 was in the US during the school festival. And in the beginning of the show older sekyung says that she doesn't return to Korea until her father's death meaning she likely wouldn't have come visited Korea for the school festival or anything. So how did this whole thing work? Is this a plot hole or a hint? What if sekyung has been lying to her daughter about her first love? Making things up because she feels so unfulfilled in her life?


I think the same that Se Gyeong is making up the stories for her daughter of life she wishes she had. But there is a small chance that Se Gyeong might come on the day of the Festival. >! As for the mention of a secret helper from the future Might be Eun Yu that Eun Gyoel doesn't know about. Eun Gyoel thinks it may be Hyun Yul ( Bass Player). He does fit the bill that he doesn't have any family and lives in Bands room. But he has not done something explicitly to help Eun gyeol yet. But We have never gotten his back story unlike other band members!<


the crush could be someone in US too


Then it has to be her actual Father then because he was a Band Member and went to the US recently for further studies. But then the problem is he will be in college while Se Gyeong must be in high school so how does this festival thing work. This has been a lie that Se Gyeong made up for her daughter.


He did perform in the concert attended by Se Gyeong in episode 6, which later turned to a jam session with Yi Chan and Eun Gyeol. The serenade could happened before Yi Chan arrived


Exactly, idk how her daughter hasn’t connected the dots yet


Because her mother Se Gyeong never made anything clear all the hints daughter has are 1. He was in Band. 2. He sang for Mother in the Spring Festival. 3. He likes or can handle very Spicy food and last He actually sang a Serenade. Most of them seem like lies to me that Se Gyeong made up for her daughter.


The daughter is desperate to change her life that she just believes anything at this point


My interpretation of all this is that Se Kyung may have left after the festival in the original story line and that's why she made the bet with Yi Chan. Then one of the things Eun Gyeol arrival messed up is that she left earlier jeopardizing the entire existence of the band and Yi Chan ever meeting Cheong Ha. She may not have been lying if Yi Chan >!got hurt during the festival!< as the end of Ep. 10 implied. I'm really curious how things will turn out for everyone at the end. I'm hoping Eun2 will come back to a different future for their respective parents as in Back to the Future. Like >!Yi Chan took the spot of the famous singer and Cheong Ha is a successful artist and Se Kyung is happy and a good mom.!<


I still don’t get how eun yu would change the fate of her mother if the original timeline of her mother is running accordingly in abroad. Like nothing is changing in the timeline of her mother, and what she is changing is other people’s timeline. 😂


Her whole plan is suicide by making her mother fall for her first love so she won't exist. Her most probable plan is to pretend to be her mother and make her first love fall in love with her till her mother arrives at Spring Festival. But it's already failing as everyone knows she is back, She was trying to keep it hidden. It's not clear yet if Se Gyeong attended the Spring Festival or not because she told Eun Gyeol She never came back from the US but to Eun Yu she told Her First love sang Serenade at Spring Festival for her. She is lying about one thing here.


Omg I was so wrong. Looks like Eun-yoo might be >! Eun-ho's crush/gf!< after all. So where do we go from here?? We're already on ep 10. So many theories flooding already. And I can't believe we had a >!kiss that wasn't interrupted!< lol. So many Cheong-Chan moments today and they were so wholesome. Cheong-ah's dad finally seeing his daughter smile after being convinced by Eun-gyeol was just beautiful. I'm glad we saw more of Eun-yoo's struggles because of her mom and I was even more glad that Eun-gyeol was there to comfort her. That boy is just angel incarnate. "Continuing to live is already a great feat." I almost cried when he said this. There's a reason why this drama is gonna stay with me for a very long time. The ending scene of the band playing happily being watched by the two girls watching their men sing made me so happy only to be cut by the grim ending. The preview didn't help it either. So Yi-chan is definitely getting >! injured and losing his hearing!< but I'm even more nervous about him having a fallout with Eun-gyeol. What if >!Eun-gyeol accidentally ends up being the reason why Yi-chan actually gets injured and him being his family's angel is nature's way of setting things right?!< That's too cruel and my heart will not be able to take it. I know we're gonna see pain but let's hope it hurts less


That's not possible because it's not a loop yet? Eun Gyoel has first time came back to the past and made changes without him The accident would have happened regardless and his parents would have made 2 years later in a sign language class as his father losing the hearing is not related to him.


secretive tart childlike mysterious hat long frighten cover snatch racial *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




I think not girlfriends yet but he led them on. Like the stage where you’re flirting and think you’re almost going into a relationship.


Yep, he was more than friendly with all those girls, i guess bc its heavily implied that his visuals are great.


Why would he do that 😭


seemly somber elastic illegal party lavish squalid absurd encouraging theory *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Especially after he got water thrown at him! I think he was going to tell him off but Eun Ho said that he’s trying to go to college and be successful at wrestling so he can stop being a burden to his brother, and the he felt bad.


Yes at least 5 including Cellist Girl.


What a surprise. Me thinking >!kissing was not going!< to happen due to Super Slow Motion


THE SCENES WITH EUN GYEOL’S PARENTS IN THE PAST. They literally give me butterflies. They’re so cute and falling in love. I seriously love them. What wonderful chemistry. Yi Chan just had a school boy crush on Se Kyeong, but he LOVES Cheong Ah. She really brings out a more mature and loving side to him, aside from the silly menace he is with everyone else. The actor is doing an amazing job of portraying him slowly falling for her. I think he always felt a magnetic pull to her but was distracted by his crush, now he’s falling hard. I could watch an entire drama of their lives from beginning to end. The story is just so touching. And him learning sign language for her 🥹


It is frustrating that eun eun still haven't realised that they are from future. They should have asked which store they sold their instruments at. But plot convenience. Eun yu's reasoning behind wanting to die, now seems believable and reasonable. Wish they had introduced this early on. It feels late in the game. Also, everyone saying Choi se-gyeong being a bad mom. From my point of view, she is just shallow. Her intentions might not have been bad, but to help her daughter be better at music, to parade her around as a trophy. The real bad mother is that bitch of a headmistress, the step mother. It is quite unbelievable that she managed to hide the abuse as long as she did. Also, the chairman being so absent. Well I guess, fathers of that time were not that involved. But on the bright side, he genuinely wants best for his daughter. Speaking of fathers, it was really fun and ironic moment between yi-chan and eun-gyeol at the music shop. I was like, wow, he is actually behaving like his father and not the other way around. Even though I was suprised at THAT eun eun moment, I always watch for the father-son comedy duo and mother-father romance. Also that rock-paper-scisors moment, my brand of comedy. Can't wait for the next episode.


the plan I devised on sunday to watch 1 episode a day so I could be caught up right in time for next week's episodes has failed miserably everybody is too adorable and I need all the happiness in all the timelines, that >!cartoon confession/lets be friends request!< might be the cutest thing I've ever seen I didn't find EY's behavior objectionable to begin with, but at least we got a little more of why being Se Kyung jr had her ready to disappear also, one or two overbearing/bad paternal figures in a drama is whatever, but we are pushin like 4 at this point bby lets simmer down a bit this is not sky castle lol




Listing some favourite quotes from episode 10: - "Let yourself twinkle while you can. Do things that make your heart flutter. It won't make your world come crashing down." ↬ Eun Ho. - "Life didn't have to be perfect to shine. It's the little moments that make your life twinkle." ↬ Eun Ho. - ["You own your feelings, and I own mine."](https://imgur.com/gallery/VCsu7Pg) ↬Cheong Ah - "Viva la Vida" (Long live life) ↬ Frida Kahlo. Ps. Watermelon Sugar sounds such a sweet name for the band. I appreciate the Yi Chan and Cheong Ah scenes we got. 💞 Se Kyeong was really something else and I really feel for Eun Yu.


Also I like the quote I'm seeing around about Yi Chan's dramatic fall: "She fell first, he fell backwards." 😭


maybe im just delusional but the way eun gyeol >!looks at eun yu!< makes my heart skip a beat like 😵‍💫 ryeons eyes are so expressive (i am probably delusional) the way >!eun gyeol smiled at eun yu when she came in during the rehearsal 💓💓!< not to mention how shyly yi chan was looking away when he saw >! chung ah!< like maybe i didn't see it but i swear his eyes darted towards >!chung ah first which is like <3!< theres such an innocence to these characters which just fills your heart up <333


You’re not delusional. His loving gazes are very “heart fluttering.”


I can’t wait till he finds out Eunyu is from the same timeline as him because whatever he’s feeling right now will be the doubled by then. The only thing stopping him from fully accepting he’s head over heels for her is because he thinks she’s an ahjumma 😭


Not me laughing so hard, I drooled when Eun Gyeol panics after giving Yi Chan a nose bleed hahaha


He sang Tears in Heaven beautifully.


Is that his real voice? I’m really in love!


Korean actors are so talented, I always assume they sing for real.


This was beautifully done and the beauty of the song added to the swoon of the moment, like you really are falling in love together with them.


Yes lived that scene🥺❤️


It’s impossible for her not to fall for him after that


Episode 9: The chasing scene is so high school coded, I love it!! I see that lots of people don’t really like Eunyu-Eungyeol but I think it’s also interesting to see their story. Their combo is incredibly chaotic and I’m here for it! Chungah throwing her stuff at Eungyeol is so funny whicbsjbfne At this point, I just enjoy Eungyeol being chaotic with everyone (in sharp contrast with his mild manners with everyone in the present time). Definitely, one of the benefits of the time travel is for him to lose the responsibility of being his family’s connection to the world and just be a kid/an 18-year-old boy. In that regard, Eunyu must be the writer’s way of not writing too much heartbreak for our boy Eungyeol (as they won’t have to suffer the usual time travel romance dilemma). Overall, a great episode still. I can’t wait for more!!


> Definitely, one of the benefits of the time travel is for him to lose the responsibility of being his family’s connection to the world and just be a kid/an 18-year-old boy. This is definitely ***the*** best benefit to EG. Even if he said he’s stressed with his parents, he still got to do silly things he wouldn’t do in present time, including falling in love.


HAHAHHA arguably Eun Gyeol does seem considerably more stressed in 1995, no thanks to >!his super chaotic dad!< 😂😂😂


Even my dad has never beat me before! I've said it before and will say it again. The writers better not be cowards and take the easy way out. Let the parents remember of their 18 y/o selfs with Eun Gyeol. I want to see Yi Chan feeling incredibly embarrassed about thinking of Eun Gyeol as his love rival and how Eun Gyeol kept c*ckblocking him from anyone but Cheong Ah. But it is also nice to have children go back in history to see their parent when they were Yi Chan/Cheong Ah/themselves. Growing up, kids usually know their parents as "Mom" and "Dad", but not as themselves — which is kinda sad because it feels like part of parenthood means giving up a chunk of your identity. When Eun Gyeol mentioned about how little he knew about his parents in the convenience store, it made me feel somewhat guilty and sad.


I really regret watching this on an ongoing basis, I just can’t wait 🥹🥹 I hope this show will just stay light and won’t have any tragic episodes btw, I really like Eun Yu and Eun Gyeol and how clingy they are with each other, they have this “I kind of need you” atmosphere in their scenes. Is it just me? And Eun Gyeol and Yi Chan is on another level, why are they so sweet? I am trying my best not to ship them too HAHAHAH 😂😂 I also want to see more of Cheong Ah and Yi Chan, he is very gentle with her but is very wild with the others 🥰🥰 I can’t wait for this week to pass, aigoo


the parents chemistry!!! I loooveeee


I am so hyped for a new episode after what happened at the end of the episode 8. I think Yi Chand and Cheong Ah will come closer in this episode and so will Eun Gyeol and Eun Yu. I think finally we will get more scenes for both couples to be.


EP9: Eun-gyeol is a shiba sky fr 😂 This show does such a good job at showing how everyone has an inner goofball inside of them, even your parents who you often can't think of as anything other than an adult from the moment you're born. EP10: This entire episode was cracking me up and catching me off guard. All I want is to see these guys twinkle forever. There's some horrific parenting but to see these kids find a way to smile through it with their highschool sweethearts is making my heart warm. That preview has me in shambles but hoping for more wholesome moments next week


Hey! Today is Shin Eun Soo's birthday!


This Drama is such a treat, like it's so hard to wait for the episodes.


I couldn’t stop laughing during their fight, especially when it looked like they were dancing at each other towards the end. I love this show so much. Definitely in love with Eun Gyeol. He is such a wonderful character that I can’t get enough of him. I would be smitten as well if I was Eun Yu. I hope the ending isn’t a teaser! This show just keeps getting better, which is rare in shows that I’ve been watching. So impressed with all of it and will be sad when it’s gone.


Need more Cheong Ah and Eun Gyeol...please


Helper!? - Eun Gyeol


Yi chan might be my favourite ml in any kdrama ever! He’s the sweetest, purest and gentle soul in the whole world, Fr, the guy shines so brightly, I’m in love with his character like there’s no way anyone could ever hate him.


Me too. I always like how he can make a supposedly awkward scene so funny and natural. That’s a talent in acting for me.


"hi. thank you for saving me the last time. also i'm sorry... because i didn't know that you saved me" yichan really practiced a lot to talk with cheongah using sign language 😭🩷


Haha cute potato ball🥺🤭❤️❤️


**Episode 10:** * >!Breaking up!< through your [brother](https://imgur.com/8zP4Gkl) LMAAAOOOO * [cellist girl???](https://imgur.com/lGqekNj) There are no coincidences in Kdramas ok * Buahahhaa that's the worst possible flashback he could've recalled at this moment * [OHHH MYY GODDDDDD](https://imgur.com/I94xGoV) * >!Chung-ah's nod and Yi-chan falling off the chair is the best chaotic reaction to a confession alright.. It's right up the alleyway next to the confession reaction!< in Shooting Stars * The way she's so nonchalant>! about the kiss should be a dead giveaway for the fact she isn't from 1995!< lmao * Chung-ah's stepmom is so shitty and infuriating... she makes my blood boil * oh boy.. [that's dark](https://imgur.com/TrKqCqE)... >!Se-gyeong you were a terrible mother!< Lorddd * "I should've known better when the name of the band was First Love Memory Manipulators." HAHAHAHA * SHE CALLED HIM A >!BOOMER!< COME ONNNN... the reveal to Eun-gyeol better be worth it. * I LOVE LOVE LOVE [THIS](https://imgur.com/frN574I) SO MUCH * Watermelon Sugar is catchier than First Love Memory Manipulators which was a mouthful oks * I want to see [this](https://imgur.com/S4xo3mj) guy in 2023 * Wait wait... >!is Hyun Yul the cause of Yi Chan's accident???!<




I hope they’ll show the bts of the father-son duo fight scene. The production crew must have had a good laugh filming those scenes, it’s freaking hilarious! 😂 Also, we still haven’t seen the band practiced properly for once. At this rate, they fight more than they play the instruments 😅


Episode 10 Man, can that ***** of a stepmom just get into the accident that robbed Yi Chan of his hearing already? F***ing ***** should just go deaf and see how its like on the other side. F*** my blood boils so much whenever I see her nasty face. I'm here to enjoy my comedy and heartwarming show, can she not ruin the moment?


**Episode 9:** - My sister and I cackled the first 10 minutes. >!Their fight was so hilarious. I totally lost it when Yi Chan and Eun Gyeol started to pull each other's hair.!< 😂 - [Just Cheong Ah helping her crush to run away. ](https://imgur.com/gallery/5fIIbIa) - >!Eun Gyeol [found out](https://imgur.com/gallery/AONYs7r) that his mom has a crush on Yi Chan.!< Side note: Cheong Ah's diary look so cute! ♡ - I like the band's [new practice](https://imgur.com/gallery/KzwfWJu) place, would love to spend some time there! - ["If I saw you in heaven, would it be the same?"](https://imgur.com/gallery/9VcnRk0) - I'm finally warming up to Eun Gyeol and Eun Yu's loveline. I love some good enemies to lovers story. :] Patiently waiting for tomorrow~


It’s so good. Really comforting and heartwarming. I’m having so much fun watching


Who do you guys think Secret Helper is? >! It has to be Eun Yu that Eun Gyoel doesn't know about. Eun Gyoel thinks it may be Hyun Yul ( Bass Player). He does fit the bill that he doesn't have any family and lives in Bands room. But he has not done something explicitly to help Eun Yeol yet. But We have never gotten his back story. But why would the helper arrive first it has to be Eun Yu who came after Eun Gyoel I think they will join hands once they are a couple in episode 11 I think !<


Yeah. I also think >!Eun Yu is the secret helper here.!<


Seeing the Ep 10 previews, I think it makes a bit more sense why present-day Yi Chan may be against Eun Gyeol being in a band - especially if prepping for the festival is how he lost his hearing? It also sounds like the accident in 1995 was caused by a fellow band member during rehearsals?


irdgaf abt yall’s gripes on eunyu or eunyu & eungyeol or whatever but their interactions in this episode got me screaming, giggling & kicking my feet ✨


Why do people dislike 2eun couple in this sub?


I like them a lot. For EG’s parents, we already know their ending — that they’ll get married in the future. But for Eun-Eun, the element of “unknown” makes it a bit more exciting to watch. That’s why I’m all ears and eyes when they have scenes together.


I’m not sure, maybe they just favor the parents more. But I love them, I actually watch it initially because of Seorina. She’s so pretty and cool 🥰🥰


I love them a lot..! They really have very good chemistry from the beginning.


I love them, lol. But then again, I'm always a fan of bickering enemies-to-lovers. Ig the dislike might be due to disappointment of not seeing enough of mother/father and their interactions with the so which is what the show seemed to center around in the first few episodes. Ik I'm in the minority but I do enjoy the eun eun pair a bit more than mother/father.


I love both couples tbh! And I was surprised to learn from this sub that the 2eun are actually the main leads and not yichan- cheongah. 🤪


Hyun yul is really funny tho.


Does anyone know the song that Yi Chan sings in episode 10? It's so beautiful. And the guitar is so nicely played. The english goes like "Your silence, makes my lips dry..." Update: I just found it by looking up that verse. It's a cover of 이루어 질 수 없는 사랑 (1971) - 양희은 /한글가사


The stories suddenly shift so much to focus on Eun Yu 😓 we could barely see Chung Ah and the interaction between the father-and-son duo... I want to see more interaction between Eun Gyeol and his younger mom and dad. That is the best part of the show! I really love how Eun Gyeol was holding hands with Chung Ah when they were walking together 😍 Plus, I am trying my best to ignore all the questions that come with Eun Yu pretending to be her mother, but the fact that they actually have her exposed to a lot of people by going to the school is quite messy. At this point, they just want to ignore anything else as long as they can have her as a big part of the story. While I am yet to see why her character is important.


I feel like that's the purpose. We already know that Yi Chan and Cheong Ah end up together if things play out normally, but now they have to deal with time travelers. So the focus of the story is on the 2 time travelers and how they mess everything up or it's just a paradox. Simply put, her character is important because she is also a time traveler just like the ML. Realistically both ML and FL are pointless since they are just invading Yi Chan and Cheong Ah's story. I understand why they can't make Cheong Ah the absolute focus since she is deaf and doesn't speak, but her screen time even though she doesn't say anything is always the best. Eun Su and In Ah are cute together anyways.


Eun Yu and Eun Geyol are currently at cross purposes. >!He is trying to get his parents to fall in love with each other. Eun Yu wants to commit suicide by having her mother fall in love with her first love - being guessed as Yi Chan so we then no longer exists in the future. But if that were to happen, then Eun Geyol would not exist either. They both time travel, but at some point if they each learn each other's secrets, then things will change in terms of objectives and relationships - in 2023 he wanted to be free to play music and she wanted to be free by not being complelled to play music like her mother.!<


I like the chaotic vibe. It feels so refreshing. Like you just do whatevee tf you want


I’m hoping they make up for it in ep 10


Not hating on Eun Yu, but I'm quite disappointed by the last few episodes that clearly show the writer is really pushing her to the story. Maybe it's because of my initial expectation that made me watch this drama — to see more of the son-parent interaction at the same age and also to enjoy the background love story of Yi Chan & Cheong Ah. The way they pushed Eun Gyeol and Eun Yu to be attracted to each other just seems odd to me. Like when one of them see the other one and then all of sudden they're staring in an awe. I just don't think their relationship is deep enough to form a romantic bond. Maybe enemies-to-lovers trope just isn't my cup of tea. But other than that, I thoroughly enjoyed the story so far and still looking forward to next episodes.


>to see more of the son-parent interaction at the same age and also to enjoy the background love story of Yi Chan & Cheong Ah. Me too! I think that is why I don't really enjoy Eun Yu's character because I think her character set-up is resulting in less of that.


I think it’s because they are building Eun Gyeol and Eun Yu.


The fact that the show can alternate between hilarious and touching and take us along on this ride with the characters is a testament to the charm and acting of all four leads. Other than the fight scene between father and son n the chase scenes, I loved the scene between Yi Chan and Cheong Ah when he was flipping through her sketchbook. We held our breath at the same time as he did! And the song Eun Gyeol sang under the stars as if he had a guitar in his hands, our jaws dropped as well at the sincerity and sweetness of how the song was sung from one 18 yr old to another. Whatever the plot twists that will unfold in this show, moments like this will stick in our memories for TW is no ordinary time travel show. First love, familial ties, friendship and bromance are manipulated to keep us on the edge of our seats n rewatching episodes while waiting for the next one to drop. I think the writing may not entirely be top notch n the writers may be playing catch up to close the plotholes they forgot about earlier but it is still a fun ride that catches hold of our hearts and makes us smile and laugh at a time when it is not so easy to find lightness and humour in kuniverse much less our own.


i really need someone to explain to me how Eun Yu would change her moms future considering she’s not her mom? or is she, did she become her mom in the past? its not like eun gyeol became his father he just traveled back in time. so is her mom in the US? and if she is how is she changing her future considering she ja not her?? i literally feel dumb


I *think* she's just in the early stages right now of trying to figure out who her mom's first love is... and then once she figures it out she could move forward with a different plan that focuses more on matchmaking and getting her mom back to Korea. HOW she plans on doing that I have no idea but she has to figure out who the first love was before anything else. At least that's what I'm hoping. I also really hope it is addressed at some point because otherwise it's a really poor plot hole in an otherwise very well written show.


It's a dumb plan don't worry. Her mom is in the US. I think she thinks she'll be able to get the guy to love her mom and that when her mom comes back she'll be like ok sure why not


You're not alone. At this point all we can do is wait and watch and hope the writers won't disappoint.


Helper Theory: >!It can't possibly be all the people shown in the promo, one possible candidate is Yoon Dong Jin from the future, as HGE mentions in the promo (we do see someone walking with a guitar case), as HGE probably messed up his future, by keeping him from meeting the bandmates. or maybe someone unexpected, like his brother.!< And as usual for KDramas HGE and Eun Yu will only figure out each other's secret on Ep 15 and help each other.


Eun Gyeol’s brother would be fun, but since he’s supposedly dating Eun Yu that will cause some hijinx (but she did mention him as only a friend today so maybe he took her friendship as dating).


I don't think Eun Gyeol is brother dating Eun Yu because She is here for suicide and not even once she seems like she was thinking about someone else. I think it's pretty clear that She is in love with Eun Gyeol and now it will start complicating things. I also think Eun Yu is the helper Master mentioned to Eun Gyoel. I think they will become a couple and will help each other solve their parents issues.


HGE brother's GF may be Eun Yu's friend or schoolmate since he mentioned she doesn't know how to sign and Eun Yu does and also the showrunners clearly want us to think she is. Besides looks like HGE and Eun Yu are gonna end up together, and bringing his brother into that mix will be.. .. then again I forgot this is KDrama land we are in, so no one can be sure.


I’m curious then who his girlfriend is that’s a cello player who is pretending to be deaf.


Maybe Eun Yu’s friend who committed suicide was going deaf, and that’s why she was friends with Eun Gyeol’s brother, and also why Eun Yu knows or was learning sign language? Then there’d be two cello-playing girls in 2023? Se Gyeong mentioned the girl who committed suicide was first chair - losing her hearing could make her depressed? Also, Eun Gyeol’s brother said she was pretending to be deaf - but maybe he misunderstood or didn’t consider she could be losing her hearing? UPDATE my theory appears to be off: >!Eun Yu is most likely the helper who Eun Gyeol has to help first before they can help him? Also figured out from EP 1 that Eun Gyeoul’s brother was so excited about a social media comment from Eun Yu (metaphor_ON - and Eun Yu means “metaphor”) - so these brothers (and the father) seem to definitely like the same-looking girl 😢!<


I still think the helper is Eun Yu and not anyone else and I think they will join hands in episode 11 to fix the problems of each other's parents.


Too early for a KDrama, Ep 15 at the earliest, that too after a bit of misunderstanding and then angst. And we'll have some dream time traveling too, only had that once. It's time for Eun Yu to go.


No usually couples form at episode 10 or 11 in every Romcom Kdrama. I think before the festival in episode 11 and 12 we will have both of the couples of the show and the big angst part of the show will be Yi Chan's accident or I think Eun Gyeol will get hurt trying to save Yi Chan from something.


Loved the opening scene between the brothers. The father-son and mother-son interactions were great but back in Ep1 first scene I thought the focus of the show was gonna be centred on the 2 good looking brothers. Especially with the fire-scare.


The bromance is on point, those guys are just too funny when they’re together!


#Ep 10 ##And the worst mother of the year goes to….. Choi Se Gyeong Now I am superbly curious how did such a >!good natured person grow up to be such a terrifyingly bad mother?!< 😱😱😱


mostly generational trauma…


Nah that belongs to Chung Ah's adopted mom or whatever she is


Just gonna throw this out there but instead of “Come as you are” the band should probably play “About a Girl” as their Nirvana cover… Anyway: Eun Gyeol probably caused too many changes in the timeline and the Master sent Eun Yu(who conveniently is the spitting image of her mother) to rectify some mistakes by having a somewhat opposite goal to him.


hoping someone knows the songs they practiced during their band rehearsals & the one they sang while infiltrating chungah's school 🥹 tried finding them but it was a long shot :"(


not sure about the band rehearsal but they sang Lee Moon Sae's sunset glow at chungah's school (There's a remake by bigbang too if you wanna check that out!)


So many of the songs they’re playing are ones I remember hearing when watching Reply 1988. The band’s practice song sounded like the one playing in Reply ‘88 episode 10 when they’re picking up Dyong Ryong from the beach. Here’s all the songs played on the show (according to YouTube): https://www.reddit.com/r/KDRAMA/s/H3suZjg4G5


This drama keeps getting chaotic lol. This is what writers should focus on while writing a youth drama. They write teenagers really smart (even smarter than adults)with little to no flaw, plus they either focus on romance or academic competition. Youth period is a golden period and this drama makes sure to so especially after writing a character like Yi Chan. This will be my second option for drama of the year after Moving.


I predict this week we will see Yi Chan enroll in a sign language class so he can have some genuine communication with Chung Ah. I am already imagining how happy and shocked she will be when this happens. Please please release faster!


**Episode 9:** * The way he looks at Chung-ah before stating his condition though * LMAOOO [ANOTHER PLOT TWIST](https://imgur.com/qgbs39c) * [THIS IS NUTSSS](https://imgur.com/i9en0tB) * Damn [this kid](https://imgur.com/Gimni8J) is goood * ["Shiba Sky"](https://imgur.com/tWfKs1j) does sound like a swear word XDDDD I don't blame him * [His frustration](https://imgur.com/aUCPojx) is so real though XD * >!That truce!< was so hilarious... the way he tried to intimidate Eun-gyeol XDDD * But >!Yi-chan's grandma pleading his case to her own grandson and being honest!<... so many feels * Does [this](https://imgur.com/XOCvGfs) count as a PPL for Dyson's Airwrap though? * [Oh Lord](https://imgur.com/g3aXQow).... I CAN'T * I loved the fact Eun-gyeol figured out >!why Chung-ah was mad at him without even her explaining and then went on to apologize to her and make things right for her!<.... so touching man.. * Whoaaaa [that](https://imgur.com/QB8ymao) was some really good metaphor... 10/10 * DID RYEOUN ACTUALLY SING [THAT](https://imgur.com/ENlq8Qx)??? * "Then it hit me. In the Spring of 1995, I was also 18."


This ep actually made me believe the theory that >!eun yu is actually eungyeol bro's gf?? Cuz I saw someone saying that in the very first ep we got to see eunho's gf's inta id which said metaphor_on and the Korean word eun yu apparently translates to metaphor in English and On as in "On eunyu" and also in this ep we saw eunyu using sign language with Cheongah and y'all remeber how eunho said the girl was actually faking to be deaf! And plays cello which perfectly matches with eunyu?? But if that's true then after they both return it'll be so darn awkward tho-- i am so confused!< And also i need more of Cheongah and yichan!! I am not really a huge fan of eun-eun couple I mean they're cute >!but considering the fact eunyu might be eunnho's gf is kinda pulling me away from the ship!< And also eunyu's plan literally makes no sense to me-- cuz even if she finds her mom's first love how is she gonna get them together when her mom is abroad?? And also her mom is abroad rn but in the past we also see her mom talking about the festival where her first love played in a band does that mean >!she actually returns from abroad for a short while(?) and sees him play in a band and then realises her feelings?? and then goes back again?!<


my theory is that >!segyeong lied to eunyu abt her first love, that first love wasn’t real and she was just fantasizing about what would’ve happened if her life never turned that way and she met a different guy, bc if she has a first love then it would’ve happened way before she left for the US and they would’ve acted much differently to her than everybody else (because they’re either exes or good enough friends/acquaintances)!<


That actually makes so much sense!! >!and also some are stating that sekyeong's first love might actually just be her current ex-husband and she just is reminiscing how he used to be back then and how much he'd changed!/how he is like a complete new person now!<


I am NOT looking forward to whatever accident that they're hinting at is gonna happen later. Oh my god.


I have to say I really see the difference with Ryeoun in this role vs. Secret Romantic Guesthouse. I didn’t buy the romance there at all — whether it was bad acting or bad chemistry, I don’t know—and felt he was really overrated. But this time, I am all in! When he looks at Seol In Nah (who I also loved in Business Proposal) I can feel the attraction. I’m wondering if maybe SIN is just a great actor? After steaming up the screen in Business Proposal, her SML there (Kim Min Kyu) absolutely sucked in his next drama. Maybe she brings the mojo, but however it gets there, I’ll take it!!


That was a modern camera held by Eunyu yes? Hopefully Eungyeol noticed it eventually!!


>That was a modern camera held by Eunyu yes? No. The camera that Eun-yu was holding is *probably* a [Canon AE-1](https://global.canon/en/c-museum/product/film93.html), a film camera


Yah I kept hoping that she show a gadget that is modern. The only modern thing I saw so far was her Dyson hair dryer, but I think that's going to be hard for Eun Gyeol to spot unless he goes to her house? 😂


It was not, she got it out from her mothers cupboard.


I still need to watch episodes 7 & 8 but I’m loving this show so far. It feels so fresh compared to most shows and is a fun watch.


Ep 10: This drama is amazing! The father-son duo are so cuuuute and hilarious. I love how Yi Chan brings out the childish side in Eun Gyeol (because Yi Chan himself can be quite childish lol). >!I laughed so hard when they were deciding who was going to deliver the news to Se Gyeong and the two of them, without missing a beat, just went into the most intense rock-scissor-paper battle of all time 😂 And when Yi Chan fell over backwards from the shock of Cheong Ah's confession lol!< I love the four leads, they are all so lovely and charming in their roles!


unrelated but why is the show's name "twinkling watermelon", i've just been so curious


[Not confirmed] but I heard rumours that in epsiode 10 >!the band's name will change to "Watermelon Sugar".!< And Eun Gyeol wants his dad to "twinkle" (shine) so in that way it makes sense.


>!Confirmed today's ep (10)!< ^


there’s a few watermelon-related things in there (sekyeong’s fav ice cream is watermelon sugar, cheongah’s keychain) but not much else 😭


It is the first time I am looking forward to the second lead couple more than our main couple. I just want more Yichan and Cheung Ah scenes. I got enjoyed when their scenes got cut and we see Eun gyeol and Eun Yu again. I even like Eun gyeol and Yichan scenes better. Only 6 more episodes so I hope more Yichan and Cheung Ah. I think Yichan will still be going to be deaf but I am really hoping Eun Gyeol can prevent it.


I must have some serious issues. 😅 Eun Yu's character strikes every nerve in me; her illogical actions and immaturity make me struggle with this episode.


Thank you for speaking my mind 😬 Maybe that's also why I'm not really up for Eun Gyeol - Eun Yu pairing unlike Yi Chan - Cheong Ah


Not liking too much focus on Segyeong/Eunyu in Ep 9. Her character starts to annoys me. Hope in the next episodes, they give us more scenes between Cheongah, Eungyeol, and Yichan.


Y1eah I'm kind of upset that they are sort of sidelining cheongahlike she seems like an afterthought in these eps


I kinda want to see the Shibu-sky mix Se-gyeong is referring to.


Shiba-Sky(pronounced as -ski) closely resembles a Korean swear word -->>! \[RedActed :(\]!<