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How are we already at episodes 11 & 12 😭 Ep11: Are you IU🤣😭Please you couldn't say that near him? But then the >!Squid Game !< like come on WHY DIDN'T YOU REALIZE Ha Eun Gyeol The island scenes 😭 The way I thought Yi chan was going to get >!jumped !! spoke too soon !< Talking about lame dramas and then pulling the wrist move 🤣 So weekend tears from Castaway Diva and mon/tues tears from Twinkling Watermelon Ep12: If there is big trauma in this episode 😶🙂🔪 I mean it makes sense as to why he would say >!he lied !!Shit Chung Ha took herself out of the race before she even tried!< Question who do they have for the singing parts? Screaming look down at the luggage tag. >!Yes he found his helper and all but when are they going to realize the actual reason. AND ANOTHER THING 🤣😂 him still thinking that it is actually Se Kyeong, is funny but creepy at the same time!<


The chemistry between Eun-gyeol and Yi-chan is so good. When Eun-gyeol >!started crying after Yi-chan told him that he had called to cancel the rehearsal,!< I got emotional too. It tugged at my heart and again >!in the last scene when the clock hit midnight!<. The writers have done an amazing job with developing all the characters and never disappoints with the storyline. All the actors have delivered amazing performances. Not many more episodes left but I'd love to continuing watching past 16 episodes just for the sheer enjoyment of seeing the interactions between our leads. Also shed tears this weekend for Castaway Diva too. Four days of tears in a row and I keep wanting more.


I want this to last longer damnit


SAME! Like the wait for mon/tues is so long and then even though I'm fully engaged in the episode, it goes by so quickly😭


Oh and when Eun Yoo used the slang "Kkondae" on Eun Gyeol lmao. I'm pretty sure it's only widely used in the present.


Like they both know how to use beepers but failed to realize that modern references are being made by them in 1995 😭 It is nitpicking but that has been frustrating me because they're so close


I, number 1 Ha Yi Chan + Cheong Ah supporter is here. Ready for new eps as always. 💞


Viva la Vida !!! 🍉🍉🍉✨✨


EP11: This was it. The perfect episode and my favourite so far. Just the perfect blend of suspense, light-heartedness and beautifully meaningful moments. I was not anticipating the Tokyo Revengers style subplot and even all the takeouts had me on the edge of my seat. This show makes sure that every second has a role especially when it's called back to in future. Also found it hilarious seeing Eun-gyeol and Se-gyeong let all their future Kdrama knowledge slip 😂 The previews tho, only this show could have angst between couples which aren't official yet EP12: This was heart wrenching in both the best and worst ways 😭 Guess that's part of what love is


Skipped the cute dating era and went straight to angst between Cheongchan 😂


So true!! This show makes sure to make every single scene count, which you can FEEL!!


you stated my thoughts exactly - hit all the notes perfectly


I really wonder if what is the purpose for Eun Gyeol and Eun Yu to be sent back to the past. I’ve always thought that their actions won’t change the future and this trip back to the past was for them to learn things about themselves and to view life differently. Perhaps Eun Yu will learn not to blame herself for her friend’s death and start living for herself, and not her mom. Perhaps Eun Gyeol was to learn that his family can be happy even if he lives his own life. Even with disabilities, his family is happy. Of course, part of me wishes that dad will not lose his hearing and that Chung Ah will continue to be a chaebol daughter lol. But maybe it’s just about learning that life does not have to always go your way for you to live life to the fullest.


That’s what I thought too initially but we’re already so far in and it seems like them time travelling, especially Eungyeol, is changing how things have happened in the timeline. In the present, Oh Majoo is managing Yoon Dongjin but so far we see in the past, the two individuals have no connections at all. I still can’t figure out how this drama is gonna end 😂


Same here! But actually I realised they haven’t really changed the future yet. Maybe they were just sent to the past to learn and change their own view on life. Eun Gyeol and Eun Yu both think that changing the past (dad not going deaf, Eun Yu mom marrying first love) will solve their problems. But what if that’s not why they are sent to the past. Maybe they are just there to change their view on life and not to change what has already happened, and they’ll be sent back to the same future. But like I said, part of me still wants to see the future changed. I want to see Chung Ah’s step mom get kicked out 😆


I think they are just sent to the past to have a future together haha


Yes! Eun Yu needs a happy, healthy family like Eun Gyeol’s and it’s a bonus that she can already sign & can communicate with them. It’ll also help Eun Gyeol who has always felt alone being his family connection to the world. Idk if they’ll really change the future but I’m pretty sure they were sent back together to meet and be each other’s future.


Yeah that’s what I thought. Eun Gyeol has to realize that his Dad doesn’t think the accident changed his life for the worst, but it actually changed it for the better. Because of the accident he was able to meet his wife and have two beautiful children. Their disability is not a burden to them which is why they want Eun Gyeol to live his own life the way he wants it.


All valid points but I think eun gyeol is also motivated to prevent the accident because he doesn’t want to grow up alone in the world and bear all the responsibility of being his family’s connection to the world


Yes this!! 🙌🏻🙌🏻 in ep 11 you can really sense his desperation and reasoning behind why he >!truly wanted to change his dad’s life!<


YES. I loved loved this "twist" Not that he doesn't care about his dad, but there is another very deep layer of motivation for him and honestly HE deserves a hearing dad more than the dad deserves to be hearing. I don't care if Yi Chan loses his hearing for himself, because being deaf isn't some terrible curse--he made a wonderful life for himself, but I do want so badly for EG to live his life feeling connected and like he can live it for himself alone.


Agree that his dad doesn't think his life changed for the worst. One thing I'm really confused about is how his father lost his voice. His father lost his hearing as a teenager after he learned how to speak so he should be able to speak, shouldn't he? He just won't be able to hear the response.


Did he really lose his voice though? I don’t remember it being explicitly told that way. Personally, if I became deaf tomorrow, I wouldn’t bother speaking. I feel like EG YC and EY have all been using speech and sign language simultaneously because Chung Ah is new to signing at the moment. Otherwise it seems redundant. (Calling out all Italians that speak and “sign” at the same time lmao)


Eungyeol would speak while signing to his dad in the early episodes but that’s probably just a creative choice to make it easier for the viewers


I think rather than changing the future.. I think they are their to change their mindset and views in life.. I think Eun Gyeol is there to appreciate the life he has with his family more and essentially see what they have been through so he does not feel so isolated anymore.. Or maybe he can also change his father's view on bands then Yi Chan can also support Eun Gyeol's future love for music.. For Eun Yu then she would get healed and move on from her depression.. I still think Yi Chan would lose his hearing somewhat, more like a chronic kind of thing as he kept getting that ringing sound.. I don't think the storm has come yet too for both Yi Chan and Chungah as well.. The gang still isn't caught and Chungah's evil stepmom has not even started to do something.. Soooo there is still a lot of room for the future to still go as it is supposed to or well end up too as the present(1995) has changed..


IA. For now it seems like the worst is over, that Eun Gyeol has managed to prevent the accident and he’s even the one who convinced Chung Ah’s dad that signing will make her happy. But I’m also nervous at how Hyun Yul’s ex gang is still out there, and still haven’t gotten their revenge. And they might come back with something worse. Not forgetting that Eun Gyeol was the reason why Chan Yi was beaten up while putting up posters and Hyun Yul confronted his ex gang about it. Maybe in the original timeline, Hyun Yul was the one they were going for but Chan Yi was the victim. But now Chan Yi is the target. We also see Chung Ah’s stepmom getting upset at the dad for looking at the photo of Chung Ah and her mom. This happened because Eun Gyeol interfered and Chung Ah’s dad began to show more concern for Chung Ah. Stepmom had only wanted to isolate Chung Ah but now she may do something worse. Keeping fingers crossed!!


Same thoughts. If I'm not mistaken, the master said "enjoy the trip", not anything about solve problems. So, to me seems that it's a journey to knowing themselves.


I have a theory. Yi Chan deafness is actually genetic and not due to some accidents, so regardless what Eun Gyeoul do his dad will be deaf. The lesson he need to learn in the past is that his parent are happy before him and will continue to be happy when he leave the family to pursue career in music. Also that he need to realize his father dream and love for music as well


I love how everyone is commenting their (very well thought out) theories and here I am with no brain just vibes lol Anyway, how is it episode 11 & 12 already?!


A lot of people in Twitter complain about the lack of CheongChan couple screen time. For me, the story has always centered around Eun Gyeol so it’s natural that scenes would be mostly with him.


I agree. As much as I love cheong ah.....she's not the main character. It's always been about eun gyeol and his dad


Damn Ep 11 is a tear jerker. Yichan and Eun Gyeol have the best chemistry, I really love the EunEun couple and the idea that they are too lovey dovey with each other, but the two guys are on a different level. I saw from the bts how close Seorina and Ryeoun are, I’m curious how it is with Ryeoun and Choi Hyun Wook. When I first saw CHY in Racket Boys, he and Kim Kang-hoon are the closest in the drama and they definitely formed a bond in real life too. I cried so hard during the island scene and the ending, having someone who care for you so much is damn so touching. I hope they became such good friends as well in rl too.


I ugly cried when they were on the beach and Yi Chan said he would stay. They are the top couple in the drama.


Yi Chan has fallen so deep for Chung Ah but he doesnt realized it yet, that dummy. SES's voice is so smoothing and her eyes acting are so amazing, feel so heartbroken for her urgh,


I think he realized it the moment he asked her why she wanted to be his friend and said she liked him. That felt like an accusation to me. Kind of like "Aren't you gonna finish what you started?" I just want cheong ah to believe she is worthy of love just as she is. The boy wore out a whole sign language book trying to learn to talk to you. HE IS SMITTEN.


Gotta love teenagers. They don’t even realize how deep they’re in until it’s too late. Girl, that boy was waiting outside for you, learned signing and immediately wore the pick necklace you made him! Boy, that girl has been thinking about you every step of the way and doing her best to make sure you shine! Teenagers! Haha


He is sooooo into her


Although episode 12 was good, it felt like a filler episode. By now, both Euns should figure out they are from the same timeline as it felt like they are dragging this plotline. However, it was good to know that >!Eun Yu's mom's first love is actually her father!< . But I'm more invested to see how CheongChan became a couple. This doesn't happen often when you root for ML's parent's love story, right? Hope it gain traction in the next episode.


I feel like the way they introduced both the parents as deaf & mute but turns out the Dad could hear & speak in the past is what makes people drawn to their characters/relationship. Curiosity works! Also, the actors & chemistry are good so that’s that.


Exactly. And what if Yi Chan could hear the whole time and chose not to. May be for Cheong Ah and Eun Ho. I mean even he becomes deaf, he'd still be able to talk as he is not born deaf. But we didn't see him talking in the present time. I know it's absurd but its just a theory. A K-THEORY!


It can’t be helped, it’s a kdrama thing that they gotta hold us in suspense until Ep 14 at the earliest, if not 15.


After every ep, I can’t help but sigh in awe at how amazing RyeoUn’s performance is in this drama. Eungyeol is always taking us on an emotional roller coaster, one moment I feel his excitement with things then the next we’re sobbing with him like a baby 😭


He has elevated Eun Gyeol’s character to another level with his wonderful acting, and my heart breaks whenever he cries. Probably my current favorite character on TV.


He's SO earnest but in a way that seems completely genuine and believable and no matter how ridiculous he acts it never seems over the top. He absolutely anchors this show.


>! yichan !< being nervous and flustered while >! cheongah !< did his hair, also the extremely happy eungyeol seeing his parents while eunyu secretly took a photo of him 🥹


Still not done with ep 12 completely but man, EG is a fucking saint. Can he catch ONE break in his life, for god’s sake?? Even though he had moments of fun with the band and his budding romance, the past has still put the poor boy through the wringer. All the people he’s trying to protect, the lengths he’s gone just to see his loved ones happy – it’s all too much. Atp, I want that bad trope of the MC getting hurt so people around him realise his importance. Like please, stop hitting, accusing, yelling at him?? 😭 Ik his actions are pretty insane sometimes and he does spew alot of things that come off as bullshit but he’s so sweet and sincere and passionate about keeping his dad safe and his mom happy so let him breathe freely a little. That's all I want. I still continue to love this drama. It puts a smile on my face while making me cry buckets too. Love the main cast, love EG (Ryeoun is absolutely killing it!!!), love the storylines thus far and I eagerly await the wrap up of this insane plot.


#Ep 11 Eun gyeol’s >!confession/ plea with his dad at the cliff was so heartbreaking 💔!< From his POV, rather than seeing it as a blessing that he could >!communicate with the world normally!<, he saw it >!as being isolating as his family communicates differently!< and it was painful to see how much he hoped to >!change his dad’s life.!<


I was very frustrated this entire episode as I was anxiously waiting and fervently hoping that >!either of them would confess to the other that he/she is from the future. It is frustrating that we are going into episode 13/16 of this show and this still is unknown. !


Yess now I’m frustrated!! He had a good reason in ep 11 to not pick up the hint, but >! he’s been reflecting about her all this time and the SG ref doesn’t pop into mind??? Standing together in the rain during a moment of vulnerability doesn’t get either of them to expose they’re from the future? How about “I don’t care if you’re a 28 yr older woman in the future..” or why doesn’t she question him saying that in the first place? !< Ugh


He did say “I don’t care if you’re an ahjumma…”


I think they kind of sus about each other already, we will know next week, can’t wait. But hey Eun Gyeol doesn’t really care whether she’s from present or future and I’m all for it 🤣🤣☺️☺️


Ugh that is my one annoyance with this show. It’s dragging out too long and was hoping it would be over today. Now we have to wait another week!


Seriously! It’s so hard waiting, especially when we’ve been waiting this long already and she already dropped that >!Squid Game!< hint in episode 11!


I think tomorrow's episode everything should be revealed between eun eun. Also, it would be a kicker if third eun joined too. I personally think eun-ho was boasting about his cellist "girl" friend. I don't think there was anything serious going on, with having 4 other girlfriends.


I, too, think that the story about cellist girl was a one-sided crush. EY has not been shown to have a single though about her bf after arriving in 1995. If she really liked him, that wouldn't be the case.


the only thing she mentioned that was remotely close was that her deaf friend taught her a little bit of sign language a while ago. I wonder if when she temporarily lost her hearing that they became friends and he helped her learn OR she just made up a quick excuse to tell the band


I think it Eun Ho (the brother). To her it's just a fling, nothing serious but maybe he think they are dating. Once Eun Ho found out she's not deaf (she also has an episode where she lost her hearing and her mom thought she just pretending), Eun Ho taught her some basic sign language when they meet. That's what I think


I’m a sucker for rain-umbrella scenes, so that ending brought tears to my eyes. It was beautiful, but tell each other you’re from 2023 already so you can be together without the angst! Looks like no confession the next episode as well. Yi Chan and Cheong Ah were so cute and broke my heart. What are you doing to me, show?


I literally had tears in my eyes when Yi Chan and Cheong Ah were talking outside her house. He’s in love with her and can’t admit it to himself yet.


I’m a sucker for such scenes but I always giggled thinking if this was reality, we would both end up really wet and the umbrella pointless.


This damn drama always in my feels. I was bawling like a baby and had to bite my teeth so that my mom won't hear me. Eun-gyeol always at the scene of crime! I already had tears when he >!knelt in front of Yi-chan catching him off-guard. But when Yi-chan jumped in the waters to save Eun-gyeol and it interspersed with the future Yi-chan saving little Eun-gyeol!< I really couldn't control my tears. Eun-gyeol crying while >!hugging a shocked Yi-chan who hesitantly pats him.!< Ryeoun the actor that you are! I hope you get bigger projects soon. That scene alone makes this this drama one of the best to come out this year. I'm afraid it's gonna be top 2 dramas this yr. I was relieved when >!Eun-gyeol came to save Yi-chan from the thugs but the injury at the same place followed by the ringing sound in his ears !< doesn't assure me at all. At one point I thought what if Eun-gyeol loses his hearing instead when he got >!hit by the car.!< Cheong-ah's screentime was criminally low this ep and it makes me sad. I badly wanna see her story with Yi-chan and tomo's ep seems to promise that. I was happier for a minute when Eun-gyeol caught the >!Squid Game!< reference dropped by Eun-yoo but nooo he had to get distracted. Hope he realises that at least in next ep cause we need their romance soon now. I'm still on the fence about the closed loop theory but seeing how Eun-gyeol keeps thinking of Dong-jin's interview it looks like he really changed the events in the past and replaced Dong-jin as a band member. I'm nevertheless seated with bated breath.


I’m with you with EunEun romance, their holding hands in this episode is crazy hahaha


Episode 11 was such a perfect episode. I couldn't stop crying during the island scenes. Especially when >!Eungyeol kneeled down to Yichan, begging him not to go, and then the whole drowning scene and then Eungyeol sobbing in Yichan's arms.!< Basically the whole thing lol! I was crying so hard. I wonder if Yichan will believe Eungyeol about the whole >!"I'm your son from the future" since he seems to be believing it,!< especially with that ending. ​ ALSO SQUID GAME AND MY MISTER REFERENCES, EUNGYEOL PLEASE CONNECT THE DOTS I BEG! 😭 Isn't Eunyu going to run into her mother during the spring festival? Or... 👀 ​ Episode 12!!!! AHHH!! The reveal of her dad>! actually being her mom's first love!< I DID NOT SEE THAT COMING. EunEun enthusiasts, the ship is sailing!!! Next stop, tell each other the 'i am from the future' 🤣 Chung Ah and Yichan on the other hand, pain and pain only 😭


One thing just popped up in my mind after rewatching from the start: Eun-gyeol (in the new timeline) is basically the replacement for Yoon Dong-jin in the old timeline. Eun-yu is the replacement for her mother. => Se-gyeong's first love is Yoon Dong-jin?


I don't think eun yu is replacement for her mother because, in og timeline se gyeong was in the US. Eun yu is addition.


og timeline se gyeong went to the US AFTER festival


Se Gyeong's first love is her husband. Eun-yu can eat spicy food very well, her mom can't. I thought it was very obvious. I mean that's the irony - she wanted her mom stay with her first love, so, she won't exist. But it's her father! There's no other way for her.


yeah I thought I was so smart for thinking that the senior from the concert was her first love, not Yichan, but then I realized last episode I just missed that he was Eunyu’s dad 🤦‍♀️


I think you cracked it!


Se Gyeong’s first love or someone she misses is probably just her father. He too was in a band way before the indie scene started for their gen so may be she remembers seeing him playing music?, he seems too cold as he did not raise and gave her away, but still loves her and does things for her. Everything revolves around Viva La Vida.


That's a possibility.


#Ep 12 Yi Channnn-aaaaaa! OPEN YOUR EYES!!! WAKE UP!!! (In the **same** Yi Chan dramatic narrative voice) >!I hope he will realize who he really likes by next week!< 😂😂😂😂


The contrast has been done so brilliantly--the difference between boyish infatuation and adult love. They are running parallel paths here with two different women. I -loved- when we see him excited to see someone (thinking it's SK) only to find he's thrilled to see CA before the show. And notice how even though he dedicated the song to SK he didn't seem all that upset to not see her in the audience, but then went to obsessively find CA? I think that moment outside her house was when he accepted it for himself how he felt. Cause as immature as he seems, he is someone who knows himself quite well, and will follow his heart.


I think he already has!


I love this show but it was so funny that they are trying to avoid causing an accident by sending him in a boat and bus to an island and then jumping off of a cliff in water 😀


A few thoughts... looking back it some things were soo obvious that it hurts lol >!Like that THE festival wasn't the high-school festival but the the uni one that her mom already attended, she never attended the high-school one in the past because she didn't go back to Korea until she was older and also I remember people saying how Seo Gyeong as engaged to a university students in the first episodes but I never connect that to him being her future husband, and they purposely didn't show how he sang for her in the festival to fool us, I didn't even paid attention that the same actor that had a music battle with Yichan was the same actor that Seo Gyeong called dad in the hospital!<


Tbh I’m excited for the reveal. Idk why Eun Gyeol and Se Kyeong haven’t figured out that they’re from the same timeline but we’re heading into episode 13 & 14 and the reveal better happen. Like dude literally suspected her when she said squid games but didn’t try to pursue it. Like she said so many times that I know what it’s like to hide things and like I understand you. I thought Eun Gyeol was suppose to be really smart.


I took it as he didn't have time to process it. Also didn't it seem like he was questioning if it was something that was around in the 90s but wasn't quite sure ? I felt that way too


I wish Eun Gyeol would just see the Incheon airport tag and realize she’s from the future because there wasn’t an Incheon airport yet in 1995.


I wish I can go into my screen and yell at them that both of you are from 2023!!! 🤦🏻‍♀️ all the odd things they’ve said to each other yet neither of them finds it questionable


Poor Eungyeol, the writers really made him suffer in this episodes. He jumped off the cliff, got bump by a car, had a fight with the gangsters and even made him suffer through the rain. I really like his explanation why he wanted to save his father's hearing. Shin Eun Soo is really doing such a great job as Yoon Cheung Ah. She really made me cry even with her little scenes. Anyways, last four episodes, I just want Yichan and Cheung Ah more scenes please. I know they are going to end up together but younger Yichan and Cheung Ah has so much chemistry. It is such a shame their story is very very secondary. But she is still Eun Gyeol's mom :(


Hopefully we get more of them in the next few episodes. They are just too cute together!


I am absolutely loving this drama so far but I have a huge doubt about a plotline. So Se Kyung's daughter is living as her mother in Korea trying to change her mother's fate etc BUT didn't her mother go to the US and not return for like 30 years. Even if Eun Yu (I think that is the name of the daughter) manages to get the mysterious 'first live' of Se Kyung to fall in love with her and essentially Se Kyung, how is that going to change anything? I mean Se Kyung will continue to live her life in the US and fall in love and marry her future husband (who had also now shifted to the US). The daughter's plans are well intentioned but not really well thought out.


Her mother told her that guy serenaded her on the gestival, i assume Eun Yu doesn't know her mom isn't coming back


This makes sense. I forgot that she was surprised when Ha Eun Gyeul said that she was not supposed to come back.


I don’t think they've revealed the full extant of her plan yet.


I figured she was trying to get the guy to fall for her and then somehow get him to meet her mom in the US


No she is waiting for her mother to come back to the festival before that she needs to make her first love fall in love with her . So when mom comes everything will be ready.


No Eun Yu thinks that her mother attended the Festival because of her Mother mentioning that her first love sang Serenade for her. She just needs to make sure that her first love loves her back before the festival.


I have a massive gripe with this show....you know you can write a question and answer on the same piece of paper?!?! God damn stop wasting paper! Loving the series though.


They could even circle the stuff they said or make it like A: says etc


Ok. Watched it live for the first time. Yoon Dong Jin said many things in his interview, but two that I think are more important than the others. >!The first is that one member messing up real bad caused the band to blow up. The other is that one member got hurt real bad. I had always thought he was talking about the same person, Yi Chan, but after this episode, I realize that it could be two different people. The one who messes up is the bassist, and the one who gets hurt real bad is Yi Chan. A commonly used Korean phrase for screwing up is 사고치다, which is the phrase that means creating an accident. And Yoon Dong Jin used that phrase.!< Even if Eun Gyeol manages to save his father from his future fate, and gets back to 2023 with his mother and father connected still, the mother is still deaf, and I would assume the brother will be as well, since it seems to be from birth and not an accident. And if things go well with Eun Yu too, isn't she probably his older brother's gf? She knows a little bit about sign language because she pretended she was deaf too? Or wanted to get closer to him? Anyways, that'll be awkward if that turns out to be true. >!I'm glad that the time travel thing is starting to no longer be a secret, but the yarn seems to be so tangled still. !<


I thought the brother’s cello girlfriend doesn’t know sign language.


It's a conjecture because on the following. I wish I could fact check, but I'm in bed, and I forget which episodes these scenes are actually in, so take it with a grain of salt. 1. One of the deaf brother's gf's social media handle is 'metaphoron' and the daughter's actual name is On Eun Yu. Eun Yu means metaphor. 2. The deaf brother mentions to Eun Gyeol that his gf tried to pretend that she was deaf too. 3. The daughter or fake Se Kyung does some basic sign language, but she admits she doesn't know it very well. So therefore, if Eun Yu is the gf who tried to pretend that she was deaf to the brother, then it would follow that she knows at least a little about sign language, which she does.


Yes. I also wondered if Eun Yu was the cello gf who pretended to be deaf. But Eun Ho said that that girl who pretended to be deaf doesn’t know how to sign and they communicated by writing messages. So I thought that meant it wasn’t Eun Yu since she knows how to sign.


Point 3. She does some basic sign language, like a very beginner's amount. Did the brother say she doesn't know any amount at all? I can't remember exactly. But even if you can't do the thing fluently, it's still possible to know a few words.


I think she is not his gf but just friend. And his real gf was her friend that died. I think Fake SK actually has problems with hearing but it was mental. She was experiencing as a mirror of her friend's real problems. Edit: if I'm not wrong her brother is saying that he is not in good state in the training. Even though Eun Geyol said that he was asked to be in national team, like come on! It will be strange if he actually will be better or in same level as his brother who is in or to be in national team.


Why am I so invested in these characters! I’m so afraid that Eun Gyeul will cause Yi Chan’s accident somehow. I want these babies kept safe at all costs. 😢


What I think should happen in the last 5 episodes 1.I hope all secrets between EunEun will be out in the open now in Ep 12. They shouldn't drag that anymore. Also, isn't it time the Euns find out about their true purpose of being sent back in time? And realise that both their plans of how they are going about trying to change the future are pretty half-baked? 2.Some connections to be resolved: Mr Viva and Mr Vida, Mr Viva and EY and EG 3.Many many more scenes of YC and CA. Sign language class, angst, cuteness, I'll take it all! 4.YC should find out about CA' s home situation in the next two episodes and want to support and protect her. The feeling of protectiveness and also admiration of seeing how strong CG will make him realise his feelings for her and that what he feels is much deeper than his crush on SK. 5.The only change I want in 2023 is for CA to have a good relationship with her father and her getting her share of the inheritance. I hope they show us what happened with her mother as well. 6.Eun Ho's cellist friend's identity 7.EG having a real conversation with his still-deaf dad about music in 2023. 8.I really wonder what went down between Oh Ma Joo and Yi Chan. Hope we get some good scenes between them as adults. 9. Some back story on Eun Yu's friend who died If they cover all of these and end it well (I don't have a specific one in mind, but it should be consistent with the vibe of the show), this show would be my first perfect 10/10 kdrama.


Yes the no 8 point strikes me the most. They were such good loyal friends that time how come there is not even a single mention of Oh Ma Joo from Yi Chan to Eun Gyeol in the og timeline


I rewatched the series and just remembered that Se Gyeong wrote a letter for Cheong Ah from the U.S. What if the original Se Gyeong continued writing to Yoon Cheong Ah, so she might have realized that Eun Yu was an impostor? 😳


Ep 12! I am so happy with this episode! >!I was previously so worried that Hyun Yul’s ex gang and evil stepmom aren’t done yet but it seems like all hurdles are cleared! I was ecstatic when Chairman Yoon put stepmom in her place and even more when he showed that ChungAh’s happiness was important to him. !< I’ve such mixed feelings now. I thought maybe EunEun were just there to learn lessons and go back to the same 2023 but things are going so well that I secretly hope 2023 is changed too. Watermelon Sugar avoided the big accident that broke up the band and had a successful “debut”. Does that mean they may stay together and become successful musicians in future? I can’t tell how the last 4 eps will go but so far I’m really loving the drama and the whole cast. Yi Chan has fallen for Chung Ah soooo hard and he doesn’t know it yet. I was heartbroken when Chung Ah cried. Yi Chan you better make it up to her soon!


I liked how in the shop they show the 2 instruments together - the guitar and the cello The original mission - Eun Gyeol wanted to be able to play music - frustrated that his dad would not let him Se Kyeong - was trying to escape from being compelled to play music, and felt she was nothing but a trophy Both express in different parts of these episodes>! that they were lonely - isolated, in their experiences in the 2023 existence.!< >!We are getting to the point where they are close to confessing they are from the future, that they love each other, and that their attempt to change the fates of their parents would inevitably not be in their best interests.!< It is their turn to shine in their youth.


I am waiting for the day Eun Gyeol will see her dyson hair dryer and realizes that she’s from the future.


YC /CA's little budding romance is just so wonderful. It is almost painful how genuinely kind he is to her just because he enjoys her as a person. And how completely unused to being treated with such kindness she is. She has had people either treat her as a burden, or defective, or with kid gloves out of pity her entire life. YC doesn't ignore her disability and yet treats it as someone else might treat her having freckles or red hair. Just another thing about her to take into consideration as being who she is. GAWD ITS SO PURE. The two actors have such good chemistry together. Every singe scene between them has been perfect. As clueless as YC pretends to be, I think he knows by ep 12 that he likes her. And he'll just have to now convince her to let herself be loved by someone.


Yes I think especially with SK not showing up to the concert and YC realizing he was more sad that CA wasn’t there! That last scene between them is sooo sweet and beautiful.. YC acts like a fanboy with SK and treats her like an untouchable trophy girl, but he’s so genuine and sweet with CA and they have such a real relationship. Him faxing her constantly (instead of chasing SK) gave me so much happy feels. Also just thinking how hard of a shell young CA has and remembering how warm adult CA was shows she received a lot of love from YC to break down all those barriers.


* although Eungyeol managed to >!yi-chan's accident at the rehearsal!< i still cant help but to think it's just maybe the calm before the storm or in this case, little raindrops before the heavy rain comes but considering there are only 5 episodes left,, i want to think he really prevented it * and damn >!cheongchan angst even before they got together officially!< this is making me sad * 2eun as well :") * i want to know if eungyeol's maternal side will be shown in the last episode so we could at least know if their future changed (not that we really know the current them in 2023) (only sang-ah which eunyu and her mom met in that flashback part) cause i dont really want to see his uncle (the one who let the event happen that lead to eungyeol collapsing) being the CEO of their company cause he's incompetent af * eungyeol's admitting where he came from and he got to tell his 18 year old dad how he was feeling lonely even though he was born normal and can communicate like most people,, i was happy with his confession but sad when he tell him how he feels :" \- kinda funny how he says "nutcase" "nutjob" when he remembers the part when eungyeol says he's his son it's like he's looking if they have similarities or if he's really telling the truth


**Episode 11:** * [Voice phishing](https://imgur.com/dYdKS7Z)???? what??? >!Is Hyun Yul from the future too??!< * [Those](https://imgur.com/sWjacfc) shirts actually look fun * [THIS](https://imgur.com/4D3baO1) POSTER THOUGH * [This cutie](https://imgur.com/Nl3qYjR)'s happiness over seeing his mom n dad interact >>>>> * [That](https://imgur.com/F7n3jca) reference to My Mister though xDDD * Oh lord... the [future's unfolding](https://imgur.com/FLhyes6) right in front of our eyes * Holy shit.... >!will Yi-chan try to save Hyun yul and get injured instead???!< * Daamnnn [that](https://imgur.com/nITssrX) anger though... * Eun-gyeol practically begging his dad not to rehearse was heart breaking * The way [his mind](https://imgur.com/WwAcLRi) works LMAOOOOO * I'm nervous.... will [their date](https://imgur.com/gzYwmwb) take place tho? * >!"I want to keep playing music with you like we're doing now... and see you listen to my music."!< * [THIS](https://imgur.com/WzRMFNk) SIGNIFICANT SCENE * I'm not crying [you](https://imgur.com/C7CC8CG) are. I honestly love this drama so freaking much * "Seduced our guitarist.." HAHAHAHAHA * [This](https://imgur.com/21eolZD) love sick puppyyy * "You sounded like one of those rich heirs in dramas and made me feel like a poor female lead. It made my heart skip a beat" * YESS YESSS [HE](https://imgur.com/3hPoG8f) FINALLY PICKS UP * WAIT WHAT NO COME ON >!HE SAVED HIS DAD WHY'S EVERYONE SAD!<


In the upcoming preview for ep 13/14, Yi Chan goes back to his ways of >!’roughing’ up his 😇 son again… although this time because of the ‘right reasons’… 😂😂!< TBH I think Eun Gyeol has had a rough time throughout the whole series; hit by a car, always in a scuffle with his >!teenage dad!<, even had things thrown at him by >!his teenage mum!<, had water splashed at him by >!his brother’s ex!< and >!chastised for not being able to eat spicy food…!< The ‘abuse’ goes on 😅😅😅


>The ‘abuse’ goes on When he was in the rain at last part of episode 12, that's the time I realized how the writers really made him suffer LMAO. Any normal person will get sick with all that haha.


I feel like they’ve milked the whole coming from the future secret between them for way too long. Like they describe ML as super smart but he’s missing all these hints being thrown at him, and FL adapting super quickly to the time jump and being quite street smart… but not picking up that he has a similar obsession with completing a mission as her. If they don’t find out next week I’ll be lividdd. Other than that, I need Cheongchan to be together immediately lol, their chemistry is chemistry-ing even between all the teen angst


**Episode 12:** * I feel bad for Eun-yu... but the fact [she's angry](https://imgur.com/KVLju8p) with him instead of bawling her eyes out makes it more amusing * [Ryeoun](https://imgur.com/yfoP4DW) being the buffiest of em all is so hilarious * The way PD-nim keeps throwing scenes of [these two](https://imgur.com/mO130Sp) mirroring each other... like father like son... just to tease us XD * BUAHAHAHA >!Chung-ah's stepmom indirectly accusing the Chairman for having an illegitmate son was lolololol!< * [That's](https://imgur.com/n2zkB19) a 21st-century girl right there * I mean >!Eun-yu's so blinded and hell bent on finding the man her mom had a crush on that she even ignores Chung-ah's feelings for Yi-chan!<... kinda selfish of her if you ask me * Hating Eun-yu [right now](https://imgur.com/meWFk3v) * [Hyun-yul](https://imgur.com/Z9qa0Ch) fanning himself LMAOOO * HER MOM WAS [DESCRIBING](https://imgur.com/IIeHmgV) >!HER DAD AFTER ALL!< * [Yi-chanaaaaa](https://imgur.com/IuaLeTr)... you've fallen deep... finest example of "She fell first, but he fell harder." * [This exchange](https://imgur.com/oPeHXOU) was beautiful.>! What would I do to tell Eun-gyeol he's the same ahjussi who was his tutor and going to give him his precious guitar anyway regardless of how he played!<... I WANT TO CRY * Not me yelling at [my screen](https://imgur.com/wk4i6VY), >!"TELL HIM YOU'RE FROM THE FUTURE TOO"... "TELL HER YOU'RE FROM THE FUTURE TOO"!< * I want to see Chung-Ah and Yi-chan together pls * Petition for writer-nim to LEAVE EUN-GYEOL ALONE LET HIM BE HAPPY PLS


>Petition for writer-nim to LEAVE EUN-GYEOL ALONE LET HIM BE HAPPY PLS THIS!! Please, that’s all I want. 😭 He’s been through enough shit. Let him _be_, writers.


I knew something was off about Ryeoun!! I didn't realize it was the training he does like what 😭 i only realized now and i've been noticing he looked different from everyone else at the start


>BUAHAHAHA > >Chung-ah's stepmom indirectly accusing the Chairman for having an illegitmate son was lolololol I must have missed this - or maybe the subs didn't convey it properly.


"Blood is thicker than water. I hope that's not the reason you're keeping him around." Implies he's blood meaning family


Majority of this episode was blurry for me what with the teary eyes I had courtesy Eun Gyeol. Fantastic acting from both him and CHW. Every week these two manage to make me a bigger fan. You know who else I’ve been a fan of? Hyun Yeol aka Yoon Jae Chan. Saw him on Wild idol for the first time and he’s an immensely talented musician and singer. To see him in this show and do a good job in this role is a pleasant surprise. I hope he gets more acting opportunities as well as music driven ones Also, I was dreading this episode but thankfully they didn’t leave it at a cliffhanger and hopefully we’re over the accident 🤞🏽 I’m excited to see how things are going to pan out tomorrow! Let’s go Watermelon Sugar! 12: Such a good episode! Absolutely loved that the band got to perform on stage and if anything CHW is definitely frontman material. He’s SO good! He’s singing right? That base note of his can’t be anyone else’s. They picked the absolute right guys for Watermelon Sugar. Also does anyone else love YC’s sign language? It’s so adorable. Loved both his scenes with CH today. This drama leaves me with a full heart. I’m so glad I decided to watch it!


I really hate myself for watching this on an ongoing basis, I don’t know how can I live through this week waiting for the next episodes. I’m so excited for Eun Gyeol, whatever the next episodes will be.


Twinkling watermelon seemed like it would be a sweet, light fun drama but why am I crying every episode??? 😭 we know that yichan and cheong-ah are endgame but that last scene between them hurt. my heart was breaking 💔


These two episodes, specifically ep 11, was *the* best for me. It was literally perfect. I just so badly want to know what happens at the end though. Does he save his dad from the accident, does the future even change or is it just a forever time loop? Like what even happens, because rn it could end in very different ways. Love it though, but I probably should've waited for it to finish so I could've binged lmao.


So, I recently start watching Strong Woman Bong soon and noticed Seol In Ah in the show. She's a cello player. And two days later, I had started watching Twinkling watermelon. In this show too, she plays a Cello player. Talk about coincidence.


Also in school 2017 she played the cello


I wonder if she actually played the cello or if it’s all a coincidence.


Seriously this show is the best in terms of story writing, feels, humour, suspense, acting and perfect chemistry between Eun Gyeol + Se Kyroeng/Yi Chan + Cheong Ah/Eun Gyeol + Yi Chan. 💛 Never in my life have I looked forward to Mondays so much. Castaway Diva seems to be just as good so far, Doona and Nam Soon being filler shows during the week. I can’t wait to find out the true purpose of all the time travellers… clearly Se Kyeong is delusional with trying to change her mother’s past and can’t actually change her mom’s love life in Korea while her mom is in US. But can Eun Gyeol really prevent his dad from going deaf? Maybe it’s inevitable and EG is just delaying it… Yi Chan’s had 2 big blows to the head so maybe he eventually loses his hearing over time, rather than from one accident. I would lovee if EG did stop YC from losing his hearing and in a perfect time travel world he goes back to the future with a dad who can hear and speak. Also hope CA’s dad realizes step mom is a witch, kicks her out and CA never had to disown her Chaebol family and lives a wealthy adult life with no hardships. But what if all those changes also prevents YC and CA from falling in love and EG is the one who’s never born?? The endless possibilities with time travel shows. I am gonna predict SK falls in love with EG and she no longer wants to kill herself, they go back to the future with this unique experience and the last ep will be a mini drama or twist with the brother and cello girl mystery.


EP 12. Congratulations to anyone who predicted that >! Se Gyeong first love is her ex husband !< Now we are done with Festival arc, it time to move on with return to the present arc. I hope this show resolved two things before it ended: 1. Why Cheong Ah doesn't have relationship anymore with her father's family? At first I thought the family gone bankrupt and she move on with her life with Yi Chan, but we also saw in the future that the step sister is rich when she met Se Gyeong again. My prediction, dad dies and step mom took over everything and kick her out. 2. Eun Yu friend who passed away which resulted to her ptsd when she wanted to play cello again. I hope the writers didn't drop these two plots before the show ended soon.


I’m actually now confused — is that really a stepmom or just a headmistress hired by the dad? Because the way he talked to her in ep12 that she has no right to command anything without his permission, it makes it seem like she’s only an employee whom he has shown favors towards her children.


Pretty sure she’s the step mom. Think he saw the way she was taking command and control demanding EG moves out, when he had made an agreement with EG and got furious at her. It’s prob the first time he’s seen that side of her with him always being away on business trips. Hoping he catches her talking like that to CA and boots her ass out.


I think she is the stepmom and basically tell the dad, "people says blood is thicker than water so I hope it's not true for you (I paraphrase)" meaning she hopes the dad is treating all his children (bio and step children) equally. Besides, she seems to hold too much power to simply be just an employee living in the same house


I really like Shin Eun Soo’s portrayal of Yoon Chung A. Since the beginning of the series, I was convinced that she really can’t talk in real life as well. I forgot that she’s an actress. Her demeanor as a deaf person is something else.


Does anybody else not like Yoon Dong Jin? I felt a lot of arrogance rolling off him during the interview when he said "None. I'm the only one" when asked if the other members of the band were still in the music industry. *EP 11* "Voice phishing" Was this widespread in the 90's or is this guy from the future too? (Edit: I don't think anymore that he might be.) Woah, he cool. Go beat those punks, Kang Hun Yul! Did Se Kyeong ajummah find him cool too? He's in a bad and I think he tolerated spicy food quite well if I'm not remembering incorrectly. Yi Chan being all flustered when Chung Ga is fixing his face his so cute, aaaaah! Very fun photoshoot montage. I really like the Eun Eun couple. They are good for each other. They bring much needed joy to the other otherwise difficult life, make them forget about their worries at least for the moment and also, they are understand each other even without knowing all the details (EG comforting EY in the cinema, EY willing to help our EG without pushing for his secret) Them holding hands was unexpected this episode but I'm all for it! Why do you need to waste a page with each sentence you write?! I did not expect EG to reveal that to YC! But that entire scene was so powerful! EG on his knees,him jumping into the water and the juxtaposition with his childhood memories, him hugging YC and crying on the beach. "Boomer" was a pretty big clue last episode. "Squid Game" was a dead giveaway. I find it funny they did it through a kdrama reference. So meta! You realised this temporal inconsistency EG, not don't forget it tomorrow!


The writer doesn't seem to care that much about language authenticity. The characters in the 90s routinely use modern terms and language. The Reply series was much better in that regard. I guess I don't mind so much.


Yeah I thought voice phishing wasn’t a thing too in 1995! There was somebody in this sub who theorized that the >!master of the viva la vida music shop is Hyun Hul.. so I guess that could be true…?(Hyun Hul is also from the future?)!< 🙃🙃🙃


Yess the pages so odd!! Also agree with everything elsee


is it just me or kang hyun yul is kinda hot?


Always had eyes for Kang Hyun Yul lol. He gives me Han Seo Jun vibes from **True Beauty** Edit: Added a word.


Why do I feel like the present won't change for YC the way EG wants. In one of the phone conversation of EG with Mr. Vida(Master), he asks EG to enjoy his trip instead of trying to change his parents life. May be the time travel was not made with the purpose to prevent YC's accident but to bring change in EG's thought process.


I think this will be the main reason for sending both kids on this journey, where they'll realize to accept their present circumstances and understand their parents through a different perspective While it does seem "cruel" to give them hope about changing the circumstances of their parents, I think it'll be a great way for them to better connect to their parents and see what they went through (pretty much only eun gyeol though, since eun yu doesn't get to interact with her parents here)


Obviously, Mr. Viva sent the 2 Euns to the past for them to learn how to enjoy themselves and also appreciate their parents. He definitely knows they both can’t change their parents’ fate. But OMG, I swooned at Eun-Eun’s date set and holding hands! I had to repeat those scenes over and over. 🥰 I won’t put my hopes up that they’ll tell each other that they are from the future in ep12, even if I really want them to. I’d just be happy if they both have growing suspicions next eps that the other is from the future like them. This show has been so good, so far! Loving the perfect blend of nostalgia, comedy, and heartwarming scenes. ❤️


My God, I love this show. It’s probably the best show I’ve watched while it aired in the last year. >!I was hoping Eun Gyeol would ask Eun Yul more about the Squid Game reference, but maybe that will come soon…Based on the preview, it seems like the only way to get her back will be to reveal his secret to her as promised, so fingers crossed. I can’t wait to see where the story goes once that happens! And now that Yi Chan seems to have accepted Eun Gyeol’s words as the truth, I’m excited to see how their relationship changes too!!<


I’m surprised I haven’t seen more people with this same sentiment, but I’m really itching for Eungyeol to figure out that the guitar guy is Mr. Viva soon


I think 🤔 that would come full circle, when >!Eun Gyeol composed a song that the grandpa played to him when he was a young kid.!<


Most wholesome kdrama, it’s so heartwarming. Really has become a favourite


Unlike the title, this drama (& "Castaway Diva") are excellent and have warmth & quality to them than just being a typical cheesy kdramas.


I was thinking that today after I watched Castaway Diva! Almost didn't watch either because of the titles which would have been my loss.


Me: I love plot Also me: actually no plot cancel plot only cute friendship and/or love and/or family slice of life sweet nothings >!I hate the stupid Jin Dog guy and just want the boys to be safe!!!!<


I’m sorry what is this preview why is it just 🥲


The other thing I was hoping Eun Gyeol would have figured out is that Grandpa in the guitar store is the same Grandpa he loved. I kept hoping SG’s father would say a phrase that was exactly what he told the kid EG in 2005, since they were already listening to the same song by Eric Clapton. But, alas, he was more of teasing him about girls and first love.


Can’t believe that Squid game reference flew over EG’s head. Like he’s supposed to be a top student. You’re a time traveler, and the man at the store suggested that you had a helper. Wouldn’t it be a natural instinct to seek out other potential time travelers? Did CA push YC away because she thought SG was gonna pick him? If they became an item, he wouldn’t loiter around her house dying to see her right after the festival. Her absence clearly troubled him more than SG leaving in the middle. I wish these two puppies would clear up the misunderstanding and hug and hold hands already.


I guess since SK told her she would pick YC, she was angry, hurt, lost any hope and put up a wall to not get hurt again. She’s seen YC obsess over SK so much I don’t blame her for assuming the worst.


I think CA pushed YC away after SK told her she was was going to pick YC because she didn't want to be around them as a couple. There's a big difference between being around the guy you like who's pining for a girl that doesn't like him vs being around a guy you like while he is in a relationship with another girl. The poor girl's already suffered so much. She probably didn't want to deal with the heartache of seeing her love with another girl.


This episode was making me so nervous waiting for the rehearsal. Stupid thugs. And then that ending. Gah! The Euns were cute. Yi Chan and Eun Gyeol’s scenes were also very good, even if he doesn’t believe him. Maybe now he will?


This episode was gold. It was so great.


Loved ep 12. But now how will I make it through a whole week?


After I watched a recap of this show on YouTube, I got interested and caught up to the latest episode. However, I have one plot point that bothers me. In a flash back between the adult Se Kyung and Eun Yu, Se Kyung tells her daughter how she realized that she loved her first love. He had serenaded to her at the spring festival, and that was the straw that broke the camel's back so to speak. But that doesn't make sense to me because in the original timeline, Se Kyung left to study abroad before the spring festival, and didn't come back until her father's death. The "Se Kyung" that we mainly know is only going to the festival because the daughter made that deal and went back in time. Is this some sort of "as soon as the ML went back in time, he started to affect history" thing?


This is one of the most common question viewers have about the plot, so you're not alone in wondering. My guess is that not everything about this aspect has been revealed yet, but once it is, it'd make more sense. A common theory is also that >!Se-kyeong's first love has always been Eun-yoo's dad and that Se-kyeong has been describing him all along, only that he or their relationship became so different that Se-kyeong feels as though she married a different person. Eun-yoo's dad might have serenaded her at a spring festival before—perhaps the year before?!< So far, the show has been alluding that >!Eun-gyeol's very presence and actions in 1995 can and has changed history,!< so I'm actually very curious to see how this pans out for and in 2023 as well. Will everyone who has ever known Eun-gyeol remember him? And what consequences will this have on the present? I just binge-watched all 10 episodes over the span of 4 days, so I'm excited to finally be watching the series as it airs and participating in the thread. Happy watching! 🍉


Yeah I also have same doubts... but watching a series you love while its airing is so not my type... i mean i always end up doing it but i cant wait to see the next eps for 1 week or more...


**Episode 12:** - [Like father, like son.](https://imgur.com/gallery/TDrzJ4t) - I desperately need Watermelon Sugar souvenirs... - So if Se Kyeong's first love is >!Eun Yu's dad, there's no way to change anything then!<, so does it mean the future for them will still change? - "Cheong Ah isn't here!" - Yi Chan noticed that she wasn't hereee my heart <3 - Yi Chan carries the sign language book with him. - Dad and son going through break ups even though they didn't even start anything. - We're getting some angst near the end. I really want Eun Gyeol and Eun Yu to find out that they're from 2023 asap.


LMAO dad and son going through break ups without even starting something is so true.


These kids are getting on my nerves! You're supposed to rush to the hosp with that kinda injury! Why isn't anyone taking Yi-chan to the hosp? And with Eun-gyeol >!bleeding too I'm worried that he's gonna lose hearing!< too. I'm legit scared for my fav family please. Eun-yoo's slo mo shots are killing me cause like Eun-gyeol I'm falling in love too. Seol In-ah is the perfect choice for the role cause she's what everyone's first love in high school would look like. Someone noted Yi-chan teasingly calling Eun-gyeol "son" must mean so much to him and I'm about to have a meltdown. He never heard that in his life at all. This drama always making me cry. I can see many disgruntled voices about CheongChan couple's screentime. While I'm also invested in their story I think they're missing the point which was even stressed by the mystery man. Eun-gyeol is too focussed on his parents that he forgets that he's sent back to find himself and his purpose in life. And similarly Eun-yoo was too focussed on uniting her mom with her "first love" she missed the point that her mom's first love was >!her dad all along!< and that she was sent to find back her lost youth. CheongChan are endgame no matter what and that's why they're taking more time to tie up their knot. Also I'm tired of ppl hating on Eun-yoo. She has zero idea that Cheong-ah likes Yi-chan and for all we know she was actually jealous of Eun-gyeol hanging out with Cheong-ah. How's she supposed to know that >!her choosing Yi-chan will hurt Cheong-ah?!< She like Eun-gyeol is only trying to complete her "mission".


EPISODE 12: Yi Chan has fallen. This guy got down from his truck, and excitedly ran to meet Chung Ah. Plus, it is likely that he actually dedicated the song to Chung Ah, as she fits the bill of the name change and shirt designs. It could have also been se keyong as she was the first reason why the band existed in the first place. However, he was very sad and heartbroken that Chung Ah didn't make it, much more so than Se Kyeong's supposed rejection. Overall, i really loved seeing YC's reactions towards CA. but broooo, sis. CA-na, why you got to hop on the assumption wagon??? where did your tough spirit gooooo. But I get it though. she's probably like, "doesn't he get it that my feelings can be hurt from him constantly obviously seeking SK's acceptance to eventually date? Yeah, yeah, i own my feelings but it still hurts. can't he understand that? now, leave me alone." Amutun, i hope YC gets it, realizes his feelings and clears everything up with her. We keep getting the elongated misunderstanding arcs and i'm sick of it. Eun-eun, please let it be cleared up soon too. thanks. bye. Lovely episode though. The preview looks promising as well. Uri Yi-Chan-i is falling harder :)


I saw some comments somewhere else before watching EP 11 and I saw people saying it's the worst episode ever because the lack of wholesome moments (and possibly CheongChan moments). Yi Chan's accident is not going to happen in lollipops and sunshine so I think the writer's are just building up the tension here. Anyway, - The Cheong Ah + Ha Yi chan scene was so cute though. - Eun Yu seems to have an interest in kdramas. "Why are you disappointed? Are you IU? Is he your mister?" 😂 - The watermelon lollies ughh I want one already. 🍉 Now I wait for the next episode... ✨ Edit: Also the Squid Game reference, please take the hint Eun Gyeol. 🙏 >!the preview seemed like he might tell Eun Yu about him now!<


Se-gyeong, or “Se-gyeong”, *cough cough** finding out that >!Eun-gyeol can’t eat spicy food!< was the perfect detail in stirring the pot 😎


Some part of me healed in that last minute of the 11th episode. It was UH-MAZING!


I am a bit confused and need help. I dont get how Se kyung wants to change the future for her mother? I mean everything is like it is suposed to. Her mother went to the States and will only come back after many years. Se kyung isnt the mother she cant just pretend to be her and fall in love with another guy and change the future this way because that means Se kyung falls in love and not her mother which exists also in the past like Eun gyeol and his parents. I mean she can change the future by meeting her mom and ensure that she wont fall in love with her father but how does what she is planning right now makes any sense? Did i miss something?


Her plan was to do suicide by making her mother fall in love with her first love. So her whole plan was based on that her mom might show up at the festival so before that to make sure mom's first love is in love with her. So her Mom Would get ready to go lover . As she also assumes that Her Mom is already in love with her First love. But yeah in this episode she should have thought about her Mom also showing up at a festival which was something writers ignored. As Eun Yu didn't know that Whole Her First love Singing Serenade thing already happened last year spring festival. So she should be expecting her mother to show up.


Eun Gyeol: “ You sound like those rich heiresses in dramas…” Eun Yu: “ugh you watch those lame dramas?” Girl you were a rich heiress in that same lame drama… Also “Tears in Heaven” better just be an overused song and not foreshadowing.


Ha yi chan's dream 😭


Is hyan Yul also from future??? >!that voice pishing scene and the way he said the third reason for betrayal "you have someone you love so much willing to put everything aside" what if like what if he is the son of Ha En Yeol???!< Is that too far to imagine lol😂😂


I was weirded out when he used that word too because it feels like it didn’t seem to exist yet or at least widely use by them. He didn’t look that smart either. 😅


I saw someone giving this theory about >!him being the master of the Viva La Vida shop???!! Who is responsible for their time travel so is he from future?!<


Ep 11; This show is WILD and made me cry at the >!ocean/water scene!!< that was so good, it felt like they even did a lil queen charlotte with the >!actor switching! It was funny to me how the dad actor has mainly been in water to us, but also lord is he good.!< >!the action plot kinda came out of nowhere to me, i wish we had a lil scene of the bassist getting a call or a glare whatsoever. But it is extra wild now, did eun gyeol prevent it??? Whaaaaattt!< Eitherway, this show has been consistently amazing to me even with it's small plotholes so far, may the ending be even better!!


#Ep12 The AirPods! The Dyson hairdryer! The ICN airport luggage tag! Oh god I feel like screaming at my screen. 💔☝️🫨🫨 When will >!euneun realize that they are both from the same world ?!< I am also peeved that >!cheong ah would give up Yi Chan so easily. What happened to the girlboss we so endeared?!<


Lol I cracked up when Eun Gyeol seriously said, >!I don’t care if you’re an ajumma. Lol really you don’t mind being with someone as old as your parents? I thought they will first realise they are both from 2023 before they affirm their feelings for each other.!<


wells, to be fair, I thought it was more extreme when he says he doesn’t care if she’s a zombie. 😂😂😂 But I am glad they >!manage to meet at the airport after all.!< 😊😊 This show is really such a good way to start the week, and I think I will miss it 😪 when it ends!


He just wants to enjoy his youth, for him she is also a teenager now and he knows he doesn't have much time left. He just doesn't want her to suffer because dude loves her. He knows once he leaves in the next 28 years she will find someone but right now he is just a teen in love.


I have a prediction- I believe Yi-chan is going to end up losing some of his hearing in the future but won't be completely deaf. He has already had two strong blows to his head, the second one that he left untreated. I believe in 2023, Yi-chan would need to use hearing aids but would still be able to somewhat hear. This would mean that Eun Gyeol would no longer feel isolated from his family and his dad can hear his music in the future


everybody complaining about lack of cheongchan scenes while i’m sitting here happy & satisfied as a 2eun truther lol… like it’s not our fault that the time travel drama playing from the pov of the time traveling son is going to revolve around that time traveling son and his time traveling counterpart like… jk jk love my appa and eomma sm i need them together NEOWWW


This drama just keeps getting better every episode and I love all the characters so much. Im not even going to bother with trying to guess what’s going to happen because I don’t want to be disappointed from having too many expectations for the ending. All I want is for all 4 of them to be happy PLS


LOL while watching ep 12 I’m thinking Eun-gyeol’s brother isn’t gonna like this bc of the past episode from when Eun-gyeol was breaking up with women for his brother and how the cellist is clearly Se-Gyeong, and now REALIZING her friend she learned sign language from is Eun-Gyeol’s BROTHER!!!!


I’m sorry but I just can’t with the Squid Game reference and Eungyeol STILL not piecing it together. Surely he can’t be that dumb 😭


Ep 11- I freaked out when the bully hit yi chan in the head and I'm like nooo well you can't change the past so much after all. BUT TURNS OUT HE'S NOT DEAF. I was so happy for him. CAN'T WAIT FOR EP 12!!


>!loved the SK’s 1st crush reveal in ep 12. Their story seemed sweet. It made me think what went wrong in their relationship and remember that EY’s dad wanted her to have time to be more of a kid!<




Episode 8: •Yes, we cheered when Chung Ah's dad placed that witch ass woman in her place. •My favourite moment from the episode was when Yi Chan and the band carried on with the show despite Se Kyung not being there. •Only 4 episodes are left and instead of Appa and Eomma coming closer they are drifting apart. When will their love story start? In the last 30 minutes of the final episode? •It seems like it's just me but I find Eunyu way to unlikeable, even after her sob story and I don't think my mind is gonna change in the last 4 episodes of the show. Major rant about her coming so if you like her skip this part. >!I find her childish, stupid and at times wayyyyy too annoying. From the start her plan to "kill herself" was stupid. How was she gonna make her mother and her first love end up together if her mother went to US and didn't came back for like 30 years? Plus I really hate the character of FLs/MLs (or any other character) using their beauty to get whatever they want to be done for some reason. At times I even found her quite selfish. Only after the other girl mentioned about her father being in a band she realised that her parents had some lovey-dovey moments as well. Seriously!?!< •Enough with the light and heavy comedy, I feel like now our show is heading to some serious moments. I need to find a new drama cause my start of the week drama is about to end.


I think at the end of the episode 14 Yi Chan and Chung Ah will become a couple. And I think at the start of episodes 15 both Eun will end up in the future. Because we will have to see the reconciliation of Eun Yus Parents and Chung Ah and her father at present. Somehow with the childish and selfish things she has done I still like Eun Yu because I know she is just a teenager who is suffering from trauma and has panic attacks. I love all four characters of the show.


I’m rewatching ep10 cause I literally can’t wait for this week’s episodes!!!!!!!!!!! Hoping for more cute moments between the kids and fun band shenanigans


I can’t believe Twinkling Watermelon has already 12 episodes. I need another season for what will happen to these characters after Eun Gyeol and Eun Yu’s time-travel.


I’ve seen Seol In Ah in Strong Woman Do Bong Soon (2017) and Mr. Queen (2020), but her portrayal as On Eun Yu in Twinkling Watermelon made me love her as an actress!


Ep 12: I adore this show soooo much!! Choi Hyun Wook's acting is lovely. It's so.. expressive yet careful? You can nearly taste his sensitivity in his scenes with >!Cheong Ah!< it's absolutely amazing. Not the >!first love plot twist!! I'm so glad, as Eun messing with that relationship would've confused everyone.!< I can't wait until >!the eun&eun couple actually finally reveal to another that they did timetravel. I'm a bit tired of that getting stretched out so much!!< Also, the >!band is genuinely very good, i hope Choi Hyun Wook didn't fake it in any capacity, as it sounds sooo good!!< Okay so why the >!light fatshaming?? That character that pushed Yi Chan down was clearly for stalker/fatshaming reasons and i am not having it.!<


When was the fatshaming? I didnt notice any but idk i was crying through half the episode so i might have missed it


Out of nowhere I got curious in epi 12 where did eun gyeol get an umbrella?? I mean we clearly see him running to the airport with nothing in his hand and then suddenly an umbrella comes up!! It's cute though.


He probably bought it I am thinking


11 and 12. Both hit your heart hard. 🥹❤️


Does anyone know the name of the song >!at the cliff scene when eun gyeol jumps!<


Does anyone know what songs the band played during the festival performance? Are they originals?


* Lee Seung Hwan - Love the world as scattered * 'Already Now' by Sanullim * 'Sunset Glow' by Lee Moon-sae They aren't original songs.


I can't stand the daughter of SG character she's always playing with Yi Chan feelings when obviously likes Eun Gyeol. She is the pick me girl. I'm so frustrating that Yi Chan still wanting her, like its already episode 12, this is stressing me out I think Cheong Ah deserves better, i'd like that they could put a handsome boy to like her


I think she doesn't even know what she wants. Remember she ran away from home and wanted to kill herself. At this point she is just living on a high.


Ok so like ik the bass guitarist has always been fine asf but the fight scene… 👀🫣