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Devastating and so utterly tragic. I’m trembling agonizing over how such a brilliant man could have gone away like this.


One of my favorite actors in my favorite kdrama. RIP.


Annyeong Ahjussi😢


My condolences 🙏🙏🙏


RIP and shocking news. Really liked his work since coffee prince


So tragic. I hope he rests in peace. Such a talented actor.


Heartbreaking. I grew up watching him and he seemed to be having a career renaissance after Parasite. Condolences to his loved ones.


Oh my fucking God. Just woke up not even ten minutes ago and this is the first major news I read. What the hell. Lee Sun-kyun is one of my favorite actors, he was so good in My Mister (one of the best Kdramas ever) and a lot of other Kdramas/films. I can't believe this. I was hoping he'd make a comeback despite the controversies as he's always referenced in Korean variety shows, idol shows, etc. due to his distinctive voice and his great acting career. Seriously, he was often referenced in Korean media for all his achievements, not a lot of actors or celebrities have that wide influence. Damn fam, this is so heartbreaking. This reality is so cruel.


Shocking to saw the breaking news on Korea Times and very saddened by this piece of news, was wishing to read that they are trying to rescue him instead of they found him in that state and confirming that it is him 😭. He‘s such a great actor, and one of my favorite actors. Still a bit hard to accept the news after few hours learning about it. May his soul Rest In Peace.


RIP. This is unbelievably sad. He will be missed!!!


RIP You were magnificent in Parasite. Gone too soon.


I cannot believe this. I wish this was untrue. Rest in peace, Ahjussi. The charm you shared across from the screen, the warmth I felt from your character, your beautiful voice which was what embodied your art for me. . . Watching My Mister will now be a different experience. My condolences to your wife and sons, may they be able to bear your loss.


I'm so shocked by this! He could have just taken a few years off, cleaned up his acts, let the news articles fade, then go Hollywood or resurface later or just live quietly 😭 or he could have shared his side of the story or something... So sad! He's so young as well!


What a loss... I feel so sorry for everyone close to him. Hope they find lots of support to cope with this.


So sad to open Reddit to this news. My mister shook me when I watched it, it was so impactful. I hope his family finds strength.


This is heartbreaking. I feel for his family and his loves ones. This is a real loss of artistry for the world as well. I wish we will treat each other with more kindness and empathy.


This is honestly so sad. Most of us on this sub didn't know him personally but we were touched, in one way or another, by the characters he played. It honestly saddens my heart to see someone pass away at such a young age. I hope that his loved ones will find some sort of comfort and strength during this time. This is such sad news.


My heart goes out to his wife and especially his children. No one should have to grow up an orphan because their father was hounded to death by the media like this. I also hope that one day Korean celebrities won’t have to suffer so much under this judgmental media regime. No idea what else to say. I loved him in Pasta, Diary of a Prosecutor, My Mister, Golden Hour, and so many more. I can’t believe he’s gone.


I watch My Mister every December. It’s my saddest month and the drama has brought me much comfort. I’m currently watching it and I cannot believe this. I’m so incredibly sad


Whoa 😳


Super fucked up man. Been watching his work since coffee Prince


Coffee Prince was one of the very first shows that got me into watching K-Dramas. Lee Sun Gyun was so talented; this is really shocking. RIP.


So very shocked and sad to hear this. My Mister and Parasite are two of my favorite watches and he was a large reason why.


Will never forget him from My Mister. :( RIP


My. Heart. Hurts.


Oh my god, rest in peace. So unexpected.


When I saw the title on my x feed I thought it was some sick joke. This is so sad, he was such a good actor. He will be missed.


No way. Ahjhusssiiiii!!!


This is so shocking


On no no no no no, oh this is so sad


I've only seen a few of his works but I immediately recognized why he was a veteran in the industry. He had such charisma on-screen and I'm saddened that we won't see more of him.


This is heartbreaking! Reports indicate suicide. Loved him in Parasite & My Mister. 💔 RIP


I'm devastated. Can't imagine how his loved ones are feeling right now, my heart goes out to them.


This is such sad news. I didn't know him, but his characters have been a presence in my home for years. I hope his wife and kids are surrounded by friends they can lean on right now. It's never easy to lose a parent or a partner, but this happening during the holiday season must make it especially hard. The world lost an incredible talent, but a family lost a parent.


RIP. My heart really goes out to his wife and sons.


Damn he was a unique actor. RIP


I loved him so much in Coffee Prince that I sought out more of his work and watched My Mister. He was an incredible actor. What a loss to the kdrama world. So sad.


Oh no. The worst news. Phenomenal actor with a career-best performance in My Mister, and then he went on to be in an Oscar winner. How awful that it had come to this.


this is insanely sad. i think my first drama of his was coffee prince, which is pretty much one of those legendary hit older dramas. RIP


rip :(


Rip 😞


He was so charming in the Coffee Prince reunion show. I’m just gutted about this. What a loss.


This breaks my heart. What a horrifically sad way to die. His poor family.


Woke up to this news and am in shock. I had just read that he had undergone 19 hours of police questioning and hoped it meant an end in sight for the case, and now, this. What a loss. The last time I felt this way was after Anthony Bourdain died. There is something about the death of a person whose work has managed to make you feel less alone in the world (yes, I am thinking particularly about My Mister), it's just too sad, too heartbreaking. And enraging. I know this will seem ridiculous to others, but it feels personal. Rest in peace, may your memory be a blessing and comfort, Lee Sun Gyun.


So shocked by this news, I got goosebumps. I wasn't able to watch him in too many dramas yet. But I loved his voice so much in My Mister so much, I would have watched some of his old work at some point. Now, it won't be the same anymore. I hope all his loved ones have the support they need


I’m devastated. I was so afraid of this.


This is so so sad. I was shocked when I read this. May he rest in peace.


I'm so saddened by this. The first time I saw him, was, as himself, in Please Take Care of my Refrigerator. He was so charming, so witty, so kind. I've seen many dramas and movies with him afterwards and he was always incredible in every role. I think he's taking a little piece of my heart with him.


ahjussi noooooo


This really breaks my heart. He was my favorite Korean actor—and not just among the *ahjussi*s or the veterans. He was such a "giving" or generous actor. I always thought he had this magic to elevate his co-stars' performances on screen, even through the subtlest of ways. What was even cooler to me is that he could have such a distinctive walk, voice, fashion sense (the same scarves!) in many of his dramas yet manage to fool me into believing these are all wildly different characters. Different from his variety show persona too. He also sure knew how to pick a good script. His choices were not always safe, but somehow always interesting. The last few months were rough for me as a fan but disappointment notwithstanding, I never expected this to happen. It was only yesterday that I thought the only way for him to get his career back was to accept one of his Hollywood offers and start there... but now that's not even a possibility anymore. I hope Jeon Hye-jin and his two sons are doing okay. All the people who worked with him (especially multiple times) too. I will miss seeing this guy on screen. RIP


May he rest in peace. What was your favorite work by him?


For me, it was Pasta. Such sexual energy from him. Was love at first sight and I immediately had to have more of him 😭 I'm so heartbroken


I loved Pasta! I remembered feeling like I was undergoing through some moral dilemma because I didn’t agree with a lot of Chef’s choices but I enjoyed the show so much until the end. 😆 I used to wish he would star in just one more conventional rom-com or romance in the future.


im absolutely shocked rn. the past few months have been a whirlwind of information regarding him and now this. may he rest in peace. this is horrible. im heartbroken.


I am so shaken. Loved my mister and parasite, I hope he is able to rest well.


This is so heartbreaking and devastating. He was one of my favorite actor and always enjoyed the film he was in. May him rest in peace and hopefully his family stay strong during this period. This is just so sad.


My god… rest in peace. Hope his family are doing ok.


I'm just so sad. I'm sad for his wife, sad for his children, sad for the loss to the industry, sad for those of us that so appreciated his talent, and especially sad that he felt this was the only option he had. This one really is weighing heavily on my heart.


A brave, talented, and generous actor who was yet to reach his peak. I recently watched The Kingmaker; he had so much more to give. May he find peace now.


This is heartbreaking 🥺 I loved him most in Coffee Prince, this is such a horrible loss…


It is shocking and heartbreaking. I’m shaken by the news. Rest in peace, Ahjussi. We will miss you and your voice. I still cannot believe this. RIP.


*My Mister* was one of my earlier k-dramas. He, IU, the director, and DOP really gave my perception about K-dramas a significant shift in a very positive way. It was one of those dramas that I'd recommend to anyone who wanted to watch a good drama. I appreciated the realness and believability in all the characters he portrayed. May you rest at peace, My Mister.


I'm devastated. He's my favorite Korean actor, who was so great in two of my favorite all-time dramas, My Mister and Diary of a Prosecutor. He also starred in my favorite Korean movie, Paju (2009), which is pretty obscure and artsy fartsy compared to the things he's most well-known for, but I give Paju my highest recommendation. It's an absolute masterpiece. He may have made some mistakes, but in no way did he deserve the public shaming and humiliation that he suffered in recent months. Rest in peace ajusshi.


I recently re-watched my mister because its one of my fave kdramas and im on break. This is truly heartbreaking and a reminder to check in on your loved ones always :(


Devastating news. Coffee Prince was among my first Kdramas. I loved him and his voice ever since. My Mister, Parasite, so many excellent performances he gave. Him being in the cast made me watch the show no questions asked. A couple of months ago I watched the Russian train trip with him, Kim Nam Gil and others. He was so charming, funny, nice, and well liked by the others. One thought one saw his real persona. But as so often, people have a dark side, too. My deepest condolences to his family. I will remember him and continue to cherish his work. RIP, sweet man, you'll be missed very much.


RIP. Such a devastating time for his spouse and children. The second actor from the beloved Coffee Prince to pass away under tragic circumstances.


I was watching ''A Hard day'' which recently got a japanese adaptation and Jo Pil-Ho: The Dawning Rage is also amazing movie


Lee Sun Kyun was my favorite Kdrama actor. He was beyond talented. This is tragic and heartbreaking. Literally gobsmacked right now. I hope he has peace now.


I'm super shocked and don't know what to say or think. His role in My Ahjussi was one of the best acting performances I've ever seen in any kdrama. I first start watching kdramas with Coffee Prince and he was there. He was a very good character actor. I remember watching him in Summer Vacation when he visited the squad, he seems to be chill and caring person too. Hope his family is doing OK


I had to read the name so many times while thinking to myself, “This isn’t the Lee Sun Gyun that I know right?” Man, I’m shocked. May his soul rest in peace and may his family and friends find strength in one another in this difficult time.


This is so fucking sad


I’m so devastated. Sad for myself, sad for all of us (for anyone who enjoys his work), and most of all, sad for his family. What a terrible tragedy.


This honestly breaks my heart. What a talented actor. Regardless of what was true or not, we really need to learn to practice more empathy and kindness in today’s society. My heart breaks for his family, friends, and fellow fans. His role in My Mister changed me - and now the series has an extra layer of sadness.


This is so sad. Like everyone else, I loved him in My Mister. Such a great talent, gone too soon.


im truly saddened by this news. i dont follow his works that much but his character in My Mister left such a great bearing on me. just like IU’s character, i found his exceptionally deep voice soothing, calming and reassuring, esp when i was watching MM at a low ebb, suffering from depression and a crippling existential crisis. no matter how much he sinned, he didnt deserve to die in such an ignominious manner. ill hold his MM character dear in my heart and rewatch it every now and then, when i need a boost of morale and a comforting voice to ease the rough edges.




OMG!!! RIP. Condolence to Jeon HyeJin and family. 💔💔💔


Oh God! I was shocked. May his soul rest in peace. Praying for strength for his loved ones in this tough time. 🙏🏻


I can't believe it. I simply can't believe it. I'm sure it'll sink in eventually that he's gone but I'm so shocked. My heart goes out to his family and everyone here has well. What an ending to this year.


I am in absolute shock. Two of my favourite actors, he and his wife. Will miss his distinct voice in future projects. Loved him the most in Diary of a Prosecutor. 😭


I literally gasped. I was introduced to him in Coffee Prince which was like my 3rd Korean show and is my favorite to this day. Then years later watched him in My Mister and he was incredible. I always thought he had kind eyes, how tragic it all ended up like this. RIP Lee Sun Gyun.


i still can’t believe it… such awful news. my heart aches for his poor family and friends. he was very talented, and had such a unique voice! my ajusshi had some of the most beautiful and touching moments i’ve ever seen in a drama. it will always have a special place in my heart. may he rest in peace.


I had started watching My Mister on a whim at literally the lowest point in my life. I had no idea what it was going to be about, but the theme of resilience and connection with the important people in your life is a message I'll carry for the rest of my life. He had to have felt so alone with all the stuff going on and it's heartbreaking. I didn't realize he was that young too. Just awful news.


i am so, so heartbroken. still trying to process the fact that he is no longer... alive. this loss will be felt for a long time to come. his brilliant acting legacy will continue to live on, of course. but he should be around to enjoy the fruits of his labor too. 삼가 고인의 명복을 빕니다. 배우님 ㅠㅠ 고생을 많이 하셨고 수고하셨습니다.


Such sad news. I hope his family are supported at this trying time..


My heart is aching right now. I haven't seen much of his work, but My Mister holds a very special in my heart and he's an very big reason for that. He will be greatly missed, but may his work go on to be appreciated for many, many years to come.


Sad to hear. RIP 🙏


Such a tragedy , i almost watched all of his work and the variety show where they travel by train through Russia. Such a nice guy and also I am a fan of his wife who is an actress herself. I remember in that variety show he used to video call his wife and his kids . Must be heartbreaking for them and his family. May he rest in peace and his family may find solace.


I'm genuinely so shocked, I watched him in My Mister and Parasite, his character in My Mister is one of my favourite of all time. Sad loss to his family and the industry. I can't believe this


I gasped so hard when I read the news. I've been his fan for a long while and never imagined I'd be hearing of his death so soon. I can't believe we're never going to hear his voice again. Just so shocked and sad. Rest in peace, Adjussi.


Rip. Always felt he was an incredible actor. Coffee Prince, Pasta, My Mister. Sigh. Condolences to his family.


This didn't have to happen. I hope this inspires change because this just feels all too avoidable. He deserved better and may he rest in peace.


This is so sad. Prayers for Lee Sun Gyun and his family. Really sending him all good right now.


This is heartbreaking—I'm stunned. He was an incredible actor and his performance in My Mister is one I'll remember forever. Between Andre Braugher, James McCaffrey and now Lee Sun-kyun, some of my favourite actors have perished in the past few weeks. Gone too soon, RIP 😔




before Parasite Romantic Island (2008) is the 1st movie I like from him it settings of the movie is from our country


Literally wanted to watch" My Mister " the drama was in my watching list from long time but I just couldn't watch it right now because I knew that drama was really deep and needed way more healthy mental health and I was waiting to watch it guess the drama will never be same for me it'll definitely need a lot of courage to watch it.RIP what a great actor he was 💕


Heartbreaking. Loved Dr. Brain and Parasite ofc. RIP🙏🏻


oh...this is a tough one! Utterly devastated!!!


This is so heartbreaking. The world has lost a truly talented person.


Tragic loss of a great talent. Gone too soon.


This is so sad. I loved him in Miss Korea and other dramas and movies. You will be missed Lee Sun Gyun. Gone too soon. RIP.




This is so very sad, can’t imagine what his family must be going through. Hope he and his family find peace


omg RIP. I'm going to miss his iconic voice so much--it was so iconic that in Jealousy Incarnate when he had a voice cameo as Pyo Na Ri's blind date from the back I recognized it right away (made better when the blind date talked about pasta, which was one of his early works). He was such an amazing actor. His role in *My Mister* was my favorite role of his. You know how IU's character Lee Ji An felt reassured just listening to his character's voice (via illegal wiretapping)? That's how I felt just listening to him talk.


your last two sentences - “how Ji An felt reassured listening to him.. that’s how i felt too” is exactly how i feel too. sad all day due to this.


I loved how Dramabeans referred to him as The Voice, and you immediately knew who they meant. Miss Korea was my favorite drama with him.


Yes yes yes! Voice like butter.


How terribly sad, and what a tragic outcome. He was a brilliant actor. Nobody deserves the level of public humiliation and intrusion he endured. I sincerely hope now his family get the privacy and respect they deserve.


I wasn't expecting to read this at all. He fast became a favourite of mine after seeing him in My Mister. Just yesterday I was planning to watch one of his latest movies. Heartbreaking. Hope he rests in peace.


I am legit crying... this is too much. I was rooting for him to get through his current scandal. Such a talented man, that iconic voice. My heart bleeds for his family and loves ones.


That’s wild. I practically grew up watching his shows since the 2000s.


Tragic. An outstanding actor.


He was one of my favorite actors. Loved Coffee Prince, Pasta, My Mister and have watched these shows multiple times over the years. This is heartbreaking. The amount of celebrity deaths by suicide coming out of south korea these last few years have been devastating to witness. I just watched the Sulli Documentary not too long ago and just can’t believe another one of my favorites is now gone.


I am very sad. Really liked this actor.


What oh noooo.....RIP ...loved him in my mister


I really didn't have to be this way...he'll be sorely missed. My condolences to his loved ones.


Nooooooo 😭💔😭😭


Absolutely shocked by this, condolences to his family and friends.


I am in shock right now. He was really an amazing actor.


Diary of a Prosecutor (2019) was something I kept putting off but just finished watching last week. Rest in peace.


I am legitimately devastated. He was one of my favorite actors and the reason I got into Kdramas in the first place. I hope he’s at peace I didn’t realize he was going through so much. Tearing up rn man.


Omg this feels too deep, I grew up watching him, he was older and at his age and recent success I thought it would ensure he didn't succumb to the pressures of Korean entertainment/society. RIP.


So sad. My heart aches for all involved.


Wow no way


I still am processing this He was a natural actor and sooo much committed to his characters I am yet to watch his other movies and series. I was planning to but now it would be hard to watch them knowing he isn't there anymore


I am so devastated!! I’ve watched Payback: Money & Power 4x now and he was brilliant in it. If only he could have taken a page from the script to use for himself. And My Mister was up next on watchlist. Ugh! It will hurt to watch it. Sun had sooo much to live for. A bright star has left us. Korea has lost a good one. His wife and sons must be in unbearable pain. My ♥️ goes out to them.


I’m so heartbroken over this news. My Mister is such an underrated drama. I became a fan after watching him and fell in love with his deep voice. I was hoping would be able to come back after this “scandal” plays out. 💔 RIP Ahjusshi.


My Mister was one of the first k-dramas I ever watched and has remained one of my favorites ever since. I've wanted to rewatch it for a while, but I was nervous it might not hold up now that I've watched many other dramas. I didn't want to risk diminishing what it meant to me in case it wasn't as good as I remembered, but I finally decided to start rewatching it... yesterday... I only got a few episodes in, but it was just as good, if not better than I remembered. I often struggle to pay attention to dramas these days, but I've been easily sitting through each episode even though I've already seen it. I was starting to appreciate it even more than before. Now I don't know what to do... I think I'll have to just power through the rest and let it destroy me.


I just finished rewatching My Mister last weekend (after weeks of contemplating) and was listening to the OST this morning otw to work. I was engulfed by it, but little did I know.... Keep watching ... it's the only way to remember him and his greatness.


Noooo, I was so busy with Christmas and guests, my mom sent me this news few mins ago 😭😭 this is soo sad. I watched him once in My Mister and really liked him there. RIP Ahjussi 🙏


Ajushi I wish you have an Ajushi in your life.


So very heartbreaking. He was so beloved and talented. I’m in shock and pray his family and friends can somehow find comfort.


No way. I don't want to believe this. I can't :(


RIP fan of him since Loveholic Coffee Prince Miss Korea Payback are my top 3 drama of him as a lead


OMG I am so heartbroken - I was concerned how he was holding up after returning from a marathon interrogation session. I was hoping for a comeback as some Hollywood stars had been able to recover and thrive. This is devastating as a fan, but moreso for his family and friends. I hope MSM and social media is kinder in the aftermath of this tragedy.


Just absolutely devastating. I will cherish his performance as Park Dong-hoon for the rest of my days.


This is heartbreaking. I literally felt sick reading this. We've all seen the headlines, his career being upended over the past few months. He must have been under so much pressure. He was amazingly talented, and has been a delight to watch in the 10 years I've been watching korean dramas. Really a light gone too soon.


Oh my god… I’m in shock… May he rest in peace…


R.I.P. I am so shocked to read this news. I liked his voice and liked his acting. Prayers to his family and friends.


RIP You will be forever missed I hope you found peace Thank you for everything that you did Goodbye woori ahjussi


RIP Lee Sun Gyun


RIP. When I saw this news earlier, I literally gasped. He was a fantastic actor and was great to watch. My heart goes out to his family and friends and all the people who loved him. This is really unfortunate news and an extreme decision. I did follow the news and while it was a lot, I always felt deep down that he would eventually be able to recover his career down the line. Regardless of whether we agree with his alleged actions, it’s hard not to feel sympathetic especially with how things ended. We are never really able to understand how intense the scrutiny of Korean media, internet community and society can be even if we see it portrayed in Kdramas all the time. I hope his family are given the space and privacy to grieve. I can’t imagine how much they’re going through right now.


This was truly shocking. After watching him in my mister, I became his fan. May he rest in peace.


Damn this makes me really sad.


I thought of a song from My Mister when I heard the news. The lyrics from the song reflect feelings around a lost love and hope for reuniting backed by a simple guitar. It may bring some solace. Ko Ru Rim's voice reminds me Lee sun Gyun. The world is a lesser place now. [A Million Roses](https://youtu.be/vSo6-NKb5SQ?si=IS9H6lgtdSs-i8uf) Eng Lyrics - Hwasa gave an emotional "LMM" performance at SBS Drama Award. [Even in the pouring rain, flowers bloom](https://x.com/psygateway/status/1740789534541988324?s=20)


Just woke up to this news. Man this is so heartbreaking.


He was really great in everything I saw him in. But Miss Korea has always been really special to me. I’m so sad for his family.