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**Mod Note:** While you're waiting for this series to premiere, consider filling in some time by doing our [2023 dramas watched survey](https://www.reddit.com/r/KDRAMA/comments/195jq4p/the_2023_rkdrama_year_end_dramas_watched_survey/)!


Min min is back.


The man does not age?:!!:$:&;&;&(@


Seriously! Can somehow pull off the high school student + established plastic surgeon looks simultaneously šŸ˜‚


When you know you know


Love him


lol i don't get why only the surgeon is being sued and not the anesthesiologist... and this is coming from an anesthesia resident


Yeah, it should be his fault since he administered medication during the surgery, not the surgeon. Itā€™s all ridiculous.Ā 


As a lawyer I had some issuesā€¦. like everything I know about Korean law is from KDramas and there are some surprising differences, but I canā€™t believe you can just drop new evidence in the middle of a trial.


They didnā€™t care one bit about a motive. And that the meds are not the surgeons responsibilityā€¦




Okay, I canā€™t believe you can drop new evidence *without laying a foundation* in the middle of a trialā€¦. (Letā€™s just assume the witness who found the evidence was interviewed off camera! And the fingerprint expert and the chain of custody documentation etc. etc.)


Same. Where is the chain of custody???


Definitely some Phoenix Wright stuff right there.


imo the anesthesiologist was more suspicious than anyone else in there


He definitely framed him


Also regarding the debt - don't they have professional liability insurance?


As with most insurances, negligence is covered, if itā€™s a case where youā€™re in court for doing it on purpose- they wonā€™t pay. Maybe with a D&O, but if he doesnā€™t have that..


This entire aspect and plot of the show feels completely out-of balance with the rest of the drama. Like there could have been >!a simply legitimate accident and death during surgery without the murder/crime/thriller!< aspect and made this a beautiful story of healing thorough their trauma and fall from grace. I know it's so early to be making judgements but it already feels so unnecessary, unrealistic, and out of tone with everything FL is going through. Edit to add: absolutely no motive. Why would he so carelessly throw his career away >!with such a shoddy cover up for a murder. The unrealistic and overdramatic side to ML storyline is so unnecessary and kind-of pulls you out of the feels. It's just annoying to watch!<


He wasn't even part of the trial because he declined to comment or something. Like what??????


Yeahh it was making me SOO mad that he was the only one being questioned.. also the nature of the death was weird to me and how they ultimately blamed everything on the surgeon lol. He was doing a facial reconstruction.. those cases are VERY UNLIKELY to cause anything of that degree unless he nicked an artery somewhere.. but he was literally just on the eyes as we've seen in the scene.. There was nothing he could've done that would cause internal bleeding and hemorrhage other than administering the wrong medication WHICH AGAIN FALLS UNDER ANESTHESIA!!! I wish they built a more realistic case that really does make you question the surgeon's abilities rather than this outlandish situation lol


It was a really shoddy case yeah. I was like okay if none of the team knew about or stopped her warfarin before starting the surgery then thatā€™s a problem but ā€¦ not like this. Expected better from a ā€œdoctorā€ drama.


Being in the medical field, this was my doubt as well, it just doesnā€™t make sense how all the blame is on the surgeon


I tend to agree as a non-medical person that has watched 100's of hours of medical shows and dealt with 2 people with cancer in real life. >!But I think the anesthesiologist was a "hit man" sent there to kill the heir. Hence why the missing video footage, the heparin bottle with the Doctor's finger prints. !< >!Then again, the Dr's father is trying to get appointed to the AMA, so maybe another appointee is trying to stir up trouble to block that appointment? But is being on the AMA board really that big of a deal?!<


I'll choose to interpret it as he's being sued as the owner of the clinic. so it wouldn't bother me too much lol


In fact, as a plastic surgeon it would've been more realistic if the trial didn't find him guilty but he suffered from public perception anyways. Or the surgery succeeded but the patient didn't like the result and threw him under the bus. There's a lot of scope for business-related and social-media related mishaps that didn't need someone shadily dying on the table


its funny though how they just ignored the fact that ml has 0 motive to kill the patient they are really bad and lazy with the writing when it comes to laws and courtroom stuff when its not the main focus they just seem to have a end goal (ml life is ruined) and will use any dumb reasoning to make it happen even if it makes the entire legal system look like a joke (as it usually does in these dramas)


Yep. Letā€™s kill some rich heiress just to ruin his up and coming career. Have to have an incompetent prosecutor to further the massive plot hole.Ā 


That was my one complaint about this episode. Everything felt a little too slick and contrived. Iā€™m sure better writing could find a way to humble a doctor without gigantic plot holes.


Yeah, I'm just ignoring that knowing that it was plot device to bring the leads together again lol


Definitely felt like it happened because of plot. No way you do that to kill her, deliberately, and with murder in mind. Like surely youā€™re not that stupid.


Legit, also isnt the anesthesiologist supposed to inject the drug anyway? Why is he being questioned? So many loop holes.....


I think as the trial ruling is still pending they will find him to be innocent soon or not but would let him keep his license to practice since he had no motive. And so the ML and FL will open a plastic surgery clinic together where she would be the anaesthesiologist


I feel like thats def gonna be the end goalšŸ˜­


I'm just here to say Park Hyung-sik was made for rom-com and rom-com was made for Park Hyung-sik.


Totally agree. Heā€™s my number 1 rom com king šŸ„°


>!Ha Neul being diagnosed with depression and then rejecting the idea as absurd by admitting that she's fine, pretty relatable. There are so many people who think they're fine but they're actually running on fumes. Life is simply just dragging them along. They face stagnation even after hours and hours of hard work - a dead end that leads to nowhere, and there comes a point everything starts collapsing. Realizing you have a problem is the first step towards solving the problem.!< I guess we'll see that in the next episode. >!Also that part where her Mom says "She was just born to study", that hurt so much. People have so many expectations that they gradually start adding to your emotional burden. !< Feels a bit weird seeing PSH and PHS in school uniforms lol, read an article about how they both felt guilty wearing them. There's so much potential for young actors who can shine in their roles, but I guess flashbacks are going to account for a major part of the story so they had no choice. The guy playing Dae Young >!(the guy who says he wishes he was at Jeong Woo's trial and probably his competitor)!<, Yoon Park, I have a good impression after so long because of your role in Delightfully Deceitful and Fanletter Please, you'd better not ruin it bro! I enjoy watching kdramas with medical themes and this looks like it will be a healing drama too so I'm in for the ride!


Iā€™m a Yoon Park fan as well, he really excels at playing the ā€œkinda jealous and competitive but appreciative and supportive of a capable personā€™s talents and willing to stand with them when they face injusticeā€ character.


He also plays a great potential psychopath serial killer lol, like in ā€œYou are my Springā€


Thatā€™s the role that made me overly suspicious of his characters. So now every time he is cast in a drama my brain automatically goes to HE MUST BE THE VILLAIN. But most times heā€™s just mean at first then mellows out.


Loved him in Forecasting Love & Weather, he actually had me more invested in his character than the main lead. And I only started watching it for Song Kang.


The daugher carrying the full load and the son being a slacker with no expectations. I hope she learns to have a little fun from him and he learns to apply himself through her - in balance.... but heck, it is only the first episode, let's see where this goes. I have read elsewhere and believe this to be true - PHS has a talent to really let the FL's shine. The character Yeo Jeong Woo has already captured my heart


Yes, I agree. He's a male aquivalent of Park Min Young. Now I want a drama with two of them as MLs šŸ˜Š


This is Visionary!Ā 


> >!being diagnosed with depression and then rejecting the idea!< Yupp, pretty relatable, plus next episode we get another relatable gem - >!once the person DOES accept it, their Asian parent tells them ā€œYou canā€™t have depression! Here, have some water!ā€!<


I just hope that love doesn't magically >!"cure"Ā  her depression. I'm tired of media telling people that mental illness can be cured via falling in love.!<


> Feels a bit weird seeing PSH and PHS in school uniforms lol, read an article about how they both felt guilty wearing them. There's so much potential for young actors who can shine in their roles, but I guess flashbacks are going to account for a major part of the story so they had no choice I think that if the actors are too old to realistically portray their younger selves (like in Doctor Cha), then younger actors should be chosen. If you are young enough to pass for a 20-year-old, then they should use the same actors. I always find it distracting to see different actors playing the same characters unless they are children. I think for actors that are around 30, it works, as you get further and further away from that, it starts to get more obvious


I absolutely agree. I think it's just me but PHS and PSH, both kinda look their age and that kinda throws me off, because they're in a school surrounded by much younger actors and background casts. But that's just my opinion and if they were substituted by other actors, I would have probably missed all the fun and bickering between them as their rivalry kicks off.


Yes, there are drawbacks to having different actors. Anyway, we are talking K-dramas here. A lot of what we see needs to be taken with a grain if not a bolder of salt.


>!I'm a psychologist and I'd probably diagnose her with an adjustment disorder, it's very apparent the depression is a reaction to an ongoing stressor. She needs a life change more than she needs meds!<


>!I think itā€™s also long-term depression and burnout like the doctor said. The stressor is just the tip of the iceberg. It does really take a toll when you push yourself so hard and people around you keep bragging about it and expecting more and more. Itā€™s even harder when they depend on you for their livelihood like the mom in the drama does.!<


Right, it's burnout and depressive symptoms related to her work, which is an ongoing stressor. Adjustment with depressed mood isn't a major depressive episode unless it persists six months after the stressor has resolved. I just think the doctor overpathologized her


Yes, I agree- but itā€™ll be tough to readjust life. Her family seems to depend on her and she hasnā€™t build up much outside resources like hobbies and friends. Itā€™s going to be tough. But at least it looks like theyā€™re taking it - mental health- seriously in this drama.


Yoon park and Park hyun sik acted together in What happens to my family. They shined really a lot in that.


LOL at the bras being organized by weekdays


our girl hates wasting any time. I loved how she was studying while everyone was physically fighting over the factory in the same room lol! šŸ¤£


I know it's for the drama's sake but it's a ridiculous oversight by the writers to blame the surgeon for drugs administered during surgery.


Especially if the anesthesiologist declined to give a statement. That alone is sus.


And the surgery footage being tamperedĀ 


Exactly. Surgeons don't administer anything. But maybe he is being blamed as the owner of the clinic. As owner he is responsible.


So, PHS is a charmer and laid back here - his best mode imo. It looks like he had an easy ride so far >! Got in the best Uni, had good instincts plus luck and as a plastic surgeon, being pretty is a plus as well. They made him a walking green flag, a bit modest - ā€žonly plastic surgeryā€œ in his award speech- with a sense of humor. What a man. Itā€™s a bit much tbh. And as is the case when youā€™re so great that even the gods get jealous, just as in a Greek tragedy, destiny strikes hard. His mysterious Macau patient died during surgery. As a lawyer, the lack of a motive and that this crucial part of proving guilt was utterly ignored bugged me enormously. I guess this is going to be explored. And the motive for the whodunit is money- heiress to a casino. If it was the husband or brother (?) who showed up, maybe. And the slightly jealous doctor from the awards show is going to turn into his support and good friend.!< Now about her, >!it is going to be mental health journey, because she needs to set up boundaries and learn to fight for herself. Sheā€™s a doormat with a degree and they walk all over her. !< As an anesthesiologist, >!sheā€™ll be very helpful for the trial. And the ml will give her sth of his positive go get it attitude. Heā€™s used to things going his way and his radar for mobbing and being abused is much more well developed than hers. Heā€˜ll help her push back. !< All in all, a well constructed first episode. The cast is doing a good job. About the trial, I hope this part will not get to be drawn out over 16 episodesā€¦


The jealous doctor actually seemed a little concerned during the >!trial!< for him! I agree that heā€™s going to become a supportive friend. Also, youā€™re so right about the >!trial!<. I hope itā€™s not dragged out either šŸ˜©


>! He is the male friend lead to hook up with female friend lead, I believe. Their little dashing into each other near the elevator and staircase corridor.!< It'll be cute


Whoop whoop. Iā€™m a big fan of the ML after watching Happiness, Soundtrack #1 AND Our Blooming Youth. Hopefully that balances out whatever our FL has going on.


Then you should watch Strong Women Do Bong Soon. Heā€™ll be your favourite on the list.


Iā€™ve loved PHS since I saw SWDBS. And imo, Happiness was one of the best kdramas of 2021.


Same, his biggest fan


Instructions unclear. Watched Strong Woman Nam Soon instead. Now I hate everything.


No! Why did you do that? You weren't supposed to do that!


Heā€™s so beautiful in that drama which makes it his best drama for me.


Ooh! Yes, my favorite PHS drama.


Did you like Our Blooming Youth? I have it on my watch list. :)


Very enjoyable. Nice bit of mystery- unique enough story line but a few familiar tropes thrown in along the way so we feel at home. You get not one but two cross dressing females, a few funny sidekicks and of course good romance. Itā€™s a stupid title as I didnā€™t think it had anything to do with the actual plot but it was really well done.


Ep 2 Bruh, >!Jeong Woo's friends continued to blame him so brazenly. I thought he was actually cold enough and an actual jerk but to think they were the cause of their own downfall and that he tried to support them to his best ability, seriously I wouldn't even show my face anymore in front of him. "Friends"? They're a disgrace. Riding on his coattails for so long, it's time they face the consequences of their actions. There's no redemption, especially for the guy that hit him.!< Ha Neul's mom W, >!I'm glad that she turned around and understood the gravity of the situation her daughter was going through. Her message was truly heartwarming.!< Looking forward to seeing our protagonists bond and go on a healing journey together. They both seem to understand each other and might be able to support themselves through this slump. It's been a while since I saw PHS killing a role with his acting skills and expressions. Don't get me wrong, he was great in Soundtrack #1 with Han So Hee, Happiness with Han Hyo Joo, haven't watched his other recent dramas (my bad) but he seems to be much more expressive, emotional and active here. Loving his role, and PSH too, she's doing a great job so far according to me.


Can't believe it's here already. I remember being absolutely ecstatic after reading the casting news but also being sad that the drama was so far away.


I like how Park Hyung-Sikā€™s character is a >!plastic surgeon!<. Iā€™m a bit tired of the typical ā€œsuper skilled and talented surgeon performs life saving procedures with their magic hands and has to overcome their trauma to reach their full potentialā€ storyline. So to see Minmin prancing around having a >!NeoTube channel!<, doing >!superficial cosmetic procedures!<, and promoting >!brightening mask packs!< is fun! I know they do some life changing work as well (>!like cleft lip surgery and procedures for burns!<), but for the most part itā€™s fun to see a >!cosmetic surgeon!< as the ML.


I feel like I see a lot more of them on social media as well, so it feels accurate, haha.


I was buying Park Hyung-sik as a high schooler until I saw the way he looked at her when she first walked in the classroom. That is how a grown man looks at a woman, not some high school kid lol. Wowza.


Aren't they like 18/19? Got the full complement of hormones and are no longer boys.


You knew PSH was surviving because that truck was not white and was not on the road alone with 400m to spare to stop. So it was not the white truck of doom, it was the black rig of plot advancement! I honestly thought they were having her faint so she went right under the big rig. The swerve was cooler. This show has me hooked.


Me too, I thought that the truck rolled over her but because she fainted, she was fine.


God this man is beautiful and it's the first time I'm watching one of his drama


you have so much to catch up on! ;)


Park Hyung Shik is looking damn fine at 30. He was adorable in Strong Woman but he has filled in somewhat and looks incredibly handsome. I


First drama of 2024 for me. Going in fully because I missed seeing Park Shin-hye on-screen, Park Hyung-sik is back doing romcoms and it's by the director of Weightlifting Fairy Kim Bok Joo


Going in for this drama for the same reasons as you. I missed Shin-Hye and Hyung-Sik. The last time I saw her was when I rewatched 'Pinocchio' a year back. As for PHS, I'm still not over **Soundtrack #1**. So, definitely excited for this drama! But um... 9O MINS!?


I get excited when the episodes are longer šŸ˜‚


I doubt it'll be 90 minutes. It says that, but usually 70 mins max.


Happy Dr Slump premiere day to those who celebrate (me)!


**Episode 1** * In the space of the first few minutes, Ha-neul nearly >!met the truck of doom!< and Jeong-woo >!lost a patient!<. The drama wasted no time in taking us to the lowest points in these characters' lives. * But we also got some lighter moments from their competitive academic days, from racing to >!solve a math problem first!<, to literally racing along a cherry blossom lined path to be >!the first to arrive at school!<. I'm looking forward to more flashbacks to those days. * I haven't seen Yoon Park in a drama since **Age of Youth**, so it's nice to see him again here as a jealous but caring contemporary of Jeong-woo's * I felt exhausted from watching Ha-neul's >!overworked, bullied!< and mentally and physically draining existence, in contrast to Jeong-woo's cushy life of >!success prior to the patient incident!<. * This drama has some elements in common with **Daily Dose of Sunshine**, and the feeling is reinforced by Lee Hong-ran's presence as Ha-neul's friend. * Lee Seung-joon has been everywhere recently, and makes a cameo appearance here as a psychologist who >!diagnoses Ha-neul with depression!<. * All in all, it was a promising first episode.


>In the space of the first few minutes, Ha-neul nearly met the truck of doom and Jeong-woo lost a patient. Of course, the editing was such that it made us think she was the patient that died which was confusing as heck. > Lee Seung-joon has been everywhere recently, and makes a cameo appearance here as a psychologist who diagnoses Ha-neul with depression. I saw him as the father in Cast Away Diva. He was great, I hated his guts


I kept thinking Lee Seung-Joon was about to do something nefarious - he did too good a job in Castaway!


>the editing was such that it made us think she was the patient that died which was confusing as heck. We could have a very different drama if he was being haunted by his highschool rival. I think I'd still be here for it.


Iā€™m legit surprised cars just >!drive around a human in distress on the road!<. Thankfully the one >!that mattered stopped!<


All the other people in the crosswalk, many of them presumably medical professionals (they are just outside the hospital, right?), and no one intervenes?


I was very annoyed by this. It seemed unrealistic and unnecessarily dramatic. I feel like someone walking on the crosswalk would/should have helped her too.


This episode has really cemented that Iā€™m going to absolutely love this show. I couldnā€™t stop laughing during the flashback with how competitive they were. It was also nice that we got a throwaway line on where his parents are. Looks they arenā€™t going to support him, which is in stark contrast to the FLā€™s family.Ā  Ā Ā Ā Itā€™s nice to see that Yoon Parkā€™s character seems to have his back despite being jealous of him.Ā Ā Ā  Ā That anesthesiologist is such an asshole. How is that even possible these days? Itā€™s realistic that sheā€™s depressed and suicidal since anesthesiologists have the highest suicide rates among doctors. Such a stressful and thankless job while the surgeon gets all the glory. I donā€™t understand why everyone else in the OR canā€™t stand up for her since they saw what happened. Ā Ā  The leads have such wonderful chemistry, I am going to adore seeing them go from enemies to lovers. Already having some heart fluttering when they look at each other.Ā 


Honestly I really like PSH's acting here. The >!crying scene!< at the end of episode 2 >!just felt so raw and natural. The way she sobbed but laughed at the same time as if laughing at the absurdity of her sadness!<... so relatable. I like their chemistry too.


**Episode 2:** * Talented af kids with self-centered parents seem to be one of the themes of this drama... Amazing how >!his mom didn't bother asking how was he or anything!< * Ngl, even [that tear drop](https://imgur.com/B77lXkw) looks so aesthetic on his face * >!The bra flying off and hitting him in the face!< was so lololololol * I love [LOVE PHS](https://imgur.com/hG5Bloc) doing comedy... he's absolutely hilarious XDD * Jeong-woo being petty af makes this so entertaining lmao * "How long can you use a new pen until it runs out?" [HAHAHAH](https://imgur.com/RxQzBRN)... I want to know more about Dae-young and Jeong-woo's past. He seems fun * He hired an >!anesthesiologist without a background check?!< Damn son * Lmaaooo she's as petty as him * That professor is an absolute douchebag * FINALLYYY [SHE](https://imgur.com/j98nqb1) STOOD UP FOR HERSELF!!! * "I should tranquilize you." HAHAHAHA * >!"... but you of all people cannot be depressed."!< Ouch... that's one of the worst things she could've said to her * [Good cover](https://imgur.com/H08d1VB) Jeong-woo * [Ha-nuel following him](https://imgur.com/BDRArG4) silently after that >!embarrassing reunion!< was sweet * [Jeong-woo](https://imgur.com/b8XdfDc) really needed to hear someone say >!that he's being falsely accused!< and Ha-nuel did just that * Seriously I'm glad >!Ha-nuel's mom!< came to her senses * Okay [that](https://imgur.com/uW1hlUs) was freakin adorable. >!Just two grown-up doctors bawling their eyes out about their unjust life!< * Who the hell wants to drag Jeong-woo through the mud.. hasn't he had enough... Lord * Park Hyung-sik in plaid shirts and all black suits tho...


> Talented af kids with self-centered parents seem to be one of the themes of this drama... Amazing how his mom didn't bother asking how was he or anything What I found funny was how she was more concerned about the impact of the scandal on his father's chance for the chairman position. That must have been for Korean viewers because in America no one would give a damn about a scandal involving the son in Korea. > He hired an anesthesiologist without a background check? Damn son That right there, makes him somewhat responsible for what happened. It's his clinic and his responsibility to vouch for his staff. What if the anesthesiologist had simply been incompetent instead of a paid-off? This would be way less clear-cut. I think maybe this was meant to illustrate that he was way too laid back about his success and his business. It came too easily to him. In school, he didn't have to work hard, he was just naturally talented. He was the first on YouTube so became successful. The FL on the other hand, worked like a dog to achieve her success and was still struggling despite (or actually because) she was competent. One of the themes of the show, I think, will be to bring those two extremes closer to the center. > really needed to hear someone say that he's being falsely accused and Ha-nuel did just that And it's the casual way she did it. Not just a *I believe you,* but more like a *don't be ridiculous, of course, you didn't do that*. It was a balm for his soul. I predict he will fall for her first, and that seems to be confirmed by their closing statement at the end of the episode. > Seriously I'm glad Ha-nuel's mom came to her senses Glad they won't be >!dragging this out for multiple episodes. And it seemed a very healing moment for her, as a large part of her depression seemed caused by her mother's lifelong expectations.!< Asian moms!


It sounded like he already liked her in school and was fascinated by her. PHS seems to always pick dramas where the FL is strong/determined/badass.


**Episode 2** * Enemies-to-lovers, forced cohabitation... this drama is hitting all the right notes, and I'm here for it. * What I'm here for more than anything, though, are those school days flashbacks in which Park Hyung-sik's physical comedic talents shine the brightest. Jeong-woo trying to >!one up Ha-neul by guzzling two packets of instant coffee with a crazed look in his eyes!<, was perfection. * Their competitiveness when it comes to solving math problems reminded me of the best parts of **Crash Course in Romance**, namely, the competitive academic scenes. However, another apparent point of similarity to **CCiR** was much less welcome, namely, >!yet another mystery/crime subplot!<. * Ha-neul being >!treated horribly by the professor at her hospital!<, in particular, getting >!a paper cut from having papers thrown in her face, and worse, being kicked in the shin!<, reminded me of a similar old-school scene in **Misaeng**. * I was proud of her, though, when she >!refused to take the fall for the professor's incompetence, and quit in style!<. * The directness with which Jeong-woo's so-called >!"friends" were openly bad-mouthing him in the restaurant scene!< also had an old-school K-drama vibe, which was more than welcome, but also made it hit that much harder.


This drama is giving me old school kdrama feels, with both the leads, the medical drama vibes, the falling petals, and the color grading! The theme of mental health and healing is so refreshing. I absolutely love the leads and their chemistry so far. I don't mind the absolutely crazy logic of not suspecting the anesthesiologist, because it gives the leads a chance to heal with each other. I especially relate with Ha Neul. Studying so hard only to be burnt out and depressed - its a story of many asians. And for the first time, park shin hye's acting is on point. Here is hoping the kissing scenes will be on point as well xD


Episode 1: watching the FL study so much gave me so much stress because I was watching the drama instead of studying. šŸ¤£šŸ˜­ I wouldn't say it was the best first episode, but I have hope that this drama would get better. Over-all, I'm going to stick with it because the storyline seems fun. Edit -Episode 2: OMG I LOVE THIS DRAMA!!! Episode two was so so so so good I loved it!!!


Park Shin Hye I wasn't aware of your gameĀ 


Well this was a surprising bit of warmth in this cold winter season. Kudos to the people who thought to give Park Hyung Sik leeway to show his comedic side. Things feel very grounded and layered, a hint of ridiculousness, and well-used tropes... Speaking of which, are we keeping track of all the tropes: * >!Knowing each other in childhood!< * >!Enemies to Lovers!< * >!Forced co-habitation (sort of)!< * >!Truck of Doom!< * >!Murder mystery/setup!< I hope they explore the mental illness theme a bit more. Gen Z and some younger millennials here in North America did a fantastic job of just bringing that discussion in public. People openly talk about these things now, and while there's still a stigma and judgement here and there, it's changing and has changed. To talk about it so openly and forthrightly... Damn, Park Shin Hye can act can't she? My face hurts from smiling too much. Thankfully, Marry My Husband will get me through the next two days. But I need some more hand-offs afterwards.


Episode 2 Iā€™m in a deeply appreciative mood as PHS is in full on MinMin mode. How cute he is when he recognizes that she is depressed and tries to cheer her up. And sheā€™s as well protecting him when they are in the bar where the reunion is. Personally, I donā€™t drink much, but this was a great drinking scene. >!They honest to god slurred while boasting their superior abilities to hold their liquor. Competitive much? !< Plus the walk back home, so romantic >! Where do they find these gorgeous blooming trees? And they were on the staircase confessing (!) their deepest wish since back then: flicking the others forehead. You donā€™t need to be a psychologist to get what may lay behind these urges. I deeply feared that one of them would end up with broken bones because the combo staircase plus alcohol plus flicking.. but they survived. !< and let me say, for a 2nd episode the >!embrace was quite a move! !< Hoping for a new order from the kdrama relationship progress: hug by 5, kiss by 8 scheduleā€¦ šŸ¤©. But she owes him >! a flick !< but maybe heā€™ll have a better idea by then. PHS is a really good actor and he excels at charm and can convey that he longs to smooch a lamp post, if necessary. Although I do like the female lead, PSH isnā€™t the strongest in intimate moments, so here Iā€™m hoping that with him, it wonā€™t be problematic. As I said: lamp posts would melt.


*episodes 1 and 2* it seems i was born to love PHS dramas. from **happiness** to **soundtrack #1** to **our blooming youth**, every drama heā€™s starred in over the past couple of years has become one of my favourites. **doctor slump** presents us with a character of the sort we havenā€™t seen since his bong soon days. heā€™s a joy to watch on screen and, in my eyes, makes a good pairing with PSH. this is the first drama iā€™ve seen of hers, and so far iā€™m liking her character a lot. following episode 1 of this new drama, i wasnā€™t confident it would be one iā€™d look forward to every weekend (the surgery scene was a bit too much for me). but episode 2 has completely sold me ā€” it struck the perfect balance between the silly/funny/childish, the serious, and the sentimental. this makes it reflective of real life, which is very often defined by the simultaneous presence of vastly different emotions. though the female lead has been diagnosed with depression, and experiences hardship as a result of her poor mental health, her darker days might be perforated by tiny moments of light; >!flicking her former rival on the head with as much strength as she can muster, the sun momentarily breaks through the clouds.!< the cinematography is quite beautiful. it feels natural in the sense that though the dramaā€™s leads are incredibly beautiful, their clothing, appearance and dialogue arenā€™t airbrushed to perfection. >!theyā€™re messy in their drunkenness, grown up and yet so similar to the versions of themselves that bickered as teenagers. the cherry blossom reminds us of this: in flashbacks, it grew around them as they raced one another to the school gate. in the present, the petals float through the air as they slowly, clumsily, tipsily make their way down the steps. they may have fallen from the great heights of their youth, but they might yet learn that this is only in the eyes of society at large ā€” in truth their value has not, and cannot ever be, diminished.!< social pressure and expectation can force us down a path we might not have chosen for ourselves. oftentimes, this path leads us towards despair. the ā€œslump,ā€ rather than being temporary, becomes the definition of oneā€™s life. seeing ha neul be subjected to such bullying and abuse made me feel immense anger and sympathy. it was hard to watch, >!but made more significant the moment she stands up for herself. having not directly experienced that which ha neul endured at work, others (like her mother) struggle to understand just how terrible things were for her. day after day, she was made to feel small, incompetent, worthless.!< it was a >!relief to see her mother finally accept that mental illness is just as legitimate as physical illness. a relief, and a cause for tears, to read that text message: health truly is, and always will be, more important than success. it serves as both reminder and reassurance, for ha neul and for the audience. she cries, jeong woo cries, we all cry ā€” i found it to be a truly moving moment. (side note but i hugely value seeing male leads cry on screen. two episodes in and heā€™s silently cried, bawled, and endearingly struggled to press the tears back into his eyes. toxic masculinity is toxic, and there is nothing at all weak about making your emotions apparent to others.)!< iā€™m very intrigued by the second male lead. his >!declaration that he wishes to keep safe jeong wooā€™s temporarily vacated position of popularity paints him as more unique than he might appear. rather than behaving jealously, he seems genuinely concerned and supportive, and i look forward to hearing the story he so wished to (re)tell his colleagues. what exactly is the history thatā€™s shared between the two men?!< iā€™m grateful that, so far, the drama doesnā€™t make the mistake of forgetting the intelligence of its leads. >!like us, jeong woo was suspicious of his more recently recruited employee. i hope the mystery continues to progress at paceā€¦ weā€™re in need of the shield investigation team (if you havenā€™t yet seen **our blooming youth**, i wholeheartedly recommend it).!< all of the above leads me to draw comparisons between this drama and others i have seen and loved. as other commenters here have mentioned, there are some very welcome (in the sense that thoughtful, nuanced and sensitive discussions about mental health are much needed) similarities between this and **daily dose of sunshine**. also, the night time walks, loveably chaotic characters, emotional vulnerability, and teenager-to-adult storyline (as well as the rather retro looking ice lolly poster) inevitably remind me of **2521**ā€¦ thereā€™s a certain vibe of kdrama that i love above all others, and iā€™m hopeful that **doctor slump** continues to move me through its sincerity, its humour and its portrayal of meaningful, precious relationships.


**Episode 1:** * Fair warning. I'll be gushing over Park Hyung-sik in every episode so pls bear with me * Wow this drama didn't take long to get down to business * The kind of [relentlessness](https://imgur.com/tYySxNg) my mom wishes I had while studying * The way [he's](https://imgur.com/OhfbZrS) scrutinizing her... please * "... she eats instant coffee dry so she won't need to pee often." HAHAHAHA THAT IS RIDICULOUS * [So handsome](https://imgur.com/B3Smloe)\~\~\~ * They really need to stop typecasting [Yoon Park](https://imgur.com/zhfkjer) as the jealous SML, I really hope his character is more than that * I love how he's so successful but doesn't brag about it * As a doctor herself, >!she ought to know better than to neglect her own body tho no?!< I mean I get it she has a lot on her plate but still * Of course she wasn't going to die it wasn't the white truck of doom heading her way * Sorry but I had to pause and check the probability of >!dying during a contouring surgery!< (1 to 250,000 jbtw) * WHAT IN THE WORLD??!?!?! IT BECAME A POLICE CASE???? * He was clearly framed but... what the fck??/ * But the way [Dae-young's](https://imgur.com/BXSyH1P) all genuinely worried for Jeong-woo tho.. jealousy put aside * How wholesome of his friends to be [such douchebags](https://imgur.com/xn7WG8Y) in his time of crisis * I don't trust [that anesthesiologist](https://imgur.com/DM8hDW6) one bit... * I liked [this scene](https://imgur.com/MrQtJlL) A LOT.. It is so human to be so indecisive about such a huge decision.. No one likes to admit it but it is a necessary step * [Ki-ho's dad](https://imgur.com/136oRss) is a mental health doctor! * Nothing like being in [denial](https://imgur.com/S9UlhRx) about your diagnosed depression * BUAHAHAHAHA >!that rewind of their high school times!< when they run into each other * Interesting they didn't reveal if >!Ha-neul had a crush on him!< or not * ALERT! THERE'S A NEW CHAOTIC COUPLE IN TOWN


>>!As a doctor herself,!< > >>!she ought to know better than to neglect her own body tho no?!< > >>!I mean I get it she has a lot on her plate but still!< Something people in the medical field often say is that doctors are always the worst patients. They tend to be very stubborn in getting diagnosed and then receiving treatment.


I look forward to your recaps as much as the dramas, honestly! Iā€™ll also be gushing over our PHS :) I 100000% agree with your points about the anesthesiologist because >!how are you so calm during a freaking emergency!< and I was so disappointed about how his friend reacted.


Iā€™ll be there with you gushing over Hyungsik. I donā€™t think weā€™re aloneā€¦ the phrase ā€œPark Hyungsik's faceā€ has been trending on Korean X (bird app) since yesterday. šŸ˜† His friends were so disappointing, fair-weather friends they are. And that scene by the river was heartbreaking. Also, Ha-neul wins the IDGA* awardā€¦ never lost her place in her book despite being knocked down to the floor in a middle of a fight.


Doctors are notorious for neglecting their own bodies and not doing all the health maintenance things they tell their patients to do. Ā So I totally buy it. Ā My friend who is a doctor ignored his signs and symptoms of type 1 diabetes until he nearly passed out on call and had to go to the very ER he was working at. Ā 


I am here to support all the Park Hyung-sik gushing! Gush away!


> Sorry but I had to pause and check the probability of dying during a contouring surgery (1 to 250,000 jbtw) > > WHAT IN THE WORLD??!?!?! IT BECAME A POLICE CASE???? To be fair >!she didn't die from contouring surgery, she died from excessive bleeding due to anticoagulants being in her body. Any surgery could lead to death in that case.!< >!I also was taken aback by the police investigation. I would think any death from surgery would not be handled by the police unless there was foul play suspected. I would guess that there would be a lawsuit instead, not a criminal investigation. But maybe we will learn more as we go. It's obvious he was framed, from the bottle and the missing footage.!<


I'm here for all the Park Hyung-sik gushing (that sounds awkward šŸ˜‚) I love your recaps of all the important and fun moments from the show. It's always entertaining to read and fun to see you in the comments whenever I start a new show!


OMG yoon park is so damn funny here šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ his expressions are killing me


Yeah I wasnā€™t sure how a person could be in a single person competition per character description but he plays it so well that you can totally buy itā€¦ and itā€™s funny!Ā 


i dont know why but the 2nd episode was so reminiscent of the 2016-2017 dramas that i have watched and really liked. maybe itā€™s the color grading, ost or cinematography. cant wait for the next eps to come out


Mygod. The last scene in ep 2 had me bawling with them. And when the ost hitā€¦damnnn


**Episode 2 - random musings** * Poor Jeong Woo. From rich and popular to living in a rooftop apartment. * His mother telling him not to mess it up for his father who would be the first Asian to become the chairman for the American Heart Association. Lady, it doesn't work that way in America. The sins of the son are not visited on the father. * I'm curious, are Korean men this embarrassed by things like bras, or is that just a K-drama fantasy? * The reaction to >!coming second on the midterms was so over-the-top hilarious. He's not breathing!!! lol And then the rumor mill started.!< * It's interesting how her pain is internalized through stress and depression and his is externalized through his difficulties. Both are deeply unhappy. I predict a heart-to-heart at some point, probably lubricated with copious amounts of soju. This is the Korean way after all. * I find it interesting that she is an anesthesiologist and that it's obviously his anesthesiologist who killed the patient and framed him. I'm sure that is going to come into play at some point in the drama. * I find surgery scenes stressful. I don't know if it's just me. I actually skipped the one where that patient dies in episode one. * How is that abusive senior so freaking incompetent and still holds that position. But it explains his animosity. At least Jeong Woo was just childish when he felt jealous, not aggressive and mean. * Gad, of course, he is going to pass the blame to her. What an asshat. That is one of the frustrating things I find about Korean dramas. She should have just told the mother straight away whose fault it was. * >!That takedown was satisfying. Not as satisfying as seeing him get his comeuppance, but maybe that is yet to come!< * I'm amazed at how different a character the psychologist is from his role in Castaway Diva. There he exuded menace, in this role, his face looks so kind and caring. Acting! FTW! * That noodle-making scene was strangely satisfying. * My prediction about the >!soju-fueled bonding session came about faster than I expected.!< * I loved the way he started expounding on skulls and the various ways they can break * Asian moms and the pressures they put on their kids ... >!I'm glad her mother came to her senses and she won't continue to pressure her daughter for episodes to come.!< * Absolutely loved that ending. And from judging from next week's preview, the bonding continues. Maybe this show will lean more into romance than the whodunnit mystery?


Iā€™m enjoying it so far! >! I feel like the anesthesiologist from the surgery was paid to kill the heiress so someone can take her inheritance and now theyā€™re trying to hurt him so he doesnā€™t figure it out!<


Im graduating medical school in a few months so this is the perfect show for me lol. Iā€™m excited to watch it!


I was like šŸ„ŗ the whole episode 2. I haven't seen much from Park shin hye, but her performance here is strong. I dont know if its just me but there's something in Park hyung sik's voice that is so soothing, could listen to him until I fall asleep.


I need something to watch after Welcome to Samdal-ri and whatā€™s better than a PHS drama. I cannot stand Park Shin-hye, watched a few of her dramas and felt they would have been better without her. But Iā€™m here for PHS.. šŸ„³ Let the Dr. Slump party begin!


This drama speaks to a lot of people and hopefully will to advocate to acknowledging mental health issues and the need to treat similarly to our physical health


Really good start. My only concern is that this story doesn't seem like it should last 16 episodes. I hope they don't drag stuff unnecessarily just to meet the quota. Daily dose of sunshine managed to cover similar very complex themes and did it in 12 episodes, so I'm hoping this drama has some good plot for the extra 4. >!Also, 100% his anaesthesiologist is the one who killed the lady. I guess that the story will end with her being his new anaesthesiologist. !<


**Episode 1** * They almost got us with the truck of doom...TWICE * I'm probably in the minority here, but I don't mind Park Shin-hye in this at all * Park Hyung-sik looks as handsome as ever, though I wish he had his hair swept back more so we can see his beautiful forehead * Jeong-woo's friends are terrible omg * I need Ha-neul to quit immediately. Nothing is worth being at the point of wanting to forfeit your life. I like that they didn't sugarcoat anything. She is depressed, but she hasn't quite accepted that yet * The surgery case seems a little ridiculous. What does the prosecutor think was Jeong-woo's motive? It just doesn't make sense **Episode 2** * Jeong-woo fainting was absolutely hilarious and then him riding the scooter to schoolšŸ˜† * Dae-young is more worried about Jeong-woo than Jeong-woo's own friends * Jeong-woo, how could you not look into the man you hired?? * Jeong-woo seems more bothered by Ha-neul than she is by him hehe * I would get unprofessional real quick if I were Ha-neul. Professor Kim is an evil man. * Now he's blaming Ha-neul for his incompetence! * Ha-neul I'm so proud of you!!!


Realllly enjoyed the first 2 eps. First time watching both leads and i am enjoying them more than expected. Watching the teasers i thought iā€™d be annoyed by hyungsikā€™s character, but he is hilarious in this role. Both of them together also cracked me up and i love their chemistry together. there was a good balance of like and dislike between them but they werenā€™t too aggressive just playful banter which i like. I really like the premise of this show so far esp that it also touches on mental health. I just hope the finding the culprit angle doesnā€™t get weird though


Love a healing journey


This gives me the same warmth as Our Beloved Summer!!


Ahhh I'm waiting to resubscribe to Netflix until my Viki subscription runs out, but I'll be watching this as soon as I can! So excited for another Park Hyung Sik drama!


Long time no see Min Min!!!


- Starting off fresh with the >!truck of doom!< šŸ˜­ I almost thought >!Jeong Woo was saving Ha-Neul after getting hit!!< Then I was like wait, heā€™s a plastic surgeon though?? She would need intense life saving procedures before anything else lol. I was puzzled to say the leastšŸ˜­ - Ha Neulā€™s Mom parading around how much HN studies šŸ¤¦šŸ¾ā€ā™€ļø Lady wake up, your daughter has no life outside of studying for 17 hours a day! I can relate to academics being stressed upon growing up too though. - Also, watching her study through normal actitives like eating and exercising to maximize her time was insane! She was even eating during her >!Dadā€™s death anniversary!< šŸ˜¢ Those scenes were actually depressing šŸ˜­ - JW and his friends are cute!! Picture taking scene was hilarious šŸ˜‚ - The competition between the leads is crazyyy. Theyā€™re actually competing to see who gets to the library (?) first šŸ¤£ And I like how JW keeps calling HN crazy but is lowkey fascinated by her šŸ˜‚ - Yoon Parkā€™s character is a funny hater here šŸ˜† He also had that slight forecast with that >!punishment!< comment. - Another drama, another workplace abuse plotline. The boss is awful, just pushing HN left and right šŸ‘ŽšŸ¾ He just gets worse as the episode goes on too. >!Had the audacity to throw the dissertation at her, push her, ask her to put another person on her work, and then HEā€™S the one becoming a Professor at the end.!< - That >!anesthesiologist was suspicious from beginning to end!!! He was paid off by somebody, I wonā€™t be convinced otherwise āœ‹šŸ¾Way too calm, looking like he wasnā€™t surprised, and then came to look at her pupils and walked back like it was nothing??!< - Poor JW being >!framed for a crime he didnā€™t commit!< - The >!friend scene was hard to watch, I was so sad for JW. He comes in thinking ā€œat least I still have my best friendsā€ and then 1 of them is suspicious of him and angry about the debt he caused. Fair to be upset about the debt but damn was that harsh.!< - Maybe Iā€™ve watched too many crazy dramas, I thought HN was going to have >!cancer!< šŸ«£ - Also real, >!denying her depression diagnosis!< - They >!meet again!!!< At their lows as well, this is gonna be interesting. I also like how JW >!liked and hated her back then. Kinda like a 2nd chance feel!< šŸ¤­ I think the 1st episode was alright. Iā€™m ready to watch more!


Ep 1: >!I need to be as unbothered like Ha Nuel when she was studying while chaos is going on around heršŸ¤£ā€¦ sis just roll on the ground and continued studying!< One thing life will teach you is >!You can be on top of the world one day and lose it all the next like Jeong Woo!< >!Ha Nuel needs to quit her job immediately. That boss is out of his mind!<


I love the pacing and the comedyĀ 


I really liked these first two episodes. The portrayal of >!depression feels very familiar to my own experience and I love FL for that. And I love ML for, despite the childish rivalry stuff, being empathetic and caring when it mattered despite his own struggles going on. I also laughed at him going off on a tangent about facial fractures while they were drinking like lol nerd alert!< >!The end of ep 2 where theyā€™re both crying was sweet šŸ„¹!< It looks like this show will have some of my favorite things: chaotic characters, enemies to friends to possibly lovers, mystery, healingā€¦ I didnā€™t know that would be the case when I turned it on this weekend. Iā€™m looking forward to next weekā€™s episodes.


I have mixed feelings because though I love Min-Min, I don't really like Park Shin Hye. She always feels more like she's stage acting than TV acting to me. I also have concerns that "successful child millennials now realizing their lives are not all that" will hit a little too close to home.


I am in a slump and single right now and I am thinking will this drama make me sad or provide comfort


Pretty solid first episode!


Starting this because I loooooove Park Hyung Sik and I need to fill the hole that Welcome to Samdal-ri left. Iā€™m not sure about it so far, but weā€™ll see! Park Shin Hyeā€™s acting is not my fave but I have no complaints yet and the chemistry looks like it could be good. Side note: is Hyung Sik aging backwards? He looks so insanely young here. It literally looks like this was shot 5-6 years BEFORE Happiness, not 2-3 years AFTER.


Yes true, I guess it's his weight loss


Why is no one helping FL at the beginning, she was walking and walking looking sick and everyone was just staring?! I guess that's what everyone is talking when saying Koreans really don't get involed and help. Also the trial had so weak evidence and everyone juat believed and he lost so easily everything and all friends. Do people judge so harshly, no getting more info or just believing your friend... Just extreme hatered immediately... I know it furthers the plot but I had to vent.


comedic park hyungsik? what more could i want ? <3 so hooked on this drama already. park shin hye has improved greatly. hopefully we don't get a dead fish kiss in this drama šŸ™…āŒ


min min gonna make that fish aliiiiiivveee!!!


I totally loved it :) can't wait till next Saturday


OMO! I'm hooked! I looovw their flashback scenes, so hillarious šŸ˜… that part when >!minmin fell down with a dead look on his face when he saw the results, then his classmates dragged him and his legs couldn't walk!< Comedy gold ahahahhahahahah Never a fan of shin ye but I'm likin her here so far their chemistry looks good, not that explosive yet but I hope they build it up!!!


Why does nobody like this actress? LOL. She's actually good compared to some even more popular Kdrama actresses?


Who wants a shrimp neck pillow? I know I do..


I adore Park Hyung Sik and have been waiting for it the whole month! I just hope it doesn't disappoint. šŸ˜Œ Unrelated to the drama, but while waiting for it and Flex X Cop, Iā€™m gonna read Purple Hyacinth!


Thoroughly enjoyed the first two episodes. I get what people are saying about having younger actors essay the high school versions of Jeongwoo and Haneul and I kinda thought they might look too old to play the part but after watching PHS and PSH in their high school uniforms, Iā€™m fully sold. Especially PHS, heā€™s hilarious. His comic timing and facial expressions are excellent. To counter that, PSH does balance it out nicely. I donā€™t think they look too old for the role now that Iā€™ve seen how good and funny they are playing it. Iā€™m probably in the minority though. PS: I am a little sad that PHS lost all his military weight. He was already handsome before but so incredibly handsome in Happiness.


So many (potentially) enjoyable ongoings now. Love it. Canā€™t wait to see it.


That surgery scene made me so terrified


anesthesiologist dude who works w jung woo is >! easily and obviously suspicious already!< edit: bro was not kyung min i just saw glasses and got confused lol


Ep 2: >!Iā€™m glad Haneul chose her health over working. She worked so hard up until now with barely resting. We often time choose other things other than our health so Iā€™m happy she chose herself. If you are indeed reading this, I hope you are taking care of yourself or you start tošŸ«¶šŸ¾!< >!Thank God Haneulā€™s mom ended up being supportivešŸ„²I was heartbroken at first but happy in the end!< >!Jeong Wooā€™s friends turning out to be leeches is so sad. He barely has anyone as support but I hope the best for him in the future especially with whoever set him up being revealed fast!<


So you wonder why a smart person won't have the >!anesthesiologist!< investigated and why a >!planted!< device was found in his clinic but he didn't ask for the >!CCTV recording!< of it. If it ain't a trope as easy to spot as the truck of doom.


>!I cant watch Haneulā€™s doctor.!< Ive been traumatized and scared of him during Castaway Diva.


Honestly, I didnā€™t know what to expect from this drama going into it and I was slightly worried I wouldnā€™t like the drama even though I like both PSH and PHS separately. For some reason I didnā€™t think theyā€™d have chemistry togetherā€¦ but boy, have I been liking this so far! Ep. 2 was really good and so far Iā€™m buying into their characters and the acting is solid!! I hope the upcoming episodes continue to get better. Definitely sticking with this drama for now. :)


I love the series so far. šŸ˜


**Episode 2** - So proud of Ha Neul for >!retrieving her medication!< šŸ«¶šŸ¾ - Jeong Wooā€™s pettiness after getting >!2nd place on the midterm!<, Iā€™m crying šŸ˜­ - 1st love? Maybeee šŸ‘€ - Please no >!stalker!< plot, Iā€™m begging the writers šŸ˜©šŸ˜© - Love the fact jealous doctor stuck up for Jeong Woo šŸ˜‚ - Ha Neul has really gotten the short end of the stick. Getting harassed at work and being used by higher ups to complete their work for them šŸ„“ I was so pissed when she >!didnā€™t say anything in the room about the Professor being the one to bruise the lady during surgery but she won me over after!!! She didnā€™t need to kick himā€¦ but he got what he deserved šŸ¤·šŸ¾ā€ā™€ļø I just feel bad that malicious rumors are gonna follow her now that she stood up for herself!< - HNā€™s mom needs to stop bragging about her, so annoying and makes it harder to live up to expectations. She also pissed me off with the >!ā€you canā€™t be sickā€ scene but the text message at the end was nice. Hopefully she stays a supportive parent.!< - Kinda going along with my last point, >!the lack of privacy was crazy!!!! Iā€™m glad the Mom said she rather HN be healthy than successful but the brother going through her stuff and then exposing her meds was poor behavior.!< - High school dude was nasty. Iā€™m disappointed in the friends once again as well. Yesterday, I still felt fine about one of the friends because he was trying to stop the guy who was livid with JW. In the end both are bad friends though. >!To let JW shelter all the blame for lost money when in reality he helped THEM get on their feet once upon a time is crazy. The friend who also jumped to accusing JW is the worst of them all.!< - I almost feel like the drunk scene was too long but good things came out of it. Iā€™m happy they could console each other.


Woah 90 mins


Probably not 90 minutes, but somewhere between 60-80. It's the last thing on the schedule for the day and the re-runs are scheduled for 80/85 minute blocks, minus time for advertisements it should be pretty standard length. But leaving it as 90 minutes for now so hopefully people will realise it will be on Netflix after midnight KST.


The first episode was an hour. Now I feel cheated.


I'm always on the fence when it comes to medical dramas because the more medical terminology the less interested I am. And the main storyline needs to be more interesting for me to keep going. Ep 1 had a lot of it but since this is a setup imma give it some more time. First things first. Park Shin-hye is so damn beautiful and it's so good to see her again. Idc about the criticism. She's truly the princess of kdramaland. And omg Hyung-sik looks so good here and looks like he has lost some weight for the school parts. Watching him be goofy after a long time and seeing him with PHS in school uniforms immediately took me to **The Heirs** days lol. And I can't wait to see their romantic chemistry unfold. Academic rivals, healing together and forced proximity. The drama already has so many of my fav tropes and I'm seated. I liked that the SML was bitter towards the ML but he's actually a nice person who's rooting for the latter. Looks like there's not gonna be a love triangle and instead just a second couple so let's see how it goes. P.S. It's interesting that the drama is airing at the time slot of Welcome to Samdal-ri which also had the healing from a huge setback lol


AFTER WATCHING THE SECOND EPISODE I CAN SAY I LOVE THIS DRAMA! (there might be some spoilers?) this is so, so relatable for me as someone with depression. my depression rendered me completely non-functional and I didn't even want to get up from bed to get water or food, so it's different from the FLs, but man this is still so damn relatable. first of all, the responses the FL gets are so real and so infuriating at the same time! - even though she's very serious while talking about depression with her best friend (who's also a doctor) the latter thinks she's just making up an excuse to stop talking about the ML and assumes that being depressed and having depression are the same thing. it's so damn invalidating but it's happened to me too! - the ML assumes she's happy just because she has a job and people around her. I've had people tell me I look happy because I'm always smiling and I have a great family so I couldn't be depressed. - even her mom invalidates her and says she couldn't have depression and thinks that her daughter having depression is a failure on her part. I relate a lot to the FL (and also the ML). I love the fact that she stood up for herself when she realized the way she was living was affecting her health and she needed rest and needed to get rid of toxicity! I'm glad her mom came around though, because she could do with some love! The way she cried when her mother texted her that she **wanted a healthy daughter more than a successful daughter**... honestly, that made me tear up too! the first time someone said what I was feeling was valid and I didn't need to push myself so hard or be hard on myself and I could just rest, I cried. unfortunately, not many people said that to me so that was kind of disheartening! I'm glad the FL and the ML have each other! the FL may have some people who care about her and are willing to give their support to her, but the ML seems to not have any (hope yoon park's character does that?). and the fact that the FL sought help was also commendable, which I hope the ML does too in the future! They can help each other and get better. I love, love this show for talking about depression and showing how people can say insensitive things unknowingly.


After watching ep1 I'm down to watch 2 but also a wee bit underwhelmed so far. I actually liked their high school flashback scenes a lot more than the present day, but probably because they had so much more personality and joy back then, vs them being at their lowest points now in the present. Based on the previews (and the writer/director combo) I'm hopeful things will pick up a bit!


Anesthesiologist and Plastic Surgeon? Iā€™m loving it! Wondering why one is still a fellow while the other is out of fellowship when they started at the same time. I remember another show that the ML was a plastic surgeon whose business was failing because of a scandal, but I forgot what it was. Ā Ā Ā  Poor jealous SML- does the actor ever get a break and be the ML for once?Ā Ā  Ā  Loving that the FL had a supportive family, but it seems like we have the usual trope of her father passing away. Ā  Why is it the surgeons fault when the bleeding out was due to the patient receiving anticoagulants? The anesthesiologist administers medicine, not the surgeon.Ā 


ML gave two injections himself. He had asked for local anesthesia, but wasn't he wearing gloves anyway. Fingerprints were obviously planted some how.


My flair and I will be sat every weekend!!! Also I know that I'm in for the healing unlike with WTS where I went in just based on the leads and vibes These people need to retake their driving test because why aren't you doing an emergency stop to help her?! Shit no wonder she burnt out šŸ˜¶ Paparazzi šŸ¤£reminds me of one of my favourite scenes from The Heirs -[ Youngest Daughter of the Jeguk Group](https://youtu.be/nIdoHFl0Uf4?si=6DOILBvOkac3qGQA) Is this an insoles thing because I thought Yoon Park was taller than Park Hyung Sik Gotta run in sports mode Ha-Neul! That anesthesiologist seems sus *Don't yell at me. I didn't do it*. Has literally been one of my life's mottosšŸ¤£ wow with friends like these who needs enemies >!have they just riding his success? Really thought the worst of him even though you have been with him for so long!< girl you can't do that with medication, you're even a whole doctor wow just realized how Jeong Woo's case is like an extreme version of what happened to Sam Dal Too much trauma for me to be instantly hooked but I'm still here for them. Honestly thought it would be high school and then adult drama\*, but they're doing the flashback thing soo EP2: Realized I'm super glad we're not being blindsided like Daily Dose, I just hope they stick to these established traumas because I don't think I could handle it if things got worse wooow with FAMILY like that who needs enemies I know they're doing the whole High School and Present plot points but I wonder if we're getting some med school as wellšŸ¤”? Moreover, from what we now know of his friends the HS scenes are annoying Ha-neul is just trying to study šŸ¤£ and there he is with his pride and ego Ooh her putting herself first was everything but how were the other surgeons going to let it fly with her taking responsibility šŸ¤”I know he is a prof but wtf? plus aren't there cameras? Is Jeong Woo going to>! put a plaster on Ha-neul's cut!!He didn't and I'm a bit sad about it, !!crying!< had me tearing up So glad they're going against the stereotypical parent>! finding out their child has mental health issues !< If cherry blossoms are their thing then I forsee a time jump or final scene of them with petals falling KOPIKO IN A MEDICAL DRAMA? SAY LESSšŸ¤£šŸ˜­


His friends were awful. It seems like his jealous colleague will be the only one on his side (besides the FL).Ā 


Has anyone noticed the high school is the same place seen on True Beauty or Extraordinary You haha


>!"You're unbelievable, too. No matter what you thought, that position's crucial. You should've looked into him."!< JW's Dr. friend spitting facts there LOL. How could JW >!just randomly hire that guy JUST because he was the only one who handed him a resume in person and trust that he's a reputable anesthesiologist without even doing a basic background check and looking up his credentials? I don't know how it works in Korea but here in the U.S. all Drs can be easily looked up per each state's medical board to verify they are an actual Dr!< The cat in the background at 49:54! I always love it when a cat wanders into a scene in K-dramas lol. Edit: something I've noticed and am really curious about is that Haneul's medication are in small sealed bags instead of being in a labeled prescription bottle. It was the same in the drama A Daily Dose of Sunshine where each patient was handed their daily medication in a sealed package instead of being in a labeled prescription bottle.


What a strong start. Great story and cast.


Episode 2 I was so happy when FL >!stood up for herself at work, but then they undid that happiness by spreading bs rumors and making her look like she was in the wrong.!< I'm probably alone in this but the FL mom reminded me of Dolores Umbridge this episode šŸ˜‚ Idk why, think it was the combination of her face and attitude plus the shirt she was wearing


Excited for Park Hyung Shik


Wait, no one has mentioned the >!octopus!< slap or the >!pop corn!< battle? I love Jang Hye Jin, she was the best thing in CLOY, I hope she has more makjang moments with her in-laws.


Ok ep 1 wasn't a romcomish....but it had me hooked! A really great start! Both the leads played their emotions right, and I was crying for them. It's sooo sad. AND WHY THE HELL ARE PEOPLE NOT >!INVESTIGATING!< THE OTHERS IN THE CLINIC!? Jeong Woo had >!no history of malpractices, and I get that clearing the footage!< is sus but guys! come on! Ngl, the surgery 'scene' had me freaked. Not my first time watching all the blood and gore and I've watched stuff wayyy worse than this but ohhh god, that scene was soošŸ’€ I can't wait for the next ep! Edit: Watching ep 2 and I see that PSH is at it again - reaching school before anyone else, except this time instead of Kim Tan, there's Myung Soo (well ig he's Jeong Woo now) to accompany her.


Itā€™s supposed to be fun, but the teenage FL behaviour is making sad. This way of living is not healthy and everyone is praising her?.


Iā€™ve been disappointed by a lot of recent dramas so please please please let this one be good all the way through!


Romcom Park Hyungshik is back!! šŸ„³. He was excellent in his previous couple roles and I feel bad for saying this but I love when he is a goofy golden boy! No one can pull it off like he does! I only know Park Shin Hye from Heirs and I like her peformance in this one. Sheā€™s matching PHSā€™s goofball extraness. But is this going to be a romcom, thriller or high melodrama?šŸ˜… Last episode was pretty intense and this episode was all fluff and butterflies. Hope production can hold a neat line between the malpractice suit and frenemies to lovers arcs. Lim Jugyeonā€™s mom is wonderful here too! šŸ˜. I love Jang Hye Jinā€™s comedic timing. I was so crestfallen when >!she scolded Nam Haneul and cried along with Haneul and Jeongwoo when she retracted with text!<


I cracked up when Jung Woo put his hoodie over Ha Neul & she cringed at his gesture!šŸ¤£šŸ˜­ I was glad her mom came round and gave Ha Neul warm and kind words. 'Cause that's all we need sometimes y'know? That and a hug.šŸ¤—šŸ«¶šŸ¼


I wondered if I was going to like this based on the previews, but man, I'm in. It's really good. Hope it sticks.


Does anyone know what part of Seoul this is filmed/set in? Especially the scene in the first half of episode 2 where Park Hyung-sik is jogging on a pedestrian overpass.


I like everything about it except the >!murder/mystery and the severe fall from grace ML had. It felt... too much? It feels out-of tone with the rest of the drama to me, but we'll see how it plays out. Love the leads, love the general plot and enemies to lovers trope.!< So far I like the chemistry.


Actually, research suggests that plastic surgery does not improve self esteem, esp with body dysmorphia >!Why would he give her an anti coagulant? Like what would the motive be? And if she was on warfarin for arrhythmia, shouldn't he have known that prior to surgery?!< >!Does Korea not have malpractice insurance?!<


> >!what would the motive be?!< >!The patient was a casino heiress and it seems she was also part of a crime/mafia family so their enemies couldā€™ve found out she was undergoing a procedure here and paid the doctor off to kill her.!< Farfetched? They already brought >!gangs and gang tattoos!< into it soā€¦


Yes I think it should be obvious he has no motivation for that and he is being set up. Ā >! I think the anesthesiologist looked a bit suss. Ā Bleeding is definitely always a risk in surgery and no surgeon would willfully give their patient an anticoagulant unless they wanted to kill them and even then there are less obvious ways to do it.!<


pretty sure the anesthesiologist is the murderer. he looks sketchy. some internal Casino mafia drama


Okay, I am enjoying this drama. Itā€™s a bit sillier than I thought it would be at times, but Iā€™ll roll with it. The one thing that really is a pet peeve of mine is when dramas do those corny voice over narrations of the ML and FL, going back and forthā€¦I am more of a show than tell person so that bit sort of bothered me, especially at the end but not a deal breaker just a choice for editing I donā€™t prefer. MLā€¦I honestly havenā€™t seen him in anything (I know, I am behind on those dramas). He is cute and funny, and now I totally get the hype about him. He sort of has an effortless acting style I really like. FL, I havenā€™t seen anything sheā€™s been in either. I think sheā€™s a bit weaker in terms of acting, not the worst or the best just sort of mid. Sheā€™s a bit more believable as her teenage self and that personality than her current state but hopefully that improves. As a recovered overachiever who once said those same exact words FL did in this first episode. >!ā€Iā€™m too busy to be depressed,ā€!< I am hoping she brings a bit more to the table with her acting for the present day.


First thoughts?


Enjoyable! I feel like the previews really laid it out. I was stressed watching the medical stuff. I guess thereā€™s a sorta murder mystery here.


Yeah it feels like that is tied, that anesthesiologist was sketchy from the first look


I suspect him too


Agree with you! It was a good first episode. I can tell I'm going to watch this one for while. The medical scenes were really high stakes and stressed me too but it was done well! The murder mystery part seems like a good setup and I hope they don't lean way into it but it seems helpful for the story's setup for sure.


1) this triggered my Heirs nostalgia in the best way.Ā  2) I never trust a Yoon Park character.Ā 


Does PHS look a bit different here? I know Strong Woman was a few years ago but he looks like a different person now!


He looked totally different in Happiness when he was buffed up back from military enlistment. He then shed the muscle and weight. Itā€™s probably just natural maturing plus black hair instead of Minminā€™s reddish brown.


He looks way thinner ..


realizing the same guy playing the therapist in this drama is the father in castaway diva is unsettling LMAO