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>!Can we just appreciate Brothers role in all of this, he does not get enough recognition!<


Agree! Also, the casting for the kid brother and the adult brother was on point. I thought it was the same person all along.


I swear I thought the same thing! They have to be relatives IRL. His character was so well written and useful and he doesn't get talked about as much as anyone else.


Up to this! I love that Honda was the inspo of the shop, and the younger bro became the foundation of it. Totally my fav characs in the series!


I didn't expect we'd get Honda's backstory. I was already devastated when they killed him in E2 but the full story just made it so much more sad. When they revealed Brother was his dongsaeng?? TEARS. And the actor who plays Honda is so cute too 


Agreed - after the trauma of not having his brother come home, he could have easily walked away, or declined to help, but he chose not to. I love the found family trope.


Just finished episode 8, is that really the finale? No more episodes next week???? No season 2???? Bro what a cliff hanger, so many unanswered questions 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫


Well since >!I didn’t see Bale die it’s not over. Plus it’s a bit of a cliffhanger it ended on. But until we see Bale lie dead in the background and start decaying I don’t think we can be sure it’s over 😅😂😬!<


The injuries of >!Jeon Jingman are inflicted by Bale, they did their own thing!< and it’s a mean cliffhanger


I felt he was alive this whole time and wanted the people distracted going after his niece while he went after Bale and possibly the general at Babylon. I just thought they would show us what he has been doing the whole time that he was thought as dead like they doubled back with everything else to show us the different point of views of what happened.


I feel they wanted the surprise plus keep their options open for season 2


>I felt he was alive this whole time and wanted the people distracted going after his niece while he went after Bale and possibly the general at Babylon. 100% that's what I'm thinking too. He was talking care of business on the other side of things


I feel the same way, except I kind of think he let them go after his neice for real-life training. He had more people in his organization who showed up at the end. If his plan was a distraction, it feels like he should have sent more than 3 people as her backup. He was always kind testing like he did on their winter hike, and when he said she can't move out until she hits him.


The author of the book released a part 2 at the end of 2023. The story does continue even if there is not a season 2.


Dont do that, dont give me hope 😭 I came here after binge watching the whole thing. I hate that they left it off there, I need more! Hoping for a S2


I'm pretty sure there will be a S2, we didn't get a resolution of how >!Bale was handled!<, what >!Jin Man was up to all this time!< and how things are going to play out hereafter. I really want to see what >!Pashin is up to now. Seems like Minhye has passed away. 😭😭!<


but I so want >!Minhye to stay alive 😭!<


Same!!! I'm also glad the show>! focused a little more about her past and her evolution into the present.!<


Agreed and also i hope the showrunner will explain or show how Babylon know about Minhye and called her ‘crazy bitch’. Seems like they had a few fights before especially with Seongjo - or did i miss something?


I think she is. It certainly wasn’t conclusive the way it was left


I feel like this is an open-ended series. But still getting my hopes up😭


I think so too. It will probably depend on the ratings if it gets renewed. If it won’t get renewed, it would look like that >!Jinman dealt with Bale off screen because he looked like he took a beating on the last part.!< I hope it gets renewed though.


It's getting renewed so far LDW has been getting so much love this was destined for a season 2, he's too popular, and this was like his shortest season


I’m choosing to believe that Minhye passed out, only the beheaded guy is a 100% confirmed kill per the Game of Thrones Are They Truly Dead Rule.


I choose to believe this too.


Same. I mean, Bale was stabbed, shot, and blown up but still survived.


soup shame concerned advise knee trees attraction deliver edge bells *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


i agree with everything you said 😭 ngl i think they can tie everything thing up in 4-6 episodes so im bummed if they’ll make us wait for years before they put season 2 out 🥲🥲🥲


Agreed. I hope they announce SOMETHING soon. 😭


had no idea about the episode number, i was imagining about 12 episodes this season before the next season lol. feels like they've just created a premise for a show as opposed to finishing a show.


Yeah I thought this will have 12 episodes too just like the past few Disney+ shows. I binged 6 episodes in one sitting thinking the story will now pick up its pace since everything happened in less than 12 hours. Imagine my dismay when I read it only has 8 episodes 🥲🥲🥲


Same!!! Like it ended on a cliffhanger and there are so many unanswered questions, I demand a season 2!!!


just finished it also!! and same omg are there any news about season 2 yet??? 😭😭😭


I agree like what happens next with Bale? he’s still there


>!I think the fact that Jinman is covered with blood when he gets out of the taxi could mean he is dealing with Bale when Jian is currently getting attacked. It wouldn't make sense if he just left Jian to deal with everyone with the possibility of getting killed while he was just waiting on the sideline. So, I think my theory could be more than half possible. Also, since this has a different format than other k-drama they opted to go for a movie-like ending. This also makes me feel that there will be no Season 2 cuz there's no reason for them to make one unless they will have a bigger enemy coming or smth!<


>!Yeah, I’ve thought about this, too. But we’d really love to see a season 2 since Bale was the biggest villain of the story. I’d love to see him d*e in the worst way possible bc of what happened to Jinman’s family. Also curious as to how Jinman faked his death and whereabouts of Pasin and Minhye.!<


I think he faked his death with drugs (and the help of his hometown friends!) When we got flash backs, we know he pretended to die and his heart rate was lowered when they went hiking in the mountains. And when Jian first arrives to the town, the taxi driver/friend specifically gives her recommendations for which funeral home to choose With regards to Pasin and Minhye, we're left up to our imaginations, but I am choosing to believe that Pasin took her to get more aid


Good catch on the funeral home.


Yea because it turns out the funeral home is code yellow!


The reason is Bale, the big bad wolf can't die off screen they built him up too much


That is true, but I think they made this ending because they're not sure whether or not it'll be renewed. So if any case that there will be a sequel after this then there's a perfect start for a new season but, if not then we have a finale that has enough hints to make our own conclusions for an open ending.


Tbh bro , the way I see it, the 2nd season is guaranteed, it's a spinoff made by the same creator of "A Killers shopping list"... which apparently was a success and without the star power of Lee Dong wook, because of that and the obvious way they ended this season... I think that the ratings are likely great and the reviews are already stellar.


Omg 😭😭😭 I literally just started watching episode 7 and >!The minor detail from episode one where she sees them cut her uncle’s friend’s hand off… I was like that’s brutal meh ever onwards. But now… that was some slow burn sneak attack trauma. He’s deaf! They cut of his hand so he can’t talk! Wtf! I know he didn’t speak when he entered the flat in episode 1, but that could’ve been because he wanted to keep quiet. I did clock it back then, but then everything else happened😫 and they knew him, they were brothers in arms so they knew what it meant to him and it was so unnecessary to do. Ugh! 😭😭😭💔!<


>>!They cut of his hand so he can’t talk!< Well my interpretation of that >!was Seong Jo trying to get the golden fist knuckle from the brother's arm. Not because they were trying to keep him from speaking, they wouldn't care anyway.!<


not to mention it is pretty clear he did not survive that encounter


honestly it didnt occur to me that he was deaf up till when >!jinman broke into the store and signed to him!< and everything made much more sense. I really thought he was typing on the phone to communicate to jian because he didnt want to make noise & get the attention of the baddies lmaoooo they did him so dirty omg :')


Same, that’s what I meant. I’d kind of registered it as a possibility but also figured he was trying to communicate silently so they didn’t alert anyone.


Again OmG so just a thought while I’m watching is Jung min >!Jung cheol’s son? Is that why he’s so psycho about the whole thing? Because they said that he was about to start school… and so was Jian… damn!<


I like the way your mind works. 🤣 But I don't think that could be the case - but hey, we never know!!


It >!wasn’t 😂 but it’s nice to make connections and go crazy while it’s unfolding!<


OHHH OMG wait i didn’t think of that


He became one of my favourite characters in the shortest time... Heart is broken.


The guy kept smashing Seungjo in the face with brass knuckles and knocked some teeth out. That's why he cut his hand off in anger


>!I had a feeling *that* would happen in the last moments of the show!< I had almost expected >!Jian to do the triple name call, but the whole point of the show was that the strong don't howl.!< That said, might we >!get a season 2? It feels like the story ended, though [edit: what am I saying, Bale is still alive!]!< I'm glad I watched it, but I'll miss the characters, especially Pasin and Minhye my beloveds. LDW really shone in this role and I hope he gets to do a wider range with bigger budgets. Man's got range, and his John Wick era really suits him. If folks haven't seen the film Door Lock yet, it's by the same PD (Lee Kwon) and is a very tense and unsettling watch.


Yeah I really expected >!The name call too. But as you say the strong don’t howl and she didn’t howl which means she’s grown and capable in her own right now. The story could technically end here, but Bale and Babylon are still out there. You can’t tell me that that old man general can let a threat to his family go like that!<


I totally had forgotten>! about the strong don't howl thing!! I was also expecting the triple name call. I honestly believe this is the ending, cuz why is LDW covered in blood when he got out of the taxi? The last time we saw him was at the morgue. If he was only waiting on the sideline I don't think he would be in that state, don't you think? Also, it's out of his character to just watch Jian possibly getting killed. I really think he was dealing with Bale and possibly the general too while he left Jian and others to take care of the mall. I'm not expecting a season 2 BUT A SPECIAL EPISODE ON HIS POV WILL DO!!!!!!<


OK so I know that kdramas don't do this but now I want >!a Christmas special with Uncle Jinman fucking up Bale and his goons with some Gumiho references (bc of the General/Ui-Ong)!<


> LDW really shone in this role and I hope he gets to do a wider range with bigger budgets. Man's got range, and his John Wick era really suits him. I AGREEEEE Dark comedy noir & thriller roles really suit him omg


yes. Door Lock was intense and I watched it during Covid lockdown and I was living alone in my apartment. I don't know why I did that. lol.


That was one of the most entertaining K Thrillers I have ever seen. What an incredibly fun ride that was! I think what made the show feel fresh and different for me was the very witty, dark humour in the most unexpected scenes. Some scenes had me laughing out loud! Reminded me a bit of wry British humour from Guy Richie's gangster killer movies like "Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels." And Seong Jo is one of the best and funniest K villains ever. The part when he wanted to make a dramatic sinister entrance and ends up parking so badly he gets stuck in his car had me howling. And his pseudo "pep talks"'as he is attempting to kill Jian "Girl, your uncle did you wrong. At this age, you should be studying and dating!" This begs for a Season 2!


Seong Jo was the villain for me. Bale was not even a character, just a plot device.


Agree! The show did a good job in portraying Bale as nothing more than a killing machine, with no real ideology.


Seong Jo was my fave character. Couldn't hate him one bit. He has a very deep southern accent, slow and sweet like American southern. I wish the subtitles implied these personal traits and backgrounds a little better. If I was the translator, I would use a lot of these: bless your heart sweetie, oh dear, ya'll, etc.


I love this insight, thank you for sharing this. He was also one of my favourite characters of the series. Your insight makes me appreciate even more how the show's writers developed such a fascinating villain! The actor who played Seong Jo also had perfect comedic timing. I wish K Drama writers would develop villains that aren't always so one-note and predictable. It's getting tiring to see the same evil chaebol, politician, mother-in-law tropes.


He does these quirky roles pretty well. He was also the reporter in Flower of Evil. While different characters completely, he has that same charm that kinda draws you in more. Well done.


I usually don't like kdrama comic relief moments especially in an antagonist, but Seongjo cracked me up with the car door and the way he popped up behind Jeongmin with a concerned uncle face


NOOOO please tell me they didn’t kill off Minhye…she was phenomenal throughout the whole series. We will definitely be getting a season 2 because they need to explain where the heck was Jinman. The fact that he was bruised up could be because he was fighting Bale all this time?


>The fact that he was bruised up could be because>! he was fighting Bale all this time!!Bale did not even appear once at the scene, or wasn't shown to be overlooking operations from afar in the past 2 episodes.!<


Yup the whole time in EP8 I was wondering where’s Bale why hasn’t he showed up yet. It would be interesting if they showed Jinman POV in season 2.


Yeah I figured that the only explanation for him >!Not being there was because he was dealing with Bale or holding him off!<


Same thoughts. Maybe season 2 will reveal flashbacks of their fight scenes and what happened to Pasin and Minhye.


I don’t believe that >!Minhye is dead, I get that you can only prye guns out of killers dead cold hands and so on. But it’s also possible that she bled to the brink and Pasin saved her!<


I also wanna believe that Pasin saved her and if that’s the case maybe in season 2 - we will see a little romance between Jinman and Minhye??👀


I was so sad seeing Honda die bc he helped Jian in the earlier episodes and now I'm even sadder seeing more of the back story 😭😭😭


I’m enjoying this so much and am eagerly awaiting its conclusion! I don’t know about happily ever after, but I am at least hoping the bad guys get what they deserve and our leads get some chance at a happier future after all of the trauma that’s been experienced. Justice for Jinman!


could you please tell me if it's a happy ending/the bad guys get what they deserve?


yes, it's has a good ending and those bad guys got what they deserve


They really had a guns blazing last two episodes. The action and the acting was outstanding. My only wish would have been to see >!the JinMan VS Bale fight! And find out more about JinMan’s survival.!< I don’t know how they could end it like this and not confirm if there’s another season. If there is another season I’d be thrilled but if there isn’t, a brilliant show will go down to could’ve been a brilliant show.. LDW, work your magic and give us ASFK S2, like you have us TOTNT S2. Please! PS: The actor who played Honda was so good.. I feel like what he couldn’t say with his mouth his expressive face conveyed. His end was so sad but I’m glad that Jian got even by giving Songjo the axe treatment! Man had it coming.


You deserved a more painful death at the hands of >!Ji An Jeongmin, you got very lucky to die at the hands of Lee Seung Jo. Bro really tried swinging his gun at him and then went "It wasn't me". Yeah good try bro. As for Lee Seung Jo, I wish you will find enlightenment too, but I don't think you can, you crossed the line too many times. Happy to see that Ji An took him down without any mercy. !< Lee Dong Wook as Jinman was 100x hotter in this drama, the action scenes executed in these 8 episodes were truly top notch. I didn't think I'd be a fan of him after seeing his previous dramas, but he didn't really leave my any choice. Pasin (Kim Min) and Minhye (Geum Hae Na) aced their roles and it was hard to tell if these guys are actors or truly working as assassins in real life, they were damn fast and agile. The Brother (Lee Tae Young) did good too. The strategy and tactics that were at play as well, chef's kiss! The casual conversations that we'd get to see between those killers was a good fun addition to the show that made them look more, human and real. They didn't just load up, speak a bunch of military jargon, talked about the mission and went on with their business, there was more to it. Bale was terrifying, one that rivaled Jiman's strength and intelligence, and Lee Seung Jo (Seo Hyun Woo), another role that was beautifully crafted for a crazy bloodthirsty assassin. Overall a great storyline but one that>! desperately needs a Season 2 to tie things up. Forgot to mention Ji An, the child actress (Ahn Se Bin) and the grown up one (Kim Hye Joon), both did an excellent job. !< The ending was as we expected, yet there are still many questions left unanswered. >!Ji An managed to strike a deal with Babylon, but as we found out, Bale moves differently. And I have good reason to believe that he's still out there, alive, kicked out by Babylon, but making his next plan to take down Jinman. !< But we do learn that >!it was a long term plan in making, so did Jinman somehow managed to take down Bale? It wouldn't make sense otherwise to return and expose himself if he's still out there.!< >!Wasn't the plan to use Ji An as bait and bring out Bale from the shadows? Clearly that didn't work well since Babylon seems to have an army of people. I'm confused about what happened to him and there's no particular answer or hints for our questions.!< Was a great show and easily one of my top favorites starting this year. >!As for the ending, let's just hope there is a Season 2. But what would they have for the storyline to fill another season, I truly wonder. !


>Wasn't the plan to use Ji An as bait and bring out Bale from the shadows? Clearly that didn't work well since Babylon seems to have an army of people. I don't think they planned to use Jian as a bait to bring out Bale. Was it mentioned like that? I couldn't remember. What I remember >!is one of his friends (was it Pasin?) asking whether or not Jinman would make the first move to Babylon or vice versa. I think this whole time Jinman was just waiting for Babylon to make their first move, if anything he used himself as a bait (pretending to died) to carry out his long-term plan on taking care of Bale, knowing Babylon would now focus all their army to take down the Mall and Jian (because they thought Jinman is already dead)!< >I'm confused about what happened to him and there's no particular answer or hints for our questions. I think the hint was that>! he was covered with blood and can barely get up when he got out of the taxi, which could mean that he was dealing with Bale and maybe the general too, whilst Babylon was after Jian. I think they meant this as the ending, but I would be happy for a special episode with Jinman's POV. For there to be season 2, they will need a much bigger villain. Like if my theory is wrong and Bale is still alive, he's not that big enough to be the main villain again for another reason, yes he's a scary psychopath but he's not powerful. He's nothing without his army which is already wiped out. The other team of mercenaries striked a deal with Jian so there's no other reason for them to attack her again. !<


I mean yeah, in a way you're right, >!he did use himself as a bait, but the thing is, he knew what was coming when Ji An would come back home and find out about murthehelp (whilst him being dead). While Bale and Babylon really believed Jinman was gone, they focused their firepower to capture Ji An, of course Jinman had to have foreseen this, that his niece would be in real trouble.!< I'm pretty sure Babylon made its move because they believed Ji An would be an easy target to get rid of. And once they do, murthehelp is theirs to control. Otherwise, >!why didn't they make the move before when they knew where JInman was, especially with Jeongmin being the insider, they had great chances. !< So in a way, I believe >!he did use Ji An as bait to lure out Bale or at least distract him. !< And yes, >!him attacking the general and Bale while Babylon was after Ji An would make some sense, but wouldn't these assassins and troops retreat or fall back when they found out Jinman is taking them out at their headquarters? I was thinking they would have been alerted by their comms. Also with Minhye and Pasin here, how would he take them out alone, especially considering these guys have trucks filled with these assassins and troops that just keep coming. !< I would love that special episode too, let's see what we get. The ending is not an ick for me, people can think up of their own scenarios if we don't get anything more. T>!here were only a few loose ends that we never got to the bottom of.!<


As much as I hate Jeongmin and he is a horrible person, I like him more than Bale as a villain.


Jian >!didn't make a deal with Babylon. She made a deal with the Code Red killers that were supposed to protect her, but they were motivated by Babylon's bounty of 1 million US per person there (4 million total). It's unclear what will happen with Babylon next as the Code Yellow cleaners warned her it's still dangerous - meaning Babylon and/or stray Code Red killers might still try to approach later on. !< >!We also don't know what Jeongmin did on their computer; Brother exclaimed he got further in than expected - so Babylon could have some control or access to their shopping mall computers/servers. It's also unclear if Jinman managed to deal with Babylon on his end, with or without Bale.!<


Same! I am in love with LDW after this show


I’m so sad I can’t stay up to watch it immediately 😭 I need a season 2!! Had thought LDW was overrated but he is SO good in this show!


Strangers from Hell is a masterpiece. Have never doubted his acting prowess since then.


True, he seems to get caught up in a lot of dramas that aren't quite right, I started to like his acting in Strangers from Hell, previously I always saw his acting as mediocre. 


I know it's silly, and I'm ignoring everything else but >!I'm kinda mad that a couple eps ago, the orange-tinted glasses Brother left for Ji-an before leaving her in the shop with Jeong-min didn't... mean anything, or matter in anyway??? did I miss a scene??? the camera panned to the glasses so many times, and for so long... even after Ji-an realized Jeong-min wasn't friendly and got tied up......... what.. was ;.... the .?...reasonnnn? what the hell was that supposed to bring to the story lol!< this was so frustrating, don't they know about Checkov's gun? Anyway,>! season 2 now!<, thanks.


>! After brother gave her the IR goggles and left, jeongmin drugged her with a syringe, she collapses on the floor, jeongmin sits in front of the computer. Then he turns to Jian, those glasses were lying on the table between them and when she looked through it at jeongmin she saw the pen camera in his pocket glow red (could be a gps tracker showing their location to Babylon or just the IR light from the recorder) that’s when she realises that he’s no good. If she had just put on the glasses she would have known earlier !<


Thank you, I appreciate the explanation it was really bothering me. I remember the shot you mention exactly but I thought >!since he had already knocked her out and strapped her to the chair, that was enough of a clue that he wasn't very nice lmao. I thought the glasses would do a little more :( !< Thanks again!


>! I agree, for instance it could have helped her navigate seungjoo s booby trap, but instead it was just a leadup for her monologue on how she always makes the wrong decisions like deciding to keep a cat !<


Its logical that every convenience she could've had, she missed a lot of them. In the world of killers, she is an absolute amateur that was dragged into a massive first fight that is way above her level. The sniper's recoil, bad intuition on who to trust, tripped the mine. It's all about learning.


Just found out it’s only 8 eps….it felt like we are just getting started. As a huge Kim Hye Jun fan, it’s even more sad, because it’s kinda her first lead role…but it’s so short and her character didn’t even have that much screen time. Ahh yeah but the show is good and I’m looking forward to last two episodes. Hope Hye Jun gets another good drama this year, that is a bit longer.


Agree, she's a good young actress. Really impressed me in Inspector Koo.


Maybe it’ll end on a set up for season 2?


Would love that, but not confident. I don’t know numbers, but I don’t think that this show has big hype and does that well tbh (especially outside of the hardcore K-Drama audience like this sub, but even here it’s not like people freak out because it’s that good). It’s a good show, but nothing really mindblowing and it doesn’t has that big fellowship like for example „Moving“ has. I think even Moving didn’t yet officially get renewed for another season, despite its popularity. What would speak for another season is, that it’s not really an expensive show (for a big company like Disney). LDW is the only „big“ star in that cast that probably gets his bag, but the other cast members shouldn’t cost them too much. Everything around like the set, production, special effects etc., isn’t extraordinary either. So it’s a low risk show for Disney. If it outperforms the cost, they maybe try to renew it. Realistically speaking tho, this show won’t be renewed.


I agree but the story is still incomplete like what happened to Bale is still unclear...Ofcc if they don't want to renew the show the story does kinda completes but it's still a really good show in that genre after a long time...In moving the story was completed in 20 long episodes but that's not the case with this series.. I really hope it does get renewed.


Moving doesn't need another season. This one does. They built up Bale so much but then>!not mentioning him in the final episode.!<


The fight scene between Palsin and the twin is quite awkward like it is so visible that one of them is just standing there doing nothing while waiting for his turn. As given, it is difficult to choreograph a 2 vs 1 fight, but this one is just too obvious. Btw, this better get a second season.


I’m Thai and even though I liked Pasin’s Character, the production butchered the Thai scripts he said. I cringed but props to Kim Min tho 😭😭😭


>!Someone pointed out on twitter the guy who helped Jinman out of the cab in the end was the cop who told her the autopsy results making the connection that he was his friend.!< >!https://x.com/ohohdaegi/status/1755230674385309941?s=46&t=2D0WFGsWf4GLhx5_XSKj7A!<


I was wondering about that! They were all in on it


Which makes it more real that he could have been away fighting bale. Which means no season 2 lol 😭😂


aigoo, disney is SO hot right now (moving, worst of evil, a shop for killers). so blown away 🥰


Ep 7 ▪︎I absolutely love this show. ▪︎I absolutely love the story structure. The use of flashbacks weaved and pieced together so beautifully with the present makes this such an engaging watch. >!The scheme to kill Jin Man and the web of death that entails interplaying with Babylon's attempt to take over the shop reveals the details of Jin Man's family members' deaths and explains the full cast of nameless mercenaries that keep arriving.!< ▪︎ I absolutely love that the writers and director respect the audience's ability to remember what was shown in previous episodes by not replaying everything in the new episode. Just enough so we know where to place the new puzzle pieces they drop. (This was a major pain point for me watching Welcome to Samdal-ri. Flashbacks every 5 seconds of the thing that was shown 10 seconds ago in the same episode. Grrrrofl) Ep 8 ▪︎ I absolutely love this show. ▪︎ I absolutely love the evolution of Jeong Ji An as written, directed, and acted. Total badass on the outside while quaking on the inside. Believable. ▪︎ I absolutely love the Jeong's inner circle and that they are mostly the hottest or most skilled. 😆 ▪︎ I absolutely love how the show set a plausible explanation for all the violence to go on without anyone reporting the intense explosions and gunfire. Winding down just in time. >!RIP Min Hye, maybe?!<


Pretty sure Jinman was fighting with Babylon and Bale in the meanwhile.. Even though the injuries were a strong sign, minute factors also point to this.. like the villains were hellbent on killing Jian first.. later it changed to capturing her alive.. the only reason for this change was to threaten Jinman who was most probably winning the fight at that time..


Me, watching these episodes, expecting the standard 16 episode arc, only to find it's only 8 episodes and I just watched THE FINALE. CRIMINAL.


I think having one more episode to tie all the loose ends would have made a huge difference. Getting a 2nd season chances look slim so one more episode would have given us closure. Jeong Min was working for babylon so when he had locked Ji An as a child that was just out of spite i assume? I guess he was a bit deranged & psycho from the get go i dont see any other connection for why he would hate the Ji An and her uncle.


I honestly don't think it's slim , the killers shopping list was apparently a hit which is why they allowed this to be made and killers shopping list didn't have the star power of Lee Dong wook ... all his fans follow his shows , so I think we are good


This show was so much fun! From the writing, directing, acting, pacing, cinematography, etc., the show exceeded my expectations. I will say that a 12 or 16 episode season could’ve wrapped the entire storyline successfully IMHO. Anyway, fingers crossed for a 2nd season. Biggest surprise…I envisioned violence and suspense, but there were more quiet and thought-provoking moments than I imagined. And, I liked it! The uncle and niece relationship was sweetly complex, although I was irked with Jian’s decision making at times, especially when she seemed pretty sharp as a kid, how did she seemingly regress as she aged? I only felt better about her at the end, and I’m still peeved that >!Jian unlocked Jeongmin’s handcuffs AND didn’t watch the video, WTF! Sounds twisted, but I was glad he got his comeuppance with an axe to the skull - LOL’d at that one. And, Jian‘s headshot and “off with his head” was a gangster way to finish off Seongjo!< So Proud! Next big surprise…I expected Lee Dong Wook to be great. Happily, though, I was drawn in by the supporting characters like Brother, Pasin (who makes me want Muay Thai training asap), and the baddest B!tch on the planet with a gun, knife or poison — Minhye, the red lipstick wearing, garter belt rockin’ assassin. Last big surprise…the sincerity with which tropes were used seemed to add to the dramatic effect (mostly) and I was all in e.g. fake death, tragic childhood, school bullying, fatal wounds that shockingly aren’t fatal, characters who knew each other as kids, friends to enemies, secret badass with little training, surprise reveals, multiple flashbacks (not really a trope, more of a narrative tool). Gotta love Kdramas!! P.S. If you haven’t seen it yet - recommend Weak Hero Class if you enjoy this genre.


I just finished episode 8. It was an incredible show, I absolutely loved it. I think and I hope >!there's a second season. Bale is still alive, and the shop has to be rebuilt. Plus we don't know how Jinman got hurt or how he faked his death. There are so many unanswered questions, and I hope the creators (or Disney+, I guess) choose to continue the story.!<


I' assume that Jinman took down Bale that's why he's kind of bloody and weak. Hmm. Maybe Season 2 will reveal those scenes.


I'd love to see that scene. After >!their little staredown in episode 7, you'd assume they would show us how their rivalry ended.!<


I don't know why they just left that part out. They could've had 2 more episodes solely on the Jinman-Bale/Babylon showdown and we would've had a great closure. I can't see this being expanded into another 8-eps season without adding a lot more background/side stories. It's a great series but I'm just sooooo bummed that they've hyped up Bale so much to end with literally nothing.


Bring on season 2 or we riot!!!!! Mostly, for reals, if this is how it ends, I could be ok-ish with it. I've seen way worse endings.


Incredible series, one of the best action series. Now I need separate series that homely goes down to Jinman timeline on what probably happened during all out fight between Babylon and Ji An. >!How Jinman built out his plan, faked his own death, fooling Babylon to sending all of their assets to kill Ji An, and him raiding Babylon head-on killing Bale and then return home to end of ep 8.!< Man that machine gun nest behind his SUV was sweet. I'm like "hell yeah" when trunk opened up and M50 showed up.


Brother’s Brother is fine as hell 👀🔥


I'm so in love with disney+ kdrama these days. Moving, vigilante and a shop for killers are so so good. I hope they make more kdrama like these. 


worst of evil was phenomenal too!


I was really expecting a teaser for part 2 or something as I saw time was running out and Bale hadn't popped up yet. For a series that feels fleshed out, I will be disappointed if it ends like that. I fell in love with all the characters on Jian's side and hope to see them all again.


They could've easily wrapped up everything a lot better >!if they replaced Episode 7 with the current Episode 8 and then made Episode 8 the actual showdown of Bale and Jinman/Jian.!<


slay the house down boots best kdrama of the year even if it’s still february 😭 also, if this is based from a book, which i just read from another comment, then is the ending of ep 8 really true and not a dream 😭?


I seriously hope the second half will also be released this year. I don’t think I can wait after all the gun shots and wounds!!! We are all going to hell but not today!!!


Seeing the samchon from moving was fun. He seems to be the go-to cuddly big guy for all the fighting/action packed shows.


There has to be a second season, right?! I need more Jin Man and Ji An!!! This was a solid 9/10 for me.


Please make a 2nd season! Show us what he did while we were focused on Jian. I had a strong feeling he faked his death when the cab driver (Jinman’s childhood friend) told Jian to use a different funeral home for his service. And sure enough, there was Mr. Cab Driver in the last scene


if there's no season 2, i will riot! one of the best action series i have watched. i only wish that they have released the whole series completed, i feel like the staggered release makes the show not gain any virality. totally underrated show right now.


AAAAAHHHHHH!!! Season 2 where are you?


So can anyone clear this up for me regarding the color coding? >! Jin-man set-up color coding for each category of people and all of them was supposed to protect green, which was Ji-an, when they're in danger. But how was Jin-man secured that they will do the protecting (hold their end of the bargain)? Like, in the earlier episode, there was some kind of chip in one of the killers (which he took out) but that was it. I imagine that the people coded had some sort of device in them that will force them to protect green (or at least not harm them??) but we didn't really see that. Or is it just me? !<


I think it all comes down to the fact that the shopping mall >!is a BIG THING to them killers. It's a win-win situation, you protect the manager, you get your weapons. That's also why they chose the option Jian gave them to leave the mall and give them the benefits (like discounts, etc.) in future transactions. One of them even said that "it'll suck if the mall shuts down" or smth cuz at the end of the day, they are still killers and they would be needing them weaponries only murthelp have access to. It's the little things, really! It's crazy how small details will make you come up with your own conclusion. !<


>!I think it's really all about loyalty. Jinman has saved their lives in one way or another. And as you can see there is really nothing else stopping anyone with a code from attacking a code green. The only thing that really might deter someone is the idea of having to face Jinman and anyone else with a code.!<


The issue is, that NONE of the Red customers who were supposed to protect "Green" bothered to protect Green. NONE. No-One at all. And If no-one did, what was the entire point of that pre-requisite? Minhye and Pasin protected Jian because of history with her and/or her uncle not because of any customer agreement, which just highlights how pointless that whole plotpoint really was. And throws into question, the idea of doing business with them in the future being a good one.


Well >! they are guns for hire and both Seongjo and Jian bought them out. They also say that the shop comes in useful although I'm not sure how much leverage that *really* has considering they didn't really think of it till they were offered the bounty on top of being able to still use the shop. !< I am sure that both pasin and Minhye are red codes. Minhye shows Jian she is a red (and purple) code and I'm really just assuming that >! Pasin would be, too, since Pasin was a mercenary. It also shows the yellow codes ready to protect Jian when the taxi pulls up (which I'm still confused as to why they didn't come sooner) !< so they do honour the system if they're loyal customers/friends, I guess mercenaries only care about what benefits them.


But again, Pasin & Minhye did not protect Green because they were Red Codes, they did so because of History. And if none of the Red Codes could be relied on to follow the agreement, what does it say about Jinman since he created the agreement in the first place.


I don't think Pasin and Minhye would >!hunt themselves though. Remember they also had a bounty and it was only Babylon red codes that went rogue and were after them. It also explains why the yellow codes came to help clean and jumped to protect Jian without hesitation.!<


I feel like that level of >!trust and relying on loyalty isn't really what we've been shown of Jin-man. I mean, at the end of the day, most of his customers are killers. His house is literally a fortress with features even his closest fiends didn't know or can't access. There must be a safety net in place where the coded will be forced to protect Ji-an.!<


Yeah, you're probably right. He is also a very tactical man, perhaps there's some leverage there as well. It wouldn't be the first time considering >! that he has used it against Yong Han, even Seongjo has against that mercenary. Although I don't think there is any safety net, almost every red code turns against Jian and only his loyal friends protect her.!< If it's so easy for them to attack her, I don't see how there is any leverage other than "a promise" not to.


I've thought about this because I was thinking the same thing. Why bother with tr color codes if no one was going to help Ji An. And I came up with a theory that satisfies me. I think Jin Man knew he could never count on the majority of those red codes to actually back him or Ji An up. But by saying they have to protect Ji An, he kind of places a target on her. He knows they're greedy and hard and unreliable. I don't like saying she's bait because I think he had a lot of confidence that she would survive but I think he wanted as many red codes preoccupied at his house so that he could finish off Bale. With so many eyes on her, he has a better chance of getting rid of the general and Bale. And as a bonus he knows a lot of the red codes are gonna die because he knows Min Hye and Pasin will be there so it's like, helping to get rid of the worst of the worst, for when they rebuild.


safe to say, I have no idea what just happened but this is what I'm settling on >!Jinman faked his death in order to get everyone off his back so that he can have a clear path to Bale. That was his long term plan all this time. Seeing that he got out of the cab all battered, I'm assuming the fight went down off screen, with him succeeding.!< >!As for Jian, for some sick reason jinman decided to let her find out the truth & deal with the baddies on her own. Idk why he would ditch his friends though, Minhye didn't deserve to die. !< I honestly thought that >!Bale would be the last baddie to show up and was quite surprised when it was just Jian VS Seungjo and her making a deal with the Code Reds.!< aside from that, i really enjoyed the series. It was entertaining and completely different from the usual dramas. the actors did an incredible job at their roles. >!the final scene where Jian broke down bawling her heart out was executed SO well, I could feel her anguish through the screen.!< I have a feeling that there wont be a season 2 and this is one of those "open ending, up-to-audience-interpretation" type series.


I think rather than a “sick reason”, JM was driven to the brink with no choice - he couldn’t go after Bale properly if he was still ‘alive’. He knew Jian would be in danger but he had safeguards in place in the form of the fortress/Minhye and Pasin etc, and he had been training Jian all her life for this kind of situation eventually. I choose to think it wasn’t malice or some megalomaniac exercise, but rather the best and only choice he could make in that moment. He knew it was risky, but it had to be done.


Thoughts I had while watching Ep. 7: Damn, this episode is good! LDW truly does get hotter with age!! LDW is eating up these fight scenes!!! 😄


Rewatching now.. that Polaroid is Brother with his brother 😭😭😭


I'm hoping for a Season 2 tbh ㅠㅠ Since this drama is based on a book. The book's currently have 2 volumes and from a review I read in naver, the ending of vol 2 is leading up to volume 3. I hope the reception they got from the drama will push them to have season 2! I really loved this drama~  Also I agree with some of the comments here. So many left unanswered questions. Even if the ending meant for us viewers to understand what happened "jinman's alive and has been fighting, (maybe babylon or bale)." Then wouldn't Pasin's words to JiAn "Bale is coming." be useless? And also the scene of them monitoring and stuff. What's that for? All the buildup they did and giving us an open ending didnt seem fit for me 😭


is it possible to buy the book internationally? is it only published in korean?


Do you guys also think it is an open-ended story/ending? I feel like it is


Yesss it felt like that too. A movie-like ending, which is also the kinda format of the show. A season 2 would be nice, but a special episode from >!Jinman's POV !


Ob episode 8... >!"Promise me you'll tell me everything later"!< basically means >!Pasin is gonna die!<, right?


Great show with a great ending I really like shorter and tighter shows personally


I have to say kudos to Seo Hyun Woo - Seongjo had me cackling the whole time, especially in ep 8 when he had to >!wedge himself unceremoniously out of the Jeep!<, and then of course the >!cat and mouse game which ended with him as a human tiki torch!<. Hope you >!find enlightenment!< bro. 🤣


So are we getting season 2? Because nothing was really resolved. I knew >! Jinman would be alive !< but we didn’t get any explanation on that, also >! what happened to Bale?? !<


>!I'm guessing in Season 2 it will be explained that Pasin gave him drugs to simulate being dead, as alluded to in the mountain scene with the fake fever.!<


i need a season 2!!!


Pretty much all the action in episode 1 and 2 was hidden behind closed doors in the background but later shown in in episode 7, >!Jinman showing up bloody at the end after a big fight!< means season 2 confirmed? hehe


There has to be a season two. We need to see all those buyers come back with a new villain 😈


can anyone tell me what ending song episode 7.


I asked as well - love it! Hope someone knows!!


Seong Jo was SO good. He’s quite good looking. With his long style hair when he was looking for Jian he was giving me Chitty Chitty Bang bang child catcher vibes. Anyway. Oldish movie reference Also I can’t believe he was the loveable ML in the kdrama Behind Every Star. So versatile




hope to see more of this in the future, I hope Disney+ considers it


I googled a little and found that the second book of "A shop for killers" was released sometime in 2023. Unfortunately, i couldn't find the translated version of it. Can anyone tell me if they have read it or hear anything about it? Perhaps the second season will be based on it?


So Bale still gets to live? All in all I really enjoyed this drama and Lee Dong Wook is still as fine as ever. Hope season 2 is in the works


The last batch of killers' ending was so anticlimactic but also makes sense 😂


The ending was so good. There so many loose ends to tie up, so i hope there is a season 2. >!I screamed when I saw Jeong Jinman 😭, I initially thought theres no way he's dead but seeing how he never showed up to till the end i thought maybe I was wrong. Although now that Jinman is alive, will Jian & Jinman both run murthehelp in the future? I wished they gave us just 2-4 more episodes to sort out Bale, Minhye, & Paisan. I also felt a bit unsatisfied by Jungmins death kinda think he died too quickly especially how all this started with him.!<


And now you know why there were only 8 episodes.


This is the first time for the longest time I did kdrama marathon. I really love this show! I really thought that >!Bale will show up on the last ep. The gun slid MinHye's hand and I thought Pasin was panicking because someone got in. So I thought, oh no the mall was infiltrated.!< But yeah maybe it'll be up to us viewers how we'll interpret the ending. Although,I'm so curious about the novel. Hopefully someone will share what's there.


I would've been so pissed, if I were you Jian😭 >!You did all that just because everyone thought your uncle was dead😩!< Even though, the ending was predictable I still enjoyed watching every bit of it! Looking forward for the second season! >!GO AND FINISH BALE!!<


He definitely gets worst uncle award. I am mad we never got to see Jian hit Jinman. She earned that slap privilege. I don't understand why he didn't just tell her everything that was going on and train her with her consent. Seems like she would have been better prepared for everything that he knew was coming her way plus he trained Brother about all the Murthelp protocols so it just seems strange he wouldn't give Jian the same benefit.


I think the only reason why we would need a season 2 is figure out what those damn glasses were for! 🤣


This was a great drama tbh


is this really how it ends what ??!? there better be a season 2 cause ??😭😭 so many things left unanswered >!like why did they only bring jinman back for the last 10 seconds and she just smiles at him— also why is he so weak did he go fight bale?? i think we all knew he wasn’t dead but i was thinking he’d come back at a critical point in the fight after killing bale and save the day but i also love that jian was able to resolve it all😭 i feel like there has to be a s2 coming like Moving … the ending made me so ????!<


To summarize, from the looks of it…>! Bale’s dead, there is no one else who can make Jinman like that than Bale. Minhye is most likely dead as well (though I don’t want to accept it) Pashin took her to give her a proper burial(?) but for sanity’s sake let’s believe she isn’t!< . There’s no reason for a season 2. Rather than using ep7 to give background, most of which could have already been connected from previous episodes a little more clarity to what Jinman was doing would have been nice, but then again that would sort of take the story away from the current focus which is Jian being the Lion(ess)


>!I want her to be alive too. But Min Hye died protecting Ji Ahn is kinda poetic, considering Jin Man saved her life at the cost of losing almost all of his family.!<


I think it will be good to have a 1 or 2 episode special to show while all this action is happening, how Jinman went behind and sunk his claws into Bale. To wrap up the story and also to show Minhye and Pasin. If she really is dead, at least she deserves a proper funeral and for Jinman (and us) to see her one last time.


Does this drop at 5PM KST?


Yeah ep 7&8 already dropped on disney


All those weapons strewn around to be picked up, and people respawning gave me flashbacks to my COD days. And that lone house in the middle of a field, looks like it was waiting for a team to parachute down


Gave me PUBG vibes, especially because of the new Korean map lol.


So... Season 2, right???


This show was epic. Edge of your seat stuff and not nearly enough episodes imo. I really want to see a continuation to get some answers to what happened >!to Jinman, if Min Hye survived, if Bale will what he deserves, and if Jian will get some freaking peace.!< So good!


This series direly needs a season 2 or something. I understand the intent of the ending but I want more.


I’m trying to find out the name of the song that plays during the end credits of episode 7. Anyone know what it’s called? Love it!


How Can I Be Late - Primary, Benzamin, Genesio


Ugh I need season 2 😭


Does anyone know the End credit song of Episode 7. Plz comment the Name


I need to see Lee Dong Wook alongside the likes of Hwang Jung Min, Lee Jung Jae or Ha Jung Woo in an action or spy thriller movie. HE IS HIM


regarding the codes >!Im just really curious as to why the other shoppers weren't helping murthehelp when it was stated in episode 2 that everyone with the green code must be protected at all costs, as far as I can remember only one company shopper helped them and its the clean up crew. Did I miss an important clue somewhere!<


Can we talk for a second about what a cute couple JinMan and MinHye would have made ? She was perfect for JinMan, because no normal girl can live with him without getting killed. My poor unnie MinHye, they did her dirty. 😭😭😭


Can anyone tell me what was the song that was being played at the end of episode 7 in the credits section? Looks amazing song.


Please tell me my man is alive and I can watch this drama bc LDW is there all the time 😭


Yassss so excited for this one!!


I'm skeptical about season 2, as connect didn't get one either.


that ending, tf??!! is Bale still alive????? Where was Jeong Jinman? (For sure not fighting Bale, as Bale, by Pasin‘s words was meant to be at the house). Why wasn’t Bale at the house? If Jinman is alive, between him and Jian, who‘d be the manager now? etc… I’m more inclined to bet on an open ending that a second season (I would for sure love a second season). Anyway, loved loved this series; beautiful story, incredible acting and cast, and even better directing!


Pasin only said that Bael is coming and that they need to get ready. He's not at the house yet.


It feels like it could have been a movie, but I enjoyed it a lot nonetheless.. can't wait for season 2


Does anyone know the names of the actors who play the twins (쌍둥이)?


Kang Hee Se and Kang Hee Je according to Asian wiki


Lee Seong Jo's Attain Enlightenment line is just cold and hard.


Incredible show. Just one complaint and it was Episode 7 feel like filler episode like in Anime you see it happening . They could have easily given another episode to complete the story easily.


Ep 7&8 >!Seong Lee was a trip🤣 Him struggling between the jam car door was hilarious… he had pretty good comedic timing.!< >!Jinman casually dropping in after everything then ending the show is like dropping a bomb on us and asking if we’re okay🥲🧍🏾‍♀️ I mean we all knew he was alive!


Why is code green not honored?