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Give me the bromance šŸ„¹ Watching this cos of Jun heā€™s a really good actor so looking forward to him serving Pls no romance or triangles just give me two troubled male besties Ep2: Why do I ship Taeoh with >!the sister!< šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ Iā€™m really not vibing with FL sheā€™s cute but her character doesnā€™t add anything to the story and is getting in the way of my bromance lol I can defo do without her (+ the actress canā€™t match the MLs acting, sheā€™s too bland?)


I ship them too! But why do I feel Taeoh and you know who may be related?


Sorry but you know who reminds me of Voldemort from Harry Potter šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ honestly I hope there are no unexpected relationships or childhood tropes, I really just want to watch two guys manipulate their way to the top while keeping their bromance intact (since thereā€™s no way weā€™ll get a BL especially with two popular actors šŸ˜­)


Haha @ Voldemort šŸ¤£ I just couldnā€™t be bothered to hide her name as a spoiler, and i appreciate that you already did. But I honestly do think thereā€™s some muddy family history between all the characters, and the betrayal may come from Tae Oh rising quicker than Inha. The secret ā€œblood is thicker than waterā€ quote from Inha definitely suggested that the ā€œwatersā€ may actually get further this time aroundā€¦or maybe not. i agree, I hope they donā€™t mess the bromance up too much, its gotta be justified


Yeah if tae oh raises quicker/higher that may lead to a lot of conflict as Inha is obviously competitive and compares himself to Taeoh + his lack of self esteem and general struggles due to being the scapegoat of his family I am interested what happens next, did not expect two time skips in two episodes haha


The funny thing is that despite being younger in the show the actress playing her is older than both male leads. Choi Hee Jin is playing Hui Ju and was born in '96. Lee Jun Young('97) and Lee Jae Wook('98).


Same.i like the sister.. fl lead is no spark for me.im sorry :šŸ˜…


I think the lack of chemistry between Taeoh and FL is intentional. He's attracted to her, but she's looking to climb up.


Loving the bromance. Hate the love triangle. Like the little sister more than the FL because Hong Suzu really slack compared to both MLs. Other than FL being miscast, who the hell cast the Father and the first son (Han Sang Jin). They look similar in age, only 9 years difference in real life. šŸ¤Ø Hope they will focus more on MLs plan and bromance and any romance takes the back seat.


At first I thought the sister was a granddaughter and the first son was her father. šŸ˜‚. He looks like heā€™s in his 50s so kinda ridiculous that he would be bickering with his sister like a kid.


I feel Kdramas do this a lot with the ages so weird


Am i the only one who is not invested to the love triangle thing? I feel like i want to skip those scenes so bad. They just met each other for a couple of days and suddenly they like this out of nowhere girl? Idk maybe the chemistry is just not there.Ā 


Aaaah no...want bromance not the complicated threesome šŸ„ŗ gonna watch now, got high hopes for it, pls don't disappoint!! šŸ™


Same, I don't really feel the current love triangle at all.


exactly my point!! who acts like that for a girl they jus met


Lee Jae-Wook likes her because he sees someone like him, Lee Jun-Young likes her because he saw her catch Lee Jae-Wook's eye. i do get what you mean but i dont think its without explanation why it happened quickly.


0 interest on love triangle, I'm actually shipping for more bromance between to MLs lol.


Same. I also don't understand how Hong Su Zu was picked for a main role, it looks like she was only picked for her looks and not for her acting skills. Her expressions look stiff and there is nothing in her that seems interesting, it's like this character was created only to support the other two characters and create an unnecessary conflict between them. I'm really not interested in seeing any of her scenes and the story without her seemed good enough. If she had enough presence and charisma, maybe it would be interesting. But she has none of that and being a pretty face doesn't sell it for me. Let's see if this changes in the next two episodes...


I literally thought the character was meant to be stiff and annoying, as Iā€™ve never watched Su Zu before this. But still the character is actually so irritating and kinda unnecessary.


That was my initial though too, but then I looked at it and nothing changed. At the beginning her character looks at Han Tae Oh with empty eyes, I assumed she was curious and intrigued by him, but I don't see a single emotion in her. She keeps the same blank emotions when she gets closer to both guys and also when she finds an opportunity to step up in life by getting closer to Kang In Ha. Still, nothing changes in her facial expressions, it was the exact same blank emotion as when she first appeared, everything seems forced. I ended up thinking, how is it possible for this girl to show up out of nowhere, doesn't give a single emotion, there isn't an attempt to pretend to be likable, but still gets not one, but two guys heads over heels for her? Based on what? She doesn't give that sort of hot girl next door vibe, for them to have those reactions. The cherry on top of the cake was that kissing scene. Kang In Ha was running like crazy over the school looking for her, worried about what? They never had enough of a connection for all that running, but I accept it. When he sees her, he saw a moment and made a move and kissed her. Also fine with that, even though it was a little none consensual, but once again no emotions at all there was no desire, no guilt or disgust... it looked like he was kissing a fish. Later when she meets Han Tae Oh, she just said she was moving in with the other guy and also no emotions. Was I wrong to expect some sort of emotions? Something that made me either like or dislike a character? Something that made me intrigued by her end goal? All I get is the feeling that I don't want to see this character because it feels unnecessary and badly written, but we will see how things evolve next week. But if I have to see her that much, I might drop this.


She is very wooden. Reading these comments makes me think she couldā€™ve brought the necessary depth to the character if she could actually emote. Itā€™s hard to see the boys absolutely nail it and sheā€™s just there. The younger sister is a much better actress.


Exactly my thoughts. A character doesn't need to voice her problems, but for us to understand her, we do need to see some sort of facial emotions. This way we can fit her anywhere in our interpretation. I hope that either we don't see her much in the overall story or she has some really big improvement in the next episodes. I really don't want my frustration to keep growing and I liked the other two main actors.


Oh how I agree with you, but unfortunately I think sheā€™s gonna have a lot of minutes in every episode. I have a strong feeling thereā€™s a family past with Inha and herselfā€¦


I'm not sure if I mixed it with another drama synopsis, but I was under the idea that she would be the daughter of a debt collector, basically a gangster. Somehow I was expecting her father and his father to be connected through shady businesses. But what we got in these 2 first episodes, was far from what I expected, which makes me think that I did mix the synopsis with another drama. I'm not pleased with her weak backstory, probably there is more, but the poor girl with a rough sad story isn't selling it for me. I hope it gets better. šŸ¤ž


Ooo that would be good and sounds about right. An aggressive hostess mother, and FL saying shes used to gangsters chasing her down. You may be right about that. agreed either her story must get better, or she must sit still for the other characters to carry the show. I guess we can also interpret from the soon to come YouTube interviews how integral she is to the plot going forward


I'm really not sure if I read it somewhere else and mixed both dramas. It does sound more interesting and if it's not this story. Where did I read this? lol I'm going to keep an eye on those youtube interviews to see if we get an hint of logic in this character. It can't be that bad right? lol


I agree! I think Iā€™d be less bothered by her character if they developed her character more or her relationship with the other two guys but she just appeared out of nowhere and theyā€™re both suddenly head over heels!? I usually love a good side romance but I was genuinely confused on the purpose of her character


Same here, her character lacks in development and with the time jump... I'm not expecting to see a logic on why two smart guys ended up getting entangled with her. I still hope to have a reason on why she approached them and what is her end goal, but with 12 episodes only it feels like they better give me that reason quickly because I don't care about her that much to find out at end.


Agreed! Like her plot of using Inha could be so much more intriguingā€¦right now itā€™s giving heartless and annoying. I wouldnā€™t drop the show just yet, I really think the bromance and rise to the top is worth the watch. & That bloody/gory opening looks too scandalous to miss. I also think the female lead has something on Inha, maybe childhood or family-wiseā€¦


Hmm I didn't get the feeling that she would have anything on Kang In Ha. Was there a scene that would give that impression? I got the feeling that she was down a road to be a soft gold a digger, she wants his money but also wants the attention from Tae Oh. I'm going to watch at least another 2 episodes, and hopefully it gets better. I'm curious about Tae Oh past and how he will get enough power to defend his mom and probably get his revenge.


There were a few sketchy scenes that raised my suspicions. The library scene where In Ha is behind the curtains and wonders ā€œwhatā€™s this girls dealā€. I may be wrong but I feel like theyā€™re alluding to something more. if she was in it just for his money/status I don't think heā€™d be so blind to it, you know? Also In Haā€™s sisters suspicions was more than just sniffing out a gold digger...right? they showed TWO seperate solo angles of her being suspicious alreadyā€¦thatā€™s a lot in kdrama land. i think if FL was a gold digger only, in haā€™s sister would have said it to her face with no regret. What do you think? I noticed she also turned down In Ha as soon as he introduced himself with his money/statusā€¦or maybe she was playing mind games. But seems like sheā€™s in it for more than that. also the fact that she wants to relate to Tae Ohā€™s ā€revengeā€ plan so bad, seems like she also has been plotting like him for years, maybe for many reasons. if she doesnā€™t have any history on In Ha, it seems like she soon will by getting entangled in the same way Tae Oh will get entangled with In Haā€™s family. maybe Iā€™m wishing on a star lol


The way he observed her felt like someone was a bit weird, but at the same time it gave the feeling that he was more bothered by his only friend to show some interest in someone else besides him. It gave me the feeling that he must get that girl, so that she can't have his friend. Weird, but it felt like that. The only time he looked for her, was when he heard of the accident, which also felt like a "I better get there before him". In Ha's sister isn't dumb at all, but she is also acting the same as her brother. Her eyes and all her actions are on Tae Oh. I expect her to be the one to call FL out for being a gold digger. I do imagine the same as you, she will end telling everything to their faces with no regrets. She gave me that sort of feeling, but she also gave me the feeling to be more obsessed by her math tutor, than her brother, but she does care about her brother a lot. I can see that, I can imagine her plotting something for many years, but the way she got inserted in their businesses it felt so unnatural. Would someone that is plotting something act the way she does? Is it just bad acting or a badly written character? Something is putting me off with this character, maybe it's a combination of both.


True the girl was playing both guysā€¦.. she wants the money and power of being with InHa but at the same time sheā€™s also actively pursuing TaeOhā€¦ Iā€™m inclined to also think like some that maybe InHa and TaeOh might be step siblings as well, maybe TaeOh is also a bastard like Inha of the father.


Definitely, she is trying to play both guys but actress is poorly portraying this character. We got the general idea, but her emotions were like a wall. It was said that Tae Oh has a mother that it appears to have remarried. The man that we saw was his step-father. Who is his father we don't know. The idea of them being sibling isn't that bad. It's possible, but it also feels a bit weird. If In Ha's father assumed to his family and everyone public to have an out of wedlock son, wouldn't it make sense to also assume the other son?


I felt it too..there is no chemistry between jaewook and her..but his friend looks good with her..Actually I loved the scenes of school girl..I want more screen time for her


I have an opposite feeling. I don't see any chemistry between her and both of the male leads. All she did was giving me blank stares, I see a lot of emotions from both guys and an intriguing end goal for them, but in her case there is nothing. Not even in that kissing scene, she managed to give me a feeling of either disgust or triumph, it felt so emotionless. I'm way more interested in Kang In Ha's younger sister. She gave me all the feelings, she is a little brat that is neglected by her family, she feels a big connection to the brother that was pushed away for being born out of wedlock. She even managed with one look to gave a feeling of scared by her mom, she end up trying to be over the top to conceal any sort of emotions. And she is really fascinated by Han Tae Oh, at moments it feels like she sees him as her new toy, but at other moments it feels like she will end up really liking him. If I even manage to feel intrigued by such a bratty little character, how come the main female lead does give me any sort of feeling? It feels like I'm looking to a white wall, there was nothing in there.


I left my comment above before reading this. I think we agree here. Fingers crossed it gets better after >!the time jump.!<


We 100% agree with this. I'm even sad to know that the younger sister isn't the main actress. I would love to see her more.


Same! I prefer if they remove the romance story line. The FL is so bland. I find myself skipping her scenes. The school girl was so much interesting.


I was also confused on why they both like her. Tae oh I can use a bit of imagination for since theyā€™re neighbors and classmates but inhaā€™s feelings came out of nowhere. Also we know absolutely nothing about the girl aside from her mom. The three of them have this family trauma thing going on so I guess thatā€™s why theyā€™re drawn to each other but the love triangle feels rushed, random and entirely unnecessary


Agreed, it kills the flow of the actual juicy storylineā€¦im guessing theyā€™re dragging it out as there must be some history between them all there. perhaps between each of their parents.


Me too! Kinda odd isnt it, that they have so little interaction and then these two are so >!in love!<, to the point that >!Tae oh was almost willing to give up his chance to utilize in ha and get himself into the major league!!grand plan is to help in ha to win over the empire as the titular... Impossible heir!šŸ˜„šŸ˜„!<


Everyone hates the love triangle. The bromance was a little over the top I feel, but.acceptable, or rather, a little too fast. It went from them disliking each other to suddenly being friends when they incidentally (not explained why) met at the MMA gym. If you compare this to Guardian: The Lonely and Great God, the bromance and chemistry is incomparable. The girl wise, definitely out of the blue. A neighbour who is curious and attracted to Taeoh for no reason and vice-versa. Although Hong Su Zu's acting was bad, the script also did her injustice. It was definitely a miscast. She doe not have much acting experience and should not be cast as a lead. The show has potential and has good directors but it is such a slow burn that I did not even complete episode 2.


I think direction did a bad job of showing how the romance between Lee Jae Wokā€™s character developed. The way scenes are transitioned, I just feel like a lot of scenes were cut out to accelerate the plot. Too much happened in episode 2 imho and sacrificed back story. If FL is a major part of the plot moving forward, they should have taken their time setting the table with episode 2. I disagree with people on here who say itā€™s unrealistic how the MLā€™s are acting with FL. One thing I do remember from college: people ā€œfell in loveā€ almost instantly with random people all the time. I can totally see a college aged guy falling in love with his neighbor who is also his classmate or just having a major crush on her and willing to >!change his plan for her!< even if itā€™s for a moment. People at my dorm would be head over heels one week with a person that just said hi to them twice in a study room or something lmao. Then a few weeks later, it was a never mind and they were dating someone else. At that age, infatuation can be so quick and instant because of the close proximity that college allows young adults, different from any other time in your life - especially if you live on your own/at a dorm/at an apartment around other students close to your university. They just did a bad job of showing this. All it should have taken was a good 25-30 min of showing how he would see her often around school, more interactions between them even if brief (with both leads). Show them infatuated with her and why. FL's actress at this point does not give "femme fatale" vibes, so maybe it is because they have seen her be tough as nails, or how smart she is in class. A few more scenes like this would have helped the viewer digest it more/believe. I also think the actress needed to give more.


Lee Jaewook has a lot going for him right now. The recent dating news as well. I'm interested in this show and definitely watch it though


Wow, not sure how I missed it! Just looked it up and it turns out he's dating aespa's Karina. They'd look so cute together!


I'm definitely intrigued but I'm not gonna lie, I'm a little worried about Hye-won's character. She reminds me a whole lot of Soo-ah (the second female lead in *Itaewon Class*). My memory is hazy so I'm running on vibes only lol, but she seems to have similar characteristics, and I do remember I ended up hating how Soo-ah was written... no matter how I tried to rationalize it. Same thing for Tae-oh and In-ha. I love, LOVE, *love* tortured/complicated friendships, but there's a whole lot of layers and pretending here, to the point where I can't really tell who's using who. Normally, that level of complication comes a little bit later. I don't know where they stand? I guess their relationship is already blurry enough that there was no need to throw a love triangle in the middle. To me at least. I already know Hye-won is going to mess up whatever plan they set up because she has her own ambitions, but with her *also* being a love interest, it's gonna be a difficult tightrope to walk. Tae-oh is just as cold, calculating as she seems, but we got more insight into his character under the mask, so he comes off less robotic. It's very subtle but it makes a big difference. I'd be a little disappointed if they make In-ha an antagonist. I worry about too many betrayals, and too much friendly fire. BUT It's obviously only been two episodes, so imma relax a little lmao. I'd be happy to be super wrong about all of that. EDIT: Oh, and I love the cast by the way! Lee Jun-young and Lee Jae-wook in particular seemed to have hit it off right away and it shows in all of their scenes.


Am l the only one who thinks the main male leads could be a couplešŸ˜„


Nope, I agree. They have much more chemistry than with the FL haha


I liked the first two episodes. I also like the two MLs a lot, especially Jae Wookie. šŸ˜I'm interested in seeing how they're planning to take over Kangho Group. BUT. BUT. The >!love triangle!< feels EXTREMELY forced??? šŸ¤Ø And tbh I don't see why >!they're both suddenly in love with the FL???!<šŸ¤” Like... They barely know her??? šŸ˜’>!Tae Oh had only observed her a little from afar and both he and In Ha met her a few times at school and sat together and had drinks once or twice. They have nothing connecting them to her, no history, no shared experiences, no established friendship, no real yearning or whatever. Her existence just now came to their attention and suddenly with the suspicion that one of them might be into her, they both started going crazy.!< Their emotional reactions to anything that has to do with her seem so random and just overly too much. šŸ™„In Ha >!kissing her at the uni!< had me like, HUH???? Where did that come from???šŸ¤ØšŸ¤¢ I'm gonna be honest, I wish the story was about the bromance and their common goal to reach the top. I don't care about the romance because for me this drama could definitely do without it. Furthermore, I'm not sold on the chemistry between the FL and either of the MLs. šŸ˜Anyway... It's only the beginning, we'll see how it goes. PS: Huiju is as annoying as she was in Strong Girl Namsoon... Ugh...šŸ™„ PS2: Who do you suppose >!the dead man and woman!< at the beginning of the first episode? are?


Btw, did anyone else consider that maybe In Ha and Tae Oh are actually half siblings??? There must be a reason why Tae Oh >!chose to go to Maju specifically and eventually chose to get close to In Ha. Remember his facial expression when he was looking at the fireworks above the mansion in the beginning?? It's not how someone usually looks at fireworks, he looked to be in disbelief, he looked overwhelmed. The guy in prison is not his real dad and In Ha's dad looks like he's had multiple women in the past. It's possible he's also an heir of the chaebol family.!< Just saying.


Same sameā€¦ >! I have a feeling TaeOh and Inha might end up against each other in the end with the FL being the additional trigger to cause a divide between the twoā€¦.. Iā€™m not sure though if TaeOh already knows about them being half siblings as well but if he did, thatā€™s some long term calculative moves on his part since high school !<


Exactly! It feels like the FL was forced to be in the story. Like I really don't care about her at all then suddenly both of the leads want her? Am I missing something here?


What I donā€™t understand is how Jae wook knows everything about the family and how they will react


Taeoh and Inha's chemistry is amazing from >!enemies to besties!< šŸ’• I hope nothing gets in the way ... Let the games begin ! I'm so happy seeing Junyoung flourish in his career, I remember discovering him in The Unit and I've been following many of his works ever since.


Two enjoyable and intriguing episodes ! I didn't know of Lee Junyoung before this but now I'm CHARMED his acting is stellar and I'm ready to defend Kang Inha until the end !! I just know I'm gonna get attached to his character very much but that everyone is gonna make him suffer šŸ„² >!The love triangle feels very iffy so far because they all seem to be playing mind games and they talk in such a cryptic way that I can't help and wonder what they're really thinking about. This is gonna get messy as hell later on ! Only thing that wasn't too convincing for me is how they fell so hard with her with so little interaction, especially Inha... the whole melodrama/k-drama scene of them running around to find her felt a bit too much at this point of the story šŸ˜­ I feel like that part would've flown better if Hyewon had been around with them for much longer (like a high school or childhood friend). I understand they needed to skip to the present timeline quickly though.!< >!I really enjoy the friendship between Taeoh and Inha, their chemistry is really great and I'm seated to see them climb to the top. I feel like there will definitely be some tensions and greed growing along the way but I hope their relationship stays strong.!< >!The unexpected highlight of these episodes was the sister Huiji ā€“ she's so savage and actually has a personality and a good heart beyond the typical rich bratty girl trope. I hope she will be a good ally to our trio later on and that they don't just use her as a device to the love triangle (or square in this case).!<


I think this is the most morally grey FL I have ever seen in kdramas. Lol! She said a fair bit šŸš©šŸš©šŸš©lines that makes me wonder why would anyone root for her.


Totally agree! Most unlikeable FL character Iā€™ve seen so far. At least Tae Oh was upfront with In Ha about ā€˜usingā€™ him and that it was a 2-way thing. For her, it was simply using anyone to climb. Yuck! I really donā€™t understand why the 2 guys like her that muchā€¦other than her pretty face šŸ™„ Itā€™s definitely a meh factor to the drama that Iā€™m not looking forward to see the next episode. Inhaā€™s sister is way better and Iā€™m rooting her with Tae Oh šŸ˜†


Hahahaha! And while I truly think that LJW is very good at expressing himself without words, but I find it really strange and atypical that the only person verbalising his thoughts is In Ha ; if you notice, there's no words just glances and facial expressions for Tae ho and hye won as their mental chess play goes into overdrive in their heads. It's a little unsettling because while I really like a good underdog (rags to riches) story, I kinda dislike the FL's approach to >!just see people as means to an end, and exploit their affection for you to get them to do things for you!< So ya, let's see if there's any arc development for >!Hye Won!< In the next few episodes ! šŸ˜¬


Hye Won didnt want to use anyone IMO, but bad people keep chasing after her. No college kid (in fact, no kid ever) deserves to be parentified as much as she was. When >! the goons came after her on campus, I was steaming... no kid should ever have to cover for bad parents like that.!< Be a bad parent if you have to, but don't force your kids to pick up after you.


FL has a huge scope for a character development but that woman canā€™t act! Thatā€™s the only problem. I skipped every scene with her. She gives that side role vibes. Maybe itā€™s just me.


You are right. She suits side roles more. It's so frustrating to watch her when there are no emotions in her eyes. I think FL needs a lot more improvement to keep up with her co-actors. I don't feel like rooting for her character because she is not portraying it well. The other girl was more interesting than FL was. I hope they reduce FL's scenes and skip that love triangle altogether.


Lee Jun Young is on the rise. He's equally good as a good guy and a bad guy. He's done idol drama and was the lead for May I Help You. If you go back and watch DP Season 1, he played one of the guest actor dƩserter characters. He's got super fighting skills and I expect he'll do more action movies (one just came out on Netflix last week).


This is my first time watching him and he looks like a star actor already, didnā€™t know heā€™s still on the riseā€¦thatā€™s impressive


He's also a former K-Pop idol (U-KISS, 2nd gen boy group).


Ahh ok thanksā€¦yes that makes sense! he has that star look & confidence, and how they introduced his first scene also suggested he was a guest starā€¦well now Iā€™m rooting for his acting career!


I didn't know he was in D.P. I really need to go back and watch his scenes again then ! I just saw on MDL that he's got many roles coming up in dramas I'm looking forward to (that one drama with IU, the one with Park Bo-Young/Choi Woo-Sik, Weak Hero 2...). Exciting news ! I'll definitely check out his previous works :)


I saw an interview with Jun Young and Lee Jae Wook and Jun Young said he practiced martial arts as a kid and he and his sister have black belts so that is probably why he is great at fighting scenes


The love triangle is the only thing that's throwing me off about the first two episodes, I really wanted a friend group type of kdrama with a mix of bromance but it's giving "Eve" vibes & I don't really like "Eve".


Wait, there's a love triangle between the fl and Lee Jae wook + Lee junyoung?? Noooo man this is a disaster because I adore both male leads as actors.


i'm trying to like it but the fls acting feels kind of flat maybe I had too much expectations


Her acting feels so flat it has me questioning why the male leads would even be interested in her (besides being pretty).


Not gonna lie, itā€™s a bit of a slog to get through. Hope it improves


I might drop this drama if I see more of her. How did she get even get the role?


I donā€™t quite get why Inha >!would continue to like hye won even though he just heard from the horseā€™s mouth that she thinks of his sister as a tool / leverage for Tae oh to take advantage of!< ?? Isnā€™t it the >!chaebol instinct to flinch at such outright confession of using them as a means for their own gain?!< šŸ˜…šŸ˜…šŸ¤£ The world building in the first two episodes is rather convoluted and the characters are really quite atypical (>!you have the crazy mother slapping her own daughter as if she was ***the*** illegitimate child šŸ˜‚!<, and you have a >!uni student that plays 5d mental chess with two random guys and show no fear when facing the mafia despite her not having the actual physical ability to protect herself.!< ) Hopefully disney+ will keep to the two episodes / week schedule!


What an incredible start to a series, Iā€™m just blown away. Iā€™m randomly rewatching Extraordinary You, and I have to say Lee Jae Wook has really honed in his craft. The way he emotes and controls his face had me captivated despite the commercial interruptions. I love the chemistry between him and Lee Jun Young as friends/partners. You can see them queuing some fireworks ready to explode especially with the way Hong Su Zu changed up the dynamic when she entered. Iā€™m looking forward to this ride!


This show is fun but also funny... 2 male leads go from bullying fighting each other to sitting on motorbike holding the other's waist is just LOL and then two male leads fall for the same girl out of nowhere, she literally does nothing and then the >!kiss!< also comes out of nowhere LOL I'm interested in the present time but some parts are questionable lol


No the >!kiss!< completely caught me off guard as well, I rewinded and everything to see if I missed anything, like glances between the two or something, or if they had been planning this against Taeoh the whole time. Honestly I was so confused as to what was happening. At first I was like, was this something that the two of them had planned behind his back, but then I realized >!she rejected Inha!< when Taeoh wasn't even there? I don't know really, it's pretty confusing. I'm also confused as to why Taeoh's so affected, like I'm pretty sure they only started being "friendly" and talking like two weeks ago or something.


I just finished episode two, and this is solid, fun k-drama material. But I have to ask about the FL Na Hye Won >!What is there to like about her? Iā€™m genuinely confused how/why both boys fell so hard and so fast for her. Sheā€™s beautiful sure, but sheā€™s a loner, has a crazy mom, and is super stand-offish. I actually enjoy love triangles, but Iā€™m genuinely confused about her appeal.!< Honestly, I like >!the little sister much better.!<


The sister is the MVP


I guess both boys have " I want to protect her" syndromšŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£




It's always something like this. One season they get obsessed with split personalities, than mental disorders, then vampires/zombies, widows in Joseon period, etc., and I still haven't figured this out xd


King The Land and See You In My 19th Life, both MLs were hotel heirs. My Demon and My Man Is Cupid. Both were forbidden love fantasy dramas with a "serious but unintentionally cute" fantasy character.


Lol another Lee Jae Wook's drama that involves boxing/MMA fighting.


What are the other ones?


move to heaven is one


Death's Game is one as well


The only way to enjoy this drama is to accept that there are no good or bad characters in the drama just people doing whatever they can to attain certain goals and to which limits they can go to attain that....the morally grey setting for the characters is one of the series charms to be honest...it gives them more depth and complexity and allows viewers to interact with them more on a relatable and human basis......


My thought at the end of episode 1 was ā€œohh, this is going to be MESSY.ā€ And Iā€™m here for it.


Looking forward to seeing Lee Jae Wook in something new šŸ’•Ā 


ep2 That>! five-year jump was a startle. My brain thought real fast to scenarios. lol Since they are both working for the company, things must be going as planned. I foresee a significant amount of flashbacks. !<


I would sincerely like to believe that >! In Han liking and making moves on hyewon is all a plot to have Tae Oh back off so that Tae Oh and Hyewon don't join hands and screw him over and shit since they both low-key share similar plans !<.... otherwise I really thought the trio would be like bloodhounds and not a love triangle


yeah I'm hoping lee junyoung's inha is smarter than he seems


Can't wait for this I actually have many reasons to anticipate this but mostly for the talented cast line up and the bromance and the morally grey themed characters the struggle to make ones way to the top of the social food chain....I already feel like it's going to be a roller coaster ride. CANT WAIT to camp in here for the next six weeks! After two episodes Iam impressed with the pacing and the writing so far and then we have complex flawed characters with depth...I enjoyed the friendship between the two male leads....and despite the trials I hope they make it to the end....the female lead character is so far my favourite I love how she is flawed and makes questionable decisions but at the same time has layers to her...it's going to be interesting how her story unfolds. So far so good.


Ep 2 Na Hae Won. I can imagine the temperament and personality the character is supposed to be - a spitfire, independent, driven, calculating - but that doesn't come through. The actress knows how to make the character annoying, villainy, unlikeable, and rather flat all at once. Guess that's a kind of talent but doesn't mesh in the scenes very well with her scene partners. The sister Kang Hul Ju is generally a type of character I don't like, but the actress does it so well that I don't mind it and found her interactions with Tae Oh enjoyable as their dispositions are so opposite. Tae Oh and In Ha in suits šŸ”„šŸ”„šŸ”„šŸ”„šŸ”„. Let the games begin!


Maybe that is the issue I am having with Hae Wonā€“I just don't vibe with the actress. Of course, after Marry My Husband, no one can comes close to Song Ha-Yoon as Su Min imo! Iconic.


Something about her just doesn't work on screen for me. A show I dropped, My Happy Ending's villainess Kwon Yoon Jin (actress So Yi Hyun) may be even more insane than Su Min because she had money to be extra scary. Both these characters are cut from the same unloved child with socio/psychopathic tendency cloth. She played the heck out of that role even in the few episodes I did watch. And apparently, she got more insane later. šŸ˜Ø šŸ˜†


You are so right about this; she was indeed an excellent villian (even though MHE went off the rails about halfway through lol)


I loved Yoon Jin and Su Min!!!!! They both killed it!!!!!! Theyā€™re both unhinged psychopaths lol. It was my first time watching the actress playing Yoon Jin and I loved her micro expressions.


Hah, I dropped MMH because I couldn't get behind the main couple and found the scummy ex-boyfriend and sociopath "bff" much more compelling and served by 2 really good actors. You're making me want to go back to it ^^ Another actress might have given Haewon more personality with her performance but there's only so much one can do with middling writing. She barely got a character intro and then they rushed that ridiculous love triangle in a really contrived way. I'm so sad, I really wanted to watch this for LJW but I'm halfway through episode 2 and aside from the beginning of episode 1 I've been so bored. It sounded promising but it's really starting to feel like a low grade soap opera. I can't even buy Taeoh as the mastermind he's supposed to be because his grand plan was to write a report and get Inha to sign off his inheritance and conveniently several people reacted precisely how he'd predicted? Nahhh, come on.


Jae Wook is in a career high right nowā€¦ and The Impossible Heir being the show he starts his year with.. isnā€™t looking so bad at first glance. The male main cast looks great both in appearance and well as acting dept. but the choice for the female actress is what really bugs me Hong Suzy as NaHae-Won is very beautiful indeedā€¦ but her acting is just lacking.. a big downside. Ā  Ā  *Jae Wook* plays TaeHo very convincingly a boy abused as a child.. a father that is hell bent on murdering his mother so in order to protect her he sends his mother away knowing very well that it will basically make him in orphan.. the responsibility and burden of succeeding financially and accumulating power set on shoulder as a young adult leads Tae-Ho to use the only asset he has-his intellect to further his ambitions by whatever meansā€¦ Ā  *Kang-Inha* is going to turn out to be the most ruthless of the trio as the show progresses mark my words. He may not be as stoic as Ta-ho pretends to be but heā€™s even more dangerous than Tae-ho and I tell you why, heā€™s a man depraved of love, the most important kind there is: familiyal love (at least TaeHo has the knowledge that his mother loved him) but InHa sees only one thing to be powerfulā€¦ Tae-hoā€™s desires for power comes from his need to protect the ones he loves.. InHaā€™s greed for power is simply driven by the need to prove himself to his father to acquire what no one gives him being a bastered son: respect. Ā  *Na-Haewon* is the least interesting character so far and my dislike of the characterĀ has mostly to do with Hong-Suzyā€™s lackluster Ā performanceā€¦.like she may be trying but it isnā€™t paying of on screen. Ā  Ā *CHEMISTRY:* Ā Ā£ The romantic chemistry between JaeWook as TaeHo and Suzy as HaeWon isnā€™t really that greatā€¦definitely no weā€™re near the chemistry JaeWook had with GoYoungJung in Alchemy Of Souls S2 where they play JangUk and BuYeon respectively.. like GoYoungJung and JaeWook had chemistry right from the 1st episode but here as of the first 2 episodes that isnā€™t happening.( but letā€™s wait itā€™s might get better)Ā  Now I donā€™t know how to explain thisā€¦there MAY NOT BE CHEMISTRY BETWEEN THE MAIN COUPLE BUT THERE SURE IS A HELL OF A LOT MORE *ANGST* and I know what you are thinking *`how can there be ANGST where there is NO CHEMISTRYā€™*. Ā Like I said I canā€™t explain it but there isā€¦ like did you see the glances Tae-Ho and HaeWon were stealing at each other in the finale quarter of Ep 1.Ā  Ā£ LeeJaeWook and LeeJunYung are going to be giving great bromanceĀ  ā€¦.at least up until the episode where InHa finds out TaeHo kissed his wife HaeWon. Ā  *The biggest throw off for me has been the love triangle.. as much as it pains me say this as someone who loves messy loves-stories. I get why TaeHo might fall for Na-HaeWon and vice Versa in such a short time given their shared background and bonding over having no suitable parenting but what I donā€™t understand is why Kang- InHa loves her, itā€™s definitely clear that Hae-Won is using InHa for social climbing but InHa seem to be`seriousā€™ abt his feelings for her*


Okay, I'm already intrigued LJW is compelling as always and the triangle is looking interesting, as well.




I love Lee Jaewook but the drama's poster, trailer and description was not that good for me... I had low expectations but I was wishing for it to defy me and be really good Making the first episodes good is so important... The love triangle is off... And am I the only one who doesn't get the family tree? Like who is the father, who is the mother and is the chairman grandpa or dad? It is so confusing


The family is indeed very confusing but I think it will get easier with time to recognize them


Hmmm, I was looking forward to this one because of Lee Jaewook especially after his role in Deathā€™s Game but this isnā€™t grabbing me like I thought it would. I canā€™t put my finger on what it is. Will give it another try later and make up my mind Ā 


Watching ep 2, I officially hate Hyewon. She seems to be using Taehoā€™s feelings to entice competitiveness in Inha. Love the sister.


**Episode 1:** * Watching Lee Jae-wook and just gotta give shout out to Dispatch for their timings :p * [This](https://imgur.com/LG2XSRW) feels like an extension of his character in Death's Game * Are they really trying to pass LJW as an 18 year old... pls.. its so funny * I dunno... [this](https://imgur.com/VkkwgJW) haughty spoilt af rich kid acting doesn't seem to suit this guy * That [KICK](https://imgur.com/RhzuieM) by Tae-oh was fcking magnificent... AND SO UNEXPECTED * Who the hell cheers "[kill him](https://imgur.com/lOE82mx)" in a >!high school cafeteria brawl!<.. wtf * >!Abusive psychopath fathers!< are the worst... ugh * I really liked this [development](https://imgur.com/ScV2AcD)... the way >!In-ha simply went from a bully to teaching him how to fight!< * [This](https://imgur.com/NxtJqdT) would've been a great plotline for a BL drama lmaaooo * Wait.. whats with [this scene](https://imgur.com/WiHYBnl)? Noo... please nooo >!love triangle!< * [Newest favorite live-in relationship couple](https://imgur.com/E4EaH5U)... Loving the dynamics * Okay, yes I like [this guy](https://imgur.com/ClFOUNe) without the tough guy bravado * Huiju smells like troubleee * [Not the umbrella tropeee](https://imgur.com/tG78xj7)... ohmg don't try to sell these two to me as a ship if they ain't destined PLEASE * [LJW's falling in love look](https://imgur.com/29qDepH) is just too precious * Bro.... if >!some girl drives a wedge against the bromance!< that I enjoyed I will not be happy about it Edit: Found it funny how most of the comment section is against the >!love triangle!<. We're all in this together guys


I donā€™t really care for the FL so far. Also Iā€™m not liking this rushed love triangle theyā€™re trying to force on us. The relationships feel empty so far. Hope the other aspects of the drama are better. I like In Haā€™s little sister the most so far.


There is bromance! I love the relationship between Tae-oh and In-ha already, In-ha is so silly. Very excited to watch more of this one!


I love the bromance and I'm interested to see how they achieve their goal. The >!love triangle is really unnecessary and felt like they're trying to set the FL to create a tug of war between the two MLs.!< I hope we at least get to see more of her story since we only got to see her >!abusive mother!<


Are Lee Jae Wooo & Lee Jun Young related? They have a tiny bit of resemblance with each other.


Are they >!playing half siblings here?!< They havenā€™t explicitly said it, but thatā€™s the case, right?? Thatā€™s also >!why they chose actors that sort of resemble each other!< a bitā€¦ right? And Tae Oh did say that the >!man in prison was not his biological father.!<


Idk why but I got bored after 10 min.....


I think there is more to >!Kang Inhaā€™s liking for Hyewon (not a big fan of her acting / casting too!).!< Otherwise, it would be weak scripting considering >!they donā€™t spend enough time nor does he have enough compelling reason to like her. Unless itā€™s just how he is - starved of love and clings on to the first semblance of it?!< Intriguing so I will continue to watch! Hopefully the script doesnā€™t disappoint (I would think the kdrama world would have matured beyond tropes and forced coupling).


Watched ep 1 and 2 and after watching I've decided I'm just gonna watch the next episodes with a leap of faith. The FL's acting isn't my cup of tea and I really just didn't understand a lot of things in episode 1 and 2. The way the FL became friends with both of them in the twinkle of an eye and her mission is one of the many things I don't understand. But we'll see how it goesĀ 


It actually seems like a good drama but the love triangle really is throwing me off. It's so random and unnecessary and the FL is kind of unlikeable (saying that as someone who usually loves the FLs, no matter how much hate they receive from the fans). Other than that, I am excited for what's about to come and I'm glad they included a time skip


Episode 1 I was really into the highschool part, the narrative took its time setting up the characters and their circumstances... until the point where they suddenly decide to be ~~friends~~ partners. Their coming to this decision felt rushed and the dialogue during the rooftop scene felt awkward and unrealistic. The rest of the episode was kind of a slog. The bromance could have been interesting what with the rocky start and the way they're good foils for each other but why the fucking love triangle. It's the LEAST interesting option for the FL as a character. And I'm not impressed by the actress either. At first I thought Inha was aware of Taeho's interest and teasing him to try to spur him into taking action (which is admittedly not that great either) but no it's even worse than that šŸ˜’ Inha's actor seems pretty good but he's kind of hamming it up for the comedic parts, so it feels very fake ā€” I'm not sure yet if the character's supposed to be like that or if the actor's just not very good at comedy. I started this drama solely for LJW whom I've been stanning since I first saw him in AoS and he doesn't disappoint. He always brings such life and personality to his characters. Like he's very much _on_ during every second and you can see the wheels turning. He's so awesome, I'm loving seeing him play this restrained and antisocial character. I hope the drama gets better as it goes šŸ¤žšŸ¼


It was fun until Hyewon appeared. The acting was also so flat, so sheā€™s just an annoying character


Someone mentioned itā€™s 1 episode in a week, so was that wrong?


I think it's once a week but 2 episodes on one day per week (Wednesday). I forgot where I read that.


i heard it's not just the first week, it will be 2 eps for week for the remaining weeks as well


Did the ending get spoiled in the first couple of seconds?


It's probably not the ending being spoiled, could be somewhere near the end or beginning since ya it might not be the >!friend and/or neighbor!<. It's possibly like an event showing how things are getting serious now and so they used it to bait the viewers into guessing how it'll get to that point, lol. Like ya the MC seems willing to go that far in order to get powerful (to protect/etc. his loved ones).


Don't think so. There are already multiple options for the first scene.


Lee Jae Wook got so much hotter here LoL. I actually enjoy the bromance more tbvh. Am like Hee Joo in havin' a bad feeling toward Hye Won.


Whoa whoa how did it get so intense with both MLs with the FL? These are episode 8 emotions right at the beginning, for love a triangle? I hope this makes sense in the coming episodes because itā€™s disorienting considering I came in expecting the two guys scheming to this lackluster love triangle? Also: Lee Jae Wook looking dashing end of ep 2


After the first 2 episodes, this is my two cents. The MLs >!are both in a mutually beneficial relationship. So it's kinda easy yo support and root for them cause they are presented as this "two buddies against the world". The FL however, understands that both boys are attracted to her, and seems to be playing both of them, to see which one ultimately offers her more. She's playing a game where she comes out on top and everyone else suffers. So, even though from her position her actions are understandable, it's kinda hard to enjoy her, specially if you like either of the MLs. She reminds me a bit of Jung Sun ah from devil judge, who's victory assured the defeat of both MLs in the show. But actress does not have nearly the charisma or the acting chops to make the character enjoyable despite the questionable morals.!<


My theory is that Inha totally kissed her in purpose with an alternate motive. He saw what she said at the library and became suspicious of her, I think he is pursuing her in order to protect Taeoh from her, or smth like that and is using her instead of the other way around as portrayed šŸ¤­.


Yes he did, Inha definitely kiss her purpose because he knew Tae-Ho had started to sway for Haewon and he didnā€™t want anyone to distract TaeHo from looking forward to their only goal which is the takeover of KanHo groupĀ 


The main female lead is beautiful but is it just me or is her acting stiff. I get zero range or emotion out of her. The rest of the cast are doing amazing, but when sheā€™s in the scene it feels like the other character are overacting when paired with her. Idk.. Iā€™m hoping itā€™s just the character and maybe the 5 year mark she might improveĀ 


Contrary to the popular opinion here, I am actually quite excited about >!the love triangle!<, especially bc whatever the boys are feeling >!towards Hyewon doesn't seem to be a typical crush!<. For Teo(LJW), >!Hyewon is probably the first girl!< he ever got that closely involved with, and also first person to see through and understand his intentions. Also having witnessed >!her hardships, for instance, her mother being violent,!< he might have resonated with her since he's also a victim of childhood violence. I understand why he was briefly swayed at the thought of completely >!losing her. Inha(LJY)'s feelings for her!< here is more interesting bc I think it originates from his possessiveness of Teo. And just how he was attracted to Teo and asked him to be his friend over a few interactions, >!he developed interest for Hyewon in the same manner.!< Of course, we don't know his true intentions yet. In overall I think this >!love triangle !


You do have a point there regarding >! Inha and TaeOhā€¦. Even to his sister he said that TaeOh was off limitsā€¦. He does have a possessive side with regards to TaeOhā€¦. !<


I feel like Inha is doing that to isolate Taeoh. Inha below the friendly faƧade wants Taeoh to be his loyal dog, one that wouldn't betray him and never prioritises anyone over him.


Agree! I think people donā€™t want her getting in the way of the bromance, but thatā€™s exactly what makes this interesting. We know that kdramas love messy triangles.


Ah! I love Hong Su Zu sheā€™s gorgeous


I just realized that the male leads arenā€™t wearing lipstick. Wonder if thatā€™s for the American audience?! Like others have said, >!the love triangle is not it for me. They were a solid team literally for years before meeting her, and it all unraveled in what seemed like a few weeks. Since we now have a big time-skip, and (as Mr Holmes said) the game is now clearly on, I assume this is a fault line that will threaten their plans going forward. But I hope not. I didnā€™t feel the chemistry or find it believable.!< However, Iā€™m really looking forward to next week, and whatever wheeling and dealing got them >!so much closer to the throne!< Bring it on!


itā€™s already on 2x on the first episode this isnā€™t a good sign šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Oh dang this is already out? Have to go watch




This is going to end painfully. you heard it here first.


2 episodes in and I can see Lee Jae Wook is definitely progressing as an actor, a big step up from his starring ā€œboyfriendā€ roles like 2019 Search: WWW and Kill Boksoon just in 2023. his development reminds me of Byeon Woo Seok for that reason. They have faces and physiques made for modelling, so slowly but surely they are getting main roles that force them to loosen up and show other sides. Acting doesnā€˜t always work for models so heā€™s doing wellā€¦and he playing the revenge character well.


As soon as Tae-oh answered Inhaā€™s call instead of opening the door for Hye-Won, it was bros before hos. But seriously, agree with all the comments saying Suzuā€™s acting is a little lackluster and robotic so far. Maybe sheā€™d do better in a thriller type of role cuz when she had one eye open during that kissing scene, it was a lil scary šŸ˜±.


I will be just watching for the little sister. My only reason. The love triangle is šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€


is it just me or do the disney+ shows somehow all look so washed out and greyscale in terms of cinematography


its like a low quality film cinematography


though much better than your usual white, extra bright, blurry filter.


fr let us see skin texture


The opening theme is so cheesy, lol


lol very trueā€¦itā€™s giving daytime drama with 200 episodes


Really loved this and the chemistry between the 3 leads. The only thing I'm not sure about is the >!love triangle!<


Jae Wookā€™s acting chops are back and this time staring from ep 2 itselfĀ 


2024 and we're still doing love triangles. I beg that they don't drag that on too long. Other than that, this is a pretty solid show so far.


Lee Jun Young is so charming that I want to watch Love and Leashes now because of him. LJW was so good in Alchemy that Iā€™m willing to give him a chance in here, but FL was awful. She wasnā€™t this bad in the Lovestruck in the City episode- hope she improves.


You can watch it, it's a well-written movie, and Lee jun young and Soohyun did really together!


Love and Leashes was so good!


I like the story, but I canā€™t with the FLā€™s acting. She needs to improve a lot. Her facial and eyesā€™ expressions, and the way she delivers her line is so monotone. Iā€™m kinda sick with this triangle love thing too


Was it released worldwide at the same time? It's not coming up on my disney+


Can we talk about Inha and his goofinessā€¦absolutely love this, how he softened up so quickly! Clearly all he wanted was a friend, very sweet touch to this story. I think this comedic part is in Lee Jun Youngā€™s nature, because Iā€™ve seen some of the behind the scenes that they teased on social media and heā€™s exactly the same way!


I just finished Ep. 1 and I am ALL IN. The vibes between LJW and LJY?! PERFECTION. >!I truly believe these two genuinely like each other, even though they are also using each other; it's complicated šŸ˜† As for Hye Won? Nah. She is sus. She better not ruin my boys plan OR breakup the boys friendship. I won't stand for it!! And I already LOVE Hui Ju and want her and Tae O to get together (when she is older) and take over the world! !<


It's been awhile since I said this but FL character and acting is not vibing Nearly done with ep 2: The writing and production is a bit off, like the way theyre trying to tell a story makes the viewer feel like they dont know how the story got there lol, it doesnt flow too well


This is my opinion after watching the first episode (still debating whether I should continue or not...) * The cinematography, the directions, and the acting seem a bit off to me. I had a very high expectation of Lee Jaewook but the way how he depicts the character so far is disappointing imho: unstable characterization, very confusing expressions, too much silenceā€¦ No doubt abt his acting tho, I guess the problem lies in the production. * The plotline is just too forced, especially the unexpected timeline between their high school time to college, each scene is separate and does not compliment any series progress. I donā€™t really get it when they have no introduction to us about the take-over plan or anything, and all the big blows (for ex: how striking the report of Taeoh is, mainly cause we have no idea about the whole picture) are not clear at allā€¦ * The tension between the main and secondary characters is also a little bit awkward, Inha's younger sister and Hyewon?? Seriously, is that how chaebols act? * No extreme, or extra/ strong scene to hype the audience, which I think is very necessary for this kind of film.


LJW doesnā€™t choose a bad script. Just watched the first episode and am invested. Also! Just learning that LJY is the same actor that was in Love & Leashes and May I Help You? Heā€™s a great actor as well. I donā€™t believe Iā€™ve seen HSZ in anything but hoping they all bring us a great series.


Did anyone watch ep 3 & 4 apparently they were uploaded for a full day before release date


Why is no one discussing how shady it is for Inha to go after the girl he \*knows\* Teoh likes? That was deliberate. As he told his sister, Teoh is \*his\* and he isn't looking for anyone to disrupt that or distract him. It was a really sh\*tty power play on his end. Needy and selfish as well. SMH.


Iā€™m begging this show to pull an itaewon class with the ML and the sister.


**Episode 2:** * [That's some bold words](https://imgur.com/aWphFoK) girl * Bro? Its literally been a couple of days and he's already smitten with her? I mean... please * Wtf are "tea lessons"... she ain't even like a British royal * [Woman](https://imgur.com/Di1xiBB) doesn't trust people but >!was all the more willing to ask Tae-oh to help her???!< * I really want nothing to do with the FL, I just want to watch [these two and their scheming](https://imgur.com/C9v416j) * [Mother of the year much](https://imgur.com/CCPHERf) * The way he said "Not Tae-oh" [so desperately](https://imgur.com/6rfAsKT) lmaaooo * Girl, ya being [hella clingy](https://imgur.com/k8SEj6Y).. guess she's like a younger and female version of In-ha * HAHAHAHAH ohmg [that reveal](https://imgur.com/6PCKJcH) was so dramatic * So far Hyewon >!wants to use Tae-oh by liking him but he isn't an easy guy whereas In-ha's completely head over heels in love with her and she's just using him!<... * I'm sorry... [WHAAATTTT](https://imgur.com/pqKG2br) * [That's freaky af](https://imgur.com/tYw8IXK).... like saying >!"see I wanted him I got him"!<... eeughh * I feel sorry for [this guy](https://imgur.com/6PpLLkI) for letting Hyewon get to him.. * Karina is one lucky girl to be dating [this hottie](https://imgur.com/A7sb2Zi) for sure * Tae-oh>! pls let her go!<... [she](https://imgur.com/QsOFp7N) ain't worth ditching your 15 years old partner okay * YAAAASSS.. less of the romance and more of [this](https://imgur.com/x2z8qNj) please!


Karina sure is a lucky womenĀ 


>Karina is one lucky girl to be dating > >this hottie > >for sure For real šŸ„² Your recap is the best lol


Ep 1 I'm enjoying how they are telling the story. Even as the writer withholds pieces of information, each scene is interesting as is. The time jump from high school to college without the usual on-screen text explanation like x years later had me rewinding to see if I missed it, but no, there was nothing. šŸ˜† From the synopsis >until an equally ambitious woman with a similarly troubled past threatens to derail their plans forever. better not be a love triangle angle. Hoping In Ha is trying to be cupid wingman with his tactics. Her threat angle better be that she's been scheming as early or earlier than the bros. There are too many coincidences between her and Tae Oh, so I'm very suspicious. Lee Jun Young is giving me good comedy. The shoulder shake vibrating tantrum was amazing. I'm looking forward to ep 2 tomorrow!


This is good, but I'd rather they get on with it - I don't care about the romantic angle, and it really seems like it's there as a plot device to likely drive a wedge between the two friends for when he becomes the "impossible heir"


Tf was that episode 2, it was going so well until the hug and kiss, which just caught me unawares! You should have seen my face when I saw itā€¦. I dislike love triangles so much, am just here for the political drama, maneuvering, outsmarting etc! Itā€™s always a girl that has to come in btw two bros then fight for said love, like as if sheā€™s worth it! Dude could have had any girl he wanted, it had to be the one he knows obviously his friend is crushing on


Honestly that romance >!felt fake to me, In Ha just showed interest when he saw Ta Oh was interested in her so maybe, In Ha kissed her and pretended to be infatuated with her to show Ta Oh, itā€™s not worth it and they should both just focus on the business!<. At the end of episode 2, it didnā€™t seem they were together (her and him) so I am hoping that romance is just a ā€œside dishā€ and the political plot is the main focus. Also, it could be that sheā€™s willing to participate in whatever theyā€™re up to cause she seems to be ambitious so it looks like sheā€™s not into >!romance either, but more like, which one will take me out of this miserable situation!< I will watch the next ones and see how it goes too. I do love Jun Youngā€™s acting, I agree heā€™s the one making this story more interesting.


I was super excited about this and after two episodes I feel let down. The love triangle is terrible, the female lead is terrible, the writing is off. Hopefully Queen of Tears wonā€™t disappoint.


I adore Lee Jae Wook and Lee Jun Yung is really awesome. Had a very high hopes for this one. Butā€¦literally all the scenes with the FL were painful to watch :(((( I donā€™t get the purpose of it, and all the ā€œromanticā€ scenes felt extremely forced. Hope it gets better in the next episodes now that there was a >!time skip!<ā€¦


At what time is the kdrama on Disney typically released?


Itā€™s says 2:00am today Central time US for me, aka two more hours!(On Hulu)


I forgot that this drama would air today. ThanksšŸ™šŸ¾


i am p intrigued by how the relationships between the four main characters(if we count Heeju) will develop in the following episodes. I don't hate the love triangle at all, just excited to see what role it plays later in the plot. I also appreciated the pacing of the first two episodes since I actually thought there would be at least one or two more episodes as college students.


I always saw clips of Lee Jun Young in Brave citizen and clips of Lee Jae Wook from alchemy of souls and thought they must be great actors and whatnot. So when they put both together šŸ”„šŸ”„. Also Lee Jun Young doing this little crazy face tongue thing from brave citizen was cool. Canā€™t say Iā€™m a fan of the love triangle, thought In-ha was just helping push Tae-ho but apparently not. I really hope nothing bad happens to these 3 and the sister mainly cause >!I saw that scene with the knife in Tae-hoā€™s hand!<


Are there really families like the rich one in here? It's nuts. They have servants and behave like they are some royalty from the Middle Ages. It's exaggeration for dramatic purposes, right?


Omg this is normal especially in places like the Middle East and Africaā€¦trust me I know. Huge homes, Servants and drivers all around (especially because itā€™s cheaper to be rich), everyone eats at the table on time. Donā€™t speak unless spoken to, listen to Mom and Dad even when theyā€™re wrong.


I hope Tae-oh and hee-joo gets together in the end,loved her scenes with Tae-oh.


Okay, I have a real question for you all: what real life events it's about? Cause other drama Wedding impossible is about 2 illegimate brothers that is going to get the company. Where the youngest son is the smart one who is a big mind behind his older brother and do all behind company related work. And he is not excepted by his family. Pattern guys, pattern.Ā  When this happen - it's for sure about some real events. Like, for example, this never ending story about general that build successful construction company.Ā  It's just different sides of story or they take it as a base story line.Ā 


Can someone tell me the name of its webtoon so I can read it


it's not based on a webtoon


I really like the opposites attract trope, except here itā€™s with the two male leads. They play off really well with each other. I would have watched the show just to see the two of them take over the Kang Oh empire. They both have valid reasons for wanting to rise to the top. Why did they have to throw Hye Won in the mix? So far she adds nothing to the show and the romance feels so off. I donā€™t get why Tae Oh or In Ha should/would like her. Eitherwayā€™s I will watch because my fav boy Jun is in this. Heā€™s possibly one of the few actors in his age group that has done batshit crazy and adorably cute characters in his acting career and the man has a beautiful voice and dances like a dream! Him and Jae Wook together are powerhouses in the acting department and thatā€™s probably why the female leads pales in comparison!


Urgh love triangle? I love Lee Jaewook but I hate triangles enough to not watch it šŸ„² If it quickly resolves itself, then def will start binging




Honestly not paid attention much to the two eps I watched - was focused elsewhere. Don't also care for the "triangle" in this series or any really however, the hell, why is broski hitting on the girl his best mate clearly crushing on.


Please explain this series to me... I mean, you chose me in the last two episodes, I'm more confused. Hence TaeOh's obsession with helping InHa. I mean, honestly, the coolest ending would be for TaeOh to come out best at the end


Kang Inha is so cute! And their bromance: please donā€™t break it!


I try to justify her acting with emotional detachment. If people have had a super tense upbringing with no safe space, abuse by mum and her creditorsā€¦ you learn to detach. Youā€™re far away from your emotions especially in an emotionally loaded situation. She maybe has no clue in a situation what she feels, this is why >!she turns around after Tae Ho tried to convince her to pick him, to later knock on Tae Hoā€˜s door. !< It makes for a strange life, youā€™re always a step or two behind and go cold. Hard for others to read as well. So much about my take on her - but Iā€™m not sure, maybe the actress lacks the skill for such a complex character- you need to see the cracks going through the icy walls to make it exciting. Itā€™s three damaged souls.. looking for material gain and I guess the character arcs are about discovering who of them has a soul left worth saving.


A friend of mine dont know how to use reddit, so here i am, she want to know the name of a song that plays in a train scene in EP 1, someone tell me please.


Now that Iā€™ve rewatched every scene with >!Taeoh and Huiju!< at least 15 times, I have two thoughts: ***Episode 1*** They meet at Bisunjae. When theyā€™re sitting down to study, she >!foreshadows???!< by saying that itā€™s >!destiny for them to both like running.!< She then >!moves to the seat next to him instead of opposite him. He looks up and there is a twinkling/magic chime sound effect that happens as they lock eyes with each other.!< I donā€™t know why I didnā€™t notice it at first, but itā€™s definitely the sound used to indicate heart-fluttering/ā€œI see you in a different light.ā€ I think this is telling that they are indeed the otp! Their whole conversation here seems to unnerve Taeoh, who claims to be extremely patient/level-headed. ***Episode 2*** The scene where >!Huiju goes to find Taeoh at the university because sheā€™s mad that heā€™s been let go ā€œwithout even saying a proper goodbye.ā€!< I have so many questions here. First of all, the fact that >!theyā€™re standing amidst a flurry of cherry blossom petals!< is telling, right?? Because we do not get a similar scene of >!Taeoh and Hyewon.!< Secondly, what even is this conversation?? >!I get that sheā€™s using this as an excuse to see Taeoh. But, why is he refusing to say goodbye to her? His response, ā€œFarewell? I definitely donā€™t want to do that.ā€ I need someone who is fluent to tell me if this comes off odd in Korean, too. Is he confessing some feelings without actually confessing?? Because this is how I want to interpret it. He wonā€™t say goodbye to her because he knows there is more awaiting between them? Or Is he just teasing her? Is he doing it out of spite/refusal to acknowledge her altogether? !< The more I think about this exchange, the more I want to interpret it as Taeoh admitting his soft spot for her, especially when you take in all the >!long stares at her!< which were also happening in episode 1! In ep 1, on the bench, she says, >!ā€why are you staring at me like that? Havenā€™t you seen a runaway before?ā€!< After this scene, we see Hyewon finding him in the library and telling him that she saw him talking to >!Huiju.!< >!He tells her not to be nosy and that itā€™s ā€œnone of your business.ā€ When Hyewon says that Huiju can be one of Taeohā€™s means, he immediately shuts it down by telling her that sheā€™s out of line to suggest it. Hyewon responds that heā€™s being ā€œoverly sensitive,ā€ which is true and I think there is a reason for it!!< To me, it comes off like heā€™s saying >!ā€œI would never dream of using Huiju because sheā€™s too special for me to ever toy with like that.ā€!< ETA: obviously heā€™s not going to act on his feelings for her at this point since sheā€™s only 17 and heā€™s probably 22. But, I think itā€™s definitely setting the groundwork for him to eventually >!end up with her.!< If not, this will give me the worst second lead syndrome of all time and I need to steel my poor little heart already.


Iā€™m digging this from the first episode. Iā€™m confused as to why Inha suddenly likes Hyewon? He knew her enough to know her name and all of a sudden when Taeoh shows interest in her, he likes her too? And he knows friend is the type of person that wonā€™t say he likes her. I thought they had moved forward and gotten better from their high school days but that move just made me uncomfortable. Feels like thereā€™s a hidden rivalry in the friendship. I genuinely like the premise of the drama but I donā€™t want a frustrating love triangle please šŸ˜®ā€šŸ’Ø


Love the bromance and the succession politics/drama. Hate the romance/love triangle. Gonna stick with it because the two MLs have me hooked but really hoping the show focuses more on the former and less on the latter because I canā€™t bring myself to care for the FL at all so far.


saw the 3rd epi too, hoping they explain the characters and what they are planning exactly to help In-ha reach the top in the company. But too many loopholes and loose ends in the story. In the 1st epi itself, they make both ML close ? they were showing in-ha as a bully and suddenly the bully starts sympathising with Taeho cz he also has a traumatic past. Honestly, from the very beginning basic traits of their characters are confusing. If In-ha is shown as a bully, you can't suddenly make him soft and smart for when ML & FL are introduced....and then suddenly cute? give us some more history between them bro. Skipping 5yr or 10 yrs later doesn't help. & In-ha suddenly starts dating FL? i thought he was just pretending to like her so that Tae-ho gets jealous & takes the lead. She is not even charming. Why would any of them fall for her šŸ„²