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Encountered a Duolingo hangul sentence that was practically made for K-drama viewers: “Do not go to bed late.” 🛌


Indeed. The urge to click on next episode at 3 AM has ruined my sleep schedule 🥲


My favorite so far was “The ant’s cucumber” 🐜🥒❓❓❓


So far, my most useful sentence: **I drink wine, beer, and water in that order.**


Your flair is uncanny. What does it mean?


In episode 7 of **The Atypical Family**, Grace (Ryu Abel) said this line of dialogue to Bok Dong-hee (Claudia Kim), both in reference to her weight and to her >!superpower of being able to fly!<.


HOW DID I MISS THIS DIALOGUE? I have watched the drama. Damnit! Running to rewatch the ep, lol!


I love this flair, but I also miss your old flair it was something like: "Hey Woo Bin, Kim Woo Bin." I always wondered if it was a reference to something too, but I loved it. 😊


Haha, that's right! Regarding that flair, in the finale of **My Liberation Notes**, Mr. Gu called his >!assistant using that line of dialogue. It was a kind of running joke throughout the series that Mr. Gu never actually called him by his real name!


Ohhh!! I always wondered where that line was from, and it never crossed my mind that it was from **My Liberation Notes**. I read it so many times and always thought it was from a variety show. I even considered asking about it, but I kept thinking, "I'll figure it out one day." Turns out, I wouldn't have guessed it, even though I watched that drama. 😆


I was reminded of your old flair when watching **My Liberation Notes** lol. I was like "Oh, so that's where that line is from!"


['K-dramas hook viewers, take them on emotional roller coaster,' Korea's top drama critic says](https://www.koreatimes.co.kr/www/culture/2024/06/135_377510.html) (The Korea Times)


Interesting read. Thanks for sharing!


I've interrupted my kdrama viewing to watch the new season of **The Bear** on Hulu. There are lots of extreme close-ups on the actors' faces. You see pores, freckles, scars, discoloration, your basic reality. I realized that I have been watching too many kdramas because at first I was startled. Why aren't their faces perfect with absolutely no pores?


Everything in Kdrama is meant to be flawless especially K dramas these days, so theirs lot of makeup, and filters added after the shoot. If you watch old classics K dramas you will see pores and flaws in skin, the actors are beautiful tho! btw Bear is such a good show


Yeah I guess I knew that, I just hadn’t realized how accustomed I had become to the perfect faces. Like I was brainwashed 😂


Ive been watching some old dramas and the difference is startling! Lol. The difference between Lee Min Ho's skin texture (or lack thereof) in The King: Eternal Monarch compared to Boys Over Flowers alone....


Frankly Speaking showed pores and imperfections, which was refreshing since it came out this year. I don’t know if it was because it was a lower budget show or the director wanted that- it made the scenes look more realistic. 


Miss Night and Day has Choi Jin Hyuk looking his age, and not overly manufactured as well. Refreshing change of pace.


u/Borinquena you recommended Will Love in Spring and why do I love everything about it— even the opening credit animations 😫 I love Zhou Yu Tong so much… no one could make me hate her! Will be watching Begin Again next so I can see her as a CEO and in gorgeous outfits and makeup 😫 I’m suffering waiting for My Mobster week to week. Um Tae Goo is so fine, Eun Ha is so sweet and the gang is just hilarious. I have a feeling its campy-ness will make it an instant classic.


I'm so happy you loved **Will Love in Spring**! It really is a gem and I also think it's accessible to kdrama fans who might be daunted by other Chinese dramas.


I’m going to start it this weekend because of your rec. I’ve only seen You Are My Glory and liked it, but the last two I tried were boring and cringey. 


It’s perfect because it’s only 21 episodes so you’re spot on about accessibility for kdrama fans!


Doesn't Zhou Yu just ooze ethereal beauty? This was one drama that I started for the ML but was left marveling at the FLs beauty.


She just has such a je ne sais quoi on screen … love her roles where she’s more stripped down and laid back with clothes/styling….. 😭


She is lovely. There were several moments where she reminded me of Han Hyo Joo in this drama. I'm not sure if they're actually similar-looking, or if it was some of her mannerisms.


I feel like recent dramas have the 2016/2017 kdrama vibes again. Or is it just me? Lovely Runner, Dare To Love Me, Miss Night and Day, My Sweet Mobster, etc give me the happy vibes of the older dramas. Cheesy at times but very easy to turn my brain off and enjoy. I rarely got this back to back feeling in recent years.


Please name more kdramas that you liked.


Other dramas from 2024 that I liked... Queen of Tears (does get crazy convoluted in between but worth it for the leads) Marry My Husband (same as above, gets too complicated for a while but main villains acting is amazing). Perfect Marriage Revenge (will remind you of Marry My Husband, but shorter). Atypical Family (my favorite so far this year). Doctor Slump (cute, does deal with depression and other mental illness but isn't too too sad).


It seems we like the same stuff, I watched and liked the last three, I'll check out the first two. Thanks for taking the time to reply.


[Netflix confirmed new romcom starring Kim Seon Ho!](https://www.soompi.com/article/1670842wpp/kim-seon-ho-go-youn-jung-and-more-preview-chemistry-at-script-reading-for-new-rom-com-drama)


And Go Youn Jung too! Will look forward to this, I really liked her in Moving and liked him in HCCC.


Finishing up Again My Life, and I can understand why people aren’t a fan of political thrillers because it feels like the storyline is a rinse and repeat. Good guy tries to get bad guy, who threatens someone or kills someone so they have the upper hand, and then it starts over again and becomes tedious. The acting was great, but could have had a tighter storyline in 12 episodes.  My Sweet Mobster is such a fun show and definitely getting me out of my romcom slump. I love that it’s not just about the leads, but the entire Thirsty Deer group. Loving their chemistry together. 


If you like watching Political Thrillers, I would highly recommend "**Designated Survivor: 60 days**" starring Ji Jin-hee, Huh Joon-ho and Son Sukku. The story is crisp tight, brilliant screenplay with nice suspense, stellar performance from the ensemble cast. That drama made me fall in love with the genre.


My first Son Sukku drama and his performance stood out in a very good way.


thanks for the recommendation. I just finished My Liberation Notes last night and need more Son Sukku


He had a new series coming out on Netflix. He’s fishing for something in the previews.


thank you for this recommendation. i’m always looking out for more good thrillers!




SAME im so in love with sweet mobster. i hate live watching but i can’t wait !


Again My Life is based on a web novel, which is why the pacing is like that. That's also why they did what they did at the end, there's more story and they were hoping for another season.


Seems like a lot of shows are like that, but I wish they were guaranteed a second season before they have an open ending. I feel after 16 episodes I wasted my time if it’s not satisfying. 


I just finished watching **Nobody Knows**. I struggled halfway through it because I couldn't understand what was happening.. It only made sense towards the second half. I'm glad I stuck through it, though. The positive relationships between the characters are heartwarming.


I'm looking for whether there actually exists an episode of the korean variety show, The Sixth Sense (2020) that aired on October 1st, 2020. The Movie Database lists it as a special in Season 0 aired on that date and if I look at Season 1 it goes from episode 4 a week before to episode 5 a week after this date. Was there something controversial with the episode or guest that they removed it from everywhere?


Not sure about this episode in particular but sometimes special episodes are aired due to either production delays or a desire to not run into other special programming such as big political events like elections, special weather reports, sports events, and so on.


Need recommendations for mushy, feel-good romances! Am watching My Mister is parallel, but it’s too heavy/sad to watch at a stretch….


My Sweet Mobster is the antidote to My Mister.


Quick… run don’t walk to start My Sweet Mobster. Adorable to the max and very well done.


Business Proposal is a good one. I agree that My Sweet Monster is so adorable and you have to watch it.


Another vote for My Sweet Mobster! I am obsessed! If you want a change of pace, try Atypical Family. Time travel, super powers, family dynamics, and some romance. It is an amazing show. Not heavy but more like edge of your seat mystery with some heavy moments.


I remember when I first started watching Kdramas and encountered a scene where someone put a drunk friend on their back to take them home. I thought That's hilarious !! And now, of course, after watching many Kdramas I have seen so many incidents where a drunk or injured person has been carried home or to the hospital on someone's back. I have never ever seen that here in the US. Does this feat of rescue happen in other countries??


I think in college we tried to take them home while they could still walk themselves…. honestly the amount of people getting passed out drunk in KDrama just doesn’t happen that often in public in my experience. If you are drinking that much you are probably at a party and will just crash there instead of trying to go home.


Having seen this in numerous Anime as well as J and C dramas, I'm thinking it's a cultural thing rather than just a Korean thing. Of course so few US shows cover the high school/early college years that it might be a bit of an age related thing as well. Now, if you want to discuss the princess carry... :-)


I do not know that one! I have much to learn!


oh, so that's what it's called. got it!


The question should be why it doesn't happen in the US... While in college I had a couple of scary and crazy experiences where some of my friends got drunk into oblivion. For the entire scary experience and where I was fully aware of my surroundings, I took care of my friends the best I could. If they need to get home we carry them on our backs or however we can, if they need to get to hospital we call for help, even when we need to call for each of our parents, we do it without hiding. Our mindset is always to own up to our mistakes, many times we heard our parents giving us some really bad lectures, since we were at times too young and too stupid, but one thing is for sure we never stopped caring for each other. This isn't a cultural thing, it's a matter of principles, when you truly care for your friends, you will do whatever it's needed to help them. I wonder what kind of experiences people have in the US or in this case what kind of experiences you had, but I hope that people don't ignore their own friends when they are in one of their most vulnerable states, because if they do... well that tells me a lot about people. Edit: This is also applicable to when someone is injured. Depending on the situation we call for help, we get them help or we just help them get home. Perfectly normal right, isn't that what friends are for?


Thanks for the reply. We absolutely do take care of our friends. If someone was passed out drunk and had to be taken home, one friend would take the arms and the other friend would carry the legs and try to move the person. Like carrying a sofa with two people -- heavy and hard for two people to keep their footing in sync. Putting them on someone's back makes so much sense. If someone was injured, we'd make a call to 911 and an ambulance would be dispatched. We do care.


See it's exactly the same... It's an action that does make sense between friends, we just happen to see them doing a lot of piggyback rides for the purposes of looking cute in the drama, but also probably because their average weight is way lower than in the US for example, which I believe might make it considerably easier to carry your friend in your back. With some of my friends, I couldn't even move their feet if I tried, not even with that "sofa method", but others and specially if they are smaller in size, it's really easy for me to carry them home. I will just look at the situation and pick the best option for them and for my back, but if it's needed and my back allows me, I will definitely carry them ahah


Mods, help me figure this out please. The KDC January Check In post and the KDC Drama Database post, closes at the end of this month or at the end of July? I’m slightly confused and I want to be sure when I can no longer edit my posts. Lol


Close to new comments six months after posting, but you can edit pre-existing comments.


Oh, we can do that? How long does it last? I just checked my comments from last year's KDC and I don't see the option to edit my existing comments. I think I figured it out! If it's 6 months from the post, then they close on July 31st, because they were posted January 31st. The short date says 5 months, which confused me into thinking I only had 3 days left to double check if I added everything. 😅


You should be able to edit whenever. However, many users are experiencing issues with that on the new reddit platforms so you may need to hop onto old reddit/try various web browsers. Yes, post archiving is based on the actual posting time not the estimate that reddit gives.


I'm starting to think that I have every single reported problem in reddit, I'm sure by now I filled my bingo card. 😅 Thank you for helping me figure it out, I Just tested it out and I can definitely edit it in the old reddit. You know the most annoying problem of reddit so far? I had to manually input the light or dark mode in the inspect mode, because it started to reset every time I closed my browser. When I think, it's not possible to have any other problem... I need to come with another random solution to fix their bugs. 🤷


There should be a reddit award for that! 🤣


For some reason Viki no longer works for me, like I can't even load the website? Its very frustrating


Ugh it’s been super glitchy on app too


Might seem silly..but have you tried restarting your device? That always does the trick. If on your phonez try killing the app first. Not just shutting it down. On Android you press and hold the app icon, go to info (little i next to name), and then force stop.


Try clearing your cookies. I had a problem with Netflix audio and subtitles on my tv and clearing cookies periodically solves the problem.


Help I'm going through withdrawl after finally getting to watch and finish Lovely Runner... I just loved everything about it! The music, the acting, the chemistry, the romance, the comedy, the fantasy and the thrill. All actors were amazing and played everything so well in the different times! I'm now looking for something else new to watch that can be called "similar" to this. Any suggestions would be amazing!!! (Byeon woo seok is so talented, want to watch more of him too!)


Recommended X follows for kdramas?