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Ace all day.


And twice on Sunday !


If saving best for last... Then yes!


I like all the solos. They represent each band member's musical heart and soul. This is my usual order for listening to them: Paul-Gene-Peter-Ace. I really enjoy Gene's and Peter's because they are different. Peter's, especially, is a style I don't normally listen to, so it still sounds fresh to me. Gene's is a fun cornucopia of songs. Paul's has a lot of power and passion, and Ace's is a straight up rock album.


Listen to Ace. Then, push the other three aside, and listen to Ace's again.


This is the correct answer.


This … Ace’s is the only one worth listening to.


A little harsh - they can listen to Paul's too. Gene and Peter's. Oh my, no.


Peters had 4 good songs on it!


Paul's is OK. The other two are pretty disposable. But Ace's still reigns supreme.


literally the way i do it LMAO


Peter's record was a loving homage to the music he loved, music that didn't particularly resonate much with Kiss fans. Gene's was a wildly self-indulgent ego trip where he tried way too hard to show everyone how complex he was. Paul's was a pretty decent collection of classic Paul Stanley penthouse love-den guitar rock, but it doesn't measure up to the similar stuff he did later with Kiss. But Ace's solo album was Ace Frehley's high water mark. That record is everything everyone ever loved about Ace in one package. It's as pure a rock and roll statement as anything ever released under the Kiss logo, and Ace has never topped it, or even came close. You could take the nine best tunes Ace has done since that record, assemble them into one album, and it still wouldn't touch the 1978 solo record. It's seriously one of my personal top ten albums of all time.


right, i love aces solo album, he’s the first one i bought when i got paid ‼️‼️








Ace, Paul, Peter and then......Gene if you must. All of the albums are good except Gene's but even Gene's has a couple of good songs. Peter's is like a 50's album, Ace and Paul made cool Kiss albums.


Good advice


Peter's album is better than i remember it to be.


Ace & Paul. Set the other two on fire. You’ll be better for it.


Okay, first things first, Ace’s whole album, front to back. Then, listen to “Wouldn’t you like to know me” from Paul’s album, if you like it, listen to Paul’s, if not, then “Radioactive” from Gene’s. Don’t worry about the rest of that album, and Peter’s, do not bother, it’s a waste of time the whole album is ass


Start with Paul to get ya warm. Then play Ace’s for maximum rockage. Play Gene’s to see if you like any of it. You’ll be tired of listening to music for the day, I’m sure. But if you insist, fall asleep to Peter’s.


This is the most accurate thing I’ve ever read regarding the solo albums.


Depends on how eclectic your listening habits are. Each album offers a glimpse into the artist


This is a great answer.


1) Ace’s top to bottom is the best. 2) Paul’s is the most KISS-like. 3) Peter’s - I get flack for this, but I like Peter’s album. It’s not a KISS-like album at all but has some solid sounding old school rock songs. Maybe a few too many ballads. 4) Gene’s is a steaming pile of crap except for a couple of songs. He seemed to be more focused on the “star power” on his album by cramming in a lot of high profile guest artists. He didn’t focus on content enough. I mean he did a cover of the Disney song “When You Wish Upon A Star”.


Re: Number 2. People always say this. What is so Kiss-like about Aint Quite Right, Wouldnt you like to know me?, Take me away, Hold me touch me, etc... To me, this album was the line of demarcation between the All American Man sexgod Paul, and the unrequited love wuss Paul. Ace's is actually the most Kiss-like in that it's the only one that rocks.


Ace had the most KISS sounding album in terms of guitar driven riffs. Paul had the best songs, and is, IMHO, the best album of the four. Gene’s is disjointed, very little sounding like KISS but interesting. Peter’s bores me to no end.


I gotta agree with this. However, I'd say this album is a good prelude to what Paul brought to the Kiss table in the future. Hear a lot from this solo album on songs from Dynasty and onwards. And to be fair, not one solo album sounds like Kiss. Ace's sound like Ace. And about phred's number four, honestly, I don't like the album, but When You Wish Upon A Star is a great tribute to what Gene had to go through to make it. Maybe I'm overthinking it, but I want to believe it is.


I love Paul's, but when it came out, it wasn't very KISS-like. It's a lot more contemporary than what KISS had done at that point. Love in Chains or Goodbye may have kinda fit on Love Gun, but the rest... No. Paul steered KISS in that direction later on, but when the solo albums came out, Ace's was the most KISS-like. Considering a song like Beth or even Hard Luck Woman, there's an argument that Peter's album was just as close to what he sang in KISS as Paul's was. I know that's a stretch overall, but there is an argument there. I wouldn't make it, but there are probably people who would. Gene's is a piece of shit. My least liked KISS album, period.


That’s actually my favorite song on the album!


Ace's, Paul's, bin the other two, the crank Ace's up again.


Gene Peter Paul Ace


This is the right order; from worst to first. End it on a high note.


Correct :)




When these came out my brother and I were 12 and 10 years old. We begged, stole and sweet talked our way into getting enough money to buy all four. We were so disappointed when we threw these on the turntable and none of the albums sounded like KISS. We expected these albums to rock, and sadly they didn’t. I think we played Gene’s and Peter’s once and never again. I just remember 12 year old me being so perplexed that a guy who spits blood could put out this shitty soft ass music. Paul’s was okay, my brother and I were more Peter and Ace fans, thought Paul was a poser. Ace’s was the best of the disappointing four, and might have gotten played a few times and was put away forever. All these years later I still remember sitting on our bedroom floor in total disbelief!


Ace, Paul, Peter, Gene


Ace Paul Peter Gene




I would listen to them in this order: Peter first… don’t have any expectations, just listen and enjoy the catchy 50’s still rock and roll. I hated it when it came out for being un-KISS like…but over time I’ve come to like it. Gene- a mixed bag, a few really good songs with a bunch of fluff mixed in. But way more KISS like than Peter’s. Then Paul’s … very good album. But I never liked the mixing of it. The guitars could have more punch, but are mixed down IMO. Then top of off with my favorite Ace’s. It has some rocking gems and will leave you in a KISS frame of mind.


Ace, paul, peter and gene.


Ace Paul Peter Gene




You can't go wrong with either Paul or Ace at one & two. Then Peter's and then close it out with Geno's.


Ace, Ace, Ace, Ace


Ace and Paul if you want the better and consistent albums. Peter’s…Peter’s wet dream of oldies. Gene’s is a mess.


Ace, Paul, gene, peter


Ace, Peter, Paul and then Gene


Ace is the only one that matters


I always go Gene, Paul, Ace. I save the best for last. Just can’t listen to Peter’s except for one song


Ace. Then save yourself some time by not listening to the rest of them


Paul's sounds the most like a "good ol' late 70s rock and roll" record and is, IMO, the most like KISS. To me, it's the most radio accessible. Everyone seems to love Ace's. As a guitar player myself, it seems indulgent to me Gene's is pretty good...with a lot of guest stars Don't bother with Peter


As much as Gene is Gene, I have to give him props for taking a big swing at his own personal White album. He missed but he tried. Ace & Pails albums are solid Rockers. Peter is just not a song writer. Great voice though


My personal order would be Paul-Ace-Gene-Peter. Every one of their album's veers off the formula of their original six albums, but I feel this takes you from the most familiar sounds to their greatest departures from the KISS people know and love. Although it seems to be an interesting source of contention today, I agree that Paul's album sounds the most like KISS. Tonight You Belong To Me is 100% a prototypical, straight ahead KISS rocker and is a perfect album opener...but then he veers off the beaten path to record what I'm willing to bet Paul saw as more mature songwriting that would finally start earning him more respect. Evidence that he was growing restless to be taken more seriously as a songwriter is all over this album, sometimes to interesting effect - I personally really liked Ain't Quite Right and Take Me Away (Together As One) - and in one case with a really cringeworthy effort in Hold Me, Touch Me (although ten year old me loved that song...I guess I was a weirder kid than I remember). But his rockers really do rock, and I never regret blasting this album. Ace's was EASILY the hardest rocking solo release and, as such, is the one most KISS fans gravitate toward as being their favorite album of the four, but he too wanders off the KISS formula to try a couple things, like adding his fiery guitar sound to the straight up powerpop of Hello's New York Groove, or recording KISS' first instrumental since Love Theme From KISS with Fractured Mirror. Still, this record absolutely smokes, with virtually every song being top tier rock and roll, and this record stands up admirably when compared to any of the original six. So yeah, those two albums create a one-two punch that for me is pretty irresistible. The next two can be a challenge. First off, let me say right off the bat that I think that different production would have helped both Gene's and Peter's albums tremendously. Okay, with that out of the way... After a dark and menacing sounding intro that makes you think you're about to hear the creepiest KISS album ever, the truly weird production on Gene's album neutered what could have been the next great trademark Gene song in Radioactive and made it...oddly tame. Massive disappointment. The rest of his album? Well, I think it shows everything that made him what he was at the time: his love of the Beatles was fairly evident in the songwriting of multiple songs, as was his penchant for horror, the time he spent dating Cher back then, even musicals (his reimagined version of See You In Your Dreams Tonight sounds an awful lot like it could be an extra track from Rocky Horror, for example). And then of course is his adoration of his mother, where he let down his demonic veneer and was downright vulnerable in his rendition of When You Wish Upon A Star. It was something I never wanted to listen to a second time, but I actually respect him for showing that side of himself to the whole world when they were all expecting the darkest album imaginable and honestly not a lot more. Peter's? Well, I'll say it: the whole album sounds like a double middle finger to the rest of the band. A lot of people say that he wanted to show off his roots and I guess I could buy that, if there was more stuff like Tossin' and Turnin' (as well as some showing off of his chops, as an homage to Buddy Rich or Gene Krupa)...but instead, that glossy disco driven production of Vini Poncia's neutered the whole thing. Couple that with the selection of songs that seemed like he wanted to prove that he could have greater success as a crooner and you have an album that I have always seen as an utter mess. Even I Can't Stop The Rain can't get me to pull this one out and give it a spin any more. That being said, I think that all four albums are something every KISS fan should give at least a few listens to, if for nothing else but to understand how they were all evolving. \* \* \* Also, I just really want to say that I'm very sorry for your losses.


1. Ace 2. Peter 3. Ace 4. Ace


Ace, Paul, Gene, then Peter. Although Paul is my favorite guy, to me, Ace’s is the most Kiss-sounding.


Paul is the best overall. Solid songwriting and stretching creatively. Ace is a close second. A lot of good rockers, but formulaic. Peter’s is uneven and the farthest from sounding like Kiss, but some good tunes if you’re able to appreciate artists who don’t do the same thing every time. Gene’s has one or two decent songs and a lot of self indulgence.


Peter, Ace, Paul then Gene


In my opinion Ace' is pretty good as are PS & GS's. All totally different to each other but that's what makes them good. Turn PC attempt into a flowerpot or something equally useful as it's shite as a record.


A flowerpot lmfaoo😂


Thematically I'd go Ace > Gene > Peter > Paul so you have a great start (if you tilt towards Gene, Radioactive is also a nice starter) and finish the journey with Paul saying Goodbye


I mean you can save yourself time and just ditch all of them but Ace's. 😁


Listen to ace. Then listen to Paul. And then throw the other two in the trash


Ace first. Paul second. You are done!


Ace’s is the best. New York Groove


This poses an interesting question. If you had to compile a "greatest hits" album culled from the solo releases (at least one track from each), what songs would you select? Go as few as four, or as many as you'd like.


Peter’s album is my favorite, there’s a few too many ballads for my liking but they aren’t BAD songs. you really get to hear his roots, I’m Gonna Love You and Hooked on Rock N’ Roll are easily my favorites


Ace, Paul, Peter, Donna Summers greatest hits, ABBA Gold, the Saturday Night Fever soundtrack, then Gene.


Ace, Paul, Gene (I never went too hard into Peter's)


If you want consistency, listen to Ace's. It's the best one overall. I would also recommend Paul's, but delete "Hold Me, Touch Me". That song is just terrible and ruins the whole experience of listening to the album.


Paul Ace Gene Peter


My cousin Annie worked on Peter's solo record, as well as Unmasked, Dynasty & Peter's post-KISS release "Rock Me"


I’ll listen in ascending order, so as you listen to them the music will be getting better and better: Start with Peter Criss, a throwback that splits its time between chasing another “Beth”-type soft rock ballad hit and reaching for some funky blue-eyed soul R&B. Some of it works, but too much of it, even when it was a new release in the 1970s, sounded like Dad Rock. It would’ve been nice if Criss had used the opportunity to exhibit a little more of his drum skills. But there isn’t even a drum solo on here! Follow that with Gene Simmons. Some would call this a “mixed bag”. I’ll call it a series of grandiose experiments, some that miss badly but some sail spectacularly out of the park. Ominous Satanic chamber music. Beatlesque sensitive acoustic rock complete with harmonies. Sleaze pop. A fanboy nerd tribute to Lon Chaney Sr. A Disney classic. It’s as diffuse as a blast from a sawed off shotgun. You definitely will not like all of it but you’ll have fun. Next listen to Paul Stanley. Really, the only misstep here by the label choosing Hold Me as the single which probably made everyone think this would be a soft pop rock effort. Thankfully, far from it! The truth is this album showed just how foundational Stanley’s songwriting, singing and playing was to the classic Kiss sound. It’s the album that sounds the closest to a regular Kiss album. At a time when Kiss were being disrespected and dismissed as a gimmick, Stanley makes a statement that he is a fully-developed legitimate rock and roll talent. The finisher is, of course, Ace Frehley. His solo album is the best and not by a small margin. It is astonishing to think that he had only sung lead one time in six studio albums and delivers this as his first album. It has power (courtesy of Ace’s guitar playing), polish (through producer Eddie Kramer demanding more and more of his artist) and personality (delivered with Ace’s Bronx-tinged Lou Reed-esque New York talk-singing). Ace Frehley has probably inspired more artists to pick up a guitar than any other player since Duane Eddy, and this album is a big part of the reason why. Truthfully, even most Kiss die hards would have a hard time putting Ace ahead of Page or EVH as the rock and roll GOAT. But this album makes a very convincing closing argument that he very much belongs somewhere in the conversation.


1) Ace 2) Paul 3) Peter 4) Gene


Ace all day is the first (and is also his best album of ALL his non kiss albums), then Paul. 3/4-2/3 of this album are great! The trash ones are trash though….Gene’s is the inverse as 1/4 to 1/3 of his is good….not sure great is the right word, then again….the rest is trash. Now Peter…….the best thing to do with this is play frisbee with your dog, though it will leave a bad taste in your dog’s mouth. And I say this knowing full well my dog likes the taste of his own 💩 and yet this will taste bad to him!


1 Ace 2 Paul 3 Gene 4 peter unless you like showtimes, dont bother.


Paul then Ace. The other 2 you can use as coasters.


Ace Paul Gene Peter. Paul’s album is actually really good.


Gene's first, to get it out of the way, it's that bad. Then Paul because it's great, then Ace because it's great and it's Ace, and don't play Peter's at all. I said it.


Paul’s is the best.


Ace’s is easily the best one Paul’s is the 2nd best, definitely sounds the most like KISS. Peter’s has grown on me over time. I gotta be in the mood for it though. The ballads can be a bit much. Genes is my least favorite. But it has some gems. Radioactive is my favorite track.


Ace, Gene, Paul, Peter


A,G,PS and PC


Start with Paul's, then Ace's.


First to last would be worst to best. So Peter, Gene, Paul then Ace. You have to love Snow Blind.


Peters is averàge as he was injured when he recorded his Genes is different to what you would expect Pauls is just like a kiss lp Aces is the best most unusual as he had hardly written anything before this so it was a blast to hear his some great tracks


Get Peter’s out of the way first. Save Ace for last.


Ace is #1 by far. Then Paul, then Gene. Peter’s is fairly unlistenable.


I can't tell you how many times I've listened to Peter's Album more than Aces.


Fascinating. Now I always say, had Peter had “Tears” or “Let it Go” on that album instead of on his 1982 solo album it would be a MUCH different situation. Those tracks are killer!!


I love his "Some kind of Hurricane" track off of Let Me Rock You.


They're all crap except for the Ace Man.


Hey guys! I been sleeping on and off and I see all your answers and opinions I love the discussions from you all of which one is best to worst solo album especially from long time KISS fans as I'm a young KISS fan myself since 2016 and I seen them back in 2019


Ace is best by far


Peter, Gene, Paul and Ace. And no, not in the sense of worst to best like someone said, because for me there is no worst or best, I do have a little preference towards Peter's since I loved his 50s rock vibes that matches his raspy voice, Gene made me feel at ease with the song «See You Tonite» and showed me what his voice can do in «Radioactive», then Paul made me scream from the bottom of my lungs (yes, I know how the phrase really is btw) whenever I would play «Goodbye», and Ace... Not much to say, I love vibin' with «Ozone» and «New York Groove». (:


Ace Paul Gene Peter


Ace, paul, peter and you can skip genes


Ace Only Ace


I listen to Gene's and Peter's pretty rarely. Peter's is more consistent, Gene's is a mess with a couple of pretty good songs. I'd like Paul's a lot more if it weren't for the cheesy romantic ballads. The rockers are great. Ace's is a masterpiece. I'd go Gene, Peter, Paul, Ace. Or Peter last if you're looking for something to wind down.


Ace Paul Peter Gene


First Paul, then Ace, then throw the other two out the fucking window. 🤣


1) Peter 2) Paul 3) Ace HM) Vinnie Vincent Invasion X) Gene


Get Peter’s out of the way. It’s yacht rock. Go to Gene’s next. It’s pretty gaudy. Then Paul as it’s the most Kiss like. Then Ace’s because it’s the only of the 4 that is good from start to finish.


Ace Paul Gene Peter


Opinions will vary. I think Paul and Peter’s are the best. Ace is very good, but I don’t think it’s light years above the rest like some people describe it. I doubt anyone will dispute Gene’s is the worst, but hell I love his cover of When You Wish Upon A Star lol


> I doubt anyone will dispute Gene’s is the worst I'll dispute it, lol. Gene's is actually my favorite. I like every song except "When You Wish Upon A Star." I even played "See You Tonite" on the trumpet (badly). I do agree Ace's album is over-hyped.