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I know this has been discussed to death, but recently I hadn't gotten the sense that everybody was siding with Kourtney; since this dropped I've seen a lot of great nuanced takes that have criticized both of them. In this particular snippet, I do feel like Kim articulated her point a bit better than Kourtney did before the entire conversation went off the rails lol. Kourtney seemed to be set on pushing her narrative rather than genuinely trying to hear Kim out.


At the end of the day , its called "f you" money for a reason. So when theres a situation youll make a family member feel a way, or its morally against what you stand for ... you can say "f you"! Kim had the better argument but doesn't change the fact she doesnt have to do everything and couldve of easily passed. Plus the way we look at fashion in hindsight inthink we would all laugh that we are fighting over clothes meant for gay ravers.


kourtney claims to be all peace and love but she’s always the last person to bury the hatchet. i don’t get it


She’s one of the biggest dickwads in the Kar-Jenner clan but runs from confrontation.


You are absolutely right. She’s a typical bully, throws rocks and hides her hands. She tries to act so above it all, but ends up sounding more childish than the person she’s arguing with. I also feel like I’m one of the few who sees “she took my wedding country” for what it was. A ridiculous response to try and show Kourtney how ridiculous she sounds when going on about D&G.


It’s alwayyyyys those that claim that kinda stuff being the most miserable, seriously!


The pseudo positive/kumbaya types always seem to be the ones who are the meanest of the bunch. She’s in the right business, that’s for sure. She has her moments and I loved the version of her that we saw in earlier seasons but she was still the same mean girl then that she’s always been.


Typical oldest sibling thing.


I don’t really have a hard stance either way. I will say however as someone that has two sisters that there’s probably a lot of shit we don’t see, and that resentment and/or irritation can build up (on both sides) and that can come across nonsensically or random when really it’s fuelled by years and years of shit. We’ll never really know. All I know is that Kim cares more about curating an image than Kourtney. That does not in any way prove anything, but it does lead me to believe she’s more aware of how she makes herself come across on camera, which I don’t think is properly representative of the truth. I do think Kourtney is a fucking bitch to a lot of people though and isn’t innocent. That’s why I have no dog in this fight lol


I also think people who maybe haven't planned a wedding don't realize that it's really easy to forget that your wedding is not everybody else's top priority. So for kourt it probably felt even more personal but she was only looking at it from the wedding being the most important thing going on whereas Kim obviously wouldn't care about kourneys wedding that way 


But if the wedding wasnt Kims top priority she shouldnt have done the dolce deal right after with inspirations from it. Thats all she Said


This this this. Family members who used to make fun of each other, in very mean ways. And l as the oldest? I was surprised she was so cold, instead of nurturing and trying to take care of them as younger siblings. Not only that, but she was always singling Kim out and it used to actually kinda irk me! But now it’s too much, too many things said, and no one is understanding each other. They want to talk but not listen or try to make a compromise, at least.


Her curating how she speaks makes no sense with comments like least interesting to look at, "She has no friends, so, Travis?", and in that same clip she says that she seems insane and her kids hate her so I don't think she carefully curates her conversations lol


All of these people are still human beings being filmed for extended periods. You can’t be perfect all the time lol. Do I think there are things we’d find juicy that never make it to air? 100%. Do I think they also leave some self-incriminating moments? Also yes. They only leave controversial things though if they think they can profit and benefit from it without too much irreparable scrutiny (for example, Kim and Kourtney’s fist fight which garnered a lot of attention.) I don’t believe for a second though that if there was something proposed to air that Kim (a main producer) didn’t want to air, it would not. That’s the joys of having a say in production of your own show.




Kim was gifting crosses and black lacy dresses well before Kourtney and Travis were even a thing. Look at Kris’s 65th birthday gifts that Kim gave her, for one example also, kim was dressing with crosses and all that good stuff with DG well before. Additionally, DG brought all their stuff out of archives for the entire family, *not* just Kourtney. Which is why they shrug Kourtney off with her nonsense. They wanted Kim, settled for Kourtney to get their name back out for PR and smoothed talked Kris and Kim into a deal while sponsoring Kourtneys wedding. We all know this. This is all whack and Kourtney just hated the attention left her so quickly. This is why they had such PDA- *to get attention*


Hot take: they’re both wrong in different ways. There’s no saint here


Well there’s one Saint here but he’s like 8 lol


Haha I totally thought of him when I made this comment 🤣


I can’t stand their vocal fry. Kourtney’s is so bad. 


It's so bad for your vocal chords.


I remember when Kourtney and Travis’ wedding special was shown, many people commented that Kim look annoyed/off. I feel like if the viewers can tell then so can their family members. Kim acted similarly when Khloe got married to Lamar. For some reason, Kim being single when her sisters are partnered up brings out a huge insecurity in her.


Kourtney and Khloe were the most disrespectful, rude people at Kim's wedding to Kris Humphries and no one said a word. Obviouslly, that marriage didn't last, but everyone's attitude towards it, made me feel sorry for Kim.


Khloe was An absolute MONSTER to him before, after and during the wedding. She had no right to be so dismissive/ disrespectful to someone else’s relationship like that…


The only difference I see there is that Kim herself was unsure about the wedding and I think at the time Khloe and Kourtney were probably acting out because of that.


There are ways to ( respectfully) tell a loved one you don’t think their partner is a good match- which honestly is risky in itself because no one TRULY knows how compatible two people are - and unless Kris was abusive or cheating ( which he was doing neither) it’s really none of their business if they didn’t think they were a good fit. And the incredibly rude, disrespectful way they ( especially Khloe) went air was just wrong IMO…


Yeah I’m not defending them just pointing out their behavior may have been rooted in protectiveness. I think their behavior at that wedding was different from Kim’s at theirs.


If there no excuse for their behavior then why point it out? 😅


Because there is a difference between being stressed and unhappy at a wedding you think or have insight into is a bad idea and will end up hurting your family member and being stressed and unhappy at a wedding because you are focused on your personal problems or disappointments or you can’t be happy for the person whose wedding you are at.


I gotcha


* went about it ( damn autocorrect lol)


Kim was going through the divorce with Kanye. I've seen clips and she looked fine, so I'm not saying she was off, but if she was, it makes sense. It still doesn't mean she was unhappy.


She was going through the divorce, it was in Italy where she married and just two days after what would have been her wedding anniversary. Of course she was sad. And Kanye put her through the ringer. The fact that Kourtney couldn’t see past her own self to acknowledge Kim’s feelings speaks to her own selfishness and Kim’s ability to put on a brave face and show up.


Yes, and I actually agreed with Kim's question to Kourtney - are you happy? The whole thing with Dolce and Gabbana was strange to me, if Kourtney is in the best place in her life, married and happy, why does it bother her so much that her sister, who is in about the worst place in her life and just went through a public and dirty divorce does something that makes her happy?


Maybe because Kourtney is in a happy good place now and when you are, you notice things more clearly when things are not


Kourtney always comes from a place that Kim deserves to be put through the ringer because...Kim gets way too much screen time and attention.


Have you ever gone to your booty calls wedding to your sister? I mean I’d probably be a little off at that wedding too.


Also 💀 if this is true


And in the same damn wedding country!


I mean. Kourtney literally did rip off Kim’s wedding. Obviously it was way more trashy but Kourtney doesn’t have a unique bone in her body so I’m not surprised.


Kourtney fairly recently laughed about when any boys likes her sisters in the past she’d go to the boys and make up weird lies about her sisters to get the guys grossed out by them. Like yeah I think she’s not going THAT far now but she’s always telling everyone how their actions, even in the past, hurt her but also refuses to actually understand how she hurts/hurted others. 


Like only that one aggressive weird mean girl from junior high does that shit! It's a weird personality defect


Like "I feel you weren't happy for me" "I was happy for you" "No but you weren't" ?????? This situation portays perfectly Kourtney's inferiority complex towards Kim.


I don’t agree with Kourtney, but let’s not forget the wedding special. Kim’s face was like thunder the whole time. She didn’t look happy for Travis and Kourt at all. Everyone suspected they had beef from the wedding *before* S3 was released.


Another user answered for me https://www.reddit.com/r/KUWTK/s/QCp54AADpd


Honestly, I’d completely understand if it wasn’t similar to when Khloe and Lamar got married too. We all have shit going on behind the scenes but that doesn’t mean we don’t mentally show up for family. I was SA before my cousins wedding, but I didn’t sit there in a strop and look unhappy all day. The day was to celebrate them and their love, not for me to be sad about what happened to me. Sometimes you gotta suck shit up, let yourself cry and deal when you’re alone at the end of the day. That’s life. That’s adulting.


Khloe and Lamar happened a million years ago and I didn't watch so can't appropriately respond anyway. That's great for you, you can mask feeling like shit for other people and put others first. That doesn't make you a better or worse person than those who don't do that. Some people aren't like you and it's okay.


That doesn’t matter. The point stands. Kim has proven not to be happy for her sisters in relationships before. It doesn’t make me a better or worse person than anybody, I never intended that. The point was you can’t be selfish because you are going through something. The day wasn’t about Kim, her divorce or her life, just like my cousin’s wedding day wasn’t about my SA. It was to celebrate Travis and Kourt. In this life, you HAVE to suck shit up. You’re telling me you go to work if you are feeling shitty or depressed and act like that all day? No you don’t, because you can’t do that in the real world.


i’m sorry but what? i agree to an extent but you’re also kinda just going in circles when the other person made a valid point lmao like i don’t think you should mope around and kill people’s vibe but also kourtney should’ve been more empathetic and tried to see kim’s side. kourtney is notorious for killing the vibe or being bitter so it’s funny to me how she was trying to accuse kim of that.


Me and Marbella finished this discussion hours ago, agree to disagree. I’m not going to keep going on about this. I’m blocking turning off all notifications since people clearly can’t read. Byeeee


But what is your definition of selfish? Kim being off and not saying how everything is amazing? Do you hear how stupid that sounds? Being moody? The fact Kourtney gave so much weight to Kim not saying "how amazing" everything was is another point towards Kim saying Kourtney is indeed not in a happy place.


I watched the wedding special about 2 weeks ago. Kim barely spoke and her face was moody the whole time. Nobody expects constant praise but do not walk around someone’s wedding, a special fucking day, with a face like a slapped arse and expect sympathy from anybody because you had a divorce. Do you know how stupid that sounds? She is a 43 year old woman, stop babying her.


Your wedding is only important _to you_, as someone who got married a year ago, no one really cares that much you're getting married. It's only a big deal to _you_. Being moody isn't being selfish lmao bffr did she insult Kourtney? Make the day about her? No. She was _moody and didn't say 'Hey, this is amazing'_ 😭 I just have to agree to disagree because ya'll just a bunch of Kourtneys, I could give 2 flying fucks about anyone and their faces on my wedding day except my mom, my grandma and my husband. How Kim's _moodiness_ was this important to ya'll and to Kourtney is **beyond me**


I disagree. The day of your wedding is important and should be treated as such by everybody else. Why would you share a big part of your life with people who couldn’t give a fuck? I’m pretty sure no one would want someone putting a downer on their wedding - not to mention their own sister.


U really have a hard time accepting other’s opinions. No wonder you’re a Kim apologist.


Girl you are obsessed with a woman who doesn’t even know you exist


https://i.redd.it/q67na6gh09lc1.gif Commenting from a burner? Corny


A burner? I’ve had this account for 7 years 😂


🥱 this rebuttal is so lazy and overdone


You don't HAVE to suck shit up. People go to work feeling shitty or depressed all the time because they have to keep their job and sometimes you can't mask your feelings. You absolutely can do that in the real world and I'm amazed you don't think people can... You think everyone should hide their feelings for the sake of others? Do you never see anyone in your life in a bad mood? I don't understand what you're saying I agree that Kim doesn't seem happy with her siblings being in relationships, especially when she's single, but just cos that's not a healthy response doesn't mean it isn't valid to her


I never said you had to mask your feelings constantly. But on a happy day meant to celebrate your sister’s love, you don’t walk around looking like a moody fucker. That is a time where you suck shit up. Yes, I do see people in my life in a bad mood. But you know what? It’s always in the privacy of their home or their family. They don’t take it out into the world with them. Because your mood and feelings is not everyone else’s issue and someone’s special day shouldn’t be ruined by that. Bye now. This discussion was over 11 hours ago.


Kourtney tells on herself without realizing it. She gets so angry with Kim for being the center of attention because she can only see things how she'd process them and she wants to be the center of attention so badly. She tells Kim that she's unhappy because Kourtney's unhappy. It's not a coincidence that Kourtney's relationship with Kim really broke when she got with a guy who literally wrote about how obsessed he was with Kim while accusing Kim of trying to take things that were hers. Like if you hate your sister that much why date her scraps? She thought she'd be happy "winning" a guy who liked Kim and being famous for a reason outside of being Kim's sister.... and she probably is when she's not reminded of Kim's existence and can stay in that bubble of delulu but it's just a bubble and a fragile one as we can see here. Kourtney is a selfish narcissist who is tormented because she thinks she's better than her younger sister (as an older sibling she had the upper hand growing up) and deserves more attention but her sister grew up to be insanely famous and wealthy. She is completely incapable of seeing things from Kim's POV because she's held onto the patterns of their teen fights and her childish need to be "better" than Kim. It's funny because the old dynamic was Kourt and Khloe taking down a self absorbed Kim, but Kim got older and more humble/down to earth (compared to the princess Kim attitude) and Khloe was willing to see that growth and adjust her relationship based on it. Kourtney refused and can't understand why Khloe now looks at her the same way they used to look at Kim. The sad part is these insecurities are going to keep her from being happy until she can get some actual therapy and work through having a famous younger sibling. It's got to be hard to be overshadowed but you can't react by hoarding anything that can separate you from them, and those insecurities are going to keep driving a wedge between her and her family until they're addressed head on. Also don't look for validation in men, and don't confuse love bombing and groping for love and security. Poor Kourtney. Edit: Kim "I can see your side, I think I think things an get riled up, then you think things and get riled up" - Kim stepping outside of old patterns, having empathy for Kourtney, and trying to find middle ground. "I'm not riled up" - Kourtney immediately rejecting Kim's statement to prove her wrong, refusing to give an inch, and try to project being unbothered to control the narrative aka make reality fit what she wants it to be. Then: Kim tries to explain her POV so Kourtney can see where she's coming from vs having this internal narrative. "You're talking about the bullshit details because that's all your selfish egotistical mind can think about" - Kourtney getting annoyed that Kim isn't wrong, that Kim's reasonable explanation is different from Kourtney's internal narrative that Kim wants what she has (because Kim wanting it makes it more valuable and that's why she assumes Kim thinks the same way), and making sure to get a dig in to provoke Kim because she's angry at being challenged.




Exactly this.


This I stupid.. it’s not about Travis


When Kourtney got with Travis she had a big break in her familial relationships and stopped heavily co-parenting with Scott..... Even when Scott had a girlfriend that didn't change things as much. I think he's a piece of the current puzzle


Kim isn’t acknowledging what kourt is saying but I think it’s because it’s so looney. Honey, she’s had what you have. She’s just trying to make peace


In my humble opinion, Kourtney got mad because at that point, the previous season aired and most people sided with Kim and thought she was being ridiculous. So when Kim talked once again about D&G and invited her she took it as provocation. The D&G situation wasn’t that deep, Kourtney thought she finally could have big moment with her wedding but Kim being Kim, she had a bigger moment.


when the stats came up kourtney's dolce wedding actually generated more interest in the brand than kim's collection. so jury's out on who did dolce bigger. (source kardashiankolloquium) but i think where kourtney is coming from is that kim was an unhappy guest at her wedding and left the event with an opportunity she could have declined. it cheapened kourtneys wedding for sure because kim's subsequent collection made it seem like another series of brand deals the kardashians were doing rather than a really significant moment in kourtney's life. kourt wanted kim to say no, on a sister level because she should have seen how much of a big deal it was for kourtney to have married "the love of her life/soulmate" and not wanna take the shine away from her in any capacity. kourtney stated something along the lines of "you cant just say no because you cant stand for one second someone having something you dont".....and its true....kourtney had a massive moment with dolce and gabana and kim couldnt just let her have that....even tho kim has had collabs with fendi, balenciaga, balmain literally everything she didnt need dolce and gabana under her belt...especially months after her sister's heavily inspired dolce and gabana moment. i see both sides like kourtney felt like a major moment in her life was taken and overshadowed. kim is addicted to fame and wouldnt pass up an opportunity to work with a major (arguable cuz racist but meh) fashion house..... meh


When Kim got the brand deal, Kourtney already got married why she has to say no


That's true, but the way I see it Kim decided to take the Dolce & Gabbana deal to prove to herself that she can do something meaningful without Kanye... I think she needed it at the time mentally


On one hand I’m like if she (Kourt) doesn’t care and is just living life and isn’t trying to be competitive/ambitious… just let it go. Let Kim copy you bc you got your happy marriage finally (hopefully) and Kim is divorced with way more baggage. On the other hand, Kim’s been married 3 times and Kourt waited so long for her fairy tale. They all spend time Italy so I don’t buy that Kourt stole her wedding country thing. It was completely different. And Kim insulted Kourts wedding on the phone and made it superficial. It wasn’t about the clothes for her but it kinda was I guess. One thing I can say for sure is that Kim hurts kourts feelings way more than visa versa and she can bc she’s her moms favorite (or original favorite) and that’s the truth. Kris will side with Kim every time. Edit: and that’s bc the Matriarch (Kris) has made the family values about their empire and Kim contributes to that in the most obvious and direct way. Kourt doesn’t value that as much but I don’t really think she has a choice. She would be humiliated by Kim and Khloe if she didn’t keep up with them and their lifestyles IMO. Like shamed for it. And be called a leech by even going on trips with them etc.


Kim only started to act petty and stupid when Kourtney did it first. Kourtney can never take what she dishes and that’s annoying. And this scene just shows it. The D&G situation was settled and they moved on, Kourtney saw the aired episode and got mad all over again and started throwing jabs when initially Kim only wanted to invite her like they have done for many years. The situation wasn’t even worth a fight. Kourtney will intentionally act like she can’t stand Kim and her whole family then be mad when they point out her behaviour. Ain’t nothing about Kourtney wedding worth to be jealous about but if she insists on being mean, Kim will show her she can be meaner lol.


I almost wish they had this convo off camera bc I would love if they got along honestly. And I don’t think Kourt was trying to make her wedding aspirational or trying to impress anyone. I think they did what was their vibe at the time. You sound mean insulting it. They either gave Kim a bad edit or Kim was truly miserable at the wedding. I think if Kourt sensed a genuine happiness from her sister then she would have loved to with her to Milan for the fashion show thing. But Kim insulted her wedding and no self respecting person would go that route when they don’t need to. But yes, Kourt lost the fight when she said “you saw something and wanted it”


I think most of us realized that these are two sisters who have a deep and complicated relationship and as DJ James Kennedy once said “it’s not about the pasta!” Aka a lot of fights between ppl who are close isn’t about the Thing- it’s not about dolce & gabanna- it’s about years of complicated emotions about each other 


This is 100% about Kourtney being ragingly jealous of Kim, insecure about Kim in Travises company and driving a wedge into their sisterhood to keep her away. I watch the early seasons and Kourtney has been a straight up selfish bitch since the start of this show


And people like her because they wanna have something to hate in Kim besides her fashions lol


maybe they relate to her...


well yeah obviously people on these subs are going to relate to the haters lol


Seeing this is funny, because I just deleted a picture of Kanye and Kim off of my phone, after their wedding in black biker leather jackets that said Mr and Mrs or just married in white lettering — and Kourtney and Travis did the exact same thing except opposite colours (white jacket and black lettering)


Kourtney claims that she’s in such a good, peaceful place in her life and that she’s finally happy in this fairytale marriage but she’s acting exactly the same as she did when she was in a toxic relationship with Younes. She would go on and on about how she was living her best life, while also changing herself to fit him, dropped her kids and family to travel with him, picked unnecessary fights with everyone and acted entitled and rude towards employees and service personnel. If she was as happy in her marriage as she claims to be, she wouldn’t be focusing on Kim working with Dolce & Gabbana. They all looked disinterested and like they were faking enthusiasm at Kourtney’s wedding. People just focused on Kim while none of them seem to be really into Travis and their relationship.


I fucking hate Kourtney, she bitches about everything and everyone while also claiming she doesn't give a fuck, like bitch be fucking forreal. You didn't invent shit nor did Kim; it's been recycled over and over again. Kourtney, is that mean girl that talks all this shit--all bark, no bite--and when people don't tolerate her shit, she goes back and cries boohoo, always playing the victim like she didn't start everything every single time 🙄🙄


Kourtney is insufferable these days. I truly don’t understand what it is she wants? There has to be some deep seated reason for the vitriol that we just don’t know about. Even in the older seasons the beef seemed very one sided(Kourtney) and Kim always seemed so unserious about jt. Often times trying to play it off. To me it seems now Kim really wants to try and heal their relationship and move forward, and Kourtney just straight up doesn’t want that..


I def believe what Kourt is saying about Kim not being happy for her. She was the same way when Khloe was getting married to Lamar, and Rob called her out on it. The truth is Kim's competitiveness does sometimes also apply to her relationships with her sisters and I definitely think Kim and Kourt experienced it the most since they were close in age. I blame Kris ultimately, this appears to be residual resentment and competition from childhood.


I don’t care for anyone but yall defending Kourt relating to how Kim speaks to her and how rude she is…….. have CLEARLY not seen their show from the beginning. If we are honest Kourt has been envious of Kim . She wanted to be a model and she didn’t make it ….. I don’t get how she’s so happy but this affects her so much . It’s honestly sad but I blame Kris .


I would never side with Kourtney


Yet another great example of how Kourtney is the worst 💯


Clearly, editing is working on you!


? Pls don't tell me you think this scene is edited to only benefit Kimberly lmao


Not only, but primarily yes!


Kim and Kourtney are both exec producers and both decide what gets put out lol...


The funny thing is Kourtney doesn’t even care that the entire planet thinks she’s a narcissistic psychopath


Kim - and it seems like the rest of her family, cannot/will not address Bigger Issues and patterns of behavior. The family cannot fathom that, to use an AITA parlance here, the Iranian yogurt is not the issue here. Kourt’s read on kim is so ducking accurate. It’s not that she got a dolce job- its when she got it. When she accepted it. She saw her sister get her dolce moment and we all fuckin know, deep within her, she was annoyed to not be center of attn. and then she got the dolce call, and she was defs stoked. Kim cannot handle not being It. We can see it in her every move. Kourtney is also just a bunch of cuss words- a horrible, self entitled person who is just a bitch who can also dish but not take it. BUT. She can see bigger pictures. She can see her family for what it is. SHE COULD COMPLETELY REMOVE HERSELF IF SHE WANTED TO, on a public level, especially after marrying a very very successful musician. But she doesn’t. She won’t. She absolutely could, but she won’t. But she is correct about the bigger issues in the family.


%1000 all of this. Kourt is correct but she’s a bad messenger bc she still have issues. I fucking would too in that family. Leaving would be a loaded decision. Or having her own show. Her husband and her are legally married but I think they have separate finances and Kourt has two mansions in California. She has to work or downsize. And her kids would suffer for I think.


The worst part about this entire scene is Kim’s outfit.


Yeah what’s happening here she looks like a Mario brother


Kourtney will never be happy, she ruins her own good time and is the real one who can't be happy for others. Her anger oozes insecurity


If this was where the conversation ended then yeah, Kourtney was wrong. But it didn’t end here. Kim purposely tried to hurt her feelings because hers were hurt by what Kourtney said and that’s low coming from your sister. Saying her children don’t like her and her friends are concerned is shitty to both Kourtney and the friends. She could have driven a wedge between them but when she’s angry she doesn’t care. She started the conversation picking on her. She invited her but in the same breath said she knows Kourtney doesn’t want to go. Then why do it. They’re sisters and trying to make your sister look bad on television at that is beyond mean girl behavior.


this was some bullshit I'm sorry like wtf is this? I can go back to earlier seasons and see some juicy ass shit.


Kourt is the most stubborn out of all her siblings.


Kourtney is typical big sister/ oldest sister bully. Kim is an idiot alot of the times. But Kourtney has despised Kim for a very long time for alot of reasons and it shows it scenes like this. The "I'm actually not getting riled up" while slowly raising her voice 😂


Convenient stopping point. Kourtney is disturbed but Kim is worse.


This is extremely produced. Sure, maybe Kourtney’s statements and views on this I don’t necessarily agree with, but Kim knew what she was doing and how Kourtney would react. Kim is so passive aggressive and patronizing. Her ultimate goal is screen time = money = idc how it makes Kourtney feel.


Nah cause ya'll not pretending Kim is psychic now to defend Kourtney... bffr 😭😭😭😭


You’re putting a lot of words & twisting comments to make it fit your agenda.


Mhm? Elaborate.


“y’all not pretending Kim is psychic now to defend Kourtney”


Bc Oc says Kim "knew how Kourtney would react", realistically who can accurately and unequivocally predict responses and reactions? lmao


Obviously Kim didn’t know exactly what the outcome would be, but it’s not hard to know what buttons trigger YOUR OWN SISTER… I can think of many things I could say to my sister & I know exactly how she would react, I don’t know exactly what would be said or how it’d play out but I could get a reaction similar to this out of my sister if I wanted to. Of course I would never purposefully say those types of things to my sister though.


Same coud be said for Kourtney, saying she wasnt happy for her and that she wants to stay far away from her etc it goes both ways


I didn’t say it was one sided. I said you were twisting words to fit your narrative. You kind of did it just now. I know Kourtney isn’t right & she can be selfish in some of the things she says & does but I think it comes from a place where she’s had to stand up for herself against her sister & her mom for so long. Kris put them against each other all their life, Kourtney is in therapy for a reason. Kim is just a narcissist like her mother.


I’m still on Kourtney’s side 🤷🏾‍♀️


Unless you're in this sort of emotional entanglement with someone, you will never get it. This is years and years of built-up resentment from the fact that her mother did nothing but said "stop it guys" and then showed wildly more care for the one that made her the most money - Kim. People commenting are still not getting it. They're getting too involved with the arguement when it's not even about that. Even if Kourtney is wrong and Kim isn't jealous of her and Kim didn't do it intentionally, the pain comes from the fact that Kim cannot actively behave in her sister's interest. For example, just being there, just lying and saying you looked absolutely stunning (even if you did hate her dress), rejecting all projects and saying no to money/fame just to be present for her sister. Dropping everything once she realises that her sister is uncomfortable with her doing anything during that year that will mimic her wedding theme. Kourtney wants active love and intimacy from her family but that's not how it is, they more so operate all from a place of their own interest and then sort of say "this is ok right?" in a way where you would look like a dick if you said "no it's not ok". I see it as equivalent to a parent who bathes, clothes and feeds you and then one who does all that PLUS they actively engage with you, create trips, talk to you and always stay on top of your problems, and nourishes you. Not just do the basics and leave. This is what people aren't getting. Kim is not the same social class as Kourtney and has immense power over her. Imagine that plus your mother always having that person's interest at heart. Kourtney has a lot of pain that comes from feeling isolated and neglected and not being nourished. She has always been given the bare minimum and she no longer stands for it. This doesn't mean she is a good person or the one who is right, it just means she is oppressed by them, emotionally, in ways that are unimaginable.


Kim always says inappropriate things to the whole family. I never forget when they were on vacation & Kim brings up the North Star & how she was telling North that she has a star named after her. Kim elaborates how North asked if there was a Mason & P star. Kim tells her “No” only you! Also, North was about 2 years old. It still bothers me that she repeats this story to Kourtney.


And Kourtney says only appropriate and nice things? lmao


No I didn’t say that. Kim has a habit of putting her siblings down to make herself feel better. For example Kim has said, more than once, that she is grateful she was the one Robbed bc none of her siblings could have handled it. She does the same thing when she is talking about their Father


Kourtney has a habit of putting Kim down just the same. What is your point? Kim and her self-centered viewpoints aren't the discussion here and have nothing to do with the topic - Kim thinking she is stronger emotionally than her siblings isn't a jab or a hurtful pov. She has the right to think whatever delulu opinion she wants, be it true or not.


My point IS Kim & her selfish ways. Just bc u think something ( Kim feeling she is stronger) doesn’t mean you have to say it. The discussion was about Kourtney & Kim’s relationship. The OP doesn’t get how ppl side with Kourtney so I was saying why I do. Obviously, we don’t agree & that is fine.


For sure bc how insecure do you have to be to feel bad/hurt that your sister says she's glad you weren't robbed because you couldn't have handled it? Who can handle being robbed anyways? There's nothing wrong with saying that, even if it isn't even true. I just can't see it that way


Yes let’s trust edited video and audio that Kim has more say in.


Kourtney is also an exec producer so she has the same say in....? 💀


Kourtney has said she doesn’t always get the final say of edits


Idk I’m on Kourt’s side. I love Kim, but she has proven in her career she doesn’t have any identity, interests, passions or vision - she just replicates / morphs into what is around her.


Kim was right




Without Scott they would’ve been axed first season. He was the entertainment for all of the early seasons. Whether he was an awful person or not, he was interesting and funny(esp Todd Kraines) to watch.


Riiight because the Kardashian the GP cares about is Kourtney lmao where's your /s




Kuwtk isn't the reason they're extremely famous lmao bffr even I didn't watch that show.




She's incredibly boring yet one of the most famous and talked about women on the planet. Make it make sense


We all know it was more khloe Kourtney just was there to get thrown around by khloe


How can anyone back Kim when she is insulting everything about Kourt’s wedding. Kim does not like when Kourt is the center of attention & Kourt could care less about that


I could be wrong but I took those insults as a response to her saying you are copying me and stealing my wedding styles. Like typical “I don’t even like what you have so why would I want it” type response. Doesn’t make it okay, that’s just how I took it.


Kourtney is delusional. She is making things up and Kim came with all the receipts. Kourtney copied all the things Kim did in the past and then was trying to gaslight her the whole time. Nah, I have zero sympathy for Kourt.


I can still see the point which made me side with Kourtney in this matter. It was not about the clothes, it was always about how you treat your closest ones.


Honestly I understand Kourtney. It was her wedding day, why does Kim feel the need to minimize it and say “I didn’t like your look/ it’s just about the clothes”. Obviously for Kourtney it was a sentimental day for her and for Kim to just view it as a another fashion event of business opportunity is kinda sad


Kourtney is a pain in the ass. I honestly wish she would leave the show and just do a spin of show with her husband so she can show off her fairytale all she wants. That way I don’t have to keep forwarding her parts all time.


Unrelated but like 5 seconds into this clip, you can see the panel behind Kendall has the Vegas Golden Knights (NHL team) logo. How/why did this family need to use the VGK jet to fly to Cabo when at least two of them have their own private jets?!


Don't let it be beyond you. Take 2 steps forward and put it behind you...


You're right tho, I should..


If it’s beyond you, it’s beyond you. It’s important to accept your own limitations. I just personally wouldn’t advertise them like this but you do you.




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