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I agree. And I think Kim continues doing it to both Kylie & Khloe.


Yup Khloe had a personality which was extremely threatening to Kim. She was “the hot one” but ppl found her very boring & snobby. Khloe was “the funny, likable, down to earth one” Major threat! Then came the Jenner girls- Kendall wasn’t about it but Kylie was a vacuum for abuse. Her mom, her sister, her boyfriends- the ones from whom her mom & sister should’ve protected her… this kid never stood a chance!




Thirded, and Kourtney (and Kendull to a smaller degree) were able to see it for what it is and nope outta there


tell me why i was staring at your comment thinking whooo the fuck is thirded kardashian


Careful, khloes gonna use that if she sees your comment. True, Tatum, & Thirded. <3


Lamo you’re fantastic.


Well if she wants to keep it consistent it needs to be a T sound and not a TH sound. So… Turded.


I’m too high for this comment 🤣 (I thought the same)


I also think Kendall has a modeling contract where I’m sure she needs to get procedures pre-approved.


That's an amazing point. That modeling contract probably saved her.


I’m just assuming since Kendall ruining her face would impact the agency’s profits haha. I also don’t think she looks up to Kim as much as Kylie since Kendall carved her own legitimate career out of the modeling world. Not that I think Kendall deserves the level of success she’s obtained but I do think she sees herself in her own league so doesn’t seek Kim’s approval the way Kylie does.


Hmmm lowkey think Kendall might’ve gotten into Kylie’s head though… we’ve seen it w our own two eyes.


Legitimate is a bit generous. It was handed to her on a silver platter.


Definitely. I’m suprised she’s still relevant tbh




I have always thought that Kim intentionally tried to ruin Kylie. I think she uses both Kylie and Khloe as guinea pigs for procedures she wants, too.


![gif](giphy|l41m4sZ3LlhPu8P0Q) She's like my mom who tells me my face is bloated when I have allergies or that I shouldn't furrow my brow or lift my eyebrows because I'll get huge forehead wrinkles. With family like Kim, who needs enemies! It's so 🤢😮‍💨 how manipulative people are. (Except it's worse bc they have the $$$ to get these awful procedures after the Kim Kritisisms soak in and their body dismørphia only worsens.)


Tell your mom o yes many of men have thought to themselves…. “She’s amazing. Too bad she has forehead lines. Can’t stand that.” FFS WE do this to each other. Most of the time it has nothing to do with male opinion.


![gif](giphy|i6V56yKmTLGEg5OhpH|downsized) # THIS


She hates Kylie for her youth & being “the youngest self made billionaire” , she hates Khloe because she is/was funny & acted like a human- Kim’s always seemed like a robot w/ no personality trying to assimilate & was like “sex, I heard humans like sex beep boop beep (robot noises lol) here’s me having sex”, “humans like my big butt, must enlarge”, “humans are bored they’ve already stared at my insides from my outsides, how do I impress them more?”


"Must enlarge." 💀


Now this is something I have never thought of but this is it. Guinea pigs. I feel like Kris pushe Kylie hard to get surgery to look like Kim.


Speaking of Guinea pigs, Kylie be looking like she’s wearing guinea pigs in that one recent outfit 💀


I posted that! Even made this to prove I was right (for anyone that missed it) lmao https://preview.redd.it/cs74qrg3z0jc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f2243aca55c6e18a84399f8fac76321284f18571


That's exactly what I was referring to. Thank you for that edit 🤣


Nooo what did you do!!! 🤣🤣🤣💀


lol 😂😂😂


You’re an artist!


Ooooh that's a crazy fucking theory but I like it.


That’s a good point about making them Guinea pigs.


Omg yes! When Khole was getting super skinny (before ozempic was well known), I had the conspiracy theory that she was test-driving a weight loss drug for Kim. That idea got shot down to hell here, but that’s normal for this sub lol. But sure enough, after Khole got really skinny, Kim got really skinny, and then the world learned about ozempic.


Yes! I remember thinking maybe it was a mini sleeve and she was test driving it. I hadn't seen you theory, if I had I would have chimed in with my support.


Smart theory. Makes sense


I also think she wasn’t ready maturity wise to be famous. I think she liked having attention cause never had it before and then got caught up in the pr storm. I think her self confidence never developed naturally and led to her listening to Kim nitpicks. Kim LOVES commenting on an insecurity and Kylie’s just took it all for.. bible.


Bible lol 💀


Kylie is probably a victim of listening to Kim’s lies. It probably doesn’t help that Khloe is a living doormat, Kris sucks Kim’s toes, Kourtney and Kendall seem pretty detached, and her dad seems absent? Kim is 100% a pick-me, totally turning into the older woman who is resentful of younger women because of the ideas they themselves perpetuate. Kylie probably listened to her sister because she thought her sister really did know best. Naive Kylie did not realize that this family and especially Kim loves to tear down other women. And now Kylie is just like Kim! She also likes to tear down other women. I’m not going to wax poetic about her though. Also, it’s strange how obsessed people were with her King Kylie era. She stole the name from her adult boyfriend’s son, and the looks ADMITTEDLY from Angela, her boyfriend’s ex. Yeah, she was on tumblr and drove around in a car. Okay? Maybe she could have hypothetically become a more interesting person and starlet without her sister and family’s intervention. But she wouldn’t have even entered her King Kylie era without her sister’s sex tape and the family reality TV show. She was just a rich white kid running around Hollywood (just like Alabama right now), full of energy and ignorance. And at the end of the day, she still values a lot of Kim’s beliefs, which is why she’s now…just a shell…like her big sister ❤️


Kim is the type that 1000% will live vicariously through her daughters. She is going to be one of those moms in her mid 50s that lives through her kids, they’ll do exactly whatever the path is that Kim has already decided for them. We can already see this happening. And she will be that mom in her 50s that’s more of a best friend than a mom, gossiping with her teenage/young adult daughter, dressing the same as her young daughter taking selfies trying to look hot and the same age as her young daughter. Kim will absolutely relish in the comments on her filtered pictures with her daughter like “omg you guys look like you could be sisters! You look so young Kim!”


I fear that Kim will be the type of aunt/mom who will pit her daughters against their cousins. “Chi is the prettiest one (just like how I was/am!)” and “Nori is going to be a star just like her dad”. But she’ll be all fakes smiles, “I’m such a cool and fun mom- everyone, including my nieces and nephews, wishes I was their mom”, “Family is everything” when they’re around their extended family. I feel bad for them, the cousins were practically raised as siblings and their bonds might be strained once Kim starts getting into their heads with little comments here and there. This can end up isolating the girl cousins, feeling like they can’t trust their cousins/aunts or they feel like they’re out on their own in life regarding female role models/friends (besides of course their sister and their mother). And who knows if Kim’s sisters will actually entertain her by trying to compete with her through their daughters though. Anyways, I hope that doesn’t happen, but I’m a little familiar with being in a family with moms like Kim.


Kim **is** her mother. That’s exactly what Kris did to her children, and Kim will 100% perpetuate it and eventually take over the PMK title herself.


Just like her botched mommy dearest


One thing Kim k is afraid of is aging. Too bad we all know she’s older and looks it lol


Kim's kids seem to hate her though. Unless they flip and start seeking her approval then they'll likely rebel and do everything the opposite of what she asks of them, especially if they follow North as the "parent-figure" older sibling to look up to.


The time she jumped on her daughter's back. Smh.


I think king Kylie was so popular because she tapped into the tumblr, instagram hype that was 2014-2016. She was all over tumblr often posting those aesthetic photos.


It was because she was a “famous person” who took advantage of resonating with a specific demographic (teens on the internet) on their preferred platform (tumblr). She resonated with teenagers who wished their families were rich and allowed them to drive around Hollywood in her expensive car as a grungy babe. I still don’t understand it, again, she was just another rich white kid the only difference is she had a tumblr community she basically abandoned? She drove left field and got pregnant and not many people in her original demographic resonated with a rich young mom who wanted the rap wife life.


I agree. That’s why Kris is working on establishing her as this housewife persona by setting her up with Timothy. She knew Kylie lost relevancy when she got pregnant by a rapper but still decided to have two kids. But not gonna lie, the tumblr era was ICONIC. And Kylie was up and coming so she knew all eyes would be on her


I agree with everything you said. *nodding* ![gif](giphy|xT4Ap5cZtpgCVH9JDi) 👏 I hope Kylie realizes all of this buuut it probably won't be the wakeup call she needs. I wonder if she worries about her face getting permanently fucked up from cosmetics shit. It's already looking uncomfortable for her to just be in a busy place with lots of cameras, like that awards show with TinTim. I felt bad for her honestly, not that I should but I couldn't help it, ya know. I don't want anyone to fuck up themselves and she needs someone to shake her. WAKE 👏 UP 👏 KYLIE! 👏


Never heard this King Kylie thing. No one told her you aren’t suppose to give yourself a nickname.


ALWAYS REMEMBER: we’re not ugly, we’re just poor.


And yet, we are better looking then them after all those surgeries 


I think pic #4 is the closest to what Kylie would have looked like had her mom not decided that as a teenager, she wasn’t attractive enough and sent her down this surgery path.


She looked so cute before in pic #3 especially. I’ll always feel sorry for her that she felt the need to change her appearance so much. I just hope that she doesn’t encourage Stormi to change her appearance like her mother did for her.


Two of the biggest lies that are consistently perpetuated on this sub: One, that Kylie and Khloe were drop dead gorgeous pre-surgery. And two, that Kylie was vibrant, intelligent, and an original trendsetter with amazing personality and a bright future. Neither of those things are remotely true.


No but I do think kylie used to be a outgoing bubbly child, an quite extroverted. And while most seem to become more confident/comfortable in their skin, with age. She has sort of withdrawn further into her shell and become more an more insecure, anxious and socially reserved an isolated. Which is sad to see.


I haven't seen not one person say that either of them was drop-dead gorgeous. What I HAVE seen is people saying there was nothing wrong with their original faces, and that they comparatively look worse now than if they'd never had touched their faces/bodies to begin with.


It's been said. I see it more often with Khloe than Kylie [(example post)](https://www.reddit.com/r/KUWTKsnark/s/TdVjJ55CsM). I'm not saying it's the consensus or even a common opinion, but it's out there. Did Khloe and Kylie *need* work done? No, but realistically they were average-looking and a conservative amount of work could have made them prettier, which is what they wanted. However, that sounds mean and like plastic surgery advocacy so few people will say it. I think the people who claim Khloe and Kylie had gOrGeOuS faces pre-surgery have one or all of the following things going on in their heads: 1) saying any natural, unenhanced person is less than beautiful is mean, 2) all plastic surgery is bad, 3) they feel average and like they can't do anything about it, so they want people to believe "average" is actually "beautiful". Essentially, they're worrying about themselves when they make these comments, not considering things more objectively.


I can agree with that. Kylie definitely looked better (objectively) after she got her lips filled (the first time) and her first nose job was cute as well. She peaked in her "King Kylie" era, and then went off to the races when she should've stopped then. There's no type of nose job that would've taken what Khloe originally had and given her the tiny, petit nose she wanted so badly. They definitely weren't anything special before the surgeries, but the saddest part about that is that they couldn't just be happy with who they are, and then when they had an attractive amount of work done, they still weren't satisfied.


This is just my opinion, and it's harsh, but I don't know that there was ever a period of time when Khloe looked great to me. In my memory, her first noticeable surgery (or surgeries, probably) was when she went to show off her new "workout" body on Ellen, and it was A LOT, all at once. She wanted a BBL and big hips, and she got them done bigger than Kim's, and it was a disaster. I'm looking at pictures of her from the year that happened (2017) and I don't think she'd even had a nose job yet. She got started right in the deep end and stayed there, and no work she got done really seemed to improve her appearance like Kylie's work did for a while. She held off longer than Kylie did to get serious work done, and her botched-ness happened over a shorter period of time. I wonder if she didn't really want to get work done, but once she saw how much it was helping Kim and Kylie, she suddenly changed her mind, kinda panicked, and wanted really big changes really quickly, which ended up hurting her. I think it was possible to get some tweaks to enhance her appearance, but "tweaks" weren't good enough for her, she needed a full cosmetic overhaul.


I think this is probably spot-on.


Thank you omg. This goes for basically all of them and it’s Kris’ influence but Kylie has gone out of her way to be extremely uneducated, she’s not well read, she barely has media training (I saw the Forbes interview she could barely put a coherent sentence together).


That woman needs to take a few college classes. SOMETHING!! You're right, it's painful to watch how difficult it is for her to string together coherent sentences.


She’d have to finish high school first


Seriously I think she should go to college somewhere like Portland or something it would change her life lol and she has the means to


Lmaoo as someone from Portland, the thought of Kylie living there has me howling 🤣🤣🤣


Right😂 I picked it because it seems like the kind of place where you can’t get away with not having a personality or interests/a cause


Kylie just seemed a lot happier in her younger years.


I'm sure she was happier ten years ago. But this idea that she was doing anything original or that she was smart or that she had this sparkling personality is not true. She was a boring, culture vulture, teenage bimbo, driving around LA in her $100,000 truck all day with a million other dumb impressionable kids watching her online. That's it. Nobody thought she was actually cool other than her fellow lames who wished they had her money and were allowed doing nothing all day and going to parties all night.


I agree with everything you said 1000%!!!!


Khloe was never conventionally pretty. I hate to say it. Pre surgery she was average at best if she were your random friend from high school.


kim was the only one of the siblings who was actually pretty before surgeries. the rest were on a sliding bar ranging from cute to below average to somewhat unfortunate looking.


Idk Kourt was a fuckin fox 


I think she was prettiest. Kim had a pointy smile or something. Always looked like she was giving sexy face. Kourtney was always more attractive over all and with normal, petite, dimensions


Agree with all of this. Like stop with the lies. It’s ok to admit they weren’t beautiful pre surgery except for Kim, she was pretty for sure.


I’m gonna spam this thread with Justice For Kourtney!!😂😂


Kourtney and Kendall were pretty too, not kim pre surgery or high fashion model pretty, but definitely attractive!


Aside from the fact that we haven't really seen what Kim looks.like presurgeries (since she seems to yassify even old pics), Kourtney was also very pretty at the beginning of KUWTK. It is hard to say for Kendall and Kylie since they were so young, but I think both would have been pretty. I actually think Kylie would have wound up prettier than Kendall because she seemed to have more of a spark. Khloe, I go back and forth on. I think she was cute at least. She wasn't as striking as either Kim or Kourtney but I think she would be declared pretty if not compared to them. None were unfortunate looking.


Watch the opening of KUWTK S1E1 and Kim looks nothing like that now. Not only has her face been remodeled but her entire body. The opening scene is Kris making fun of Kim's ass, "there is junk in the truck". Literally that opening scene shows so much about who they really are and how starved they were to become relevant.


I know. It’s so crazy to realize that they all look like completely different people. Though even at that point I believe Kim had at least a few procedures. I think 1st husband said he paid for boob job and lipo and bbl.


Khloe actually was pretty before surgery, but not way above average, just average pretty imo. I saw this picture the other day and Khloe looked so pretty, this was 2001. She had a face that had unique features that a lot of people would find very pretty and some others would think are unconventional but I genuinely think she was a pretty girl, just not exceptionally beautiful or anything. https://preview.redd.it/i872rnlaxzic1.png?width=518&format=png&auto=webp&s=f0ee5d4f52c0d72bd4d4fdc8bfe9d5fafdf8bf5c


That is a really pretty picture. I have definitely seen a few older pictures where I thought she looked stunning. I just always have trouble trusting pictures from them, so I'm trying to judge by early KUTWK days in combination with pics.


Yea I believe this particular picture was released from a photoshoot she did in 2001, it’s possible it was edited but it definitely is a pretty accurate representation of her from what she looked like before surgery imo


Cute cheeks and lips. I’m sure they’re destroyed by now…


I don’t think anyone is saying that. However, if you followed Kylie on vine during the king Kylie era she seemed to actually have a personality. Furthermore she really was looking cuter than Kim at that point. Kim would not even admit it to herself but I’m sure she believes at a sub conscious level that none of the sisters have the right to surpass her and I really could see her sabotaging Kylie when she felt threatened and like her stardom was fading.




Not even trying to hype Ky, but she kind of did trend set for her family. Kim was obsessed with her as a teenager and would literally dress like her to remain relevant. Kim even stole her idea and made KKW beauty after the lip kits were doing so well. Now to say she was like a generational talent is different. But she was relevant at some point.


I think part of it was making sure that Kendall wasnt seen as "the pretty one" since she is the one who started doing the modeling jobs and getting attention for that. Not saying Kendall isn't botched either....


I still think Kylie went overboard with the surgeries after she gave birth to stormi. I honestly think Travis was cheating a lot and she continued to stay with him for Stormi's sake. Tbh I never understood their relationship. It just seemed like a hookup. She shoulda dumped him but they all stay with trash men. She was so insecure, she just kept doing all these things to keep his attention and I don't think Kim stopped her or guided her in anyway.


It’s probably nothing more than a pr relationship, or at least an “open” one, enforced by the rule they like to go by, based on which they stick to one baby daddy. They’ve never had any chemistry and I bet they’d try to make more out of it for publicity than just get tgt for 2 secs for Kylie to get preggo again, did they like each other at least a bit. Maybe Kylie does but Travis dgaf 😹 he has more chemistry w kanye than he has had w his baby mamma this entire time combined. I am wondering, tho, what’s the tea on tyga and why she had kids w travis instead, and that so, this quickly.


I think that almost all of their babies fathers are sperm donors. Kanye and Kim were a Power Couple and an effective one at that. She was his walking inspiration for fashion and he was the ONLY was she was granted legitimacy in the real real A list. Neither one of them have sexual vibes. I think Tyga (vomit) was jumping the gun, were they maybe they were covering something up? I DO think they were banging though, but then it was just way to embarrassing. Travis Scott (vomit twice) was publicity right? That was seriously him donating a couple of kids and none of these baby daddies have to worry about child support so why not? I feel like Khloe is supposed to be unlucky in love🤣🤣But her mans sticks around for drama. Kendall is either gay or asexual. She has a new PR relationship like clockwork about every 3 months. The only maneater in that house is Kris. Crazy


>I am wondering, tho, what’s the tea on tyga and why she had kids w travis instead, and that so, this quickly. I have 2 theories: 1) Tyga said "nope!" Didn't want to have 2 baby mamas. Or 2) S⛈️ is Tyga's and Kris and Kylie had to cover that up and make drug addict Travis believe it's his because Black Chyna has a baby with Rob. It'd be too weird to have Rob and Kylie's babies be half siblings. I truly believe Kylie is capable of pulling a Kris like she did with Khloe, make everyone believe she is a Kardashian when she's a Roldan. Also, S⛈️ has features that look Asian to me and Tyga is half Asian. So it makes me wonder. (Disclaimer: not allowed to write kid's full name here).


He did treat her terribly but she allowed that. Travis likes girls with actual personality who have had struggles and get him. He would only go to her house when he didn’t have anyone better for the night. She knew what it was and kept trying to trap him with kids and bully other women Travis was actually interested in. Kylie just throws money at people so she can buy friends until they get sick of her. One day she’ll learns he can’t buy a man’s love and respect.


Of all of the sisters, she is the one that is the most unrecognizable from her teenage pictures. Too bad it's a competition in their family to look the best. I love the nickname Kimbully!


She morphed from a white girl to Blac China to Yung Sweet Ro to Cillian Murphy to Michal Jackson and is now trying to cosplay as Zendaya.


And now zendaya won’t be friends with timothee because zendaya is an actual A list. And who can blame her for distancing herself from that trash family. Even Florence wouldn’t post the pic she took with Kylie on her socials. The kardash family is an embarrassment for all anymore.


No but do you remember that scene when Kylie Kim and Kris were eating in that restaurant and Kris said “Kim, Kylie is coming for your throne” And Kim said something like “yea it’s a problem”. And even though she was technically joking I swear I could just tell that it actually did bother her and was a genuine problem for Kim. I 100% agree with you. Kim genuinely felt threatened by Kylie because let’s be real, at that point in time Kylie absolutely blew all of her sisters out of the water, she was most definitely the prettiest KJ with WAY more influence and appeal than the rest of them combined.


Unpopular opinion but Plastic Surgery definitely made Kylie a lot prettier than her natural face was. She did however go too far with the Plastic Surgery, and now has the Cillian Murphy uncanny jigsaw look.


Completely agree. It made her look so much better when she first started PS. She’s gone way too far now


Ngl, to me, Kylie used to look so normal. 😭


Kylie would've been uniquely beautiful and look totally different than her sisters. Only one who's had tasteful work done in Kourt. Even Kendall looks bad. Edit a word


Not everyone is beautiful and that’s okay.


Seriously lol Kylie was young and wealthy, most people look good in that circumstance. She wasn't "uniquely beautiful" she was just well groomed.


She had a well shaped jaw and really big bright eyes but that’s all gone now.


I think that every time people wax poetic about OG Khloe


Idk everyone has something "beautiful" about them. Doesn't mean they are overall "beautiful" or good looking/above average. Khloe naturally had lovely lips and a lovely smile. An nice colour eyes. Obv she wasn't a great beauty or even a looker. I always think that, lamar liked khloe the way she was. She did a million procedures to improve herself, an the whole 'revenge body' and had everyone talking about her "glow up" and still just ended up with a crappy disrespectful man who regularly cheats. Even after everything he says he "doesn't find her attractive" and "isn't his type" Like if she was going yo accept being with a disrespectful cheater, she might as well stayed with the person who liked who she really was.


No, I think Kylie looked best with minimal surgeries but she was not beautiful pre-surgery. If you took the rich, famous family out of the equation before the surgeries she would have been a nothing special plain girl.


i agree with you. It's sad because she had unique features like a beautiful jaw...


She now looks like Cait though which is wild. Like, which one of them gave the surgeon the other’s photo and was all “*this. I want this.”* Ky probs because she can’t advocate, let alone *think* for herself. Always a copy of what her current PR boyfriend/beard/situationships exes look like.


OK y'all are pushing it. Kylie did not have "unique features"- she was the most bland white girl to white girl.


She highlighted her natural looks when she was young (great hair, figure, cute face), and had a more fun and edgy look in comparison to the rest of the Klones. That may be part of the reason for the “unique beauty” comments. I know for me, when I see her before photos now, I think “wow, she WAS uniquely pretty” because now she looks like every other “insta-it girl who went overboard” and her new looks are not at all unique. Or, they’re unique now for the wrong reasons. 👁️👄👁️


Yes I agree. I didn’t think Kylie was some bombshell VS model 10/10 but I did think she was pretty! I’m about the same age as her and I never thought she was ugly at all pre surgery. Yes she had very small lips but I actually do feel like they suited her face. I feel like her smaller features like her lips made her face look more soft and refined. Coming from me (who has huge lips) not everyone looks good with big lips, some peoples faces genuinely look better with small lips. I hate the stigma on small lips nowadays and it’s what has led to all these people getting so much fillers pumped into their lips. And let’s be real, the only reason people called younger Kylie ugly was because of her smaller lips. Kylie had very small lips and yes benefited from a small amount of fillers but there was nothing wrong or ugly about her having small lips. Hell at one point Kylie’s lips *were* the beauty standard at several points in history. In the 1800s and several other periods, rosebud lips were the beauty standard, thin lips and a small mouth width. If smaller lips were still the standard nowadays, people would think of big lips as ugly and I hate that it’s that black and white. In fact I remember being younger when big lips weren’t the standard and I got bullied so much for my large lips, and now people love my lips. I just hate how there can’t be a middle ground to beauty standards and we have to shame one while praising the other.


Exactly what I meant! thanks :)


I agree she actually had a somewhat unique face but a lot of people are mistaken about her “edgy style”. That was never unique to her. She was dating Jaden Smith at the time. Him and his sister Willow were heavily influenced by punk, therefore, Kylie was heavily influenced by them.


She may not have come up with it (is anything really unique anymore anyway?) but compared to her sisters it was edgy and unique because they all had styles similar to each other.


White girl features aren’t inherently boring and she does have unique features in the sense that she now looks like everyone else in LA


implying that white girls have inherently boring features




what is a unique feature? blond hair and blue eyes are an incredibly rare combination naturally. yk who has blonde hair and blue eyes? white people.


Yeah because no one thinks white women are beautiful lol come on. Go to therapy. You can be a bland looking white woman and a beautiful white woman. Kylie is a bland white woman.


there are no “bland” features tho


It's a snark sub, go take your "everyone is beautiful" mantra to somewhere more kind


that’s not being kind. bland features don’t exist, toxic beauty standards that label things “bland” do


The thing is, everything is black and white with some of these people when it comes to beauty standards. Big lips are in? Well everyone with thin lips are ugly and basic. Thin lips are in? People with big lips are all ugly. It’s just so dumb that the beauty standards are so harsh that it leaves zero room for and nuance. Let’s be real, the only reason people call OG Kylie ugly and basic is because she had very thin lips. Generally a person born with thin lips will look better with thin lips than with really big lips and vice versa but people don’t see it that way. Anyone that has features that go against the TOXIC ASS beauty standards at the time is ugly and basic. It’s just odd how some people act like they’re against the toxic beauty standards while literally calling anything that doesn’t meet the standards basic and bland. I don’t feel like there is a basic look for any race or group of people either. I’ve seen white people with thin lips and white people with naturally huge lips and everything in between. I’ve seen black people with naturally thinner lips and big lips and everything in between. I actually just read a study that concluded that there is a surprising disconnect between race and ethnicity and facial features, basically race/ethnicity isn’t a very accurate indicator of someone’s physical appearance, though certain features may be more common among different races/ethnicities.






i think by “bland” they mean more prevalent. cause in the usa at least the predominant demographic is still white so naturally those features are the most common and seen. not that they can’t be attractive or beautiful


Imagine evolving more than a Pokemon 😂


Her jaw changing shocks me everytime


I wonder what Kylie would’ve looked like if she didn’t get plastic surgery.


They would’ve been victim to it anyway. Surrounded by LA culture where every snips and fixes everything


Not to mention they helped the plastic surgery/filler/botox boom… you know those doctors were thanking them with free procedures…


I agree and I would also like to add that I believe Kendall also does this to Kylie out of jealousy too.


100% this.


https://preview.redd.it/nmiapt7ot0jc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=208f0addba940079b2319efa92895def941ad721 Wow she looks so pretty here. Truly think she would have aged beautifully. Shouldn’t have touched a thingggg (I see why she did a small amount of lip filler bc tbh I feel like almost everyone I know has bc that was the “trend” at the time), but she didn’t need to overhaul her entire face and body. She was lovely




100%!! I've been thinking this ever since Kim bragged that she loves to give people advice on what procedures to get done. How nasty is that??


She should've stayed at face 2. Very cute girl.


I agree with everything you said OP! Kylie (and even Kendall) seemed much happier in their younger years. I wish their family would have been supportive of their respective decisions and dreams instead of brainwashing them.


Then why is she doing trash phone game ads? The Kardashian lifestyle is incredibly costly and very little of their money is actually liquid. I don’t think for a second now that she’s a mother, and a hopeless one at that, that she would be able to give up that nannies and chefs as she was never properly equipt to exist without those resources. Their net worths are not only most likely frauded but also just an accumulation of their assets which they don’t seem to be giving up any time soon. Kylie and Kendall both never completed high school so they don’t have much to fall back on for a steady stream of revenue if they were to give up everything and bow out of the spotlight.


I think Kim was just seen as the beautiful one, the family/Kris only values beauty so Kylie tried to look like her.


Any unique qualities she has are now gone...


Totally agree! Kim did this to Kylie and Khloe-----and still does it to them. Kim played on their insecurities. She acted like the caring, best friend sister ---when in fact she was their jealous worst enemy out to destroy Kylie and Khloe.  Kim is truly an evil, vindictive, manipulative, greedy soulless creature. And whatever Kylie did to her eyes in the past year is so bizarre----too much of the white part shows now. 


Kim told a freshly post partum mom that she should wear 2-3 pairs of spanx to leave the house. And uses "skinny" as a compliment. Kim is vile.


She was not refreshing. She stole from black culture. Stop giving her too much credit.


Yeah she's never had an idea or personality of her own. She's stolen it all from other black women.


I’m joining. I think we might need to build a house or something on this hill


I've always thought this. I'm with you on that hill. There was an episode on the old show when kylie was probably 13-14, talking to kim mesmerized like she really idolized her big sister and she said, "kim, I ALWAYS wished I looked like you". So I'm willing to bet she did every step kim suggested with the surgeries. And I wouldn't put it past kim to hate von her when she was king kylie, and lie to her to make her v look stupid and have unnecessary procedures. I mean, look when Kourtney got with travis and was getting invites to the Grammy, and getting more attention then kim, and kim immediately got her a white guy with tattoos who had connections in the Industry. What's she gonna do when North is in her late teens if she gets all the attention? What about Chicago? I don't think she'll ever be cool with passing the torch onto the younger generation.


The right picture in slide 3 shows what a beautiful girl she was before all the fillers started.


I took the bottom pic straight from the (filtered!) show. So sad.  https://imgur.com/ViqhLTT


Keep Cillian out of this haha


100% agree with everything stated. I'd even take it a step further and say she could have possibly paid off (or blackmailed) the surgeons to botch Kylie. Also, in a few episodes, Scott mentions Kim's intense critiquing – that she is always wide-eyed staring at your flaws and mentioning what can be done to fix it, and that it can be difficult/uncomfortable to be around her. I'll never not believe Kim had the greatest influence on Kylie becoming botched. She took advantage of Kylie's admiration and insecurity without a doubt. All out of jealousy and feeling threatened for her spot. Wild & pathetic.


That was really hard to read


agreed. I’ve always kind of had a soft spot for Kylie because of this - def not excusing any of her behaviors tho. she straight up told kim that she always wanted to look like her


I’m here because of you all. Having never seen the show I’m surprised how not unattractive she was! Seeing all these befores next to afters… it’s not some ugly swan blossoming or whatever. She was attractive! Too add, this lip thing is so dumb. A bunch of old gross men making money off of women all better looking then them. I did two rounds of filler couple yeads ago so ya I’ve been a dumb ***** too. 🤦‍♀️


https://preview.redd.it/us5iwzl7w0jc1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=06de2d7a2d92852c632c601f38ae43ff6f5ecf4b I photoshopped Kylie to look more like what I thought she would without surgery (I’m not a photoshop expert but I dabble). Pls don’t come for me. I got a weird idea to do it so I did.


She was never gna be pretty, let’s be real. She did the best w what she had 🤷‍♀️


Idk, when I was younger (I’m the same age as Kendal) and I would watch KUWTK, I always thought Kylie (original face) was leaps and bounds prettier than Kendull


I think most ppl would disagreed w that. I personally think she looks better now than she did as a teen.


I don’t think Kylie is any less vapid than Kim


I possibly agree. But let’s be honest.. Teenage Kim was gorgeous. Teenage Kylie just did not have any great features. I actually believe theories that Kylie possibly has Fetal Alcohol Syndrome. I agree though that Kylie should Never had done so much surgery so earlier. She really may have grown up to be pretty.


She was not prettier than Kim. Look at Kim’s pre plastic surgery pictures and compare them to Kylies pre surgery photos.. Kims feautures were defo more prettier.. Kylies eyes were buggy I think Kimmy was the most pretty of them all (pre surgery) and I actually don’t agree with this narrative. Kylie could’ve go undercover like Rob or just don’t do public appearances but the plastic, money and fame was too to good. I’m not saying Kim is completely innocent. Kylie definitely looked most up to her out of all her siblings. She morphed herself into her and dated the same type of men but I don’t think Kim is to be blamed for her downfall. I think it was more Kris that wanted Kylie to be more successful than Kim. That’s why she was so obsessed with Kylie getting that billionaire status first. She must have known that Kim’s net worth was also going up but still wanted her fav daughter to get that title first to humble Kim but failed as it was on false claims and now Kylie is going bankrupt


I feel like it could be a mix of both. Kim is too much of a narcissist to stand anyone else doing better than her and stealing the overshine status she easily maintained over her 2 sisters, and prob didn’t like where things were going by the time king kylie was a thing. I do however think pmk tried her best to milk her as well, just like she did w kendul by pushing her in the modelling industry. Idk it’s also by luck that ppl started talking abt kylie’s lips that much and Kylie cosmetics was one of the first “serious” and “legitimate” kardashian businesses, if we ignore their sketchy collabs during the early 2000s. That’s when she became pmk’s new fave for sure. Kim must have still been the fav up to that point cause of her relationship w kanye


>I think it was more Kris that wanted Kylie to be more successful than Kim. I see it this way too. Kylie was a minor and Kris is the parent that approved her getting surgery. You need permission from a parent to do all the stuff she did to her face and body as a teen. Also, Kris let Kylie get groomed by adult and single father Tyga. Kris was banking on Kylie to be the successor to Kim. If Kris can produce Kim's sex tape, I wouldn't put it past her to also exploit Kylie by making her get surgeries and to be openly groomed by adult men.


I see you’re downvoted, but I agree with you that Kylie’s surgery encouragement came from Kris and not Kim. Why would Kim be so invested with her family’s continued domination (over concerns about herself) instead of Kris being the one to make sure there’s a successor to the crown?




Can someone explain to me what she did between FACE 2 and FACE 3 in Slide 2?? She looked so great during that time, surgeries // fillers sure, but great! So what happened between the two faces that made it all go botched wrong???


I’ve ALWAYS THOUGHT THIS!!! Well said, one hundred percent agree


I would agree except Kim is botched in the same way as Kylie so that part starts to trip me up


Are we not allowed to say sex?


Great post!!


Oh man, you just articulated what I've been thinking too!!!!! Kim and Kylie are weirdly close, but I don't feel like they were always that way. I feel like Kylie is trying to be a lot like Kim, and I'm sure that Kim just makes it worse.


I have always thought this


Naw. They are celebrities in public eye...this would have happened regardless.


Her eyes also go from hazel to deep brown. Older Kylie, Slide 5/7 vs older Kylie, Slide 7/7 bottom right.


I agree


Don’t know if the before or after is worse. They’re about equally jarring to the eyes. Why does a young gal have marionette lines like a woman 30 years older would have??? She’s still in her 20s and looks like a ratchet washed-up Real Housewives of Plastic Surgery Bloopers cast.


That was the longest sentence I ever read and I still have no idea what you said.


Omg I never thought of it this way. If this is true I feel bad for Kylie, but at the same time she’s so loaded that she could literally never post a photo of herself again and never worry about money.


I literally just saw this pop up on Facebook https://preview.redd.it/b2g4s74d1zic1.jpeg?width=2880&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9fe15d5e8de4ea3b414763ed38067d357bd255b6 Supposed to be what she would look like if she had never had facial enhancements.


I think that looks more like what she'd look like if she tried to *un-do* the surgeries (by more surgeries lol, and stopping fillers etc.). Her old eyes looked nothing like that.


Dam kylie had a Hella masculine jawline/face. Ugggghhĥ


nothing upsets me more than the downfall of kylie. she was SO beautiful prior to all of the procedures.


Clearly none of you have ever gone through puberty before /s


She never had a chance💔


I appreciate everything you wrote but the flip flopping of the before and after comparisons makes me brain twitch 


I think Kendall too.


Idk if any of yall play sims but this is cas.fulleditmode insanity


It’s sad because Khloe never stood a chance compared to her sisters. Even as a child. It’s so sad.


She really had a sultry sexiness look to her features she’d of only grown more into…. Unlike Kim’s cookie cookie pretty girl look.


I think the 2014-2015 Kylie look is where she should've stopped.