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**FRIENDLY REMINDER:** We won’t tolerate any offensive thoughts, opinions, or comments directed at or about anyone under the age of 18. Save your critiques and judgments for KIM and when it comes to the littles, keep your comments respectful. Keep the drama focused on KIM, and the other adults, where it belongs! "Report" users who can't comprehend or follow the rules




That’s how monsters are made. We’ve all met adults who clearly never heard no and got everything they wanted. I feel bad for the kids and for their future partners and friends…


This is how my mom created a monster with my little brother. She'd give in after he wore her down complaining and whining. She'd say "Fine, fine, you can go to the movies, or see your friends just stop yelling I have a headache." or whatever the situation was at that time. He's so bad that he thinks he can control everything that goes on in the house. He's 20 now and he lacks empathy so much. When my mom adopted a homeless doggy she found, he would've been about 13, there was no chip and no one claimed him... he said he wanted a 'new' dog and not a homeless one. And that someone probably didn't want him and that's why he's homeless. I couldn't believe it! I'm 15 years older than him and I was so heartbroken when he said that. I tried to talk to him and explain, something a 13 year old should know- that all animals need love and that he could've been lost, had bad owners, anything! He wouldn't listen and just said he wants the dog that he wants and he wanted a puppy. 🤦‍♀️ She really allowed him to rule the house and he's my brother and I love him but he's going to make an awful partner, spouse, etc if he doesn't change BIG TIME. But I think he's like my mom in that, it's all about him and he literally can't think outside of that box. Sigh, sorry for ranting. It's just so easy to fuck up kids and I wish humans couldn't have kids unless they pass some kind of psychiatric check and actually want them and then the doctor will flip some switch and then they can procreate. 🤣🤣🤣 ![gif](giphy|MlNSich1jeAzm)


Why do you think you escaped that particular treatment from her?


That's a good question! My grandma raised me until I was 16 and I lived with my mom still but we've never been close. I was a very easy child in that I liked to stay home and play with my computer games (late 90s lol) and didn't really have a lot of friends. I had problems getting along with my mom but she focused more on my looks/weight and being an extension of her since I was a girl, and with my brother he was closer with my stepdad so she would buy him things to makes him happy. My stepdad tried to parent better than her but my brother knew that she'd fold if he complained enough and made a big deal about being told no. My grandma helped my mom care for my brother until he was about 3 but then my mom and her had a falling out and she moved out. I think because my mom was so difficult there's a small change that my grandma would've stayed living with us, even if her and my mom didn't have the falling out. My grandma is the person who I think instilled the importance of knowing that you're not better than anyone else and vise versa. Giving to others, being compassionate and understanding, patient, etc. She didn't have a chance to really teach and show my brother these things. He's not a POS but he's very self centered, thinks things comes easy, sees what others have and thinks he should have it too just because, etc. By the time I graduated HS, I moved out almost right after because my mom's behavior was so erratic and she would use me as a punching bag (verbally). My brother was about 4 or 5 at the time and I lived in a different city. It's interesting to see when there is a big age gap between siblings how differently they can grow up from each other. I think about how my brother would be if we were closer in age and grew up together sometimes and it makes me sad. I have hope for him of course but I think once he gets a real job and sees people won't bend over backwards for him he'll become more humble and understanding towards others. Lol, sorry for writing so much. It's hard to put into words since it's so many factors over the years! 🙂


Mine is exactly the same (19), except he never learned that we don’t hit or hurt other people to get our way if “normal” methods don’t work. He still sleeps in my moms bed (!) because he doesn’t want to sleep alone and she gives up every time she tries to get him out.


Sleeps in mom's bed at 19 years old? That's some Norman Bates vibes


Strangely enough I feel like often enough they end up similar to the people who only heard no, often very unbalanced individuals


She's gonna have the most entitled kids ever and eventually adults.


She’s not going to find any sympathy, especially not from single moms. Your kids are horrible? You made them like that! You’re exhausted and can’t handle it?! You have like 80 assistants and nannies! Any single mom would love to be able to have 1/10 of the help you have every single day. You’re not fooling anyone Kim, we know you’re not a good mom. Take those tears somewhere else. I’ll give my support to all the moms out there busting their ass to actually care for and love their children.


I’m not a single mom, but I’m just sitting here thinking about everything I’d get to do with my kids if I just had someone else maintain my house, cook my food *and* I didn’t have to work.


Right?! I would love to be a trophy wife! 😂 get me a chef and a maid, I’ll happily take care of my kid and I’d actually have (and maybe the will) to work out.


I have no sympathy for her 🤷🏻‍♀️ as she can simply quit "working" and spend more time with her children. She also benefits greatly from having personal chefs, nannies, drivers, etc. To be honest, I don't think she enjoys being a mother or spending time with her children. I believe that Kim is secretly envious of Kourtney and Khloe's close bond with their children, which is why she always criticizes them when they want to spend the majority of their time with their kids. Kim utilizes her children as accessories for clout & engagement.


When your kids are born with jobs it’s hard to create emotional bonds with them.


Yeah. Kimberly has no maternal instincts whatsoever. 😭 She rushed into tying herself to Kanye, thrilled at all the clout it would give her. I don’t think she considered the fact that she didn’t actually want kids. She feels distant and detached vs. Kourtney, who you could tell desperately wanted Rocky & Khloe, who seems to spend the most time with all the kids and rely the least on nannies (even if she still has some.)


exactly. kim would have made a great aunt that is around during the holidays and nothing more lol. she doesn't have any maternal instinct and doesn't seem to actually like children for the most part


Oof that is painfully true




So shes like her mom. The kids run the show and the mom monetizes that show. Well, mom and grama! Imagine being those kids.


I think Kris, Robert and Caitlyn were a little bit more strict and involved in their lives. Especially Robert. Kim travels way too much. You can tell her priority is still fame and their brand judging by that big fight she had with Kourtney. That’s why she hates Kourtney because she reminded Kim that unlike her, she is 100% focused on her kids and she doesn’t put the show first. Kourtney showed the world that Kim only cares about fame and is not a hands on mother.


Totally. I mean Kris and Caitlyn were at home when the kids were being raised. Yes, they were on tv, but they still had a home and family unit. Kim is always traveling and her kids have a level of fame she didn’t reach until her mid 20s. She’s gladly thrust that onto them and is now paying the consequences.


Plus Kanye is an unhinged father that also has his kids around everything sexual and over inflated. Well not kids, he seems to only see north more than the others. I don’t think I’ve ever seen him w Chicago or psalm. Bianca had Chicago not him. I’m actually really surprised Kim isn’t pushing Chicago up front, I bet she’s jealous of her the most


I mean you could absolutely argue the same of Kim. Her entire brand is based off of sex and she doesn’t do anything to shield her kids from that. She had Pete Davison texting Kanye about how they’re in bed together. Like come on. They’re both gross. The kids spend an equal amount of time with their dad that they do Kim. And just because Bianca held Chicago once doesn’t mean anything lol


Yes that’s why I said plus


oh i'm sure that chi's turn to being the golden one is coming. she's too pretty and easily marketable to not be the second they can get some media training into her


Well, Kris was less present with Kendall Kylie, Khloe was basically the primary caretaker 🫠 Despite that, it seems she truly was around them and attached to them more than Kim is with her kids


even if khloe was the primary caretaker, kylie is so dependent on kris it's kinda crazy. kendall, to a much lesser extent, is too. i think kris did actually want children even if she ended up pimping them out for 10% and that shows in her relationships with them to this day


I mean, when they were married, that was the thing- Kris was always out and about travelling and hoeing with her friends. Robert was with the kids. Kourtney being the eldest daughter and knowing this explains so much about her resentment towards Kris


Weirdly, I think Kris actually is able to emotionally connect with her children, or at least did when they were young, and that's why they still cling to her. Kim has no idea how to do that -- there is a degree of selflessness and humbleness you have to have to be able to bond with young children. Kim is so narcissistic and robotic.


same. kris is clearly a bad mother but they all cling to her so hard, they all get into petty fights to be her favorite, they basically do everything they can to win her approval and bond with her lol. on some level she did manage to actually connect with her kids, meanwhile kim barely even sees the children not named north


Kim has said on the show that North comes home from Kanyes and talks about how Kanye and Bianca (? His wife), cook with her and show her things like Japanese cooking. And Kim is so upset and Kourt then downplays it like kids just tell you things to hurt you... Kids are not that emotionally intelligent to aim to hurt a parent. They are simply voicing what they enjoy and like.


She doesn’t do anything! She has enough money to where she could stop trying to make herself look busy and actually spend time with her kids but she doesn’t want to become irrelevant. So I don’t feel bad for her.


THIS 🎯☝🏻


Yes she has all the resources to spend quality time with them and create a strong emotional bond sooo why isn’t she doing it? I’m sad for the kids tbh


Hear me out. My parents hated eachother after their divorce and really took it out on us. I think Kim resents them because they tie her to Kanye forever.


My mom loved to tell me in arguements/fights "get out of my face, I don't want to look at you. You're just like your dad!" (They were already divorced) I look like him and she loved to insult me by saying I'm my dad's daughter. Such a biotch! I think you're at the very least, partially right, if not very right about this!


Do you have a relationship with your mom?


I have a very surface level relationship with her. She won't ever accept that the way she has acted makes her kids uncomfortable. She screams and yells at everything. It makes kids jumpy, scared, makes them feel unsafe. I have anxiety everyday partly from that. It doesn't go away and if I have to be around her, I honestly have to sort of, prep myself and my mind lol. She won't ever take responsibility for it and years ago when I started going to therapy because of her... I learned that I had to find inner peace because people like her won't ever give you that bit of closure you need when someone says sorry. It's not even about getting an apology from her but I just wanted her to understand that I was really hurt by her behavior and how she was critical of me in every single thing. So for many years now, I use the grey rocking method and try not to be emotionally expressive around her because I swear she feeds her inner chaotic self from other people's emotions. If I don't give her a reaction she's less likely to keep pushing until I get upset and do react. It sucks not being able to open up to her but it's to protect myself and I've just accepted it.


I feel like you could be a long lost sibling of mine. Lol bc ditto! My mom is a textbook narcissist. Its so hard to manage a relationship with people like that.


She not emotionally built to be a Mom. She loves herself more than anyone or anything. She just doesn't have the mothering skills. It doesn't come naturally to her. Her children are going to have a difficult time whenever they get out into the real world.


If we lived in a world where having kids was not default then she wouldn’t have kids. Few folks are *actively* deciding to have children or families. Most people do it because they think that’s what they’re supposed to do. Even contrasting with Khloe, Khloe actively wanted/tried to have kids even though True was an accident. Like, yes, a woman who actively wanted children for so long is going to want to drive them to school, be there everyday/ for the little things. the truth is that Kim got with Kanye because her reputation of being a studio hoe was taking off, she needed to get cuffed for looks, then got accidentally pregnant.


I absolutely agree. She seems like she would a love a child-free life. Same goes for Kanye too -- just wanted to continue the bloodline.


Wasn’t North a surprise pregnancy?


Maybe a surprise to Kanye lol


Exactly. Kim absolutely wanted to "trap" Kanye with a baby, so regardless of what happened with their relationship, she would've gotten a check anyway. I don't think Kim truly ever wanted to raise children, even with Kris Humphries. She just liked the idea of having cute little accessories


Imagine not being into kids and having FOUR.


yeah he basically said he was trapped and wanted to abort North on the song blood on the leaves. then he said that again at his presidential rally a few years ago


They act like pregnancies are a big surprise like they’re not having unprotected sex all the time and the man is still coming inside of them. What do you expect?? I don’t think Kanye is the pull out type and especially not the condom type, and REALLY not the vasectomy type. But oh, a pregnancy?! Shocker!






That Kanye very famously spoke on wanting to abort in a presidential campaign speech- and she refused.....and they split over that, I believe.


Then went on to have 3 more kids.


Wasn’t it the other way around? He cried on stage saying Kim wanted to abort North?




Elaborate I didn’t know that 💀


i can’t remember where it was cited but around his tearful “campaign trail” speech onstage there was also talk about him wanting to name north hitler.


And she still married him, smdfh. 💀


I think he wanted to name his album after hitler, not his kid.


I could totally be misremembering, but I want to say that they addressed this on Keeping up. I think they did the whole, Kim was on BC and she started some antibiotics or something. I do remember they said she got pregnant, with North, in Italy on a bday trip for Kim.


Doesn’t every “unplanned” pregnancy begin with “I was on birth control but taking antibiotics.”


North was no accident. Kim got pregnant on purpose to lock Kanye down.


I don’t think it was a lock-down. I think he was the best candidate in her mind. She needed kids because she was in a family reality show and needed to make a family to continue the showbusiness 


I think the reason she “works” so much and constantly traveling is so she doesn’t have to spend time with her kids.


Agree. Like the rich moms who joke about always putting their kids in camps and sports so they don't have to spend time with them. There's always a lil bit of truth in a joke.


Bingo !!!!


Someone could probably elaborate better than me but look at their dynamic growing up. Kim is repeating that with her own children. I’m sure she favors one child over the other, and North seems a lot like Kourtney, her mom is being a pushover and she is going to take advantage of that. Kim isn’t used to that because Kris favored her and she knew how to be sweet to her parents when Kim & Khloe were giving them pushback.


Who is Kim’s fave now? Can’t be saint lol! He said he hates her!


I think Chicago. She’s always going on and on that she looks the most like her. Or Maybe Psalm because the medium told her that he was her dad’s spirit and Kim loves to hold that over her siblings’ heads.


Yes from the moment she was born she always has said that Chicago is her “twin” and I could tell from her posts a stuff it gives “favourite child” aura. But obviously what do I know!? 😅


Once upon a time it was saint lol! Defo agree with you!


Poor Saint, he’s like Rob. The treasured boy they so badly wanted until they felt like the men in their life were worthless


he did?!?!


are we supposed to feel bad.....? she has all the resources and privilege in the world and still couldn't figure out how to parent and not sexualize her kids.


I bet Kim is on that regretful parents subreddit. This convo doesn't sound like a typical frustrated mom IMO. She talks about her own kids like they're out to get her. You can tell that she's someone who can't believe her life and wants out of having to deal with her kids altogether.


Narc moms have no natural maternal instincts.


Even worse, they never try to develop them! At all! Their children, which they have because they believe it will bring them attention and adoration, end up getting all of the attention and adoration themselves and then the narcs hate them for it. It’s clinically insane.


I could never understand not wanting to see your kids do better than you. If my son ends up more successful than me, I'll feel as though I've done a good job getting him ready for adulthood.


>’I could never understand not wanting to see your kids do better than you’ i wish someone told my parents this, because they really failed that part. when i was 16 they told me they were no longer financially responsible for me. these people expected me to go to college but wouldn’t sign a single form/application for anything—i had to forge their signatures on damn near everything. anything to better myself was met with a ‘no’ or was sabotaged by them. shit really exists and it’s really sad. if you can’t handle the possibility that your kid might be better than you; seek therapy or don’t have kids. edited for clarity


No fr I remember I was at this appointment and my therapist or w/e was trying to reassure me that I was BEAUTIFUL. Apparently I smiled and omg the way my nmom literally got INFURIATED and cussed me out for smiling abt the compliment. It’s giving that Kim and it’s gross. Imagine feeling threatened by your own literal child and treating them as competition






Well not every woman has maternal instincts tbh and I don't think women should be shamed for it. 


Then here’s a thought then don’t have kids. The world is over populated as it is.


Yeah I definitely won't have them, I dislike kids anyway🤷


To be fair, oftentimes women think they’ll have maternal ‘instincts’ and want to have them but don’t realize they don’t until after having a child. Of course, at that point, they should not have any more children.


The way she would always give her pets away after a few months should have told her everything she needed to know.


This 🎯


Omg why did the karjenners have sooo many pets come and go? There were entire episodes about bernard the boxer, sushi, kendalls dog six was around. khloe and kylie seem to keep their pets.


It's awful! If you search 'pets' or 'animals' on this sub you'll see a few posts of people who've done great work and dug up info with pictures and dates of their previous pets and they're almost all GONE! Smh... 😔


I think the only one of them that is really hands on is Khloe. Yes, Khloe complained about not having a live in nanny but she does seem to put her kids first. Kim's kids don't respect her and see her for 15 minutes a day so why would they behave around her? When your kids are raised by nannies - it will be hard to discipline because they don't take you seriously because you're not around.


Especially considering that Khloe could get a live in nanny if she wanted to, *easily*. She’s actively choosing to parent. Albeit it’s somewhat based in anxiety that she needs to work on, but why not be home with your kids everyday when you have a brand like Good America that is making you loads of cash?


Why the fuck did she have kids?? I don't like kids so I don't have them. She doesn't like kids, so what does she do? Goes ahead and has FOUR, lol. She should just give them away to a nice family who will actually love them and bring them up properly.. barely even joking at this point.. Lol.


She had them because she sees them as money makers. She eventually wants to become their manager when she is old like Kris, but didn’t realize that it means she actually has to spend time with kids lol 😆.


Probably divide them up between Kourtney and Khloe…


So she hates her kids for acting like.. normal kids? She doesn’t teach them boundaries and she reinforces bad habits. What tf does she think is going to happen? She definitely wishes she didn’t have to deal with these kids. She does have several Nanny’s tho and she’s gone 90% of the time. It probably bothers her that when she is around they want to spend time with her lol. Poor kiddos.




That’s exactly what I was thinking when I wrote this, it’s like a poorly trained dog that the owner is mad at bc they don’t take the time to show it the right way to act lol. And she’s got a terrible history with pets so I don’t doubt it.


Or in Kim’s very real case, buy 4 of the same dog and stick them all in a boring white garage. Hire people to take care of them and show up occasionally to take photos in an effort to memorialize her possessions. She treats pets and children very similarly.


☝️☝️☝️☝️ ![gif](giphy|yRggJj8QVtJM4)


She treats pets and children and accessories very similarly. Ftfy


I have a hard time understanding where the kids are in almost every scene. I think it would be better if they gave a more in depth explanation that when they schedule to film a scene they make sure the kids are taken care of because they don't want their kids on tv all the time and/or it makes it better tv when they can film without yelling/playing/interrupting or can discuss adult materials and end the scene more concisely. Without detailing that at all, I am constantly wondering what it would look like if we all hung out with FAMILY members and friends this much and none of our kids are ever around. There has to be a small army of nannies around. I have a few friends who have a handful of nannies that they use so that usually at least one is available for scheduled or last minute needs. Those friends are exuberantly wealthy - not the normal day stuff. This whole concept and way of life is so far out of touch it makes it hard to judge Kim if she just isn't living a typical life IMO


One thing I've noticed with this family is they basically have no discipline or conviction about anything. They are fake Christians. They fake their workouts. They hire help for every little thing in their house but also don'tgive the hired help any credit, yet Kim thinks of herself as a disciplined hard worker. You can't raise kids without some idea of discipline, planning, bedtimes, limiting access to electronics and toys when necessary. I don't see Kim putting her foot down about anything other than, don't ruin her clothes


It seems she wanted the large family right away, too


You put this so well. It's like they have an aversion to putting in any kind of effort towards anything. They're like real-life Barbie dolls. Kim loves to get pampered and take pictures with the kids for attention and validation but refuses to lift a finger to parent them. I am amazed she is okay admitting this so casually. The average person would at least be somewhat ashamed.


She doesn't even have enough sense to be embarrassed. She is so far removed from reality. It's scary she and Ye have kids together


Absolutely! Parent guilt is def a real thing and I think she may feel this later on, especially. You're right that they love their pampering and pics! You can tell (a lot of the times IMO) in the pics that they seem so staged (her carrying Psalm at 5,etc) or performative.--I know we don't see but a glimpse, but seems like someone said, "Here, carry Psalm inside, or "Hold onto Chi"... then nevermind after the pic,/walk... Kids look kinda unhappy too.


Chronically superficial


I sometimes wonder if the size of their brain diminished because they always have someone to do everything for them. I’m sure it affected the size of their brain.


You know... that's a good point. I think about how much I've grown from when I was younger. Having to figure things out helps mature you. Many wealthy people seem mentally stunted to me tbh


Yep, no need to use critical thinking when you can pay someone to do everything for you. Problem solving, mental stimulation/challenging your brain and decision making are important for cognitive health and memory. Maybe there’s more to it but it just seems like their brainpower just go towards stuff like planning their next vacation, how to style themselves today and choosing the best pics to post on social media.


So this was filmed before she let her daughter embarrass the family onstage, right?


So is this going to be the narrative that they are going to spin, that Kim isn't FORCING North into the spotlight, but that North is demanding it and Kim can't stop her? I knew that she was a terrible mother allowing her kids to be in the public scrutiny like she does (though I still think she PUSHES them into it)....but to also try to pin the blame on them while not protecting them...? Remind me why this trash family has any fans?


Way before. This was filmed October 2023.


She’s has no clue the lifelong issues she is creating for herself and her children by not raising them and not focusing on them 100% (she can’t argue that she does either). Shes never home and Nannie’s raise them. Their father is severely mentally ill. One or all will end up on drugs and god knows what. Also-never mind that they may Inherit their father’s genes with regard to mental illness. I guess corsetting your waist for the met gala is more important.


You are so right. These people think they can come and go day to day. Children need parents present with consistency. Not just when they feel like it


Her own sister, kourtney, was so affected for years that kris was not around


That’s exactly what I was thinking. I didn’t truly understand how horrible of a mother she was until I watched this. Children need so much, motherhood (and fatherhood) is not easy. I was raised by a mother with NPD and I don’t have a relationship with her. I cut her off. Those kids will go down the same path. As a parent you don’t get to raise you’re kids any kind of way and they be ok, they’re going to get to the point where they get to judge how you did and it’s up to them to decide if they want to continue having a relationship. But so many parents can’t grasp that.


Oh dear 🙄 she made this worse for herself by never setting boundaries, giving them whatever they wanted so she didn't have to be around them ! If they are throwing tantrums when she says no at this age .. I dread to think what they will be like at teenagers. She could do better from today and do a routine and be present but she doesn't want to do that.


She literally has every resource in the world available at her fingertips. She can hire therapists, Nannies, cooks. She has endless amount of time to devote to helping her children become good people. I just find it hard to feel bad for her.


But the thing is - even if she outsources the discipline, those kids won’t ever respect her or behave for her. She has to earn that and she’s done nothing to earn it, so they won’t ever change towards her.


Well yes she still has to put work in. As parents do. But my point is she has every resource available at her fingertips. Most of us are parenting without many or any supports at all.


North is out of control - it’s not her fault, but they are setting her up for a life of hell. There are no boundaries in these kids lives & I’m sorry but their attitudes are just a disgrace - this isn’t me being mean, this is me seeing what they allow to be out on screen - what is it like without the cameras ? 


Yeah, even Kourtney who is arguably wayyyy more hands on than Kim, has issues with her daughter scratching the nanny and her son moved to live with Scott because of the cameras and probably all the damn disgusting PDA with Travis. It's not a good environment for kids to grow up in. We see how Kylie turned out with the cameras on her since 10 years old! Just sad for these kids, all of them.


Oh that's why we don't see Mason on the show now. He's old enough to assert he doesn't want to be on the show.


I agree, she was a teenager mentally way too early on and it's like she runs the house. You think she ever listens to her mom, and she's what, 10? And I also agree its not her fault/shes a child etc.


"no support" lolololololol


They probably regard her as a much-older, pain-in-the-ass sibling. Why *would* they listen to/respect her?


hilarious when i just saw on twitter she said she doesn’t need therapy because she has her friends. maybe seek help from someone who is qualified


Ah yes, a gaggle of “yes, men” is really going to help guide you in the right direction… 🙃


I have nothing nice to write !


well well well, if it isn't the consequences of your own (in)actions...


Jeepers Kim - if you think things are bad now, just wait till they are teenagers! kids need boundaries and parents need to enforce these boundaries AND amend them as appropriate. It’s a lot more work than just giving them whatever they want whenever they want it (although we’ve all done that on occasion!) its hard work. Nobody will tell you otherwise. You can buy all the nannies and cooks and cleaners and gardeners and drivers and coaches - but at the end of the day, you are the one responsible for bringing them up and their behaviour will reflect on you. if you want your kids to grow up to be decent, hardworking, compassionate people - that takes time and hard work and love and commitment.


She doesn't care if they're going to be good people.


that’s exactly what happens when you don’t discipline but instead constantly reward


Kim has numerous maids and nannies..


and she had the nerve to talk about kourtneys kids lmao


Most of her kids are way too old for her to try to let them tantrum it out. If she was a normal person with this problem, it would be family counseling time. God knows they should be in it anyways.


I was a boarding school kid and those kids need boarding school - I am not sorry to say this - they need to be packed up and sent to Europe for a few years - no paps just school. Learn a different language - develop some sensibilities beyond the Karjenners - Kim seems in no way competent to manage North let alone 4 children


I was a boarding school kid, Millfield in Somerset, and Benenden in Tunbridge Wells and I can’t say it was the wholesome experience most ppl think it is. I was wild, and being packed away by my parents for others to deal with created a whole host of problems. I think Kim and Kanye need to take parenting classes and bring their kids up themselves. If they send them away these kids could potentially become teenage monsters 🤷🏽‍♀️


I can see your point completely - I went to schools in Europe Asia and UK - I must admit - we didn’t have as much “wildness” as I know can exist now - but I am 45…


She only talks about how the chaos affects her, how hard it is for her. And she keeps taking on more projects. They're never going to be little again and she's missing it.


Kim acts like she has some life of high achievement and service, like she’s the queen of England. Mostly she just takes photos in various stages of nudity


Kim wants to be the victim. Act like a parent ffs.


I do the bare minimum, don’t spend time with them, and make a photo op out of everything (including their sports practice) … …and my kids aren’t well adjusted and behaved. 🤔 Hmmm.


She’s a narcissist, do not feel bad for her.


They loathe her. They prefer their dad, bless their hearts, they aren’t aware how twisted he is yet. She’s a crazed narc who expects public sympathy throwing her own children under the bus. Nobody needs to know she can’t or won’t discipline them so that she can keep whining about it on mondovision


I’m sure Kris advised her to have many children with KW to ensure $ coming in. Wasn’t that the scheme by Big Kathy (mother of Kathy Hilton)? Kim loved the attention she got from being pregnant with the baby of an admired rapper.When he was seriously mentally ill here comes another kid. It’s like there’s no other plan. Get media attention through some cockeyed shenanigans or pop out another kid.There are 13 grandkids in the last 15 years and none of the parents were in stable,healthy, long term relationships. Maybe Kourtney is now . I doubt it with that foot fetish guy.


Side note: Why do none of them wear proper seat belts after that near roll over? They seriously must think they are invincible.


I think she's exactly like Kris was when she was growing up because they are both narcissists. Their priorities are: looks, how they are perceived, money, fame/popularity, luxuries, etc. and the kids are just an extension of all of that. I'm sure they love their kids in their own twisted way, but the motherly instincts are lacking bigtime. I am SURE the kids sense this in some way. They get on Kim's nerves because they want and desperately need her attention.


You’re meant to get through this stage when your kids are 2 to 4. She never stuck out the crying and whining and that’s why they are like this. Yes it’s a nightmare listening to it , I’m going through it right now but then when they are 7 they know no means no.


karma it a bitch, especially if you are bitch to begin with




I can imagine they don’t respect her because she never respectively took care or them and did what mothers do!! Especially during the essential younger years. If your relationship is stunted or strained with your parents at a young age it is incredibly hard to get over navigate. She’s not a good mom and it’s really sad


Oh boohoo she found out even with all the money in the world she still needs to be an actual mother


So not only does she not set boundaries or limits for her kids, she also doesn't teach them to emotionally regulate or cope with disappointment. Just avoids engaging with them and gives them what they want so that she doesn't have to deal. I feel so sorry for those kids.


This is a parenting problem. I have a special needs child. My son is 6 and has autism and adhd and for the most part he’s a wonderful child but the behavior issues and getting help for them in my state (FL) has been a process and I’ve spent many days in tears over it. But I discipline. I get help. I instill good values. I spend time with my kids. It’s something I work with them on every day. Even on the hardest days I love my kids and want to help them be the best little people they can be. Her kids are getting to the ages where it’s going to be too late to undo the damage she’s doing, and she’s doing them a disservice. I feel bad for them because if they grow up to be monsters, it’s her own fault. Poor kids man. This isn’t just like oh help my kids don’t behave. This is them following in the family’s foot steps of being surrounded by yes men.


They can tell that their dad doesn’t respect her, so they don’t respect her. She doesn’t spend enough time with them, so they resent her. Stop having children if you’re not going to raise them and the nannies are going to do the heavy lifting. Kids act up when they don’t feel seen or loved. They probably want to spend more time with her than however she chooses to spoil them rotten to compensate for her absence.


Doesn't want to deal with the whining and the crying?? WHY DID YOU HAVE FOUR KIDS THEN KUMOTHY???? So she literally just gives her kids whatever they want and lets them do whatever they want literally raising little monsters because she can't handle whining and crying?? That's not very "Get up off your ass and work" of her 🤡


As someone who has experience working with kids who are badly behaved because their parents don’t parent them— I feel bad for whoever has to try and handle these kids. Kim has created her own mess and it’s only going to get worse the older they get if someone doesn’t start setting boundaries for them now.


Fuck off kim, you have a whole staff behind you helping with the kids. What a slap in the face to mums who actually single parent without the millions of dollars in their bank accounts.


It’s only going to get worse and I love that for her! Stop being a workaholic like it’s a good thing and raise them children properly!!


Kim wasn’t meant to have 4 kids ion know why she did. It’s clear she has more fun enjoying the single life with her friends without the responsibilities of kids and being the cool aunt.


She’s unbelievable…if she’s so stressed out from “working” aka flying to Paris for fashion shows, then stop doing that so much! It’s obvious that kids can be unruly and difficult but the lack of structure from their mom leaving them constantly to jet off somewhere fabulous is not helpful. ALL OF THIS in addition to her being a billionaire with a full staff. Zero sympathy


Funny she used to make fun of Kourtney for her kids being “ Wild” Karma ….


Sounds like someone needs to just get off their ass and WORK on her kids


It's hard to have full perspective here. Could it be possible that the kids miss their mom so much and even when she is at home, she is spread so thin and is unavailable to them, causing them to act out this way for attention? I saw this with my step kids - whoever was the loudest got the most attention and they competed for attention amongst the 4 of them and still do to this day and 3 are in college. It's a sign of them needing more from their mom


Her work needs to be addressing the behavior of her kids before it is too late.


So basically she’s just admitting she has no interest in actually parenting her kids.


Is there a filter? I have never noticed filters until I joined this thread… I think I can definitely see a filter now


*pretends to be shocked* maybe if they had someone other than a nanny to care for them, and ANY kind of routine or structure, they could thrive. I don’t feel bad for Kim at all. That’s the price you pay for putting fame and money over your kids. It is absolutely unnecessary for her to be gone jetting off around the world just to keep up appearances. This is the most crucial stage of development for children (with her kids being at the age they are). All they’re gonna remember is their parents being absent.


Didn't she once brag about how strict she was with her kids?


Oh grow up you stupid cunt.


-“I just have a hard time saying no is no.” -“I think I also just don’t want to deal with the whining and the tears of not getting their way.” -“They know when to con me.. and when to.. throw.. the little.. you know.. start with the tears.. so I’m like stop. stop! sure just take an iPad just stop.” Thants the problem 😂😂😂 saying no and then giving into fits, makes them realize if they have a fit they’ll get what they were harassing you for. Common sense Kim. Then you get mad at them for being kids and using their growing brains to do what you taught them. L.O.L.


Oh Kim this is not the relatable flex u think you are creating here! I’m sure u lock yourself in the bathroom but the kids aren’t banging and screaming they are with the nanny and she’s dealing with it. U aren’t the normal single mom with 4 kids who has literally zero nannies, chefs, house managers, housekeepers, millions of extra money and all the other extras she has. I bet she doesn’t even wipe her own botched ass , just uses her bidet.


If this is true and not another stupid crap to make us think she is "relatable" it is her fault xD she is the one making them human beings i am a teacher and all kids are a reflection of their parents and house 


I want to shout the biggest GIRL BYE in the history of GIRL BYES


A real leopards eating faces moment.


They’re acting out because they want her attention, not an iPad some material thing.


Lol at "no support"


Girl every parent in the world deals with that except without the millions of dollars 🤣🤣🤣


Yup, don’t feel bad for her! She is privileged compared to other working moms so she can cry alone in a island and I could care less if I ever hear from her again


I'm sure that's why she "works" and travels so much.... to avoid parenting!!


Girl you paid for nannies, tutors, au pairs, private education, private sport clubs and none of your employees could whip those kids into shape. That's on you.


Cry me a river.


Lmao at her saying she has no support. Girl, you have your family. As well as numerous assistants and nannies. She is so entitled and spoiled.


Wait ? She now wants pity we should feel sorry for this billionaire ? Because her kids get everything they want and more ?there are homeless families not to far from your 60 million dollar house ! Stop taking pics that have to be shopped and filtered and spend time with your children. -sit down and raise your kids. Shame!!!


How are they "out of control"? They're literally children. They aren't meant to be prissy and shit. They can be loud, disrespectful, and testing your boundaries. It's up to you as a parent to establish rules and enforce them, while also giving them tender love and care. It's called being a parent.


Doesn’t she have a team that takes care of them because she can’t/refuses to?


Because her and Kanye don’t even fucking care


Yeah it doesn’t sound to me like they’re wild animals, it sounds like she just wants more time to do her own thing rather than spend it with her kids. She said she envies Khloe because she has “boundaries” with her kids. Parents of babies and toddlers don’t get boundaries, they want their parents and attention. She’s a wealthy woman, she can take time to raise her kids.


Kim cares too much about what she wants in her life and not about the kids. I feel the only time that she really spends any time with them is when they’re doing some project that earns them money. This is the reason why she fights with Kourtney because Kourtney ‘s focus is on her kids and not the business as much. For Kim everything is about making money and posing in as little clothes as possible because she’s a narcissist. She wants all the attention on her.


This is what happens when you outsource parenting. Hope all those expresso martini’s were worth it doll. You can tell Khloe is harping on about being an active mum and being present for bed time every single night just to rub salt in the wound to Kim, who probably hasn’t done bed time more than once a month in the past ten years


lmagine that parenting is hard work what did you expect


I was on the old sub when, just before her divorce with Kanye, there were so many rumors about them getting a divorce because he wasn't even living with his family "Wyoming ranch, Miami house). She rushed having her last three kids with Kanye. Almost as if she knew for years she wanted a divorce but only one father for her kids


The only reason she put this on the show is to look like a relatable mom who always has to hide from her kids in the bathroom because she’s always around them without a break. Yea sure 🙄.. She’s always “working” and it’s not like she doesn't have a million nannies to keep them away from her presence as she concentrates on editing her photos in the bathroom. Even if they did come to the door, they probably want to spend 5 minutes with their mom for the day.


It can honestly be a form of neglect to not emotionally connect with your children and properly bond. I'm sure she deprives them of having a present parent. The worst thing is that she seems to have no bandwidth for them being, well, children, and just reaches for the iPad or a purchase. I went to college with people who had been given everything by their parents except actual connection. They showed their own signs of neglect and suffered from a deep sense of worthlessness with no idea what life was for...


ALLLL the money in the whole world, more money than some countries GDP. And yet…..doesn’t think maybe let me have someone assemble a team of experts to choose from. Or heck, hire an expert PER child even. 1:1. She could probably grab the world’s leading expert of said child’s age even. But let me keep engaging in poor parenting behavior knowing it’s bad parenting and moan about it on my television show as I’m chauffeured past the poorsies passing away in the roads with my tinted windows because Gd forbid I get a glimpse of one of the untouchables and it ruins my afternoon…. Okurrrrr 👌🏻 ![gif](giphy|3ohBVvjbRXDW9gXM0U)


It’s almost like that’s how kids should naturally be so you can guide and discipline them Kim.