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She looks so different each time


They all do. Especially, Kylie.


This is why when people say she fits beauty standards now I’m always like uh I don’t know about all that, considering how botched and overdone she is. There was a point in her life where I thought she was pretty and should’ve stopped. Granted I think she’s a trash person regardless due to her behavior, but just talking about aesthetics that’s what I think.


I think a lot of these people with access to cosmetic surgery have features that, alone, would fit beauty standards. That’s the problem, though. They worry about eyes, lips, wrinkles, etc. and then it kinda looks like a Frankenface. Also they don’t seem to care as much about the in-between bits. (Like, yeah you have plump skin but jfc look at your nasolabial folds, you’re only 26!)


She dead ass looks 43! I wish she would stop with whatever she’s doing to her face.


I turn 43 Tuesday and this comment just broke me. 😆


Happy early birthday!!!! I hope it’s a wonderful day for you 🩷🫡


Thank you!! ♥️


On another note- I’m glad to see older people on Reddit too 😂 I always assumed everyone was like 20


We (people in our 40’s) started Reddit!


I’m in my forties so far from 20s


There are dozens of us!


I wanted to note I’m in my 30’s so I appreciate seeing “olDeR” people on here too!!!


I’m in my late 30s and when I read these comments I myself am uncomfortable… what’s wrong with looking 40s? I realize she’s not near that age, but it’s stated like some horror. 😩


nothing wrong with a 40 year old looking their age, but there is something wrong with a 20 something year old looking much older than they are due to cosmetic procedures


I think, as others have said, it’s because she looks about 20 plus years older than she is and it’s a shock. I don’t think it’s saying she looks old and that old equals bad. Just old *for her actual age* and it’s a shame because it was all done by her. If she’d stayed relatively natural with minimal work she’s look stunning probably. Or at least youthful.


It’s okay to look 40. It’s not okay to look 40 in your 20s. Fyi..the freaky 40s are the best!!


As someone who just hit that freaky 40 stride - YES THEY FUCKING ARE!!!! Cheers 🥂


She doesn't look 43 since I know people in their 40's that look younger. She honestly looks like a near 50 year old with surgery hanging on to dear life trying to stay youthful.


Eek, I’m 55 and I look younger than her 50 year old looking ass.


Same here


I'm 54!


lol no she doesn’t. The average 50 year old whose has no Botox does not look younger then her. These hyperbolic comments make us look like petty fliers. She’s aging poorly. She doesn’t look 50. 🙄🙄🙄


Yeah I’m 49. I keep out of the sun, look after my skin. She still doesn’t look my age. What she looks is overworked, overfilled, and overfixed. Her face is the shining example and perfect example of getting work done long before you need it. She doesn’t look old. She looks plastic and weirdly stretched.


Yes I’m inclined to agree. Kylie most definitely looks about 40 but yea the average 50 year old doesn’t look younger than Kylie lol.


I'm 38 and I would think she was around my age if I saw her with no introduction


Ya. Those calling her 50 are in la la land or in their teens though.


This exactly! I’m an old-ass 41 and she looks like she could be one of my peers. I’m also having a hard time with aging but I legit start therapy tomorrow so hopefully I can mitigate some of that 😩


I hope your therapy goes well! 🩷 Sending you lots of love


Ughhh thank you so much!!! Appreciate you!


I'd love to see one of those x-ray photos of her face that they do at the derm to show you how much invisible sun damage you've got. 


It's probably too late.


I’m close to that age, and I don’t even look as old as her. It’s so sad what she’s done to herself. I wonder if there will come a point where there is just nothing left to work with. I’m afraid if she doesn’t stop, she’ll be a nose-less blob face by the time she’s 35.




https://preview.redd.it/ow4e1dyu1g7d1.jpeg?width=580&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a5da4aaa0b1b793a17bf2239c0334508f18242a5 That spray tan lmao it's in every pic


She’s trying to look half Armenian, like her older sisters. She always has a deep, dark tan.


Are they even that dark ? Kim also puts an awful lot of tan and Kourtney isn’t dark at all. I always thought she cosplays a BW tbh


No Kim and Kourt aren’t naturally that dark, they have light olive skin naturally. They all look better with their natural skin tones but in LA these fake ass spray tans are the norm not the exception, so it doesn’t really look odd or out of place there (to them but it looks odd to those of us that don’t see it regularly) Same thing with the overfilled lips and faces etc, it’s so common and normalized in LA that it isn’t really out of place looking because so many people there are desensitized to it.


Wasn’t she paler in the original photos? She went as a white woman iirc. Lol. These look like they’ve been altered to make her look more orange?


I agree with you there, these images do seem ridiculously orange. But orange or not, that neck streak is awful (I've done the same streak to myself before wearing my seatbelt while driving home from a spray tan lol)




On one hand I love seeing celebs unedited with actual skin texture but on the other hand holy fucking shit. She’s only a year older than me.


I can’t believe that’s the same skin. I’ve always thought she had very smooth and flawless skin from lasers but nope…all a lie


Her mouth makes me irrationally angry. Why are they insisting on filling in the cupids bow like that? It looks like shit!! Kendall does it too but Kylie’s is even worse. Her mouth reminds me of a big sad clown mouth. Even when she’s smiling it looks like an ugly frown. It’s not attractive.


Someone on this sub said that it helps make the lips look less clownish from the side or from basically any angle that is not forward facing. The defined cupids bow make it *more* obvious how overfilled and unnatural her lips are. Apparently, idk, but that’s what I heard, and I think it makes sense






Flair checking in. Also, does anyone know who this fugly 50 year old is?


Cillian Murphy


Don't do Cillian like that. He looks decades younger than this person 😭


LMAOOO don’t get me wrong I love Cillian, but damn she does look like him sometimes 😅


He does, but to be fair....he IS almost 50. It's only through the miracle of plastic surgery and makeup that this 20-something year old manages to pull off looking close to his age. What a time to be alive!!


Shut your mouth.




All is forgiven. Let’s not insult that beautiful angel man.




Noooo Cillian is a babe!


He really is. SO sexy!


I have loved him since 28 days later and Red Eye! I’m so happy he’s getting his dues! Yes he’s sexy!!! (And so talented, unlike certain reality “stars”)


Oh I agree, so talentee! I didn’t discover him until Peaky Blinders, but I love him in everything now.


I didn’t know his attractiveness was up for debate. 🤣




Happy to see some Cillian love here! I loved him in those movies too, watched them both earlier this year. He’s a gem! 🩷


There’s a movie he did when he was younger called Sunshine. If you like sci fi you should check it out. It’s one of my favorite movies (says some random lady on Reddit like that’s any kind of endorsement lol)


Username checking in


Willy Nelson.


His voice is sooooo smoooth too. 😍


She honestly looks my age and I’m in my 40s.


Who's science experiment is this?


https://preview.redd.it/yohsy1ewgf7d1.jpeg?width=705&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=17fd4378654be8660c0f91880097f53ee87e9111 Is this webbing on her ear from facelifts?


Lorry hill just did a video on Kylie and concluded that yes she probably had a mini facelift. Essentially lorry concluded that Kylie is kinda trying to scale things back and reverse what she can. Also she did a video on Kim recently and Kim is trying to go back to her younger face, Kim even got another nose job to add the hump back to her nose bridge like her old nose. Imagine getting so much surgery just to go back to square one and try to get your old face back. It’s actually sad tbh. Hindsight is 20/20 🤷🏻‍♂️


It’s absolutely insane that a 26yo is getting facelifts. What a fucked up family


These people are like walking poster boards on why not to get plastic surgery! I have a hump on my big nose, I have small lips and according to my mother “beady eyes” yet, Kim single handedly convinced me not to get a nose job 💀


Yes lol. I wish people could understand that it’s normal to have flaws. Nobody’s face is perfect. I have thick lips and a small straight nose but my eyes are too far apart and my mouth is a little too big/wide and I’m perfectly ok with it. I did want a lip reduction as a teen because I got bullied a lot for having big lips and for having Asian eyes lol but I wouldn’t change them now. I used to be self conscious because I hyper focused on each *individual* feature instead of looking at my face as an entirety. Now I’ve learned to look at things as a whole and not individually. Yes my mouth is a little big and wide but it kind of balances with my wider set eyes. If I had a smaller mouth then my wider set eyes would be more noticeable. If I had closer set eyes then my wider mouth would look really off. Body dysmorphia causes people to focus more on individual features instead of the overall face, and if you change a feature that you’re hyper focused on, you will just find another feature to focus on next.


Is the nose thing actually real ?!


She has had a fox eye lift or threads, and a ponytail facelift. In addition to an eyelift. So she has had 3 procedures just for lifting, and yes that's why she has strange looking skin at her ears. She also has bulging by her eyebrow that isn't natural. She has also done stuff to her cheeks, lips, and jaw, but I'm not sure if it's filler or botox or what. Source: I used to work for a plastic surgeon.


Yeah man I saw that eye immediately when I opened pic 2. It’s GLARINGLY obvious! 


It could maybe be from a thread lift too? It kind of looks like there could be a thread there but I don’t know much about plastic surgery


Could it be from getting her ears pinned? Idk, I know nothing about cosmetic surgery.


Could be. I noticed stormi has her ears too, she actually looks alot like her in these photos


Nah they sew your ears from the back to pin them, most likely a face lift or threads






She has aged herself so much. She looks older than me, and I’m in my late 30s. All of these women have body dysmorphia. Shame on Kris for sparking this.


I don’t understand how you can be that rich and still look this bad


Money doesn’t equate to taste? 😣


That's why she looks terrible - filler is a rich people thing, it's a display of wealth to be filled and botoxed. Plus, if one surgeon says 'no more Kylie, it won't look good,' she can just pay another one to do it.




Wtf is going on with the shape of her inner eyes? Is it just me, or does anyone else see how the eye on the left side seems to be pulled more taut than the other one? Like in the first and second pic, I swear something is off there, whatever the inner corner is called is more shadowy than the other side. Her eyes creep me TF out, uncanny valley to the max.


I was just thinking too before reading your comment that something about her eyes is really really creepy. Idk how to explain it. It’s like she had two holes in her face and they just inserted fake eyeballs. Like a doll. Scary looking


Yes!!! I've seen literal plastic action figures and dolls that look more human-like than her. Something about the way her face moves is just disturbing, like they snipped away at her too much and now she can't emote correctly.


Her eyes are so dead


yeah i’ve noticed it, i suspect it’s from having a blepharoplasty of some kind that didn’t heal symmetrically. because to me it looks like her eyes had some skin cut away to look more upturned or something. in some videos of her talking and making expressions (however limited), her eyes will also flash too wide sometimes and it’s scary. she has a bit of a staring look now as well. in older videos of her, her eyes never used to do that


And they look swollen.


Surgery scars


Holy Crow. She looks waaaay older than her age.


The fake tanner is uneven. Why is she cosplaying a Latina? My other question is what’s the bump on the edge of her ear?


Yeah, she still looks all tore up 😬😬 Sorry, but her nose is ugly 🫣


She’s like a monet, looks ok from far away but up close she’s a mess




Age and overdoing plastic surgery don’t mix


And drug addiction 👀


The actual quality of her skin is terrible: dry, large pores, blotchy …


Right?! Yet she has a billion dollar skincare and makeup line. Make it make sense. 🤷🏻‍♀️




The liner makes me think of Pubert Addams.


Wtf plastic surgery is making her age so much and she’s only in her 20’s. I really don’t understand why young people get it!! Fillers and Botox before 30 will always be crazy to me




Her face looks like it hurts.


OK, I haven’t read the comments, but there’s gotta be someone else who thought about her fingers… Remember the whole deal with Kim and her fingers that are constantly bandaged and bruised and that statement she made about how she would would give up a finger to stay beautiful?… not trying to point it to some sort of secrets society or some weird shit but the fingers on Kylie’s hand…Are Hella messed up for a young adult. This is coming from someone who has broken fingers and not realized it until they started healing crooked… that is straight up with her finger joints look like. I also don’t mean to be rude to her about it. Maybe her hands are just naturally…..arthritic?


I’m thinking arthritis—probably from being on her phone too much.


Second pic giving o.0 googly eyes...


Her hairline looks like it’s PRECEDING! LOL




I feel so bad because had she not been born to the mother she had, she’d look like a normal woman right now. She wouldn’t have had a boob job as a teenager. She wouldn’t be yachting. Her life wouldn’t have been a constant strategic cash grab. She and Kandle both had a natural girl next door look which wasn’t bad at all, just not trendy I guess…


She’s like a sim made from J-Lo and Big Ang that someone set to randomize proportions


Her face looks like a rubber mask.


I have a hard to keeping up with who this person is, seems like an entirely new face every 6 months 🤡


Why do my 70 year old mother's hands look younger than her. Khloe has those craggy witchy looking hands to. That must come from Kris' side. I don't know why everyone thinks she got some kind of procedure that made her look refreshed at the met gala. That was face lift tape and lighting, people.😂


Fun fact: she is only 26


People often ask why they get so much backlash and it’s because they need to understand that everyone is imperfect and that should be cherished. They have chosen to uphold unattainable beauty standards. It’s not even real….


I was wondering where the stank face went! So glad it’s still with us 💩


Lol she does have stank face. Always looking like she just smelled a fart.


And it’s only gonna get worse! Look at Kim. Apparently when you do Botox too much (around the eyes and in the forehead) for too long, other muscles compensate. The bulldog lines are one example, and if you look at Kim smiling or laughing you can see how the sides of her nose wrinkle up


She must get shocked when she showers and her makeup/spray tan run down the drain or has she convinced herself she is a naturally warm toned deeper skin tone?


She's really pretty for a 45 year old!


I feel like she’s trying to reverse some of her past surgical procedures which just makes her end up looking weirder and weirder. I hate everything these women stand for so I’m just here like 🍿 It’ll be fun to see how she looks 10 years from now


Am I the only one who thinks she has a wierd shaped head


God damn she has more eye wrinkles than me (I'm 33). She needs to stop with all the injecting and shut. She's been doing it since what, 15 years old? It's aging her more. I haven't started getting botox til I turned 31. And I get it done like once or twice a year. She on the other hand is probably getting injected once every 2 weeks. On top of silicone fillers and God knows what.


She actually looks amazing for a 39 year old.


Is she 50?


Kim isn't the only Wonk Eye in the family.




I can’t imagine having all this money and then using it to completely decimate your face.


WTF she’s hard to look at! All those edited pictures tricked me, she looks so old and bad


Marla Hooch looking sister


Which ones are the good pics and which are the bad 🤷🏻‍♀️




Good lord why does she look so old??


I wonder how many nose surgeries she's had?


This is proof that money can’t get you the right injector. She needs to get that crap dissolved.


so ten years from now will she look like 60 years old?


Im nearly 40 and she looks older than me by a lot


Should’ve went with implants instead of fillers! She looks 39


How dare you, I am 39 & look way better than this! 😭


https://preview.redd.it/6e2pl25t2k7d1.jpeg?width=1800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aeb91491b4df8d2506d3c536eee20f9f86a43a99 I saw her as an icon when she had her blue hair and to see what she’s done with herself since then is crazyyyyy


Her eyes have always given me the creeps idk what it is exactly but she has this very eerie look in the eyes. Before they were quite “buggy” looking and bulged out and now they are still quite wide open but with a terribly uneven looking fox eye lift or something. It’s weird


Why do i find these prettier tho she looks realer for once


Same in a “woman trapped in a creep’s basement for 40 years finally escapes and realizes she will never get her youth back from the dungeon even if she’s free now”




Do her ears have all the old holes in them?


I feel like she's had her hairline pulled down? It just looks off to me, I'm not sure if its makeup or something…


Her neck… what is happening to her neck?! She is far too young for the old lady turkey neck thing.


I'm Kylie's age, down to only being a few months apart. There was a time when I would feel self-conscious about how pretty she was. Now, I get a boost of self-esteem because she made poor surgical choices. It's unfortunate that I can be affected that way, and unfortunate that I now look to Kylie to see how a peer of mine is aging poorly.


It’s still amazing to me that this is the same person. 😳 https://preview.redd.it/8oif0qblbk7d1.jpeg?width=784&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=47f9f29357ce4d8ec924961492b35cd73b35aab0


her skin looks the same as my 54 year old mom’s skin. that’s so wild. i’ve been thinking about getting some preventative baby botox and filler, but now i’m scared it’s just gonna age me more quickly


Eh, start when you’re thirty at least. Just use retinol and sunscreen religiously, like trentinoin until then.


Thank you!! Will do, I appreciate your advice


You can easily get a prescription for trentinoin on telehealth skin apps. If you’re in your mid-twenties, it’s the perfect time to start it.


omg i had no idea! i’ve been concerned bc i don’t have health care insurance and a dermatologist would just be too much for me, so I’ll definitely look into telehealth skin apps! would there be any that you might recommend?


I use Nurx. You pay an initial consultation fee, and then for the prescription after that. They send a big tube of it, so it lasts a long time.


Why no jewelry? That bothers me! I'm a girly girl. 🤣


I think she dissolved her fillers and got a mini face lift. She was so crazy over filled before. I actually think it almost looks nice on her, like a nice 35 year old who maybe has too much botox in her forehead, but not as scary as the Muppet face from before. *


She looks like some 45-55 year old rode hard hooker that is now trying to reverse the aging process with fillers and surgery.


It's because her makeup is flash only bc it's a red carpet...


She looks so unhealthy and haggard. Ozempic face


not related to this but why does makeup so bad in person, ive not seen a single person who looks good with makeup irl why is it so or is it just me?


I’ve seen it look great in person—it really depends on the canvas. People with fantastic skin look great with it.


I jumped outta my chair when I saw pic 3.... it *startled* me! 😅




Even my skin isn't that bad, and I'm hitting 30.


UHMMMMMM 😳 my 60 year old momma has smoother skin wth is going on????


Poor girl looks twice her age.


Good lord that 3rd picture is rough! Like.... I'm in my 40s and my skin is slightly better than this


No wonder why she’s always laughing in her videos. Trying to hide the pain from looking like a melting frog with Graves’ disease 


Ugliest of all of em!


She looks demonic


Someone had too much fun with the sharpness and definition tools lol


It’s true that i used tools on#3,4 but unfortunately #1,2 are from getty without much editings https://preview.redd.it/u9adg1hesi7d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dc4f4fefb982de997635bbd6a976dc3078b25f73


Why is she doing this to herself?? She’s naturally cute. I know she hated her thin lips, so she should’ve stopped there. It’s sad that she doesn’t have anyone in her life (like her mother!) telling her she’s beautiful. Nobody needs work done in their 20’s. You’re at your peek in that decade of life!


Why does her hair look like mine did when I DIYed it for 9th grade homecoming 20+ years ago?! That nest with a couple random crispy curls coming down 🫣


Bruh!!! Where are these from? Have they been edited to show without flash or are these actual photos without flash… crazy


It's bc her makeup is flash ready


Omggg I sent my mom these photos asking how old she thinks she is, as my mom has no clue who she is and while I do think she looks older than her age, I have a hard time viewing her truly objectively since I do know her age. My mom said she thought she was 60 💀


Do pores become more visible when you have work done? It looks like her facial skin is stretched super tight


Her eyes are so creepy. Uncanny valley vibes.






My gosh the under-eye area! I’m mid thirties and don’t have those wrinkles. I have others, don’t get me wrong. But it’s bizarre that a 26-27 year old has this. She looks like a well-kept 45 yr old. And by well kept, I mean she looks like a 45 year old that’s had anti-aging work go well for her. I cannot believe that someone mid-twenties can look this much older than she is without some sort of health condition.


I literally went to the mirror and did this same smile to see what mine looked like. Not nearly as bad as hers and I’m 6 years older. She needs a good retinal eye cream.


Not sure how but I'm a 50 year old sun lover and cigarette smoker yet my old ass skin looks so much better than hers. Sad.


She has really pretty eyes here, but I think the upside down U-shaped mouth with the long upper lip (compared to the much shorter lower lip) is what is aging her. That and the too big cheeks and pointy chin . . . Lesson to be learned about going too far.


honestly i think she looks good:)




she looks like the Saw puppet