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I just turned 38 and couldn't agree more. I love that Kacey is leaning into her maturity. I feel like millennials are having this age crisis and seeing artists of our generation lean into the experience of continued growth is so reassuring. It seems like previous generations suffered and regressed as they aged bc they thought growth just stopped and didn't have many inspiring models as adults. I hope Kacey continues making music into old age.


I’m 36 and I also fully support this post. I swear her new albums come out during the exact same turning points I find myself in. There is just something so mature and cathartic about being introspective and self-aware, and she’s doing that. When she announces a tour I’ll be on those tickets like stink on shit. Saw her in Telluride in 2019 (peak Golden Hour era) and was supremely blown away!


I feel the same way. I left an abusive long term relationship in early 2021 and when Star Crossed came out I heavily related to so much of it, especially good wife, breadwinner, if this was a movie and camera roll. I’m really looking forward to the new album and hope it will be a good companion to the stage I’m at right now.


I’m so proud of you for making the decision to leave and I’m sure you’re better for it! I am in the same boat, although I didn’t kick mine to the curb until early last year. Same songs you mentioned resonated with me. Star Crossed came out right after I had my son and it was when I started to see some big red flags with my now ex-fiancé but still kind of pushed them aside thinking it was a temporary thing, maybe an adjustment period with being first time parents. Things got bad enough to a point that one particular day I felt like I came out of a coma of denial and said enough is enough. Since then I won’t say it’s been easy but this album feels like the part of my process that’s been “I’m doing what’s best for me (and of course my kiddo). screw everyone else”.


Omfg seeing her in telluride would be insane


Yes. I’m 37. Things really start to hit different. Especially after becoming a mom and seeing different versions of yourself. Self love and growth become prevalent and important at this age, no matter what!


I am 46 and feel the same way about the lyrics to this song. But Kacey has always written lyrics that have been very relatable. Merry Go Round could be my biography. Space Cowboy, Justified, What Doesn’t Kill Me about getting out of a 22 year toxic marriage. Follow Your Arrow and now Deeper Well about my healing journey. I can’t even tell you how much her music has healed me. ❤️🫶🏻😘🥰


I’ll be 34 in August, and I feel ya. Aging is weird


Eyyyy also 34 in August!


Me toooooo!


I'll be 34 in July. It's weird, but I don't mind it--except for seeing family and pets age, or thinking about some of my friends who didn't have the privilege of aging.


All of this. 32 and feeling all of it.


I swear every song is just exactly what I need to hear at that moment. Very thankful to have been born around the same time as someone who can put my feelings into words


mid-30s man agrees


31 and I’m here for it. I’ve been playing this song on repeat all day. She just transcends you. Whether watching the music video or just listening to the song. 


turning 32 in may and that shit impaled me like a knife. definitely cried pretty hard listening to it a few times, esp since i used to smoke so much fucking weed and have cut back almost entirely within the last couple years, losing and valuing friends and relationships, reflecting on what made me the woman i am and my upbringing. it was exactly what i needed from kacey and it makes me know there's a lot of emotion ahead of us. cheers to all my aging ladies who are doing it with grace, even if that's with some serious falls from that grace.


I loved Kacey’s first three albums but just could never get that into star-crossed. But now that I’m hearing this single I’m beyond excited for her new album. 32 and I feel like this album is going to be just what I need right now.


exact same sentiments from me too!


35 and when I heard “You go your way and I'll go mine. It's been a real good time” I literally gasped because I said something similar to someone close to me when I was ending the friendship. It just ran its course after 13 years. It just wasn’t for me anymore.


You aren't alone. 33 here and had to sever a close friendship of 13 years semi-recently. It's such a difficult position to be in.


It feels like a really nice companion piece to "Slow Burn," which was the first song of Kacey's that spoke to me. Turning 30 was kind of a weird experience for me because it was during the height of the pandemic, which made time in general feel a lot different, but honestly I thought my Saturn Return was a lot rougher in terms of transitions and relationships. I felt good about where I was in life when I turned 30 because things had really evened out for me. I know that isn't the case for everyone, though. If you appreciated the vibe of "Deeper Well," you might really like Jenny Lewis, btw.


Yeah, I really appreciate Kacey's more existential songs. Slow Burn meant a lot to me, too.


35 here and fully agree!!


38 and concur 🤙🏻


I’m 20 but I feel the song tooo on such a deep level🥹makes me wanna cry in a “release”, good way


Facts same


This. I have absolutely been struggling with aging in every respect, especially with my appearance. Thank you for taking the time to write this out 💙


32 here! so appreciate your perspective. i have had this song on repeat and feel the same way. i love how simply she reflects on her life experiences and what they teach her. she never shames herself and that is powerful. i saw someone comment that “the lyrics aren’t groundbreaking” — kacey’s rarely are but she knows her strengths and she’s consistent. her lyrics are simple but catchy, and she illustrates ideas and philosophies about being human. deeper well, it’s natural when things lose their shine, real good at wasting my time — she uses symbolism and metaphors but is always direct at the same time. i also love how comfortable in her body/skin she looks in all of the visuals so far. this feels like such a good first single — it has a very interlude/theme song sound and feel to it. it actually reminds me of the sound of john mayer’s The Search for Everything — the strings and instrumentals. her old albums are still timeless to me and i can’t wait for more from her w this one!!


I turned 27 last October and the lyrics hit so deep. Golden hour is a beautiful album but it reminds me unfortunately of someone who is “dark” like she sings about Deeper Wells. I feel like this song was deff a different way I can connect w her and let go. She’s so fuckin talented! I replayed the whole song on the way to the gym.


Yes!!! You nailed exactly how I feel about the song. I turned 33 recently. I'm single, gay, live alone... It's easy to feel lost and unsure of my footing. We're an odd age group - everyone around us is building families or seemingly "choosing a path". I also had to sever a friendship with my best friend (at the time) over a year ago and it's been much more painful than I expected it to be... And yet, it was a choice I had to make for me and my wellbeing. So yeah. All that to say: Deeper Well is refreshingly relatable and meaningful.


I am 24 so you could still say I am in my golden hour era. Still, human reaction to change and growth is constant and universal to every person regardless of age, and this song somehow conveys (to me) what most people in their 20s struggle to wrap their head around: everything will be okay.


34 here, I love the song Die Fun!


32 turning 33 and I agree with this! Love Kacey’s music. 🤍