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dinner with friends heart of the woods giver/taker jade green lonely millionaire anime eyes cardinal heaven is sway moving out nothing to be scared of the architect ​ that said i love every song, even the lowest ranked ones– i esp love listening to this album as a collection/experience where each song plays an important part.


Jade Green Lonely millionaire Anime Eyes Heart of the Woods Cardinal Dinner with Friends Sway Giver/taker The Architect Nothing to be scared of Heaven is Moving out Deeper Well Too good to be true I'm sure as I continue to listen things will shift a bit, and I love every song, but I definitely have my early favorites. Honestly, the first two singles had me nervous. They were really good songs, but I was missing the grooviness I was hoping for. Turns out, the record blew my expectations out of the water, and I'm obsessed.


I feel like everyone is sleeping on Too Good To be True, that song is so peaceful and beautiful.


i am at your lunch table 🫶


Welcome to the party!


Oh goodness. Well, my ranking keeps changing by the day, even almost a week later. But as of today it's: 1. Moving Out 2. Cardinal 3. Heaven Is 4. Sway 5. Nothing to Be Scared Of 6. The Architect 7. Giver/Taker 8. Too Good to Be True 9. Heart of the Woods 10. Lonely Millionaire 11. Dinner With Friends 12. Deeper Well 13. Anime Eyes 14. Jade Green


How can jade green be last ?? 🤯




if you don’t like swinging that ass to a beat just say that


1. Heaven Is 2. Dinner with Friends 3. Cardinal 4. Heart of the Woods 5. The Architect 6. Jade Green 7. Nothing to Be Scared Of 8. Deeper Well 9. Anime Eyes 10. Too Good to Be True 11. Sway 12. Giver / Taker 13. Lonely Millionaire 14. Moving Out Love all 14 tracks. <3


Heaven is on top for me too! It’s such a gorgeous little song.


SAME! this song made me cry! 💕✨


I can’t rank them but I will say, Anime Eyes has really grown on me and I would rank it highly until it gets to that crazy part, feels kinda like a speaking part from a musical


omg i love that crazy part!!! hahaha but i'm also a kpop fan so im used to weird ass parts of songs


Masterpiece! Almost as stellar as Golden Hour, and has really grown on me more with each listen. It’s really cohesive and she sounds better than ever before! My ranking: 1. Moving out - can’t stop playing it. her voice has never sounded prettier, and I love the specificity of the lyrics. It’s personal but relatable. 2. Dinner with friends - just a perfect song. beautiful lyrics and then such an unexpected turn of perspective. she sounds so happy in this. 3. Deeper well - just a great song. resonates hard for me. 4. Giver/Taker - catchy and groovy beat 5. Too good to be true - felt too short as a standalone single, but perfect in context of the album 6. Nothing to be scared of - so pretty and ends the album on a sweet, hopeful note akin to rainbow 7. The Architect - beautiful lyrics and her voice sounds so clear and pretty 8. Sway - sneaky catchy. keep hearing it in my head 9. Cardinal - really fun intro but overall doesn’t hit for me as hard slow burn opens golden hour, which I know is unrealistic expectations but it affects my opinion here! lol 10. Jade Green - sexy beat and vibes 11. Heaven is - really pretty but not the most memorable 12. Lonely Millionaire - also really fun and groovy, 90s vibes but not the most memorable for me 13. Anime Eyes - meh, don’t love this but it’s still not a bad song 14. Heart of the Woods - I can’t do it. I don’t know what it is. The song just seems out of place and almost frivolous? Coming after an impeccable first 7 tracks, this one just kind of threw the vibe off for me. I wish she had slotted Ruthless in this spot instead!


Love this album. Def my second fave after golden hour it’s such a beautiful front to back . Fav to least - (every song is between good to incredible ) 1.Cardinal 2.The Architect 3.Sway 4.Deeper Well 5.Heart of the woods 6.Jade Green 7.Heaven Is 8.Dinner with friends 9.Nothing to be scared of 10.Giver /taker 11.Anime Eyes 12.Lonely Millionaire 13.Too good to be true 14.Moving Out


Absolutely wild how different every one’s list is so far-some people’s 14 are another’s 1 haha! I think it’s a good sign. No song is a flop for me. I happily listen to this album through on repeat, no skips. However, some songs get stuck in my head easier than others, so that’s my main consideration here. 1. Cardinal 2. Jade Green 3. Heaven Is 4. Dinner With Friends 5. Deeper Well 6. Sway 7. Anime Eyes 8. Lonely Millionaire 9. The Architect 10. Too Good to be True 11. Heart of the Woods 12. Nothing to be Scared Of 13. Giver/Taker 14. Moving Out


This is hilarious because moving out has been stuck in my head and is in my top 3 / could be #1, and cardinal is my 14.


Your 7-14 are my top 7 😭😂


I love them all & the order changes every day for me as I listen more! But my current rankings are: Dinner with friends Heart of the woods Giver/taker Moving out The architect Deeper well Too good to be true Anime eyes Heaven is Lonely millionaire Cardinal Jade green Nothing to be scared of Sway


Cardinal The Architect Dinner with Friends Moving Out Giver / Taker Deeper Well Jade Green Sway Heaven Is Anime Eyes Too Good to be True Lonely Millionaire Nothing to be Scared Of Heart of the Woods this was hard!!! absolutely love this album, might have moved up to #2 in my album ranking behind Golden Hour


Everyone’s list is crazyyyy different 🤩


Here we go! 1. Moving Out 2. Giver/Taker 3. Deeper Well 4. Cardinal 5. Lonely Millionaire 6. Jade Green 7. Too Good To Be True 8. Dinner With Friends 9. Nothing To Be Scared Of 10. Heart Of The Woods 11. Anime Eyes 12. The Architect 13. Heaven Is 14. Sway


Sway The Architect Giver / Taker Heaven is Deeper well Nothing to be scared of Anime eyes Jade green Dinner with friends Moving out Too good to be true Heart of the woods Cardinal


Love this record so much. Have been listening nonstop in the car and on vinyl at home. I think it is so cool to see how different everyone's lists are! Such diversity <3


Jade Green Cardinal Dinner with Friends Lonely Millionaire Anime Eyes Deeper Well Too Good to be True Heaven Is The Architect Heart of the Woods Sway Giver/Taker Nothing to be Scared Of Moving Out


1. Sway 2. Nothing to be Scared Of 3. Moving Out 4. Deeper Well 5. Lonely Millionaire 6. Cardinal 7. Dinner With Friends 8. Ruthless 9. Jade Green 10. Anime Eyes 11. The Architect 12. Heaven Is 13. Giver Taker 14. Heart of the Woods 15. Too Good to be True


Sway Anime Eyes Cardinal Jade Green Lonely Millionaire Heart of the Woods Deeper Well Dinner with Friends -WALL- Too Good to be True Nothing to be Scared Of The Architect Giver/Taker Moving Out Heaven Is


Lonely Millionaire Dinner with Friends Too Good to be True Anime Eyes Heaven Is The Architect Jade Green Cardinal Giver / Taker Deeper Well Moving Out Heart of the Woods Nothing to be Scared Of Sway


1. Giver/taker 2. Deeper well 3. Heaven is 4. Too good to be true 5. Moving out 6. Cardinal 7. Sway 8. Jade green 9. Dinner with friends 10. Anime eyes 11. Heart of the woods 12. The Architect 13. Lonely millionaire 14. Nothing to be scared of


1. lonely millionaire 2. giver / taker 3. jade green 4. dinner with friends 5. too good to be true 6. anime eyes 7. deeper well 8. sway 9. cardinal 10. the architect 11. heart of the woods 12. nothing to be scared of 13. moving out 14. heaven is i absolutely love my top 4 tracks! and if we're being honest, my top 2 might be tied for first place lol


1. Deeper Well 2. Dinner with Friends 3. Heaven Is 4. The Architect 5. Too Good to Be True 6. Sway 7. Cardinal 8. Heart of the Woods 9. Anime Eyes 10. Giver/taker 11. Nothing to Be Scared Of 12. Jade Green 13. Moving Out 14. Lonely Millionaire


So I seriously cannot choose which is my favorite when it comes to my top 3. They are ALL my favorite. 1. Sway 2. Dinner with Friends 3. Deeper Well Phew! Okay, here's the rest of my ranking 😄 4. Anime Eyes 5. Heaven Is 6. Nothing to be Scared Of 7. The Architect 8. Giver/Taker 9. Too Good To Be True 10. Heart of the Woods 11. Jade Green 12. Cardinal 13. Moving Out 14. Lonely Millionare


1. Heaven Is 2. Dinner with Friends 3. The Architect 4. Giver / Taker 5. Heart of the Woods 6. Anime Eyes 7. Cardinal 8. Sway 9. Nothing to be Scared Of 10. Deeper Well 11. Too Good to be True 12. Moving Out 13. Jade Green 14. Lonely Millionaire I feel bad even ranking the lower songs lower, but I just haven’t gravitated toward them as much as I have my top ~nine or so. It’s such a stunning album; one I will hold close to me forever, just like Golden Hour. A true masterpiece.


I definitely like the second half of the album more. I kinda skip over the two singles but they're not bad by any means. 1. Heaven Is 2. Jade Green 3. Anime Eyes 4. Nothing to be Scared Of 5. Giver/Taker 6. The Architect 7. Lonely Millionaire 8. Heart of the Woods 9. Sway 10. Cardinal 11. Dinner With Friends 12. Deeper Well 13. Too Good to be True 14. Moving Out


1. Cardinal 2. Lonely Millionaire 3. Deeper Well 4. Jade Green 5. Giver / Taker 6. Nothing to be Scared Of 7. Anime Eyes 8. The Architect 9. Dinner with Friends 10. Moving Out 11. To Good to be True 12. Heart of The Woods 13. Sway 14. Heaven Is Even though Sway + Heart of the Woods rank lower for me, I think they are among the most musically interesting tracks along with Jade Green which has this Luck of the Irish/tribal vibe to it that I love. Cardinal is definitely my favorite and Lonely Millionaire is SO catchy and I keep coming back to it. Also haven't heard the bonus track yet - already bought one vinyl and sad it's not apart of it.


Sway The Architect Heart of the Woods Giver/Taker Heaven Is Deeper Well Jade Green Moving Out Dinner with Friends Cardinal Anime Eyes Nothing to be Scared of Too Good to be True Lonely Millionaire


These rankings are all over the place, which seems fitting. Great album. Might be my favorite over Golden Hour, I haven’t decided 😂 1. Dinner With Friends 2. Giver/Taker 3. The Architect 4. Deeper Well 5. Cardinal 6. Nothing To Be Scared Of 7. Heart Of The Woods 8. Lonely Millionaire 9. Anime Eyes 10. Heaven Is 11. Sway 12. Too Good To Be True 13. Jade Green 14. Moving Out


I love them all & the order changes every day for me as I listen more! But my current rankings are: Too good to be true Jade green Dinner with friends Sway Lonely millionaire Cardinal Heart of the woods Moving out The architect Deeper well Nothing to be scared of Giver/taker Heaven is Anime eyes I paid for ‘ruthless’ and don’t think it ranks for me yet. Haven’t listened to it enough. I could repeat the top 8 on my list indefinitely, but keep skipping the bottom 6. My current obsession is Jade Green.


1. Dinner with Friends 2. Sway 3. The Architect 4. Too Good To Be True 5. Lonely Millionaire 6. Deeper Well 7. Heart of the Woods 8. Moving Out 9. Giver / Taker 10. Jade Green 11. Nothing to be Scared Of 12. Heaven Is 13. Anime Eyes 14. Cardinal Editing to say I like them all! No misses.


I think some of the songs I think are not as good seem to be really popular on this forum… 1. The Architect 2. Too Good To Be True 3. Moving Out 4. Cardinal 5. Giver/Taker 6. Heaven Is 7. Dinner With Friends 8. Nothing To Be Scared Of 9. Sway 10. Deeper Well 11. Anime Eyes 12. Lonely Millionaire 13. Jade Green 14. Heart Of The Woods