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I did some side by side tests with my friend's Huohuo vs my Luocha (both at E0) and honestly ? Yeah, the energy is nice, but ultimately there wasn't really a world of difference. Maybe if you have a very invested into E1S1 Huohuo, but that's a lot of pulls. One way to play her in DoT is to not worry about keeping Huohuo's field up and just heal as needed. That helps with the SP a bit, but I still prefer Luocha. For Black Swan, I got super lucky and got E0 and E1 back to back so I don't really have a baseline for E0, but her E1 is bonkers. If you main DoT, her E1 is extremely good. Both are really good pulls, but it depends what you need/what you want to do. Do you need a second strong sustain ? Pull Huohuo. Is DoT the main team you want to brute force content with ? E1 Black Swan.


I have all sustain except huohuo. I love kafka so I want to use her as much as possible so I'm guessing you would recommend E1 BS


If you have all sustains except HuoHuo then just wait for the eventual sustain that’s actually meant for DoT teams. E1 BS is a game changer and will have a bigger impact on your DoT team than HuoHuo. I've been melting MoC with E1 BS and Kafka without HuoHuo just fine


+1 this


How is your Luocha builded? I refer to stats :)


Pretty averagely I guess ? I don't have him set up so I can't grab his sheet from fribbels for actual numbers. 2p messenger/2p passerby, I got his sig on low pity so he's using that, but multiplication + 160 speed would probably be best otherwise.


does res pen oversaturate ever if with e1 swan and rm ult?


If the enemy is weak to the element, there is a sorta "diminishing returns" as the impact decreases once the enemy has negative elemental resistance but it is still a massive power boost. And to add to your other reply, enemies can go down to -100% elemental resistence.


I'm not a math person so take with a grain of salt but until you're hitting 100%+ I don't think it would. Most enemies already have 20% elemental res if that's not their weakness so it's cutting that first 


the part that confuses me most is, say average enemy has 20% off element res. RM ult will deal with that initial res, then the excess BS e1 res pen goes where? perhaps it adds with a char's def ignore?


Okay I looked at the damage formula so I wouldn't give you misinformation. Def ignore and res penetration are counted separately in the damage multiplier. So you can go to 100% def ignore AND 100% res pen. Anything over 100% would be lost but ~30% or whatever it is isn't going to hit that yet and it's going to stack with def down so more damage 




Ruan Mei's E1 is Def ignore, not Res pen, I think ? They're two different things. As far as I know, one doesn't overwrite the other.


E1 BS no contest


I vote for e1 BS personally


Go E1 Black Swan.


Since you already your a five star sustain, i'd pick Black Swan's E1 : it seems like the bigger upgrade. Plus, it will also come in handy if you ever want to add Acheron to the team, or want to have fun and play her as a support for a Wind dps like Blade (or maybe the upcoming Feixiao ?).


e1 Swan so your dot can bruteforce any hard content, adding Ruan will be more powerful too. I pull Loucha instead of who2 because of his strong sp regen (not needing sp to heal too), aoe buff removal, and able to break enemies (basic + ult) is much greater than what she brings or we can wait for dedicated dot sustain like how fua with aventurine


Let me share a different perspective, I personally go for new characters over eidolons for a wider roster/variety. At some point you’ll get tired of using the same set up or characters so having alternative could make the game fun. Should you pull Huohuo? She’s pretty universal so do you have teams aside from DoT that can benefit her kit? If yes, getting her could be a great idea. E1 BS is strong, so if you really want to commit to using her for a very long time, why not and go for it.


If u have a second 5* sustain chara for MoC go for e1 BS otherwise i would go for HH


E1 all day.. but if you can/already/easily cleared most content then owning new character like HH should be fine


I wanna know this too The problem is that i really hate HH's character and i really don't wanna pull for her.but ppl praise her alot in dot teams so idk


If you dont like the character don't pull for them you are just gonna be playing HSR in hard mode (I have not pulled on Ruan Mei's banner since I finished her quest)


She is great for DOT but my God don't pull a character you hate. I've heard everything about how amazing Ruan Mei is but I despise her character and guess what my account is absolutely fine. I can brute force any content. You can run DOT with any sustain it doesn't make a huge difference. If anything I'd hold on till we find out about a dot sustainer.


I also dislike her character design but everyone and their mother praise her for any high investment atk scaling dps so I'm torn between them.


Huohuo is about the same as Gepard with Trends LC. Get Black Sean E1