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We got a new series starting this week in WSJ, titled Ultimate Exorcist Kiyoshi!! Feel to free to check it out if you're interested, you can find its first chapter pinned at r/UltimateKiyoshi


# IT'S SO TENOÍ https://preview.redd.it/ffhh4bt86c8d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b91b541e109953c34b92182ceaa294d57e020423


They look like they are about to jump me😭


Come out of the storehouse Kyora…I swear we won’t jump you…


AMAZING! ![img](emote|t5_97ke62|49233)


![gif](giphy|OduQvPCyQkEfUeYAVC|downsized) This is amazing! I love how Kagurabachi gets me hyped after every chapter followed by me counting down when the leaks for the next chapter will be out. Is this what an addiction feels like?


I have watched all 38 chapters and I do not understand a thing (I am a jjk fan, I do not understand manga) But the vibe is divine. 12 second dueling is peak! I don't know is the doomer guy dead or not, or why they have meal in the middle of battle BUT IT WAS SO HYPE SO ENTEN


Lol welcome to the fandom I understand how you feel but as time goes on it's going to get easier to understand, read and even analyse hidden meanings by mangakas! Just keep reading, that's how I got along


"Nah, I'd lose." https://preview.redd.it/761ixhtm7c8d1.jpeg?width=262&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8df1a6e99fd954830a153f41fc7125df1e9c8bdf


mte 😭 I can see it becoming the new meme already 


https://preview.redd.it/1thahuyw6c8d1.png?width=499&format=png&auto=webp&s=6cfa9e2ce659941780f8a59f9778cc457ea30a10 this is too cold


This too! https://preview.redd.it/kyx5nb737c8d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ed50e2167e8b18e99f92f559a20a03d68cd0a2e6


https://preview.redd.it/5wc9eisz7c8d1.png?width=998&format=png&auto=webp&s=fba752dcc1a0c639c01b0937223150292b04b65b AND THIS like how does takeru do it, chihiro casually dancing mid fight looks so fluid and gorgeous.


Imagine seeing your opponent do this and still think “yeah I can win this.” Kyora just give up bro 😭


He's too high on copium https://preview.redd.it/1ri7j7zmzc8d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d9ef86d30c8a53f1616b8390651696c042dec3a5




This is probably my favorite panel of this chapter. The way this was drawn is breathtaking. Takeru needs more glazing for giving us this masterpiece.


What a beautifully efficient way to convey motion.


https://preview.redd.it/dyaqn3qjic8d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bf3778b49bad5fb17bf9084dd638a3997d0c315d Anyone need a hand?


Shit goes so fucking hard, ever since Hakuri knew he was HIM he has been acing it


They'll probably have to be extra careful when moving around after this whole mess is over because Hakuri's stunt might've earned them way more enemies. Hakuri and Chihiro will be infamous in the underworld after this. I'm looking forward to seeing how this all plays out.


“I am Hakuri “HIM” Sazanami, head of the Sazanami!” https://preview.redd.it/lsg5rblfxk8d1.jpeg?width=224&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cb9ce031afee8b73ff80792054f81735990691ad




I love how solemn he looks. He knows the audience members are human traffickers and crime bosses, absolute scumbags, but he still looks like he feels sorry for it. It's great characterization for Hakuri, who's shown to be kind by his very nature and never enjoyed violence. Despite that, he's still willing to do what he has to do to help Chihiro end the auction.


It's genuinely refreshing to have characters entirely willing to kill. They don't like it but they understand battles are to the death, they're not things you wimp out in Chihiro tried to jade himself and is starting to be worn down emotionally by all the killing. Hakuri is kind as fuck but they both understand what has to be done. They can grenade an entire audience without taking joy in it.


Totally. The reason why Sakamoto imo is the best manga now but I feel uncomfortable that the legendary assassin can’t kill anymore


Wdym? It makes perfect sense for his character motivations.


well if you don't get tired of just teaching the bad guy a lesson sure. I'm way done with it since Son Goku. Even Akira can't stand it


I think Demon Slayer does a decent job with the attitude towards killing too, with that and Jujutsu Kaisen I think killing and its treated by the characters is becoming more common in the more mainstream shonen


Chihiro and Hakuri are a lot more alike than most people realize. They don't really want to hurt anyone but they have to due to what's at stake if they don't. It's why they're equals now.


Kinda funny when you think about it. Everyone there is dying because they don’t value human life. Chihiro and Hakuri are racking up one hell of a bodycount because they do.


They deserved it too


Unfathomably cinematic 🥶


Begone human traffickers


💥 Sayonara, Human Trash 💥


I was really making a fool of myself when this panel came out. Every week a colder panel drops.


Proving the old adage true: "[Cool guys don't look at explosions.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sqz5dbs5zmo)"


Hakuri literally channeling his inner Joker. It'd just like the Joker to take a seat in the middle of a fight while casually setting off some bombs and sit there calmly. I'm loving this version of Hakuri.


I was literally just about to post this hakuri got that dawg in em top tier


I don't want to be a buzzkill because this panel is super cool. But I'm not sure if I like Hakuri suddenly just being able to murder large groups of people. Obviously, this fight is not over yet, so I hope we get to see how killing those people affects Hakuri.


Hakuri has always been incredibly hardened. Its easy to miss bc his personality is friendly and easygoing but he is super ruthless. Like, he didnt spare a glance at his little brother's blown up corpse, and this is directly parallered with Chihiro freaking out about it. Looking back this is pretty apparent considering the kind of upbringing he had. He is used to seeing people like goods, and while that mindset shifted, he is still highly desensitized to death and violence


That's fair


He will be a good lancer to Chihiro. While Chihiro hesitates to do brutal things, Hakuri can do it without much tought as seen.


I mean, they're human traffickers and scumbags generally? Normal day to day people aren't at this auction, it's strictly underworld figures.


We got Chihiro and Hakuri chibis, they look so cuteee. https://preview.redd.it/ryq9393l6c8d1.jpeg?width=594&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=882e7d96fe68e05cf4c8936c164963890cb321fd


They are 3 grapes tall


Can't believe taco sensei gives them Minecraft ahh head . Truly the goat fr fr.


Which one of them goes into the mines to get diamonds while the other manages the house?


Chihiro 100% manages the house + is busy with farming and stuff


I agree! ![img](emote|t5_97ke62|49227)


I never get tired of the whole "switch to chibis when we explain powers" thing, it's always fun


peak chapter https://preview.redd.it/7dgpytiz6c8d1.png?width=586&format=png&auto=webp&s=da870e36baa1e9d0b1206b68a70fbf896f839df3 I love how with Kyora it's more of a battle of wits, makes the battle more engaging to read (also wow! grenades!), and Hakuri and Chihiro's duo works so well :)


also, do I understand correctly: Hakuri was traded for Enten fair and square but then by registering Chihiro he also "stole" Enten from Kyora?


It's because his Spirit Energy is imbued in Enten, that resists the registration. It's also why Kyora can't recall the trafficked humans Hakuri rescued, because they have Kuros in them. https://preview.redd.it/eert5ppicc8d1.png?width=561&format=png&auto=webp&s=8e4e8afda992aaea16363a0dffdde8805a7f394a Bonus: it seems Soya was resisting transportation when he was searching for Hakuri, otherwise Kyora asking why he didn't appear with the others wouldn't make sense.


Hmmm, this has me thinking. I went back and read chapter 25, when Chihiro trades Enten for Hakuri. We see Chihiro and Kyora agree to trade, then a few panels later, we see Enten in the storehouse. Kyora can only transport someone/something if they're registered to him, right? If so, how did Enten make it to the storehouse? Did Chihiro genuinely let Kyora register Enten, then Hakuri overrode it?


Enten was registered once the trade happened, Chihiro just wasn't counteracting it until after he did recon


My understanding is that Kyora never really "had" Enten in the first place. It sounds like he registered it, but the registration was overridden by the Lifetime Contract even before Chihiro was registered; Hakuri says in this chapter that the registration is a very weak sorcery that can be overpowered by any other type of sorcery. EDIT: after rereading, I think it was actually the fact that Chihiro put his spirit energy into the sword that defied the registration, not the Lifetime Contract. The problem I see with this is that it just pits Hakuri's registration against Kyora's. What makes Hakuri's registration of Enten through Chihiro stronger than Kyora's direct registration of Enten? Maybe it's just strength of will.


I think it’s because Chihiro is allowing himself to be registered to Hakuri. With Kyora, his energy was pretty easily able to resist it though.


Yeah I'm not sure if it's outright stated anywhere but I think it's implied in a few places that anyone with a decent control of sorcery can actively resist being affected by kyora's registry


It is outright stated. https://preview.redd.it/0umsarb55d8d1.png?width=561&format=png&auto=webp&s=f88ebd93e698668eae9405f3ec73e08d413e5519 The picture of Soya implies he did it while he was searching for Hakuri.


Ooh nice callback, I missed that. Explains why he didn't show up when the other tou were summoned the first time.


I think it's just that Hakuri got to it second. Or maybe it's just additive of 2 for Hakuri (Hakuri + Chihiro) vs. 1


It could also just be who registered it most recently. It would be like if I put a label on an object, then you put a different label over it. The problem I'm running into is how Kyora transported Enten to the storehouse. That has to mean that Enten was temporarily registered by Kyora despite having Chihiro's spirit energy in it, right? Is it even possible for someone to make an item resist registration if their spirit energy is in it? If so, would that mean that Chihiro genuinely let Kyora register it?


Enten is just there and still there. What was registered was Chihiro's spiritual energy. I think?


It doesnt have to do with the trade. Hakuri unlocked the same ability to control the "storehouse" as Kyora and because Enten has the same spirit energy as Chihiro once Hakuri registered Chihiro as "stock" he could send him in and out of the storehouse. And by extension when Chihiro imbued spirit energy to stuff in the storehouse then Hakuri can send that out and in of the storehouse. Basically theyre doing all this because of Hakuri unlocking the storehouse ability. Before Kyora was monopolising that ability but now the playing field is evened out.


I included the trade part cause I wanted to make sure that this chapter did confim that Enten was used to "purchase" Hakuri as it wasn't outright stated before


https://preview.redd.it/wslqpkg97c8d1.jpeg?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d010ffd47fa02178e6aed88c13a273fa937e99e2 God damn! Hakuri has become such a badass in these latest chapters.


Hakuri actually had a 180 switch he’s so cold now


His development from "weak but loveable goofball" to "strong and cold AF badass" has been nothing short of amazing. Some of the best character development I've ever read in a manga


And it all happened in, what? 10 chapters tops? Fucking nice.


I'll say that's way too fast, but with his background, it's sensible he finally snapped. I wonder will he break down after killing the only family he knows.


"Aren't you tired of being nice? Don't you just want to go ape shit?"


https://preview.redd.it/z7m0hqfa6c8d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bdeea3cf3a222e64e9c7823e61556c636294df15 PEAK COVER! ![img](emote|t5_97ke62|51700)


Takeru doesn’t miss


I CAN WAIT NEXT CHAPTER!!! ![img](emote|t5_97ke62|49223) https://preview.redd.it/1xr576xp7c8d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=45526412f5d5d36ff65bb51d7b8d752f2dff5dfc


https://preview.redd.it/nq1jxgh17c8d1.jpeg?width=1127&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6993167e86bac19120d22b994dfdb3eb53725736 I have a feeling a third party will snatch shinuchi after kyora dies


100% with how hyped up its power is I have a feeling it's gonna be the last blade we actually see


He's being used by Not Pain and company to distract Chihiro, Hiyuki, and Shiba while they retrieve the blade owner 


https://preview.redd.it/ktyyu0c4oc8d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ab6fbfdaba0b55d4377addf04931a72f9d861b47 I already know john himshaku is gonna get it.


Hiyuki is still in the building!


Yeah otherwise this arc will be *too* succesful, and a key part of the storyline would be over in whats just the second main arc. Also, even if they do get it, its useless bc of the contract, and Chihiro just destroying it without us ever seeing what it does would be awful storytelling The "reward" for the arc is storehouse access and a monstrously buffed Hakuri, alongside the rakuzaichi being over for good. These are huge victories on their own


romance of three kingdoms storyline in kagurabachi , would fit perfectly with the world


Even if they do, it's just a regular sword unless they can get a hold of the owner or kill him. I'm interested in seeing how John Hishaku deals with the Shinuchi owner.


The kamunabi maybe ?


https://preview.redd.it/d6rapv2d7c8d1.jpeg?width=1066&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f2d6fba9f99d959696603f28bfe4280d49e71c14 It's too peak


# RealAura https://preview.redd.it/cndhulzu7c8d1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=54628a853921c8cc49c399f6fe25876c5e79fe5b




~~Kagurabachi~~ Hakuribachi https://preview.redd.it/hbhozok4bc8d1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9033dc6ab51ef24601f4c86a43986fcc55237c59






Things I love in this chapter: The colored page of Chihiro and Hakuri is so Tenoí. Chihiro and Hakuri chibis are cute. That panel of Hakuri seating in page 15 is so good. Chihiro and Hakuri duo work so well.


Amazing twist with the grenades. I thought our home boy was tweaking for a sec


This arc has been phenomenal. I can’t believe it’s this good. Hakuri development has been amazing to watch, and seeing Chihiro show us his kind side more has also added a lot to his character. Kyora has been an awesome villain who’s clearly willing to do whatever it takes to achieve his goal. I’m really interested to see his final monologue as he’s dying, as Chihiro pointed out he does have regrets. He didn’t consider the potential in Hakuri and deemed him a failure, that same person he deemed a failure is going to help end him. This arc has proven to me, Kagurabachi isn’t just the badass action sequences and cinematic paneling, the story has some really deep character writing. Can’t wait to see what Shinuchi is about, they got that boy sealed tightly. https://preview.redd.it/thw77dqncc8d1.jpeg?width=1608&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=16943cdb71452af8a0d6c7355236e1c6fc07aea6


Well, now we know that Kyora is stepping up the auction. He’s putting the Shinuchi up for auction now to make sure someone gets it, so this is probably where the Kamunabi snatch it. This does fix one of the problems I saw this arc having, which is the timing of the shinuchi auction. Also, props to Hakuri for helping all those prisoners escape while keeping an eye on Chihiro. He just got this ability, and is using it almost as effectively as Kyora. He really is a genius at sorcery. That scene with the grenades was completely fire, like a “counter to your counter to my counter” moment.


I genuinely don't understand how this manga is consistently this good, week after week.


If you think about it Hakuri is becoming more edgy than early Chihiro was. Chihiro wakes up with fresh hatred but Hakuri is hatred. So Chihiro wakes up with Hakuri wait what?


https://preview.redd.it/j61som0e7c8d1.jpeg?width=1132&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c33f2f6f1ff41181d04bfe0a71c94e8877232377 I‘m sure this is when Hiyuki or the kamunabi in general will re-enter the story. I‘m sure Honazono won’t reveal it just yet, but I’m dying to know what the Shinuichi is capable of


I have a feeling the Shinuichi is the last sword we'll deal with, seeing as it's the masterpiece. But ya, I don't think we're quite ready to wrap up this arc. Something is going to go seriously wrong


For sure. I’m 99% the Kamunabi will just actually deploy the wielder himself to try to snag it or something


True but I think Rokuhira's masterpiece is still Chihiro's sword. He probably made it for his son with care. In Rokuhira's eyes, Enten is his masterpiece.


Hakuri and Chihiro are both on demon time, goddamn


Woah! Insane how Hakuri went from a puppy to a DAWG! Shit was cold af!!!!


I love how this series feels more grounded than other mangas/animes, it has that cinematic but grounded vibe to it. Kinda like John Wick but as a manga. Also Hakuri might have one of the best character developments Ive seen in a while, I love how Takeru treats this character. The art quality in general is top notch too, and I love how every chapter has atleast one of THOSE pannels, if you know what I mean. Kagurabachi has some insane potential and Chihiro is my favourite shonen MC in a long time. I love how stoic he is, while also not being overly edgy aswell, and there are moments where he still shows his human side and compassion (for exmaple when that one Tou member died). As for now it is unironically my favourite manga to follow, I enjoy it even more than the current One Punch Man chapters. Idk how a manga that started as a meme due to how generic the promotional banner looked, came out so fucking amazing. I hope we get an anime adaption soon, because some of these panels would freaking ridiculous animated. Imagine the guys who animated Demon Slayer handling Kagurabachi, my life would be complete


chihiro character is like double-edge blade where one side is sharp blade which cuts well and another deflects well , sharp side is chihiro's objectives, behaviour and focus to get all his father's blade for good and soft side is chihiro's humanity , down to earth nature to others who had to nothing do with this shit , his finesse of sword fighting which reflects the clean and fast and to be over easily(the end not means to end if you get what i portraying ) w/o much harm. there is one aspect in chihiro which is middle of the these nature which give scars him to bare. tbh kaguarabachi never was meme , it was more lol look funny image besides that it has very fantastic first chapter ply jjk lobotomay had something do with this


https://preview.redd.it/81htz9iq7c8d1.jpeg?width=1092&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=57d784cbdf84c0fe674b9e54b659cafed8e99e5e Chihiro reunited with Enten and it’s magnificent!


I love how much Kyora isn't lying about how important The Rakuzaichi is to him. He will complete the main auction even if he has to do it while fighting for his life. This is the family pride and he will only die if once this year's event is over. It's also a nice detail the masked eye is the one that allows you to look around the Storehouse and the uncovered eye is their real vision.


Dude...Chihiro slicing the grenades to have his Spirit Energy in them so Hakuri could transport them away was so damn cool. And to make it even more badass he brought them to the auction and blew up a ton of scumbags lol Hakuri continues to impress me with his badassery


I just realized that Chihiro used two of Enten’s abilities at once. He activated Nishiki and black at the same time.


Can someone explain to me wtf kuro nishiki aka do


Kuro sends flying black slashes, nishiki is super speed, aka absorbs and releases attacks


Nishiki is technically a boost to all physical stats because it cloaks his body. Speed is the most prominent form of it, but I think it does state that it also increases strength in chapter 10(?).


You’re absolutely right. I guess I just kind of forgot about it since we don’t see Chihiro, like, bending metal with Nishiki


all the fish rescuing everyone was so cute 🥹


Cold af https://preview.redd.it/ehrpswpq9c8d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ee79d5c6b921d70e64dccad0b7b355923a88d15a


Sure is a lot of importance placed on Hakuri "owning" Chihiro, his spirit energy, Chihiro allowing him to do so, and the way their strategy plays off of that fact, huh... Happy Pride Month.


Hakuri's aura is insane...bro got the biggest glow up in the last three chapters


https://preview.redd.it/suixir84wc8d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=52528b4e0ca7910d6770584b8135d6e4475abb4a Why is no one talking about the fact that Hakuri basically owns Chihiro??? This is so yaoi-pilled holy shit


They both bought each other.


So since they own each other they are basically married now right?


Chihiro used Enten to buy Hakuri and now Hakuri registered Chihiro in his storehouse, therefore they own each other therefore they are literally married happy pride month everyone 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈




https://preview.redd.it/rgsg51d6hc8d1.png?width=275&format=png&auto=webp&s=02f01b60aa0d64bdb71cec7c285c325faf43875c Ay boss, I am here if you need to tank something alright? Poor Aka, girl will never get another appearance at this rate. (Understandable tho, if Chihiro is fast AND can tank everything there would be no thrill to these fights)


Please let Hakuri be part of the main cast! I want Chihiro, Hakuri and Hiyuki to be the main tiro.


I like the clarification on mechanics, also, FINALLY a villain is trapping the tentacle / limb they use to attack the good guys, who always use those to run towards the villain.


It's fucking crazyyyyy how there's like one panel every 3 panel where I said to myself Damn that shit went hard Peak fiction as usual


Everytime I see Chihiro fight I get surprised by his insane battle IQ.


So if i got this correctly: - Registration is a groundwork sorcery used to control the access of things to the storehouse - It is weak and can therefore be counteracted by spirit energy, which is why Chihiros link to Enten (based on spirit energy) counteracted Kyora’s registration - Hakuri registered Chihiro in his own storehouse - Anything imbued with Chihiro’s spirit energy counts as an extension of him and thus becomes a valid target for registration - Chihiro imbues things with spirit energy through Enten, counteracting Kyora’s registration and making them a valid target for Hakuri’s


I like how this explains why Soya didn't get teleported: He counteracted it.


Bro was really fiending so hard to torture Hakuri that he disobeyed Kyora directly, that’s kinda crazy


Kyora would be OP as fuck if he registered Daruma


I have read this with Naruto's theme. It fits so well. I thought that Soho's arc was going to be hard to beat but I already like this arc way more. Keep cooking Takeru ![img](emote|t5_97ke62|51700)


Chihiro tag team with Hakuri is something I didn't see coming to this extent and I love it! I wonder what they will be able to do combining their powers in the future using Hakuri's space


Excellent choreography this chapter; loved the grenade slicing and how raw Hakuri was transporting them to the auction house. Chihiro and Hakuri really are an insane duo. Their sense of mutual respect makes them understand each other’s strengths and weaknesses deeply, they’re able to complement each other perfectly. This is a generational dynamic in the making….that one panel of Hakuri tugging at Chihiro’s leg was also really cute lol. Seems the Shinuchi wielder will come into play soon, excited to see how that happens


Where's Shiba right now? Do you think he's also registered by Hakuri, and is waiting?


Probably being stalled by fodders.


He is dealing with Sazasister, what you want from him?


This series is really hitting its stride and I am so fucking here for it


Calling it now, this fight is going to end with Chihiro landing a hit on Kyora, followed by Hakuri pulling Kyora out of the storehouse to land the final blow


I don't like JJK comparisons, but... https://preview.redd.it/cicw5p2w7c8d1.png?width=559&format=png&auto=webp&s=1fd65b756d933ba69eedcba272216882af89018e this is literally a domain battle between Kyora and Hakuri.


Wait, doesn't this mean Chihiro could hypothetically trap anyone clueless in Hakuri's subspace by imbuing them with a Kuro? The start of the chapter does say that counteracting spirit energy resists it (and implies that Soya resisted teleporting when searching for Hakuri), but if the person is clueless to this like Hakuri was....it's possible. https://preview.redd.it/c29povej9c8d1.png?width=557&format=png&auto=webp&s=e0f5c95848351588eaa09ea08fca8904e9c426c2


I assume any villain going forward has a Mana Skin'sh ability active like in Black Clover (in BC EVERY mage is ALWAYS at all times flowing mana/magic trough their body even if it isn't physically visible so they are buffing/defending themselves at all times) so even if they are caught off guard they won't be trapped in Hakuri's storehouse. It's a merchant's ability, it doesn't mesh well that you would be able to "steal" with it.


Are those prisoners even sorcerers? Thats why they cant resist I think.


JJK didn't invent domains... There's been many mangas in the past that use similar concepts.


Their Storehouses aren‘t really clashing.


The power system technicalities are what I'm here for I'm literally frolicking right now. This registration tactic is soo good😭


"King of storehouses, have you enough grenades?"


This arc just keeps giving. Love the relationship between Chihiro and Hakuri. They really care and trust each other. This chapter just shows it with their fighting dynamic. Kyora has been an entertaining villain so far even though he is a scumbag. It's nice to see a villain not drop a few points in iq and who uses all their resources in a battle. The art 10/10. Takeru is talented when it comes to poses and angles. Each panel where fighting occurs transitions smoothly. Obviously, the arc is at its climax now, but there is a great chance that Chihiro won't be able to retrieve the Shinuchi; some third party will probably swipe it away. Kagurabachi is fire right now. Takeru is cooking good in the kitchen.


Vote for Kagurabachi in [Tsugimanga Awards](https://tsugimanga.jp/en/nominate/comics)!! Winning this will give Kagurabachi a huge boost in sales, and closer to it getting an anime (you can use multiple alt accounts to vote as well, just use incongnito and different device/VPN to be safe wink wink). Also join the [Kagurabachi Discord](https://discord.com/invite/bVZtCcfzTH) for more discussions about the series! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Kagurabachi) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I'm still a little confused on how the registration works, and how Hakuri was able to access Kyora's space. My best guess so far is that anyone with Storehouse sorcery can access any Storehouse, but they can only move items in and out that they themselves have registered, and only the owner of the space can manipulate the space itself. Does this sound right? Also, aren't these grenades the first time we've seen more advanced weaponry than swords? That kind of seems like a big deal, because up until now the timeline and technological advancement has been a bit of a mystery. Finally, going back to the registration: my understanding is that Hakuri's registration is now on all of the items through Chihiro, but... so is Kyora's. What's stopping him from taking them all back? Is it because their registrations are equal, but then Chihiro is a "tiebreaker" due to not having Kyora's registration? Or is Kyora capable of pulling them all back, but is just too distracted to try?


there are cars but grenades are high tech ?


The explanation is a bit confusing. Basically kyora and hakuri can access two different sections of the storehouse kinda like two different rooms in one giant mansion. Hakuri cant control anything inside kyora's space but he can open a door to enter it (if he has close enough proximity with him). For the registration aspect, it's best to think of it as a retagging situation where a product is given a new tag while the old tag is deemed useless. Hakuri registered chihiro as his merchandise so in extension enten (which is connected to chihiro) was retagged as hakuri's merch as well. So anything that gets "touched" by enten is imbued with chihiro spirit energy thus marking it as hakuri's. The grenades are odd but it's kinda similar to daruma's sorcery so its newish.


Why can't Kyora resist the re-registration?


He doesn't have the connection. The reregistration is because Chihiro is imbuing his spirit energy to it, and that is being inherited by Hakuri's registration of him. 


The Storehouse part is most likely correct, yeah. As for the registration, it's likely that only one registration at a time can be done, so Chihiro extending his registration via Kuro likely canceled out Kyora's registration, but Kyora could probably just register them back whenever he has a chance. At least, that's my assumption.


It's explained at the start of the chapter, counteracting Spirit Energy resists it. Enten is imbued with Chihiro's energy; this is why Kyora can't just teleport it away


Please help, somebody got a link ? (not on mangaplus), it doesn’t work where I am currently 🤦‍♂️


The Aura in this chapter man




What an amazing chapter. This series does so well in strategizing fights and thinking of ways to outsmart the other opponent. The grenade scene was absolutely fucking awesome. I hope this series gets animated because we are COOKIN!!


so many excellent back to back chapters from kaguarabachi with cinema level is not even top mangas intro chapter has done like kaguarbachi do, so blessed to part of the kagurabachi tenoi


ABSOLUTE CINEMA, the scene with hakuri sitting whith the explosions behind him i almost fell off my chair. Having chihiro and hakuri fighting together feels amazing, it's hard to believe we've known these characters for less than 40 chapters and i love them so much.


https://preview.redd.it/pbdzdua5gd8d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ce29e79eaddde1ab1baecc1ea5304d9541642f20 I love the poses hokazono makes, this is right up there with the shiba pose


Anyone think now that its outside of the store house that the oringal user can remote activate it from prison? Idk how viable the theory is when we don't know the swords ability, but everything seems very convenient, and I would love for their to be some type of consequence for whats going down.


https://preview.redd.it/ma3r0fb9pd8d1.png?width=800&format=png&auto=webp&s=3b4e950ec8b923117c34077357d13a87b9d6656a i will FOREVER GAS KAGURABACHI STUFF LIKE THIS IS MY FAVOURITE KIND OF ACTION IN A MANGA


bruh when hakuri teleported out the grenades chihiro sliced i audibly fucking screamed shit has no right being this GOOD


This manga is a whole movie broo. Deserves all the success its been getting.


Hakuri bombing the audience lol


this was a good ass chapter and one of my faves in terms of art/perspective


Chihiro really told Kyora “if you really tried your best you’d have more faith in my boi Hakuri”. Also that cover goes hard.


I like how much we’ve seen more of Chihiro’s kind heart through the scene of him rescuing the “merchandise” with his fishies. Though,  I just can’t help but feel that Hakuri’s mother might be “merchandise” used by Kyora to create a strong sorcerer (she would have been sold to a trafficker after giving birth to Hakuri.) 😭😭😭 


Chihihaku are such a badass duo omg🥺😭I adore their chemistry and how it plays into their battle tactics! Hakuri is so, utterly cool!!! loved his vibes in the grenades panel, his powers have an amazing effortless feel to them there. And chihiro being cool and charming as well amidst battle is a sight that never gets old! His wit and presence of mind in battles is wonderful. The registration scene was so cute wtf 😭😭 hakuri's smol hand grabbing onto chihiro's leg is adorableee!!😳 And the explanation of the registration system is so interesting! Many fun implications for the future. Hakuri can now summon both chihiro and his cherished blade any time!? 👀 And simultaneously the sword has a safe place and chihiro has a contained environment to let loose in battles!✊🏻 Further, anything possessing chihiro's spirit energy is inevitably and indirectly connected to hakuri too??🥺HOW can my mind not run wild at the sheer intimacy of this!!! 🫡 Also the way chihiro and hakuri had the unspoken tacit understanding about the grenades move is so precious to me pleasee🤭 I do have some further questions about the storehouse registration transfers and invasion mechanics, so that we can rest easy knowing hakuri's storehouse is invincible to outside influence✨️This chapter really gave great promising insight into the sazanami storage domain dynamics!👏🏼 yet another fantastic kagurabachi chapter!


Talk about a unique fight!




That grenade move was so sick


Man did I enjoy reading this chapter! I really enjoyed the way that Chihiro and Hakuri were able to work together when it comes to ruining Kyora's plans for the rakuzaichi this chapter. I am also impressed by the way that Hakuri was able to free all of the people that were trapped in Kyora's storeroom. I look forward to reading what Chihiro will do in the next chapter.




every chapter has a new moment where i think to myself "how is this manga so fucking cool"


Really feels you can tell by this chapter that Takeru has hit his stride in pacing and posing, these panels are gorgeous. Great chapter, only downside is having to wait another week for more.


Can someone explain to me wtf kuro nishiki aka do


Kuro: Long range/power up attack Nishiki: Speed boost Aka: Attack absorbed and release as a new attack Kuro Shred (or Kuro Scatter): More attack at the same time, but each attack consume less spirit energy.


I have one question though, if Hakuri knew he could transport things in and out before the fight, why did he act like it was a big deal in the previous chapter (since him sending the pliers technically happened after he registered Chihiro) or did I miss something??


you have the order mixed up, he registers chichiro when they confront the father, upon registering him he felt the connection with the blade in the subspace, through registering him. and chichiro tells him don't bother to pull it out he'd go in to retrieve it. and transports him into the space.




amzing chapter, my theory for the next chapters is that the dad would teleport Hikaru within the storehouse to "trap" him and Chihiro there. Bcs I don't see how the dad could pressure them rn The grenade part was so amazing, we're reading peak as usual


I firmly believe this is the best chapter of the manga so far, easily the best since Chihiro vs Sojo. The art and choreography on display here is on par with some of the best stuff WSJ has ever printed. Also, Hakuri has truly blossomed into an amazing character and genuine secondary protagonist, really deserving of his place alongside Chihiro on that color page.


Reading from Chapter 35 up to 38 made me think how awesome these scenes would be animated.


This fuckin dad aint even entertaining. He just annoying and needs to die lol


amazing chapter


Hakuri after flashback is as cold as Yuji with blackflash Hakuri has locked in for rizz


Outstanding chapter


Subhana TakeZono 🛐🤲


holy SHIT


OK this chapter was just a plagiarized version of Ichigo vs Byakuya after he rescued Rukia from being executed. "Scatter" and even down to the sword being put to Byakuya's neck and then backing away. The bomb part was brilliant though. https://preview.redd.it/2lf9syjydr8d1.jpeg?width=474&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d540864c2c428a86b4dd6589be83fce054228bfb




Wow, just wow, w battle tactics


I know this isn't really the place for this, but yo this new batch is so ass lmao. GGG really got axed for this? It's a good thing KGB, Nue, and Chojun are all hits or Jump would be so cooked right now.


Chihiro could've used red for those grenades, but I guess he forgot too. Lmao


Red absorbs sorcery not physical objects