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According to whom? šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļøšŸ˜… Donā€™t let random people on The Internet affect your enjoyment of anything ever. As long as you yourself enjoy it, thatā€™s all that matters. šŸ˜ŽšŸ‘


I love the show and enjoyed every minute of it. I was wondering why so many people dont like it. It has become almost the symbol of disliked anime. Luckily though there are some people who watch it before hating on it


You answered your own question... >but it is still great fiction Being overly sexual, especially with characters that are minors, just weighs more for a good amount of people. And honestly, I think it's valid. Even as a fan, I can perfectly understand how it's just really not for everyone. And not even for just that reason. Things like the plot standing on the "all-powerful student council" anime cliche elevated even further puts off a lot of people, because it may be hard to take seriously lol


Its kinda sad onestly. With all of its problems it is still really entertaining, i dont get why they had to target i towards creeps


cus money sadly


Great point, they could have made it set in college and it wouldnā€™t have been an issue


i genuinely thought it was super weird at first when i first watched it. the plot was/is amazing and i learned to love it!!! i just skip past the bits that makes me feel uncomfortable šŸ˜­


It's absolutely ridiculous. No real stakes and hypersexualized highschool girls. I think two of those three things makes the show really fun to watch, and for the overly sexualized hs girls that is just a really fair point. I think the hyper sexual nature of the show just shows the insanity in an entertaining way but I really do wish they were older.


Thats kinda the whole point of the anime


I know those things are central to the show that is why I said I appreciate all those things except the age of the characters. But I am saying that those things are not generally appealing things that everyone is gonna enjoy.


Which is exactly why I hate it


Don't listen to those dumbfucks. People see Yumeko orgasming and think that's the entire series. https://preview.redd.it/mrfjtgx2mzrc1.jpeg?width=457&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0a08f098e85f0ecdcbddac37f975c0c2dda1ef91


I just pretend that's her aura. Like, in Blue Lock, Rin has water as his football aura.


because of really cringy tiktok trends most probably


Iā€™m pretty sure people still found it weird before TikTok yā€™all really gotta stop blaming TikTok for everything. Iā€™m not TikTok never contributed but still


Nah pretty sure it's solely tiktoks fault. Just like tiktok is the reason I'm homeless and suffering from cancer and aids /s For real tho fuck tiktok anyway xD




Yeah, those give the anime a bad rep


cause its style over substance & people donā€™t consider it to be good gambling anime.


Now that you mention it. That does ring a bell. Itā€™s been a long time. Since 2017. That criticism does track. I forgot a lot of the anime and the discussion over the series. That does leave the series open to being a good first gambling anime type series. First fanservicey kink show, too.


The things that some people hate the show for are what make the show enjoyable imo


I personally love the anime a lot and I look forward to a season 3 (if the animation studio ever considers making it). My issue with it is the fact that they have changed a lot of things from the manga. Rei Batsubami was a bit of a useless character (IMO!!) and by adding her it took away from the depth that we could have gotten from other characters. After Yumeko/Yumemi vs Sumikas gamble, we wouldā€™ve gotten to see Rin Obami vs Ririka Momobami. A reason as to why I think seeing this instead of the hundred votes auction would have been better is because we would have been able to see Ririkaā€™s importance and her potential. Before I read the manga, I thought that Ririka was only important because she was Kirariā€™s twin sister, but by reading Volume 11 we see that despite rarely leaving ā€˜Kirariā€™s shadowā€™ she has genuine potential and qualities that separate herself from being ā€˜Kirariā€™s shadowā€™. Another reason would be that by seeing Rin and Ririka gamble, we would get an insight on how the elders of the Momobami clan have instilled a strict and mentally damaging mindset to the future heirs of their family. Granted, we saw a bit of that through Rei Batsubami; but Rin Obami was a swindler that gave a confident, intelligent and powerful demeanour from the get go. However, he deep down had a severe inferiority complex towards Kirari that came from a gamble they both participated in when they were children. Seeing how this mentally damaged him would have not only shown us how down right deranged Kirari can be, but also how if a member of the Momobami clan canā€™t perform up to their expectations (such as swindling,gambling and entertainment) then they are abandoned an exiled from the family. (Take Ibara Obami for example) All of that would have been amazing to see. But once again they changed the plot of the animešŸ˜…šŸ˜… Thatā€™s just my opinionšŸ™‚šŸ™‚


I havent read the manga, but i wanted to cuz i wanted to see how te story continued. I dont think i will though now if it is so different


I think the Manga is certainly worth the read!! It answers some of the questions that you might have after watching the anime. Just donā€™t expect Rei Batsubami or the Tarot game to be in the manga :)


I cosplayed as Yunemi this weekend, it was so fun idc no one knew who I was


Yumeko or is Yunemi a different character? No one knew who Yumeko was? I thought she was popular. Thatā€™s why her cosplay is one of the first ones you can see on Amazon. That hers was fairly easy to put together or find for new fans. I thought this anime and her character made the series so accessible to people. Being on Netflix and being such a simple cosplay. ???


Some people are just stupid and have bad taste.


Nah I think the fans is the only reason it gets any real hate people on reddit just hate anything sexual for some reason


i believe it was a bit much, but i love that anime so much


I enjoyed it thoroughly and think the girls are a perfect example of the crazy/hot graph. It is supremely extra and the gambling is...it's not well written. I'm not saying I didn't like the gambling sequences as entertainment with the suspension of disbelief, but the victories don't come from good gambling it's more 'I did all this shit offscreen HA' or literally cheating to win. It's satisfying to see the tricksters exposed, but the asspull wins are pretty bad. It's a fun psychological bully anime with gambling themes. I can't speak for the manga though


The best part of all the gambling part is uncovering the scams, but i dont like how yumeko always wins in some goofy way using the cheat against the cheater


I like unhinged women in anime in real life


I think people mostly focus on Yumeko and Midari and consider it to be a summery of the entire anime. Personally, I think if you really want to get into kakegurui you should read the manga because the manga is a work of art and the amount of depth and details in it are so interesting and there are so many cool theories about kakegurui (some even have connections to the Bible) and I think it is just fascinating. I canā€™t wait for new chapters to come out and thatā€™s how good I think the manga is. As for the anime: the animation is great and I love the characters and colors but I do think itā€™s hypersexualized especially the scenes with Yumeko since she quite literally gets off while gambling. I think it might be disturbing to some people and especially the fact that the characters are minors. I for one donā€™t like watching anime often specially for this very reason bc anime, unliked any animated tv show I grew up on, often sexualizes the characters. I hate watching something that can be a good story and then suddenly itā€™s a girl that looks like a kid that practically moans while speaking šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€ I only watched a few animeā€™s for that reason but with kakegurui I was able to overlook those scenes / skip them because of how interested I was in the storyline itself. If you put the sexual scenes of Yumeko aside, youā€™ll learn she is actually very important to the plot and to the development of all the other characters. Midari might do crazy shit but isnā€™t it incredible how intelligent she is and she doesnā€™t even want to do something with that academic knowledge of hers? And her connection to Yuriko? And the fact that girl literally stabbed her own eye out and laughed? It is an amazing anime in my opinion and an even better manga ! But I can understand why people dislike it. (Tho I love it)


I don't like the anime because of the filler plots they added in, like Yumeko vs Kirari in S1 finale and Rei \[something\]bami in S2. They can cause potential continuity errors, esp. for a manga like Kakegurui where its author seems to know what they're doing.


The problem is that in S1 they couldnt remove yumeko or kirari, so they came up with that stupid draw exploit. In my opinion the worst part of S1 begins with the yumemi gamble, but before it is peak


I feel like they did S1 fairly well as an adaptation. However, S2 seems to have toned down a bit on the animation department, and relies more on Yumeko's sexualized panels. I might as well read the manga since S2 is just moving colored manga panels.


The anime is great. I hope they make more.




Random over sexualization, the way female characters moan and scream in any and every situation, and mostly the people that watch it. Itā€™s not everyone ofc but thereā€™s enough for there to be a stigma of us being weird, creepy and cringe.


Well for one it doesn't. Not anymore. Not from anyone I know of


This show is the living definition of "this bitch is crazy!"


I mean it being overly sexual is kinda the whole point, if you didnā€™t like it then you shouldnā€™t have watched it šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


idk man i just find it weird.


I never watched the anime myself but I can say this rn: I decided to try it out. Pressed the first episode, watched maybe a few mins, and closed the tab. Never again. Highschool girls being sexualized-? Is that the whole plot? Cuz thatā€™s what it looked like. To me at least.


Kakeguri was good! XD The whole concept was good and I really like the two girls, blondie and black hair girl! They were so cool :D


I havenā€™t heard any hate for the series. Aside from people whining about it was in Netflix jail years back. Even then, I thought people were being ridiculous. Iā€™ve heard Yumeko cosplay is quite popular within con goers. I didnā€™t personally care much for the series. I only watched it because it was a seasonal and I was watching (almost) everything back then. 2017. There was also incentive to watch because some anitubers were making videos on it. I enjoyed it to an extent though. I liked the character designs of Yumeko and the uniforms were kinda interesting. The gambling idea was entertaining. I havenā€™t seen s2 yet. Still, for me, it was never a favorite. If there is hate out there for the series and itā€™s not just the Netflix jail thing from years back, it might be as simple as some just donā€™t care for fanservice. This one is very fanservicey. Then, the whole kink spin of the series.


There's a lot of anime fans and it has sky rocketed in popularity. There will always be haters in situations like this.Ā  To be honest, there are plenty of things to hate on or feel uncomfortable with in scene/culture. Anime fans are also not really great at/ willing to engage with tough questions about anime in serious or intellectual ways, which turns a lot of people off.Ā  Yes, to the average person, it's hard to describe exactly how you can enjoy Mushoku tensei with all the.....weird shit going on. Hey I don't blame them.Ā  With that said, I don't interact with them, so what's the big deal?Ā 


kakegurui is disturbing and low quality due to being overly sexual There's your answer.


Random weeb strolling through reddit. I'll throw in my two cents and hopefully not get torn apart by the echo chamber. Though it may be best to ask these questions to a sub not dedicated to the show. The overt unnecessary fanservice does it no favors, and that's a pretty substantial critique. I don't want to see kids' T&A shoved in my face, that's for sure. But I'd argue the biggest issue that there are no real stakes. You always know that Jabami is going to come out on top. Gambling shows are not fun when you always know the outcome. At least as far as season 1, but I haven't seen it in years, maybe my memory's off Compare that to a show like Kaiji, where, narratively, yes, Kaiji is bound to win eventually, he actually loses a lot of his bets which has terrible ramifications, from prison time to outright body mutilation. These give weight to his gambling because he's legitimately just a average dude hedging his bets, but he's not infallible. You don't get that with Kakegurui, leaving it to be, at best, a mid show.


You just explained why. Its just low ball horny bait.


I love the anime but is admittedly weird cuz it heavily sexualizes high school girls. I tried to read the manga and couldnā€™t get through it cuz of the panty shoes. If it didnā€™t have that there would be no reason to dislike it


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Worst series I ever watched. All the characters come off as selfish, cruel, self-centered, and sadistic. Even the guy who's supposed to be our narrator is spineless. The whole student council is so influential that they can affect business and governments is too over the top and ridiculous. I felt I wasted my time after watching it.