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It's Return-It Express for me now. So much easier.


And McGill is the spot for that!


It's just an excuse for the Grant family to steal more and spend less. The machines reject a lot of valid returns, and then the counter person say no deposit, but we will recycle them for you. Literally watched it happen to almost every patron. They do the same thing to the homeless cashing bottles at the downtown location.


Hey man. Grant is not a surname. The people that run it are Robertson. My name is Keegan Robertson. I can tell you that running a bottle depot is not a get rich quick scheme. In my teens I sorted bags with dirty diapers, needles, dog feces, rusty garbage, you name it. In canada we provide a deposit on those items so people bring them back to a recycling depot. If it has a deposit each can is worth last time I was privy to that knowledge less than 2 cents. These items then get packed up audited by weight and randomly counted in their big bags. If something that isn't supposed to be in those bags makes it through it can create huge amounts of recycled product that is then just thrown away. The idea that putting aside a few damaged items per order would make some "theft," from the public or would be in any way profitable is laughable. Margins are tight and with covid and inflation they get tighter all the time. If you've ever used self checkout at a grocery store, ordered an airbnb or shipped through Amazon you are participating in the dismantling of the working class. Let's not pretend bottle sorting machine is some beacon of corporate greed. It's a tough job and the toughest part about it is ignorant people will look a line of work that is done outside year round involved heavily with people's trash and the communities transients and call a family theives when they have zero idea what they are talking about. I take offense to your post and the confidence with which you have stated your stunted opinions. Fuck off.


Dude, chill.


It's a comment. Sorry you had to read for a few seconds.


Yup, Grant Robertson has been a player in kamloops for years. Seems you have the same great attitude that got him ousted from local politics. You run a monopoly in the city and definitely take advantage at every corner. Truth hurts, and I imagine your sensitivity is due to many accusations of being a predatory company. I only spoke from my experience on multiple occasions.


I don’t get it. I was just there and had to leave all the coronas to the side. I guess they have troubles reading clear bottles bar codes. But they gave me a receipt to cash is for them. Verdicts out on if it’s better. I do huge trips. $450. So how do I sort that many bottles on the tiny counter…. Milk jugs, juice boxes, all have to be kept to the side….. but what side. There’s no space. I’m going back to halston with my loads. I have 15 bags of 288 cans at home. I asked if I can still bring those counted bags in like I used to. She said yes but to call ahead first. I said will somebody actually answer the phone and she said , hopefully….




General Grants disappoints me. I use the express service now and every time I take a handful of bags into General grants they loose a bag. They did credit me around what I would have received the first time but now that it’s happened 4 times in a row i don’t trust my returns there and I will hold onto my bags and drop them off at a reliable return-it express when I go back to the lower mainland.


Lorne St Bottle Depot is also an Express drop-off.


That's where I take mine. Never had a problem with the express.


I crush all my cans and sort them. Upon arrival at the depot its pretty easy. I crush them so I can make 1 trip per year. The cans take up way less space in my area, and the recycling trucks. Saving fuel and carbon emissions. If I have to use a bar code reader, or all my crushed cans would be rejected. If that’s the case, Im wrecked! Lol.


Crushed cans don't work through the machines at all, ones that were about 50% "crushed" the stupid machines wouldn't take even when it didn't seem to have affected the bar code


Just that location


Weird. They took the few craft beer cans I had that had a odd barcode that was not in the system. I do not like the machines, slow tedious.


just crush them and scrap them for aluminum weight at the scrap yard


Not your craft beer cans 😵. Awe muffin


I know, nobody on earth has it as hard as I do


So how many.people have lost their jobs to the new machine?


You mean "how many people don't need to sort piss jugs by hand" now. How many jobs did back-hoes replace? What are we supposed to do with all these unemployed ditch diggers?


You have me crying, laughing hysterically over this comment! Bahaha


This is the way.


Dang Luddites!


Well I asked the guy working there and he didn’t seem impressed with the new system. I mentioned ‘you don’t get tips anymore do you’ and he said ‘yup’ and looked pissed. So yeah the machines took the tip up of his wage… which is sad.


I always give tips.i have never tried scanner thingy. Life goes on.