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Yes they could charge another person if they felt they had enough evidence for a guilty verdict.


They got this far charging Karen and haven’t shown a lot of solid evidence yet. But they have definitely proved that it was snowing that night, that the crime scene was poorly handled and that the Albert / McCabe families aren’t the most trustworthy bunch.


True! I can’t for the life of me figure out how we got this far. I keep thinking they’ve got more but yet here we are at the closure of Week 3 with a whole lotta nothin


Also Karen snuck a glass into the Waterfall, but no one knows what was in it. They've proved that.


But at least we know it could have been vodka OR water.


Why everyone who was with them is allowed to speculate about what was in the glass with no basis is doing my head in. No one asked the bartender what Karen was drinking.


Exactly surely in this day and age we can pull a receipt that is time stamped. 🙄


Tying what drink on a receipt to a group that were buying rounds might be impossible but no one I have heard so far has given any definitive proof on what she was drinking. Maybe it has been stipulated but so far the CW has proven that most of them shouldn’t have been driving except the person charged.


Absolutely and they have done this painfully slow, might I add….we are crawlinggg towards the defense presentation, which hopefully will have some pizazz from Mr Allan Jackson. *side note: your screen name is great * haha


lol thank you. I think Jackson will definitely show why he is being paid the big bucks. I don’t hate Yanetti either.


Yes and no. She was clearly drinking something clear while everyone else was drinking beer. Except Jens husband who drank crystal light with vodka water or whatever. So yea you couldn't definitively proved it but got an idea


Why would you sneakily carry water out of a bar in your coat?


She might have liked the glass. Loads of people have bar glasses glass in their cupboard.


And they proved there was a band playing at the Waterfall on Friday evening 🤦‍♀️


I don't think there's any evidence left unless someone confesses. Brian Albert got rid of his phone and dog which were never looked at by the police. The Alberts sold their house which was the crime scene.


Honestly, I think this is going to be like the Jon Benet case. The evidence and investigation was so incompetent that I don't know how the Common Wealth will be able to convict anyone.


I pray the defense comes in with experts that can give clarity and lay foundation for better questions. Because as of right now, you are spot on


So far, I’ve seen more evidence that incriminates the people in the house more than Karen Read. If she had a group chat text message like the ones we just saw, she’d be found guilty.


They have enough circumstantial evidence to try a few of the players that were there that night. They should throw in an obstruction of jucitice, perjury, witness intimidation and social host law charge ( Alberts only) for the underage drinking party. This list is based only on the testimony we have seen from the prosecutions case. When the defense is up there will be additional forensic and first hand witness (to the corruption charge) presented. I believe when Karen is aquited , someone (maybe more then one) that is either less culpable or less tied to the Alberts will crack. IMO it would be independently investigated and definitely not by the curret DA`s office or Canton Police.


I’m ready for Proctor to catch a charge (or numerous charges)


Depends on what the fbi does. They don't care who the Albert's are they will threaten federal prison. That the only way we ever know if karen isn't guilty


To piggyback off this question because I think that might happen, if she’s found not guilty I wonder if she could civilly sue the Alberts and/or McCabes for anything? I know I’m probably reaching and she’d need a ton of proof but if I were in her shoes I’d want to lol


I’d lean more towards the O’Keefe family suing the Alberts and McCabes, and they should absolutely sue Proctor for knowingly compromising John’s death investigation


That’s a great point!!


I wouldn't because we'll would you trust any of these witnesses with your life. Just saying best for her to leave well enough alone & move on if she's aquitted.


There’s already a federal investigation underway. I predict some serious charges are going to drop


Both sides wanted to put this off until that was done, but bev couldn't wait any longer to show the world she is an inept judge


No one else will be charged. They have no witnesses for trial. No one will testify against eachother.


Rumor that Higgins cut a deal with the Feds and flipped




Someone could flip bc of guilty conscience. Or gets arrested for something else and cuts a deal?


I hope so. But the pressure of having all these people against you if you did is huge. Including the whole police department/ at least the msot powerful part of it?


That would really cement the corruption of the system Edit to finish my thought— if fear of repercussions from LEO would prevent someone from divulging the truth


Happens every day


I'd love the O'Keefe's to file a civil suit against them.


I think the okeef support the Da??


Hey all! I am curious about the state police crime swab submission. The forensics lady said in her lab they photograph the samples from which they swabbed from. They didn't send her pictures at all & only 2 swabs from the shirt but didn't photograph from what part. They should have sent a swab from arm sleeve because that's where all those cuts were on his arm & the other sleeve & jeans & pictures to show where they swabbed.


Yes I agree. I also think the proven mishandling of the solo cup blood evidence would render serious doubt that the swab evidence was collected responsibly, especially with no photos to track the swab sources.


Exactly 💯


I would be willing to wager $100 against a case of Moxie that you had no opinions about the collection of this type of evidence until it came up in the trial.


(MemoTo: Snoo Compliments) Obviously So! We learn about it & have knowledge, hence the forensics explaining how it works & the defense & prosecution asking & understanding as well. That's what a trial is for! You need to understand what your even questioning.




& Yes your right we can all agree the solo cups 🥤 total mishandling of evidence. Correction the pic above atleast has a lid, lol.


I bet the jury also had no opinions about the collection of evidence until it came up in this trial. I know I didn’t! 


At this point I don’t think the world will ever know what truly happened that night.


It’s kinda giving mistrial to me for the way it’s been handled


I've been saying this as well. Also they won't have any evidence she intentionally hit John. They can assume it was an accident & if the jury buys it, I hope they drop the murder charge. If she hypothetically hit j.o. without realizing it, they need to aquit her on the 2nd degree murder charge. That charge is ridiculous & she may have not even hit him. I can't trust any witness testimony so far other than the forensics lady.


Absent a confession or some CSI: level plot twist, I'd be genuinely shocked. The defense would basically be the current case in reverse: you're claiming (some scenario), but we have a drunk woman who tells everyone she thinks she hit something, finds the body, and has damage to her car. Even if that doesn't prove the case against her beyond a reasonable doubt, it'd be reasonable doubt for the case against anyone else.


I doubt the CW would admit they were wrong to prosecute KW, so I highly doubt they would investigate anyone else. Possibly a Federal case, but I think they’re focused on the corruption in the investigation itself and not the whodunnit.

