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Sometimes you can not 1v9.




Since we can only see the scoreboard it pretty much looks like your other lanes got shit on hard which kinda forced you to try to 1v9 or 1v8 since naut was afk. NT, but you can’t win them all!


this isnt my fault pls


Sometimes you have to lose that's how this game works.. its kinda frustrating but it is what it is


You were fed and couldn't carry its your fault


He was fed AND still got gapped. Bel’s score is pretty crazy


Score doesn’t determine who got gapped. Belveth did really well with a good team. I’m a jungle main and I can’t exaggerate how easy it is to do well when all four allies are better than their lane opponent. Our intrepid hero on the other hand, dropped 20+ kills with 4 literal bots on his team. That’s more impressive imo.


based off the scoreboard, I can tell its your fault, because you are the jungler, and its **always** the junglers fault. /s But nah you did fine. I would have questioned the shadowflame with their mr, but you normally build it second and you had really good income so you probably had it before the mr came out and got good value out of it. Maybe you could have sold boots for stormsurge or lich bane, some high elo players think its not worth tho. Other than that good job, shit happens.


Why would shadowflame be bad if they have mr ? It doesnt change anything


because the formula for magic dmg and magic resist scaling. if someone has 100mr then 100/200 = %50 reduced magic dmg. Shadowflame is 12mpen so 88/188 ~%47 reduced magic dmg, mpen is only 3% increased dmg. versus void staff 60/160 ~%38 reduced magic dmg so an increase of %12 damage. So if your priority targets have a single mr item, flat pen sucks. the passive is nice but for one shotting it alots %7 increased dmg from full hp, and still doesnt out perform void staff. So its better to just skip in these situations and replace with situational items.


Nope, it is a common misconception about how resistances works in league of legends https://youtu.be/ttSSFAEX5ho?si=OnKVvh5Vz3TBFSDU watch at 3:42 Edit : in the screen he already has void staff, yes void staff is better in any situation if we talk about pure magic resist shred but it is always useful to have more flat m-pen NO MATTER WHAT the ennemy builds because of effective health


It's obvious from the extreme differences in assists that your team didn't work well together and the other team was much better at it. I used to think my team was to blame, however it's my choice to solo queue, so I have to accept the consequences of this format and player allocations. Rather than blame my team, I try not only to secure kills for myself, I also try to up my assists to help them get items. This way I'm not the only target.


How does Katarina jungle work?


She just needs buffs


I see no mejai, did u build it?


Tryna tell him he cursed himself?


no just saying he could have went MEJAI, mejai never toss


Mid, adc and top did less dmg than Thresh :')


Katarina jungle? You deserve this 😈💩


Sometimes it's happens. It's isn't your fault you did your best!


its not your fault. gg...


how tf did you loose that


Wallahi it is your fault wallah get good


Everyone has mistakes and its not our thing to decide whos fault is it. You can fix your mistakes not other ones.


huge mid gap that kat was so bad lol


Had the same thing happen to me the difference is I won honestly its a skill issue you should have carried(but seriously its all RNG you win some you lose some don't let it mess with your mental)


I will never understand people saying u can climb just being good in a team game,here u couldnt do nothing alone and enemy had 4 cc,your team was pure subhuman


What you gotta learn to accept is that not every game is carryable/winnable, only with that mindset you'll be able to keep the mental needed to climb. This just says "team difference" and it's very demotivating when you play such an amazing game and still can't win it no matter what you try because you're essentially playing a solo vs 4-5 game. All you can do is accept the loss and move to next game, as frustrating as it is, which I know is easier said than done.


Average 2024 assassin experience


meh, another day, another jungle gap, business as usual.


Seems like it was a jungle game lol


yea your fault could have flipped the coin better


You are jungler, its your fault


the people saying ''sometimes you just lose'' This isnt just a one time thing that happens once a month. This can happen 5 times a day everyday for one week and riot will eventually demote you for being bad even if you do everything you can. The ranked system is just bonkers where struggling players lands with carriers to hopefully win and vice versa.


You're teammates lost their lanes. It is only you and the enemy jungler who performed well. People cannot say jungle diff. Even if the enemy support left the game early, its only fair to say the enemy bot, mid, and top won and deserved the victory.


we are definitely going to ignore that status LMAO


It’s y fault, because y have large advantage, but didn’t implement it in any way, although the champion allows it


How did you even get all those kills against so much cc lmao


Yeah actually true, for signed i waited for him to E me then go in, belveth E behind her or wait for her to use her stun, Lux dodge or E, vayne E was a problem, but in the end i lost to them stacking mr and my team had 0 dmg even tho they were all ad


This is how league works in 2024. No individual player can make an impact on the outcome of the game