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Do they have an API? private subs?


Lemmy seems to have an API. I have no idea about private communities, though.


they seem to have communities that you have to apply to join as well as just open ones. I have joined my browser's own instance but it looks very much like twitter to me. I'm still confused as to how the cross-instance thing works myself.


Its like email. As long as the host recognizes another host, they'll communicate. If your host however is known for spam or something then other hosts may jist put you in the spam folder.


A Kebble is as much a social construct as it is an IT technology. It's meta, and relies upon an existing framework of online community to interact with. It's not something which you can pick up and place in another location and have it work the same way; have it work at all. **What *is* a Kebble?** I can create a sub-community on any platform: facebook, craigslist, Lemny. I could even do it in a real location, handing out real invites to people. I could tell random individuals that they are now part of an exclusive and closed community. While this is a part of what a Kebble may do on a schedule, it's no different to people on the street handing out flyers to join their Church/Gym. On the other hand, if you believe that this leg work is what makes a Kebble, then the answer becomes evident: you could do it anywhere from Antarctica, to the moon, from HAM radio to throwing a message in a bottle out to sea.


> What is a Kebble? I'm Kebble


Hello! Nice to meet you, finally! ;-)




Oh hey, the one who started it all. Nice to meet you.


yeah sup


> What is a Kebble? I don't think you answered your question. And, I do not think the "schedule" "legwork" is the point.


that's right