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If a new Kdot album shows up on my spotify in 2 days no rollout I'd lose my mind (and expect a Drake rebuttal)


I feel like we’ve already been witnessing the rollout, Kendrick usually stays in his shell but he’s been outside a lot lately. You would think he would’ve just dropped the feature and the 4 new songs then disappear for another 5 years again but instead he decided to do a whole concert and shoot a music video for Not Like Us.


City is back up, it's a must


People keep saying the five years thing but like that was because of Covid. He got writers block right when it started and stayed inside before that it was like every year or so he dropped something


He was going through something 😭


1855 days, I've been going through something. Be afraid


I think he spent that time make the Baby keem album/s


>I feel like we’ve already been witnessing the rollout, Kendrick usually stays in his shell but he’s been outside a lot lately. I know this was part of Keem's rollout but Family Ties had me thinking Kendrick was going to drop within the next 3-6 months and he ended up waiting almost a full year lmao. So I wouldn't be surprised if there's an album this summer, but I also wouldn't be surprised if it's not here until 2025. I can't imagine he doesn't drop anything within the next year but I've been fooled before.


Feel that, but with no announcement it would essentially be a surprise drop


Unless Not Like Us ends up on the album and he’s actually been doing the rollout the entire time.


I think he is trying another run at the "i" idea where he can take a lead single and just put a completely different version on the album


That’s would be sick af if that’s true, i(album version) is so much better than i(single), although obviously both are absolutely excellent


I mean we already been watching the rollout lol 4x diss tracks The Pop Out The new photos teasing the NLU video The NLU music vid coming


DAMN had a pretty similar roll out. might have been slightly more of a heads up but if i recall correctly shit just DROPPED outta nowhere i could see him doing something like that again. w the kinda following kendrick has, that kinda roll out actually works really well


We got Heart Part 4, then Humble then Damn. Mr Morale was a letter, some website folders, the Heart Part 5 and then the album. Tpab is the only time we got an album suddenly, because it released a week earlier than scheduled, but we got singles for that Everything else has got a rollout even the mixtapes. I would like a surprise drop to be fair, but it's never happened. Better now than never I guess


I mean the whole point of the rollout is to bring attention to the artist before the album drops, I don't think it's needed right now Edit: I just remembered that even Mustard said in an interview that he didn't really have a rollout planned, and that he used the success of Not Like Us as the rollout... I think it was with Big Boy but I'm not sure


A rollout just defines the "era" of whatever record. This beef definitely is something to remember for sure, but will it directly tie into Kendricks album in terms of subject matter? Maybe that doesn't matter, or maybe the album is just the 4 tracks plus 10. I think he always has a vision regarding a new album release. PgLang artsy media company shit is what I'm expecting,


You're right, with that perspective in mind it would make sense to have a rollout... But it would also make sense to make an album addressing the beef, at least the underlying themes and issues


There’s literally nothing Drake can do to rebut at this point.


> expect a Drake rebuttal "We planted those song ideas in your head, and you took the bait Kendrick"


We tricked you into doing your biggest first week album numbers. I still can’t listen to HP6. It gets worse daily. Good to get the pen working tho.


The rumours started before the beef. My guess is it's been mostly done since April/May.


There's always rumors of a new Kendrick album. There were rumors of a new Kendrick album two hours after DAMN. came out. .#Nation


I still believe. 😢


That was a wild ass time. I remember soundwave tweeted about the leak not being the real version. People wrote think pieces about the album covers meaning he dies then went to heaven on the NATION album. LOVE on the leaked version was way better than the released


is there anyway to find the leaked version nowadays?


Search up "kendrick lamar tracker google sheets"


Yeah exactly. He chose to pop up now for a reason, I still think that I also think we're gonna be getting more music similar to Not Like Us, and it'll be a more upbeat album than Mr Morale


If Kendrick drops an album this Friday I will literally eat my shorts and record it.


RemindMe! 2 days . :-)


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Ok bart simpson


u/CousinTyrone, is that you?


Didn't Punch say something that in his opinion that Dot might surpass Pac as the greatest ever after his album releases?


He did. Idk why people are saying Drake made up that rumour or that it'd be out of the blue lol. The rumours been ramping up since right before the beef.


i've said it before but i feel like kdot might have something wild like a andre 3k feature on a new joint pure speculation obv but still.. he got some stuff up his sleeve a full 80 min album w like 3-4 features is fully within kendricks wheel house and honestly this summer needs something like combined w all the other great music coming out this summer


He did NameDrop Andre 3K on Like That 👀


Andre said that he is done rapping and only makes flute music now


Low key hilarious sentence without context.


He still does features here and there though.


That’s some pimp shit right there


Has he done a feature since rapping on Life of the Party on Donda?


He was on killer mike’s album, who knows when it was recorded though


in the meantime, check out Kendrick Lamar, Andre 3000 - One Of You (leak) on youtube kenny snaps 🔥


nice rec edit: the way u said kenny made me remember for a sec that i also wish kendrick would do a kenny beats collab lol


I forgot about that, I'm adding it.


Mal only said it cause drake said it 😹


Drake is signed to Universal, Kendrick isn't signed to a major anymore, but has a publishing contract with Interscope (owned by Universal). So Drake would probably know. Anecdotal, but I think the reason Drake started being corny on Instagram again is because he knows something is coming


I think drake only said something about an album cause he can’t think of why someone would possibly call him out unless it’s for “clout”


Actually I think it’s because like everything else on THP6, it was pulled from Twitter. Literally all of his angles were shit his stans were saying on Twitter and instagram lmao. There were a bunch of ov ho accounts saying “Kendrick must be dropping an album and needs the clout because he isn’t relevant anymore”


Drake want to play into Kendrick’s words? Right? Album coming soon folks. Hold tight. Grab the helmets 🪖


Mal gotta open a donut shop soon with all the glazing he does.


There's not enough donuts that could keep up with the glaze


Mal is such a stupid ass cornball. Ever since he got his own pod with Rory, his cornball levels have risen exponentially.


It gets you views to say stupid shit.


I don’t care I’m buying the hype ![gif](giphy|MZocLC5dJprPTcrm65)


If he does drop, the album has to be called “US.” Right?


I would fucking hate that title


god this subreddit keeps blasting hopium down my throat I can't take it anymore


There is no way he is dropping an album on a ~24 hour notice.


I think Kendrick has given himself more than 24 hours notice.


Yeah I don’t see Kendrick dropping out of the blue. Unless he announces it in the next hour or so it’d be out of nowhere


Yes, a Kendrick Lamar album would be out of nowhere. When's the last time we heard from that guy?


The thing is, he’s already the hottest name in rap rn so he already has the hype for whatever he drops. Can definitely see him dropping to capitalize off of the beef


This whole thing is for the culture so I'm guessing the album is gonna be something different. Think it's going to be a lot of features from the people in the west that were prob on the pop out or/and lesser individuals that weren't performing


Idk because they said something about a TDE anniversary album or show so I’m leaning in that direction. I’m fine with that too. I think a Black Hippy TDE album would be 🔥.


I hope he comes with the family ties energy, that LA flow and inflection is tough asf.


I don't know why but it would feel weird for Kendrick to release while Em is in mid album cycle mode and has a set release date. I always thought that when Em started his cycle, Kendrick would come with his album after, but what do I know?


Yeah If em was set to drop in August I could see Kendrick doing it with no cycle right now. But it’s literally next Friday for Em.


Exactly. It doesn't make sense for either artist and it seems both fanbases are fans of the other artist. The two also mutually respect each other so I don't see it happening that way.


I agree. I think if Kendrick drops this year, and I think it would be in his benefit to do so, it won’t be until late Summer at the earliest. But the video for “not like us” and even maybe the announcement for an album is coming soon. The video probably the 4th or on Friday.


This is a really long post all just to say that we basically know nothing besides the fact that there *should* be an album releasing eventually.


Hey, I started the thread by saying "Everything in this thread is speculation." I thought it may be important to document as many rumors as possible as a reminder of the moment leading up to the album.


a lot of useful information tho and a good way to cut down on the clutter in the main subreddit


I hope we get a proper rollout, my guess is the album will not be ready by the end of summer, so if he doesn't mind a fall/winter release that's when it will happen.


What even is a proper rollout for Kendrick anymore lol. It feels weird to release 'The Heart Pt 6.' after already having the hit single.


The album could easily be headed in a different direction than not like us and I think Kendrick is eventually gonna drop a heart part 6.


I hope he drops Heart Pt 6. I just hope he does it before he announces the album. The thing that makes the first 4 in the series unique is because the song itself *is* the album announcement. The Heart Pt 5 strayed away from that as we already knew the specific day the album was dropping when the song came out.


The Heart Pt 7


Theory: NLU MV cuts out and then THPVII starts playing which is where all the black and white imagery appears


He might go straight to 7 and consider 616 the heart pt 6?


Heart Part 5 1/2


The same way he has rolled out his past albums, a proper album rollout is essential if he wants to do great numbers, the hype surrounding the beef can't single handedly get him 500k or more in sales


Fuck the numbers


> The same way he has rolled out his past albums None of his albums have had the same rollout.


It absolutely can not like us might be the fastest song to 500m streaks since streaming been tracked. If he drops with in the 2 weeks he doing 500k no Doubt. Mr Morale did 296 without a single do imagine with a monster hit record


hp5 was a single


Fair but it wasn’t a hit like not like us and he still managed to do 300k. I think yall forgetting he got a whole new fan base off this beef as well


I think he should name it, “The Real Heart - Part 6”


This whole thing has been for the culture so I'm guessing the album is gonna be something different. I think theres going to be a lot of features from the people in the west that were prob on the pop out or/and lesser individuals that weren't performing


Releasing an album a week before Eminem’s is certainly a choice, so I highly doubt it’ll drop this Friday, that’s for the MV


Added to thread: [Jay Rock reposts a Watts record company saying "Movie Time" with the picture of Black Hippy](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GRrIDp-WsAET0D2?format=jpg&name=large) Edit: Going to "Big Moo Records" Instagram and it looks like everyone on TDE follows them including management? I assume it's something to do with Moosa, Tops son/TDE President. A play off his name?


Yeah way too much smoke now for the video to not drop tonight.


Rumor is 7 est, so 30 minutes after this comment.


Kendrick has not dropped an album outside of spring time since GKMC, so that would be a change if he does drop this summer. i really feel like Drake just made up the album rollout thing because he couldnt fathom Kendrick calling him out except for "clout" which is what he accused Kendrick of doing with Control as well. i think if any album comes soon, it wouldnt have been an album ready back in March, but rather a result of the beef directly (but may not include any of the disses as actual tracks, not even NLU)


I think there will be a surprise drop tonight. Everyone this week has been releasing early. Whether it will be Kendrick, Drake or someone else remains to be seen but Eminem dropping on a Tuesday, Zach Bryan (huge country star) dropping today, Gambino dropping early this week among other drops. This is usually a sign that a surprise drop is happening.


Is it a Zach Bryan album? Honestly his album could compete with Kendrick for #1 despite the two separate fan bases. His last album did 200k first week.


Yep. Complete album with 19 songs dropped yesterday for whatever reason.


Not like us won't be on a new album... If you listen to Kendrick then you know his albums are complete works of art with a full narrative spanning the whole album, not just random songs thrown together


Unless he drops a whole album just shitting on Drake


Kendrick album can wait another two weeks. We gotta get through that wack ass em album first then we can get to the actual goat 


I mean both the singles for Em's album have been pretty solid. You don't have to tear other artists down to hype up your fav


I agree there is enough love for all. There would be no Kendrick with out em


“you don’t have to tear other artists down to hype up your fav” where were you for the past 4 months? 


I don't know what you're asking 




get lost


I may not get my Lauryn Hill feature that I've been asking for, but a sample is the next best thing


Can’t really see him doing a surprise drop tbh, if anything we get a small EP but the chances of that are slim too


Ain’t no Album coming without a Heart pt 6 then a week later a album. It’s been the roll out since TPAB.


We need a new Kendrick album.


Mods, you gotta change the discussion posts back to being sorted by new. Idk why that happens to this sub so often


Y do u think joes a weirdo lol


Kendrick not dropping this year