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Agito ass is enough to beat gaolang




Man don’t be bringing that same foolishness they do over in the Baki subreddit over here.


U must be new 😭


Nah not new. The same repetitive comments are just played out and old. You wanna bury your face in Kanoh’s azz cheeks we got the message years ago.


You just jealous kanoh dont give you that ass


Sounds like you’re projecting


Dude, if Kanoh's gyatt wasn't that big, and getting bigger every panel he's in, we wouldn't be making that joke.


https://preview.redd.it/zmgyftpteu8d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ea2b8f8ea67b01e08a99a48ff5e65ee366ef508e Kengan forgot to give them a fan service that's where they adapted and enjoying agitoes ass




I mean look at that cake


I kinda like the idea of Agito losing from a narrative point of view. Just to drive in the whole being humble and recognizing that its a big world out there. People are rapidly catching up to him whereas he hasn't improved that much. I'd love to see him take a couple L's, and then hit the serious grind.


Bro I miss the days where he used to be like the final boss


I want him to achieve that again, but I kinda wanna see the Rihito glow up for him you know. Took some L's, fixed his shit and now he's just collecting his W's. And it all felt rightfully earned, I'd love to see something like that for agito


He still is, but now theres like a bunch of other final bosses.


It'd be so badass for him to take an L here, then he starts going through his "Evolutions" again like in Ashura and gets his power ups like Raian and Ohma did


If Agito drops Martial Arts and somehow uses Niko Style, he will be S+ Tier




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Fang wont lose twice in the same series, right???


I mean, if he loses to Gaolang, then it means he beat both Julius and Lolong


If Agito beats Lolong and Julius, and then Gaolang beats Agito, the power scaling will be in absolute shambles lol


Which is a good thing in my book. Fuck power scaling.


I don't like idea of power scaling too, it would be really interesting if it's like A beats B, B beats C and C beats A; like a circle, for compatibility and technique reasons


Why do you think that


because fuck you that's why


Alright man, what the flip


limits story


How? Because your favorite character lost and a character you don’t like is stronger? K lol


Agito gets more caked up every time this scene is posted


Honestly I like the fact that currently it could go either way.


I believe gaolang has grown more than agito, heck agito has totally abandoned the whole evolution during the battle gimmick, if they do end up facing each other, I don't see ( story wise) any reason for why gaolang should loose


Agito , he's already lost to arashiyama , and gaolang beat arashiyama , so I feel sandros gonna make agito win just to prove the paper scissors rock compatibility thing , I personally want agito too , bros lost all his hype.


Gaolang was at a disadvantage agaisnt Jurota


They were both equally disadvantaged really. Gaolang was peak striking he’s peak grappling. Each has the potential to win, and Gaolang’s speed negated Jurota’s foresight


I want Gao to win, but I hate to say it I think Agito is gonna win just because of the compatibility point. I highly doubt Sandro will make Agito lose AGAIN so soon after his last loss, and to the guy Gaolang beat no less. I’d almost say it’s certain that if this matchup happens then Agito will win just because of that reason.


He must loose to GOATlang and have the greatest win in the greatest fight in the series against sixth niko


Kanoh lost to Jurota, Gaolang won against Jurota. Strictly speaking, Gaolang has "better" feats, even though both fights were toss-up


"A beat B, B beat C, so C loses to A" is a pretty worthless statement in a manga where matchups are largely decided by compatibility.


Gaolang and Jurota were verbatim stated to be equally incompatible with each other. Most importantly, the difference between victory/defeat was decided over a single move in the case of Kanoh vs Jurota, and a single prediction in the case of Jurota vs Gaolang


Like what lol? That concept applies to very few matches, most fights are decided by strength or luck if the fighters are on the same level


I dunno… Sandro seems pretty explicit in saying that the fights are 50/50 when you’re on this level…


that's what I said. But TECHNICALLY, "winning" is a better feat than "losing". Only in terms of feat though.


If we will use the agito that fought jurota, then I will give this to gaolang. But let's do this again after we see Agito's next fight with JulGOAT ReHIMhold


Agito trips gaolang and proceeds to suffocate gaolang using that thick juicy voluptuous cake of his


Kanoh...his style is much better fit to fight Gaolang. Jurota was taking shots afters shots whole fight, Kanoh ain't dumb enough to try Gao AGAIN.


I don't see how Gaolang could handle Agito constantly switching between Martial Arts and Formless


Being faster and reading his moves obviously


Kanoh cake clap solos everyone at once


Cake-gito, the fang is too strong


It's going to be a verrryy high diff match VERRRYY HIGH Like a split decision typa fight


GOATlang of course


Fuck that, **the c a k e***


Me %100


Agito should win but the author is just using him as a hype job for other fighters now. That’s the way of fighting mangas I guess. Author will use him now to build up a win for Rolon, then Gaolang vs Rolon final


Agito, high end of extreme diff


Doesn't look good for my man Agito. In the KvP it was clear that Agito would have stomped Gaolang due to his Formless Martital Arts covering up for their weaknesses but with the revelation that Gaolang now has Anti PI moves it makes it hard for Agito to deal with him as Formless is useless on specialists and Martial Arts would still not be fast enough to deal with his striking. However one thing I've seen in Gaolang's fights is that he is extremely front-load in his moveset and needs to dominate his opponent by wearing them down or he will risk gassing out. Jurota could have won against him if he was more patient and allowed Gaolang to keep own wearing himself down as his anti-PI puts a strain on his mind. Then there is his lower durability and lack of defensive moves which could play into Agito's hands as he's tougher and has indestructible. Either way, given Gaolang's feats it's gonna be a high diff fight for him.


I think Agito would lose honestly -Gaolang fan


If we were actually going by feats in this story then Waka would’ve turns Ohma into ground beef. It’s whoever the author wants to win at this point


Easily Gaolang




Gaolang can win and has shown more growth. Personally I don’t like this Agito we’ve been seeing, it’s like he’s been tamed. I want the animalistic, constant evolution Kanoh back.


I believe Gaolang will lose to drive home the point about compatibility between fighters being significant factor. Jurota beat Agito by being the superior grappler, where Gaolang beat Jurota because he far outclassed him in striking. Here Agito may win because he's a better all-rounder. Gaolang doesn't really need the victory since defeating Jurota already gave him equal or above credibility to Agito at this point unless the author is planning to set up Gaolang to be the new end game boss(beside Kuroki obviously).




Jurota defeated agito and godlang mid diffed jurota fraudgito is not coming out alive if they fight


What's Kanoh going to do here? Pre Initiative is useless and MA means he will engage in a striking match, that's an instant L. That means he will have to rely on grappling and formless, formless isn't viable against a specialist like Kaolan, that leaves grappling and his adaptation thingy he does which Kaolan slapped anyway in Ashura. Kaolan mid diffs.


Swoogity swiggity I’m gonna go get me some booty like the booty warrior


Brother, if they don’t meet in the finals I’m gonna have a seizure


I think Kanoh would win, but this bracket greatly favors Gaolang. I don't think Kanoh can be in anywhere close to good form after going through Rolon and Julius (IF, he can actually beat Rolon)


agito lost all of his right to loose against jurota, if agito doesn't clean the tornumante he will get less cool but god dammit it will be so fucking cool if gaolang breaks his bones for real this time




Feat-wise....gaolong (currently). (Lost to Agito before power up. Beat Jurota after power up who beat Agito also after power up). Story-wise, equal as I don't think they will rematch cause it makes more sense for Donaire to win. But if they DO fight...Agito cause he lost to Jurota, who lost to Gaolong thus Agito would need to beat Gaolong to have everything to be properly set up in the story.


Kanoh I do believe will win if they fight again


I love Gaolong, but Imma have to go with Agito on this one


Man I remember when I read Ashura and Agito was introduced. He was the coolest fighter around. Crazy backstory, basically untouchable. Either he's gotten weaker or the other fighters have stepped up their game.


Bro the artist just knows wtf he‘s doing


The Cake of Metsudo is too strong. It might be enough to reach Kuroki now


Gaolang mid diffs off of feats


Why the fuck is fang even here when he clearly lost to arashiyama??? Why even have that match in that case......


Still either way, remember Agito was serious but he wasn't as locked in his fight against Jurota like he was in round three Ashura. He even pulled out the old challenge them at their own game thing again so we'll only know when or if they fight again.