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..there’s a subreddit for Kengan powerscaling lol? Anyway I think both are near equal, match could’ve gone either way


its like a week old. could become something decent, could die.


Yes and no In high tier fights like this, it is hard to get a clean cut who is stronger. It is dependent on matchup ( e.g. jurota was able to beat kanoh , who is arguably stronger than Gaolang) In this particular fight, Gaolang is stronger due to better planning/strategy You get both of them to fight 100 times, it is probably very close to 50:50


In my opinion, the gap is so thin so it easily can be a measurement error. But even this is enough to decide the winner of the certain match.


Here's a good example of where at times, having a higher battle iq and a better plan than your opponent gets you a dub. Gaolang has been a victim of that particular incident, when he fought Carlos. He's stronger than Carlos but Carlos had a better plan. I'm not saying Jurota is much stronger than Gaolang. No, but he's definitely stronger in terms of strength. Skill wise they're both are perfectionist in their separate arts. So to answer your question, stronger? No. Higher battle IQ , yes.


Bro didn't even realize Jurota is a judoka, not a samurai.


they're in the same league, there are no numerical power levels like in early dragon ball. characters in the same ballpark of strength in kengan can go either way, jurota can have a rematch with gaolang and he might win 4\~5/10 matches same with agito




Even though we saw something pretty one sided, it’s obvious they both are equal. Gaolang has the range advantage and more options to attack Jurota. Jurota is way more tanky, durable and could one shot Gaolang if landed a Swing at the right moment. I dislike the fight a bit tho, too slow, but I guess it makes sense. Anyways, we should stop using “stronger” to declare a winner. Gaolang won because he took the right decision after Jurota used Swing on him. It could go either way.


Yes. Even though they're pretty close overall, Jurota has more clear weaknesses imo while Gaolang is a foresight killer. I also believe Jurota didn't get much stronger from when he beat Kanoh, and current Gaolang would beat that version of Kanoh much more comfortably. Jurota is in a weird spot where he's in the process of becoming closer to an all-rounder but he's still too far away from reaching that goal. Meanwhile, Gaolang is getting even better at his specialty and pushing the limits of a specialist by being able to deal with pretty much any type of fighter with his small but effective arsenal. Jurota's peak might be higher than Gaolang's, we don't know that yet, but right now Gaolang has better momentum.


If I had to pick, I'd still put Jurota slightly above him overall, but it's not by a lot. Gaolang countered his PI, which is an incredibly good defensive ability. I'd also say compatability slightly favored Gaolang, but not by much. Even then, a weaker fighter can still beat a stronger fighter. When someone says X beats Y 8/10 times, that also means X LOSES 2 out of 10 times. For now I'd put Jurota sliiightly above Gaolang due to beating Agito, and all the insane statements he has. If Gaolang gets to the finals, then depending on how that match goes, it's probably going to solidify his placement.


Yes, that's why he won.


"The compatibility victim"


Could have gone either way, Gaolang was going for death by a 100 cuts while Jurota was preping for the big one, it's just part of their fighting style because it was stated they are each other's worst match ups. Hell Gaolang had to put in extra effort to not trigger Jurota's auto throw counter with his anti PI and quick attacks so it's telling that he didn't in 100% effort in case he was left open.


Why was this fight so 1 sided????


I wouldn't say there were major difference, they main issue was one specialized in striking and the other specialized in grappling which Gaolong was more prepared for, also seemed much more diverse in his arsenal compared to Jurota


i still think jurota is stronger than Gaolang, he just doesn't beat him in a fight.


Nope. Jurota messed up big time there and lost




Absolutely. Idk how this is even a question. Still a close fight though


As much as Jurota was stronger than The Fang. They called that an upset btw.  😇 Personally, I think we'd need to see a lot more big wins from either fighter.  Even S tiers can lose to B tiers, that doesn't make them S tiers.