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https://preview.redd.it/3ekm6rkf6v8d1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=84d23a0d5b34191dc4e5f6ca91f9cd89b7b34fad :foolingaround:




this is a funny panel in retrospect, like everyone surrounding him are murderers, his teacher is going to marry into an assassin clan and already killed multiple people as a child. Sekybashi powerbombed people into a carpet of spikes, Rolon is a worm hunter, Agito killed like 11 people in the ring Even (somewhat) recently Ohma threatened to kill Xia Ji if he didn't fight Koga...


The difference is there are reasons for all that, there was seemingly no reason for this. Koga even asks Ryuki multiple times giving him a chance to explain himself and he turns up every one. His reaction was certainly warranted for senseless murder


oh my bad, I thought he killed a worm


He did, Koga just didn’t know this and Ryuki is terrible at communication


Lol literally every fighting in kengan goes on until one of the fighter passes out, they are all willing to kill each other for victory, kogas such a cry baby for this , " muh MuRDeR bAd 😭 " he always felt like such a forced character, stinks of a jobber aura and yet Sandro wants us to believe that he's the next connector


There’s a difference between killing in an all out match where both fighters know and accept the risk and killing a civilian for no reason


In retrospect, i find omega to be less brutal then ashura, it felt more like a slice or life manga (like danberu, or isshou senkin But maybe its more on ashura as more brutal compared to the other two, but thats what made omega even weirder My enjoyment on omega is like how i enjoy sports manga like haikyu, while ashura is how i enjoy brutal manga Both are great but i felt weird comparing omega to ashura and i have difficulty explaining it in words


Funny enough, more people actually died in Omega than in Ashura, despite the fights themselves being more "martial arts" than the "deathmatches" of Ashura (due to Nogi's "no deliberate killing" rule).


Thats true, but the deaths are more on the villains, especially the wu clan, worms, and ryuki's grandpa, which does not help in lessening omega's brutality Cmiiw, I dont think the main characters and their allies are dead, except for the kure clan patriach


>his teacher is going to marry into an assassin clan That's were you wrong kiddo https://preview.redd.it/uks97wlnfx8d1.jpeg?width=961&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=17cde41caa76705a7867b59d11dc21cb2388383b


I don't think seki has killed anyone


I just remember them going over an explanation of deathmatches and there was a panel of Seki throwing someone onto a bed of nails


They actually do stuff like that in deathmatch wrestling irl though


If he kill someone with that he would be a failure at a pro wrestler


I think Agito never murdered people on the ring. I'm ofc exonerating him from the Gu ritual because that wasn't truly on his own volition. Ohma also only killed a Yakuza leader who had already hurt him onscreen.


When edward became too strong


>!It's not like I wanted Mokoichi Robinson to die, but it's kind of bullshit that he didn't.!<


dude should’ve at least been paralyzed in omega why’d they bring a random dude that had like 0 fans back


All Metsudo bodyguards when Yumi kills one random person they forgot the name of (they are all mass murderers)


They're just doing their jobs. For Yumi, unlike Kanoh who retired, betrayed Metsudo and killed one of their own, turning him into a traitor.


W bag


The important thing is that Yumi was a traitor, others are just good "soldiers" who follow orders. Which means Yumi is hated not because he's a murderer, but because he was disloyal and backstabbed his own allies.


Ah yes, "following orders". An historically airtight defense. Not that we've seen the bodyguards actually Nuremberg anyone.


Lol didn't one of them kick the literal price of a country (hassad) in the ocean to drawn


That was part of their plan, though. I imagine the bodyguard wasn’t informed at the time


That's exactly how I reacted when Edward died.


Imagine if he finds out what Akoya does in backdoors 💀


Koga needs to settle the fuck down