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I want julius to win but he won't






I hope Julius wins as well.


My mind says Agito, but my heart says techniques are nothing compared to overwhelming power


There's gonna be a bunch of fluff about how much Agito has improved his formless and worked on himself since his loss to Jurota. Only for Juliuis to reveal that he's managed to Gott Totter his entire body, turn into a human tornado and send Agito flying into the hemisphere.


I'm waiting for Julius to throw his first kick in the entire series, with his legs all Gott Totter'd up. (I don't think he's ever kicked before).


He did attempt to "stomp kick" Waka, before eating a couple of kicks himself. However you could be onto something.


He does not seem as the most flexible man in the world, his kick would be the slowest, most dodgeable one in the entire cast.


But imagine, he takes inspiration from his first on screen opponent Sawada, and imparts the twisting of Gott Totter onto his legs letting him do a fast and strong spin kick. (This is a silky idea, but I wouldn't put it past the author.)


people taking notes from each other's tech is not uncommon, but 1. sawada is well known for having flexibility, which others may not have 2. julius, using tech? lel


He did use a push kick against Wakatsuki.


"I've evolved once more since my match with Arashiyama's, now there are no blows that can defeat me, not yours, not his, not even Kuroki Gensai" "If I can't hit you or slam you then I'll just do **this!**" *Picks up Agito and throws him out of the stadium* "Wait, did he just steal one of my lines?"


Team rocket style


that would actually mean that Agito would be nerfed from final boss in ashura kill the beard came to jobber


I dont see Agito losing to Juluis as nerfing him. No matter who takes this, it's going to be high diff. Besides Agito has always sung Juluis's praises. He's always acknowledged him as being incredibly strong. I'm not rooting for Juluis to win because I want to see him humiliate Agito. I love Agito as a character, and I dont want to see him disrespected. But I don't consider him losing to Juluis as Sandro mishandling him or disrespecting him. I think Sandro has made it pretty clear by now that Agito is no longer the big fish, and that there are people out there more than capable of beating him. Juluis just happens to be one of those people.


Kanoh still has a lot of story relevance as it pertains to the Worm and Tiger Niko. Part of me feels as if he's the one being set up to defeat him, considering his reaction during KvP to Tiger's arrival and his personal history. Losing twice in a row, both in high profile fights, takes a lot out of the potential luster of that set up, and further makes Kanoh irrelevant in a story with already heavy amounts of power creep.


> Sandro has made it pretty clear by now that Agito is no longer the big fish, wich in my book is a big nerf


https://preview.redd.it/l7r7ug8jox8d1.png?width=900&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9306a52c9b23c4d2d67aab64a96b902026acf43f Julius, I don't know how you can possibly win against the narrative and clear skill gap. But I'm praying. I've already sold my house for as much musclecoin as I can get.


Narratively it'd make more sense for Agito to take this one since Julius is undefeated in Omega but... I'VE NEVER LET LOGIC FOOL MY AGENDA ROIDCOIN TO THE MOON 📈📈📈


German Science W German Science W German Science W German Science W German Science W German Science W German Science W German Science W German Science W


My king JULIUS is low diffing this Akoya tier fodder with FULL BODY GOTT TÖTER. He's smart enough to not show all of his cards in the first showing. Calling that he's going to use Gotta töter for defense as well. Agito doesn't stand a chance against OVERWHELMING POWER. https://preview.redd.it/pe12gd4xnx8d1.png?width=868&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c07589e73efe30ee22e44ed3c246478d0652efd8


Flows like water, one inch punch, sezy onesie, dood is literally 7 foot Bruce Lee XD


Don’t forget the Chinese ethnicity. 


Seems like Agito's mixing together pre-initiative and going limp, and I honestly don't know how Julius can counter that.




Julius is cooked, no way is Kanoh losing twice in a row in a span of like 10 chapters. *(Besides I need Kanoh to make it far for Jurota agenda)*


naw julius must have train to beat rolon while agito train beat 2nd strongest julius has to win


I don't care about this result, the real question is: Page one Idemitsu vs Alisa's "loud" fit?


The fanbase would explode if Kanoh loses twice in a row


Water moves are effective against rock type therefore Agito will win


To me agito is the only one with potential to reach close to shen level thanks to his adaptation.


I want Agito to win since I can't stand Julius but I have a feeling Julius will win as Sandro trying to diverge from audience expectations. Agito being unlikely to lose twice in a row and being narratively recognized as a top tier in the verse makes the Julius win all the more unexpected. Also looking at the characters kits and Julius's adamant (and stupid) refusal to use techniques (despite Gott totter being a fuckin technique) Agito has every tool to win while Julius doesn't have much to help him win. Funnily I always argued with friends Julius as of KVP could clip Agito with Gott Totter due to Agito possibly trying to slip the punch with formless and taking more damage than he is expected due to how Gott Totter works but the start of this fight shot that argument in the foot. The Julius win is more unexpected so I'm giving it to Julius.


It depends on if Julius has something new like Gott-Totter kicks. Agito already used his improved formless trumpcard.


Sandro is gonna hit us with that subversion special I promise invest in powercoin


I think Agito wins although I want Julius. As a Justin fan tho, I'm already eating good & will be happy with whatever we get! But seriously, Agito vs. Lolong has been hyped for a long while & I think we are getting it.


This was a great start. Agito mid to high diff. I see Julius landing 1 hit.




My precious pookie will never lose again, believe in HIM https://preview.redd.it/go8uroeaox8d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=044cfc7868af119cd833347692dedf768c954d56


I think we do. I think we win for getting to see this fight.


My man Agito should take this


Obviously Agito will win, he's not gonna lose again and we all know Sandro loves his bullshit techniques.


There's absolutely no way Sandwich gonna make the former Fang and one of the strongest fighters in Kenganverse lose twice in a row.. But in Muscle Man I trust.


I need the Kanoh v Rolon matchup so my boi Agito NEEDS to win


Oh boy Agito is serious from the start Julius needs a new move or he loses maybe flip the whole arena.


Agito winning is fine Please no superlimp bs


I think Agito will win but I want OVERWHELMING POWER to win, good news is, Ive gotten every single fight in this tournament wrong


gott toter his pp jules


I will be the one winning, cus this fight is gonna make me cream


it more interesting if julius wins




Julius is already failing, like i know he will do better but i don't see Agito losing.


I am sorry but Kanoh just no sold Julius biggest powerup like it was nothing. I really wanted to vote Julius but this chapter really broke my expectations. I expect Agito to win next chapter with his improved Formless or whatever.




Julius is strong, but we are talking about Agito Kanoh... he won't lose easily.


I'm honestly fine with either winning but I think they're setting it up to be Agito that wins, since the entire point of Kengan is that techniques help defeat stronger opponents


Julius will use martial arts.


C-Tier fraud


I wonder how Agito can handle a guy like Julius. I won't be surprised if he end up losing


I've dropped out of the Omega loop so much since the time I saw so many hyped up characters turned into folding jobber chairs that this doesn't even make me think much, but- Definitely Agito. If there's a character that always gets glazed in both Ashura and Omega, it has to be Agito. Doesn't matter if Julius is your fav or not, he's not the favorite of the universe at least in that specific fight. Unless the manga makes him lose because its funny lol


Julius starting off right away with GT and sustaining it the duration of the fight is pretty big. He also must have another hidden card up his sleeve if he's starting off with a finisher attack. Well, one that's now a new power up form?


Julius will clap Agito, obviously. Who needs technique?


even ignoring the fact I doubt the author will make one of strongest characters in Kengan lose twice in row especially after unleashing a new technique and getting stronger but from matchup standpoint dont see how the heck julius even suppose to be able to tag agito. Yeah julius just these one hit with Gott Toter but agito with is way too fast smart and skill for Julius to be able to even get a clean hit once especially within whatever short timelimit Gott Toter as


The sure thing is that the art won't be the winner lmao (at least for now, this is the baddest draw of RCT)


Agito will manage to sit Julius down, explain to him finally that Gott Toter IS a technique and let him spiral out into depression while he takes the win after Julius is declared the loser for being catatonic in the arena for over 6h.


Agito starts strong.  Julius will reveal some trump card, everyone will be amazed by how strong Julius is, clap clap and yada yada.    Then, he gets you were awesomed by Agito, so to keep Julius' honor intact but still win.   The end. 


Agito at the disadvantage of the first person to show their power up curse rn


i think sandro has no balls to make agito lose to no technique guy which is sad bcs julius is not simple meathead he is like "200iq" meme genius, that could think of some strategy to win without using martial arts but author would need to be creative... Maybe if we get flash back where julius gives up on his lack of techniques and learns one or two, that rely on body enhancment like adamantine kata or iron breaker that let him win. It looks also like obvious path to kanoh vs goatlang rematch, where goatlang probably wins but i think julius vs goatlang would be much more epic. Huge beffy guy, that has no striking techniques vs master of strikes, but who is less beffy and has less raw strength.


Lolong vs Kanoh would be a much more interesting match since we already know that Lolong kicked Toa's ass . With that in mind its likely to assume that Kanoh will be the one advancing


Can someone explaint to me why Julius has so many fans? What's the appeal of a muscle man with no martial arts with the personality of a cardboard box in a martial arts manga? With Justin I kind of got it because the underdog factor although he was corny, but with Julius I don't get the appeakl, I coudln't care less about the character


Talking about personality in kengan makes no sense for me. Imho not a single character in kengan has complex personality. It is just fighting manga to read for fun. Even plot with shen is mediocre imo (much better than baki bullshit still), but fights are very nice and enjoyable. So taking personality out of picture, somewhere, some1 already mentioned that Julius is a breath of fresh air in fighting mangas which follows the same route were technique beats meatheads without technique. This got just boring. Julius has body of a typical meathead but he is portraited as a genius also. His view of owerhelming power is interesting with which i agree quite a bit, that if there is insane difference in physical stats between fighters, no technique is gonna save you unless u fight vs complete idiot. To give you a hyperboly, no matter how "skilled" u are in techniques, you are not gonna arm lock or choke a bear, u are dead meat beacuse of a weight and power difference. Even in normal fights, between humans, u have weight classes for a reason. It is very important factor because at certain level of weight its much easier for oneshot, those punches are way heavier and heavy weight fights are muuuuch more interesting for me (i think for most people too, tho i am not sure) in real life than fights between birds (feather weight). Paradoxically i feel like julius is more realistic than "hurr durr i will win using "technique" that in reality is complete magic, like going more limp than my dik and negate all damage, ima just now water haha, beat me now, lmao". His weight and strength, even tho obviously superhuman (like probably in case of every kengan fighter that often survive normally lethal damage without being crippled for life anyway) still have more in common with reality for me, than those BS techniques, that have no real explanation how they work (bcs they dont work in real life). Those techniques are just pure magic (still enjoyable to read these fights for fun without looking for much of a sense in all this). Also his fights are just very enjoyable, the one with waka gave (at least me) a bit of dragon ball wibe (my first anime that i liked so much). On top of this all i personally like manly, huge muscular characters that have determination in them, julius looks like one for me.


Great points, thanks! I understand it better now. Just straight up muscle vs all the bullshido magic techniques, I get it.


No problem, glad u could grasp my julius fan point of view.




Agito, only he has the characteristics to make Justin's skills shine in the final.


Agito, wondering about the final. Not going against Gaolang, but it doesn't feel right for him to win against Agito or Lolong. I don't see Justin been a "real final material". So is either Lolong vs Agito or Lolong surprisingly losing against his opponent and the guy winning the tournament or been stopped against Agito, but leaving him in too much bad shape.


Agito, wondering about the final. Not going against Gaolang, but it doesn't feel right for him to win against Agito or Lolong. I don't see Justin been a "real final" material. So is either Lolong vs Agito (tru to Kengan style of the "real final" been before the final. Or Lolong surprisingly losing against his opponent and the guy winning the tournament or been stopped against Agito, but leaving him in too much bad shape.


I want Julius to win but it's not going to make much narrative sense. Kanoh has much more of an important story going on (redemption after Jurota, rematch with Kaolan, the inevitable long awaited clash with Rolon and the final catching up to Kuroki). I'm not saying any of this WILL happen but each of Kanoh's relationships have a specific direction to move forward in.


I voted for agito...but i would love overwhelming powerrrrrrr to win


I’m betting my entire heart and soul that Julius has developed a new Special Attack. Also Kanoh taking two L’s in a row would be funny as fuck


Nothings a sure thing, but Agito and Gaolang are set up for a grudge match so it doesn't make much sense for Julius to win here. He could sure, if Sandro wants to be random just to be random.  Only question is how Fang does it, and how Julius ends up looking after the match.


I still got agito even though I want Julius to win BADLY.


HASSAD interferes


Part of me wants Julius to win but another part knows the Wakaclowns will use that as an excuse to somehow upscale Waka soooo Agito.