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Nofap doesnt increase your test. Some Gurus made that shit up to sell courses


Apparently Mike Tyson used to jack it 7 times a day to keep his testosterone up. So I spose depends who u listen too


This was never tested, and Tyson is not a scientist


I know that's the point. But look at him. Doesn't look like he was short on testosterone.


yea, but he's a rare breed. Like the MMA fighter from Cuba Yoel Romero.


> The question comes because i already heard many people that jerking off daily decreases your amount of testosterone, energy and focus Research I have read says that is not true. However, consumption of pornography can be harmful.


The testosterone in men goes up and down all the time. We have cycles the same as women. It's just not monthly. I doubt it have enough of an effect. I haven't done a deep dive into this. But a quick search seems that masturbation might even increase testosterone levels in men: [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8697462/](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/pmc8697462/) I think this mostly comes from an old school mentality of no sex before competition. As far as I know studies have mostly observed the opposite or no effect. But again, I haven't done a deep dive.


Lovely because since i mention it to my gf she started getting worried 😂😂


Nutting doesn't have any negative effect on test. There's been actual research done on it, hilariously enough. If abstaining helps you feel better mentally, go to sleep earlier because you're not beating your sack for hours, or if you're doing it so much that you're wearing yourself out physically,that's down to the individual.


Small fluctuations in testosterone are not important. Blowing a load can temporarily increase prolactin though and make you feel tired.


When I tried nofap it sucked and it made me really tense during sparring. I feel like I also had brain fog. When I let myself nut, I was more calm and relaxed. I was able to move more smoothly. I think nofap is dumb but that's just me.


Agreed. I always nut day of a comp and it has always helped me deal with adrenaline dumps and stay calmer and looser.


Im starting to think it goes different for everybody and is not a true sience at all


Could be. I'm not a scientist and I don't have strong opinions on it. Just not for me.


Imma get downvoted to shit but that's fine. Retaining increases focus, power, peace of mind (once you get a handle on it), and speeds up recovery. Biggest benefit imo was the increased focus. It absolutely was helpful for me in Muay Thai. I was able to push everything farther and recover faster. Anyone who tells you different simply hasn't made it to the other side. As far as test goes it's debatable but it could increase test. If you release constantly for years though it absolutely will lower t levels over time because it's simply not healthy and the body has to make up for that lost energy.


I upvoted you because you speak truth. the other guys downvoted you are chimps in love with their own hand, fapping to girls they can't have


Yeah unfortunately it's the norm. We were all lost in the sauce at some point... Glad to see more people are waking up though (overall)


Thanks brother 🙏🏻


I love people who actually did things and talk with no fear 🙏🏻 really apreciate it


You got it man. Just know if you do decide to start it is rocky at first, but with persistence you'll see benefits to your training.

