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not surprised that’s a 12 yo. 12 year olds are making like a million NAZI EDITS for whatever reason. Also same with USSR edits and others. They probably watch people like Kaiser Vs.


The amount of fascist middle schoolers is actually concerning. Its like having Hitler Youth but without the Hitler or National Fascism or the lawful discrimination.


right? it’s like an extreme version of an edgy phase. At least, I hope it’s only a phase.


It’s a phase Source: trust me bro




it's a phase source: remember being 12


I had a world war two phase, but I wasnt a fucking nazi


i wasnt a nazi either, but i went through phases faster than thin toilet paper


Thankfully it’s almost never antisemitism and more militaristic+forbidden=curiosity


why do some people have a goth phase? its to rebel and just do whatever youve been told not to do. its the same thing with fascism, because its used like a buzz no-no word without actually explaining what it is and why its so taboo.


The fact you are comparing straight up nazism with goths is fucking hilarious


Lol the more accurate version would be showing up dressed like a literal Visigoth warrior and belittling anyone with Italian in them.


So funny, when I was in middle school I thought communism was cool because of I thought the iconography was cool. Little did I know it was responsible for hundreds of millions of deaths 😅


i don't like history but world war 2 really hooked me, it's probably that with cameras and better documentation we were able to get a lot of real footage and a lot of fun facts, or sometimes not so fun :( but damn, what happend there to have babies nazis ? it's just wrong, racism, homophobia, antisemitism, didn't knew about all that when I was 12, I was just some fine fella




When I was twelve I was just reading young adult science fiction and cooking / baking, or chilling while a cat slept in my lap. Normal people do that kind of thing. Strange sub human creatures that are meant to be fed to a volcano do the screeching of slurs and promote discrimination. Be they adults or 12 Yr olds.


I didn't go throuh THAT kind of phase


I was the same. I didn’t go through my hippie phase (followed by skinhead phase) until I was 16/17. Today’s 12 year olds are yesterday’s 16 year olds.


I had a phase like this, not proud of it, and not like i actually supported nazi ideology, i just thought it was funny to, for example, put gay hitler on a swastika as a friends background on the school pc, bc it was inapropriate, and i was a shithead


Honestly I wanna see this background now


It's a phase Source: I was 12 once too


When i had my "edgy phase" i only sent death threats to my bullies and did bunch of benzos and codeine, kids these days adoring nazis smh.


They’re not fascists, they’re just attention seeking and being controversial is the quickest method.


Actually the anti semitism got so bad in my middle school that in like April the local news station had to cover it. It sucks that I knew some of those people. Luckily I’m starting high school now and i have moved out into the south if thats any better. You can actually find the report on YouTube but I’m not showing it for privacy reasons.


When moving to the south is better, something is wrong.


one of my classmates is also openly nazist. tho there is a chance he just says it to piss people off


"Acthualyy Hitler klld sme LGBTQ peopl so he hs mu respect 🤓☝️" "*A spin kick to the jaw*"


As a german this information fucks me up a little rn, what the hell


Yup, the desire for edgyness is strong with American 12 year olds, and yes, these are the same ones playing the Soviet anthem because komedy.


My younger brother goes to a pretty large school. Apparently in there it's the 8-10 year olds obsessed with the USSR and communism. And just so you know in Poland we don't have middle schools. It's just called elementary schools.


Today’s elementary students doesn’t have a proper teacher, school and education.


Teachers do what they can, but some students are impossible to deal with due to their upbringing. The ol ruler smacks aren't a thing these days, and I do agree with that, but teachers are reliant on the parents raising their kid to be respectful, not to be abusive to the point that the teacher shouts at them disrupting the entire lesson as they have a screaming match, everyone else almost scared because they're not sure what to do. Had that in a high school English class with the most misbehaved fucknut in my high school life, I was right next to the screaming and I was ready to run if someone tried to chuck chairs. Some kids aren't reachable because their family fucked them up


Today? Bru I went to a all Christian school k-12 that’s was littered with nazi flags carved into literally everything especially the Jewish and black kids it was fucked up


We’ll set this aside. Look at what every 6/7-12 year olds bring to school? A g*n or p*stol?


uh, you can say gun on reddit




My theory is they think it’s cool because of what hitlers done while not being able to actually fathom the scale of it




when someone takes a song (usually phonk or little dark age) and put it over third reich footage with sorta bouncy jumpcuts


Don't blame Kaiser Vs, if you have a good understanding of history it can be seen as satire, at least I see it as political historical one...


just googled him. titles and thumbnails say history science channel. just a couple seconds clicking through video says softcore anime porn and nazism... even tho something is a "joke" and "critical satire" it can still create a really toxic community of people who dont get that its a joke... it still spreads nazi ideology


I mean, I get what you mean, and I agree that many of his videos are critical, but then again he has really good gems amongst his videos.


The only reason they are doing it is because you guys made it a taboo and breaking rules means you are cool for any teenage mind. If no one cared about it , they wouldn't be doing it. Shit happened 80 years ago , its time to move on


It’s kinda sorta *hard* to move on when there are unironic apologists for the third reich online and irl. also not everyone can just move on because they’ve lost family members and/or have scars from the holocaust


I don't really think there are many people who have seen the holocaust and are alive today to be honest.


Trends i guess…


My classmate used to draw the nazi symbol a lot i also kept finding them in my notebooks


"Putting geometry dash as your profile picture is immature" Wait till this guy learns who HitIer was


He actually sent a really blurry image of a troll face when I asked him why he did this


:O ​ edit: if you have a geometry dash profile picture, I'm assuming I've stumbled across a fellow player


Nice, what's your hardest?


Gregory on Mobile, but I'm going for Acu, have 68% on it


Nice! I'm a mobile player myself and I'm m pretty bad at the game lol (3k att. on deadlocked) but I still enjoy it nevertheless


I mainly play mobile but switch to PC for harder levels. Deadlocked is impressive though!


Why? Does Hitler also have geometry dash as a pfp? /s


If I ever see somebody with a swastika for a pfp, i’m insta blocking them. You don’t do that accidentally.


Insta block + report


Don't come to India, you will get heart attack


Isn’t that meant for a good cause, and not the tilted one like nazis have?


Yes, not tilted. For saftey and prosperity.


Boutta heat stroke at 30 degrees Fahrenheit


swastika is the hindu symbol for wellbeing. Hakenkreuz or Hooked Cross is the symbol of the Nazis.




A black swastika on a white background and surrounded by red is absolutely NOT a symbol for peace, it’s literally just the cropped flag of the Nazis.




I know that. But this specific colour scheme (and “font” of the swastika) is absolutely a Nazi symbol in all circumstances, even in Asia.




You don’t understand. I’m not talking about all swastikas. I’m specifically talking about the specific swastika they have as their pfp. It IS the Nazi flag. [This is a comparison between a Hindu and a Nazi swastika.](https://media.npr.org/assets/img/2016/10/27/swastika-comp_custom-a990de0f1b05edf2c9a99ff7b13b68aedbe6db3e-s1100-c50.jpg)




Just wanted to be sure. There are people who seriously don’t know the difference.


isnt it the reversed or not titled one that means that?




Horizontal then you have an argument. However this one is tilted, the exact type the nazis used, and the asians didn’t use. Also the same color scheme. So no. You are wrong.




Ok fine. I apologize if I said something wrong or getting off topic.


Symbol of peace? That's what you see when you look at charles manson's forehead?


I never said it’s a symbol of peace for the entire world. It’s means peace only for India and Ch*na, but not the whole world.


OH NO HE ALMOST SAID CHINA!!!!!!! REPORT HIM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




Its true, but the symbol has been stolen and corrupted into a hate symbol.


Making the whole world thinks it’s n@zi. Btw they should censor n@zi because it’s inappropriate and vulgar.


Censoring a word because its inappropriate and vulgar is stupid alone. We all know what it means, so why not just say the whole word without censorship


Well if you search up "n swear words" then you'll get the answer.


Hitler was a Nazi. Lots of idiots were Nazis. You shouldn't censor what happened in the past.




nazi is a person belonging to a certain political ideology, not a swear word...


Average Tate fan


Jeezus, his grammar proves he's 12. I lose braincells when people write like that. "ur jst stp ppl prolly trynna" OMFG...just write the damn word.


Wait, if he is 12, He should not be on Discord since he is required to be 13+ as per Discord's TOS.


well ion see u syin the same sht about how u spell OMFG so stfu btch ass hoe /s


They're lazy, adhd (unmedicated and undiagnosed because their parents are abusive and neglectful), they hate themselves and escape from misery however they can. It's a generation of sociopaths and psychopaths, emotionally stunted and immature. Thank god I'll die before I see humanity fully degrade.


i think humanity degraded the moment you decided to spite future generations as "sociopaths and psychopaths" in order to self-vindicate your pathetic adult angst against literal 12-year-olds


You're ageist and annoying


found the 12 year old


wha... hehe funny joke, but who cares if u type with bad grammar, and that doesn't make u 12 ik adults who do it


Adults with a mind of a 12 year olds


And those adults are wrong. My friend has dyslexia which gives her an excuse, but other than that it's just laziness.


that's not ageism that's basic child safety


Verse 1: I saw what you said, it makes me quite red I saw what you done, your statement is none The old man didnt forget, are you surprised Youre caught in the net of stereotypes, maybe you'll get out, maybe but there is doubt Chorus: I heard you say OK Boomer I heard you say OK Zoomer I heard you say OK Senior I heard you say OK Teenager Why do you want to be this way, maybe youll change someday AGEISTS BURN IN HELL! AGEISTS BURN IN HELL! Verse 2: It's what they want you think, maybe you'll see, there's nothing wrong with Generation Z Stop being a doomer, there's nothing wrong with being a Boomer We're all fine, We're all good, If you change, the range expands, if you don't YOU'RE THE EXCEPTION! Chorus: I heard you say OK Boomer I heard you say OK Zoomer I heard you say OK Senior I heard you say OK Teenager Why do you want to be this way, maybe youll change someday AGEISTS BURN IN HELL! AGEISTS BURN IN HELL! Bridge: The Education of a Generation, that none of them are bad You better run from the gun, it has the truth bullet Or else your ideas are done, reduced to none I am the sun, because the world revolves around me EUGHHH! I HEARD YOU SAY! I HEARD YOU SAY! Chorus (x1.5): I heard you say OK Boomer I heard you say OK Zoomer I heard you say OK Senior I heard you say OK Teenager Why do you want to be this way, maybe youll change someday AGEISTS BURN IN HELL! AGEISTS BURN IN HELL! Why do you want to be this way, maybe youll change someday AGEISTS BURN IN HELL! AGEISTS BURN IN HELL!


shut the fuck up




it's giving reddit theme song


Please keep your kids off social media until they have common sense...


Kids shouldn't have phones until high school. At least not touchscreen phones. Call and text phone only after they're 8-10 ish. No Internet on the phone until they get a Touchscreen phone for high school or 13th birthday as a present, nothing expensive though.




Why does a person have a Nazi flag as a pfp? That’s just disrespectful to every single victim of the Nazis


His reasoning is that there is a war in a discord server he's in and they said to him that he can't "solo shit" so he dons this atrocious flag cause it ruined his little baby ego.


having a nazi flag as his pfp won't give him the millitary power of the nazis


People think setting their PFP as something very political/controversial makes them look smart or cool or intimidating. No, it doesn't, it just makes them look like a bigoted and unknowledgeable person.






And where exactly are they in this image? What are you talking about how is that relevant to this at all That’s like someone saying school shootings are bad means they must support violent protests with guns or something It’s stupid and wrong.


Communism is about an economic system, not about a whole political ideology focused on the superiority of a single race and fueled by genocide of a specific ethnic group. Say what you want, this comment of yours only makes you sympathetic of nazis. Even if you just don't like the word nazi.


why you got downvoted? You literally just explained what communism is


Because people are more prone to believe that communists eat children or some other nonsense.


I just love seeing westoids talking about communism like they know more than those who've been scarred by it.




Hey now, that's not fair. With their level of intelligence, they very well could have said dumber shit.


Their intelligence was smart enough to delete what they said


Because auschwitz is cool and gas chambers are hip. Man hell if I know 🤷


"Yo dude, the empire is pretty chill. Maybe you could like, join it or something."




Whatever media that is just report him


Expected. Only a bunch of cr*ngy 12 year olds would be this immature and naive. Instead of being political, why not prepare for your final exam for elementary education. I swear if any kid talks about Imperial Japan, he’s done.


Kids learn about nazi Germany right around the time they find it funny to offend people hence why it's so common to find swastikas carved into random stuff everywhere


It’s easy to draw too, you trade respect for attention and it’s a trade some people find worth it


Why did you censor ur age


Because 13 and up is a thing


Anyone care to explain what gd is.


Geometry Dash, a platform game on mobile and pc


Geometry dash mentioned 😱😱


I know right?! I had to zoom in and was still like that don’t look like any GD ( Gangsta Disciples ) shit I’ve ever seen😅


Better question, why is a 12 year old on discord?


I've seen 9 year olds on discord and it's not pretty (any popular YouTuber or Video game discord server)


That's still bad


Actually your profile picture is very cool. It looks like a 12 Nazi didn’t think so.


By you messaging him he won. He got what he wants. He won’t learn from a stranger in the internet


if he admits he's 12 you can easily get his discord account banned.


that user just asks to be banned


All those fascist(ussr)/nazi(third reich) shit is mainly for immature minds regardless of age


I just can’t with this anymore


gahd dude 12 year olds are so stupid


some are good kids that are smart and stay out of trouble. and use common sense online. some can't stand but fuck with people.


Goofy as shit for this guy to say "Putting gd as ur pfp is immature" while supporting someone's that's racist.


He's exactly like him! I've known the fascist for quite some time and I can tell you he's everything but respectful to people. *Clears throat* He's homophobic, very clearly sexist, and racist (might be ironic though).


Damn, what a person.


yeah we need a meteor to hit earth immediately


I hope social media is deleted. 12 year olds 20 years ago wanted to throw clods of dirt at each other from mounds on construction sites. Then build sketchy ramps up and down the same mounds. We built bridges in the woods to cross snake infested waters. Made booby traps in the woods that almost killed our friend. I remember a time we all got diarrhea because we ate what we thought were raspberries in a field we found. Or the time I fell on a gravel road and filled my hand and arm with rocks. lol now look at y’all.


You can't judge people just because of their pfp, when someone judges because of personal preferences I just move on.


I know The nazi symbol is not a good symbol maybe except the other 7(I just don’t know if the other 7 are good or bad but yeah I’m just still learning it) https://preview.redd.it/20tzmth4nf9d1.jpeg?width=611&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b373febb58307f51d0305ef6d839778ee4745903


The one time you guys are actually based


We are very based (except for guitarherostyles pedo incident) but we don't talk about that




I mean, guitar was probably the most popular case, but hardly the only one.




Removed for violating Rule #1: Don't be a dick.


It’s on discord, the number one melting pot for losers, degenerates, and facists. Discord has pretty much 0 moderation, imo it’s comparable to 4chan.


Don't forget pedos


How could I forget


If that profile picture is to be used as bicycle wheels, would it be easier or harder than regular tires? One must imagine swastikas as their main way of international eco-friendly transport.


I dont blame this kid.


Geoma3nrty dshasg


when I was 12, only jokes that I had is.. "gimme it to me! let's live in communism!"


and since that time, I always replacing word "stole" to "communisted" when I am talking irl


Putting geometry dash as your pfp is immature Geometry dash players: 👁👄👁


>I don’t respect anyone that has their pfp as a Nazi flag The kid went NaH I’m too based for that shit


He's 45-


that guy with nazi flag pfp just lost his argument in any angle and in any way


Bro lost the argument the instant I saw his ass with a swastika


Have you reported him ? if not do it, it's for his sanity


Based GD pfp


Discord edge lords


well I learned the second world war in 6th grade and I was like between 10 and 12


“Fine” what the fuck haha


Which one are you 🤨


Jee om eh tree dash dude