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Why is it that every family always has this one kid who likes to break stuff


Highjacking the top comment. I think this is the detailed story from another commenter. Take it with a grain of salt. The original post is really detailed so I am not going to bother translating all of it, but the damage was done by the second cousins third grader (between age 8-9 here in Japan.) To give more details of what kind of damage: 38 figurines, 41 models (only counting limited edition, was difficult to count because it was all in pieces) were broken. The sofa, PC and keyboard (no longer working from damage) had juice spilled on it. Some of the books were not just hobby related and work related too. Those were quite pricey and needed to be replaced due to the fact OP needs to show people the books. The original post says Sandboard but I think it’s a typo for soundboard/sound card is in bad condition. Additionally, 1 blue ray disc was damaged because it was cracked, 11 no longer work because of the scratches, and 20 blue ray discs keep skipping from the damage. Some of the items mentioned above are limited edition, no longer available, first edition, and cannot be found on auction sites. The father of the child recognized to a certain extent the value of the items and gave 50,000 yen ($366.74 USD according to todays exchange rate) and the mother/second cousin freaked out and an argument ensued. The second cousins parents apologized on their child’s behalf and offer to pay 4 million yen in damages (including emotional damages.) The kid got in a lot of trouble and will not be getting anything for their birthday, Christmas nor New Years money for a while and was sent off to live at their paternal grandparents house to be “re-educated".


I feel like this is beyond normal 9 year old tantrum behavior. Like thats budding psychopath insane behavior. Like some serious autistic meltdown. Everyone in the comments is like “oh his parent must let him do whatever” but this is beyond that.


Yeah. I live in Japan too, and although there is a weird view of letting young kids do whatever they want, never punishing or discipling them etc to “let them express themselves” which results in really bad behaviour everywhere(seriously even when i go to nice sushi places in ginza i have had to ask staff to tell the next table to make their kids stop running around playing and screaming…), this is a bit above and beyond. I think this kid was told no, he cant play in that guys room with the collection. He knew what was in there. He then got vindictive when gained access and tried his best to actually destroy it all out of spite. That is not just some damage from rough play. The blu-ray were scratched to non functioning - the kid had to have intentionally scratched them wanting to damage it because it was so many.


Yeah, BluRays are NOT easy to scratch - especially to the point that they won't work - unless you're actively trying to destroy them


>Yeah. I live in Japan too, and although there is a weird view of letting young kids do whatever they want, never punishing or discipling them etc In Japan?! That is NOT what I would have imagined. Like, the exact opposite. This has my world upside down.


Last time I was in Tokyo, a friend and I were hanging out in Akihabara. Outside one of the card shops, we watched a mother go into the store, buy a pack of cards and cone outside to give them to what looked like a teenage kid. He ripped the package open, flipped through the cards and would have a shit-fit about the contents. She went back in at least 4 more times with this scene replaying over and over before we left. It was funny in a way that you just hear about this stuff happening but don't expect it to be real. It was sad because it was real and this kid who should know better is having a tantrum over Pokemon cards and his mom didn't know how to deal with it.


Holy shit I remember my parents got me like one small pack of cards when they were in Japan when I was a kid (I didn't go) and they brought it back as a gift. I treasured those cards even though they had no monetary or internet special value. I should find them next time I go back home.


When you were a kid, the Japan you envisioned is probably true. Similar to the US, I hear the problem is a generational thing. Parents now try to be friends with their kids and dont actually parent them. Read the teacher subreddit to open your eyes to learn about the children now. Kids 20 years ago are not the same as today


As an elementary teacher, I can 100% confirm this. Too many parents either ignore children's behaviors or focus on being "friends" instead of parents. Also, many kids are far too sensitive for their own good. And I'm not saying this as one of those "stereotypical kids need a thick skin blah blah" people. I'm saying this from a "kids break down and cry when pushed outside their comfort zone for 10 seconds" view. One of the important things about learning and growing is to push yourself outside of your comfort One and take risks. Not safety risks, but risks like "I'm going to pick a topic to research I don't know much about" or "I'm going to try something new that I might not be good at." I never thought I would be the one to say this, but kids need to be coddled a little less and allowed to sometimes hurt themselves a little. An example: we have a rule to not walk close to the swings when someone is swinging so you don't get domed. Almost everyday the playground supervisors are running interference and redirecting dozens of 2nd grade kids away from the swings. One day, the principal was out and saw this. So he started talking to the supervisor who was doing it that day, and when she went to redirect them, he stopped he and said "This is a learning moment." 2 or 3 kids went to walk past, nearly got bonked and started moving farther away, but one kid got bonked and knocked down. Nothing major, but they cried and went to the nurse for ice. The entire rest of the year EVERYONE walks back the proper distance behind swings, because they know what will happen and have context for the rule. I'm not saying to abuse or hurt kids intentionally, but sometimes they need to be allowed to make that mistake and feel some of the pain or sadness/hurt from that mistake to understand it and learn from it. Problem is, parents don't let that happen, and if it happens with the wrong teacher at school, we get in trouble, so we avoid it, which limits their development.


Funny story, when I was in second grade I was in awe of all the cool kids being able to jump off the swing while in mid-swing. So I swung for a while and collected the courage to try it myself. "if they can do so can I ... it can't be that hard I just need to time it ... any minute now ... aaaannndd NOW!!!" Boom, just like that I dismounted with all the grace my second-grade self could muster. My timing was so perfect, I flew backwards and hit my head on the wooden edge of the sandpit. Moments later, I woke up to find myself still lying on my back in the sand pit with 5 very worried teachers on top of me. I brushed it off, still obviously dizzy, and exclaimed "No, it doesn't hurt, I'm fine." Yea, I sat on the bench for the rest of that recess.


>"No, it doesn't hurt, I'm fine." I can't remember how old I was but I hit the concrete edge of a swimming pool doing a backflip off it into the pool. I sank for a few seconds, then realized I probably should get my face above the water and kicked up. My friend's mom came over - concerned, of course - and checked on me. After hearing me say I was okay she went back to her book and we kept playing in the water. Growing up Gen X, man. Not actually bleeding to death? Our parents gave no fucks.




Have then help clean up. At 2 they could potentially help with the wiping/sopping up. It'll help cement that something like a spill is nothing major, especially if they can help an adult clean it up.


Really it's just another form of emotional neglect. Their parents likely remember the emotional neglect of their individual expression not being respected. So they go to the opposite extreme, which isn't any better.  Pretty common dynamic for unbalanced parenting strategies, the children will reject it heavily once they become parents. But won't have a reference for a balanced approach, so they just do the opposite of their parents.


I do the whole positive parenting thing, where I validate my kids feelings, and I let them negotiate with me about certain things, but they also understand that some rules are not negotiable. They understand that other people have feelings too. They understand that they have to do hard things sometimes, but I’ll always be there to support them. I tell them their job is to make mistakes, and my job is to fix them. As they get older, it’s gonna be their job to fix them, but I’ll still be their for guidance. Anyway, we’ve all heard it. Basically this kind of parenting is what parents THINK they’re doing, but in reality they’re permissive parenting. It’s the other end of the spectrum from authoritarianism, which created some shitty people a generation ago. Now we’ll have shitty adults who were never told no, never been held accountable, etc. I imagine that some kids will grow and learn to be decent people, but some will not.


I lost a friend 10 years ago because he and his wife had three boys that they refused to discipline. They would break things just to break things and he would say "they were trying to figure out how it worked" but it was clear they were just breaking things. Once we were at his brother's house and one of the boys just picked up a hammer and broke an 8 foot by 5 foot plate glass window. When asked what he was doing he just said "I wanted to hear it break." The kid didn't have any consequences and the parents just paid to have it fixed. Our relationship ended when he wanted to bring his boys over to our hobby farm to see our chickens and I said I didn't want his kids on my property because if you ask them not to do something they will look you directly in the eye and then do it. A hobby farm has many potentially dangerous things and I didn't want his kids to get hurt on my property let alone did I want my animals or possessions to be killed or broken. I envisioned them trying to climb my young apple trees and just breaking branches for fun. Or who knows what. Anyway, he said that if I rejected his kids I was rejecting him and I can't really blame him for thinking that way, but I wasn't going to risk it.


You made absolutely the right call IMO. Sound like the kind of kids that will come over to see your chickens and then kill your chickens.


Fun fact: killing animals as a kid is one of the greatest indicator of a future serial killer!


wtf... who downvoted you!? I've heard this too, so if you're wrong, I'd like whoever downvoted you to come back with actual evidence that this is not the case. Take this upvote to go back up.


> if you ask them not to do something they will look you directly in the eye and then do it. The kids are part cat.


I've been an employer for 10 years, and the quality of candidates then and the quality of candidates now, are quite diminished. Most kids can't problem solve on their own, nor have they learned how to hold conversations for very long. I've started teaching how to speak to people while training, because there is this huge disconnect somewhere. Also, I used to not have to speak to parents, but now almost every parent will call me to tell me what the child needs rather than allowing the child to learn that skill themselves. I shut it down immediately, as I don't hire parents, I hire employees and it's unprecedented that I should have to speak to a parent about one of my employee's conduct. I speak to my employees, although, even asking them what's going on, how can I help you succeed, will spiral some of them into anxiety attacks. My mother just retired last year as an educator, and the parents of the children were 100% the reason she chose to retire the moment she was able.


Hold up you have people’s parents *actually calling you* about their adult children and how they should be treated at work??


I had one take control of their child's phone and include themselves in our group chat. I removed that employee from the group chat.


Oof wtaf that would surely break some sort of confidentiality agreements?? Potentially letting someone see sensitive company information?


I've lived in Japan for more than half a year, people are just people all around the world. They'll pull the same stuff that happens in the US or in Europe, it doesn't matter. We have a very fairytail image of Japan hahah


ive heard its a parenting thing to let kids do what they want till about 10 in japan but i might be misremembering.


Right up until they have to go to cram school?


Alot of asian familes I noticed in the states are like this too. Super disciplined after kid hits like 10yo, but before that they are hell on earth writing on walls in crayons etc.


Yeah i would have never even touched someone elses stuff at that age without asking. This is far from normal.


It's not about just touching stuff, it's about the sheer amount of effort that went into that destruction, it probably took hours of intense work to get this level of devastation. Tantrums don't last that long.


Yeah, the cousin systematically put the effort into taking each blu ray disc out in order to scratch it. That’s not your average meltdown


My first thought is that it would take a lot of time to do that damage, and it would be loud. So where were the adults during this time period? Seems like the kid has some kind of behavioral issue. I doubt it’s autism related, otherwise they would have mentioned it.


> “re-educated". Is that Japanese for ass-whoppin'?




Bcus parents dont know how to say No to their children let alone punish them wen they do shit like this


So true. Just like my uncles kid. My uncle NEVER tells him to stop, as he "dont wanna make him sad". Kid is so frustrating, he destroyed many of my things (for example some toys i had gotten for my birthday when i was a kid, best memories) as well as plates in the kitchen etc. And I cant say shit cuz my uncle once got a fucking heartattack because of my sister shouting at his kid (real heartattack the ambulance had to come get him).


One time my cousin broke something my dad bought for my birthday. He remembered the price and told his parents to pay up, or buy me a new one. So we went to the store and the one he broke is out of stock, so I told them to get me something similiar. Their eyes went wide when they realized how much a tiny Warhammer model costs. I could've let it go, it was one of my first models and the paintjob was ugly but still, it holds some sentimental value. If only they had apologized instead of saying "ah, it's just a tiny thing...".




Exactly this. Had a friend of my sis came over and her son broke my glass chess piece (I bought 2 sets, precisely because I knew this kind of shit will happen). She scolded her son, then looked me in the eye, said she was sorry she didn't manage to look after her son and offered to pay for the whole set. I just laughed and brushed it off. I did tell her that the fact that she apologized for it made things a lot easier for both of us.


Wow. That should be the bare minimum but that is SO refreshing to see. /g


im pretty sure warhammer is vastly more expensive per gram then gold lol


Then why doesn't someone start carving warhammer outta gold? Untapped market


I see no downside to this.


*Adeptus Custodes have entered the chat*


better yet use platinum


Hey that's understandable man. Plastic crack is both delightful and expensive, and you put so much work into even the shittiest or best paint job, that painted model is alot of time and effort.


Tell the kid: "see? Your bad behaviour is causing your father to die of hearth attack. You are the cause of his death. Whenever you will ask why your father died, you are the cause." LOL




Found Satan. Take my upvote and get out 😂


I love this. So cruel, yet so effective.


I'm the "mean uncle" to my nephew because when he broke an irreplaceable glass vase that my long passed grandfather made himself I was forced to punish him... I drove him to the Goodwill and had him give the lady working donations a bunch of his favorite toys that I had at my house specifically for when my nephews were over. Sure they were technically my things too but the cost of that was worth the lesson.


Should've done what my dad did, and take the toys out back and smash them with a hammer in front of him, while saying stuff like, "this is what you get for your pride and selfishness. Learned your lesson yet?" (/s Please don't do this)


"It's not fun when someone breaks your things, is it?"


First id say id take my family to court... but now im curious beause id never let that 9 year old open one of the doors. Let alone be unsupervised. So while the parents are at fault im curious where the owner was.


Oh, but they were taken to court and had to repay. A 9 years old is old enough to be able to roam alone in a controlled environment (like the interior of a family house) and is perfectly capable of opening or destroying doors. I saw this months ago, so I don't have the link sorry


I’m sure the kid in question was told no, just for the first time ever and didn’t know how to react. I’m so glad growing up I was told no more than anything, I grew up to appreciate every yes I got.


I think about this a lot. When I was growing up, we seldom got to eat out. I remember wanting a hamburger so bad. I was drawing pictures of them at school. Out of the blue, my mom offered to take me to get a hamburger. I was floored. I can still remember it like it was yesterday.


True because in certain houses the title of parents is held by that kid.




"Two in mine, actually" Zazu The Lion King (1994) It perfectly sums up my situation


We absolutely need more Zazu. ❤️


Because it's just one of those days where you don't want to wake up. Everything is fucked, everybody sucks.


You don't really know why but you want to justify Rippin' someone's head off.


Boys who aren't disciplined and then their parents excuse their bad behavior by saying "oh he has adhd, don't touch that sweety! Oops! Well you can glue that back, where's the box wine?!"




they gonna say stuff like "it's just toys anyway" or "he's just a kid".


They are MY toys and he is YOUR kid. Now, pay up.


*uncle reluctantly tacking out his wallet and handing over a hundred


Sorry. Tree fiddy is the best I can do


I let the "shes just a kid" slide for my elite xbox controller. 35k worth of shit and I'd be close to kneecapping my own niece as much as I love her


Not sure what is actually possible here, but 35k worth of stuff is absolutely “I’m going to try and drag your ass to court” money. I don’t care if it’s family, replace it or pay up the painful way.


The only family is broke as fuck so there's no chance they could even dream of affording 35k. I've already given my sister a few thousand to pay for a car and a few other gubbins I was promised she'd pay back and I haven't even had so much as a coffee paid for from her. In saying that 35k means I'd have even less family than I already do


That’s probably exactly what would happen on my end also. Can’t say I’d miss them either.


I'd miss my niece, she's cost me some money already and I swear to God she's the dumbest kid I've ever met and I love her with all my heart. But she's gonna end up on a milk carton one day or join a cult. I'd still knee cap the bitch if she broke 35k of my shit


> In saying that 35k means I'd have even less family than I already do Cutting off the money supply would be a net benefit at this point, unless you need a kidney or something which I bet they wouldn't give you.


How I hate that kind of people.


Problem is that I bet majority of these figures are limited editions or out of stock by now so the pay back is nice but I’m afraid this dude will never be able to get his collection back…




They tried paying him but the money that they offered for the collection is worth so little it is pitiful. As far as I know kid got home scott free


So a few years ago a family members kid destroyed a bunch of movie prop collectibles that were worth almost 80k…. The owner almost sued the parents but my great aunt stepped in and ended up paying for most of it out of their portion of her estate she was going to leave them. They do not come to family gatherings anymore. Edit: bonus fact. the kid is now a junior in highschool he recently got arrested for surprise surprise destruction of property and resisting arrest. Apparently him and two friends destroyed a display in a store and one of them ended up getting tazed when they refused to be cuffed. They did end up getting cuffed I hear.


This makes me just sad. While the money part has been taken care (which is not always the case) the collectibles are probably irreplaceable and collectors do get emotionally attached to their collection. If this was me I'd cry. Your family members also didn't get that your great-aunt did them a favor.


Breaking someone's stuff on purpose is always sad, especially when there's an emotional attachment to it.


A massive favor that she was in no way obligated to do. Although it's probably worth it if they don't speak to her anymore, no more dealing with that kid or the bastards who cooked it up.


Kids don't directly go to that level. They also probably did it before at home and were not corrected.


Oh yeah he was an entitled little shit head before that too. His parents encouraged him in what they called free range parenting… basically let it be everybody else’s problem.


"You've gotta help us Doc! We've tried nothing, and we're all out of ideas."


and i thought "free range" is meant for farmed raised delicacies.


Free range parenting! You're sad a fox just ate ya chickens? Put some fucking effort in then!


It's like hearing a villains backstory lol Yea, you typically become pretty compliant once you get tased.


Great aunt is a good and just person. Stepped up to do what she could but also gave the family members consequences for bailing them out.


yeah paying with theyr inheritanse basicaly forcing them to pay what they owed. and bailling them out of legal action were theyr bad desision to not to pay was probably gona to cost them even more.


Not only did they miss out on inheritance because of him, but now they're gonna go broke paying lawyers fees, fines, damages etc for all his fuckups the rest of his life


I didn’t wanna be an armchair child psychologist let alone as someone without kids of her own but I stopped myself from typing: “9 is old enough to know what the fuck you’re doing - this is gonna turn into vandalism by the time he’s a teen” so uh, no surprise


As a figure collector, and knowing how rare some of those pieces in that collection were, that has my blood boiling.


I collect other things and I'd probably cry. This is just mean. It's not about money in the first place when I think about my collections.


Just curious, what do you collect?


Left kidneys


No way! I collect right kidneys! How funny is this?




Holy shit it was gundamn. The man made those figurines from the box. I can’t imagine how many years were spent building that collection. Especially if we include painting.


If my 1944 copy of The Seventh Cross was destroyed by a 10yr old...


This is really old, as far as the internet is concerned, he ended up making the parents pay for the damages or he was going to press charges for breaking and entering because the room was locked as well as the cabinets. But even though the monetary value was compensated you can't replace the time and effort put into building a collection and some of the pieces you can't even get anymore.


So the kid purposefully found the key and proceeded to go completely berserk? Or what's the story?


https://nextshark.com/otaku-gundam-collection I can't see how this was anything but malicious - envy or angry at being told no to playing with them while they were visiting. If he 'played' with his own stuff like this he wouldn't own anything. That said I had a small collection of hard case PS1 games; metal gear solid, ffvii, grand tarismo that sort of stuff. Nothing crazy valuable but I liked them and was thinking of getting more. A couple little cousins got into them and apparently crushed the cases between their hands to make them crack and splinter like they were popping bubble wrap. I feel like some kids at that age just don't really realize other people's lives continue to exist after they're done visiting.


Is that the same story on the link?


>Gundam Oof. Those things can get expensive *and* difficult to assemble.


That’s why you sue for more than just the monetary damage.


Better yet, insurance with new replacement. Lets you get money for your stuff asap and let insurance rip their lives into pieces while you focus on getting your stuff back.


Here's the thing: a lot of those models were likely not being sold anymore. Replacement would be impossible.


Yes but if you have it insured you can show what it would cost to make you whole again. So if you can show that replacement cost is insane because eBay rarely has a new in box model as it’s no longer sold you would get what it would cost to buy it. Set an alert on eBay. Insurance will ask for proof but just send you the money, small claims court will probably give you less and you can’t get blood from a stone. I’m not saying it will ever be the same but at least with insurance it’s not devastating and you lose everything and waste a ton of time suing in civil court and trying to collect. It’s devastating but with some money.






Phew, I thought you were going to turn my dick into a noodle for a second there


_Skadeedle skadoodle_


Parents will be getting a bill. No worries.


They gonna ignore it obviously


Ignore this subpoena big homie. I double dog dare you.


Afaik they paid a few million yen, the kid was grounded in some way and there would be no celebrations for him (birthdays, Christmas, etc) as punishment. Not sure if that was legit


The parents refused to pay anything, so the grandparents paid the full amount. The kid was taken to grandparents house to be re educated, and was forbid of any celebration.


How was it left that long to do all that damage? Surely after the first crash you would go and look.


The owner might not be home at that time and figures don't exactly make the loudest sound when you drop or smash them. But seriously if you have a collection of anything that's worth over 10k I think locking your door when you leave should be top priority. I'm a figurine collector myself and this shit pains me to the core. These cases usually aren't about the money, figurines are often released in waves and unless the characters just aren't popular at all they will be sold out during the pre-order period. So even if this dude gets his money back his collection is forever lost.


That's what I was thinking, it's not a play room and they are not toys. I can understand a kid trying to play with one and breaking it. To take each one out and destroy it takes time. It's the allowing a kid around a collection worth that much money, unsupervised and for so long that beats me. ** Apparently the door was locked and the adults were at a funeral next door. The kid managed to open the door and just wreck the place. Story [here](https://nextshark.com/otaku-gundam-collection). It was his cousins kid and they agreed to pay the amount for damages.


In the US that is factored into restitution. If you bought a figure for $10 but to replace it now costs $100,000, the bill is $100,000.


I’d make him into a soup


Not enough. Kid goes in the slow cooker for a week, than it can be soup.


Well, that's a dead fucking kid




This is an old story from Japan-- this site contains the unfortunate man's blog post from 2013: [http://jin115.com/archives/51984565.html](http://jin115.com/archives/51984565.html). I'll try to translate: * It was OP's grandma's funeral. His house was close by, so some family members came and stayed over. * His **nephew** broke into his room, which was locked. Nobody else was home-- they were all at the funeral. * The boy destroyed **38** figures, **41** limited edition models + countless more plastic models (they were so broken that OP can't tell exactly how many there were), spilled juice on the sofa and PC (+ broke everything including the keyboard, soundboard, and motherboard), damaged **45** books, and fucked up **8** blu-ray DVD boxes and **33** individual discs. * A lot of OP's items were first release editions, special editions, discontinued products-- irreplaceable, basically. * OP's cousin (the boy's mother) initially reacted with a light laugh and said, **"Haha sorry, I think the kid broke a few things\~"** * When OP entered his room and saw the extent of destruction, he fell to his knees. At this point, his cousin and her husband also saw the scene and realized how severe it was. * When OP asked for compensation, his cousin got **angry and defensive**, insisting "It's just a child's mistake". She also said the amount was unreasonable and even questioned how OP managed to afford such a collection. Her husband then got mad at HER and told her to immediately destroy her purses and shoes because "that's only fair". She shut up after that. * The compensation came up to **\~3,140,000 yen**. OP mentioned there were things that he excluded and that the actual price should be over 4,000,000. In any case, he felt it was already a damage beyond anything financial compensation could fix. * After the couple heard the amount, OP's cousin went ballistic. Her husband didn't expect the number to be quite that high so he was speechless too. * In the end, his aunt and uncle (cousin's parents) got involved. They were shown footage of the damage and made the couple apologize to OP on their knees (dogeza) over and over. * In the end, the couple paid **4,00,000 yen** (inclusive of emotional damage compensation). For some reason, I recall the kid was sent to live in the countryside with the aunt and uncle as punishment, but this post doesn't mention it. It just says he got "disciplined" and "re-educated". But yeah, tragic story. Unbeatable birth control ad.


The parents of the kid don't sound like they respected the guy, and severely underestimated his income level. They likely thought that everything in his room were just cheap toys from the toy store, and thought he was some loser who liked toys, not realizing that they were actually priceless collectibles he earned with his own money. So when they found out what it was actually worth, they knew... they messed up... So yeah. Both the parents and the kid got what they deserved.


Thanks for the context. I have a huge Fallout collection. Some of the items may only be worth a thousand dollars or so but they are so incredibly rare they would be next to impossible to replace. Like the Fallout 2 release Gecko in a Can. Last time I saw one on ebay was like 8 years ago.


Priceless sentimental value aside, time must've made your collection even more valuable now. Make sure to keep out those bastard 9 year olds 😆


While it wasn’t this bad, I feel this. When I went away to college, not only did my family let my 6 year old niece into my room, they actually helped her reach stuff on higher shelves so she could play with it. I came home on the weekends, and when I came home that time, I genuinely felt violated. She got into **everything**. I had some Gunpla models that were in pieces, old toys I had fond memories of that were everywhere, also broken, momentos of significant events in my life (like a medal I won for winning a science fair when I was a kid) were either gone, or just strewn everywhere. Meanwhile, my family is just laughing it off. Even got mad when I told them I didn’t like that they did this. “Oh she’s only six!” Meanwhile, they damn near fought to keep her out of my brother’s room because he had a thousand dollar computer he only had because he maxed out an emergency credit card he wasn’t even supposed to have because *“Well it’s special to him.”*


The mental gymnastics here are astounding... A collection of hand-built models and personal achievements broken to pieces: "It's fine, she's just 6". Not-quite illicitly gained PC that's worth a decent chunk, but nowhere near the same amount: "Protect it with your very lives" Sucks to hear that, I hope some or all of that got reimbursed or returned by someone with more sense.


A lot of this probably comes down to family not having a clue how much these things cost or how much they can mean to a collector They might see the Gunpla stuff as just toys, so they think it’s okay to let kids play with them


If you don’t know how much something costs and then someone gets upset that their stuff was destroyed, are you going to laugh at them? Because it seems like this is a bigger issue than simply not knowing the value of the items.


\> my family is just laughing it off Oh, the anger!


Different but your story reminds me of a time I was at Ellis Island watching the longish intro movie trying to get into the experience and a kid was disrupting it, and nobody was even trying to tell him to be quiet, or removing him, and my husband and I said something, and the grandmother was very “how could you” and “he’s only three years old!” Yes, but you aren’t.


When I was 9 I knew not to touch anything what doesnt belong to me. Parents must be enablers


Yep i knew to stop when smone told me to… Thanks god my parents didnt raise me like this fking twat


idk, this kid almost certainly has behavioral issues. It isn’t normal for any child to commit such vast destruction. That said, if your kid has behavioral issues, they need watched closely at all times, especially at another person’s house. So I sorta blame all the adults for leaving him alone for such a long period of time. I mean, this had to have been LOUD. And taken a while. Where tf WAS everyone??


According to an [article](https://nextshark.com/otaku-gundam-collection) that has been linked, the kids family was staying with the uncle for grandma's funeral next door. Apparently that stuff was even locked up and the kid managed to get in to destroy it all.


Shitty kids and shitty parents.


When I was 9 I stole a Snickers bar from Goodwill and my stepmom had to pay $302 for them not to call the cops 😎 I learned my lesson when we got home...😔


Lmao why $302? Total extortion


Bruh LMAOOO that finally dawned on me a couple years ago! 😂 She should have just let them call the cops, tf were they gonna do, arrest a 9 year old over a Snickers bar? Btw, it was $2 for the candy bar, and $300 for their "grrrr we caught a dumb young child who made his first big mistake" fee. Biggest lesson of the day: if you steal candy from Goodwill, get off of their property before the security guard can grab you by the collar.


As someone with a 10 year old brother, the worst thing is knowing that the kid knew exactly what he was doing. He wasn’t an infant that saw shiny things and wanted to play with them. He was a 9 year old boy that knew exactly what would happen to those figures if he threw them around. This was 100% intentional.


Throw the kid away...


Yeet the child


Yeetus deletus that overgrown fetus


Oh my god absolutely tf not


That’s so fucking sad, I couldn’t imagine how much effort, time and money it took for this guy to make this collection and it’s gone, in just few hours. There so much pain in this vid


I mean, it said right there that the collection was worth at least 35k. A good chunk of those models are probably not being sold anymore, so those are lost forever. You can't stick them back together either because they'd be beyond fucked.


My collection is not worth 35k but a lot more for me. So the door is locked and I almost put a leash on anyone want to see it


The door and all the cabinets were locked here too. He was going to get them done for breaking and entering until the parents paid.


I do custom action figures for myself. If even one of those were destroyed out of malice id be livid. They aren’t really worth much money but its a lot of time lost.


Kid's going to daycare, permanently.


Nah, it's straight up orphanage at this point.




I am in pain for this man


I'd take their parents to court


aperantly the guy in the video almost did


It’s ok, at the end of the day they can be replaced. It only took 9 years to get them to that point, which isn’t a long time when you think about it. I’m sure their parents will understand, and get over the loss quickly.


You got me in the first half, ngl. Was about to write a *very* passionate reply until I continued reading.


This is extreme behavior for a 9 year old. Lil fucker is psychopath


I'm willing to bet it's his family just doesn't respect him. I know a lot of collectors like this guy and I know what their family think of them. "it's just a toy, little Timmy can play with his toy"


The kid was already denied and both the room and the cabinets were previously locked, as one commenter pointed out elsewhere in this comment section. Kid basically broke down the door or stole the key before going to town on those shelves in a fit of "revenge". The kid's parents got to pay up to full 35k after the collector threatened to press charges for breaking and entering.


Someone's getting a belated coat hanger for christmas


Bro, i almost start crying, wtf with kids nowdays, i have a manga collection in my little library, and one of these little demons thought it was one of those drawing books, thanks god i noticed and he only ruined three pages, I don't know what I would do if he got to every book


I keep anything I don't want broken or tampered with way out of reach, be it figures, consoles/games or manga (which I keep in drawers to save them from dust and UV exposure)


Perfect condom ad


In these cases, the only way to get the point across is dropping any possible "but it's family" blocker and just sue them for the whole amount of the shit they broke. You'll see how effective that is at convincing them that they need to train their spawn.


What was the collection? I’m guessing some of it would be irreplaceable even with insurance. Looks like it would have been impressive and well displayed, real shame.


They covered the cost of his collection after he threatened legal action for breaking and entering (the door and cabinets were locked) but some of the stuff is no longer obtainable


looks like anime/movie figurines which can be SO expensive and some are limited edition so u couldnt even get them again..


the kid's parents should 100% pay for the damages. doesn't matter if it's a "toy" or not, your kid can't just run around and break people's stuff without paying the consequences.


That kids gonna get yeeted if it was my house. Right off a balcony.


I bet the parents won't pay a dime for the losses and will pass it as "oh, relax, he was just playing". I hate this kind of parents more than I hate their offspring.


I've got a man cave and I lock it... My wife* then threatens me that she'll get a locksmith to break into the room... Trust me it's hard to have stuff with a family in which don't respect your privacy or stuff.




I wouldn't ever have anything to do with his folks as well. All of them can just gtfo.


I don’t own a collection like that, but if that were to happen to me, I’d jump off a building.


I do ([pics on my profile for proof](https://www.reddit.com/r/skylanders/s/92SCnAtJ9H)). I dislike even my friends joking with me about getting rid of my shit, even though I know it's all jokes. If someone were to break one or two I would demand money right there on the spot. But alone the whole set? No hesitation, no considering what our relationship was like before this occurred, you are getting sued for everything I can *possibly* get from you, and I will try to ruin your reputation, and proceed to never talk to you or anyone that associates with you again. Collections like this aren't just financially valuable, they have a deep sentimental value to the collector too - otherwise we wouldn't spend so much on these otherwise stupid pieces of plastic. Plus, it's *completely* selfish. You're not only harming the person you're destroying the property of, but depending on the collectible you might be destroying a one of a kind item which is now lost to an entire community. That is a special kind of fucked. One that can never be fixed.


Someone's jumping off a building, wouldn't be me, probably going to be the little fornication participation trophy and whichever of its defenders tries to say something like 'just being a kid' first.


I mean, if I saw that kid getting killed, I wouldn't tell anyone...


"I let your little cousin into your room to play with your dolls"


Sometimes violence is the answer 👋🏼👶🏻


It's never to late for a postnatal abortion




So now the question is, what's the appropriate disciplinary action for the child? Physical punishment? Monetary or non-tangible? How do you even make the child comprehend the gravity of what he's done? Because yeah, there's 35,000 worth of merchandise there that's gone. But that's just money. Now the emotional damage is what's more damning.


Take something away from the child so they understand the feeling of property loss. Explain the amount of work and time required to earn $35 000. Don't downplay the severity of the incident and put emhasis on the victim's emotional state.


kids are fucking jerks


It's so hard to watch when he started sweeping the broken collection 😭😭


how did nobody stop him? you don't do that much damage instantly. did they just leave this kid unattended for an hour while he was smashing shit?


And you know more than one family member is telling him to get over it because "they're just toys!". Yet it'd likely be a totally different story if that kid had destroyed any of *their* stuff. I have stuffed animals older than my sister, and I would be freaking *pissed* if the kids she nannies, or any kids she has in the future, ever destroyed them.