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Not to get all teachery, but this is a poorly designed exercise, especially for elementary age. If you want two disparate outputs - IE an equation with an estimate and an exact answer, then two disparate spaces should be given. This is a better test of instruction reading than math concepts.


>This is a better test of instruction reading than math concepts That actually might be part of what it's trying to evaluate. But in any case, I'm not certain "unclear formatting" was the primary obstacle for this student


Fair, but the rounded equation seems an important step in a quality estimation. My kids started hearing the word equation in kindergarten, so that shouldn't be a new term to this 4th grader. I'm just suggesting some scaffolding would give better input about where this kid is going sideways. Maybe it's the term, maybe the equation, maybe the rounding, etc.


Oh, definitely. However, I'm wondering if this might have been a pretest, since none of the answers were marked incorrectly. It is right after summer and kids forget things. Parental animosity to a given learning approach also wouldn't necessarily be helping the student retain knowledge... Treating homework like it's a dumb waste of time isn't going to encourage the child to try hard at it. Ditto for not *talking* to your kid to find out where the disconnect is and then helping them understand what their mistake was. (It's one thing to not participate in your kid's education because you don't have time and another to not participate because you don't respect the lesson.)


We need a "Mathisfuckingstupid" page.


what is going on


She estimated 495+812 is 2 million.


She? Or you?


Herodotus is a guy


Kind of a stupid question - "write an equation....". WTF does that even mean?


Maybe like for the first one the equation would be 500+800, to get a pretty good idea of where the answer lands. Then figure it out exactly from there. So add 7 to 1300? Her first answer is amazing. The last 2 are pretty close. Ok not so much the 2nd one but I still think she's a super kid.


yes that's it exactly. so the equation for the 1st answer would be "500 + 800 = 1300".


Problem is that an equation must have at least one variable, and it looks like such things are still in the future for this kid


Pretty sure an equation just needs two equal expressions


Okay so i looked it up and some sources say an equation needs a variable whereas others don't mention it at all


If that equation has a variable, it is an algebraic equation. That is one type of equation.




An equation does not need a variable. All it means is an equals sign between two equal things.


It depends on the context. Jargon can mean different things depending on the context, even within the same general discipline


“Equation” is not jargon. It’s just a word and it has a specific meaning.


It's math jargon. Jargon just means a word that has a specific meaning within a particular discipline; it doesn't have to be something confusing or complex. All "technical terms" are jargon; the meanings of them are entirely contained within their context.


Jargon definition: “special words or expressions that are used by a particular profession or group and are difficult for others to understand.” And regardless, equation does not have different meanings in different of math. Yes, in algebra class most of the equations will have variables. But if your algebra teacher tries to tell you that 2 + 2 = 4 is not an equation, they should absolutely not be teaching any math class anywhere.


As I said: these directions are unclear/confusing as hell. Typical.


Not if *you were specifically taught how to follow these instructions* This is the terminology used to teach a specific kind of approach to estimating sums. The question is specifically trying assess the child's ability to recognize and demonstrate the technique being requested. Just because *you* don't recognize a term or immediately know how to answer a question doesn't mean the *question* is stupid. Teacher's don't just ask kids to do things at random! They're attempting to assess the child's understanding of what they've been taught. Sometimes questions are bad or grammatically unclear. Sometimes they're just asking for something you forgot or don't understand


You use rounding to get an equation close to the actual answer. If you go on Khan academy you'll see how it's used in action. 500+800=1300 is pretty close to the actual answer 1307.


Is that an equation? Why not say "Approximate the following:"?


It's an annoying thing math teachers do. With logical problems it isn't enough that you get the right answer, they want to make sure you understand the mechanics of it. It could be that youre doing the equation wrong but you just happen to be getting the correct answer. It's surprisingly easy to do that so they want you to show *how* you got the answer. Just in case you fuck up in the execution but still happen to get the correct answer, you don't think the wrong way is the correct way just because it happened to work that time. For most people they understand and do the correct way, to them it's annoying as hell to write it all out after you immediately did all of it in your head. But for the few who fuck up it's to set them straight.


Last one is almost perfect


Except she didn't write out the estimated equation first.




That looks like adult handwriting.


Thank you? 4th grade. It's usually sloppy. I told her nice hand writing looks like you are at least trying.


This is probably 4th grade question. & No one in 4th grade has such a bad hand writing. This was prolly done on purpose.


I'm not sure what this means. Someone else is saying this handwritting is a adult. You say it's bad.


the question is pretty stupid


I actually had a parent/teacher conference in 1st grade because the math was so easy I "estimated" by simply doing the math, then I wrote out for the exact answer "it's what I estimated". They said I was being disrespectful and intentionally failing the assignment. Not understanding why being able to reach the correct answer by using my own method yet still being told by adults I was wrong was bullshit. I knew what bullshit was as a 6 year old, I just hadn't learned the word for it yet. What's worse is they made me redo the assignment and the teacher gave me a barely passing grade when I simply rounded the correct answers to the nearest 10 because I was still being a smartass somehow by not giving an absolutely ludicrous number so it's CLEAR I must have still done the math then altered my estimate to be close to the correct answer. It was a very formative experience for me. Way to go rural Florida public education. 30 years later and you're even fucking worse somehow.


This makes zero sense. Why ask them to estimate it, then give the correct answer? Why not just give the correct answer in the first place?


Why does everyone have something against us Greeks?!


Up until 6th grade, I thought “make an estimate” meant “write down any number close to the actual number” Didn’t know rounding was involved lol




Im already knowing my g